...In the Feb...
...These bills are being opposed by the Seamen's union of the Pacific, and Harry Lundberg, acting president of the Seafarer's International union of North America...
...The American workers is emphatically not a revolutionist...
...The more booze, the mere deaths in traffic...
...Death is quick and they go out of life in a peaceful sleep...
...Part of Arctic lands will be set aside for the misguided and assistance given to those who want to show they can come back as Americans...
...and vessels for training and the admission of students resident in other stales, as the Maritime commission and the Navy department shall prescribe or regulate...
...Down goes the U. S. market but not the taxes...
...The Townsend plan requires the recipient to give up his job and to spend the money received within a month...
...Experience taught me that that is correct...
...All raised their right hands and repeated the oath given through a loud speaker...
...The methods can and should be pacific and democratic...
...Any citizen or group can suggest changes for the betterment of the general welfare to any officer...
...With our young folks employed and hitch-hiking a novelty instead of a national scandal, it should be easy to reduce our crime bill from $16,000,-000.000 to below $8,000,000,000 The $8,000,000,000 saved would go a long way to pay the old age pension...
...With six or eight million removed from gainful occupation, it should go a long way to solve our unemployment problem...
...The fallacies in Marxism are patent, and it is perverse folly to ignore them...
...We have to go down to fundamentals to bring back that cherished democracy we have unwillingly and unbeknown lost in the unbridled competition of yesterday...
...Already, sample "educational" orders, which the War and Navy departments place with industry to determine the abilities and capacities of various plants to meet war needs have been exempted from provisions of the Walsh-Healey act requiring fair labor standards in public contracts...
...For 50 years I joined my Progressive friends in lambasting and soaking the rich...
...This criticism is motivated by a friendly feeling of long standing for the Progressive cause...
...On May If I expect to take advantage of it and receive with Mrs...
...A member made a complaint and called for volunteers to take the poor old woman and her two daughters, whip them and tar and feather them...
...If not, they should...
...Civilization destroyed and the God of all is relegated to the back seat...
...No person or group will be permitted to sponge on the people...
...She deserves more praise, perhaps now...
...The quarrels between the Stalin-ites and the Trotskyites of the Socialist camp are absolutely without meaning for America...
...The world's greatest industrialist said in McClure's magazine about 1915: "The world would have wars as long as there were tariffs...
...Whether there arc any better plans than the sales tax may also be a debatable question...
...Thoroughly imbued with this spirit, : -1 thoroughly democratic, we are here and now issuing a warning to any and all men and elements which have been and are subvertive of those citizenship rights conferred by our national constitution and other American inheritances...
...The issues of Russia are irrelevant here...
...Doubtless some form of collectivism is coming in America...
...It would take care of all production possible under our present machine system...
...It is an accepted law whereby the people can safeguard their right to self government "that this nation under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth...
...Guider Stalin (Chula Vista...
...The last huge debt, taxed upon them the states have not yet paid...
...In some time of stress those divergent views will be hammered into one overwhelming demand that another step be taken on the road of progress and then we will all wonder how we could have exalted each of our own pet panaceas to such proportions...
...The W'ar and navy departments are thus attempting to apply "military standards" instead of "labor standards'' to wages and hours for orders placed by the government.' Inevitably they will seek to extend these standards to all military orders...
...If the states would pass legislation to meet the old age law enacted by the New Deal, it would go a long way to help solve some of our problems...
...What since...
...Chanty begins at home...
...Time throughout the United States will be the same...
...Certainly it is a new high in reactionary legislation to have funds of the federal government used to subsidize potential strike-breakers over the opposition of organized labor...
...Are not all wars brutal...
...United States, organized the Finn relief fund In such a way that widow's mites, nickels, and dimes...
...I calmed down and found it about as good a tax as any, for in the end tuxes are paid only by those in gainful occupation...
...Tariff Evils (Lansing, Mich...
...Some of those at 65 are getting more than those 75 or over...
...Dawn Is Near (RUBY...
...I am and have been a Progressive for the last 30 years, was a great admirer of the late Sen...
...None other than the English language will be permitted over the radio...
...Perhaps you will be able to get some fine ideas from them.— C. W. HARRIS...
...Lord Northcliffe...
...The Seamen's union deals specifically with the question of military supervision...
