Farm Leaders, REA Consider Needs of Year WISCONSIN RAPIDS, Wis.—About 120 Wisconsin farm leaders met in the Witter hotel here Monday to discuss Wisconsin's rural electrification needs for the next...

...Lee i.loyd...
...While I am temporarily giving up the fight to take a complete rest to regain my health, I intend to resume the fight for cheap and abundant electric power just as soon as my health is completely restored...
...Wisconsin's REA program still leads those in other states because of the excellent knowledge, understanding and experience Wisconsin farmers have of the co-operative movement...
...Representatives of Wisconsin electric co-i.peratives submitted requests for approximately $4,000,000 to b; used In Wisconsin during the next 12 months for constructing additional rural electrification facilities...
...While Wisconsin led other states for a long time in the number of projects developed and money allotted, it had to surrender that leadership to larger states with more unelectrified areas...
...Becker told the conference...
...1. To speed up allotments and to determine the country's immediate rural electrification needs, the federal REA is conducting a series of field conferences around the country-John A. Becker, genpral manager of the Wisconsin Development Authority, was asked by REA representatives to participate in the conference...
...Wisconsin fanners should jealously guard their leadership in demonstrating that electric co-operatives can stand on their ow-n feet financially...
...Becker, whose resignation as WDA manager was announced last week-end, has been associated with the Wisconsin rural electrification program for the past five years...
...The conference was called by the federal REA which has lent more than $14,-000.000 during the past four years foi financing nearly 11,000 miles of rural electric 'me in the state...
...Other REA spokesmen were Carlton Nau...
...Farm Leaders, REA Consider Needs of Year WISCONSIN RAPIDS, Wis.—About 120 Wisconsin farm leaders met in the Witter hotel here Monday to discuss Wisconsin's rural electrification needs for the next fiscal year...
...field representative of the fedo-al REA examining division, presided...
...assistant director of the REA examining division, and George Lewis, special adviser to the director of the examining division...
...Nr.u explained the general procedure of securing loans for rural electric line construction and indicated that REA's lending fund of $100,000,000 for the fiscal year beginning July 1 would completely ear-marked by Sept...

Vol. 10 • June 1940 • No. 25

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