Evjue, William T.
The Editor Says By WILLIAM T. KVJUE THE paths of the brutal despot and dictator now lead into new lands. Ethiopia . . . Spain . . . Austria . . . Czechoslovakia ... Poland ... Albania ... China .....
...The circular purports to be issued by the American Women Against Communism giving its headquarters as Room 815, 52 Vanderbilt ave., New York...
...As one surveys the tragic state of affairs in Europe today, isn't there reason for subscribing to the statements of Tolstoi and Kropotkin that governments are the worst enemies of man...
...But here is something for the farmers to remember...
...The Communists have been making a drive for several years to enroll Negroes in the Communist party and have made some headway...
...In 1939 Phil received $15,711 in legal fees as a practicing attorney, $1,054 from lectures, and $1,2K0 from written articles...
...Bring, in contemplation, the horror of what is now transpiring in Holland and Belgium to Madison...
...Incidentally, what has become of tne Alice Longworth - Ruth H a n n a MeCormiek Simms axis which has always occupied so much attention In previous Republican national conventions...
...At the recent National Negro congress held in Washington, Communists were active in directing the affairs of the congress...
...The statement that what is happening on the battlefields of Holland and Belgium may determine the fate of Germany for the next 1,000 years only attests to the egoism of the tyrant who now dominates Germany...
...One paragraph of the circular reads as follows: "To develop the revolutionary spirit a nationwide system of labor strikes has been organized under the leadership of John L. Lewis and his Committee for Industrial Organization with the energetic backing of the Communists and the administration in Washington...
...Johns, aren't what the Republicans want...
...The Republican strategists are making elaborate plans to bag the farm vote in November...
...For years the paid political hirelings of the type of Alvin O'Konsky and Harlan Kelly have been retained by the fat boys to go out and smear the La Follette's...
...Frank E. Gannett, owner of a string of New York newspapers and himself a candidate for the presidency, is quoted in the New York Times as follows: "Leaders in New York City have told me they doubt if Mr...
...The circular looks to be the handiwork of some paper organization that has raised enough money to print some handbills and plaster them over the country...
...Unpleasant reading for Mrs...
...Hundreds cf lives lost...
...Several farmers in the Brooklyn area have sent copies of a circular which are being placed in mail boxes in that vicinity without postage,—a violation of law...
...The utility interests are still attacking the WDA by seeking to get regulations adopted in Washington which will prevent the REA cooperatives from having any relations with WDA...
...Johns voices the typical Republican attitude with respect to New Deal agencies...
...While in Washington I was told that there is a remarkable change in sentiment along the Atlantic seaboard...
...Suppose that, without warning, we were to be awakened some night to find a fleet of death dealing bombers flying over the city and raining death and destruction on the community...
...Becker that the WDA is making fine progress as a private agency that furnishes engineering services and expert consultant advice to the REA cooperatives in the state...
...Let us hope that fate will decree as Hitler says but in a different direction...
...Here we live in peace and our people loathe war...
...Today employers, because of uncertainty as to Just what certain provisions of the law mean, are not employing people...
...Kelly and O'Konsky command if they had to go out and depend upon their ability to earn a private income...
...There is a feeling that in these days of international crisis, something more than an egotistical cock-sure, young district attorney is needed in the White House...
...But big business, working through its political chattel, the Republican party, is once more jubilant and now believes that this is the year for big business to take over control of government again...
...They want changes that will, in effect, gut and mutilate this legislation...
...There is no question in my mind but what the country as a whole wants the law amended so it is workable...
...For the second time in 25 years, Germany has criminally violated the borders of Belgium and once more the iron heel of a brutal invader is felt by a people who have only asked to be permitted to live in peace...
...But Hitler has the Messianic notion that the Germans are a superior race ana that the Germany which he is now setting up will rule the world for the next thousand years and make subject peoples cringe before the whims of a German dictator...
...Their favorite theme has been that tiie La Fol-lettes would starve If they were not attached to the public payroll...
