Follette, Belle Case La

Home and Education By Belle Case La Follette Progressive Women Organized Readers, even though you may be residents of other states you will, I am confident, be interested in the first bulletin of...

...Granville Trace, Dodgeville...
...He took me round to show me views, and when he found that I knew something about botany, etc., he was ever so nice, and seemed to take great delight in showing me what he was trying to work out...
...Lewis, our secretary, has just returned from Europe, and brings us the same message of confidence in our league...
...Well-dressed, well-bred women always wear plain street clothes or tailored dresses (luring the day.—February Good Housekeeping...
...Upon the kind of work depends the costume...
...The Commission should determine the price at which these farm staples are to be sold and the length of time that credit is to be extended to the purchasers, whether these purchasers be government or private corporations or co-operative societies...
...The following RESOLUTIONS were adopted at the first state convention of the WISCONSIN WOMEN^S PROGRESSIVE ASSOCIATION: RESOLUTION NUMBER 1. Relating to Militarism...
...GENA THOMPSON, Executive Secretary...
...It outlines a wonderfully inspiring program, all of whose objects are practical and attainable...
...RESOLUTION NUMBER 6. Relating to Marketing...
...No criticism is intended of those who asked for the revival of the War Finance Corporation, but it is clear that there is nothing in the act creating this corporation to assure farmers that they will secure any benefit therefrom, as they are not individually in a position to export, and the War Finance Corporation can make advances for export purposes to any firm, person or corporation, only if such person, firm, etc., "is in the opinion of the Board of Directors of the Corporation unable to obtain funds upon reasonable terms through banking channels...
...RESOLVED, that we, the Wisconsin Women's Progressive Association in convention assembled, place ourselves on record as favoring the appointment of women on all State Boards and Commissions...
...C. D. Rosa, Beloit...
...We must admit that exporting to any large European country today is hazardous because of their enormous national debt...
...at the armistice period in 1918, $211,520,040,000, and in 1920, $300,621,609,000...
...These regions along here were really retreats for the old Spanish Main pirates in the good old days...
...Jane Addams Endorsed for the Cabinet THE members of the Women's Commercial Club of Seattle at a recent meeting adopted resolutions endorsing the appointment of Miss Jane Addams to a place in the President's Cabinet, and have forwarded to President-elect Harding the resolutions urging the same, as follows: ""Be it resolved, that a woman should be appointed to a place in the President's Cabinet...
...President-elect Harding could not select man or woman for a Cabinet position who would so surely touch the imagination and command the heartfelt confidence of the people of ihe United States and the world...
...I doubt if other than Lincoln our country has prod"ced any individual so greatly endeared to the masses of folks of the world as Jane Addams, and she has many Lincoln-like qualities—simplicity, sincerity, love of humanity, sympathetic understanding, together with the highest order of statesmanship and power...
...It offers opportunity for women voters to work unitedly and effectively for legislative policies vital to the State and Nation...
...Suitable Dress TO be suitably dressed for a given occasion is to be well dressed...
...Hoover's letter...
...We favor the enactment of a law to eliminate waste in distribution of milk to assure reasonable prices to producer and consumer, according to the quality of the product, by giving municipalities the right to take over the distribution and standardization of milk...
...Research—Miss Irma Hochstein, Madison...
...and democratic education fer all...
...RESOLUTION NUMBER 3. Relating to Social Hygiene...
...RESOLUTION NUMBER 5. We urge the enactment of a legislative program for the improvement of our public school system through: 1. The setting up of machinery for the better enforcement of the compulsory education laws of the state...
...The government by extending its credit will help both the farmers and the purchasers ton the other side, while it will naturally be to the advantage of the export corporation to hammer down prices paid the farmer and to secure as high prices as possible from foreign countries...
...Such preparedness comes only from the assurance of a physically, morally, and mentally healthy and courageous manhood and womanhood through right living conditions...
...6. Increased facilities for part time education in order that opportunities for higher education may be opened to the part time student on as easy terms as they are now to the full time student...
...BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of these resolutions be forwarded to our Senators and Representatives in Congress, and to local papers and the leading press associations...
...and WHEREAS, a lasting peace between nations cannot be secured as long as these nations devote more energy to the science of war and destruction, than to the arts of peace and constructive endeavors, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that we, the members of the Wisconsin Women's Progressive Association, conceive it to be our duty, and the duty of all women devoted to the best interests of their homes and of their country to oppose: FIRST: All candidates for Congress not pledged to the reduction of appropriations for the maintenance of naval and military establishments...
...We heartly favor that real preparedness for peace which is in itself the best safeguard against war...
