Sour Refrain Note At Meet of Democrats Harmony Goal Is Lost In Outbreak of Bickering MEETING in an attempt to reach a harmony formula, the bitterly warring factions of Wisconsin's Democratic party...
...Gustave Keller, Appleton, leader of the self-styled liberal wing nf the party, withdrew his group from participation at the Democratic convention, which will be held at Green Bay June 8, because the conference of party leaders refused to'endorse an open primary...
...The bill, which proposes a gross in-conic tex of two per cent on incomes over $3,000 annually for payment of annuities to persons over 00 years, Is now pending before the house finance committee, Gehrmann pointed out...
...La Follette has indicated that the rank and file of the Progressive party will have a full accounting of his plans by the lime he has concluded his address at the Wisconsin Rapids gathering...
...Bernard J, Gchrmasm, Wisconsin Progressive...
...Charles E. Broughton, Sheboygan, national committeeman who was endorsed for re-election at a caucus of Roosevelt delegates to the national convention, urged Wi.scon.sin Democrats to unite behind President Roosevelt...
...GehrmannAsks Open Action on Townsend Plan WASHINGTON, D. C—Open consideration of the Townsend plan during the present session of congress was prdlcted last week by Rep...
...has justified the hopes of every liberal Democrat in the L'nlted States...
...Keller bolted from participation in the convention when he said that his group would not be a party to a closed convention...
...By the time that rumor had worn itself out in type, the experts doped out a new one...
...Sour Refrain Note At Meet of Democrats Harmony Goal Is Lost In Outbreak of Bickering MEETING in an attempt to reach a harmony formula, the bitterly warring factions of Wisconsin's Democratic party fell out more than ever at a conference of party leaders in Madison last weekend...
...Keller declared...
...The state teachers colleges arc located at Whitewater, Platleville, Eau Claire, LaCrosse, Oshkosh, Superior, River Falls, Stevens Point, and Milwaukee...
...The rumor spread like fire through a parched prairie...
...He reported that about 160 congressmen have signed the petition to force consideration of the measure before adjournment...
...The president, he sead...
...And (hat's just what he proposes to do at Wisconsin Rapids Sunday, according to those w:ho have been in touch with him...
...Jack K. Kyle, Whitewater, chairman of the Progressive state central committee, denounced the rumor as "wishful thinking" on the part of Republican leaders, but the latter were inconsolable...
...I will go along 100 per cent with harmony for Roosevelt and will fight 100 per cent against the reactionaries and those who desire coalition with the Republicans...
...Students' Fees Are Increased At 9 Colleges AN intensive campaign to slash the enrollment of Wisconsin's state teachers' college to absorb budget reductions was reported well under way last week...
...Republican leaders allowed themselves the luxury of some frenzied worrying...
...However, Green Bay, bid higher when John D. Kehoe of that city promised that all restrictions would be lifted during the Democratic convention...
...For more than a year now self-designated political experts have been writing bales of copy guessing what Bob La Follette might be thinking about...
...The rank and file does not approve of our reactionary leadership and elements in the party...
...This time they had Bob La Follette running as a Democrat, and after exploiting all the possibilities of that one...
...A total of 218 signers is necessary...
...Instead of answering each one as it came along, however, he decided apparently to wait until they were all out in the open so he could take them on together...
...As a result of action taken by the Republican controlled legislature during the 1939 session, the state's teachers colleges are operating on a budget 10 per cent lower than the appropriations in force for the previous two years...
...Francis Golden, Merrill, made a strong bid for Wausau by promising that the facilities of the br"weries Jr., that city would be available and the "taverns would be kept open all night...
...Bob La Follette hasn't been unaware of all of the strange rumors being peddled at a dime a dozen...
...Democratic leaders accepted Green Bay as the site for their convention June 8 after spirited bidding between Green Bay and Wausau...
...Salaries of teachers were cut 6 per cent for the present school year, and Doudna said the cut will have to remain in operation for the next school year...
...E. G. Doudna, secretary of the board of normal regents, said the board was compelled to take these steps because the teachers' colleges do not have adequate appropriations and facilities to handle the present load of 8,100 students...
...When you talk of organization and activity, you talk in terms of votes and you know we have not been getting votes to any degree...
...Another move will be the tightening of entrance requirements to weed out still more Wisconsin young men and women who apply for admission to the teachers' colleges...
...Edward Curry, chairman of the Milwaukee county group associated with Keller, said that the party has been operating financially on a policy of "secrecy, mystery, and bankruptcy...
...There was a time, not so long ago, when some of the boys who get good money for being political experts were openly predicting that Sen...
...La Follette planned to lead the Progressives back to the Republican fold...
...First step in the drive was disclosed when the board of normal regents disclosed that it had voted to raise fees S10 a year in order to discourage attendance...
...some of the boys who like to play their predictions safe hedged a bit with reports that the senator might run as an independent...
...ROBERT M. LA FOLLETTE, Jr., will use at least part of his address at ih" Progressive birthday celebration at Wisconsin Rapids this Sunday to meet head-on some of the curious rumors that have been floating around about his plans lor the 1940 campaign...
...William D. Carroll, leader of the party's reactionary clique which has played ball with the Heil administration and fought the Roosevelt administration in national politics, used his gavel with steamroller effect to pound out of order all attempts to place the group on record for an open primary...
...In recent comments to friends in Wisconsin...
Vol. 10 • May 1940 • No. 20