...If not the U. S. will be in 50 years a nation of paupers with a few plutocrats...
...Bootstrap-lifting does not help...
...Having noted that we are rapidly trending away from all things democratic and toward somethinj Infinitely less desirable to and for the American people, as a representative of the common people I have been trying to stem that tide...
...But we refuse to believe that our powers—potential if not actual— are yet all lost to us...
...You go ahead and edit The Progressive...
...Here It Is...
...It gives a chance to present the facts to the people, and we are the people, taxed even to the loss of homes and farms as well as small business...
...After all, this is a cooperative government and, like a cooperative creamery, we deduct the cost of government from the sale of goods and distribute the balance...
...We have no great leader in view for the coming four years...
...Any other currency system would be abused as long as 50 per cent of the people vote for one political party or another without much concern for what they stand...
...Only the "now-it-can-be-toids" after the war will disclose fully how the money kings of Europe used the public credit to sabotage their own nations and build up Hitlerism...
...I thought the Klan was dead but was surprised to leant that it is still pretty strong in Florida...
...Of course, all those who have quit are now printing their own papers to boost "the very idea...
...Popular Weekly (Blcomington...
...Franklin D. Roosevelt accepted the office of president of the United States like a child with a new plaything which he proceeded to pull to pieces to make over to suit himself...
...It has been abused...
...A per cent sales tax would produce sufficient to pay $55 a month for all over 00 years of age and it would create additional purchasing power... one papcu- that could be depended upon to write as it pleased without being influenced or coerced into following the "old party line" of the reactionaries...
...and C.I.O., has expressed opposition to the placing of military men in control of departments dealing with civilian matters—most important of these men are Col...
...The tariff was to blame for the centering of wealth in 500 millionaires...
...Trotsky, from his exile, wrote an eloquent autobiography, covering the affair...
...The Hon...
...I formerly thought The...
...When the sales was first...
...If it wasn't for the gore we gather from the European war and our endeavor to increase more and more our weapons of destruction, conditions today would be as bad as when two-chicken Hoover threw up the sponge in 1930...
...I paid $10 to join the Klan and it was well spent...
...About five or six out of 150 were at the meeting who were willing...
...We are glad, with all the wrongs that are suffered, thai so far our stock market manipulators are not doubling and trebling our goods to the warring nations, for these nations can get most of their supplies from their colonies...
...E. EVANS...
...It shows very little respect for those 75 years or more to cut us to add a host of people at 65...
...This Lincoln said as he had to sign a bill greatly increasing the tariff (largely on common necessities of the people) to finance the war of the rebellion...
...If we attend strictly to our own business and enforce the principles of our nvn constitution in our own land, we shall be in a condition lo help the warring countries when their real need conies as it surely will, but not until Hitler and Stalin are shorn of all power to cause trouble...
...A pay-as-you go system will be in force...
...8080) to provide debt free credits for national defense, one of the most significant pieces of legislation that has been offered to congress in many years...
...All religious and educational groups' now exempt, from taxation will pay...
...He said: "Let them alone and they will die a natural death...
...It will never re-employ the idle millions...
...There is certainly a great need for popular progressive weekly, and I .ncerely hope yours fills that need — WAYNE SNIDER...
...It is exactly in line with the platform carried in The Progressive...
...The week of Mar.-4...
...The plan gives purchasing power not now possessed by those who are no longer able to or should not work...
...I have been one of them since I first listened to "Fighting Bob" address the voters at Mt...
...This does not mean that I want to stop .giving aid in any form to the victims of the plutocracy under which we live—a system of unbridled private enterprise where mechanization of industry, as well as commerce, banking and various other forms of economic activities have unwary created and arc continually increasing the curse of unemployment of millions of our citizens...
...I cannot understand why you do no advertise your paper widely in the la bor...
...His administration did not pay wealthy plantation farmers hundreds of thousands of dollars for discharging thousands of men and throwing them on relief, or starvation...
...But even so...
...Educators w-ould be required to take tests annually for teaching ability and effectiveness...
...Here Is what changed me...
...He expects benefits from the state, and does not regard it as the mere tool of the rich and powerful...
...Hand shaking as a form of salutation is forbidden as a health precaution...
...They contend that the passage of these bills would only aggravate the situation...
...They ought to be out pulling weeds in the potato patch...
