United States Cannot Escape Effects of War Prof. Kiekhofer U. W. Economist Says Economic Isolation Is Impossible American economic life can not be isolated from the effects of the war. Prof....
...of Missouri, in SEC proceedings under three statutes involving alleged illegal conduct by Union Electric and its officials...
...They have a 37 per cent normal tax on inromes beginning at $350 a year and the public is ealline for more taxation because it doesn't think a $10,000,000,000 budget is big enough...
...was joined last with its subsidiary, the Union Electric Co...
...Kiekhofer said that both sides in the present conflict have enough man power to last for many years, that the present war is more mechanized than the last one, and that there is no need for the large armies of 25 years ago...
...Find Red Editor Guilty of Libel NEW YORK CITY—Clarence A. Hathaway, editor of the Communist newspaper, the Daily Worker, was convicted of criminal libel by a jury which, for the last three weeks had heard evidence presented before Judge John J. Freschi in general sessions...
...All municipal taxes in this town of 484 residents have been abolished...
...Heretofore the North American Co...
...It is unlikely that the army would be sent...
...How can nations economically afford to engage in another war when they can't pay the obligations incurred in the world war of 25 years ago...
...He said the present war is costing more during its early months than the last war cost in its peak year...
...Substantial sums have been received by the company, receipt of which was not properly reflected in the books...
...Kiekhofer also discussed financing of war...
...Kiekhofer explained that the war is being financed by the imposition of heavy taxes, by the floating of loans and by inflation...
...North American either dismissed cr laid off all Union Electric officials who became involved...
...Town with Public Plant Voids Taxes MILTON, Wash...
...There will be nothing left of our present civilization at the end, he predicts...
...He said the Allies have an abundant supply of ore, copper, rubber, wool and cotton, but lack crude oil...
...he asked...
...Thinks War Will Last a Century KENT, O.—Louis Bromfield, author and war veteran, thinks the present European war will last 100 years and eventually involve the world, he told a gathering of students...
...William H. Kiekhofer...
...has not been directly involved in the Union Electric case and its officials have taken the position that they knew nothing of the alleged irregularities...
...It is impossible to isolate America cronom'cally from war," Prof...
...In support of this position...
...A public hearing was ordered to begin not earlier than June 1. Points to be determined are whether with the knowledge of North American: Substantial sums were disbursed by Union Electric for purposes other than those for which they were reported in the company's books...
...The SEC proceedings which have gone forward for a year were preliminary investigations under the securities act, the securities exchange act and the holding company act...
...Substantial contributions have been made, directly and indirectly in connection with the canidacy, nomination, election or appointment of various persons to public offices...
...An ordinance sweeping away all local taxes was passed by the city council after a 1940 municipal budget of $21,600 was approved...
...Kiekhofer declared...
...university professor of economics, told 50 women at the ywca forum luncheon in the city ywca Monday noon...
...No nation that has the men or the resources will be deterred because of economic reasons...
...Germany lacks all of these essential war materials, he claimed...
...Substantial sums have been disbursed for the personal use of certain officers and employes so they might make gifts to or entertain persons holding public offices and others...
...The SEC's action brings into the open for the first time a utility investigation which already has resulted in three perjury indictments and the starting of a civil proceeding under Missouri law to revoke the charter of Union Electric for allegedly making political contributions...
...If political isolation should break down, the first things to happen would he extension of credits to belligerents and the sending of the navy and air fore abroad...
...Utility Holding Charged With Many Abuses WASHINGTON, D. C—The $1,000-000,000 North American Co...
...The British are taxing themselves nobly and I admire them," he said...
...Answering his own question, he said: "The ability of a nation to engage in war doesn't deprnd on its national debt, but on the man power, material resources, and money...
...Substantial payments have been made for the purpose of "influencing the opinions and conduct of persons holding public office...
...He believes the u. S. will preserve its neutrality for 8 or 10 years and then join in...
...He said he believes Italy will enter the conflict on the winning side...
...Revenues, Mayor Kenneth Simons said, will come from profits of the utility...
...I favor the selling of supplies to hclllgercnts under the present plan, because we are safer from participation by taking our ships out of certain shipping lanes...
Vol. 10 • May 1940 • No. 20