Holmes, Fred L.

Propaganda—British Poison Gas England's New Offensive to Perpetuate Misrule, Exploitation in Ireland, And to Justify Military Occupation Is Uncovered By FRED L. HOLMES ¦"P»« HE people of the...

...Home rule was revived...
...Three times in 1912, 1913 and 1914 home rule passed...
...History gives testimony that the fears in Canada were ungrounded...
...Privilege fought home rule under Parnell by a "moral issue...
...21 for Canada, and 16.8 for Italy...
...Zulu War of 1879...
...Serbian-Turkish War (1876...
...BUT this form of British propaganda is not new...
...CATHOLIC PATRIOTS: Daniel O'Connell and John Redmond,—2...
...War between Russia and Turkey (1828-29...
...The body reported on April 5, 1918, and Lloyd George straightway held that the dissenting votes of the nineteen Ulster politicians indicated a lack of "substantial agreement," and then announced that Ireland's case would thereafter be treated as a purely British question... Norway, $35,000,000 and in Denmark, $27,000,000...
...America is being asked to turn away from the tall of 15,000,000 people in the United States of Irish descent for justice in behalf of Ireland...
...Their record is 30 per cent compared with 24.2 for Scotland...
...Government cost annually per individual is 16.00 in Greece and Serbia...
...a score rose to distinct leadership under Washington and over one-third of the funds to found the Bank of Pennsylvania for the support of the Continental army was furnished by the "Sons of St...
...The President of the United States receives §50,000 in salary and $25,000 for expenses...
...Five Wars Every Decade IN THE last hundred years there have been fifty wars—one every two years...
...One year after it jumped to $142,225,670...
...In the December elections in 1918 a total of 1,515,861 votes were cast...
...At what pcir.t was Berlin unjustified in the belief that England, threatened by civil war, would" not dare to enter the international conflict...
...China-Japanese War (1894-95...
...There was the bold and repeated threat of rebellion, the declarations of Carson and Bonar Law and other Tory leaders that they preferred German rule to Home Rule...
...Ireland has no army...
...European War (1914-1918...
...Sidney Smith, an English Writer, says: "One by one we strangled Ireland's incipient industries...
...Of this Mr...
...Finally the power of repeatedly vetoing legislation was wrested from the Lords in 1911, and provision was made that when a measure passed the house of Commons at three successive sessions, it must receive the royal approval and become a law...
...Pp[iE destruction of the Irish Parliament was not to be accomplished by fair and legitimate means...
...The cost of government in Ireland is out of proportion with Scotland, which has a like population...
...2) The Protestant minority in Ulster would be ruled by the Roman Catholic majority which predominates in the other three provinces...
...At least 15 per cent of the American fighting force "overseas" in the world war were Irish...
...Insurrection in Warsaw—revolt in Poland against Russia (1830-31).^ Insurrection in the Papal States (1831...
...War between France and Piedmont allied ^against Austria (1859...
...thousands entered the continental army...
...Civil war history teems with the names of Union men of Irish lineage...
...Balkan-Turkish War (1912-13...
...Both propositions are a tissue of falsehood...
...It was not until the command of all recruits were placed1 in control ?f Ulster unionists that Irish enlistments dpgnpened...
...Apparently the religious "dodge" is not the real issue...
...E. J. Dillon, one of the best informed journalists in Europe, and Baron Beyens, the Belgian Minister at Berlin, all have borne writteR testimony ' that the Kaiser and his advisers relied strongly upon the Ulster Irish to tie the hands of England...
...Redmond, the Irish home rule leader, who at the opening of the war had led the campaign for solidarity of patriotic action, was brushed aside...
...Ecclesiastical records for Ulster show 690,134 Catholics...
...Nationalists, 235,206) For Statu Quo (Unionist Party _____________________ 308,713 Total_____________________1,515,864 Of every 3 voters 2 voted for Irish Republic...
...To stifile industrial development transportation rates are 37 percent higher in Ireland than in England...
...He could not have foreseen that in a little more than a century the ancestors of the patriots •f American Independence would be welcoming in America a descendant of King George—the j-rince of Wales...
...And there are many more...
...Read their names: PROTESTANT PATRIOTS: Molyneuz, Grat...
...They desire political and economic freedom...