...If we women are to remain clear minded in the face of the political complexities surrounding us, we must band ourselves together into a permanent organization...
...My dear Mrs...
...All the expense of sending this letter is donated...
...1. "The name of this organization shall be the Wisconsin Women's Progressive Association...
...through the carrying on of public works in periods of slack employment, and through unemployment funds and unemployment insurance...
...3. The establishment of higher standards for teachers and recognition of preparation and successful experience in the payment of teachers' salaries...
...We favor the elimination of waste in our marketing system for the benefit of both producer and consumer through the encouragement of co-operation, of public regulation or ownership of storage and marketing facilities, and through increased financial support of our marketing department...
...We favor the elimination of the hardships of intermittent employment through the working out of more efficient and more regular methods of production, through the further development and support of our state employment bureau system...
...Took me up on the roof, and that was GREAT1...
...The over-blouse now used, of the same shade as the suit, has done away with the hard lines of demarcation between the light waist and dark skirt, which proved at all times . unbecoming...
...The creation of the Commission asked by the Farmers' National Council will serve three purposes: 1. It will stabilize farm prices...
...La Follette: The following letter is a call to service: "My dear Miss Kittredge: "Because the women of the International League for Peace and Freedom know at first hand the conditions in Europe, I look to them to help me in this endeavor to feed the children...
...The Georgia Baptist Convention urged its ministers to co-operate "in the effort to secure genuine Christian relations between the people of both races...
...I came upon his place unexpectedly the other day in a remote part of an island opposite here...
...We realize that most of our members have responded as individuals or through other organizations...
...8. Representation upon all state and local boards of education of the principal elements in the community, including farmers and labor...
...RESOLUTION NUMBER 4. Relating to appointment of women on Administrative Boards...
...THE SHEPPARD-TOWNER BILL, H. R. 10925, S. 3259, better known as the Maternity Bill, and the Fess Bill, H. R. 12078, providing Vocational Home Economics.' Therefore, be it resolved that we endorse these bills and authorize our secretary to write our Senators and Representatives requesting them to vote for these measures...
...Jean Cooke of Darlington...
...Assurances of cooperation have been given in all parts of the South...
...At the first meeting of the executive committee, Miss Gena Thompson was elected executive secretary, and permanent headquarters established at 111 West Main Street, Madison...
...As the more than three million sit down each day under the American flag...
...Short talks were given by Mrs...
...R. L. Siebecker, Madison...
...RESOLUTION NUMBER 7. Relating to Legislative Recall...
...4. Better provision for physical education and care of our young people and provision that no young person, who is not physically able, shall be given a permit to work...
...The feeding stations "seem to be the only evidence in an evident way that there is a spirit of service," and until the political and economical situation is settled there is no way but Hoover's way...
...Italy 49 per cent...
...Second: All candidates for congress not pledged to a definite demand for a reasonable limitation of armaments...
...Russia 42.3 per cent...
...John J. Blaine, Madison...
...All county and local associations may affiliate with the state association by paying the state executive secretary the annual dues required...
...He has developed the place most interestingly, kept the natural jungle, with romantic walks and vistas through, and added tropical growths from various parts of the world...
...Reverend Olympia Brown, of Wisconsin, President of the Association, presided, and a reception in her favor followed...
...Henry ftf a recent letter from Sarasota, Florida, a friend writes: "I thought of all your happy family group at Christmas time...
...That the Wisconsin Women's Progressive Association requests such definite action and appropriations on the part of the federal and state legislatures as may be necessary to continue and properly carry on the activities now engaged in for the purpose of promoting the work in social hygiene...
...seventy-five cents of the dollar paid to the local association shall be sent to the state association, twenty-five cents remaining in the local treasury...
...THIRD: All legislation J^voring universal military training...
...2. "The purpose of this organization shall be to interest women in progressive principles and policies and to educate them to express these ideas through the ballot...
...2. The reorganization of our rural school system for the equalization of educational opportunities of farm and city children...
...I was all by my lonelies, the first Christmas I ever spent away from family and friends...
...Chairmen of standing committees have been appointed as follows: Advisory—Mrs...
...Reverend Olympia Brown Honored THE Federal Suffrage Association held an interesting meeting Saturday, January 29th, at the Ebbitt Hotel, Washington, D. C. The women of the United States having been enfranchised, the purpose of the organization has been achieved and it was agreed to disband...
...Francis Axtell, Senator Poindexter, Representative Baker and others addressed the meeting...
...Jean M. Cooke, Darlington...
