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Mounting War Hysteria Hit At Peace Meet 1,300 U. Students Attend Convocation, Hear Cong. Coffee Cong. John M. Coffee, Tacoma, Wash., member of the liberal Democratic bloc in the U. S. house of...

...Robert M. LaFollette Sr...
...Then what happened...
...Robert M. La Follette... second Versailles" treaty...
...LaFollette came buck to Wisconsin and found that the state legislature had adopted a resolution which virtually cnllcrl him a irmtor...
...and passage by congress of a "genuine war referendum...
...against war, Cong...
...The same thing is now manifesting itself within our own borders...
...Coffee declared that a repetition of the war-hysteria which preceded the first World War may again Involve the United States in the present war...
...Coffee declared that public war sentiment may change overnight...
...He was hanged in clTigy in several cities of the slate...
...He then warned of the danger to American peace resulting from the Invasion this week of Germany into Denmark and Norway...
...He voted his own convictions and the convictions of the people of Wisconsin who then as now opposed entry of the U. S. into the World War... totalitarianism in any form...
...The platform favored "no war loans, no planes, no men, to any belligerents...
...The federation, explained Kalhryn Frederick, president, Is composed of delegates from 50 university campus organizations, Including the Y.M.C.A...
...The convocation, sponsored by the University Peace Federation, was part of a national peace convocation movement being held this month on cam-pases throughout the nation...
...condemnation of "this war as imperialistic...
...MIDDLETOWN, Conn.— Remington Rand Inc., originator of the Mohawk valley strikebreaking formula, unexpectedly about-faced when it announced the resumption of NLRB hearings that it would comply with a board order calling for disestablishment of its company unions...
...Before the World War," he said, "we heard the warning that we must go and fight the Kaiser or he would come over and fight us...
...Coffee declared...
...Here In Wisconsin," Coffee said, "many citizens are of Scandinavian descent and, naturally by reason of their relations with the old world, pressure will be brought upon public officials to loan money to the old nations of Europe...
...We should maintain an aggressive, militant neutrality as between the bclligerents of the war," Cong...
...that grand old man of Wisconsin and one of the greatest statesmen of our time, "voted against war," said Coffee...
...The American people had changed almost overnight...
...Referring to the fight of the late U. S. Sen...
...Coffee endorsed the peace platform adopted by the federation and distributed among students attending the convocation...
...John M. Coffee, Tacoma, Wash., member of the liberal Democratic bloc in the U. S. house of representatives last week warned 1,300 University of Wisconsin students attending the fourth annual all-campus peace convocation in Memorial Union theater that "omnious and critical" war hysteria endangers the peace of the United States...
...C.A., sororities, fraternities, rooming houses, dormitories, co-operative houses, the University League for Liberal Action, the University Progressive club, the Campus Liberal association, several socialist groups, and the Young Communist league...

Vol. 10 • April 1940 • No. 16

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