Election of McDonough As Mayor of St. Paul Is Hailed As Liberal Victory Heated Campaign Also Gives Laborites Council Lead ST. PAUL, Minn.—Organized labor and other progressive elements in St....

...While labor has had representation in the city council since 1918, it has been always in the minority and without effective authority, and never able to put its principles and policies into effect...
...Big Stone City For Public Plant BIG STONE CITY, S. D.—After one of the hardest fought battles in years in that section of the country, the people of Big Stone City voted for a municipal light and power plant by the overwhelming majority of 251 to 81...
...Alfred K. Stem...
...order and civil rights" in Grays Harbor (Aberdeen) County, Wash., --.-as announced...
...In order to distract attention from the real issues of the eletcion the reactionaries Invoked the aid of every available force, and injected subject matter and personalities that had no bearing in the campaign...
...George Marshall...
...Frederick L. Fagley, Mrs...
...J. ©. Gug-genheimer, Rockwell Kent, Freda Kirchwey, Rep...
...Paul the best administration it ever enjoyed...
...Wash., in 1919," a statement by the committee said...
...Paul will serve as an inspiration to the Farmer-Labor supporters throughout the s^ate and is a prelude of coming successes...
...Members of the national committee include Josephine Truslow Adams...
...J. Raymond Walsh and James Wechsler...
...Axel Peterson, John Findlan, and William Parranto, all of whom have been tried and have demonstrated their loyalty and ability, Mr...
...The opposition with its special newspaper organ tried to play down the importance of the election by persistently declaring that there were no issues, claiming the city had enjoyed a perfectly satisfactory administration and there was no need for a change...
...Notwithstanding the general satisfaction with the outcome of the election, the failure to elect Herman Wen-zel comptroller is a keen disappointment to his many friends and to citizens who appreciate his great administrative ability and the loss the city will suffer by his defeat in the present financial crisis in the local government...
...The success of the Progressive forces in St...
...The campaign was a usual one, from beginning to finish...
...McDonough will have no trouble with lack of co-operation in his efferts to give St...
...but in the final lap the lackadaisical attitude changed into one of desperation, and frantic efforts were made to divert attention of the people from the real situation of the city government...
...Since 40 of tha vptes against the plant were cast by people who wero directly connected with the power company, the municipal project won New York NEW YORK CITY — Formation of the National Grays Harbor committee to help bring about "the restoration of law...
...The national committee, formed »t the request of the Grays Harbor civil rights committee and of west coast congressmen and union officials, will seek a federal investigation of the Laura Law murder and other terrorism...
...Paul may be forecast along similar lines.—Minnesota Advocate...
...Elliot Paul, Lucy Strunsky, Mary' McLeod Bethune, George Biddle, Louis P. Birk, Rev...
...Leroy Waterman, Dr...
...McDonough and all the successful Labor councilmen-elect won by safe majorities and are among the leaders...
...With the present three labor coun-ctlmen...
...Dwight Bradley, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Dana, Henry Epstein, Rev...
...John McDonough was a member of the lower branch of the Minnesota legislature for five terms and made a fine record for active and progressive effort upon which his administration as mayor of St...
...The 1932 Results In 1932 labor elected the mayor and three members of the council but two of the latter, Pearce and May deserted and joined the opposition, leaving the labor mayor with responsibility without the power to accomplish effectively the program promised and desired...
...Inaction by the U. S. Department, of Justice at this time will lead to a fulfillment of the general call to vigilante action against organised labor in the entire west coast lumber regions and thus recreate the general abrogation of civil rights which followed (he failure to guarantee civil rights in Centralia...
...Paul won a dicisive victory in the city election last week...
...Paul, like every important center in the state, has real problems of unemployment, relief, education, public service and taxation, all of which demand intelligent and energetic attention and these were emphasized in the Labor-Progressive platform and discussed in the campaign but ignored by the opposition...
...John J. McDonough was elected mayor and the three incumbent labor members of the council, Findlan, Peterson and Par-ranto were re-elected, constituting a majority of the city council and giving control of the local government to the labor-Progressive forces after 12 election contests...
...C. Fayette Taylor, Prof...
...Vito Marcantonio, George Selries...

Vol. 10 • May 1940 • No. 20

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