...In 1933 at the culmination of 12 years of the blessed free enterprise under Harding, Coolidge and Hoover, there were 5,917 farmer bankruptcies in the Unites States...
...Because of the pro-Soviet stand taken in Washington...
...John L. Lewis and the Communists are not working with the national administration,—they are now attacking the Roosevelt admini s t r a 11 o n John L. Lewis, the Communists, and the Nazis are spiritual accomplices of the Republicans in attacking Roosevelt...
...As though any human being can ordain what is to happen during the next 1,000 years...
...There is a greater tyrant than Hitler—time...
...That is what happened to a score of Dutch and Belgian cities this morning...
...ALICE Roosevelt Longworth is the author of an article in the Saturday Evening Post under the heading "What's the Matter With Bob Taft...
...But the going for the utilities in Washington is a bit tougher under a fellow named Franklin D. Roosevelt than it is here in Wisconsin under a fellow named Julius P. Heil...
...Heil was elected, the big private utilities were jubilant bcause they saw the opportunity to smash the hated Wisconsin Development authority...
...One of the outstanding Negroes in the United States is A. Phillip Randolph, the leader who has done much to place the Pullman porters of the United States on a self-respecting basis through organization...
...I want one whose feet will be firmly on the ground and whose mind will be upon finding solutions for the national problems rather than in becoming the shining hero of the undis-crhninatin masses.'' In other words, Alice, one not like your father...
...Changes to make the law workable, as suggested by Mr...
...We reject with all our soul an ideology under which brute force is exalted as the final arbiter of the destiny of the world...
...Well, it was this way," said Mr...
...In 1932-farm income had sunk to a low of $4,682,000,000...
...Here are other illuminating figures...
...A chance luncheon chat with John Becker, the director of the Wisconsin Development Authority, the organization which is now the private successor to that agency that was set up during Gov...
...We are once more hearing the cry of the need for the business man in government despite the fact that businessman stewardship from 1920 to 1932 landed us on the verge of a revolution...
...His taxable income in 1939 was $16,488 and in 1938 $5,516...
...The Republicans are welcome tc their new associates...
...Hundreds of homes destroyed...
...China .. .Finland...
...When Gov...
...When Mr...
...In 1937...
...I was glad to hear from Mr...
...Once more the tall heoric figure of the king of the Belgians leads his people in a brave effort to stop a ruthless invader who uses with the utmost savagery all the terror and destruction of the blitzkrieg...
...The big utilities succeeded in destroying the WDA as a public venture but they failed to reckon with the possibility that it would survive as a private corporation...
...Dewey will get half the delegates from New York state...
...Simms is now an influential figure in the movement to make Thomas E. Dewey president while Alice is thumping it up for Taft...
...The big business leaders,—the bankers, the manufacturers, railroad executives, life insurance presidents, utility tycoons—who were down on their knees in 1935 and pleading with government fo ball them out, are now denouncing the administration which rescued them from ruin and bankruptcy...
...Time and politics bring many strange alignments and realignments...
...How much Income would Mr...
...John Becker has been doing a good job with the WDA and through the efforts of this organization the blessings of electricity are being extended to thousands of individuals in Wisconsin who have heretofore been ignored by the cream skimming private utilities...
...Roosevelt clan is directed toward the Franklin Roosevelts...
...Long-worth says: "I am for Bob Taft because I do not yearn any longer for the man who Is always on his toes, waving his hat, raising his voice, raring to go here, there, and everywhere...
...there was a slump in farm income to $7,(500,000,000, but since that time, the curve of farm income has been upward and it is estimated that the farm income In 1939 was near $8,000,000,000...
...The so - called American Women Against Communism should do a better job in keeping up with the facts...
...Randolph resigned as the president of the congress and Max Yergan, a prominent New York Communist, was elected in his place...
...Denmark .. Norway...
...And now Phil's Income tux return shows that his income for 1939 was three times as large as It was in 1938 when he was governor...
