Revell, Aldric
Liberal Dems Support FDR's Foreign Policy Urge Every Aid to Allies 'Short of War* at Meet By ALDRIC REVELL Liberal Democrats concluded a 2-day conference at the Park hotel Sunday with the...
...More than 10.000 teachers from all parts of the nation are expected to attend...
...summer meeting of the National Education association a; Milwaukee June 30 to July 4. The meeting is being held in Wisconsin for the first time since 1919...
...Duncan will be secretary...
...The board also decided to aend candidates for the state legislature a questionnaire based on the league* legislative program...
...Other points in the legislative program follow: 1. Opposition to any bill providing for discrimination In either public or private employment based on sex or marital statue...
...The legislative program will be submitted to the general council of the league in October for final approvaL Under the heading of extension and improvement of civil service, the league urges an increased appropriation sufficient to provide for a reclassification of the service with inauguration of ratings by a disinterested expert agency working in cooperation with the bureau of personnel...
...Speakers will Include Doudna...
...Voters' League Asks Improved Civil Service A legislative program calling lor extension and improvements of civil service in Wisconsin by the 1941 legislature waa adopted by the board of directors of the Wisconsin L«ague of Women Voters at a meeting at the home of Mrs...
...Praise FR, New Deal The plank endorsing Pres...
...1, 1941...
...New Orleans, will preside at the convention...
...Bennett will be atate chairman of the department of government...
...Hicks will be assistant legislative chairman...
...and Raymond Kelly, national commander of the American Legion, who will speak on "Education for the Common Defense...
...and Raymond Johnson, new members of the executive board...
...Appointment of two Madison women, Mrs Edward Bennett and Mrs...
...the chief justice said...
...Davison Reelected Chairman of Co-od CENTURIA...
...Clarence A. Dykstra of the university of Wisconsin...
...Francis E. McGovern, Milwaukee, and read: "We commend and endorse the great achievements of our illustrious president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the Democratic national administration toward greater social and economic democracy...
...We believe that in this world struggle against force and political tyranny, our own interests and the preservation of the freedom and democracy we so cherish demand that we give every material aid and support to the Allies short of war...
...president of the NEA and principal of Audubon school...
...About 30 members of the Democratic Party Organization of Wisconsin, self-styled liberal wing of the party, approved a platform that took definite stands on agriculture, labor, social security nd general welfare and adjourned with the understanding that a state-wide convention would be called early in August to give final approval to the platform...
...Roosevelt and his sound and necessary defense program...
...John Northquest...
...Rosenberry's talk was made in the supreme court as he admitted the 65 members of the class to the bar...
...NEA Meet to Hear Doudna And Dykstra O. H. Plenzke...
...W. 8. Davison was re-elected president of the Polk-Burnett Electric Co-operative at the annual meeting here Monday...
...Alice Rood, and E. G. Doudnai will represent Madison teachers at the annua...
...We again affirm our faith in the president and his sound, just and humanitarian program and pledge to him our continued support and cooperation...
...4. Legislation providing a county children's worker as a member of the staff of every county public welfare department...
...Rosenberry said...
...He said that more and more the struggle will be between groups and the government rather than between the government and individuals...
...Preserve Bill ofRights, Law Grads Advised Chief Justice Marvin B. Rosenberry, of the state supreme court, urged the graduating law class of Marquette university last week to fight in the coming years to preserve the bill of rights for which their forefathers fought...
...I hope you will all see fit at the end of your complimentary membership in the state bar to remain In that organization," Rogers said...
...2. An amendment to the state constitution and legislation to permit counties to adopt forms of organization and government adapted to their needs...
...John Hicks, and of Mrs...
...In another action the board voted to send letter* to members of the state board of public welfare arid to Frank Klode, director of the department of public welfare, declaring that the league is interested that proper qualifications of training, experience, and ability be maintained in the application of civil service to eounty public welfare employes as required in federal social security act...
...Harlan B. Rogers...
...who is secretary of the state board of normal school regents: Pres...
...H. G. Nixon, at Hart-land, it was announced last week...
...It further recommended that local league* atudy the questions of a general sales tax and interstate trade barriers...
...Amy M. Hinrichs...
...While these developments are not necessarily in conflict with the constitution, it is the methods that are employed that are likely to result in the lass of individual freedom, he declared...
...We wholeheartedly support the wise foreign policy of Pres...
...and Mrs...
...That we use every effort and resource at our command to provide ourselves with adequate armament and defense so that our freedom and our ways of living can be preserved...
...It will be part of your obligation whether in private practice or public service to see that these rights for which our forefathers sacrificed anil fought are preserved...
...Rosenberry stated there were many organizations which imposed discipline on their members requiring subordination of individual rights to the welfare of the group...
...The league also support* placing of division head* of the state department of public welfare under errll service...
...Other officers elected were: Charles Bum-stad, vice president: Raymond O. Johnson, secretary-treasurer, and Guy-Clark...
...Thoma» Duncan, Milwaukee, to the league* atate board was also announced...
...Roosevelt was sponsored by former Gov...
...He advised the graduates to join the state bar and local bar associations as the best method of getting advice on their problems from older lawyers...
...Liberal Dems Support FDR's Foreign Policy Urge Every Aid to Allies 'Short of War* at Meet By ALDRIC REVELL Liberal Democrats concluded a 2-day conference at the Park hotel Sunday with the adoption of a tentative platform "wholeheartedly" supporting Pres...
...3. Larger local units of school support and administration...
...Roosevelt's foreign policy and urging "every material aid and support to the Allies short of war...
...No work can be more nobis than this nor more stimulating, none more worthy of toil and devotion and your best efforts...
...Portage, president of the state bar association, presented each graduate with a free paid up membership in the state bar association up to Jan...
...In the struggle to advance group interest, it is almost inevitable that the rights of the Individual guaranteed to him in the bill of rights will be lost sight of...
...Action taken Sunday was tentative and according to Gustave Keller, Appleton, president of the organization, the four committees which drafted the platform would continue to meet and take recommendations for other planks for submission to the statewide meeting in August...
Vol. 10 • June 1940 • No. 25