...It is that group that has been feeding the sinews of war to Europe and Asia for profit...
...But we are going to town, and I don't mean maybe...
...Why the unusual venom displayed...
...Then came the wily Disraeli who saw labor had to be nailed down...
...Ford once told me that «e should be known by our mistakes...
...Upon conviction of a fine of not more than $1,000, or imprisonment for not more than one year or both...
...Taking this created bank credit, and understanding that real wealth was created only by labor, they expanded their plants and employed the labor to create the new wealth with which to pay back the bank's created credit...
...Also visualize the enormous saving by having one centralized office building for our organizations and have a standard monthly dues of $1.10 for all railroad workers...
...Reds Right...
...The country would be wrecked if he were not re-slccted or some one who was capable of filling his place like Cor-dell Hull and La Guardia of New York as vice president...
...I am enclosing a list of trial subscriptions and want to take this opportunity to compliment you on your excellent paper...
...Jensen's broad outlook speaking and writing of beauty at a time when a large part of the world is engaged in the grim business of war and destruction...
...From what has come to light recently, a great many public officials are affiliated with the underworld...
...The Progressive Party has my good wishes, but I am afraid it is too slow for swift movement in these perilous times...
...You're going to stop at nothing to preserve self-interest...
...Yes, please renew my subscription to The Progressive...
...1. of La Follette's Weekly 'and usually agreeing with you...
...Franklin D. Roosevelt scuttled and sank without a trace a judicial set-up that was even worse...
...One of the best acts of the La Follette committee was that of throwing light on the horrible conditions of labor in the fruit and vegetable fields of California...
...These clubs to be established for the purpose of providing a place where all railroad workers and members of their family can go and enjoy mutual acquaintance and social entertainment...
...General Electric (Havre de Grace...
...In Every Home (Jackson, Mich...
...Their action is an out and out double-cross to the rank and file of all railroad labor...
...Here is tne timely letter which has come to The Progressive from Mr...
...If a poor man steals a loaf of bread to keep his family from starving, he gets a jiiil sentence, while the man with plenty of cash and pull often gets away with murder by the "not guilty by reason of insanity" route...
...Jensen are always a welcome relict from the depressive headlines of tne day...
...I believe neutrality in the present world affairs is the only logical attitude our country should take...
...Yet criminals carry anything from an automatic to a tommy gun...
...I am now going to disagree...
...secured through the efforts of the Railroad Employee's National Pension association, a rank and file movement, A small benefit, the train limit law, passed the senate but the administration killed the bill before it came to a house vote...
...They are, no doubt, responsible for the many misleading statements...
...Wheeler is their support of the old line supreme court that would have given the last laugh to all of our predatory interests when it would leave annulled about all the progressive legislation they pretend to favor...
...If you can't do it, take the next boat to Europe's "mad Hell" and then do as you please...
...Good luck and keep the good work up—j...
...I have mastered the art of being gentle...
...The Almighty is the farmer's friend...
...I want to send my congratulations through The Progressive to Sen...
...and Finland certainly docs need help now...
...But the help we arc sending to Finland now is as nothing compared to what was sent to Russia in the year of 1922 when the Russian people were suffering of starvation...
...That is a long time to remain In ignorance of the fact that the people of the U. S. found out Mr...
...In the same issue of the Star from "Elame America" I quote: "London, Apr...
...Result—Charles I lost his head...
...Oswald Garrison Villard's European comments are very enlightening, and your pages on public ownership and the "People's Forum" are very timely.—E...
...What are we here for on this blessed earth...
...I just read your front page editorial's "call to arms...
...that the farm is not a place to make money hut in make a good home for him and his family—something to lie proud of—somcthins worthwhile to pass on to the next generation...
...It certainly wouldn't hurt them a bit as they blow it in anyway, and it would help to keep some good-for-nothing drunken drivers off the highways and that way prevent accidents and save human lives.—NELS P. JORGENSON...
...when you sum up your conclusions of the world, one cannot help but realize that there are two sides to every question and one attitude I believe should be neutrality.— CHARLES SCHAFER...
...I think England has run the U. 8. long enough...
...It is hard to believe that men chosen to represent our interests and to secure us needed benfits should callously repudiate us...
...That was changed seven years ago...
...Russia certainly won't help to build up what it destroyed...
...Judge Manton is an example...
...Likes Makeup (Ruby, Wash...
...HE was a Scottish minister of the old style, and found it difficult to absorb new ideas...
...No wonder crooks no longer fear the law in this country—suspended jail sentences, convictions set aside, cases dismissed, and paroles issued to those who can pay for them...
...The U. S. is fast becoming the most lawless civilized country on earth...
...There was a bill which became a law that all the nations that repudiate their debts to this country could not borrow any money from this Rovernment nor from private concerns...