...Christian Conscience and the Negro THE NEW YORK TIMES says: Governor Dorsey of Georgia and the Executive Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, as well as others, have endorsed the movement for the Inter-racial Sunday initiated by the Georgia Inter-racial Committee of the Young Men's Christian Association...
...we know also that to save one more child will mean a sacrifice to many and yet we ask each member, if possible, to give or collect at least ten dollars and save one more life...
...2. It will enable farmers to purchase more and therefore increase ti;s demand for labor and help relieve the very serious unemployment situation...
...WHEREAS, the last Congress appropriated $3,694,075,363.00, or 88.6% of the total appropriations, for naval and military purposes, and only $481,744,726.00, or 11.4% of the whole, for all other functions of government, such as the development of conynerce, agriculture, public welfare, education, science and research, which are essential to the welfare and prosperity of this country, and WHEREAS, the maintenance of a large military organization will not only impoverish the people of our country, but lead to the automatic conscription of our boys, and to the perversion of civil occupations for military uses...
...The protest cites that the women voters of this country stand for equal opportunity and equal remuneration for equal work of women and men...
...Germany 312.5 per cent...
...Equal Pay THE Woman's dub of Washington, D. C, § has asked all the Women's organizations to join in a protest against the action of the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee in reducing the estimates as to the salaries to be paid women employed in the Women's Bureau...
...3. "All progressive women of the state shall be eligible to membership...
...5. Reduction of the number of hours which young people under eighteen are allowed to work, accompanied by raising the age and extending the hours per week of compulsory part time education...
...If most of the time is spent indoors, tailored dresses are more becoming than a shirtwaist and skirt...
...Granville Trace of Dodgeville, Miss Ada James of Richland Center, and Dr...
...The Council's suggestion is the only immediately practical way to assure farmers of being able to export their surplus farm products at a reasonable price...
...The foregoing communication was sent me as an editor of La Follette's Magazine, and I am glad of the opportunity to assure the Woman's Commercial Club of Seattle that the campaign they have initiated for the appointment of Jar.e Addams as a member of the incoming Cabinet has the hearty approval and co-operation of La Follette's Magazine...
...If, on the other hand, the work is out of doors, a suit is smarter...
...I wonder whether you ever knew Professor Henry, formerly from Wisconsin University...
...Helena Hill Weed, Mrs...
...Home and Education By Belle Case La Follette Progressive Women Organized Readers, even though you may be residents of other states you will, I am confident, be interested in the first bulletin of the Wisconsin Women's Progressive Association, which follows...
...Whether a dress or suit, the secret of smartness is simplicity of line and cut...
...It was a surprise to find a beautiful stucco house, with polished floors, baths, furnace, etc., in the midst of the wilds...
...Bertha couldn't get over...
...Then we will be able, as a unit, to foster progressive legislation and oppose the huge militaristic machine which is trying to control this country as it recently controlled Germany...
...These products should be purchased by the Commission so far as possible directly from the producers at the bulk line cost of production plus a reasonable profit...
...Austria Hungary 2,600 per cent...
...RESOLUTION NUMBER 9. Relating to Municipal Control of the City Milk Supply...
...The slump in farm products this year has cost (farmers about five billion dollars, possibly more...
...I am thrilled with pride and gratitude that we have already achieved an organization offering such opportunity for co-operation and service to all who join...
...The following state officers were elected: President—Miss Ada James, Richland Center...
...He urged ministers to "appeal to the conscience of the people for a more even justice in the courts, for better housing and sanitary conditions, for better school facilities, for better traveling conditions, and more patience and self-control, growing out of the spirit of the Christ, in the associations of the two races...
...A state constitution was then adopted, and state officers elected...
...WHEREAS, immediate action is pending on the following legislation: THE ROGERS BILL, H. R. 12749, granting independent citizenship to women...
...James Trottman of Milwaukee was elected chairman for the afternoon...
...Will you not help form a local association in your community...
...We are convinced that it is high time to direct the Christian thought and to stir up ths Christian conscience of America to the needs of the negro of the Southland," the committee declared in its call...
...E. C. Hoebel of Madison, after which Mrs...
...She did come for New Year's and we had a nice picnic, for just two, on the beach, with our little sterno outfit, and an old boat to take a nap on...
...Before the War Finance Corporation can make any advances it must be assured that the exporting company, etc., cannot obtain funds •upon reasonable terms through banking channels, and the Secretary of the Treasury announced early in January that he thought nothing- would be clone under this act for two months, by which time the farmers' situation will be even more desperate than today...
...The need of political organization among progressive women formed the keynote of the meeting...
...Your faithfully, "HERBERT HOOVER...
...Black, navy blue and brown are the most suitable colors for business, for they blend with their surroundings...
