PUFFS AND PUNCHES Enclosed please find $1.00 for renewal. I don't want to miss a single issue of this, the best magazine in the country.—E. G., Oklee, Minn. » * « I am c.x American from 1620 and...
...Perhaps Senator La Folletie may live to became a powerful factor in fighting selfishness and greed and it may be when he is better understood.—D...
...I have decided I can economize in some other direction, and not deprive myself of the pleasure of La Follette's.—H...
...It makes no difference on which side our sympathies are, the conditions are too plain to be disregarded...
...It's the only truth we get now days...
...America is not perfect, nothing in this world is, and there will be great works for able and influential men to do when this humble war is over...
...A few days since having a brain storm on the subject of economy, I sent you a cancellation of my subscription, which I now wish to ra call...
...I enclose $1.00 for the ye<ir 1918...
...STATUS OF WOMAN SUFFRAGE No one can study impartially the current facts about woman suffrage and not be convinced that the cause is going to win...
...Both the Republican and Democratic Parties pronounced in favor of the reform two years ago...
...The House has passed a resolution submitting the so-called Susan B. Anthony amendment to the states, and this week's dispatches from Washington declare that the Senate will probably take similar action...
...Hope the rest will follow...
...The President is pledged to it...
...It ia said that two Democratic Senators from the South have been won over and that their votes will give exactly the requisite number.—The Providence Journal, Thursday, March 14, 1918...
...N. H., Los Angeles, California...
...I wish that your magazine could be sent to every household in our country so that the people would be correctly informed as to what is going on at our National Capital.—P...
...C. F., Funk, Nebraska...
...I am letting my neighbors read it, and I know one of them has subscribed...
...P. C, Independence, Wis...
...Elizabeth, N. J. • * • Keep the good work going...
...A good jurist wants both sides.—S...
...M. K., Spokane, Washington...
...Four governors of Massachusetts, a secretary of state, two secretaries of the treasury and one of the navy have all been connected with my family, but greatest of all was Abraham Lincoln, President...
...Continue my magazine...
...Can't be without it...
...E. D...
...The vote promises to be very close, but nearly if not quite the two-thirds majority necessary is in sight...
...I am c.x American from 1620 and have never known anything but American and always thoroughly believed in the principles that actuated my forefathers...
Vol. 10 • August 1918 • No. 8