...Large ownership has frozen out all small Industries and machinery has driven vomen and children and fathers of families on the street like sheep...
...One weak spot in the armour of such so-called champions of human rights as Sen...
...Some of their places certainly look tough...
...secretary of the railroad labor executive's association, openly stated that the railroad brotherhood chiefs, with the exeption of Mr...
...The spring airs had brought rosy cheeks on fields and farm...
...15—Suggestions that America, in some way or other, is responsible for the war in Europe are becoming daily more current in public speeches and the press...
...You know factories do not always look good...
...They receive billions of dollars every' year without doing a stroke of work...
...That's nothing...
...I was asked no questions by the census taker which I would not have been required to answer had I taken out a life insurance policy...
...There is a great need for a permanently established "railroad good fellowship club'' in every railroad terminal, where all railroad workers and members of their families can meet on social and frendly terms, discuss freely their mutual problems and work collectively for their solution...
...Could such things happen in any other civilized country...
...I descended from the Danes and I know just how-much they hate England, and I also know that the Norwegian people do not love England any more than they do Germany...
...Roosevelt because millions of men are walking the streets without soles in their shoes...
...Jensen: Spring is a tonic in more than one way...
...If the employing class refuses to be told this in plain English, take industries out of their hands...
...Abraham Lincoln abolished the slaveholders' court...
...He Joined Washington in Pennsylvania, crossed the Delaware, fought at Trenton, Princeton, Rocky Hill and up through New Jersey...
...France is drawing dangerously near the deadline.When she turns machine guns on the Communists, her people will revolt and overthrow...
...He Hates England (Washington...
...Let us learn the lesson and the mystery of the toil...
...The Yanks Are Not Coming...
...The Progressive has told us that large ownership has large surpluses every year because they are allowed to do as they please...
...That tied down labor hand and foot...
...The War Trade, (Mineola, N. Y.)—In an editorial In your issue of May 4, under the caption, "Watch Out for Communist and Nazi Propaganda Under High Sounding Names," you warn agalast "keep out of war" groups or organizations, charging such organizations with being fronts for Nazi and Communist propaganda...
...There are millions of free thinkers out here in the field who are watching the show and will take an active part some day, if need be, and demand freedom of conscience to worship their economic and religious ideals as they choose...
...Let us check t lie record...
...Phil La Follette should run for governor of Wisconsin...
...All three of you are perfectly aware just what this so-called "old age pension" is, and the proper term for it...
...Read "Paroles over the Counter," by Martin Mooney...
...Look at the record...
...As you vvere...
...In these days of confusion, of strife and intolerance, it is well to think about...
...Let the government take over all Industries, shorten the hours of labor, put the children back in school, let the women go back to their homes, and put fathers of families back to work for wages high enough to support their families...
...I surely enjoy your paper as it gives us the Tacts, and facts are hard things to find in the papers we get to read out this way...
...My Progressive arrived on today's mail, and I note that my subscription is about up, so am enclosing two one dollar bills...
...Where are we going to get the money from to run our state government with...
...The iecent decrees of the federal trade commission ordering the General Electric Co...
...I have two brothers and one nephew of war age and don't want them cross the sea to fight for King George or any other monarchial form of government of any Euroyean country...
...its power of understanding as to what makes a great and happy land no keener than that of the foreign dictators...
...England ruled the League and wrecked it...
...That Is one...
...It looks to me like you were finally beginning to see the light—EMERY G. SCHELLER...
...And who were the Vikings...
...We are not going to pay billions or borrow this money for relief and let the trusts go free...
...Why ban wire tapping...
...On page 21, you will find "Section 14...
...He cut down agriculture so England had to buy more than half what she ate...
...One must be almost afraid to buy their products...
...My great, great grandfather came to America in 1776 as a boy of 16 to fight for the colonies...
...For over a long period of 10 years railroad labor has received only one beneficial law, our present railroad retirement act...
...It shall be a felony...
...Some day the nations of Europe may break down their national hatreds and become a United States of Europe...
...Jensen's Plea For Rural Beauty ALETTER HAS just come to Tne Progressive from Jens Jensen of Ellison Bay up in Door county...
...Japan would never have taken Manchuria and Italy would never have gone into Ethiopia...
...Y'ou claim that The Progressive is one of the few papers that give the people an honest, unbiased statement of facts without resorting to downright lies or half-truths...
...The kept press overlooked this item as electric light enters into the cost of everything...
...When thugs, racketeers, and murder rings flourish as they do here, it's time a Gestapo or OGPU took over...
...Both of the La Follettes In their quest for votes and position have also employed the same disceptive term...
...Do you intend to lynch the Communists or give them the electric chair...
