News Views and Reviews Editorial Opinions from the Press of the Nation Germany Irks Americans (By Arthur Robb in Editor and Publisher, News* paper Trade Publication) THAT'S an old story, but it...

...Fashion is genlilily running away from vulgarity, and afraid ef bring overtaken bv il...
...These interests are planning to put on a big drive this year to get their gambling devices in places along every highway and by-way...
...Apparently Mr...
...After a two hour white house conference, he emerged to issue a lengthy political statement, including the unique assertion that the two-term tradition is a basic principle of our democracy...
...9. RELIEF—Adequate poor and unemployment relief and the restoration of purchasing power in the hands of the great masses of the people...
...If the democratic way of life has ceased to work everywhere except in our own country, and the servile way of life gets things done, people will begin to wonder...
...We are not going to bs allowed much leisure in which to make up our minds...
...And our ordinary newspaper reader, an honest chap who believss in fair play, has no use for the blitzkrieg...
...It is unfortunate In one way that llir clean-up had to come through a federal agency, H should have come through St...
...He thinks of them as groups of human beings like himself, people who want to be let alone, raising their crops, keeping their stores, running their lathes or their book-keeping machines...
...And we don't modify it when we add that all the headline confusion imaginable is trifling in its effect compared to the impact of the facts that the Germans have shown a flagrant indifference to the rights of every neutral neighbor, that they have discarded all the once-accepted amenities of civilization, that the only restraint they recognize is the limit of their own strength...
...HPHE Heil administration, which has •*• cost the state millions of dollars by changes made in income and inheritance tax laws, changes which operate in favor of the big income group, is now wrecking the property tax system as it applies to the big private utilities...
...Good Advice to Business Men From Chicago Daily News IT IS now a historical fact that Adolf Hitler and his gang of ruffians rode into power in (lormany with flif .support of business- men, industrial l.sts...
...Danger From Inside (From The New York Times) SHOULD it ever come to a physical test of strength between this country and the new despotisms from across the seas the Fifth Column we have to fear most is not attacks from the rear by enemy sympathizers with machine guns...
...Too late, they awoke to find that Nazism and Communism as it is practiced in the world today are virtually the same article...
...The Progressive proposes to keep the people of Wisconsin informed as to the activities of these racketeers, wherever they appear...
...If anything has been demonstrated in recent months, it is that Hitler, when he moves fast...
...8. SOCIAL SECURITY—Adequate old age pensions, unemployment insurance and an improved security program...
...While Gov...
...The tourist business is a tremendous thing to Wisconsin and It is up to this state to protect it as much as possible and see that it is kept on a respectable basis...
...That body, in the exercise of Its supervisory functions, wanted to know where certain funds of Union Electric had been spent...
...British Honduras, French, British and Dutch Guiana: the Falkland Islands...
...But the course and the record of the two city systems are very different...
...Is not that, in essence at least, due to a difference between the two cities...
...Milwaukee is not that kind of city...
...Slot machines and other gambling devices are a menace to good government because it has been demonstrated that where they are in operation, district attorneys and sheriffs have been corrupted, as has been demonstrated in Waukesha, Florence, Iowa, and other counties in the state...
...The bandwagon is a very insidious Fifth Column...
...nevertheless, there is a need these days for at least ordinary patriotism...
...Landon is not interested as much in national defense as he is in party politics...
...Heil became governor was it restored...
...Zellor, why does he neglect to mention that the securities division has renewed the license of H. M. Byllesby and Co., which spent $123,-000 in Wisconsin corrupting officials...
...I prophesy the state will lose millions of dollars In utility taxes...
...fT^HE latest of the Heil administration's publicity handouts from the governor's office is a glowing report of the wonderful Improvement in the enforcement of the state securities law under Gov...
...The Milwaukee Journal's Long Range Editorial Blasts iyHE PROGRESSIVE is glad to see the Milwaukee Journal discuss in a militant vein a case of private utility corruption as it does in the following editorial which appeared in a recent issue of the Journal: JAIL FOR UTILITY OFFICIAL A long road of activity that, to put It very mildly, was against the public good, ends for one St...
