Revell, Aldric
State Politics Clausen for Senator No Pussyfooting La Follette Too Busy THE first Republican to stick his head into the line of fire in the race against U. S. Sen. Robert M. La Follette is Fred...
...He Is made of sterner stuff...
...It Is to see to it that—er—(we must have skipped a page)—It to to make sure that—er—well, the man has courage anyway...
...However, this little accident cannot be expected to affect the vision of a vice president of the U. S. chamber of commerce...
...He says: + + + WANTS COMMON SENSE "First, common sense and good judgment in the conduct of the business of government, the support of our basic agriculture, the creation of more jobs in private industry and commerce, and resistance of fedaral monopoly of power by the executive...
...With the advent of the state convention and the preceding county conventions, it is proper that I answer that question...
...My answer is...
...In his announcement Clausen p'ayed Dr...
...I. Q. with himself...
...Clausen during his campaign...
...A fine philosophy of government Mr...
...Clausen is possibly the most hard-bitten conservative that will enter the race...
...What other politician in this state would dare to stand up on a public platform, and caring nothing for the people he antagonized, even to stepping on vested interests right and left, come out flat-footedly for common sense and good Judgment...
...State Politics Clausen for Senator No Pussyfooting La Follette Too Busy THE first Republican to stick his head into the line of fire in the race against U. S. Sen...
...who asked Mr...
...The third plank in Clausen's platform is the creation of more Jobs in private industry and commerce...
...His plan Is simple...
...Standing firm, he states his unique program of putting more men to work in private industry...
...He first of all demands common senie and good Judgment...
...But Clausen realizes that this country must re-employ men If it Is to be prosperous...
...Clausen believe should be done to make this country a happy hunting ground...
...Here again he is flying in the face of public opinion...
...The beating: Clausen took a* s Vandenberg delegate candidate at-the Apr...
...What vision...
...He said: "The question has been asked, am I a candidate for the Republican nomination as United States senator...
...Besides, he is too busy in Washington doing things for the farmers of the state...
...There you have the one thing we like so much about Mr...
...But not Mr...
...What contact has Clausen had with state and national affairs...
...With such a romplete, curt and »incere program...
...Clausen wants to save America from the New Dealers and Progressive...
...Most politicians would be afraid to antagonize them by putting himself on record in support of these things...
...He is as much aware of what the Tank and file Wisconsin voter desires as Donald Duck...
...Let him stand forward and prepare to receive 40 laches and be put in the stocks...
...But what does Mr...
...2 election has obviously failed to dull the Sige of his ambi-.1...
...The only national contact is through the U. S. chamber of commerce...
...Robert M. La Follette is Fred H. Clausen...
...WHO ASKED HIM What we would like to know is...
...and he is willing to carry the white man's burden on his own shoulders...
...We all know, as any poll would show, that the voters are against putting men to work...
...Clausen must have playing "Roll out the Dividend," with the fat boys...
...His Utter forthrlghtness, his failure to mince words, his emphatic and minutely stated program...
...We all know of that powerful minority block in this state who are anti-common sense and anti-good Judgment...
...Clausen ought to receive the unanimous support of the V. S. chamber of commerce...
...At that, you can always get a laugh out of Donald Duck, which is more than can be said for Mr...
...Let's see how he proposes to create more jobs...
...Here it is in his own words: "The obligations of American citi-aemship were never greater than now...
...Out of eight ndidates - a t - rge Clausen xind up sixth with 129.426 votes...
...And he tells how this is to be done too...
...After c]c«e contact wirh public affairs, state and national, for 25 years, I believe that I understand the requirement* of this situation...
...While amazed »t his political temerity one cannot but doff one's hat In admiration...
...Clausen is next, in favor of our basic agriculture...
...For behold, what is his program...
...Here is a man who dares to ztand up we emphasize, and go on record as being In .support of our basic agriculture...
...XA FOLLETTE TOO BUSY La Foliette would never have the courage to come out for our ba-sic agriculture...
...This simpie affirmative answer is probably the only clear-cut pronouncement That the voters will hear from Mr...
...No pussyfooting for Mr...
...Too bad they don't have more votes in Wis-6onsin PASS THIS PAPER ON...
...His courage Is breath-taking...
Vol. 10 • May 1940 • No. 20