...Don't be misled by any smear campaign conducted against the FBI which is in all probably instigated by criminals or perhaps foreign agents.—MRS...
...Sends Trials (Oakland, Cal...
...After the passage of this measure, watch the taxdodgers got in line...
...We have experienced a lot of fault-finding with government spending, and speculation of where the money was coming from to settle the debt...
...H. CARROLL...
...A similar tax law was enacted in Hawaii several years ago...
...No longer can the rank and file look to the ralroad labor executive's association for leadership in the struggle for benefits and labor's rights...
...The farm bureaus, chambers of commerce, agricultural colleges, and other production boosters have been making it awful hot for the trustful yeomanry of this country... "keep them out of mischief...
...Look out, you might fall...
...There are plaintive wails about the "brutal methods" used by the G-men in dealing with murder rings, kidnapers, racketeers, gamblers, swindlers, spies, saboteurs, hold up men, foreign agents and other criminals who do not hesitate to kill all who oppose them...
...Why all the ranting against the FBI and J. Edgar Hoover...
...I presume it is Mother who is bossing here and wants things tidied up a bit...
...No better advertisement for your products...
...The ether day at the club it was about the beauties of nature that he wanted to (pore his companion...
...So when he was asked if he thought it was wrong to take a walk in the country on Sunday afternoon, he thought things over for a while before he replied: "Well, as I see it, there's no harm In ye takin' a walk on the Sawbath, sae lang as ye dlnna en-Joy yourself...
...Are they, too, asked whether they have any other source of income, or any children or other relatives able to contribute to their support before receiving THEIR pensions...
...When all railroad workers, either of hand or brain, come to recognize the fact that they must eventually stand or fall together, a new era will indeed dawn in this land of the free and industrial justice will speedily be attained.—C.H...
...It is that group that counsels huge expenditures in our country for so-called preparedness to fight those countries which they have previously armed, such expenditures yielding, of course, handsome profits...
...Hold it...
...They settled in northwestern France and William, the Conqueror, (the Al Capone of his day) muscled in on the English earls...
...They are so inhuman...
...Maybe, your natural sympathies dictate your attitude in this regard, but you must remember that the crowd never is able to differentiate between truth and propaganda...
...Isn't the count the same today...
...Sham Christianity and sham democracy arc all over with...
...If we are neutral, should we continually lambast one of the parties in the World war and remain silent on the other party's flagrant violations of world customs and conventions...
...I hope that we have FDR for another four years...
...The past year I have been reading too much history written before tai* to escape modern bias...
...When I visit England and my far distant cousins say to me so smugly and arrogantly, "The Yankees are all such suckers," I can say nothing for I think we are...
...Defends G-Men (Pittsfield, Me...
...Group railroad labor leaders in every terminal should organize before the November election and be prepared to call before their "united group" all candidates for election, regardless of party, and be prepared to present these candidates with a program and ask these candidates to either pledge to support this program or reject it...
...No 'Pensions' (Two Rivers...
...From early days Norway, Sweden and Denmark have fought one another, tooth and claw, for centuries, sometimes under one king—sometimes under three, Marquia Child's book 1» really funny when you know your history...
...Perhaps our farmers are lea-nin...
...I belong to an old family of title, not a modern political title...
...He sends His hot winds often enough to protect Him from piling up surpluses that under our present economic system wouldn't be worth store room...
...If you will read Sorenson's "Norway" and Nils-son's "Sweden" (standard works),you will see how silly your page one "Mad Dictators" really is...
...This proposed "General Welfare act" is to be financed by a transaction tax...
...In prison the inmates are given turkey dinners on Thanksgiving and Christmas while poor but honest people :-re lucky if they get a pork chop...
...Now you see why we have an unemployment problem...
...Let us all work for justice for the aged citizens of our country who have contributed brain and brawn to help build these United States of America...
...Here is the true fountain of democracy...
...Maybe you can learn from here how to handle Communists, especially "Christian" Communists...
...It may be done by war or it may be done by association of nations...
...Doesn't it give any satisfaction to know that you are lending a helping hand to someone who really needs It...
...Well, what seems to be the matter...
...This statement is based on several benefits requested by railroad labor during the last 10 years...
...Railroad workers on the extra board or reserve list with members of their family also eligible to membership and exempt from regular dues unless they make at least 10 days out of each half...
...And how the robber English howl about their moral superiority...
...Remember, these gentry are only getting what they deserve...
...The late Sen...
...The Russians destroyed the homes of half a million people of Finland...
...j. C. GLASCOW...
...Do public enemies merit special consideration...
...asked one of those who had the misfortune to be near him...
...Bobbie Taft tells us that if the trusts were allowed to go free without taxation that the money they pay for income taxes could be given to the unemployed...
