ROLL CALL On MEN and Measures BY A ROLLL CALL vote of 205 to 175 the House of Representatives on May 3 killed amendments to the wages and hours act. The vote, to recommit, the amendments to the...
...Vincent, Ky...
...Hawks Moser Walter Cole, N. Y. Healey Mouton Welch Connery Hennings Murdock, Utah Wheat Corbett Hill Murray White, Idaho Crawford Hinshaw Myers Wigglesworth Crosser Hoffman O'Brien Williams, Del...
...Case, S. Dak...
...Cole of Maryland with Mr...
...Coffee (D...
...Bolles Englebright Lea Rogers, Mass...
...Wolfenden, Pa...
...Thomas F. Ludlow Sheridan Bloom Fries Lynch Smith, Conn...
...Smith of Ohio...
...Austin Doxey Kinzer Reed, 111...
...Steagall with Mr...
...Knutson (against...
...Barden, N. C. Drewry Kitchens Rees...
...exempting employes of packinghouses, an amendment exempting 800.000 warehouse workers, and an amendment exempting an estimated 1,750,000 with annual wages of $1500 or more...
...Ford of Mississippi with Mr...
...Fltzpatrick LeCompte Secrest Beam Flaherty Lemke Seger Bell Flannagan Lesinski Shanley Blackney Flannery Luce Shannon Bland Ford...
...Jarman Patrick Ward Cooley Jarrett Randolph Whelchel Crowe Jeffries Risk White, Ohio Darrow Kennedy, Martin Rogers, Okla...
...McGranery with Mr...
...Disney Kirwan Sehulte Woodrum, Va...
...Johnson, Okla...
...Elliott Kennedy, Michael Sacks Andresen, A. H. Engel Kcogh Sasscer Andrews Evans Kilburn Schaefer, III...
...Claypool with Mr...
...Ward (against...
...Cullen Horton O'Day Winter D'Alesandro Houston Oliver Wolcott Delaney Hull O'Neal Wclverton...
...Beckworth Ellis Lambertson Rockefeller Bender Elston Lanham Rodgers, Pa...
...Gore Mason Smith, III...
...Ohio Gerlach McGregor Springer Bryson Geyer, Calif...
...F.berharter Keller Robinson, Utah Allen, Pa...
...The roll call to kill the amendments by recommitting them follows: AGAINST THE AMENDMENTS (For Recommitting)—205 Alexander Dworshak Kefauver Robertson Allen, La...
...Barnes with Mr...
...exempting workers in fresh fruits and vegetables, an amendment by Rep...
...Sehulte with Mr...
...Poage West Dempsey Jonkman Polk Whittingtoh Dies Kean Ramspeck XOT VOTING—50 Barnes Green McLaughlin Starnes, Ala...
...O'Leary (for) with Mr...
...Among the principal amendments adopted prior to the recommittal of the bill were an amendment by Rep...
...These amendments, as well as the others adopted, were rejected by the hcuse when it refused to accept in one piece the amendments it had agreed to piecemeal throughout the week...
...Ford, Miss...
...Boland (for) with Mr...
...Patrick with Mr Jarrett...
...Bradley of Michigan...
...Martin, 111...
...Nelson with Mr...
...Sumners, Tex...
...Gilchrist McGranery Smith, Ohio • • * l'AIKED Mr...
...Garrett Mahon Seccombe Caldwell Gathings Mansfield Sheppard Camp Gibbs Marshall Short Cannon, Fla...
...Gilchrist (for) with Mr...
...The vote, to recommit, the amendments to the house labor committee, came after the house rejected, 211 to 171, a bill on which it had been working for over a week...
...Edelstein Kelly Romjue Andersen...
...Simpson Cannon, Mo...
...Ford, Leland M. >*cGehce Sandager Bulwinkle Fulmer McLean Satterfield Burch Gamble McMillan, John L. Schafer, Wis...
...Eaton Kocialkowskl Robsion...
...Bradley, Pa, Gavagan McArdle Smith, W. Va...
...Hunter (fori with Mr...
...Green with Mi...
...Byrne of New York with Mr...
...McKeough Sullivan Buck Gillie McLeod Sutphin Buckler...