...Official records disclose that from 1859 to 1882 a total of 98,723 families were evicted— 504,747 men, women and children driven out to starve...
...Why should it be over $40.00 in Ireland ? Jobs for lG0,0eO British BRITISH rule in Ireland furnishes jobs for 100,000 Englishmen who would be out of swivel chairs were home rule in force...
...Turned Out to Starve ENGLISH landlordism has been aAiurse...
...And the peculiar thing about it is that the Ulster leaders are not natives of Ulster at alL They are "carpet baggers...
...P.'s," "Colonels," "Lieutenants" and "What-Nots," with a purpose of instilling in the hearts of Americans a more "cordial" feeling toward the British...
...Revolution in Naples against their ruler, King Ferdinand (1821...
...For years...
...000 more...
...War between Piedmont (really represented by Garibaldi) and Naples (1860...
...Of the nine counties of Ulster, in an election in 1918, conducted with the English army everywhere present to cow hostile electioneering, only four voted for union with England, and in these the majorities were small...
...366,171 Anglican (Episcopal), 421,-666 Presbyterians and 48,490 Methodists... talk about anything except Ireland's wrongs...
...It is cheaper to buy coal in Scotland than to mine it and transport it in Ireland...
...War between Turkey, aided by Russia, England, Austria, and Prussia, and Egypt (1840-41...
...In the seven years from 1848 to 1855 English tyranny drove 2.000,000 from Ireland, most of* them to find homes in the United States...
...In the heaviest drives against Germany there were 50,000 soldiers ruling Erin...
...RESULTS OF ENGLISH RULE Ireland Ulster Population (1841) 8,295,000 2,386,000 Population (1911) 4,390,000 1,582,000 LOSS in 70 years 3,905,000 804,000 ULSTER NOT 'RICHEST PROVINCE' Rateable value per head (1911) Leinster----------------90 Shillings Ulster_________________80 Shillings VOTES CAST, DEC, 1918 For Irish Republic and Self-Determination___________1,207,151 (Sinn Fein, 971,945...
...That record is made secure by the bravery of Thomas Francis Meagher, an Irish rebel, and 170,000 other Irishmen who fought for Lincoln's cause...
...Total, 51...
...Before the act of Union the Irish national debt was $15,000,000...
...Revolution in Hungary—practical independence of Hungary (1848...
...War between Denmark and the German Federation (1848...
...But home rulers were...
...Serbo-Bulgarian War (1885...
...These* facts are now admitted by all histor-, ians and, indeed, no other testimony is needed to their reality than the letter of Lord Cornwallis himself, which expresses his feelings of' shame at the measures he found himself compelled by the orders of the Government to sanction and to carry out in order that Ireiand might "be deprived of her lately created independent Parliament...
...Then the policy •f Irish leaders was changed...
...One industry after another has been shamefully destroyed,^ soon as it came into competition with f^lpries in England...
...The pay of the other British governmental "overseers" in Ireland is in proportion...
...Why a cost of $200,000,000 in Ireland...
...Peerages, offices, and pensions were lavishly given to gain the votes of the members, and secret money was privately employed in & system of wholesale bribery...
...Then sentiment of the 15,000,000 people of Irish descent in America had to be considered...
...Revolt of Spanish colonies (1810-1820...
...Revolution in Vienna (1848...
...South African or Boer War (1899-1902...
...Pensions to foreign favorites by the English king has cost Ireland many thousands...
...And if Lloyd George forced the issue today, the result would be the same...
...A part of Ulster, four counties out of nine, is opposed to home rule...
...Creel says: "A weak Home Rule plan was agreed upon by all but nineteen Ulster Unionists, Protestant prelates voting with Catholic Nationalists for the adoption of the majority report...
...A campaign has been waged since 1875 for an Irish university...
...Woolens, glass, cotton, sail cloth, sugar refining, snipping, the cattle and provisions all went...
...Not less than ten men of Irish descent signed the declaration of independence for the United States...
...Afghanistan War of 1879...
...Russo-Japanese War (1904-5...
...What more natural...
...No peace can rest securely on political and economic restrictions, meant to benefit some nation and cripple and embarrass others," said President Wilson before the peace conference was held...