...Every six hours radiocasts of news, informative, will be made...
...We have to go back to that form of economic life if we want to reestablish that social democracy...
...Finke $38 a month as long as both of us survive, so that any old age pension plan does not interest me as it formerly did...
...This is quoted from the Detroit Times under Sher-merhorn...
...I challenge any honest Progressive that there is before the American people today a better plan than the old age retirement plan...
...26 issue of the New- Re- public, John T. Flynn wrote a very fine article about the recent conven- tion of the Youth Congress in Wash- ing.on...
...Capitalism is manifestly bankrupt...
...Though I have done a little grunting myself, it is another step in the right direction in providing security for the aged...
...This is the most sensible bill that has been introduced in congress in years...
...It does not lead anywhere, except in the long run to liberty destroying totalilarisni...
...This will be stopped...
...THE PEOPLE'S FORUM—A Full Page of Letters from Progressive Readers -:--:-GIVE ME THE LIBERTY TO KNOW, TO UTTER, AND TO ARGuE F REPLY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE, A ROVE ALL LIHERTIES.-MILTON.-:- -:Safe Transition (Winter Park...
...Now, American seamen are faced with a threat of military supervision in a series of bills at present before the house committee on merchant marine and fisheries...
...I could go on and fill pages of destructive acts of which this administration is guilty, but you know all this as well and better than I do...
...The only thing that has kept industry from collapsing completely since our "temporary" depression started in 1929 has been government spending, lending and guaranteeing loans...
...An outlay of at least $10,000,000 is contemplated...
...I was in the banking business for a good many years and have never been convinced that speeding up the printing press to get new currency would remedy unemployment created by machinery...
...To argue that $50 In new currency or in a government warrant paid to an old aged person to spend for necessities is less potent than the same money paid to a person 30 or 40 in the way of additional wages Is begging the question...
...I reserved Judgment on the matter until I could hear the other side...
...The Marxians who talk of the social revolution are living in a fool's paradise...
...If they do, theirs will be the responsibility for the clashes and disturbances that may ensue...
...I am doubly glad for the "People's Forum...
...One wants money talked of mostly, another wants single tax advocated, another tells you to jump on Roosevelt with both feet instead of allowing he has accomplished anything...
...Philip Fleming, heading the Wages and Hours administration, and Col...
...If we were to look after our own welfare and not financing and loaning more money upon the $13,000,000,000 already owed to us which Europe repudiated, we might be able to give the aged people a respectable pension...
...First of all, let us by legislation restrict one man to one economic activity—one factory, one bank, one store, one work of anyone's choosing...
...Reaction in general cannot be fought successfully by the labor movement unless it is willing to fight the expanding power of the most reactionary section of the federal government —the military authorities...
...A lot of folks go to bank night hoping they will get something for nothing...
...It has been demonstrated that to curtail government spending slows down industry...
...L. TALBOTT...
...If I knew of a better one, X would pack up and go there...
...May be your views are correct, maybe we will throw them into the discard when we go into action...
...I hold no briefs for Coolidge...
...All of the high-ups are knitting and making garments for the poor Finn while in Kansas city we had a relief line extending for blocks...
...They started the war in the winter and soldiers wounded on both sides had very little chance of recovery when tlie temperature registers from 50 to 60 degrees below zero...
...Milk should be distributed as a state public utility supervised by the national food and drug act...
...He favors evolution, not revolution...
...This would have been all right had he be;n writing just about the Com munist in general, bu, when he ties the Red Herring onto the Youth con gress, then I think he belongs in the same category with all the other Red baiters of the country' Apparency he is not satisfied with the Dies committee's handling of the Red scare He is out to help it become a little more fanatical, a little more emotional, and if possible to infu ence as many people as he can to to support the Youth congress Now if the Progressive wanted to be fair it would have printed Mr Flynn's article, or one similar, along side of Mr...
...The national trade balance shows that our exports are now mainly the industrialist's war munitions which are swapped to the foreign nations for eggs and milk products...
...R. 8209...
...If The Progcrsslve wants to grow and retain its present readers, I suggest the editorials be in support of the platform carried on the editorial page...
...No pension or currency system will solve it...
...American radicals and Progressives who know the labor movement and trade union history are aware that few native-born workers consider themselves "proletarians" or members of a lower class...
