Roosevelt Strength Shown in State Primary FDR, Dewey Pledged Delegates Win Easy; Garner Snowed Under Vandenberg Slate Defeated As G. O. P. Democrats, Pick National Convention Delegates THE...
...Hale 142,600...
...The strong showing of Roosevelt strength was made despite the fact that the president has not announced his candidacy for a third term and marie no personal effort to elect delegates pledged to him in the Wisconsin primary...
...D. C—Sen Robert M. La Follette...
...Geo W. Rickeman, director of the mo vehicle department, said today...
...The race between Judge Charles A. Taylor of Barron, Heil appointee, and Carl H. Daley of Superior was a matter of speculation as a result of the disruption of communications in the Superior area...
...Seyfert 77.900...
...Thus a total of 268.000 Republican primai-y votes were cast, compared to the 339,700 votes cast in the Democratic primary...
...The Wisconsin Progressive has drafted an amendment to require foreign nations to buy normal amounts of domestic farm products if they get arms, and to license trade to protect consumers...
...Keller 97.400...
...YANDEXBERG SLATE—Good-land 100.100...
...On the basis of incomplete returns, the Democratic party in this state polled 71,000 more votes than the Republican party, which nominated a slate or delegates pledged to Thomas E. Dewey, youthful New York district attorney...
...The vote stood: Gehl 26,383, Lockney 25,481...
...Xelson 150.000...
...Clausen 96.100...
...Fons' total vote was 130,681 to Steinle's 139,964...
...Berlin, and W. F. Whitney, passed over Calmer Browy, former commission director who has no utility connections and who finished first in the civil service examination, to select John G. Kaiser, 45...
...With approximately 2.300 precincts reporting, the Republican totals stood, in round figures: DEWEY SLATE — Zimmerman 168.488...
...Figures filed with the secretary of state are an indication of the amounts of money spent by the various groups...
...Fons Is Victor In Race With Heil Appointee Defeats Judge Steinle in Circuit Race...
...Richardson 96.100...
...Also on the ticket was Thomas Wr...
...CARXER SLAT E—Callahan 84.000...
...With approximately 2,200 precincts reported, these delegates received the following round number votes: ROOSEVELT-FARLEY SLATE —Rubin 103.000...
...With approximately 2.4O0 precincts reporting, Zimmerman's total stood at 168,500...
...Kaiser received a grade of 72.2...
...Dewey came to Wisconsin to make a personal speaking tour, and Sen...
...but secured 10 points additional for veterans' preference, putting him In second place, still eight points behind Browy...
...Bob La Follette has pointed out that the European war has upset normal trade re-i...
...ROOSEVELT SLATE—McGovern 111,000...
...Heil appointed Judge Steinle as a successor to the late Judge John J. Gregory...
...The amendment, which provided a crucial test on President Roosevelt's demand for recnactment of the trade treaty program without any changes, was rejected 44 to 41...
...HeilAppointees OK Utility Aide To Direct PSC GOV...
...15 last year only 326.100 pla had been issued...
...The two Heil members of the commission, Reuben W. Peterson...
...The 522.900 pla issued thus far are still short of normal 750.000 license plates carrvd m Wisconsin annually...
...Party lines split on the crucial test last week, with 18 Democrats, 21 Republicans, one Progressive, and one Farmer-Laborite voting for the amendment and .43 Democrats and one independent against...
...In the Republican presidential primary, the highest vote cast for a Dewey delegate-at-large went to Fred R. Zimmerman, Wisconsin's secretary of state...
...Hammersley 100.700...
...Others Are in Doubt ONE Heil-appointed circuit court judge was defeated and the outcome in three other contests was uncertain on the basis of returns from Tuesday's judicial elections...
...chief clerk of the Wisconsin Power and Light Co...
...for '.4 years...
...In four district delegate elections, the rival Roosevelt slates were reported to have divided the two delegates...
...With aproximately 2.400 out of the state's 3,011 precincts reported, a total of 339,700 votes had been cast in the Democratic presidential primary...
...With 10 precincts unreported, the vote was: Drury 26.292, Reutz 21.023...
...He had moved to appoint Browy but neither of the other commissioners would second his motion...
...In the 13th judicial circuit, Judge Henry Lockney of Waukesha, also a Heil appointee, was running behind Edward J. Gehl of Hartford with o.nlv half a dozen precincts unreported...
...The highest vote cast for a Vandenberg delegate-at-large was polled by Walter S. Good-land, lieutenant-governor...
...Browy has had many years of experience on the commission and finished with a 90.12 to take first place in the civil service examination for the post...
...Rickeman said that at the dead', Mar...
...Fitzsimons 68,500: Port 53,300...
...Finnegan 73.000...
...lions, and unless careful controls are exercised, American markets will be ftodded with foreign goods while European nations confine their buying in the United States to guns, bombs, and planes, which benefit only a small segment of American industry...
...Gerald P. Nye...
...Robert A Nixon, who was appointed t the commission by Phil LaFollette, voted a vigorous "No" against the appointmen' of the two-man majority...
...The Democratic delegate vote was split into three groups, two of which were designated as Roosevelt supporters and a third pledged to Vice President John N. Garner...
...North Dakota Republican, visited the state and spoke over the radio for Sen...
...Eberlein 91,000...
...Kaiser has been an employe of the Wisconsin Power and Light Co...
...lined up last \\c~i--end with the senate group which sought unsuccessfully to require senate ratification of reciprocal trace treaties...
...O'Melia 140,000...
...In the third branch of the second circuit in Milwaukee, former State Sen...
...Bob Supported Ratification for Trade Treaties Senate Kills Amendment By Close Vote of 44 to 41 WASHIXGTOX...
...522,900 Car Plates Issued With the deadline for purchase of 1940 automobile license plates past at midnight last night, a total of<\i have been issued thus far...
...W.»iier 88,700...
...Wallls 91.000: Werner 88.700...
...Returns from the remaining six districts were not available...
...Garner Snowed Under Vandenberg Slate Defeated As G. O. P. Democrats, Pick National Convention Delegates THE political strength of President Franklin D. Roosevelt was conclusively demonstrated in Wisconsin's primary election of Tuesday, which was watched by the nation as a barometer for the 1940 campaign...
...A total cf $20,807 was reported spent in behalf of Dewey and Vandenberg delegate candidates, compared to $3,841 spent for the two Roosevelt slates and $20,155 for the Garner slate...
...This total w-as divided as follows: Roosevelt—255,800...
...However, the fight for amendment of the legislation was scheduled to go on this week, and Bob La Follette was reported prepared to introduce amendments designed to protect American agriculture against foreign competition...
...In public statements...
...From 2,400 precincts Goodland's total was 100.100...
...Arthur H. Vandenberg of Michigan, whose pledged delegates ran well behind the Dewey pledged delegates...
...Foley of Superior, although Foley had announced that he had withdrawn after it was too late to remove his name from the ballot...
...Henney 100.000...
...Leonard C. Fons had a 717 lead over Circuit Judge Roland J. Steinle, Heil appointee, on the basis of final but unofficial returns...
...In the district delegate races in the Republican primary, Dewey pledged delegates appeared to hold safe leads...
...HEIL'S appointees on the state public service commission shocked citizens of Wisconsin last weekend by appointing an employe of the utility trust to the key position of commission secretary...
...The Wisconsin results were regarded as a blow to the presidential aspirations of Sen...
...In the first circuit court district, Municipal Judge Edward J. Reutz of Kenosha was trailing Judge Alfred L. Drury of Kenosha...
Vol. 10 • April 1940 • No. 14