...Vreeland Cochran Havenner Monkiewicz Wadsworth Coffee, Wash...
...Flumley Weaver Davis Jones, Tex...
...Angell Faddis Kramer Schiffler Arnold Fay Kunker Schuetz Ball Fcnton Landis Schwert Barry Fernandez Larrabee Scrugham Bates, Ky...
...Woodrum of Virginia with Mr...
...Stearns of New Hampshire...
...Dirksen Keefe Rankin Anderson, Calif...
...Byrns, Tenn...
...Dirksen (R...
...Hartley Nichols Sweet Collins Hendricks Norrell Tarver Colmer Hess Norton Terry Cooper Hobbs Osmers Thill Costello Hope Pace Thomas, Tex...
...Clevenger Harter, X. Y. Miller Vorys, Ohio Cluett Harter, Ohio Mills, La...
...Knutson Shafer, Mich...
...Dondero Kerr Raybum Arcnds Doughton Kilday Reece, Tenn...
...Curtis Johnson, Lyndon Pittenger Warren Darden, Va...
...Bolton Ferguson Leavy Routzohn Boren Fish Lewis, Colo...
...Grant, Ala...
...Goodwin McMillan, Clara G. Sweeney Buckley, X. Y. Graham Maas Taber Burdiek Grant...
...Gwynne Martin, Iowa Van Zandl Celler Hall...
...South Chiperfield Hall, Leonard W. Monroney Sparkman Church Hancock Mott Stefan Clark Harrington Mundt Sumner, III...
...Courtney Jacobsen Patman Thomason Cox- Jenks, X. H. Patton Thorkelson Cravtns Jennings Pearson Tinkham Creal Johns Peterson, Fla...
...Coffee, Nebr...
...White of Ohio...
...W. Va, Rabaut Duncan Jones, Ohio Reed, N. Y. Dunn Kee Richards FOR THE AMENDMENTS (Against Recommitting) Allen, 111...
...Taylor with Mr, Darrow...
...Edwin A. May Vocrhis, Calif...
...Martin J. Kennedy (for) with Mr...
...Magnuson (foil with Mr...
...Holmes (against...
...Maciejewski Talle Byron Griffith Maloney Tenerowicz Carter Gross Marcantonio Tibbott Cartwright Guyer...
...Rutherford Boykin Folger Lewis, Ohio Ryan Brown, Ga...
...Gifford Martin, Mass...
...Boehne Gartner McAndrews Smith, Wash...
...Starnes of Alabama with Mr, Kirwan...
...Clason Hart Murdock, Ariz...
...V • « GENERAL PAIRS Mr...
...Thomas of New Jersey (against...
...Tolan Casey, Mass...
...Cooley (against...
...Shafer of Michigan...
...Wolfenden of Pennsylvania...
...Boland Halleck Magnuson Steagall Bradley, Mich...
...Hare (against...
...Michener Somers, X. Y. Chapman Gregory Mills, Ark...
...Jeffries (against...
...Carlson Gossetl Massingale Smith, Va...
...Hare Merritt Stearns, N. H. Burgin Harness Mitchell Taylor Byrne, X. Y. Holmes Nelson Thomas, N. J. Claypool Hunter O'Leary Wallgren Cole, Md...
...N. J DeRouen Izac O'Toole Wood Dickstein Jenkins, Ohio Parsons Wood-uff, Mich, Dingell Jensen Pleifer Youngdahl Ditter -Johnson, Ind...
...Barton, X. Y. Durham Kleberg Rich Bates, Mass...
...Wallgren (for) with Mr...
...Peterson, Ga...
...Jarman with Mr...
...H. Carl Edmiston Kennedy, Md...
...Treadway Crowther Johnson, III...
...Brewster Gearhart McCormack Snyder Brooks Gehrmann McDowell Spence Brown...
...Burgin with Mr...
...Culkin Hook O'Connor Williams, Mo...
...exempting wholesale employes, an amendment by Rep...
...Cummings Johnson, Luther A. Pierce Vinson, Ga...
...Sabath Anderson, Mo...
...Buck (D,, Calif...
...Powers Zimmerman Douglas Johnson...
Vol. 10 • May 1940 • No. 19