...Sections of the world are suited to produce economically some mineral or goods for man's necessities...
...The best trained minds of the na-tion on the circulation of money, or its equivalent, will submit a monetary plan that will be lawful, and I will decree United States postage stamps to be legal tender for the purchase of government publications...
...It is dying of its inherent contradictions...
...In doing this we share alike in taxation, collect easily and from year to year can at any time adjust our percentages according to our national need.—ALFRED KRAAN...
...It is respectfully suggested that The Progressive might both honor itself and prove its right to the title it carries by reproducing what has here been stated — JOHN SHERMAN GOGIN...
...In other words, let us inaugurate a general tax system on all things we make along the lines we do now in taxing cigareLs, cigars, playing cards, oleomargarine, etc...
...What a contrast...
...It is strange that the membership of the Klan includes legislators, ministers, senators, congressmen, and others...
...It will never abolish poverty or do away with the business cycle...
...Stalin fulfills the Christian requirement for greatness, by giving, not demanding, service...
...Whether wages are increased or the aged are paid a larger pension, someone pays...
...As a registered Republican I am more for the New Deal than ever...
...Hoover, ex-president of the...
...The late Sen...
...F. C. Harrington, heading the Works Progress administration...
...Marie San ford of La Crosse...
...As publisher of a newspaper and a member of the Minnesota legislature 27 years ago, I have a record as a consistent friend of labor and as a Progressive...
...E. PAYNE...
...This was construv-tive chiticism...
...Let us examine the Soviet purge which our editor finds so repugnantly unfair...
...It, doesn't look right to me when I look at the Jap war on China and the Indignities that were perpetrated upon American citizens...
...I was getting $12 per month...
...Fla.l—Several American radicals of the Socialist school, or schools, have been "reconsidering" Marx's essential ideas, and their conclusion, broadly, is that Marxism is largely fallacious, outmoded, and inapplicable to American conditions, or to world conditions generally...
...8012 stipualtes that "the navy shall own these ships, keep them up and they shall be restored to the U.S...
...What was that democracy in pre-machinery and pre - concentration days...
...Quite a few wanted to go but were talked out of it...
...It cannot solve its present serious problems...
...Some become huffy and bounce themselves off the sub list...
...The labor movement both AFL...
...And I don't mean to convey the idea that the New Republic is the only liberal magazine in the nation, but it is one of the few weeklies that ail literal minded people would do well to consider when selecting their read- ing matter...
...They point out that there are today several thousand experienced and certified seamen who are unemployed...
...I read The Progressive to keep informed with regard to the struggle of petty capitalism to survive...
...I read the reactionary press so as to be able to understand big business policy...
...Those not passing the test will be segregated...
...Between the World war and about 1925 the number of millionaires was variously stated to be 1,700 to 3,700...
...A generous national subsidy will be made payable yearly lo the best newspapers, magazines, and books that have excelled in information disseminated for the common good and general welfare...
...For the past 15 years since the banks were closed by the federal reserve bank, I have been with a fraternal life Insurance company and am still receiving a small salary...
...There is no plague, pestilence or vermin or rats to contend with In trench warfare as there Is in the summertime...
...No one ever spoke or acted just as I wanted them to, and they would be failures if they did...
...So has everything else we have undertaken...
...Few of them are wage-workers, and they simply do not count...
...I find in the proletarian press all that is lacking in the others...
...Let us look back some hundred years ago...
...Farmers, as a class of producers necessary for the welfare of the country, have been exploited too long...
...The letters in the People's Forum are far more to the best interest of the citizens and in support of the platform carried in The Progressive than the editorials therein...
...It would: 1. Prevent this nation's being dragged into war by selfish interests at home...
...All pensions paid by the government and states will be revised...
...The insurance companies had a wonderful opportunity to occupy this field, but fumbled the ball by retiring officers with $200,000 a month salaries...
...These bills extending Navy supervision to the training of seamen, and the opposition to extension of the Walsh-Healey act are issues demanding action from every progressive trade unionist—ALBERT W. HAMILTON...
...Then on top of all this, you would advocate a third term...
...Then right off admitted the free importation of liquors, for the holidays, that there might be ample supply of booze for this occasion...
...We now have one of the best banking systems of any government on earth...
...I will say this for the Russians...
