Wide Variance In State Power Rates Is Found Com mission's Report Is Part of Nationwide Survey WASHINGTON—Wide variance In electric rates over Wisconsin was disclosed Monday in a report of the...
...Fred Gibbs of Division 103 recalLs that in 1931 the old trolley company was "a dead horse...
...Olson Confer on Utility SACRAMENTO...
...In two years they accumulated $40,000, enough to back up a successful bid of $75,600 for the entire property...
...The report covered studies of residential rates in 566 state communities of 250 population and over...
...Several new buses have been purchased recently, a modern garage has been built piecemeal, and a new spray paint shop was opened In the fall of 1939...
...Kenosha and Racine were tied for high with charges of $1.54 for 25 kwh...
...Ickcs, Gov...
...On the contrary, we have gone forward in keeping equipment in first class condition...
...Cnl—Secretary Harold Ickes anrl Gov...
...Jefferson aho was among the lowests Both Jefferson and Mcnasha have, publicly owned utiltles...
...Bonded indebtedness was $2,-600.000...
...But automobile ann bus competition dragged the company deep into the red...
...In analyzing the study, the commission commented: "The report shows differences between highest and lowest residential bills for identical quantities of electrical energy range between 32 per cent and 173.1 per cent In communities of 1,000 or more...
...2.60 for 100 kwh, and $5.10 for 250 kwh...
...Wide Variance In State Power Rates Is Found Com mission's Report Is Part of Nationwide Survey WASHINGTON—Wide variance In electric rates over Wisconsin was disclosed Monday in a report of the federal power commission which gave an analysis of charges as ol Jan...
...1, 1940...
...of Street Electric Railway and Motor Coach Employes (afl...
...We never overspend our income," he explained, "but that doesn't mean we have permitted our equipment to deteriorate...
...3.35 for 100 kwh, and $6.23 for 250 kwh...
...Although no dividends have yet been paid, wages have gone up 6 cents an hour, a union contract is negotiated every year...
...Manitowoc has a publicly owned utility...
...How the union members saved their jobs and the trolley system is told in Union Leader, organ of the Amalgamated Assn...
...commercial rates in communities of 2,-500 and over, and Industrial rates In cities of 10,0(10 and over...
...The company also operates 31 buses, having bought out the competing lines that had siphoned business away from the old Wheeling Traction Co...
...Two years later they were able to pay off the balance and clear their title...
...Monona and Laona took low and high places, respectively...
...But the men who own it still have their jobs and the Wheeling district still has a transportation system...
...Started in civil war years as a horse-car line, the system had become in 1887 the third electric line of the nation...
...Included in Surveys The Wisconsin study is included among surveys of other states, which, when completed, is intended by the commission to give a complete picture of electric rate charges throughout the nation...
...I do not fear a comparison with any system in the country for service, equipment and personnel...
...In communities of 50,000 or more population, the study showed Madison had the lowest residential service rates with charges of $1.10 for 25 kilowatt hours...
...Manitowoc Low In communities of 10,000 to 50,000 population, Manitowoc had the lowest rates in all three quantity classifications Beloit and five other cities led in high charges on 25 kwh...
...Serving 200.000 residents of Wheeling and nearby ccmmunlt.es, the Co-ope alive Transit Co...
...In communities of 2,500 to 10,000, Menasha was the lowest In charges with Hudson, Prairie du Ch!?n and Earaboo, among the highest...
...The men have built one car in its entirety, from trucks to trolley, and others are torn down and rebuilt, as fast as 'unris will permit...
...Kenosha was high with $3 85 for 100 kwh, and $6.73 for 250 kwh...
...operates 72 trolley cars over 50 miles of track...
...Milwaukee in the same population classification was listed as paying $1.41 for 25 kwh...
...Ctilbert Olson of California recently conferred over the possibilities of crcntliiR a public power authority similar to the TV A to have charge of nnd speed the development of the great Central Valley propect of that state...
...In communities of 1,000 2,500...
...is no get-rieh-quick proposition," Gibbs pointed out...
...When a receiver's sale appeared inevitable the employes decided the put aside 10 per cent of their wages...
...In a vain effort to recapture business, the company spent $10,000,-000 for rehabilitalon...
...Each worker owns at least $300 worth of stock in the Cooperative Transit Co., successor to the old firm...
...The Cooperative Transit Co...
...The president of the company Is H. B. McCune, a former employe...
...and Superior had the high charge for 250 kwh, although the notation was made of "standard rates" on the Superior charge...
...Vice Pres...
...Beloit and three other cities were high on 100 kwh...
...Busted' Car Line Is Run By Workers WHEELING, W. Va.—A once bankrupt electric railway system is now being successfully operated by the 240 union workers who bought It from the auctioneer In 1933...
...The men talk of 'my car' or 'my bus' because they-—all the employes— bought, paid for, and now have a clear deed for the property u big utility system could not operate...
...Utilities serving those communities are privately owned...
Vol. 10 • May 1940 • No. 20