'Strive For a Continued Peace? Dykstra Plea Keep America American, He Says in Baccalaureate Strive for a continued peace but whatever happens, keep America "American to the core." Pres. Clarence...

...If our democracy is to persist, \vi cannot undermine it by little attacks and infinitesimal relaxations...
...He declared that little can be gained if the nation is strong enough to resist attack from the outside but succumbs to Internal strife...
...You have not been drilled in the lock step, the key to which is in the keeping of someone else...
...Dykstra said that America can survive if she is impregnable to attack from without and immune to disolution from within...
...It would seem almost axiomatic," Pres...
...Dykstra earnestly asked that In the present world crisis Americans retain their sanity, that they meet their problems legally and within the limits of the constitution, and that i they shun passion and emotion...
...Dykstra warned...
...This youth, it is true, is not conventional, it asserts its independence, it asks for reasons why, it experiments, it insists on being heard, it—sometimes without mercy or perhaps tactlessly—it is realistic perhaps because it is developing its own idealism as it has seen the failure of ours " Pros...
...If we should learn the lessons from the current bible of the present aggressor in Europe—'Mein Kampf,' namely, that hardness, cruelty, violence and treachery are the qualities that win in the modern world, America would already be defeated, for its essence and spirit would be no more...
...We of the democracies," he said, "have been taught that the individual is important...
...Dykstra said, "that we cannot i save civilization by abandoning the ! ordinary practices of civilisation...
...He declared that the "sacred duty' of every Wisconsin graduate Is to uphold this tradition "as the password of civilization" in a raging world...
...It is clear that even the American tradition might suffer under the attack of the mob...
...Pres Dykstra stared that the University of Wisconsin tradition is identical with that of the American idea which has contemplated the larger life for the individual...
...The Wisconsin Progressive senator, whose proposal to broaden the Income tax base has been adopted by congress in principle for the first time, will also attempt to change its provisions slightly to apply income surtaxes to $3,000 incomes and permit deductions for dependents up to the age of 20 years instead of the 18 year limitation now in effect...
...Three Ministers Participate The invocation at the Baccalaureate service was given by the Rev...
...The latter amendment...
...He j declared that when the time comes, | America should bt prepared to con-[ tribute generously of her resources to I the construction of world peace and security...
...Bob Will Ask Senate to Press Profits Taxes Also Seeks Changes In Broadened Income Lew Plan By RADFORD E. MOBLEY WASHINGTON, D. C—Sen...
...Let none of you think for one moment that we can give up our soul and then hope to recapture it again in our lifetime...
...This 1 will not concede about the youth whom I know best—Ihe youth of Wisconsin...
...There are those who say that American youth are unaware of their responsibilities and oblivious of their heritage—that they are soft and selfish, unwilling to face burdens or hardship or reality...
...When arms rise and fall rhythmically and voices cry hoarsely, rhythmically, 'Sleg Hell,' anything is possible...
...I tell you that no matter what course we may pursue in any near future America must remain America to the core—strong in the strength which is America, faithful to the end to the purposes for which she was established...
...You have been accustomed to joint action rather than action upon order and command...
...It was contended, would aid parents with children of college age who wish to give them the benefit of advanced education...
...La Follette explained today that his sudden exit from the senate finance committee last Saturday was not in anger, as some observers had guessed...
...Ralph D. Goggins read the scripture...
...Raymond F. Dvorak, played the processional for the march of graduating students to their scats on the main floor of the fieldhouse...
...said Pres...
...Perhaps we do not appreciate the workings of mass psychology and the frenzy which it induces...
...And so, the first counsel for this day to the youth of this day Is that you be strong and courageous in the American way—faithful to our tradition—believers in civilized attitudes and practices—guardians of those things for which another generation spilled blood — patient, thoughtful, generous, united, objectors to tyranny of every kind on every front, true to the heaven-flung prophetic vision promised in the original document which marked out our destiny...
...The test of the future success of this democratic way Is In your hands...
...La Follette said that he left hurriedly because he desired to be on the floor of the senate during consideration of legislation pertaining to farm co-operatives...
...First one stone and then another is thus pulled out of the foundation of a civilization...
...It must be kept whole and undented or It is in process of disintegration...
...Must Remain America' "If we look to some final peace, there must be some at the peace table who have not given themselves over to the bitterness which defeats itself...
...Clarence A. Dykstra urged Sunday afternoon In the annual University of Wisconsin baccalaureate address deliverer before 5.000 graduating students and their parents and friends in the fieldhouse here...
...These concepts are as far apart as the poles...
...Guard against panic and passion "during dark days" lest the American tradition and way of life be gradually undermined, Pres...
...We must not forget that even in America we have seen the mob go to a lynching with enthusiasm...
...Edward J. Blenker...
...The university concert band, directed by Prof...
...I have great faith in this youth—you with whom I have lived into this fourth year of our sojourn together...
...If we wish to keep the structure, each foundation stone tnust be zealously guarded...
...Dot Drilled in Lock Step Here in Wisconsin, in any event, you have been generously exposed to the Idea that the individual is the responsible unit of society and that he cannot evade individual imperatives...
...The Rev...
...We ! cannot outdo others in hating, for in-1 stance, lest we become even better haters...
...I do not know-that it is all quite so simple, but there is clarification for us in what may be over-simplification...
...the totalitarian teaching is that the individual is of no importance...
...You have been taught also that the harmonious and unified action of Individuals who have conferred together and chosen a road makes for national power and effectiveness...
...Charles F. Boynton and the benediction by the Rev...
...Structure Will Crumble" "A whole structure will crumble if only the foundation is successfully attacked...
...Robert M. La Follette (P-Wisi will carry his fight for an excess profits tax on the floor of tne U. S. senate this week during consideration of the administration's defense tax measure, it was learned today...

Vol. 10 • June 1940 • No. 25

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