Immell Urges State Prepare For Air Bases Says Wisconsin Has the Chance to Get on Transcontinental Lanes Wisconsin may soon have opportunities to gain a key position in transcontinental airlanes,...
...Immell declares, but he does not see that this is a major handicap similar to isolation of the fixed transcontinental rail lines...
...Justice Chester D. Fowler, the lone dissenter, maintained the teachers could not have waived any rights under the tenure law when they accepted the contracts because the law was not yet on the statute books...
...The teachers, Cora Halverson, AHa Herrell and Thelma Bonkrude, formerly were employed in the grade school of the village of Dallas...
...Edward Woodruff, Pewaukee...
...Paul Nowatske...
...Regardless of whether the next eastern airway is created north or south of Chicago, one conclusion is delinite: Wisconsin in the not far distant future will be on a continental airway extending to the East and possibly to the West coast...
...Wisconsin will receive a far greater per cent of the benefit from national air commerce than it does from the national railroad network of the present...
...The tenure law was passed later by the legislature...
...Attorneys for the men recently asked the state pardon board for lenlencv on the ground their testimony for the state aided in the conviction of principles in the gambling cleanup...
...ImnitU is critical of Wisconsin colleges for their reluctance to accept civil Aeronautics authority aid in student aviation training, reporting that 183 students in five universities and colleges participated In the subsidized courses In 1939-40...
...Garland Buckeye...
...He also said the hearings did not support ch:i;¦¦''s of incompetency...
...Supreme Court To Aet On Slot Machine Cases Agrees to ReviovChargeg Against 8 Waukesha County Men The state supreme court agreed last week to review the cases of eight kesha county men seeking to avoid terms of six months each in the Milwaukee house of correction on charges of conspiracy to violate state gambling laws...
...1937, with the provision that at the end of the fallowing school year no married women would be employed...
...Increased use of Lake Michigan and northern Wisconsin lakes will follow development of seaplanes on a low-cost commercial basis, he believes...
...Immell Urges State Prepare For Air Bases Says Wisconsin Has the Chance to Get on Transcontinental Lanes Wisconsin may soon have opportunities to gain a key position in transcontinental airlanes, but must make adequate preparations immediately, Ralph M. Immell, state adjutant, general, has written In an article on "Wisconsin's Future in Aviation," which is to appear in the Wisconsin Blue Book...
...Pictures of the Madison municipal airport and the Milwaukee seadrome, as well as a discussion of the new Camp Williams military reservation landing field near Camp Douglas, Sparta, Wis., are included in the article...
...Three Married Teachers Lose Suit For Jobs Throe Barron county school teachers, dismissed through a provision in their contracts against the hiring of married women, lost in the supreme court last week in their suits to obtain reinstatement under the 1937 teachers tenure law...
...Joseph Jacquest, Waukesha...
...National airlanes can be changed," Immell has written...
...The majority opinion held the teachers were aware of the schol board's sentiment against employing muiTled women and understood the terms of their last contracts...
...The sentences were Imposed two years ago in a cleanup of slot machine operations in Waukesha county, but execution was delayed pending trial of other cases...
...The supreme court was divided 6 to 1 in Its decision...
...As a result, a new airway to the East will soon be created north or south of Chicago's latitude...
...Their contracts were renewed In May...
...In April, 1938, the teachers, wishing to continue work, claimed tenure The school board granted them hearings and affirmed their discharges on grounds of Incompetency...
...It is doubtful if in deference to safety, many additional commercial planes will be permitted to use it...
...Immell proposes increased subsidization to develop more and better airplane and seaplane bases m the state and to construct more hangars and heat them for winter use...
...The defendants are: A. Joseph Martin, Delafield...
...Che-nequa, and Otto Schroeder, Waukesha...
...Hubert Voss...
...The decision was construed entirely on a contract basis and had no general application to situations arising after the tenure statute was enacted...
...Aleady the air-wav between Chicago and New York is crowded...
...The state is now off the transcontinental airlanes because it lies north of the latitude of major cities, Gen...
...Clarence Selder...
...The court issued writs of error for an appeal from the decision-of Circuit Judge Sherman E. Smalley, who dismissed the defendant*' motions for an order preventing issuance of certificates of conviction...
...These things must be done, he declares, or the state "will be among those drawn into (he benefits of commercial, large scale aviation, rather thon one of those which fostered its growth...
Vol. 10 • May 1940 • No. 20