News Views and Reviews Editorial Opinions from the Press of the Nation Socialists Condemn Invasion Of Norway (From Statement By The National Executive Committee Of The Socialist Party) THE...

...3. INCOME TAX—High inheritance and income taxes to be levied on the beneficiaries of monopoly...
...INDICATING their fear that British democracy is menaced more by the present Chamberlain, government of Great Britain than it is by Hitler, two great British cooperative groups have in the last two months gone on record demanding an armistice...
...The Kentuh s deplores the acinunistrative changes ordered by the president, and remarks: "Thus is painfully illustrated how easily and unsuspectingly the true democratic processes in the keeping of congress can be yielded to a cunning and conniving executive bureaucracy, and with what difficulty th?y can be regained—if in fact they can ever be regained at all...
...News Views and Reviews Editorial Opinions from the Press of the Nation Socialists Condemn Invasion Of Norway (From Statement By The National Executive Committee Of The Socialist Party) THE Socialist party of the United States, in common with decent men all over the world, has heard with profound grief and anger the news of the Nazi occupation of Denmark and the attack on Norway...
...2. WAR PROFITS — Elimination of war profits...
...Roosevelt is empowered by congress to put into effect by executive order a series of reorganization orders to modernize the federal service...
...Both belligerents, by various methods and in various degrees, have flouted the righ's of non-belligerents...
...The continuance of war menaces every European neutral...
...This same governor revealed his contempt lor Wisconsin civil service by stating early in his administration that "The spoils .belong to the 'victor,' unci ins awkwar...
...governmental monopoly on the manufacture and sale of munitions...
...9. RELIEF—Adequate poor and unemployment relief and the restoration of purchasing power in the hands of the great masses of the people...
...Under the present administration tne ideals of the past are being smashed...
...Here a Heil "economy" of about $95,000 may result in a loss to state revenues of around a half a million dollars through faulty checking and auditing of tax returns by an inadequate personnel...
...3. A saving of $100,000 in expense by not mailing income tax returns to persons without taxable incomes...
...Tax Commission 'Economy' Is A Costly Business BOY E. KUBISTA, executive secretary of the Wisconsin State Employes association, has issued a statement which reveals how expensive this so-called Heil "economy" is proving to the state of Wisconsin...
...6. UNIONS—Development of a strong trades union movement...
...But in America hero worship is not a chronic failing...
...Whatever he may choose to do is right, as they appraise it, because the self-made heir of Wilhelm II does it...
...It is not sufficiently realized to what extent the forces of reaction in this country are bending their efforts towards the destruction of democratic rights...
...The "sacred person," it is alleged, is incapable of error...
...The amazing clearness and strict orderliness of his thinking: his unexcelled ability to seize upon, in any question, that which is fundamental, important, new and decisive, that upon which everything else depends, His colossal, encyclopedic erudition, which he constantly augments in the process of creative work...
...When his partisans resort to superlatives to glorify a politician, the resultant laughter is apt to be devastating...
...The Milwaukee Sentinel condones this sort of thing in the state administration of Mr...
...After looking over the governors office figures, The Progressive is moved to accept that invitation...
...He is the ultimate incarnation of national opportunism, greed and violence, an object of adoration for deluded multitudes...
...The reorganization of the tax commission was nothing more than a deal on the part of the administration to sack and sabotage the income and inheritance tax laws of this state...
...A governor holds office nere who grabs every chance to make political capital among unthinking people by picturing hard-working state employes as mere chair warmers...
...TT IS pertinent, too, to remind the *- people of Wisconsin how much the economy-minded Heil administration is costing them along other lines...
...This war, like all wars, is being increasingly used as the excuse for the suppression of criticism, the outlawing of Individual freedom of thought, and...
...Kubista substantiates what The Progressive has been saying about the true effect >Of the so-called "economy" program of the present state administration...
...It is significant that the Sentinel gets excited over certain reorganization steps taken by the national administration, but it complacently accepts the shuttling of state departments in Wisconsin by the Heil administration and praises it as good business...
...too, in Italy it is a tenet of Fascism that Mussolini, formerly a blacksmith, deserves the title of II Duce...
...Thus a new and unexpected result comes from the housing drive of the thirties, not merely a change in manner of housing, but a change in the social habits and thinking of the occupants themselves...
...There are glimpses of Heaven to us in every act, or thought, or word, that raises us above ourselves.—A, p. Stanle THE PROGRESSIVE PLATFORM 1. PUBLIC OWNERSHIP of natural resources and of those activities with a public interest—light, heat, power and transportation...
...This kind of economy is doubtless pleasing to the big interests behind the Heil administration, but it is an expensive business for the state and the every day citizen...
...We denounce this latest of the crimes of the dictators against minority groups at home and small nations beyond their borders...
...under authority urant aim by congrcs...
...Yet Benito the Magnificent is a modest soul as compared with his axis partner, Adolf Hitler...
...Tnat big business philosophy of management has been a continuing policy of the Heil administration since inauguration day...
...Reduction of registration fees for utilities operating bus lines.$200,000 Emergency board ordering public service commission to slash assessments against utilities at the rate of $20,000 for six months____$40,000 GOV...
