Follette, Belle Case La
Home and Education By Belle Case La Follette Disarmament IT may be assumed that if the Disarmament Conference which convenes in Washington in November is to command the confidence of the people...
...In one case the operator went back into the house after having dropped the bags and closed the building for some time...
...Possibly it is too much to expect that Disarmament as a Christian ideal will prevail for its own sake...
...and that the inhalation of a few breaths of the gas will asphyxiate, and, if rescue be not prompt, have a fatal termination...
...In fact they can stand a temperature of 18 degrees Fahrenheit for a long time...
...Treatment for Clothes Moths (Extract from Farmers' Bulletin 699) THE various insects which commonly infest woolens, felts, furs, etc, often can be conveniently and surely destroyed by carbon disulphid, which will destroy all stages of the pests that may be present...
...Senator Underwood of Alabama is the Democratic leader of the United States Senate...
...He has the reputation of being a great international lawyer, but he has always served great corporate wealth...
...The odor disappears quickly when the articles are hung out in the air again...
...In tight chests or trunks one pound of naphthalene, well distributed among the clothes, will kill all moths, their eggs, and larvae...
...Another excellent method of killing, not only clothes moths but all vermin in the house or warehouse, is fumigation with hydrocyanic-acid gas...
...Secretary of State Hughes has been governor of New York, U. S. Supreme Court Justice and candidate for President...
...If the object of the conference was to be achieved by secret diplomacy—a test of wits behind closed doors—and its success, depended on legal, political, or financial strategy, the men and women of the nation might safely rely on these four delegates chosen by President Harding to work out the problem unaided...
...This faith is Confirmed by the knowledge that there are, very powerful groups among the higher-ups as well as among the plain people with vision, to see that ultimate disarmament of the nations of the earth is a foregone conclusion if they survive the economic advantage and the commercial rivalry of the already disarmed...
...Month by month as she waxes stronger it is borne in upon a startled world that the one splendid and enduring achievement of the Congress of Versailles was the accidental discovery of an infallible cure for war-sick nations...
...The small cost of 6uch an arrangement will soon be balanced by the convenience and security of the protection afforded...
...However—and this is the thought to be constantly kept in mind—it was the cumulative power of public opinion expressed through women's organizations distributed over the country, through the church unions, through labor unions and farmers' associations, and all the other groups representing the real people that caused Pesident Harding to call the Disarmament Conference in spite of his reluctance to do so...
...In debate on the floor of the Senate two or three days before the present Congressional recess, after his appointment to serve on the Disarmament Conference, he hotly opposed appropriations for good roads if it was to be taken from army and navy appropriations which he considered already too small...
...The fact that birds resting on the ridges of houses in which the gas was being liberated have been killed by the ascending fames indicates also that where the house to be fumigated immediately adjoins a higher structure to which the gas may possibly gain entrance there may be some danger to the occupants of the higher structure...
...Failure to utilize women's special fitness and power to serve directly and efficiently in this great cause must be the occasion of keen criticism on the part of all forward-looking citizens as well as a source of widespread disappointment and questioning on the part of the great body of women's organizations who have urged President Harding to appoint at least one representative woman a member of the United States delegation to the Disarmament Conference...
...In such a case a house-holder must consult his neighbors...
...The fact that the cyanid has a superficial resemblance to sugar adds to the danger of keeping it about the premises, and it is much better at once to bury deeply or throw down the sewer trap any left-over cyanid...
...Home and Education By Belle Case La Follette Disarmament IT may be assumed that if the Disarmament Conference which convenes in Washington in November is to command the confidence of the people of the United States our delegates should represent the overwhelming sentiment of the vast majority who are unquestionably in favor of disarmament...
...4. Cold Storage...
...After thoroughly brushing, beating, and sunning, wrap carefully and tightly in several thicknesses of newspapers or heavy wrapping paper, making certain that the paper at the end of the bundle formed is so well bent back upon itself that no clothes moths can crawl into the bundle...
...Then the time and energy now expended in fighting these household plagues would be released for use in making the earth a still more habitable place on which to live...