...The chief of education is trying his best with some rotten material to do a good job, but it looks hopeless to me unless a change is made...
...liberal, and cooperative pres throughout the country...
...I respect all religions...
...It was a lesson that opened my eyes when I Joined them...
...The term of office is four years unless the time be extended another four years by the will of the people, the accepted limit of time for one person to hold the highest office in the land...
...History is replete with such contradictions...
...Sumner Welles' visit was a serious mistake of our administration at this time...
...And that's about the idea the majority of the people have of the WPA...
...My mother was Irish and a Catholic...
...Buying Poiver IKirkwood...
...To the excellent case of the Sailors' union of the Pacific can be added another comment...
...Columbia, hang your head and weep—S...
...It was so quietly and with so little publicity that very few U. S. citizens know of it...
...La Follette was asked by a prominent man what he thought of the Klan...
...Liberals, radicals, progressives, socialists, all in fact who place the national welfare above the interests of foreign dictators, should get behind the Voorhis bill (H.R...
...That was a real kick in the pants for an old fellow on the shady side of 75...
...An edict will be issued that parents having children who are uneontrol-able will be required to turn them over to the proper officials for training or share half of the penalties imposed for the criminal acts of their children...
...I know many intelligent people read The Progressive, for I read or.e letter in particular, sent in to the Peoples Forum by Mrs...
...A system to encourage excellence in all vocations that affect living conditions will be enforced and supervised by groups of maturates supported nationally...
...It is a step toward pushing the American people over the precipice...
...Surely the editors of The Progressive read the New Republic...
...Plenty of all kinds of fuel, food, and goods...
...If we bring all progressive notions down to the least common denominator, It is apparent that the old age pension system holds out the greatest hope of settling the major portion of the difficulties in this machine age...
...The bills provide as a condition of receiving such appropriations as are contemplated, "that each school or branch thereof, shall agree to conform to such standards regarding courses of...
...I am herewith sending subscription...
...Military Standards I New York CityJ — The current struggle of labor against an increase in reactionary legislation is likewise a struggle against increasing intervention by military authorities in government activities that affect the conditions of labor...
...It is an old age assistance...
...Having found that to be one of the very worst of developments in a monopolistic-dictatorial era...
...Most of the insurance companies have lambasted the present social security law...
...Many other issues of national greed to the few have been promoted and bills for such passed, but leave it to tariffs to set a world of nations waring, fighting, hating, torturing, dying and lyinf in their secret diplomacies and agreements until the common people that suffer physically and financially the horrors of war hardly know what the issues in these "trade wars" are...
...When the peoples press is taken in by the Red scare, just what are we little people going .to...
...Why not junk all tariffs and reciprocal tariffs... on demand...
...And here are the main points of an economic paltform to save this nation from the threatening slavery that faces us...
...Fireworks will be set off by experts only...
...And this not withstanding the billions the well-meaning Rooevelt has thrown into the bottomnless pit...
...Imagine my surprise when I saw-Mr Lonergah's article in the Feb 24 issue of The Progressive, in which he gave veut to his pet pique against j the Communist...
...An impending Industrial collapse will materialize in a few years...
...The army and navy are established, under our democracy, as a branch of the government for military purposes only, and they have their own methods of training soldiers and sailors, but it is certainly not the intent of the American people to use the military branches of government to lay down rules and regulations affecting the civilian population...
...Your attitude towards Communism and the omission from the Progressive platform of a solution to the unemployment problem would seem to indicate a faithful observance of all the virtues except the indispensable one...
...Hon b, Wis., in his campaign for congress...
...When the editor of The Progressive makes an eloquent profession of his idealism and then accepts vicious distortions by the cohorts of Mammon as excuse for a bitter repudiation of the proletarian state, I am not deceived nor surprised...
...They say: "It is against the American concept of democracy to establish training ships or schools for civilians supervised by and regulated by military bureaus, such as the navy...
...Sees a Precipice (Madelia, Minn...
...Plenty of U. S. and industrial agents combing the world for trade...
...I—I have noticed quite a number of letters requesting the writers' names be stricken from your mailing list...
...Dictator Talk [Elmhurst, 111...
...representatives of both the army and navy appeared before a house subcommittee to oppose amendments extending the act's wage and hour standards to government contracts below $10,000, They also urged suspension of the law's operation during a "national emergency" as well as during actual war...