...Tobey told people not to answer the census questions...
...Your capitalist front it doomed and you weep crocodile tears when you see fascism and capitalism coming together which will result in utter destruction for both conservative ideals...
...If private industry can not put them to work cre-ating new wealth, it would seem to be the duty of government to create its own credit and put this vast horde to work generating the wealth to cancel the government's spending, the same as corporations do.—DR...
...I see in the same issue of The Progressive that the editor of the Boston Traveler still calls Boulder Dam the Hoover dam...
...E. EVANS...
...Public Ownership (New York City, N. Y.)—Anti-New Dealers are knocking Pres...
...We are fighting to keep out of war and our American sob sister is over there with her propaganda taken with a painless powder gently getting us into it...
...E. PAYNE...
...What prompts that reflection...
...Club membership to organize a band and orchestra and arrange all social and business meetings...
...H. G. Ells has said, her ruling classes want to keep what they have...
...Here youth gains its first Impression never to be forgotten... willfully fail to make any required return . . . with intent to defraud the United States government...
...Look Pleasant Two dentists, who happened to be traveling on the same train, discovered they were of the same profession...
...It was figured at $17,920,-000,000...
...I like your paper because it is straight and truthful, but in the Mar...
...Organized crime numbers more than 4,-000.000 in the U. S. This sudden outcry against the FBI has the appearance of a colored gentleman in the political woodpile...
...Is this the first step in the campaign against objectors to the war now brewing...
...Not so—they are a naHon of butlers and servants to a small ruling class...
...Why not record them...
...As a subscriber of your paper, may I ask why you persistently continue to call the present "old age dole" or "outdoor relief to which the federal government contributes a part, a pension, as you have again done on the first page of your May 4 issue... 8 p.m...
...Then the English looted the world and the shipowners and mercantilists grew so much richer than the land owners (and in liquid assets) they determined to have part in the government and in social prestige...
...The whole country seems to be filled with corruption and graft in high places...
...Gives the Facts (Oatman, Ariz...
...Suppose we try something like this...
...I refer to the war mongers whose greed for gold and lust for power knows .io bounds...
...Henry won on his bet...
...My patients always arrange for their photos to be taken when I operate, because that's the only time they have such a pleasant expression " • • • When I hear any man talk of "unalterable law" the only effect it produces on me is to convince me he Is an unalterable fool.—Sydney Smith...
...j. McCarthy...
...Immediately their conversation turned to "shop...
...Can farmers depend on such leaders to pilot agriculture...
...Then the industrialists grew so powerful they followed the lead of the shipowners and demanded their share in government and social prestige...
...Why," answered Muggins, "look at the way she has placed our ears...
...Collectively, you may change it...
...a 50 car train limit law-, a six hour day, a 12 hour Leer-vice law, a six hour day a 12 hour Rears of service regardless of age...
...Anyone can clearly picture the possibilities of a "united organization," its power to demand and secure for us the benefits we need and are justly-entitled to receive, without further delay...
...It, is that group for whom American youth would die, for whom American homes .vould be demolished, for whom American democracy would eventually be sacrificed...
...For many years railroad workers have asked lor less miles and higher wages, a full crew law...
...In Germany two young men tried pocket book snatching during a recent blackout...
...Here youih learns its first lesson...
...This is all for the purpose of getting us gullible Americans to pull British imperialists chestnuts out of the fire...
...The dams of tariffs and national ideals will be changed...
...Expose this evil, preach against it day in ind day out, and eventually the American people may be aroused to the point where they will demand the abolition of this most horrible of American institutions, the war trade...
...Prisoners are given movies once a week while a lot of honest people cannot afford to see a movie or purchase a radio...
...If the G-men do not handlo the tough, plug uglies, denizens of the underworld, and foreign spies with kid gloves, don't weep too much, sob sisters...
...Father—Well, don't come to me for sympathy...
...They left death and destruction in its path, so let's not feel that the help we arc able to send to them is going to waste as we all know that...
...Delta, Ohio)—I' am enclosing rrfy subscription...
...You and I will not help ,by pushing the nation into it...
...If half the theories taught in the classroom were thrown in the ash can and more instruction given about the soil to which we belong and from which all growth comes, the rural folks would be wiser and the result beautiful farms, fields, roadsides, and first of all, beautiful schools...
...L. CREETY...
...Paul, Ark...
...To abolish this unjust system of private ownership is public ownership.— FRANK P. SCHWALM...
...In revolutionary days we were roughly one third Tories, one third patriots, and one third jumping from side to side as they thought they were to win...
...I had foreign war experience, sickness, no job, and helped save the country for usury, monopoly, and greed, and we got the national economy act after spanning 40,000 millionaires...