...One tithe of the effort now expended by housewives in personally fighting household pests, if used collectively for their EXTERMINATION, would ultimately rid the world of these reckless destroyers of food and clothing and dangerous carriers of disease...
...Naphthalene 6cattered about bureau drawers may keep moths away to some extent but will not will them...
...Disarmament of nations, like disarmament of individuals, dispels unreasoning fear and removes the danger of hasty, barbarous killing, which after all settles nothing...
...3. Naphthalene...
...Carbon disulphid can be purchased at any drug store...
...It is always wise to have clothing well cleaned before packing it away in chests, for clothes moths seek out and thrive best upon soiled spots in clothing...
...If it is asked why a delegation solely of men may not fairly represent women, I ask why a delegation solely of women might not fairly represent men...
...Under the same condition's he announced his faith in secret diplomacy and his distrust of publicity in the conduct of the proceedings of the Disarmament Conference of which he is so soon to become a most influential member...
...And that, too, when it is no secret that many of the public buildings of Washington are in need of such kind of attention...
...6) Take the cyanid in bags in a basket and place the bags containing the proper amount alongside of the generating jars in each room...
...It is much better, therefore, if fumigation be contemplated, to put the work in the hands of some one who has had experience, if such a person be available...
...The tiny worms or larvae begin feeding as soon as they hatch and become full grown in not less than 10 weeks, if conditions are favorable...
...It should be said to the credit of President Harding that he has not thus far modified the pledge which he is reported by the press to have made that the Disarmament Conference shall be held in the full light of public opinion...
...if not, to consider carefully all the recommendations and precautions in this bulletin and become thoroughly familiarized with them before undertaking the experiment...
...Newspapers or wrapping paper then should be spread over the top and the receptacle dosed tightly...
...2. Carbon Disulphid...
...It is foolish to argue, as was done on the floor of the United States Senate, that publicity means that there can be no personal exchange of views...
...Publicity concerns official proceedings of the Conference which should be a matter of record and common knowledge in the same manner as the proceedings of the United States Congress and other parliamentary bodies...
...Why should not every community—every school district say—have a trained expert, licensed to use poisonous gases to rid homes and buildings of these by no means uncommon but none the less dangerous and destructive enemies of the human race ? Flies, fleas, moths, cockroaches, bedbugs, and rodents are not only the cause-of an enormous amount of preventable waste—perhaps enough to feed and clothe the world—they are also, most of them, disease carriers...
...The foregoing methods can be used by anyone...
...Ia brushing pay special attention to seams and pockets...
...The handling of the dry cyanid is not accompanied by any danger if there be no open wound on the hand, but it is advisable to wear an old pair of gloves in breaking up the cyanid and patting it into the sacks, these gloves to be afterwards burned...
...What is the use...
...It has been found that articles held at a temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit will be absolutely protected against damage while in storage...
...So far as ability, international understanding, lifelong preparation, and confidence of the people goes, Jane Addams has no superior among the men and women of the world...
...As soon as the upper floor is finished go to the next lower, and pass in this manner from floor to floor until the basement is reached and exit is made through the lower door...
...1. As a preliminary to any treatment, clothing should be vigorously brushed or beaten and well sunned (if possible...
...The larvae and eggs of clothes moths are very delicate and a thorough brushing or beating will either crush or remove them...
...At this writing it appears to have been settled arbitrarily—I have seen no Teason assigned for the small number—that each of the governments taking part in the conference shall be limited to four delegates...
...Well grown larvae are killed with difficulty by naphthalene, 60 brush clothing thoroughly as indicated in (1) before placing in chest with naphthalene...
...This is a proper precaution to prevent the careless and indiscriminate use of so deadly a poison...
...The abundant experience which has been gained by the different members of the force of the Bureau of Entomology in the fumigation of dwelling houses has demonstrated that all danger Is easily overcome by care in conducting the operation...
...President Harding decided to include the discussion of the Pacific and Far East Questions in his call for the Disarmament Conference and invited France and Italy and China to participate...