...It will demand my best efforts to organize the maturates, oldsters, or senior citizens so that they will serve as directors of welfare in the communities in which they reside...
...Could it be possible others would find that course advisable...
...Evidently Franklin D. Roosevelt does not realize that he is a servant of the people, paid a salary by the people, that he holds the highest office of president of the United States only by the will of the people, that when he accepted the office, he took a solemn oath to administer the duties of that office for the benefit of the people and not for the exaltation of Franklin D. Roosevelt above that office...
...We must not forget that even Marx, in his old age, admitted that in some countries, where major reforms have been effected without violence, collectivism may also emerge by tjie consent and approval of the majority...
...but I am not quitting because I see an article now and then along other lines...
...This method of getting money (collected In interest) back into circulation cannot be discontinued without a complete industrial collapse...
...There are many shouting, "Here I am, take me, I can do a better job than the other fellow...
...Only in the Forum do we learn of the new Voorhis bill (H...
...This is a great country and I am in favor of trying it out to see if it can be made the kind of government our forefathers under God hoped it would be...
...I have thus qualified under the amended social security act...
...17, then she deserves all the praise that I can give her, for the courage and understanding she expressed about human society...
...La Follette, have several of his great books...
...To fight over them is merely to advertise one's futility, sterility and isolation...
...2. that purports to be an argument for a third term for Roosevelt...
...One night, one fanatic got up, addressed the chair, and called for volunteers to go down to the north end and clean up the "wops...
...takes a fall out of those who favor the Townsend plan and gives his reason to those whom he terms as open-minded...
...Possibly, at the end of the present war...
...Secondly, let us make this a carefree, happy nation by adding to our national budget a sum sufficient to pay to all our citizens a decent old age pension and to take care of all who need our help...
...Lincoln said prophetically on this subject: "Directly as this war is over this bill must be repealed...
...This I deplore, yet I think there is a cause...
...A vast number of young men will be trained under military supervision for a profession in which they cannot get jobs...
...That book does not show one serious reason why he should have proceeded to undermine the decisions of the Bolshevist majority, but it shows Trotsky for what he assuredly is, an egoist who favors a form of petty capitalism wherein he and his type of so-called intellectuals would be able to establish a benevolent facist dictator-shop under the name of Communism...
...He has no wish to fight the middle class and to establish a dictatorship...
...If it did not...
...Men and women, poorly nourished and ill clad stand In zero weather waiting for food...
...I don't want the readers to think I am prejudiced against Catholics...
...We cannot slop public expenditures and we cannot go on increasing interest bearing debts perpetually...
...Then prohibition was in force, now there are 437,000 saloons and 2,053 state liquor stores, with 1,359,000 worn cn and girls tending bars, and rustling customers for these nefarious hell holes, sapping the veins of legitimate business...
...It will end at once the economic slavery, although the gang will cry as loud as the Southern barons of 1861 when Uncle Sam freed the black slaves...
...Apparently your editorials are on every subject except the subject of legislation that will correct unjust laws and procure just laws...
...and we propose to henceforth demonstrate then we not only can but actually know how to fight in defense of our most sacred rights...
...Defends Youth Meet (Vallejn, Calif.don't know what has come over The Progressive for it certainly has turned the white feather...
...there will not be billions for our congress to assume and apportion to the states...
...The platform carried in your paper attracts subscribers, yet you seldom or never refer to it editorially...
...The Voorhis Bill (Newllano, La...
...Wis., which I think typifies real, honest-to-good-ness liberalism...
...He L eaves Us (Riverside, Calif...
...However, the army and navy are still not satisfied...
...The liquor question is one of the big issues before the American people...
...Trotsky, the leader, was among the first to be purged...
...In addition an appropriation of $50,000 for the upkeep of each school-ship is provided for...
...None of them had a word to say in his defense...
...The dogmatic, unreconstructed Marxists are furious, and they vehemently denounce the "revisionists": but invective and abuse are not arguments...
...This is a triple reference bill...
...he does not feel that he has "nothing to lose but his chains...
...Meantime, we need all the ideas we can get.—C...
...Ind.t — Please ent: my subscription to your publicatien...
...Another time a poor Polish widow with a family was making home brew and doing quite a business among the steel workers in Sheffield...