...Heil would like to run state government in Wisconsin like he ran his business—with autocratic control over all departments...
...While Heil Saves Small Amounts For Little Fellow, the Big: Fellows Get Millions FN THE first of a series of releases -*• which are being sent out by the governor's office to daily and weekly newspapers throughout Wisconsin, the so-called "economies" that have resulted from the reorganization and emasculation of the state tax commission are reviewed...
...4. MARKETING CO-OFERATIVES—Development of a strong farm producers' co-operative marketing movement...
...Added up, they represent a total claimed saving of $217,480...
...Roy E. Kubista, executive secretary of the Wisconsin State Employes association, recently revealed the results of a survey made by tax experts regarding tax commission activities...
...8. SOCIAL SECURITY—Adequate old age pensions, unemployment insurance and an improved security program...
...2. A decrease of 57 employes in the property and income tax divisions, bringing about a reduction in salaries of $109,480 annually...
...The entire annual cost of operating these offices was only 894,893...
...Finland Rebuilds THE courage that the Finns showed in their short but disastrous war against the Soviet aggressor is being shown equally in their brave effort at reconstruction If the United States had suffered losses proportional to those of Finland, 600,000 of our best men would be dead, 2,000,000 wounded...
...But there is one which is less obvious...
...The "reorganizing" of state government under Mr...
...There would be 20,-000,000 homeless after having been driven from five states, and property losses of a billion and a half would have to be faced...
...Our righteous anger at Hitler's crime must not blind us to the fact that essentially the Scandinavian countries are victims and pawns in an Imperialist war...
...Heil urges editors throughout the state to give space to this canned, mimeographed propaganda...
...The occasion of German invasion of Denmark and Norway was British invasion of Norwegian territorial waters with mines and submarines...
...The Sentinel's Two Views On Reorganization rpHE Milwaukee Sentinel recently printed an editorial attacking President RoosevrJV for making changes in certain oxecr.' ¦ departments...
...And he adds, "Will you please tell me your impressions of this plan...
...From the head of the government downward one finds an ever-growing contempt for democratic principles on the part of those in authority...
...First, the London Cooperative Society, at its quarterly membership meeting, voted 1,063 to 509 to adopt a resolution demanding that "cooperative organizations use their whole influence to bring about the immediate cessation of hostilities, and the calling of a conference to secure peace...
...Economy or this sort means tax eva.sion and law violation on a scale unprecedented in this state...
...We Laugh 'Em Off (From The Washington Evening Star) IN Japan the Mikado is saluted as the divine son of Heaven by solemn scholars whose intelligence is attested by Oxford and Harvard degrees...
...Those three items are the sum and substance of the economy claims made in the governor's statement on the tax commission...
...paraphra.¦-.<• or tin- old jaeic-sonian quotation has been put into practice wherever his administration had the chance...
...The old Wisconsin idea used to be that "only the best shall serve the state" and over a long period of years this state built up a glorious reputation or leading the nation in the field of government...
...Heil regarding the reorganization of the tax commission which he asks state editors to publicize in their newspapers: 1. A saving of $8,000 in salaries to tax commissioners by the substitution of one $7,000 tax commissioner for three $5,000 commissioners...
...Events have proved that Hitler had long prepared his attack on Scandinavia...
...HEIL'S economy claims don't look very impressive against the background of such figures...
...It seems to The Progressive that it is about time that conscientious, sincere voters and taxpayers came to the defense of the state service and rejected insincere political attacks on state servants who have sacrificed so much in their years of hard work for Wisconsin...
...The changes being made in the federal government have long been considered desirable by impartial observers of the problem, and federal streamlining of bureaus and departments is intended to result in improved efficiency and real economy...
...We've learned to live and work together, and we have become accustomed to facing problems together and helping one another in time of stress," wrote one tenant...
...Harsh would be the fate of any German critic who publicly dared to challenge the fanaticism of the worshipers of the author of "Mein Kampf...
...No wonder Gov...
...THE COURTS—Liberalization and reform of the federal judiciary, including the U. S. supreme court, to curb the threat to democratic government that lies in judicial autocracy and usurpation of power...
...A paragon of all the popular '. virtues of an aggressor state, he plays at being Caesar, and his idolators assert for him the prerogatives of a god...
...Byproduct of Decent Housing THE great housing projects which now dot most of our large cities have produced many and obvious benefits...
...It is no secret that Gov...
...This In no way takes the burden of guilt off Hitler...
...The statement, based on a survey by the association and by tax experts, reveals that the closing of district offices of the taxation department and the firings of trained auditors and clerKs will result in the wholesale evasion of taxes by the big income group...
...Courageously, Finland is developing whole new sections of Helsinki, resettling her homeless, rebuilding the homes and factories bombed and shelled to ruin in the war...
...Democratic societies likewise may have their faults of exaggeration and on occasion "gild the lily...
...The picture presented by Mr...