...But, alas, today, In spite of the continuance of many liberal policies, you have and are pursuing a policy in my opinion, which if continued, will together with other nation-.vide agitation involve us in a foreign war...
...La Follette, he would be more useful in the Senate following in the footsteps of Sen...
...Nature sets the pace...
...Whitney president of the B. of R. T., had made an agreement with the railroads to oppose any amendments to the retirement act...
...A year has passed r.ince writing that prior to congress taking action on monopolies, a newspaper did not seem complete without an article concerning the General Electric Co., and pictures of Owen D. Young and Gerard Swope appeared so often that it looked as though they were used to fill space when news was scarce...
...And then there are the rural schools...
...Then Henry VIII woke up to the fact the church owned over half the land and wealth in England...
...Yet he did want to keep in touch with modern manners...
...We shall never have peace in this world until England is laid out flat and finished for good...
...Well, they got around that and the money has been flowing to Europe just as if there ivere no bill to stop it... is notable for its understatements...
...Hell's administration...
...I am afraid the Communists are right although I am not sure.— MRS...
...Individually, you're doomed to a change where might makes right, or die...
...Has England ever done anything for any land except her little closed cooperation of the "ruling" class...
...You are also aware just what is required of old people in order to get their parsimonious dole...
...What would be wrong with raising the tax on liquor and letting the ones who like to rub their stomachs against a bar help pay the taxes that way...
...She Leaves Us (Parowan, Utah)—Stop your infamous newspaper at once...
...He says the government is planning to use the census files as a police system...
...The FBI is the only law enforcement agency which the gangsters fear...
...Mo.—The rank and file of railroad labor has been sold down the river by the administration, the railroad labor executive's association, and officials of the railroad retirement board... discontinue advertising that its lamps were superior to all other makes, and its fake advertising of radio sets appeared in but two publications...
...The other day a young bandit staged a stoplight kidnapping, robbed his victim of $1.50 and then stabbed him because that was all the man had...
...We read frequently of the indictment of some wealthy individual or head of some corporation for tax evasion...
...All the cooperative business has been forced on the ruling classes, who are just as ruthless as our U. S. captains of industry...
...After paying the bondholders the unnecessary interest, the trust can't pay the workers enough wages so millions of families can't live...
...I wonder when this country will learn to mind its own business and let Europe alone...
...This group, no less thnn the Nazi and Communist, serves "purposes that are far removed from peace, civil liberties and democracy...
...However, care must be used in opposing the Communists that we do not become associated in the public mind with the Dies committee...
...When they have needed a few million for expansion they have gone to the money-lenders and they in turn "created'' the necessary bank credit for the corporation...
...What has become of small ownership...
...Let us learn to do our bit well...
...They are cruel and utterly ruthless...
...That is gratitude, I want none of it...
...Admiral Sir Roger Keyes blames America particularly for starting the League of Nations, which supposedly gave security to all nations, and then running out...
...Because of rapid transportation, national lines must be obliterated...
...What's wrong with that...
...Justice seems to favor the largest bank roll...
...Statistics have been furnished the subcommittee of the Interstate Commerce committee showing that the cost of both amendments would not be more than 80 cents per $100...
...I've got gentleness down to such a fine point that my patients fall asleep while I'm pulling their teeth...
...T. BECKER...
...Do you mind telling me and the people whether it means $20,000 a year as In the case of supreme court justices, or $5,000 a year as in the case of ex-presidents' wives—or what' —j...
...I am sure the president will be drafted...
...He knew the Vatican would support Spain and so enable him to kick out the Church and head his own church...
...Let's keep our American shirt on and when they get enough war, they can quit and settle down to peace...
...The investigation showed what monopolists will stoop to when railroads, steamship lines and utilities contribute millions of dollars to force labor to work for a wage that will not permit a living as good as that of livestock...
...They give protection and accept bribes...
...We know that with the law enforcing machinery set up by the New Deal, the crooks will come out of hiding...
...Fun and Philosophy No Sympathy SUITOR—Sir, your daughter has promised to become my wife...
...I hold no brief for any other nation but I feel we shall never have peace in this world until England is eliminated...
...This money-has gone to maintain many costly-office buildings and luxurious offices as well as maintain many high salaried labor officials...
...That is enough...
...We are not going to be fooled this time...
...Do you ever hear of them being arrested for gun toting...
...Who is at fault...
...The result a more happy and more contented people...
...I gasp when I hear them talk...
...get the brush in your hand and go to work...
...That was the cause of one idle class and another working class who supported an unnecessarily idle class...
...Gangsters who would not work but robbed and sacked other nations...
...To learn to do and to love to do in life— it is God's way...
...The cause Is private ownership...
...Such a verdict should never be allowed in any court...
...They won...
...History repeats.—MRS...
