Alfonsi Warns G.O.P. to Blame As Well As Heil WAUKF.SHA, Wis.—Assemblyman Paul Alfonsi, Pence Progressive, reminded a Waukesha county audience last week that blame for the present mess in Wisconsin...
...I am very happy in a way that the Republicans had a clear majority in both houses of the legislature, as now they cannot blame anyone but the party in power with having raised havoc with Wisconsin legislation built up over a period of years," Alfonsi declared...
...American Legion Lauds Bob's Fight WASHINGTON, I...
...Alfonsi, who is a candidate for the Progressive gubernatorial nomination, assailed Republican deslriucion of liberal legislation...
...In the present administration anything that even smelled faintly 'Pro-pressive' was taboo.'' Alfonsi maintained that repeal of the Wisconsin Agricultural authority and the Wisconsin Home and Farm Credit administration, as well as reorganization of the department of agriculture and markets, were harmful to the farmers of the stale...
...And you know what tiiey did to labor," he said, recalling Republican repeal of the labor relations act...
...LaFollette whose studious consideration and forthright leadership have been nf inestimable encouragement anil vast piarliral anil material assistance (o the development of these operations which, if permitted to reasonably proceed, will benefit millions now living and yet to be born... Blame As Well As Heil WAUKF.SHA, Wis.—Assemblyman Paul Alfonsi, Pence Progressive, reminded a Waukesha county audience last week that blame for the present mess in Wisconsin belongs to the entire Republican administration and not to Gov...
...In appearing before a senate committee to plead for appropriations for a Legion-sponsored disease eradication program, Watson B. Miller, director of the lesion's national rehabilitation committee, said: "If it be permissible, let me express our gratitude to Sen...
...C—Bob La Fol-lette's long and vigorous fight for federal action on health measures won the acclaim of the/ American Legian recent...
...Heil alone...
Vol. 10 • May 1940 • No. 20