...In handling the acid great car should be used in pouing it fora the bottle and ia petting it into the vessels to avoid spattering en the hands or face, since it will burn rapidly through the skin, and should it spatter into the eyes would cause serious inflammation or loss of sight, or if on the clothing it would born a bole in the garment...
...A hole should be bored through the cover and a small sponge, bunch of cotton waste, or similar absorbent material fastened below the opening on the inside...
...A water-tight barrel we do well...
...Because there are so many women—Jane Ad dams, Julia Xathrop, Carrie Chapman Catt, Florence Bayard Hilles, Florence Kelley, Mrs...
...And now that the Conference has been called, these same powerful nation-wide organizations must unite and work unceasingly and with abiding faith to the very end of the Conference to make articulate through their member groups the overwhelming sentiment of the people of the United States in favor of disarmament and in favor of publicity of the proceedings of the Conference so that the agreements and conclusions shall be above suspicion of secrecy fatal to the Versailles Conference...
...No effort in the right direction is ever lost...
...7) Start at the top of the house and place the cyanid gently, so as not to spatter, into each jar and quickly leave the room...
...Clothes Moths THERE are three species of clothes moths that attack articles made of wool, fur, bristles, hair, and feathers...
...It does not remove the causes of disagreement among nations any more than making unlawful the carrying of swords and pistols by individuals removes the causes of personal quarrels...
...His record shows that he also is a supporter of large army and navy appropriations...
...The Cyanid and Gas a Deadly Poison (Extract from Farmers' Bulletin 699) IN the use of hydrocyanic-acid gas for household fumigation we must not for a single instant lose sight of the fact that we are dealing with one of the most poisonous substances known...
...From the pupa emerges the adult of the following generation...
...We may agee that the four delegates selected by President Harding to represent the United States on the Disarmament Conference are not without distinction intellectually, that they have had long legal and political experience...
...It takes a colder temperature to actually kill clothes moths...
...That argument is Germany...
...These were due to extreme carelessness in its use...
...This is plain, common sense, and the plain common people realize that the Disarmament Conference offers opportunity to relieve mankind from the unbearable taxes imposed by the present system of rival armaments and affords promise of rescuing civilization from the awful consequences of a future war even more terrible than the last, The people are vitally concerned in the results of the Conference...
...Millions are spent on research and training in the use of poisonous gases for killing human beings in war...
...It follows, from what we have just said, that there may be danger from fumigating one house in a row of houses separated only by party walls, the other houses being inhabited...
...Another excellent method of protecting clothing is the liberal use of naphthalene in the form of moth balls or flakes...
...They themselves cannet damage clothing, carpets, etc., but they lay many small white eggs in and on clothing, etc...
...5. Hydrocyanic-Acid Gas...
...The dose used should be at the rate of at least 10 pounds to 1,000 cubic feet...
...4) Break up the cyanid out of doers and place it in thin paper sacks containing charges suited to the amounts to be used in the different rooms...
...But when Disarmament is proved beyond question or doubt to afford a great economic and commercial advantage, then it is safe to predict that ultimately Disarmament will succeed...
...These hatch in about five to ten days according to the temperature...
...Read pages 19-20 of Farmers' Bulletin 699 for further information about carbon disulphid...
...However, with the possible exception of Secretary Hughes, they represent the view's of the class conscious of the imperialists, not the convictions of the great masses of the people as to the necessity of war and the maintenance of rival armaments among nations...
...A saucer should be placed on top of the clothing and the carbon disulphid (which is a liquid) poured into it...
...That cure is Disarmament...
...Do necessary calking and remove carpets and rugs and moist food material and any metallic objects which are likely to be tarnished...
...Clothing should be thoroughly brushed as mentioned above (1) and then packed in a tight trunk or chest and fumigated...
...Here in Washington it is necessary to have a permit for the use of hydrocyanic-gas for fumigation purposes...
...It concludes thus: "Look where we will it would seem as if the new internationalists came into being in the very nick of time...
...Unnoticed cracks in a wall would admit the poisonous gas to the neighboring house...
...In all the...
...It is no secret that pressure of public opinion caused President Harding to call the Disarmament Conference...
...They may live as long as three weeks and may lay over 200 eggs each...