...3. It will restore courage and therefore hope to European and other countries...
...M. La Follette, Washington...
...I went out to explore the jungle and look for ring-tailed monkeys and Spanish-swearing parrots...
...Under such circumstances any export corporation will obviously charge very high interest rates as insurance, perhaps even 15 to 20 per cent...
...This is, I -:as with friends at a club dinner, but they were new ones...
...RESOLUTION NUMBER 8. Relating to Initiative and Referendum...
...Glimpse of Prof...
...and second, spiritual conditions—freedom of speech, freedom of the press, democratic government, political and industrial...
...Glenn Turner, Madison...
...7. Establishment of junior colleges in the larger cities of the state in order to bring higher education within reach of many who are now shut out...
...The building up of capital funds for education from various sources of income, including the inheritance tax...
...Send contributions to Mabel H. Kittredge, Chairman Women's International League, 125 East 37th St., New York City...
...G. A. Widell, Superior...
...first, material conditions—fair wages, reasonable hours of labor, healthful recreation, sanitary housing, and decent surroundings...
...The executive committee shall "transact all business of) the association in the interim between conventions...
...The meeting was called to order by Mrs...
...The epitome of good taste is inconspicuous dressing...
...The Farmers' National Council recommends the appropriations asked for the army and navy aggregating in round figures $1,634,000,000 be cut in half, and that at least $800,000,000 be made available for this Commission...
...only she comes direct from the children...
...A Call to Service THIS personal appeal to me as a member of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom is published here in the hope that some of our readers who have not already done so may be able to respond...
...The national debts of the world in United States dollars reduced to normal pre-war value Iwere in 1913, $43,106,495,000...
...Martha Hoyt, secretary of the organization, made a Teport of the work and history of the Association which covers a period of nearly 40 years...
...At least, Bertha did...
...Every cent of your money will be spent in buying American food for European children...
...and hold out their small tin cups to be filled with American soup, they never doubt but that the women of America will stand by them through this winter...
...And be it further resolved, that the Women's Commercial Club of Seattle firmly believe that Miss Jane Addams is the one woman most suitable to fill a place in the Cabinet, and the Club earnestly urges that she be appointed to a place in the Cabinet...
...6. "The executive committee shall consist of the officers of the association, two members and the chairmen of the standing committees...
...We are opposed to that form of military preparedness which means a race between nations in the building of armies and navies and in the formal training of our youth in military tactics...
...5. "The annual dues for the state association shall be one dollar...
...Thus as an organization we will respond to Mr...
...The Farmers' National Council re'eommends that Congress create a commission of five to seven members of whom at least two shall be farmers or representatives of farmers' organizations, to serve as a sale and collection agency to finance the export of surplus supplies of the following among other farm staples: wheat, and wheat flour, potatoes, cotton, wool, meat and meat products, milk and dairy products and tobacco to any country needing them...
...A copy of the constitution will be mailed to any member upon request...
...C. L. OUR first convention held in the State Capitol January 3, 1921, was attended by more than 200 progressive women from various parts of the state...
...Members at Large—Mrs...
...France 44.6 per cent...
...Sincerely, MABEL H. KITTREDGE...
...Recommendation of Farmers' National Council BENJAMIN C. MARSH, Secretary and Director of Legislation of the Farmers' National Council, recently appeared before committees of the Senate and House on Banking and Currency and made arguments of wide public interest which he has summarized into the following brief statement for this issue of La Follette's...
...9. The adoption of a system of free textbooks...
...It is a terrible thing to lose the faith oi little children...
...RESOLUTION NUMBER 2. Relating to certain federal legislation affecting the interests of women and children...
...We favor the re-enactment of the initiative and referendum measure submitted to the people in 1914, and we pledge ourselves to do our part in the education of the voters to secure its adoption...
...Write headquarters for membership receipt books...
...The following excerpts may be of special interest to you...
...Relating to Unemployment...
...We favor the democratizing of our state administration to the end that Wisconsin may again lead the states in a great progressive cause, through the enactment into law of the bill providing for legislative recall of administrative officials...
...4. "Ten or more women in any locality may form a local association...
...Governor Dorsey said he was deeply interested and anxious for conditions working for a better relation "between the races...
...Doctor Brown is now 85 years old, and is one of the few of that noble band of pioneer suffragists who lived to see the Federal Amendment adopted...
...And be it further resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the President-elect with the request that they receive his careful consideration...
...The current issue of Commerce and Finance stated that the ratio of- the national debt to national wealth is as follows: for the British Empire 20.4 per cent...

Vol. 13 • February 1921 • No. 2

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