...and financiers who were fooled into thinking that Nazism was a safeguard against Communism...
...The trail led through city offices that could be "reached" down to the Missouri legislature, Into newspaper offices that could be bought, into any group where propaganda could be spread There is but one word for it...
...Local and state government fell down and the federal government successfully stepped in...
...As a result, the way has been opened for the utilities, always eager to escape paying their fair share of taxes, to involve the state in endless tax litigation...
...Roosevelt delivered the complete and crushing answer to Mr...
...The Wisconsin Conference for Social Legislation (now being given radio time over the university radio station, WHA) is a Communist front and a base from which emanates a steady stream of Communist literature...
...Manitowoc is a pretty level-headed, democratic community...
...The utilities in the state operating bus systems were saved $200,000 by the passage of a Heil administration law drastically reducing bus license fees...
...The people should know that these organizations are seeking support under false pretenses...
...The few thousand dollars that will be saved by this kind of "economy" will not amount to a drop in the bucket compared to what it will cost the states when the utility tax cheaters take advantage of the demoralization of property tax administration...
...Roosevelt on the national defense program...
...Sell Your Own Peanuts [From The Galesville Republican] CONGRESSMAN RALPH O. BREWSTER, former governor of Maine, called upon Republicans to "stop hating Roosevelt and get to work selling the G. O. P." Speaking at the 20th anniversary luncheon of the Republican Women of Pennsylvania, Brewster—now a senatorial aspirant —asserted: "The more time we spend hating Roosevelt, the less time we have to sell our own goods...
...We are going to have to act...
...THE COURTS—Liberalization and reform of the federal judiciary, including the U. S. supreme court, to curb the threat to democratic government that lies in judicial autocracy and usurpation of power...
...His instincts are all against it, as they are against the thug who shoots a cop from the ambush of a dark doorway...
...the French and British South Sea Islands...
...We'h stand on that...
...When one says, as another did, that the world would be better off under a strong universal leader, you wonder just what sort of service he is doing his country...
...The telephone companies of the state, particularly the Wisconsin Telephone Co., were saved $1,500,000 in the refusal of the Heil controlled legislature to re-enact the telephone tax for relief...
...An executive of the Wisconsin Power and Light Co...
...The CIO council In Madison is dominated by Communists and the organization has been used to further the distribution of Communist literature...
...The ordinary newspaper reader doesn't think of Norway, Denmark, Poland, Holland, Belgium, Austria, Czechoslovakia as lost customers for American goods...
...Landon, who carried two of the 48 'states as the Republican presidential candidate in 1936, was invited to confer with Pres...
...La Follette and not until' Mr...
...This action will require ships, planes and men...
...Louis and Missouri, for this was primarily their problem...
...WTHY IS IT...
...In the adjoining columns is reprinted an editorial from the Chicago Daily news which discusses "fifth column" activities in the United States and gives some sound advice to business men on what their attitude should be...
...Keep the Chicago Crooks And Gamblers Out WISCONSIN is now preparing to open its tourist and vacation season and welcome the hundreds of thousands of people who will be flocking to this state to see the beauties of forest, field, and stream and enjoy the outdoor recreation facilities of Wisconsin...
...But if it did...
...That "economy" means closing a few offices and firing a few employes...
...It's all irritating more because of the outrageous aggressions of which Hitler is guilty in Europe than because of any actual danger...
...among other things, the congressional power "to coin money, and regulate the value thereof...
...He knows 'that Germany overran them for their food, their gold, their machines, their railways, their shipping, or for their strategic nearness to major enemies...
...There were Indications thai accounts had been padded and "kickbacks" had been paid, all for the purpose or covering the "slush funds," Laun denied il and Unit wa> where he stubbed his toe...
...The Heil administration has drastically restricted utility regulation, by limiting the ability of the public service commission to assess costs of investigation against the utilities...
...and Japan is not slow, either...
...Milwaukee to every appearance has honest utility management, which, in recent years at least, has worked in co-operation with the public...
...It is our most solemn and urgent duty to begin instantly to see that, in sufficient quantities, the...
...Louis has had about the worst utility situation that could be imagined...
...It isn't possible to believe in both democracy and a Hitler...