...Those with property, and those with good wages, cannot carry this burden much longer...
...In this article Mrs...
...Farm bankruptcies during the fiscal year ended last June 30 totalled 1,422 compared with 1.799 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1938...
...Can the farmers and the laborers name any president In a generation who lias used the powers of his office to further the welfare of the common ma:i as Roosevelt has done...
...Hitler, Gocring, Goebbels, thank God, will eventually surrender to the greatest of all generals...
...And when these people in their anguish and terror ask "why...
...The Republicans are seeking to dc by indirection what they don't dare to do by direction in their assault on the new deal reforms...
...After leaving a trail of bloodshed and death in one little country after another, the barbaric hordes of Hitler, in the dead of night and without warning, now pounce on the little low countries, Holland and Belgium...
...Innocent Dutch and Belgian people bombed by flyers from hell...
...In 1936 farm income had risen to $8,744,000,000, nearly twice the income of 1932...
...This writer is inclined to believe that the WDA can perform a wider service as a private organization than it can as a public organization because, under private auspices, it has a wider latitude and is not circumscribed by statutory limitations...
...At the zero hour, Hitler sent his hordes acro?s the Dutch and Belgian borders with this typical piece of Nazi heroics: "The fight beginning today decides the fate of the German nation for the next 1,000 years...
...LaFollette's administration to aid in the development of a public power program in Wisconsin...
...these satanic invaders answer: "Wa are taking Holland and Belgium under our protection because England and France plan to invade your country...
...It would be the basest kind of ingratitude for farmers and laborers to repudiate Pres...
...Here are some facts for the Republican spellbinders who maintain that the farmers are no better off than they were when Roosevelt took power...
...This writer was present at the Republican national convention in Chicago in 1912 when the Taft and the Theodore Roosevelt clans were denouncing each other because of the charge that William Howard Taft had betrayed Roosevelt principles...
...Time has erased that bitterness and now the hatred of the Theo...
...As a result over 9,000,000 people are unemployed...
...Let us hope that the Allies stop these Nazi gangtsers and that not for a thousand years will another brutal dictator arise who will seek to impose the doctrine of brute force on a world which prefers justice and right as pattns for human conduct...
...Does Mr...
...The daughter of the late Mark Hanna, with her flaming red hat, and the politically ambitious daughter of the Rough Rider president were always centers of attraction at Republican conventions as they sat together watching the deliberations...
...Johns mean to intimate that business cannot, afford to pay the minimum of $12 a week prescribed by the wages and hours act...
...Joshua L. Johns, of the Green Bay district made this statement concerning the wages and hours law: "No fair minded member of congress has any desire to wipe out the act...
...Revell, the dead-pan political commentator of this journal, brought In the figures from Phil La Follette's 1939 income tax return, we were unable to understand why our political sleuth was bringing in ivory of this kind in view of the fact that Phil now has the status of a private citizen...
...We yielded to this propaganda here In Wisconsin in 1938 and elected a business man governor, and, m'gawd, look what we got...
...And now comes Fred Clausen, long identified with the Wisconsin Manufacturers association and a lobbyist for big business for years, who wants to represent Wisconsin in the U. S. senate...
...What a low estimate Hitler and his warlords place on the intelligence of the civilized world when they offer such justification as this for their damnable outrages...
...Savings by M. O. Told at College CORVALL1S, Ore.—A careful study of the cost of electricity to the Oregon Stnt.' college at Corvallis, Ore., buying current from the private power company ns compared to the cost wider the Bonneville power rates now available shows that the college would save $11,781 per year if the current were purchased from the public project...
...Time has a habit of settling !n;o dust the decrees of tyrants who think they can fit the future into their own pattern...
...The Republicans are hoping that the farmers will have a short memory and that they have now forgotten the Hoover days when farm mortgage foreclosures were causing thousands to lose their farms and farmers gathered in many states to restrain farm evictions with the threat of a noosed rope for the mortgagor...
Vol. 10 • May 1940 • No. 20