...And let us have faith that as the pressure of public opinion caused President Harding to call the Conference, so it may impel him to use his great power and prestige to the end that the Conference shall bring forth results demanded by the plain people on the main issue of Dis-armament...
...The carbon disulphid evaporates, forming a gas that sinks down into the clothing and kills the moths...
...William Kent, and many others easily named— especially qualified by experience, training, and known sympathy with the people, and because women's initiative, zeal, and determination have had such large influence in the calling of the conference it was eminently fit that at least one qualified woman should be named by President Harding as a member of the United States delegation...
...But he did not call it, as instructed by Congress to do, along the simple, practical plan of the Borah Resolution, which was to begin disarmament by getting the only three great nava powers—Great Britain, United States, and Japan—to agree to stop building battleships...
...The moths are especially abundant during the spring and late summer, although in heated houses they may be seen almost any time...
...The gas formed is heavier than air and must be kept away from fire in all forms, the same as gasolene...
...They are entitled to know each day's proceedings...
...In keeping woolens, felts, and furs, therefore, it is good practice to place them in a whole cotton bag (pillow case), tying it up tightly, and then store in a ti paper-lined trunk, a large packing box, or so such receptacle...
...Farmers' Bulletin 699 gives information regarding hydrocyanic-acid gas...
...But he is a conservative and the work of the Disarmament Conference cries to Heaven for progressive, forward looking leadership...
...It is well understood that he had no enthusiasm for the Borah Resolution and opposed its adoption by Congress until it became evident that there was an overwhelming popular demand for its passage which he could not counter...
...Then President Harding proceeded rather hurriedly to call the Conference...
...His record shows efficient and honorable public Service and a desire to do justice to his fellow men...
...The rapidity of growth of the larvae depends not only open favorable weather conditions, hat also upon the kind of material upon which they feed...
...In isolated houses, however, with the precautions indicated, the operation will be a safe one...
...If you doubt that disarmament will ultimately succeed, read the masterly editorial in the Saturday Evening Post of August 20 on "The New Internationalism...
...They were even born with a golden argument in their mouths...
...On an issue of such tremendous world importance a larger counsel surely would command greater confidence since it could be made to represent more elements in the social structure and naturally prove more democratic in character...
...The people should uphold the President's hands on this issue and should not assume that Senator Lodge's ideas will prevail...
...In all large towns anyone can avail himself of the means by patronizing storage companies, and safety will be guaranteed...
...5) Measure into each of the generating jars the proper amount of water and afterwards add the acid slowly in the proper amount to each of the jars...
...The adult or parent moth is the miller which one sees flying about rooms, closets, etc...
...Carpets, rugs, blankets, woolen clothing, furs, etc., can be rid surely of all insect pests by inclosure for a few days in such a box...
...9) After the house is thoroughly ventilated and the odor of the gas has disappeared, empty the jars in a safe place, preferably through the sewer trap, and wash them thoroughly and repeatedly before using them for any household purpose...
...While carbon disulphid kills the clothes moths, it will not keep moths from entering later and starting up new infestations...
...They cannot survive several changes from 18 degrees Fahrenheit to 40 degrees Fahrenheit and back...
...Clothes moths will not eat through paper to reach clothing and tight wrapping makes affirm mass of clothing which still further protects...
...When the cost of cold storage is not an item to be serious considered, the adoption of this method of protection of goods during hot weather is strongly recommended...
...It can only be recommended as a killing agent when enclosed with clothing in a tight container...
...3) Place the generating vessels in each room with a thick carpeting of old newspapers under each...
...2) Arrange for the opening of doors and windows from the OUTSIDE at the conclusion of the fumigation and close all registers, fireplaces, and other openings...
...If the box is really tight there will be no further trouble, but to be on the safe side it is well to repeat the treatment once or twice during the summer...
...The pill that was thrust down her throat at Versailles in the expectation that it would keep her weak for fifty years has indubitably saved her economic life...
...It must be remembered that unless the trunk is very tight the fumes of the naphthalene will escape and not kill the moth...