...Facts like that dwarf any technical treatment that newspapers may give them...
...Coming from a man who is himself identified with big business interests, these words of warning to American business men against being taken in by pro-Nazi agitators are of special significance...
...The trail, so broad and easy at first, finally nar-nowed down to the danger point before the securities and exchange, commission...
...Louis utility executive...
...4. MARKETING CO-OPERATIVES—Development of a strong farm producers' co-operative marketing movement...
...2. How to acquire in time the means necessary to this defense...
...Landon's petulant "We won't play" was indicative of the political desperation in the G. O. P. camp and the Republican party's lack of issues...
...2. WAR PROFITS — Elimination of war profits...
...And so the Republicans, if Mr...
...Roosevelt is receiving from all sides in the crisis brought on by the war in Europe...
...Wc do not think nor want to imply that the Milwaukee management would wish to duplicate the conditions which existed in Missouri for more than a decade...
...Need for Patriotism [From The Manitowoc Herald-Times] IT IS very easy to overplay this "fifth-column" business and turn it into a red-baiting, spy-hunting, persecution hysteria...
...Aldro Jenks, formerly supervisor of ascessments at Wausau who served with the tax commission for 12 years says of the situation: "We are going back to where we were 30 years ago in general property tax administration...
...was appointed to the position of secretary of the public service commission, the regulatory body with Jurisdiction over the utilities of the state...
...The most dangerous parachute enemies are the doubts dripping into our hearts that perhaps Hitler and Stalin have the right answer to the future...
...Let us not be diverted by antipathies and animosities...
...What About The Byllesby License, Gov...
...When a man tells you, as one told us the other day, that Hitler is the world's greatest man and dictatorship Is better than democracy you nat-urallv question his American patriotism a bit...
...The license of this firm to do business In this state was suspended under the administration of Gov...
...Tax experts are agreed that the reorganization of the property tax division of the state department of taxation has wrecked the machinery by which a reliable average state tax rate was computed...
...Much more serious Is the Fifth Column of lost of confidence in our own values...
...Roosevelt immediately withdraws as a possible third term candidate was the prize boner of the 1940 G. O. P. political campaign...
...Those who have resisted have been liquidated or have had to leave the country like the fabulous Fritz Thyssen...
...You don't see any department stores calling attention to their competitor across the street, and there's no reason why we should either...
...Communist Fronts Here In Madison TIT ADISONIANS should keep these things in mind: The Workers Alliance (now being given time over university radio station, WHA) is no longer a workers' organization and has- degenerated into a Communist front from which Communist resolutions and literature are issued...
...This handful of people with un-American ideas probably isn't important...
...Heil is patting himself on the back and praising the securities division under Mr...
...3. INCOME TAX—High inheritance and income taxes to be levied on the beneficiaries of monopoly...
...The Progressive understands that "y are becoming brazen enough as to attempt to take a hand in the politics of this state and lend financial and other assistance toward electing sheriffs and district attorneys whom they think they can persuade to permit them to operate their gambling and vice rackets...
...Landon is to be regarded as their spokesmen, will now sulk in their tents while Pres...
...The Utilities Cash In On The Heil Administration HPHE big private utilities which so en-¦*¦ thusiastically backed the Heil candidacy in the last campaign are crowding the gravy table and the pie counter and are being given handsome helpings...
...The business men that backed the Nazis are now mere puppets of the Nazi machine...
...Knox, 1936 Republican vice-presidential candidate, is publisher of the Chicago Daily News...
...Here's the story, as outlined by the Wisconsin State Employes association which has had tax experts study the effects of the Heil administration's reorganizing of the state tax commission: Utilities in Wisconsin are taxed by the state at the average state tax rate...
...In a few short words, Pres...
...6. UNIONS—Development of a strong trades union movement...
...They exist under the same kind of brutal dictatorship, practice the same brand of aggression to further the same kind of imperialistic ambitions...
...Roosevelt carries forward a program of defense which has the almost unanimous support of the American people...
...The American Student Union is a Communist front...
...however, that the Mil-™ waukee Journal does not use the same militant tone regarding examples of utility corruption and misbehavior right here in Wisconsin...
