Progressives Rally for Birthday Celebration Plans Are Complete For Lively Program At Wisconsin Rapids Addresses, Dramatic Skits, Music Are Featured in Day's Activities Starting at 1...
...Madison, prominent political winter w;ho has written productions for the Haresroot club Gridiron banquets at the University of Wisconsin, is in charge of the dramatic presentation...
...Henry told newspaper men several weeks ago that he wouid run for the nomination only if he were endorsed by the Republican convention at Green Bay...
...He isn't a Republican at all...
...Kyle announced that members of the state central committtee, officers of county organizations...
...Since Henry made that statement, Heil's political advisers have done some tall thinking, and now- they've talked the governor into opposing convention endorsements...
...William T. Evjue, editor of The Capital Times and The Progressive...
...At the same time, the executive beard of the Young Progressives and the executive board of the women's organization will hold separate conferences Saturday afternoon...
...He has always been a Democrat, but in 1938, by a strange quirk of politics arising out of the Republican-Democratic coalition, he woke up the day after the election to find himself elected attorney-general on the Republican ticket...
...Since the gathering is in the form of a birthday party and not a formal convention, attendance is open to all Progressives...
...The Outagamie County Y'oung Progressives expect to invite Sen...
...Eighth District Units Form Unity Program APPLETON...
...The drive against Henry was launched when committeemen and representatives of Republican ward organizations in Milwaukee voted for a careful investigation of all delegates to the Republican convention...
...The party's state central committee announced a well-balanced program of addresses, dramatic skits, and music, and promised to keep the business of the day moving at a lively enough clip to permit those who have to travel long distances to get an early start for home...
...I favor an open primary... in democracy...
...Heil Somersaults On Open Primary BESET by rebellious factions in his own party, Gov...
...Martin announced his candidacy for re-election on his own record as attorney general, and not on the record of the Republican state administration of Gov...
...Fred M. Wylie...
...The gathering will feature addresses by the following persons: Sen...
...Lansing Hoyt...
...Van Sustern announced that similar working arrangements would be made in other counties during the month...
...Although he was for a closed primary only a few weeks ago, Heil blandly announced that his reason for 'ing for an open primary now is hi... practice exam-isver, said the division will file affidavit of prejudice in an attempt to prevent Judge Wickham from trying the cases...
...In his formal statement announcing his candidacy, Martin spoke in glowing phrases of his own record in office, but failed to mention the Republican administration as a whole...
...Saturday for an off-the-record discussion of campaign plans...
...There have been no election of delegates by county and local organizations...
...chairman of the Milwaukee county unit of the Republican party, told the meeting that if the convention endorses a candidate for governor "who has just come Into the party," the door would be open for Democrats and Progressives to run on the Republican ticket...
...he told the public, "because no citizen in a democracy should be denied the right to aspire for and seek any office ht desires...
...This move by Martin represented a sharp slap in the face of the Heil administration, for it was only two weeks ago that the governor announced that ail state officers, with the possible exception of Secretary of State Fred Zimmerman, would run as a unit pledged to support his administration...
...Rices, Sparta, who will greet the audience in behalf of the women's organization...
...Progressives Rally for Birthday Celebration Plans Are Complete For Lively Program At Wisconsin Rapids Addresses, Dramatic Skits, Music Are Featured in Day's Activities Starting at 1 o'Clock PROGRESSIVES from every county in Wisconsin are headed for Wisconsin Rapids this weekend to participate in the party's sixth anniversary birthday celebration which opens at l p. m. in the Lincoln fieldhouse...
...Martin Sidesteps Heil Endorsement PLANS of Republican strategists to unite all Republican candidates for office on a harmony ticket pledged to support the present state administration were punctured again last week, this time by Atty...
...JudgeWickham Refuses to Act on Trade Codes Enforcement of the service trade codes has been suspended indefinitely at Eau Claire and Chippewa Falls because of the refusal of Circuit Judge James Wickham, Eau Claire, to issue temporary restraining orders in six cases involving code violations, William T. Marriott, chief of the trade practice division of the state department of agriculture, announced here last week...
...Hell's reason for his new stand is based, of course, on Henry's statement...
...Marriott said that codes will be suspended by the division until judicial enforcement is obtained in pending-cases...
...Daniel W. Hoan, former mayor of Milwaukee...
...In a joint statement by T. E. Mc-Gillan, chairman of the Outagamie county organization, and Urban Van Susteren, chairman of the 8th Congressional District Young Progressives, the two groups joined forces for united action...
...John E. Martin...
...Robert M. LaFollette, Jr...
...Martin is in a difficult position running for office on the Republican ticket...
...Wis.—Full co-operation between the executive committee of the Outagamie County Progressive club and the Young Progressives of Wisconsin was announced last week following a conference here...
...HEIL'S forces in Milwaukee lashed out last week at the activities of Robert K. Henry, Jefferson banker, who has been jumping back and forth between the Republican and Democratic parties...
...This move was inspired by report* that Henry and his followers are working in a number of counties to hand-pick delegations which are friendly to the Jefferson banker...
...These cases involve operators of two cleaning plants and one beauty parlor at Eau Claire and operators of two beauty parlors and one barber shop at Chippewa Falls...
...Jack K. Kyle, chairman of the Progressive state central committee., will preside over program...
...Vena II...
...Although the big program -will be held on Sunday, leaders of various Progressive organizations were scheduled to arrive at Wisconsin Rapids Saturday to participate in a series of preliminary conferences...
...Robert M. LaFollette Jr., to be the principal speaker at the eighth district convention which will probably be held in Appleton shortly alter adjournment of congress...
...Henry, who used to run as a Democrat, is now an avowed candidate for the Republican gubernatorial endorsement at the Green Bay convention of the party in two weeks...
...Progressive legislators, and members of the FLPF executive board will meet at the Wisconsin Rapids Elks' club at 3:30 p.m...
...An endorsement for Mr...
...Arnold Serwer...
...he said, "would be tantamount to placing the stamp of approval on any Progressive or Democrat who wanted to run for office on the Republican ticket in opposition to those Republicans who fought the good fight during the dark days of I9S2, 1934, and 1936...
...Heil and Henry Forces Locked In Bitter Row Republicans Are Deeply Split on Eve of Convention GOV...
...Tom Fairchild, Portage, chairman of the Young Progressives...
...Heil last week turned ft complete somersault on the question of a closed or open primary for the Republican party...
...The University of Wisconsin Progressive club will present a series of five dramatic skits satirizing political developments in Wisconsin during the past year...
Vol. 10 • May 1940 • No. 20