...Moreover the Home rule bill provides: "In the exercise of their power to make laws under this act the Irish Parliament shall not make a law so as directly or indirectly to establish or endow any religion, or prohibit or restrict the free exercise thereof, or give a preference, privilege thereof, or impose any disability or disadvantage, on account of religious belief or religious or ecclesiastical status, or make any religious belief or religious ceremony a condition of the validity of anv marriage, or affect prejudicially the right of any child to attend a school receiving public money without attending the religious instruction at that school, or alter the constitution of any religious body," etc...
...War between Denmark and Prussia (1849...
...9.00 in SwitzerHOW IRELAND LOST SELF GOVERNMENT By Justin McCarthy Author, "Ireland and Her Story...
...every promise of the English government broken...
...Tax revenues in Ireland amount to $200,000,-000 annually of which $65,000,000 is spent on Irish government and $135,000,000 is profit to England...
...Italian-Turkish War (1911-12...
...the Ulster purchase ef arms in Hamburg...
...Revolt of the Greeks against Turkish ruls (1821-1827), known as the War of Greek Independence...
...It is the same "religious issue" that the English government raised against doninion rule in Canada before 1867...
...The Story of Privilege...
...Ulster as a whole has a population of 1,581,696, and was formerly the storm-center in Ireland for freedom...
...War between Egypt and Turkey (1832-33...
...Crimean war—England, France, Turkey, and Piedmont against Russia (1854-1856...
...22.5 for England...
...Its leaders betrayed...
...Is there any wonder that Ireland is sullen...
...Revolt in Belgium against the union with Holland—ending in independence of Belgium (1830...
...Civil war in Portugal (1828-1833...
...John Adams might dream of the founding of a great American democracy, build, ed upon dissatisfaction over British tyranny...
...The Lord Lieutenant receives a salary of $100,000 a year...
...Nor can the neutral opinion of the world hold any other view...
...The record of men engaged and killed show...
...In England from 23 to 50 per cent...
...What Are the Facts ASMOKE screen and poison gas campaign to convince the world that the Irish nation should now be strangled is being carried on at cur very doors...
...the resignation of General Gough ami his fifty-seven officers to prove that mutiny was rife in the army, and then the paralysis of government in dealing with treaso...
...that the religious issue was only a farcical bugbear...
...Isaac Butt, an Ulster man, son of a Presbyterian minister, counseled a constitutional campaign...
...with the expense of government enormous, the people of Ireland look to the freemen of the United States for encouragement...
...Greco-Turkish War (1897...
...ONLY A BLUFF By George Creel Author, "Ireland's Fight for Freedom" HAD Asquith stood firm against the Carson "bluff"—for it was that and nothing else—it is a certainty that the "Ulster rebels" to take the field would have been a farcical gathering of English peers, English bankers, English lawyers, and English officeholders, backed from Ulster itself only by such as are in direct or indirect subsidy from the English government...
...Are we being lulled by sophistry to forget the "six to one" vote in the league of nations covenant..., $13.00 in Sweden and $15.00 in Norway...
...In all these centuries English misrule has caused the unrest and rebellion in Ireland...
...That Ireland could stand alone is evidenced by r$e facts that extravagance in governmental administration could be reduced...
...The second proposition is equally untenable...
...Objections are Answered THE English propagandist tells us that Home Rule is impossible in Ireland for two reasons: (1) Ulster is a unit in opposition to Homo Rule...
...Revolution in Bohemia against Austrian rule (1848...
...Of that number £0 per cent, or 1,207,151 voted for an Irish republic and self determination and 308,713 voted to continue British rule...
...Civil war in Spain (1833-39...
...1, 1801, on the first day of the week, the first of the month, the first of the year, and the first of the century...
...that the last world war just about equalled the previous fifty...
...Although twice the size of Switzerland and twice the population of Norway ot Denmark, the annual government cost in Switzerland is $35,000,000...
...The ships from friendly America carrying food and charitable donations passed English ships from Ireland—the greedy English landlords carrying the Irish rent-produce away to a more profitable market...
...Carson, Bonar Law, and Sir Frederick Smith were all elevated, to high government positions...
...With a population decreasing under oppression...
...for two centuries Ireland was in internecine itrife against British misrule...
...100,000 Englishmen have jobs and trade and commerce as subjected to the will of John Bull...
