A. A Call for Progressives, Robert M. La Follette, 165. Addams, Jane, What I Saw in Europe, 20. Adjusted Compensation, Robert M. La Follette on, 138; see also Soldiers' Bonus. Admit Russia,...
...Albert F. Coyle, 73...
...Bell, Alexander Graham, 123...
...Six Loads of Com Buys Wagon, 13...
...Long, Frederick L., Public Demands Waterpower Rights, 131...
...Danziger, Samuel D, Pacifism Receiving a Vindication, 187...
...Marketing of Rice, 191...
...Early Champion of Suffrage, 119...
...To the Voters in Every State, Robert M. LaFollette, 145...
...Huber, Henry A., Wisconsin Leads in Labor Legislation, 135...
...Siki—The Power of Brute Force, Lincoln Stiffens, 177...
...Milk Substitutes Hit by Vcigt Bill, 88...
...Meat, 3; National Bank, Telegraphers for, 140...
...Government by Injunction, 130...
...How to Detect Fake Cooperatives, Albert F. Coyle, 161...
...Telegraphers for Cooperative Bank, 140...
...Taxes People Three Billions, J. D. Beck, 153...
...Cuurteney Savage, 124...
...Theater, 125...
...Fleecing Public of Liberty Bonds, Edward E. Denison, 91...
...Political Prisoners, Release Asked, 192...
...Fights to Repeal Federal Secrecy Clause, 35...
...La Follette, Belle Case, Amnesty Reveals Sad Facts, 52...
...Keeney, Calvin, Develops Stringless Bean, 71...
...What an Appetite I've Got...
...John J., Record Approved b y Serf* ator La Follette, 146, 166...
...National Guard, 38...
...Manly, Basil M., "On Guard for the People," 22, 40, 61, 74, 92, 106, 121, 141, 176...
...Helping Soldiers on to Their Feet, Robert M. La Follette, 138...
...Campaign Records Lost, W. S. Kenyon, 133...
...Henry A. Huber, 135, 191...
...Pu'olic is Fleec.-: . 91...
...Handing, Gov...
...H. Johnston, 44...
...Esch-Cummins Law, Gives Railroad Billiotns 115...
...Reforms in Czechoslovakia, Worth E. Shoults, 186...
...Jones, Senator Wesley L., Fights for Ship Subsidy, 182...
...Re-election Championed by Governor Blaine, 75, 77...
...Locomotive Engineers Invade Wall street, 187...
...Comings, George F., Qualifications for Lieut, Gov...
...Rat, Cost to Nation, 175...
...William H. Johnston, 44...
...Back to the People, 65...
...Martin, George Madden, author, on Race .Problem, 188...
...Barry, Richard, La Follette's Fight for Reforms, 137...
...Why Labor is for Public Ownership, Wm...
...Browne, E. E., Coal Owners Strike for Higher Prices, 107...
...Cannot Obliterate Stain, James A. Reed, 133...
...Preparedness, Reader Believes in Salvation for, 192...
...Solomon Levitan, 173...
...Money Scandals in Elections, W. E. Borah, 46...
...New York Actors Found Cooperative Theater, 125...
...Peace Spirit in Germany, The, Mary Winsor, 36...
...Bill Shelved by Senate, 25...
...Kenyon, W. S., Campaign Records Lost, 133...
...on Race Cooperation for Help of "Negro, 188...
...Taft Decision in Coronado Coal Case, 81...
...Bank Enters Wall Street 187...
...Old Newspapers De-inked...
...on Jane Addams' Mission, 20...
...Russian Famine Relief, 48, 64, 80...
...The Coal Strike, 50...
...Banking, Brotherhood's Cooperative Plan Wins 108...
...Street Car Ownership Pays Well, 178...
...HArd" Winters of 100 Years, 182...
...Child Welfare "Special", 26...
...Child Labor, Law Nullified, 83...
...Excess Profits Tax Repeal Scored by Robert M. La Follette, 100...
...Want Cheap Labor, George Huddleston, 76...
...Shorewood ( W i s . ) , School, 122...
...Snit/->:-land I nscathed by War, Louis Schulthess, 54...
...Pinchot, Gifford, Nominated for Governor, 65...
...Chaplin, Ralph, Political Prisoner Becomes Poet, 105...
...Charles, Famous Physician Operates Big Farm, 7. McCoIlum, Dr...
...Mead, Lucia Ames, to the Secretary of War on Disarmament, 192...
...Stephen O'Mara, 6. Gale, Zona, Finding Beauty in God, 77...
