What Co-ops Are Doing Timely Events in the Co-operative Move-ment SALES JUMP 554 PER CENT IN STREAMLINED CO-OP STORE CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Streamlined and moved to main street, the first complete...
...A cooperative not only means dollars saved for farmers but It makes free souls of men...
...the Cambridge membership agreed to get 140 new members and raise $2,500 new capital, to be matched by a loan from CDC...
...The total volume o* petroleum products in gallonage continued to grow to the highest point in the history of the cooperative...
...The Amarillo co-op wholesale had its best year, Increased its volume, its savings, its financial position and member equity, the report of the auditors and General Mantger F. E. Hob-good showed...
...After consultation with the Consumer Distribution Corp., founded by the late Edward A. Filene...
...PASS THIS PAPER ON It Will Win New Readers...
...First week's sales were $1,200, and business has increased steadily ever since...
...President Sterling C. Evans of the Houston Bank for Cooperatives commended the progress and strength of the CCA and said...
...The total volume of business for the period ending 1939 showed a very healthy gain...
...Thirty-eight now co-op shops were opened in Stockholm during the year bringing the total to nearly 500—one store for every 1,000 residents of the city...
...The Stockholm Cooperative Society, largest of the retail coops, handled business totaling $21,-500.000...
...The cooperative is a rallying place for all the people and serves all the people...
...No window displays are used...
...On Dec...
...Starting in 1934 with only twelve member cooperatives, the organization is now composed of 81 member cooperatives with 32 associate cooperatives...
...Total sales reached a new high level of $2,500,000...
...Retail cooperative societies affiliated with K. F. reported sales of $154,800,000...
...For the week ending March 23, receipts were $2,396...
...They are not influenced and dictated to hy people who own and control and finance the community far beyond any necessity...
...Items under the CO-OP label obtained through National Cooperatives showed by far the greatest increase and the most satisfaction...
...Streamlined and moved to main street, the first complete co-op self-service food store in the metropolitan area of Boston increased its sales 554 per cent in three months...
...The wholesale is owned by 50 local cooperative associations having 13,-300 members...
...His visit and inspiring message were thoroughly appreciated by the Texans...
...1939, the new store opened at I'll Massachusetts ave...
...There are over 36,000 farmers being served by the Pacific Supply Cooperative in three Northwest states...
...The store is 22 feet by 52 feet...
...PACIFIC SUPPLY COOPERATIVE FORGES AHEAD By GEORGE P. SANDERSON Editor, The Cooperative News WALLA WALLA, Wash.—The Pacific Supply cooperative, although only five and a half years old, has made a growth comparable with similar groups In other parts of the country which have been In existence from 10 to 15 years...
...Howard A. Cowden, president of Consumers Cooperative Association of North Kansas City, Mo., a wholesale with 450 locals In nine states and a wholesale in which the Amarillo co-op is a stockholder, made the principal talk of the meeting...
...SWEDISH CO-OPS RETORT GREATEST GROWTH SINCE 1919 STOCKHOLM — Sweden's trust-busting cooperatives hung up another record in 1939 when the business of retail consumer cooperatives increased 11.5 per cent, volume of sales handled through Kooperatlva For-bundet, cooperative wholesale, increased 17.19 per cent, and production in co-op factories gained in proportion...
...He told how farmers can own factories and pay for them out of savings, thereby getting title to them free...
...Two hundred leaders representing cooperative supply associations that own and operate Consumers Cooperatives Associated, Amarillo, Texas, meeting In tenth annual session here, received reports proving definitely that the cooperative movement Is on the march so far as the high plains wheat, cotton, and cattle territory of Texas is concerned...
...Sprague Coolldge is president, decided to organize an adequate store...
...The addition of new warehouses at Pocatella, Idaho and Ontario, Oregon, has aided the units in their respective territories and the new credit department has proven to be a wise step as it has helped the entire program to a more efficient and sounder operating basis...
...The building is brilliantly lighted so that the store, attractively painted In cream with a dark green trim, is itself a display...
...Six months ago when sales in their small cooperative store on a side street averaged S340 a week, the board of directors of the Central Consumers Cooperative of Cambridge, of which Mrs...
Vol. 10 • April 1940 • No. 15