...We will just leave another dictator here, and it will be fascism by a few for the few monopolies and the gold they own...
...FRED V. williams...
...Had we joined the League of Nations, all the countries in the world would be in it...
...On the editorial page of your paper you continue to publish your famous "Progressive platform...
...If we lose all perspective and reason and "M-day" comes, our democracy is gone, never to return in our day again...
...They must conform and perform or die out fighting against evolution...
...As bad as I hate Hitler, I'll forgive him a little if he succeeds in sinking the bank of England...
...None of them love us except for our supplies and cannon fodder...
...The Progressive is to be commended for placing this important matter before its readers and the public...
...Maybe England's friend, Franco, might suggest a way, a more Christian w-ay...
...Please accept my congratulations on the article, "The Conference Ran True to Form...
...One of our troubles is they kept too much of this newly created wealth as profit...
...From the Vikings...
...No longer can we feel confident of their sincerity...
...British Chestnuts (Port Huron, Mich)—I have been a subscriber for The Progressive a good many .-ears, and through it have learned many things not always printed in other papers...
...In 1900 when William Jennings Bryan 'avored an income tax, the trusts raised a corruption fund of $40,000,000 to bribe the electorate and they elected McKinley...
...Every great corporation has settled this question so far as they are concerned...
...In several issues of The Progressive, especially that of Apr...
...I have looked through several dictionaries and encyclopedias to find out just how much in dollars and cents the term "adequate" represents, but couldn't find that it represents even one little cent...
...This gratis advertising was suppressed at the time the temporary national economic committee was appointed, and a careful perusal of the kept press up to date shows that this suppression is still being observed...
...Luhrsen did not state what possible considerations could justify representatives of railroad labor from agreeing to prevent such amendments as full pension benefits if totally disabled immediately, a pension at 60 years of age or 30 years service regardless of age...
...Right Face...
...The United States made a big mistake by not going into the League of Nations...
...the grand old man whom the country adores...
...The trusts can not settle the unemployment problem because they must pay the owner of stocks and bonds billions of dollars that is caused by our hlndslde system of private ownership...
...Furthermore, trusts are owned by a few who tax the money and they don't know what to do with the money the extreme poor throw in their laps...
...There it is...
...Nevertheless, for what they are worth, they are always interesting, for everybody knows that an increased national income is what we need most desperately...
...He didn't criticize any "ism" till it was tried...
...The World war was a lesson not to be forgotten...
...Plant a few posies around the building, tidy things up a bit, and what a change to the countryside—what beauty and loveliness...
...And, much as I loathe Hitler, I say "God speed him...
...I despise the philosophy of the foreign dictators...
...I think the people of Wisconsin have learned a lesson from Gov...
...Or shouldn't we call what they receive from the government "a pension...
...Years ago we never heard of such a thing as unemployment when we had small ownership of industry...
...Credit Sources (Olathe, Kans...
...Leading politicians or labor leaders have been accusing America of having encouraged the empires to halt the dictators and then dropping them cold when they took us at our word...
...It seems to me that the fight is better, the will to do greater, in general the urge to do things stronger in the spring than at any other time...
...and a fine of not less than $2,000 or more than $20,000 or imprisonment for not less than one year or more than five years, or both, for each subsequent conviction...
...You and I are here in the U. S. and we should be citizens of this country now and for all time...
...So it is encouraging to note that the national income for the first quarter of 1940 rose to a new high since 1930, as computed by the Alexander Hamilton Institute...
...wherein we are advised under Plank 8, that you are in favor of "Social security—adequate old age pensions, unemployment insurance and an improved security program...
...I wish your paper could be in every American home...
...I despise equally the greed of American traders and the lust for power of American militarists...
...He received the crushing sentence of one year and one day and a suspended jail sentence by a kind hearted judge...
...Where did England come from...
...9 edition you have a cartoon regarding cig-aret taxes which have taken $1,500,-000 in five months out of Wisconsin residents...
...Nobody would be safe on the street...
...Also please accept my admiration for the make-up of The Progressive, in that you do not run articles from one page to another, but conclude all articles on the page where they start...
...But cheese and butter are dairy products and it is a dairy that produces these, not a factory...
...Yet thousands of years ago ahe didn't know we were going to hook spectacles over them...
...You will add to your state—to the little world you live in...
...Wonderful Muggins was fond of reasoning things out...
...Motoring over to Madison last week, I saw thins...
...I am convinced that the enactment of the proposed law will bring a whole lot of our taxdodgers out of the brush...
...This is a 48 page pamphlet...
...The late W. J. Bryan advocated wiping out the war debt...
...The answer is that the big boys are afraid they are slated for more income taxes if the true amount of their income is known...
...Perhaps the fault is its name—factory—a decidedly wrong name...