...But a third term is more than my stomach can stand...
...7084, 8612, 7870, 6136) all propose construction or acquisition of vessels by the U. S. Maritime commission to be placed at the disposal of state nautical schools in a number of states...
...3. Provide an orderly transition from a war to a peace footing at the cessation of hostilities...
...If anyone has a better plan, name it...
...The only ones that have been soaked so far are the poor...
...Who threw the wrench...
...D C, in which he pointed out a few basic errors that youth in general could avoid...
...But dawn is near...
...The further I go in life, the more I find need of the views of others to keep me from spouting half baked theories...
...All indications show- that Stalin possesses a great mentality...
...Plenty out of worrk...
...than ever before, especially when every reactionary in the country is pointing and screaming Communism at anyone who has the nerve and conviction to speak out for sanity and truth...
...Near the end of his second term in office the people of the United States stand on the edge of a precipice where a thoughtless push would send them headlong into the world cataclysm...
...He had in mind Great Britain and the "United States.—VICTOR S. YAR-ROS...
...Temple in Kansas City like cattle...
...we have now started a sledge-hammer attack thereon...
...American time,' daylight sayings time will be abolished If a community decides to go to work at any lime without changing the national time, they can do so without acting petty about it...
...You refer to the efforts made by prominent Republicans and their en- j dorsements for Coolidge to run for a third term...
...I have greatly enjoyed your paper, The Progressice, very much, have passed it on to others, but I must kindly ask you to discontinue sending it any j longer—W...
...I had not to wait long...
...My father w'as English and belonged to the Episcopalian faith.—E...
...The U. S. produced 500 millionaires between that wax and the World war...
...I want to say something about Mr...
...He has been smeared because he admitted over the radio that at one time he joined the Klan...
...Who threw the wrench that clogged the wheels...
...I have advocated this for some time...
...I have ideas of what to do and how to do it...
...Lastly (and this item is not featured by the sponsors of the bill) it would deliver a body blow to monopoly finance from which it would probably not recover...
...The people of the United States have paid ambassadors at all foreign courts to keep our government informed as to...
...How into a big fund...
...The Soviet treaty with Germany and conflict with Finland were so obviously justified that reactionaries everywhere are frantic in their efforts to misrepresent the actual conditions which led to Soviet action in both cases...
...Unless we provide a method of getting money In the hands of the citizens to purchase consumably goods, we will go the way of Italy and Germany.—J...
...No Bomb Cellars 1 Sioux Falls, S. D. 1—One Herman Dekker of Portland, Ore...
...Hoover, the great American Samaritan, wants the government to send our surplus commodities to Finland...
...Prohibition was a failure...
...let us take a little look at the contrast of conditions during Coolidge's administration and the present: At the close of Coolidge's admini stration the public debt was $13,000...
...The privileged elements may of course resist and appose the new order...
...whatever is to the interest and welfare of the United States, It was not necessary nor wise to send Sumner Welles on a "snooping" tour of the European countries involved in the game of grab and slaughter now going on "over there...
...It must not happen here!—NICHOLAS LENTZ...
...Some people criticize you for advocating this or not advocating that...
...Plenty of common people in need, some in dire distress...
...This administrate i has done Just that...
...And to do this let us get a sound, inexpensive tax system for the nation by taxing all manufacturers at the start by a variable ratio instead of the blind, haphazard uncertain way we do it now...
...This will keep them employed and interested in the welfare of their country and make them feel they are doubly earning the annuities paid...
...We took a 124 per cent cut and now I get $12 25...
...In so doing it has been found that a press which so valiantly calls for freedom of the press is itself anything but democratically representative of free speech, and that even such part of it as claims to be liberal fail to be sufficiently representative of we the people as to even grant us a look-in in the matter of self-expression...
...They will exist, then, as a potential body of scab labor trained with the approval of the government and with federal funds...
...American radicals and Progressives, with this "key" in mind, should be able to co-operate harmoniously in the great task of facilitating the transition from the absolescent order...
...Break up that gang of 87 wealthy men now-controlling almost entirely, our national life...
...You know, too, that Roosevelt advocated repeal so as to enable him to tax beer, and thus be able to balance the budget...
...Free clinics for those about to be married will be maintained and their rules enforced...