...In addition the official publication of the Guildford Cooperative Society (a large one near London) had this to say in its February issue about the conduct of the war: "We feel that the lorces of democracy, the cooperative movement, the members of our own society, and the workers in general, have not as yet sufficiently realized the danger, the ever-growing danger, with which they are faced...
...Germany's outrageous imperialism may next be turned on the Balkans or Sweden...
...But now let's look at the other side of the picture and see what these alleged "savings" really amount to...
...7. BANKS—A government owned central banking system to break the grip of the money trust by carrying out, among other things, the congressional power "to coin money, and regulate the value thereof...
...It illustrates the logic of war, a logic which our government's participation in economic and military war cannot change...
...They had come to like community living...
...In a letter accompanying the article, Gov...
...Marvelous responsiveness to all phenomena of life, to such as even very thoughtful people pass by...
...Co-ops Ask For Peace (From The Midland Co-operator, Minneapolis, Minn...
...His infinite capacity for work, which admits of no weariness or breaks...
...Time To Take A Realistic Look At The State Service THE PROGRESSIVE prints in adjoining columns an article written by Prof...
...A world which admired Finland at war is likely to admire her equally In peace...
...His profound, uncompromising fidelity to principle in solving very important, involved questions that to many a mind proved a source of confusion...
...I would sincerely appreciate your opening the news columns of your paper for publication of this information," says the governor's letter...
...His power of historical prevision, which is inherent in him alone and which has been demonstrated many a time...
...The six district offices, abandoned on order of Tax Commissioner Elmer E. Barlow as an "economy" gesture, in the fiscal year 1938 collected more than $526,000 of taxes legally owed to the state...
...Heil, but it fears for the safety of democracy because Mr...
...Here is how it was done: Amendments to inheritance tax laws giving big estates new exemptions ....................82,000,000 Failure of the Heil administration to re-enact the tax on telephone utilities for relief........$1,500,000...
...We extend to the innocent peoples of Scandinavia not alone our sympathy, but promise of all practicable support ir, their struggle, now and in the coming years, for the preservation or restoration of their freedom and the resumption of th<it leadership in true civilization which has made them an inspiration to mankind...
...Heil has heally been a process of wrecking, and while mass firing of state workers do save salaries and expenses, this kind of economy proves a very costly thing when law enforcement bogs down and the state loses millions in taxes and other revenue...
...above all, of the expression of view* contrary to those of 'the powers that be...
...Martin Glaeser, professor ot economics at the University of Wisconsin, which we wish every taxpayer and voter in this state could read...
...At a time when Wisconsin has a governor who never overlooks an opportunity to smear and cast approbation at state employes and to hand out gushy praise for Milwaukee millionaires, this article brings out much neglected truth...
...Heil has a row with his press representative, Mr...
...The cost of operating the six closed offices was $94,893...
...It is obvious that there will be scores of big corporate concerns and wealthy individuals who have nothing to fear from this administration who will rig their income tax returns to suit their convenience...
...In Russia, however, the cult of Stalinism soars to even loftier heights...
...a plebiscite on wars which would send American soldiers to foreign soil...
...This survey showed that the six district commission offices abandoned under the Heil administration reorganization scheme in 1938 collected S526.000 in taxes legally owed the state which might otherwise have been lost...
...Under the Heil-Barlow "economy" program, the state will be saved about $95,000 by closing these district offices, but it will lose over a half million dollars in taxes that are rightly due the state from individuals and corporations with big incomes...
...Second, the Scottish section of the British Cooperative party, In their annual meeting at Glasgow, voted 215 to 55 for a resolution demanding an armistice and stressing the importance of removing the present government from office t» facilitate a peace settlement...
...Economy" in the Heil administration means firing conscientious state employes who have been enforcing the laws and checking up on corporate wealth to see that it paid its fair share of the cost of government...
...Two of the Soviet dictator's agents recently united to laud him in the following eulogy: "Everything about this great man astounds one...
...Tiller, over the lack of public enthusiasm over his so-called savings to the taxpayers...
...5. PURCHASING CO-OPERATIVES — Development of a strong farm-urban consumers cooperative purchasing movement...
...Der Fuehrer, the Nazis insist, rises above the judgment of ordinary morality...
...It cropped up the other day in Chicago, where some 350 families about to "graduate" from two housing projects because their incomes had risen above the maximum, began to form their own co-operative housing project...
...through the reonnur '>n law...
...TTERE are the "economy" claims made by Gov...
...This loss to the state would more than twice cancel out the alleged "saving" which the governor claims in his initial propaganda release...
...London dispatches have repeatedly told us that the British government contemplated deliberate provocation of German invasion of Scandinavia in order to have an opportunity, lost in the case of Finland, to attack the Reich on her northern flank...
...More than ever it is true that this naticn can render its greatest service by preserving and increasing its own democracy, and by using i:s power and influence at the earliest practicable moment to mediate for a peace, guaranteed by disarmament, and the restoration of the rights of peoples whose only crime has been their numerical and military weakness...
...In the last legislature, the Heil administration jammed through measures which gave the big corporate interests of the state a present of $3,740,000 in lower taxes...

Vol. 10 • May 1940 • No. 19

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