...How the Farmer is Buncoed, 53, 173...
...Farmer Suffers from Monopoly, 27...
...Iowa and the U. S. Senate, Robert M. La Follette, 55...
...Congress Betrays People's Interests, Robert M. La Follette, 100...
...Pittsburgh Plus Opposed by Midwest States, 22...
...Wearing Out Two Million Children, Alice Park, 14...
...Spending a Dollar of Federal Taxes, (chart), 157...
...Why Women Should Use the Ballot, Mrs...
...La Follette, Robert M., on Adjusted Compensation, 138...
...Ireland, Freedom for Women of, Mrs...
...P. Pacifism Receiving Vindication, Samuel Danziger, 187...
...Forrest, J. F. Harnesses Wind to do Farm Work, 185...
...C. Camels in United States, 189...
...Secretary Albert B. Fall, «7...
...Progressive Primer, A, Ada L. James, 58...
...Ship Subsidy Plan Hit by Rsftert M. La Follette, 165...
...District for Schneider, Robert M. La Follette, 147...
...Government," poem, Robert Henry Johnson, PL government Ownership Is Strike Goal, Chief j u s t i c e Walter Clark, 134...
...U. S. Chamber of Commerce, Activities Assailed, 70...
...Wisconsin Pro Repu can Candidates: Robert M. La Follette, John J. Blaine, George F. Comings, Fred R. Zimmerman, Herman L. Ekern, Solomon Levitan, 97...
...Pre-Primary Record Cited, 99...
...Propaganda against, Helen Keller, 21...
...The Issues in Wisconsin, 97...
...A Plain Statement of the Tax Situation, John J. Blaine, 115...
...Should Railway Wages be Cut...
...Commons, John R., Unemployment Insurance is Coming, 190...
...Drinking Water on Free List, 140...
...Das, Taraknath, England after Mediterranean, 151...
...Farm Bloc...
...Unloading Worthless Stock on Public, Charles Albert Collman, 37...
...A Portrait in Oil, Robert M. La Follette, 66...
...The Situation in Wisconsin, Robert M. La Follette, 166...
...Holmes, John Haynes, Lloyd George Rejoins the Big Four, 170...
...A r e After Grocery Business, 2. Paris Parks, 7. Park, Alice, Wearing Out Two Million Children, 14...
...John R. Commons, 190...
...Women in Politics, More Needed, 160...
...Bryan, George S., Improving Roadsides, 71...
...Organizing to Fight Corporate Rule, Basil Manly, 183...
...Another Substitute for War, 192 Antioch—An Educational Romance, Fred L. Holmes, 109...
...J. Q. Emery, 94...
...Krumrey, Henry, (obituary), 3. L. Labor, Why it is for Public Ownership, Wm...
...R^fkhill, Harlow, Develops Fall-Bearing Strawberry, 71...
...Has Bill for Unemployment Insurance, 190...
...England after Mediterranean, Taraknath 151...
...Harbor ^Facilities Owned by a State, 140...
...Admit Russia, Gertrude Barish, 11...
...No More War Campaign Belle Case La Foiiette, 105...
...Searchlight, The, Exposes Newberry Scandal, 19...
...To the Voters in Every State, 145...
...Wall Street Protectorate for Mexico, E. " F, Ladd, 116...
...Hard, V^iUiam, Senate Groans as America JoinsfEmpires, 59...
...Progressive Republican Platform, 89...
...Should Railway Wages be Cut...
...Freedom for Women of Ireland, Mrs...
...Seeks to Discredit Government Ownership, 182...
...Blue Sky Laws, 91...
...Savage, Courtenay, Home Invasion by Preventable Fires, 124...
...Home Invasion by Pretentabte Fires...
...Stuart, Graham H., Turk War Reveals Greed of Powers, 150...
...Catting Melons to Escape Taxes, James A. Frear, 168...
...see also Home and Education...
...The Generosity of J. P. Morgan and His Banker Associates, Robert M. La Follette, 146...
...Rail Situation Fails, George Huddleston, 142...
...Women Candidates for Congress, 105...
...Mexico, Wall Street Protectorate for, E. F, Ladd, 116...
...Windmill Generates Farmer's Electricity, 185, Winsor, Mary, The Peace Spirit in Germany, Winters, Three "Hard" in Century, 182...
...Tacoma, Wash., Makes Municipal Ownership Pay, 185...
...Establishes Children's Bureau in Austria, 20...
...Ekern, Herman L., Farm Loans Teachers' Funds, 115...
