Political Debauchery Stages Filibuster THE RESPONSIBILITY for the filibuster which marked the close of the Sixty-ninth Congress rests squarely on the shoulders of Senator David A. Reed of...
...As soon as Congress meets, the Committee will undoubtedly be empowered to count the ballots in Pennsylvania and to complete its work...
...This political advantage to Senator Reed of Pennslyvania was won at the cost of important legislation and the exposure of the Mellon influence in preventing the completion of the Select Committee's work...
...SECOND, the necessity of the passage of the Norris constitutional amendment abolishing the Fourth of March adjournment, thus making filibusters practically impossible and doing away with, "lame duck" sessions of Congress...
...The victory is only temporary...
...It is not hard to understand why Senator Reed of Pennsylvania was willing to sacrifice the Urgent Deficiency Bill, the Alien Property Bill and other important legislation in order to prevent the Campaign Expenses Committee from concluding its work when one remembers that it was this committee which disclosed the rotten condition of debauchery and corruption in Pennsylvania politics and the intimate connection of Senator David Reed and the House of Mellon with that situation.' The Select Committee had been instructed by the Senate earlier in the session to take possession of certain ballot boxes in the Pennsylvania senatorial election...
...The resolution which was successfully filibustered to death by Senator Reed of Pennsylvania sought to extend the life of the committee through the adjournment of Congress and^ into the next session in order that it might count the ballots in certain contested counties and also report to the new Congress any constructive recommendations which the Committee might be able to make looking to a remedy for the terrible political conditions in Pennsylvania and Illinois already disclosed by the Committee's work...
...He has placed the Vare forces in Philadelphia under obligation to him by his fight against the continuance of the Committee which uncovered the evidence, wrhich will no doubt prevent Vare from ever taking his seat in the United States Senate...
...It was Senator Reed of Pennsylvania who led the fight against the resolution extending the life of the Select Commit-tee i nvestigating 'campaign expenses...
...Senator Reed of Pennsylvania is a candidate for re-election...
...Political Debauchery Stages Filibuster THE RESPONSIBILITY for the filibuster which marked the close of the Sixty-ninth Congress rests squarely on the shoulders of Senator David A. Reed of Pennsylvania, and principal, Andrew Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury...
...This filibuster accomplished two things: FIRST, it demonstrated the length to which great financial interests will go in attempting to hold their political power obtained through bribery and corruption...
Vol. 19 • April 1927 • No. 4