...Household Pests ELSEWHERE we publish valuable information furnished on request by the Bureau of Entomology of the United States Department of Agriculture as to the best known methods of dealing with clothes moths, together with extracts from bulletins referred to, which furnish more detailed statements as to the use of poisonous gases for killing household insects...
...Their life histories and control are so much alike that the separate species will not be discussed...
...His view of disarmament must inevitably be influenced rather by the effect on international banking than international brotherhood...
...that the accidental eating of a small portion of cyanid will necessarily be fatal...
...Should a drop fly to the hands or face, bathe the part promptly and freely ia water, and the came also for garments or the carpet...
...Elihu Boot belongs to the same social cast and the same political school to which Senator Lodge belongs and he represents the same interests...
...The chest may then be kept tightly closed and the carbon disulphid applied by pouring it through the opening, which thereupon is closed with a cork...
...If two persons work together in this operation they should both be on the same floor together, taking different rooms...
...If clothing is intelligently cleaned, brushed and Wrapped, it can be left on closet shelves or elsewhere without danger of becoming infested so long as the paper wrapping remains unbroken...
...They all pass through the usual life cycle of insects...
...It is now known that President Harding has decided that the United States delegation to the Conference shall consist of Secretary of State Hughes, United States Senator Lodge, Mr...
...house-fumigation work which has been done during the last 10 years (by the bureau force) no accident has occurred, except in one or two instances the burning of rugs in attempting to set off charges in too small vessels and a case of headache where a few whiffs of much diluted gas had been accidentally breathed...
...Disarmament is a simple proposition...
...When all are stored apply the disulphid, putting one-half capful of the liquid into a shallow dish to evaporate or pouring it directly upon the materials if staining will not injure them...
...He believes in big army and navy appropriations...
...It is amazing, however, to learn that in the capital city of the United states there are no experts other than those at the Department of Agriculture who are licensed to use this most effective fumigant, which destroys in one trement" all kinds of household pests...
...Fumigation with carbon disulphid is a most effective treatment...
...Senator Lodge is an aristocrat without the least inkling of Lincoln's great idea that Government is for and by the people...
...Several treatments may be needed during the summer if the trunk or chest is not tight, though one is sufficient if the trunk is so tight that moths cannot get in from the outside...
...Elihu Root, and United States Senator Underwood...
...hence to accomplish an effective fumigation as well as to keep moths out later, this treatment must be conducted in a tight container...
...do I hear some discouraged reader exclaim ? Dear reader, there is always USE...
...There would be no such heavy responsibility as now exists, to bring the full power and pressure of public opinion to bear upon their deliberations...
...That is, there is an adult or parent moth, the egg, the larva or worm, the pupa or chrysalis...
...The proposal to include the Pacific and Far East Questions greatly complicates the Conference program and makes the attainment of its specific object much more difficult and uncertain...
...It is a good plan to provide for this treatment, Which is needed in every home, by having an especially large, gas-tight and insect-tight packing chest with a very closely fitting cover...
...He has large financial interest, chiefly in steel...
...The best method of protection, and the one now commonly adopted by dealers in carpets, furs, etc., is cold storage...
...While the writers thus strongly emphasize the dangerous and even fatal qualities of this gas when breathed by human beings, it is worthy of remark that in the thousands of operations which have been carried on with gas in different parts of the world only three cases of fatal accidents to human beings have been recorded...
...If, however, each nation is to have but four delegates, it is of vital importance to the largest success of the Conference that each one of this limited number of delegates should be known throughout the nation to be in" sympathy with the purpose of the conference and known to represent the consensus of opinion on the great issue at stake...
...8) The following day, or after the completion of the fumigation, open the windows and doors from the OUTSIDE and let the house Ventilate for an hour before entering it...
...The odor of carbon disulphid is very foul, but coon disappears and does not injure fabrics...
...Summary of Method (Extract from Farmers' Bulletin 699) THE general directions for treatment may be briefly summarized as follows: (1) Prepare tabular statement designating room capacity (number of cubic feet) and amount of chemicals for each compartment and secure the chemicals and vessels for generating the gas...
Vol. 13 • September 1921 • No. 9