...Meat, Cooperative, 3. Mellon, Secretary Andrew J., Attacked for Surplus Profits Ruling, 168...
...Wisconsin, Leads in Labor LegLriatkn, Henry A. Huber, 135...
...on Lecture that Made $5,000,0?O, 126...
...Naval Oil Reserves Lease, Robert M. La Follette on, 66, 67, 100...
...Turk War Reveals Greed of Powers, Graham H. Stuart, 150...
...New Tariff—Now Public Will Pay, J. D. Beck, 153...
...Grocery Business, How Packers Seek to Contral, Robert M. La Follette, 2; Safe for Present,, (editorial), 19...
...A Pen Picture, Harry Hunt, 23...
...China and the Arms Conference, Nyok Zoe Dovg, 12...
...on Oil Monopoly Plunders Public, 67...
...Benson, G. A., on Finger-Print Identification, 193 Better Rural Credit, Dante M. Pierce, 162...
...Denounced in Wisconsin Progressive Republican Platform, 90, 98...
...Senate, The Shame of, Robert M. La Follette, 1. Services of Dr...
...J. D. Beck, 3; How Railroads Try to Dupe, Robert M. La Follette, 10...
...Working Wonders with Table Plants, E. I. Farrington, 71...
...Weed, Helena Hill, Self-Government Denied Haiti, 42...
...Robert M. La Follette on, 83...
...H. Johnstone, 44...
...Charles Mayo, 7; G. E. Roe, 52...
...Solving Crime by Finger-Prints, Roscoe Ellard, 193...
...F. Facts upon the Coal Strike, Editor 1143 Fall, Secretary of Interior A. B. Oponses Conservation, 67...
...Robing Amendment, 57...
...Who Got the Money...
...Railway Wages, 73...
...Editorial on, 19, 167...
...effect on Farmers, Robert M. La Follette, 10, 100 Public Basil Manly 152...
...Louisiana Growers Market Rice Cooperatively, 191...
...Justice C. H. Crownhart, 51...
...Profit off Farmers Nearly 58 Per Cent, 93...
...Resolution against Packer-Grocer Combine Adopted, 19...
...Conscription of Money or Men, 194 Conwell, Dr...
...Reed, James A., Cannot Obliterate Stain, 133...
...Direct Primaries, Favored by Progressive Conference, 184...
...Hunt, Harry, A Pen Picture of Borah, 23...
...Brings Government Ownership Nearer, 134...
...Finds Monopoly in Pacling Business, 2; Foiled in Coal Cost Probe, 10 Budget Cut by House, 22...
...Find Fraud in Secret Tax Returns, John J. Blaine, 34...
...Cartoons: Bonus Muddle: He Tried a Short Cut, 70...
...Gallivan, James A., Lithuania a Republic, 87...
...Gets Old Guard Support, 65, 66...
...President, Plea for Direct Election, George W. Norris, 9. Primary Law Repeal, Propaganda Exposed by James A. Frear, 68...
...Exposed by Basil Manly, 61...
...Stephen, Freedom for Women of Ireland, 6. One-Fourth Prison Inmates are Soldiers, John J. Blaine, 104...
...Germany Disarmed, 30...
...Bonus and Dollar Patriotism, 162...
...Putnam, Elizabeth Cabot, Tribute to by Glendower Evans, 178...
...Municipal Ownership Pays Dividends, 185...
...on Farm Bureau Heads Try to Enslave Farmers, 10' on Norway's Fight again-t Autocracy, 78...
...Hits Consumer Everywhere, 140...
...Treasury Candidacy Cited, 99...
...Mines Controlled by Wall Street, E. E. Browne, 107...
...W. Jett, on Cost of Railway MismanLathrop, Julia, Enforces Child Labor Law, 85...
...Progressives, Hold Conference in Washington, Basil Manly, 183...
...Locomotive Engineers Make Success of Cooperative Bank, 45...
...editorial, Substitute for War, 166...
...W Brookhart, 55...
...Child Welfare "Special" Tours Wisconsin, 26...
...His Financial Interests Cited, 24...
...Warren S. Stone, 108...
...What the Political Wild Waves Are Saying, 65...
...Would Abolish, 9. Ellard, Roscoe, Solving Crime by F Print, 193...
...Urges Esch-Cummins Law Repeal, 66...
...Inter-racial Commission, 188...
...IWme and Education Department, conducted 156, 174, 192...
...on Profiteers Evade Taxes, 75...
...What Women Won in Wisconsin, 148...