...The governments over there are in no mood to talk "peace" nor relish the exhibition of "American putsch" at this crucial time in their affairs...
...Hugo Black, justice of the supreme court...
...Coolidge did not kill off 6,000.0on little pigs at a cost of $6.60 per pig...
...E. WILSON...
...Let trade like the currents of oceans and winds of the air allow the distribution of earth's production unfettered by tariffs and we have peace.—E...
...We were given the oath to the multitude...
...The American merchant marine Is distinctly manned by civilians and any attempt to inject supervision over them frorh the navy or maritime commission is a supervisory capacity through establishment of training ships, etc., is an infringement on civil rights, and will foster dictatorship methods such as are now prevalent in Germany, Russia and Italy...
...Finnish Relief I Kansas City, Mo.] —All of this propaganda about the poor Finns and the brutality of the Russians seems strange...
...not an attempt to smear these kids with the Red herring, as so many other writers have done...
...The old people in Missouri are not getting a pension...
...Walhalla, N. D.l—Having found an ad of yours in The Nation...
...We were packed into the Grant Ave...
...In a sane and scientific form of collectivism, and in that alone, will the modern world find the permanent solution of its grave problems...
...What have they done to give the people assurance that they can...
...I con-sider the gambling craze a great menace...
...The basis of it was equal opportunity, an individualism that didn't think of absentee owners of machinery, land, transportation and wealth, controlling the lives of thousands and hundreds of thousands of other human beings by one man or at the most a handful of them...
...Black never brought anyone in but himself...
...All government financial obligations are held up to be revised...
...We certainly cannot go on continually increasing interest bearing debts in a geometrical ratio...
...head of the English Press syndicate, said in 1917: "Now United States will lay aside her protective tariff and trade on a free world basis—or she will get none of the world's trade...
...Boot Straps !Egg Harbor, N. J.I— As a boy I was told I hat it is impossible to lift yourself by your bootstraps...
...The substitution of the service motive for that of profit, of planning for industrial anarchy, of public ownership for private, need not be catastrophic...
...He does not dictate, he guides...
...I am not, for I paid $10 to learn the truth...
...It is not easy but it can be done...
...X never was an admirer of the gentleman...
...Read the people's letters In the "Forum...
...I have just been reading your editorial in The Progressive of Mar...
...Infractions will be penalized...
...Members and applicants for union labor membership will memorize the required, revised rules before going to work...
...2. In the event of war provide a steady flow of credit, without resort to ruinous borrowing or equally ruinous taxation...
...we could pull the age down to 58 or 56, and if demand for labor increased, we could shift it back to 60...
...I am against all organized relief work for the Finns...
...One wants Townsend boosted, another wants his busted...
...All employes paid by tax monies will be examined annually for fitness for positions filled and placed as graded—GEO...
...The New Deal bank guarantee act helps make our banking system safe...
...I have always been able to work and cooperate with Progressive groups even though many of them were unable to go 100 per cent with my way of thinking...
...I — There has been much talk about a dictator for our country, and if that improbable thing should happen and misfortune compel me to take that responsibility, I list some of the changes that would be made...
...I am sure that within the next five or 10 years more groups will be brought under it...
...We have troubles enough of our own...
...I have been 72 years acquiring experience and will encourage the ciders to organize and submit plans for a better U.S.A...
...So it goes, through a whole catalog of things you do and do not do...
...T. HARMON...
...Of course, we the people realize that, largely by virtue of our own faults and shortcomings, we have already last quite all of our inherent rights of citizenship...
...That finished me as a member...
...rn;<i ud into law in South Dakota, I was an-r.v...
...The supreme court would function in an advisory capacity...
...If this fine woman lives and thinks as she wrote in her letter which appeared in The Progressive, Feb...
...These bilLs (H.R...
...He is naturally pragmatic and practical...
...But while you are editor of The Progressive, you just go ahead with what you think to be the right course...
...You appear to have .litte respect, for the judgment of your readers, while you bank heavily on their credulity...
...000.000, now it is $43,000,000,000 and still going...
...I am not ready to trade it for any other country where the people's security consists of bomb cellars.— A. C. FINKE...
...U. S. had only two millionaires before the Civil war, an Astor and a Vanderbilt...

Vol. 10 • April 1940 • No. 14

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