Stop the Milk Gougers Now!

Polstelu, Isidore

Stop the Milk Gougers Now! Children Suffer For Other Men's Profits •y Isidore Polstelu T H E N e w York State Department o f Markets through its Milk Division, and upon application of the...

...Children Suffer For Other Men's Profits •y Isidore Polstelu T H E N e w York State Department o f Markets through its Milk Division, and upon application of the large milk companies, issued an order on April 16 granting permission to milk distributors t o raise their price to the consumers one cent a quart for bottled milk...
...The prediction of a strike by milk producers and farmers unl e s s they are paid higher prices t h a n the present two and three c e n t s per quart came from Stanley Piseck of Herkimer County, one of the leaders of l s s t year's strike...
...Mo: i details to follow people what might be done if the city had its own bank...
...10 A. M. Sunday, May 27...
...Another peculiar slant is the fact that fbnner Health Commissioner Dr...
...This initial step alone...
...The handling of the vast sums of the city could be its own affair, NOT A JUICY RACKET FOR PRIVATE BANKKttH...
...City employees would be pn' I their wages with monthly credit in the bank againBt which to draw checks...
...In his efforts to "balance the budget," which has amounted to cutting of civil service employees' salaries to assure the interest of the bankers' loans to t h e c i t y , he has also provided for payless workdays for t h e school teachers...
...The e x e c u t i v e committee has ordered another vote .on these two comrades, to be held SATURDAY, MAY 26...
...Comrade Meyer, /ho Is a high rehool teacher, was one o f the principal wo-kcrs in building up t he branch > Its present high i o f efficiency...
...The campa'm committee met Thursday, Msy . ' l i l i , to tap-out a stirring ami efficient campaign...
...The following campaign committee was elected: Comrades Wtn-n and Manus of the Sheepnhead Bay Branch...
...L. A. Van Borne!, president o|f Sheffield Farms Company, said I he believed that an increase in the price of milk to the consumers j w a s "inevitable," and Kenneth M. Lee, director of the Division of Milk Control of the "iate Department of Markets, was • f the opinion that the milk companies art entitled to a rut of **» cent it quart...
...Shirley W. Wynne represented the milk companies .at this hearing through their publicity bureau known as the N ew YorkNew Jersey Milk Institute...
...Wednesday, May 30...
...Brooklyn comrades meet at Myrtle a n d Wyekoff Aves., 7:15...
...Sheffield offers to sell 1600 quarts of bulk milk "for the poor" at eight cents a quart...
...Mayor LaGuardia has also taken a hand in the situation...
...Ther would be direct contact I ween the city and those ho took its bonds, without the intervention of profit-hungry bond houses...
...An advocate of a consumers' milk strike was Mrs...
...It comes down . > one thing and one thing only: The city's obligations to the bankers, who h a v e loaned a total of $2,294,688,191, and to whom the city pays annuslly between *$92,000.000 and $95,000,000 in interest, in addition to close to $125,000,000 a year for amortization...
...That is all...
...Al Meyer Named For Assembly in 2nd A.D...
...Friday, May 25... administration of Glasgow in restoring wage-cuts to city « nploy es out of the proceeds of a simple little financr 1 oper:. on...
...amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars...
...The names of the two members each of the Mid wood ••••ll Jewish Brownsville branches to be announced later...
...Members of the 2nd and of t he 8th Assembly District branches and Jewish Branch 1, will vote at the Burnside Manor, Burnside and Harrison Avenues...
...E . H. Rodman who represented an emergency conference of consumer and cooperative organizations of New (Fork...
...However1 , due to increasing pubjgPtJr and rising protests from numerous sources, the leading milk companies have suddenly changed their tactics, and they are now making "compromises...
...He took the stand that the increase should come from the distributing companies, not the consumers... certainly would not be any higher," LaGuardia states, with apparently !good intentions...
...interest paid to bankers on loans negotiated in pre-Sociatist administration days was lowered one .>cr, cent, and that was all...
...It behooves then not only publie spirited leaders and c i t i z e n s to advocate this change but here is also s challenge to the representatives of labor who should be most concerned to advocate the public ownership of the milk distributing agencies In N e w York City...
...London shown the way...
...Vet though he, a s well as everyone else, knows that the Milk Trust controls the pries of the New York City market...
...1 There is more to thin than at first meets the eye...
...The branches represented at tl meeting were the Brighton the Mid wood, the Shccpshead, tl.- East Flatbush and the Brownsvil' .'ewlsh Branch...
...All the c i t y ' s banking is done through private banks, and the flotation of loans is done through private bond houses...
...And they skim off tens of millions a year in profits...
...In addition, there are the heavy expenditures l\' the five counties that make the city...
...The price might be lower...
...Glasgow allows the way...
...of the leading spirits of the Brighton Beach Ilranrh, was n a m e I a s candidate for Assembly^ In the 2nd A . D . , Kings, at a int meeting of all the part;- bra ches In the district last Monday...
...The LaGuardia "reform" administration looked upon the situation, the Mayor said he was sorry to cut wages and salaries affd the social services, and then the city proceeded to slash unmercifully...
...These so-called "furloughs" of fifteen to thirty days added to t h e i r previous salary cuts has forced the teachers to stop their contributions to the public school relief and milk funds...
...Socialist Guards All S.G...
...Members of the Amalgamated Cooperati Branch and Jewish Branch 3, will vote in the Workmen's Circle, Schoolroom, .1990 Saxon Avenue...
...New York and Bronx i>mrndes meet at the Rand richeol, 6:30...
...Giving him full credit for sinc e r i t y for his expression of profound sorrow for cutting off the means of l i f e of many faithful city workers, it is interesting to see what reason LaGuardia gave for the major operation upon the city payroll and i t s social services...