...George F. Comings, 71...
...Lecture that Made $5,000,000, Fred L. Holmes, 126...
...Wilkerson, Judge James, Issues Strike Injunction Order, 130...
...Iowa and the U. S. Senate, 55...
...Miller, Charles Grant, British Propaganda in Our Histories, 4, 158...
...Six Loads of Corn Buys Wagon, Dante M. Pierce, 13...
...La Follette on, 103...
...Violated by Justice Department, 130...
...Soldiers in Prison, Governor Blaine on Causes for, 104...
...harnesses Wind to do Farm Work, J. F. Forrest, 185...
...Marsh, Benjamin C, on War Fraud Suits, 77...
...Substitute for War, editorial, Belle Case LaF<;11- > , 166...
...on Judges' Acts Subject to Criticism, 83...
...Charles E. Hughes, 132...
...George Huddleston, 76...
...Regular Army, James A. Reed, 38...
...Wireless, University Education by, 36...
...on Efforts to Repeal Primary Laws, 68...
...Z. Zimmerman, Fred R„ Qualifications for Secretary of State Cited, 99...
...Farm Loans from Teachers' Funds, Ekern, 115...
...Shoults, Worth E., Reforms in Czechoslovakia, 186...
...Clayton Act, Effectiveness Dissipated by Courts, 81...
...Facts on, (editorial), 114...
...Newberry, T r u n i 2 n H., Senator Borah on Money Scandal, 46...
...Shipping Board in Deficit, Wants Subsidy, 22...
...What Women Won in Wisconsin, Zona Gale, 148...
...Waterpower Rights, Public Demands, 131...
...Plea for Admission to Alliance, Gertrude Barish, 11...
...Bill on Aliens' Treaty Rights Scored, Basil Manly, 141...
...Coyle, Albert F., How to Detect Fake Cooperatives, 161...
...Coal Stocks, Robert M. La Follette, 50...
...Wins Senatorial Renomination, 129...
...Finger-Print Solves Crime, Roscoe Ellard, 193...
...Rout the Rat, 175... Sole Authority on Foreign Loans, 24...
...Loganberry, Story of Its Origin, 71...
...Christ of the Andes, The, Belle Case La Follette, 192...
...Mayo, Dr...
...Charles Mayo), 7. Pierce, Dante M., Better Rural Credit, 162...
...Zona Gale, 148...
...Kellogg's Bad Rectrd (reprinted from Labor), 147...
...McCurdy, Allen, Hissed for Quoting Lincoln, 175...
...Shame ot the Near East, Tl.e, John Haynes Holmes, 150...
...Voigt, Edward, Oiled Milk is Blow to Dairying, 88...
...Frank B. Kellogg, 149...
...Howard, J. R., In Secret Meet with Big Business, 3, 10...
...Wisconsin's Fight Only Begun...
...Legislation on, Wisconsin Leads in, Henry A. Huber, 133...
...Methodist Episcopal Church, Bishops Urge Worldwide...
...Borah, William E., Why not Recognize Russ i a ? 23...
...H. Haiti, Sjelf-Government Denied, Helena Hill Weedy, 42...
...Blaine, Gov...
...Court Ruler of NaU«<» HoWi i M . Fol'ette, 83...
...Oil Monopoly, Robert M La Follette on, 67, 79...
...Cooperatives, How to Detect Fakes, 161...
...La Follette, 146...
...Woodruff, Roy O. Resolution Forcing War Fraud Suits Passes, 77...
...Bell, 123...
...Denmark Distributes Milk Cooperatively, 189...
...Maine the Spool State, 45...
...Clark, Chief Justice Waiter, Government Ownership is Strike Goal, 134...
...Regular Army vs...
...Cited, 99...
...Monroe Doctrine Recognized, 163...
...Y. Youth Needs Vision to Win, Ben B. Lindsey, 171...
...Two Million in Industry, 14...
...Running Politics on Trolley Money, M. H. Hedges, 118...
...A. S., Carries Message to Garcia, 151...
...A Nation's Milk Distributed, 189...
...Progressives of Ninth (Wis...
...Nooney, Nancy, The White Heart, 43...
...Fight only Begun, Robert M. La Follette, 146...
...and Dollar Patriotism, 162...
...Lincoln—Leader of Men...
...McCumber, Porter J., Senate Record Assailed, 66...
...How Freight Rates Ruin Farmer...
...Wealth Denies Soldiers Bonus, J. D. Beck, 70...