...It will make more difficult the task of the FBI to ibtain evidence against killers...
...The English are called a nation of shopkeepers...
...27 is just received...
...In private ownership of industries, women and children work for long hours and starvation wages...
...Or if they should want a little morsel of the good things of the world, they are endangering democracy...
...This school, of all places, should set the pace for beautiful house surroundings...
...Blue Ribbon (Vida...
...They were shot the next day...
...Letters from Mr...
...There must be a melting pot...
...j EBRG...
...One cannot turn on the radio without hearing of some young oandits holding up or robbing some store, bank, express office or theater and getting away with the cash-box in most cases...
...j. WEILEP...
...way of reasoning...
...As for Sen...
...The article is strong, yet from my own personal knowledge of the Communists and their tacacs...
...Each "good fellowship club" to have a reading room, library recreation room, dance floor, kitchen, a place for all kinds of entertainment, committee rooms...
...May I ask whether ex-supreme court justices, ex-presidents' wives, retired army and navy officers, or any of the host of other ex-employes of the government have a lien slapped on their property in return for the fat pensions they receive...
...In the Apr...
...15 Kansas City Star, our great humanitarian columnist, Dorothy Thompson, has two columns...
...Which would be the most pleasing in the sight of God, do you think...
...Britain now owns the choicest bits of inhabitable land in the world... might know something would happen to you, hanging 'round here five nights a week...
...Threat of War (Kansas City, Kan...
...According to Louis C, Silva, former chief deputy tax commissioner of Hawaii: "While 5,600 honest taxpayers were carrying a certain burden of taxation, they did not realize that under the -gross income tax law.' 26,000 or 364 ner cent more taxpayers were going to help them...
...Either way the old order must change to the new...
...About every six or seven years we have had a business depression...
...For many years thousands of railroad workers have been paying high tribute to 21 separate labor organizations...
...Likes the Paper (To the Editor)—I like to follow the reading material in The Progressive.—T...
...They certainly show none for anybody else...
...Show me anything moral in the whole country.— READER...
...If the two major parties, Republican and Democrat, don't clean house, some "ism" will be ushered in...
...Thousands of years ago when the tribal bosses discovered that the soil would produce articles for consumption, they claimed all the land...
...Jitterbugs (Corona del Mar...
...Drinker Tax (Racine...
...h. SCHROEDER...
...Now that the Finnish relief fund has met with such success, the people that didn't want to donate anything are saying that Finnish people will never receive the money that is being sent them...
...War is the last prop to hold up your falling structure...
...Every depression is worse and it seems to me wc never get out of our late depressions...
...Then came the industrialists who used to work the children in orphan asylums from 6 am...
...a pension...
...The issue in the war is crystal clear to them, and intelligent Turks discuss it with far more lucidity than New York intellectuals...
...Finnish Relief (Hurley, Wisj—When Russia invaded Finland, the Communists said Russia went to free the Finnish working people...
...But what an Improvement It makes, not only to farmstead, but to the agricultural country...
...Can't the Americans take the blinders off their eyes and see it is leading into the same thing as the World war...
...For your editorial on the front page of The Progressive of April 20 and the ones also called, "The Communists Pose of Being For Peace and Democracy" and "An 'Un-censored' Spotlight on Fake 'Civil Liberty' Groups," you should get a blue ribbon...
...I think very highly of the La Follette family and have liked The Progressive very much...
...Simple mathematics will show you that, should it continue at that rate for the full year 1940, it would total $71,-630,000,000, a substantial upward stride of more than 6 billions in one year toward that 80-100 billion national income which economists believe will mean tne end of unemployment and the more pressing of our present troubles...
...20, Evjue and others have a "Jitterbug complex...
...Here is what I would like to know...
...This group should sponsor and support every candidate who pledges his support of the program regardless of their party affiliation...
...In my opinion, the FBI should be given more authority and all possible assistance instead of senseless laws passed to place hobbles over them to aid gangsters...
...Borah got the credit for keeping us out of the League of Nations...
...If we have an ounce of Christianity In us...
...Kindly keep me on the mailing list for another year...
...True, all belligerents resort to propaganda, but British propaganda in the U. S. has been conducted in the papers, churches, and schools with them is a fine art...
...The 10 cents to go to maintain national headquarters and the $1 to go into a united railroad labor temple in every terminal...
...Going Up FIGURES on "national income" are slippery, as all statisticians know...
...The United States should cancel the World war debt and invite all nations of the world, big and small, to join a new League of Nations here on American soil...
...Our greatest national loss of wealth Is from unemployment...
...retorted the other...
...Why arc you compelled to call what old people now receive, and what they are required to do i;_ order to receicc it...
...It is time we stopped petting criminals...