...In the face of Mr...
...Albert C. Laun, former vice president and lobbyist of the Union Electric Co., is sentenced to jail and heavily fined on three counts of perjury...
...The best protection is local protection, if it can or will function...
...It is a sign the two things are not far apart.— Hazlitt...
...He is too busily engaged with problems of far greater national importance...
...THE PROGRESSIVE PLATFORM 1. PUBLIC OWNERSHIP of natural resources and of those activities with a public interest—light, heat, power and transportation...
...5. PURCHASING CO-OPERATIVES — Development of a strong farm-urban consumers cooperative purchasing movement...
...He doesn't realize as he reads his paper that we won't be able to ship them our corn, wheat, automobiles, or whatever, for a long time, and that the loss of those markets may hit him in the paycheck before many months have passed...
...The first principle of salesmanship is to peddle your own peanuts...
...Whatever we may decide to do, if anything, about the Dutch and British East Indies, French Indo-China, Australia, New Zealand and Iceland, and whatever the terms that France and Britain and Holland and Denmark may be forced to agree to, it is certain that we cannot allow Germany or Japan or any other non-American power to acquire any of the following territories: Canada, Newfoundland, Greenland, St...
...Most of them sin mainly in not thinking...
...And the Heil administration has done this in the name of "economy...
...From the white house came the statement: "The president regrets he has no time, just now, to give to the preparation of political statements...
...Laun was one of a group of Union Electric officials, now ousted, who evidently believed that the way to get what they wanted was to corrupt government...
...We have already written that newspapers have contributed to war hysteria, especially in the East, by headlines over unconfirmed, confusing, and conflicting news from the various fronts...
...News Views and Reviews Editorial Opinions from the Press of the Nation Germany Irks Americans (By Arthur Robb in Editor and Publisher, News* paper Trade Publication) THAT'S an old story, but it is being repeated today...
...we are sure it would have one hot fight on its hands long before 10 years elapsed...
...Each year the Chicago gambling and slot machine interests seek to exten3 their sway in this state and it is up to this state to stop the infiltration of this element whose activities only give Wisconsin a black eye if permitted to operate without interference...
...If we let Hitler, or anyone else, get ahead of us now, after all that the world has seen of late, we shall fully deserve whatever consequences then befall us...
...Union Electric is controlled by the North American Co., the same as the Milwaukee electric utility...
...Dies and other timid observers it may be contended that there is very little chance of subversive barricades in our streets...
...governmental monopoly on the manufacture and sale of munitions...
...Questionable practices by certain private utilities in Wisconsin in their fight against municipal ownership do not seem to interest the Milwaukee Journal, although it fires broadside after broadside when the enemy is far away...
...A Complete Answer A LF LANDON'S outburst to the effect that Republicans will refuse to co-operate in the new national defense program unless Pres...
...He knows that none of them as a nation could have attacked Germany...
...Landon's statement was undoubtedly conceived by Republican party leadership, which finds itself bewildered by the turn of events and the overwhelming support that Pres...
...Icor, the Jewish organization, is a Communist front...
...And now the biggest helping of gravy —a set-up under which the private utilities of this state will save millions of dollars in taxes...
...Britain and France don't need any propagandists in America to arouse hatred of Hitler's Germany...
...are ready for immediate and unhesitating use, at the moment of need...
...Why We Must Work Fast (From The Chicago Daily News) TWO extremely grave questions confront this nation, as we face squarely at last the possibility that within the next few weeks or months, both France and Britain may go down to defeat before Hitler: 1. How best to defend the western hemisphere...
...This average is the ratio of general property taxes paid to the true value of the general property in the state...
...The two are opposltes...
...7. BANKS—A government owned central banking system to break the grip of the money trust by carrying out...
...When a group is ridden with strong pro-Naal tendencies and its members tell you they prefer Hitler to any of the American leaders, you wonder just where they fit in our democracy...
...a plebiscite on wars which would send American soldiers to foreign soil...
...Pierre and Miquelon, the Bahamas, Bermuda, the French, British and Dutch West Indies...

Vol. 10 • June 1940 • No. 22

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