...Places Senatorial Candidacy Before State Voters, 100...
...Pioneer for Suffrage, 119...
...What I Saw in Europe, Jane Addams, 20...
...Bryn Mawr School for Women Workers, 29...
...Milk Distribution in Denmark, 189...
...Detroit Street Railway Pays Well, 178...
...Sacco and Vanetti Defense Fund, Glendower Evans, 96...
...Huddleston, George, Coal Owners Want Cheap Labor, 76...
...Robert M. La Foilette on, 130...
...Profiteering Uncurbed, 22...
...New Republic, on Lincoln—Leader of Men, 19...
...Packing Combine Diselosures Ignored, 18...
...see also Adjusted Compensation...
...Eternal Vigilance is Price of Liberty, 113...
...on Washington Conference of Progressives, 183...
...K. "Katy" Railroad Looted, 37...
...Farmer, How He is Buncoed, Gor.-ied, Lynn J. Frazier, 178 Suffers from Monopoly Bane, Robert M. La Follette, 27...
...Railway Mismanagement Costs Millions, 73...
...Stone, Warren S., Heads Successful Cooperative Bank, 108...
...Record as Governor Cited, 99...
...Reunion o f the Treaty-Makers, 171...
...Windmill Generating Farm Electricity, 185...
...Propaganda against Russia, Helen Keller, 21...
...Lasker, Albert, Views on Shipping Problem, 70...
...Secrecy Clause in Federal Income Art Retained by Senate, 35...
...Russia, New View on Soviet, 8, 45...
...Health Code Ousts Bumblebee Lore, W_ C_ Sieker, 122...
...B. Back to the People, Robert M. La Follette, 65...
...War Troubles in Europe, editorial, 167...
...Frear, James A., Cutting Melons to Escape Taxes, 168...
...John J. Blaine, 119...
...Are Wages Too High...
...Railroad Solution in Government Operation, Basil Manly, 121...
...Second Term Endorsed by Mr...
...Denver & Rio Grande Financial Wreck, 14...
...Gompers, Samuel, on Usurpation of Power by Courts, 85...
...Amnesty, 105...
...O'Mara, Mrs...
...Federal Reserve Board, 92...
...Progressive Issues Win, 129...
...John J. Blaine, 119...
...New Zealand, Has Lowest Infant Death Rate, 172...
...Policy checked, 176...
...Decision in and the Farmer, Robert M. La Follette, 81...
...Washington Conference on Arms Limitation, Belle Case La Follette, 28...
...Federal Trade Commission, Exposes Cram Gambling, 93...
...Los Angeles, Develops Own Waterpower, 131...
...A Plain Statement of the Tax Situation...
...Crownhart, J. G., University Education by Wireless, 56...
...Branch Banks Foster Money Trust, Solomon Levitan, 173...
...Assailed by Robert M. LaFollette, 103, 145, 165, 181...
...Coronado Coal Company Decision and the Farmer, 81...
...League of Nations, Jane Addams Attends, 20, 21...
...Promises Fight in 67th Congress' Final Session, 176...
...on Obligation to Soldiers in Prison, 104...
...Crownhart, Justice C. H., Robert M. La Follette, 51...
...Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 11, 106, 166, 174...
...O. Oiled Milk is Blow to Dairying, Edward Voigt, 88...
...Address-es Washington Conference o f Progressives, 184...
...What I Am Seeing in, A. S. Merz, 57...
...Four-Power Treaty, Robert M. La Follette, 4i>, 101...
...Banking a Success, 45...
...His Fight for Reforms, Richard Barry, 137...
...Senate Candidacy Urged by Robert M. La Follette, 55...
...G^.-edy Profiteers Dodging Taxes Forge Campaign Issue, John J. Blaine, 75...
...Direvis Subsidy Propaganda, 181...
...Why Not Recognize Russia...
...Carrying the Message to Garcia, H. H. Dunn, 151...
...Altridge, Arthur, The High Tariff Cafeteria, 136...
...Steffens, Lincoln, Siki—The Power of Brute Force, 177...
...Harper, C. A., Bringing Health Aid to Rural Homes, 26...
...R. Race Cooperation for Negro, Belle Case LaFollette, 188...
...Keller, Helen, Propaganda Against Russia, 21...
...Wilson Administration's War Policy, Robert M, La Follette on, 104...
...Income Distribution in U. S., Basil Manly, 74...
...Public Milk Station Success, 3. Public Ownership, Why Labor is for, W. H. Johnston, 44...
...Insurance For Unemployment, John R. Commons, 190...