...The fact that the brotherhood chefs made an agreement with railroad representatives to oppose these two all important amendments is conclusive proof that the brotherhood chiefs, with the exception of Mr...
...He devised imperialism...
...D. C.—Having been a reader of The Progressive from Vol...
...What about a solution of the problems...
...Norwegians hate the English as do I. I am of English descent...
...The self-praise of the American people as regards their superior intelligence over other peoples is unpleasantly odoriferous to those who recognize in them a mental and moral lethargy as regards this great evil of trafficking in death...
...Now, you hot heads, calm down...
...The Progressive of Apr...
...One of the thi :gs which I admired was the traditional stand The Progressive always took in opposing American participation in foreign and imperialistic wars...
...All readers should follow the reports of the temporary national economic committee as its findings will show what monopolies mean to the consumer...
...Our people left the feudal age of wars, religious intolerance, and race hatreds to build a natiou of tolerance and freedom here...
...It is a joy to find a man of Mr...
...There la a democracy in all these countries, but don't you believe the ruling classes are with them...
...Others can go hang...
...Hoover, the great humanitarian.—E...
...Let's be 100 per cent American...
...Washington Democrat for his wonderful speech, "The First Seven Years of the Roosevelt New Deal—An Inventory...
...we'll mind our own business here in the U. S. and not mix in other sovereign nations' hatreds...
...He asked for a divorce...
...I noticed better house surroundings in the farmsteads...
...If we are drawn into the war in Europe at the end of the war, America will be governed by some "ism...
...Knowing how honest and forthright "progressive" politicians and editors are, I, of course, couldn't believe it was Just another ambiguous term to catch votes or newspaper subscribers...
...Enclosed please find money order to cover next year's subscription to The Progressive...
...This class of citizens is, no doubt, united in denouncing the "General Welfare act," H. R. 2 (usually referred to as the Townsend bill...
...The law abiding citizen will be arrested if he carries a pistol or revolver for his own protection...
...You know, old man," said the first...
...In Devereau a deputy policeman was found guilty of transporting stolen cars across the state line for resale...
...Jensen is a national leader in his effort to promote rural beauty...
...What happened...
...Are we really neutral...
...We all make mistakes at some time in our lives...
...Is there no hope here for lovely fitting buildings and beautiful schoolyards...
...There lies the honor...
...Arouse the people to the danger of Nazi and Communist propaganda if you will, but be sure you are not playing into tlie hands of another group just as anxious to propagandize the American public and every bit as dangerous to the people's happiness and welfare as the Nazi and Communists and Fascists...
...J. Edgar Hoover will not play ball with politics and consequently is cordially disliked by politicians...
...Fiance is now demanding the death sentence for Communists...
...Welfare Act (St...
...This group occupies high places in our country but its morality is no purer than that of the foreign propagandists...
...Whitney, are not interested in our welfare or future security but wish to prevent the solidarity of the railroad fraternity, thereby making it difficult to achieve success...
...It will be interesting to see what action, if any, will be taken by the proper authorities regarding the arming of uniformed thugs by the capitalists to force labor to work at starvation wages.—DAVID W. EYMAN... land comfortable working conditions, 'permanent loss of job compensation, a 26 day yearly vacation with full pay the same as enjoyed by all government employes, adequate unemployment insurance, an adequate widow's pension, plus total disability paying maximum pension immediately...
...It is whether the great ideas of Western civilization, to which they came—the ideals of freedom and equality—are to be extended in the world or perish where they were born...
...You butter and cheese men...
...You are just playing with fire and a losing game for non-capitalized democracy is going to win this show...
...Why not...
...Near the end of one of her writings she says: "They are amazed that people in the United States do not see the world menace of this proposed system...
...The Court Fight (Belleville...
...Seems to me old Mother Nature has provided for everything," he said...
...Retired railroad workers and members of their families also eligible with payment of monthly dues...
...As Mr...
...for the first offense...
...If you are honestly seeking Information, why not send to the Townsend National Weekly, Chicago,1 111., and get a copy of H. R. 2 now in the hands of the ways and means committee of the house of representatives...
...Think what would happen in any of our larger cities if we were forced to use the blackout in this country...
...Lewis B. Sch'.vellenbach...
...But what about the cheese and huttcr makers...
...Some parlor pinks think we fight for principle and they are correct,— the principle of munition manufacturers and gold to enslave ourselves and other nations by laws and the debt system...
...Railroad workers should organize in every railroad terminal at least one "Railroad employes good fellowship club," representative of all crafts of railroad labor...
...I trunk it was one of the few bright ideas' of the Heil administration, only they didn't go far enough...
...Tne merit of his counsel is obvious to all who have heard his message...
Vol. 10 • May 1940 • No. 20