...George Creel, who had charge of the publicity work for the United States government during the war...
...To quote Gerard's blunt phrase, 'the raising of the Ulster army by Sir Edward Carson, one of the most gigantic political bluffs in all history, which had no more revolutionary or political significance than a torchlight parade during one of our Presidential campaigns, was reported by the German spies as a real and serious revolutionary movement, and, of course, it was believed by the Germans that Ireland would rise in rebellion the moment that war was declared.' Why not...
...At his call 200,000 sons of Ireland enlisted and rendered brave service on every front...
...War between Austria and Piedmont (184S-49...
...We are being urged to neglect in this world crisis betrayed Ireland...
...Revolution in Spain against King Ferdinand VII (1822-1823...
...Big financial interests are located in Ulster...
...Preparations were made for a military engagement which went unchecked and afterwards unpunished by the British government...
...Revolution in Poland against Russia (1863...
...Insurrection in ' Piedmont against Austrian rule (1821...
...Revolution in Berlin (1848...
...Upon a visit to Ireland in 1916, Lord Asquith found the government in Ireland, "hopelessly broken down...
...Against the application of Home rule in Ireland, Sir Edward Carson, the Ulster leader in 1914, led a rebellion...
...THE real issue is "privilege...
...Give us home ru^e," said Redmond, the Irish nationalist leader, "and we will be responsible for Ireland without a soldier...
...Reading the volume, "Ireland and Her Story" by Justin McCarthy, one is struck by the fact that the leaders of Irish freedom in the past have been Protestants not Catholics...
...The Czechs, Poles, Jugo-Slavs, Finns and other submerged nations are to have the beneficent rays of freedom's light the power of "self-determination"—but not Ireland which for centuries has waged such a battle against British fraud and tyranny that would make the world ¦hudder were it to recount the struggle...
...Witness these summarized facts taken from historical records: Oppression has reduced Ireland's population from 8,175,124 in 1841 to 4,375,554 in 1914...
...A fine piece of safe-blowing on the part of England...
...These three countries maintain armies...
...Only 1 voter in 5 voted for English Rule...
...Egyptian War (1882...
...A conference was to be held in Ireland to decide on a new government...
...Why all this attention from the English...
...With the most powerful voices in England hailing the Kaiser as 'that great Protestant prince,' and 'continental deliverer,' what more proper for Wilhelm to assume than that he would be welcomed by the English even as William of Orange and his Dutch following were once given the possessions of the Btuarts...
...While the population of Ireland decreased one-half under oppression, it multiplied by four in the same period in the United States under frees dom...
...America, the friend of the oppressed, can well take friendly interest...
...The records of the provost marshal's office shows Irish boys, unnaturalized residents of the United States, stood at the top of the list in waiving exemptions to enter Uncle Sam's army...
...every humane consideration brushed aside,—no wonder British propagandists mingle among us to divert our attention from the rape of Ireland... a volume recently issued on "Ireland's Fight for Freedom," says: "All Irishmen and many Englishmen felt that the Ulster Rebellion was at the heart of Germany's determination to launch the World War...
...But the rulers of England have refused to obey the mandate of their own legislative body...
...Heading a recently published authentic list is "the Dutchess of Kendal, mistress of George I, $15,000 a year...
...Now the religious one is raised...
...The act of Union was passed by a compact and well rewarded majority of sixty...
...The cost of government in Ireland is exorbitant...
...In spite of the fact that industries in Ireland have been crushed, her trade in 1915 was $862,000,000, compared with $210,000,000 for Norway and $325,000,000 for Denmark...
...War between Prussia and Austria allied against Denmark, relative Schleswig-HoIsteiD (1864...
...Whatever its defects and shortcomings, it would not have been possible to carry by a majority of its votes, if left to their tree exercise, the destruction of the Parliament itself...
...Cuban Insurrection (1895...
...A year was spent in discussion...
...Ireland is ruled by an army of occupation...
...Propaganda—British Poison Gas England's New Offensive to Perpetuate Misrule, Exploitation in Ireland, And to Justify Military Occupation Is Uncovered By FRED L. HOLMES ¦"P»« HE people of the United States are being | treated to a bombardment of English propaganda...
...Education has been throttled...