...Lithuania a Republic, James A. Gallivan, 87...
...John J. Blaine, 35...
...Schulthess, Louis, Switzerland is Unscathed by War, 54...
...Myth of a Guilty Nation, The," Albert Jay Nock, 60...
...A Portrait in Oil, 66...
...Hedges, M. H., Running Politics on Trolley Money, 118...
...Japan Keeps Pledges, Belle Case La Follette, 192...
...On Guard for the People," BaEil M. Manly, 22, 40, 61, 74, 92, 106, 121, 141, 176...
...Lowest Infant Death Rate, 172...
...T. Table Plants, Wonder in Developing, 71...
...Fordney-McCumber Tariff Bill, 136...
...N. National Guard vs...
...Collman, Charles Albert, on Looting of "Katy" Railroad, 37...
...Heflin, J. Thomas, Hughes Would Whitewash Newberry, 132...
...Schneider, George J , Congressional Candidacy Supported by Senator La Follette, 147...
...Minneapolis Street Railway Company Squanders Funds, 118...
...Russell Con well, 1,26...
...Why Necessary, Mrs...
...Higg-inbotham, Leslie, on Cleveland's Plan For Proportional Representation, 5. High Tariff Cafeteria, The, Arthur Altridge, 136...
...E. V. Nutrition Expert Denounces Milk Substitutes, 88...
...Russell, Lecture that Made Five Million Dollars, 126...
...White Heart, The, Nancy Nooney, 43...
...Auto Speeders, Waging War on, 194...
...Merz, A. S., What I Am Seeing in Russia, 57...
...Grab, 70...
...How Labor Ousted Lloyd George, 170...
...Barnes, Julias H., Opposes Soldier Bonus, 162...
...Johnston, William H., Why Labor is for Public Ownership, 44...
...Corn and Taxes, S. C. Bassett, 3. Coronado Coal Case, Robert M. La Follette, 83...
...Soldiers' Bonus, Killed by Wealth, 70...
...Governor Blaine after Tax-Dodgers, Robert M. La Follette, 33 Government by Injunction, 141...
...John J. Blaine, 119...
...W. E. Borah, 23...
...Packers, and Agricultural Depression, Robert M. La Follette, 17...
...Weeks, John W., Appealed to for Armament Reduction, 192...
...Steel Merger Menace, Robert M. La Follette, 79...
...Food for Seven Days, Caroline Hunt on Balanced Ration, 29...
...Lynching Record, 3, 43...
...Peace Spirit in, Mary Winsor, 36...
...Ford's Income $75,000,000, 133...
...Philippine Railways, 194...
...I. Important Issues, Belle "("ate La Follette, 103...
...Fire Prevention, 124...
...Basil Manly, 40...
...Stephen O'Mara, 6. Irrigation Achievements in West, 133...
...Hearing Reveals Sad Facts, Belle Case La Follette, 52...
...Woman's Suffrage, Robert M. La ollette, 113...
...Need More Wi.nen in Politics, Holland Cox, 160...
...Dante M. Pierce, 13...
...De-inking of Newspapers, New Process, 90 Denison, Edward E., Fleecing Public of Liberty Bonds, 91...
...on Child Welfare Advance, 174...
...See also Fordney-McCumber Bill...
...Denison Manufacturing Co., Stabilizes Production, 191...
...Public Demands Waterpower Rights, Frederick L. Long, 131...
...Norris, George W., Elect Direct Vote, 9. Norway'".Fight Against Autocacy La Foiiette, 78...
...Worth E. Shoults, 186...
...Hailed by Wisconsin Republicans as Leader, 90...
...Rail Situation Fails, 142...
...Official Record 99...
...Sieker, W. C, Health Code Frees Schools of ' Disease, 122...
...Root, Elihu, on Excessive Lawmaking, 172...
...Efforts to Repeal Primary Laws James A. Frear, 68...
...Teachers' Annuity Law (Wis...
...Wealth Denies Soldiers Bonus, 70...
...Conference of Progressives in Washington, 183...
...Harrison, Benjamin, on Evils of Tax Evasion, 33...
...The Packers and Agricultural Depression, 17...
...Arms Limitation Conference, 28, 58...
...W. Waging War on Auto Speeders, 194...
...James A. Frear, 68...
...Needs "Dirt" Farmer, 53...
...Weights and Measures Save State Millions, J. Q. Emery, 94...
...Ruins F a m e d R ert M. La Follette, 30...
...on How Esch-Cummins Law Loots Public, 152...