...add to that other city enterprises, and it will be plain that even under a decaying capitalism our c i t y , c o u ld root nine and extend its social services, keep up and improve decent wage and salary standard*, and (with the addition of the elimination of graft and corruption) e a s i l y pay its way...
...Comrades Ethel ' - ss and Kaye of the Brighton Heach It ranch, and Ruth Weinberg and Lou Hay of the East Flatbush Branch...
...Though Commissioner Baldwin, Mayor Lauuardia and representative of the state and nation approached by LaGuardia are all aware of the huge surplus of milk, cream, butter, cheese and other by-products of milk which cannot And customers due to small or noincome consumers, yet they do not even consider the distribution of all this surplus to the needy...
...John L. Rice, Health Commissioner of New York City, said that an increase in the milk price "will seriously jeopardise the health of the children of N e w York City through the curtailment of their milk ration...
...Borden will do t h e same with paper containers and now the Brooklyn-Queens Milk Dealers'Association also offers a limited amount of bottled milk at six or seven cents a quart...
...The only public official so far who is frank enough to admit the truth is Charles H. Baldwin, N ew York State Commissioner of Agriculture who s t a t e s "it i s time to admit the fallacy of the theory of over-production, and direct our a t tention to butter methods of distribution...
...The move to establish a publicly-owned bank in London comes shortly after the remarkable 3u.cess o ( Soc...
...The principal difficulty of our c i t y is t h e fact that it is nearly bankrupt...
...But in return they want permission to raise the regular bottled milk from 12c to 13c per quart... are to uttend: 1) Ridgcwood Anti-Nazi Demonstration...
...He further stated that for each year of the past five depression years an average of 15% of the city's children suffered hunger and sickness due to malnutrition, one of the chief reasons being an insufficient use of milk, and, he continued, that since the middle of last year this decrease in the consumption o f milk has been more marked...
...Depression plus long years of Tammany thievery left the city broke...
...How can t h e Mayor be so "liberal" with the consumers' money...
...Well, the bankers don't want it...
...But he also piously adds, "I hope we can And some way of selling safe milk to the people of N ew York City at a lower price, and return a greater pries to the farmer at the same time...
...Party Election In the Bronx In Bronx County, Matthew Levy and Samuel Orr were lected delegates, with 176 and 172 v o t e s respectively...
...Nor did it ever think of doing its own banking...
...I n the meanwhile the Milk Divis i on has conducted public hearings a t Albany although no definite solut i on has been proposed...
...If applied, would immediately bring present prices of dairy protects crashing down and the find stop, which only the Socialists advocate, of the Government stepping in and completely eliminating the Milk Trust and paying the producer a living Income for his product while charging only actual cost of production and distribution to the consumer, Is .the only logical solution to this grave problem...
...line, I.R.T...
...Kings Al Meyer, on...
...Because of subsequent litigation, however, t h i s price increase has not yet been enforced...
...In the1 boom days of Wall yr ism the annual budget ran close to $600,000,000 a year...
...Add to a municipal bank the establishment of a city printing plant to do the city's printing and to print school text books...
...Why cannot New York...
...B) Mitchel Square Anti-War and Fascism Demonstration...
...London Shows the Way W O W that London has a Socialist municipal government, a municipal bank is bein'j projected...
...Poll: will be open from t to 10 p. m. To vote, members must l>e in good sts' ' : n n . fend must be members of the party for at least six months...
...The great milk corporations have heavy overhead expenses in the shape of advertising campaigns and publ i c i ty bureaus, and carry on their payrolls college professors and politicians...
...As LaGuardia is now f a c e d with this addeh burden of relief for undernourisht I school children he now advocates the sale of "surplus milk" for this purpose only, and at the same time would permit the companies to maintain present prices...
...And a s a remedy for t he milk-price situation the 'ayor advocates a "milk-marketing" agreement whereby though the farmer will be guaranteed a fixed price for his product the price to the consumer uMl be determined by competition in the distributive field...
...There is doubt in r e gard to the v o t e for the third delegate, the count between Haim Kantorovitch and George Steinhardt being close and indeterminable...
...In answer to t h e producers' (farmers) Mprcsentatjive he stated that if the New York City dealers are compelled to p a y more to the farmers for milk they will be "forced out Of business...
...He was the leader of the highly successful <• ng of the Ocean Theatre, among many o i l i e r party activities...
...Full uniform...
...k T city of New* York spends close to half a billion dollars a year...
...They don't want it in London, either...
...The flotation of the bond issues, that have totaled two and a quarter billion to date, would be the city's affair, AND THERE WOULD BE NO PRIVATE BANKERS TO HOLD THE CITY BY THE THROAT AND EXACT PAYMENT TO THE LAST FARTHING, REGARDLESS OF THE CHANGING CONDITIONS...
...2) Hike to 'TunU Island...
...Veet at Pelham Buy I'arkwry •Station on the Pelham-Lexington Ave...
...And in addition^ there uro the loans Hunted by the city that at one time totalled close to $100,000,000 a year, not counting bond issues often reach sustaining and self-liquidating enterprises like t h e subways and t he water system...
...The Mty never thought of cvising its agreement with the bankers on the basis of changed circumstances—as the Socialist majority in Glasgow did...
...Members of t h e 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, Lower 6th, ..nd 7th Assembly District branches a d members of Jewish branches 2 'nd 4, will vote at the Bronx Labor Center, 809 Westchester Avenue...

Vol. 17 • May 1934 • No. 65

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