...In attempting to enact the law the house of Commons was blocked at every turn by the house of Lords...
...It is divided into four provinces: Munster, Linster, Connaught and Ulster...
...In three years 1,500,000 died ef starvation...
...War between Austria and Hungary (1849...
...That was their reward for leading a rebellious movement against their own government...
...the judiciary $1,000,000 more and the police $5,000...
...It was necessary to obtain a majority to carry out the policy of the Government, and that majority was obtained at last by the most flagitious process of bribery and corruption...
...Every important city, and •specially every educational center is subjected to an oratorical barrage by English "M...
...A list of these wars was printed in the Congressional Record by Senator Reed, as follows: Napoleonic Wars (1792-1815...
...Insurrection in Venice against Austrian domination (1848...
...ton, Flood, Lucas, Dean, Swift, Hussey, Burgh, Wolfe Tone, Earl Charlemont, Lord Fitzgerald, Robert Emmet, Gavan Duffy, Lord Plunkett, Curran, John Mitchel, Thomas Davis, Smith O'Brien, John Martin, James Finton, Lalor, Isaac Butt, Parnell,—20...
...The home rule bill passed the house of Commons three times...
...Extravagant salaries are paid to these henchmen out of Ireland's purse...
...In 1370 le became the father of the "home rule" idea tnd with Parnell, Redmond and others have directed a parliamentary battle for over forty years—only to be ambushed...
...Why Ulsterists Escape WERE the leaders of the Ulster rebellion punished...
...Seven Weeks' War (1866...
...When these objections are brought to light they vanish like smoke...
...Revolution in France and the proclamation of the Republic (1848...
...War between Egypt and Turkey (1839-40...
...Ireland has an area of 32,600 square miles, a little less than the state of Indiana...
...Devious method's have been used by the English government to keep Ireland from home rule...
...America had been in the war for a year, the loans asked by England had been made, fully 15 per cent of the American fighting force was Irish as to ancestry, the Irish of the United States had put aside prejudices in devotion to the American cause, so that the only ir-reconcilables left to be considered were his own associates, such as Carson, Bonar Law and Smith...
...A Vote for Freedom THE people of Ireland do not want monarchial slavery...
...At least now we know what this species of propagandist is among us...
...Papineau of Canada fought the same tactics that Parnell and Redmond have faced...
...Unbridled by English rule a metamorphosis of activity in industry and commerce would sweep the isle...
...Ashantee War (1873-74...
...Insurrection in Lombardy against Austrian rule (1848...
...Franco-Prussian War (1870-71...
...22 for Wales...
...Taxes are high...
...Russo-Turkish War (1877-78...
...25,000 for his "outfit" and an allowance of $225,000 for his "household...
...sion under Gladstone found that Ireland was over-paying $13,750,000—a total over-payment since the act of union of $2,000,000,000...
...An English commis...
...Irish schools were forbidden and education among the masses wa3 kept alive by "hedge schools"—a secret method of teaching in fields and lanes, always under fear of possibility of arrest and jail...
...The Act became an operative law on Jan...
...Canada Faced Same Issue...
...Revolution in France against Charles X. followed by the establishment of the Orleans dynasty (1830...
...Approximately 75 per cent of the revenues in Ireland are raised by taxes on necessities of life...
...An authority on-.transportation says that "a parcel can travel 500 miles in England for half the price for 30 miles in Ireland...
...An enormous debt has been saddled upon Ireland...
...Ambassador Gerard, Dr...
...But home rule was denied...
...This and.more...
...And it probably cost as much as all the other wars of the last century...
...So the British propagandist has come to answer by enveloping us in a screen of smoke...
...The Irish potato famine came in 1845...
...Home Rule was shelved until the money and aid of the United States was needed in the war...
...Local government in Ireland costs $320,000 more annually than in Scotland...
...War between England, Russia, and France, as allied against Turkey for the independence of Greece (1827...
...For five centuries Ireland waged for freedom...
...with trade industries and commerce ruined...
...But how shabby and shoddy it is...
...It was finally granted in restricted form in 1908...
...Probably no single act so encouraged Germany to enter the war as the rebellion in Ulster...
...Of every 5 voters 4 voted for Self-Determination...

Vol. 12 • January 1920 • No. 1

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