...Child Welfare Advance, The, Julia Lathrop, 174...
...Laws, Multiplicity of, 172... Robert M. La Follette: A Call for Progressives, 165...
...Liberty Bond Owners 73.\ incited by Reserve B«a*«i, Bonds...
...War Fraud Suits, 77...
...Johnson, Robert Henry, ''Government" (poem), 91...
...New Republic, If: Lindsey, Ben B., Youth Needs Vlsio.i u. '. in, 171...
...What I Am Seeing in Russia, A. S. Merz, 57...
...San Francisco, Has State-Owned Harbor Facilities, 140...
...Legislature Retains Income Secrecy, 34...
...Disarmament, Attitude of Women's International Conference on, 175...
...Robert M. La Follette on, 101, 102...
...Basil M. Manly, 106, 152, 176, 183...
...Hughes Would Whitewash Newberry, J. Thomas Heflin, 132...
...Senator Newberry, editorial, 167...
...The Issues in Wisconsin, Robert M. La Follette, 97...
...Brotherhood Explodes Banking Myth, Frank Hill, 108, Bank a Success, 45...
...Julia Lathrop, 174...
...Find Fraud in Secret Tax Returns, 34...
...What is Wrapped Up in the Fuu Power Treaty, 49...
...Evans, Glendower, A Tribute Cabot Putnam, 178...
...Sanctified, 133...
...on Congers Hetrays People, 100...
...People's Legislative Service, 22, 40, 61, 74, 92, 106, 121, 141, 176, 183...
...Message of Norway and Sweden, The, Siri Hard, 11...
...Alien Bill (Treaty Rights), 141...
...Gets Steel Merger Investigation Started, 69...
...Robert M. La Follette, 137...
...W. P. G., Reserve Board Polic i e s Scored, 92...
...Governor Blaine After Tax-Dodgers, 33...
...University Education by Wireless, J. G. Crownhart, 66...
...Farrington, E. I., Working Wonders with Table Plants, 71...
...W. E. Borah, 23...
...Books, 15, 31, 60, 110, 178...
...Railroads Try to Dupe Farmers, Robert M. LaFollette, 10...
...Edward Voigt, 88...
...Levitan, Solomon, Branch Banks Foster Money Trust, 173...
...Billions Spent as Railroad Aid, 115...
...Women's International Conference, 174...
...Smith W. Brookhart, 82...
...Waiting for the Limited, 117...
...Primary Victory, Robert M. La Follette on, 129, 146...
...La Crosse, Wis., Public Milk Station Success, 3. cess, 3. Ladd, E. F., Wall Street Protectorate for Mexico, 116...
...Secrecy Denounc«d by Governor Blaine, 34...
...M. Macphail, Agnes, Canada's First Woman in Parliament, 160...
...Eternal Vigilance is Price of Liberty Ke' . M. La Follette, 113...
...George Huddleston, 76...
...W. P. G. Harding, 92...
...The Shame of the Near East, 150...
...Senate Votes to Seat, Robert M. La Follette on, 1; Newberryism, Robert M. La Follette on, 79, 113...
...Infant Death Rate, Lowest in New Zealand, 172...
...The Ship Subsidy Bill, Robert M. La Follette, 181...
...Czechoslovakia Capital Buildings, 186...
...Setf-Government is Denied Haiti, Helena Hill Weed, 42...
...Helen Keller, 21...
...Bias Toward Property Rights, Henry R. Seager, 84...
...Justice Crownhart, 51...
...Neederi in Congress, 141...
...New View on Soviet Russia, 8, 45...
...Nelson, W. L., on Famous Physician Likes the So:), 7. New, Senator H. S., Repudiated at Indiana Polls, 65...
...Negro, Belle Case La Follette on Race Problem, 188...
...Probe Asked, 69...
...Physician Likes the Soil (Dr...
...The Target, 81...
...Trying to Distort American History, Charles Grant Miller, 158...
...Saving Millions to Public, J. Q. Emery, 94...
...Rowan, Lieut...
...Railroad Finance, 14...
...Bringing Health Aid to Rural Homes, C. A. Harper, 26...
...Cleveland's Plan for Proportional Representation, 5. Coal Extortions, Remedies for, Basil Manly, 121...
...Legislation on is Coming, John R. Commons, ISO...
...Eventually, Why Not Now...
...Grant Miller, 4. Brookhart, Smith W., Demands Railroad Reform, 82...
...Cox, Holland, More Women Needed in Politics, 160...
