Stafford Blasts GOP Attaek On Liberal Laws Hits Wrecking Crew As 'Fifth Column' Operators LOYAL, Wis. — The campaign of 1938 "proved to be a blitzkrieg against the farmers and laborers of...
...was placed in command of the public service commission...
...The greatest sabotage of all has been the complete surrender of siate service to the utilities: Robert Merrill, of the Northern States Power Co...
...The farmers built their own generating plant and are now manufacturing electricity with imported fuel oil at a cost of less than one-third of the price offered by this utility...
...The rural electrification program had achieved success on all fronts and brought cheap electric energy to over 32,000 farms and homes in rural areas in Wisconsin...
...ordering the Publi:' Service commission to slash assessment against utilities at the rate of $'.10,000 for six months...
...refused to sell electricity to them except at a price over two and one-half times the price for which this corporation sells electricity to the people of Minnesota...
...The blitzkrieg of the Heil administration has succeeded in causing a blackout for two years, but I assure you that electricity manufactured by the farmers and for the farmers is here to stay...
...Our much depleted state treasury suffered a severe attack by the heavy artillery of the utilities which captured $1,500,000 by the failure of the Heil administration to reenact the tax on telephone utilities for relief: $200,000 by an emergency boiwd...
...The farmers organized their own electric cooperatives with the assistance of the R.E..V and the Wisconsin Development authority...
...was placed in charge of the rural electrification department, and J. A. Kaiser, of the Wisconsin Power and Light Co...
...The utilities had previously refused to serve these farm homes...
...They tried to buy their energy from the utilities, but the Northern States Power Co...
...The present administration, as the fifth column, took possession of the Maginot lines set up by the Progressives to guard against infiltration by the utilities...
...Chippewa Falls, declared at a countywide Progressive meeting here this week...
...The prominent Chippewa Fails at-, torney is being mentioned as a candidate for the Progressive nomination for governor...
...Harold E. Stafford...
...The campaign of 1938 "proved to be a blitzkrieg against the farmers and laborers of Wisconsin...
Vol. 10 • May 1940 • No. 20