...J. James, Ada L., A Progressive Primer, 58...
...Seager, Henry R,, Bias Toward Property Rights, 84...
...Robert M. La Follette on Conference, 101...
...Histories, British Propaganda in Our, Charles Grant Miller, 4. Hog Island Honey, 7. Holmes, Fred L., Antioch—An Educational Romance, ^09...
...Monopoly, Grinds Down American Farmer, Robert M. La Follette, 27...
...Forest Products Laboratory, Finds De-inking Process, 90...
...Wizardry of Irrigation Waters, Henry F. Ashurst, 133...
...Usurpation of Power by Courts, Samuel Gompers on, 85...
...Bassett, S. C , Corn and Taxes, 3. Beck, J. D., Farmers* Bloc, 3; on FordneyMcCumber Tariff, 155...
...Wisconsin Progressive Victory...
...Packers Are After Grocery Business, 2. Progressives in Ninth District Must Elect Schneider, 147...
...Kellogg, Senator Frank B., Attorney for Farmers' Enemies, 149...
...P.tilroad Reform firookhart's Demand, Arthur Evans, 82...
...Kicc Mark»ifj Coperative...
...Armament Reduction, 105...
...What Can be Done for Country Boy, George F. Comings, 72...
...China and, 12...
...Cooke, Philos, Anarchy in the Law, 172...
...Freedom of Speech, 140...
...U. Unemployment Insurance .(Wisconsin), 136...
...see also Editorials...
...The Generosity of J. P. Morgan and His Banker Associates, 146...
...Nock, Albert Jay, "The Myth of a Guilty Nation," 60...
...Anarchy in the Law, Philos Cooke, 172...
...Menaces Wisconsin, 75...
...Czechoslovakia, Reforms in, Worth E. Shoults, 186...
...Airplane Profiteering, 142...
...War Policy Explained, 104...
...What is Wrapped up in the Four-Power Treaty, Robert M. La Follette, 49...
...Pushes Subsidy Afgainst Popular Will, 182...
...Improving Roadsides, George S. Bryan, 71...
...Belle Case La Follette, 156, 188...
...Hughes Would Whitewash, by J_ Thomas Heflin, 132, 133...
...Raugherty, Attorney General H. M., Aids PackerGrocer Deal, 2. December Conference of Women's International League, 11...
...How Esch-Cummins Law Loots Public, Basil Manly, 152...
...E. Editorials: by Belle Case La Follette, Substitute for War, 166...
...on What Can be Done for the Country Boy, 71...
...Elect President by Direct Vote, George W, Norris, 9. Emery, J. -Q., on Fighting Fraud in Marketing, 94...
...Coal Owners, Strike for Higher Prices, E. E. Browne, 107...
...Electoral College, Norris Resclu...
...The Wolf at the Workers' Door, 104...
...on Supreme Court Usurps Powers, 83...
...See Cooperatives...
...Outlawry of War, Belle Case La Follette, 58...
...Ship Subsidy, 22...
...Wright, Salmon Lusk, Develops Bine Rose Rice, 71...
...Boll Call, on Men and Measures, Robert M. LaFollette, Jr., 24...
...Mismanagement (Railway) Costs Millions, 73...
...Lloyd George Rejoins Big Four, John Haynes Holmes, 170...
...Roe, Gilbert E., on Amnesty, 52...
...Francis, Philip, on Robinson Amendment, 5' Frazier, Lynn J., How the Farmer is Gouged, 173...
...Senate Drones as America Joins Empires, William Hard, 59...
...Issues Call for Progressive's Conference, 183...
...Morgan, J. P., Seeks British Debt Cancelled, Robert M. La Follette on, 146...
...Pacifism^ .182...
...Tax Situation, A Plain Statement of, John J. Blaine, 115...
...Harding, President W. G., Ignores La Follette on E»atronage, 137...
...Why Not Recognize...
...British Propaganda in Our Histories, Charles...
...More Real Farmers in Congress, 141...
...Knox-Levinson Plan, 58...
...La Follette, Robert M., Jr., The Roll Call, 24...
...The Last "Rights," 61...
...The Shame of the Senate, 1. The Ship Subsidy BilL 181 The Situation in Wisconsin, 166...
...Finding- Beauty in God, Zona Gale, 77...
...Equal Rights law Won in Wisconsin, Z Gale, 148...
...Wilcox, Delos F., Investigates Minneapolis Traction Affairs, 118...
...Photographs: Jane Addams, 20...
Vol. 14 • December 1922 • No. 12