Rubin, Morris H.
The Week in The Capitol (BY MORRIS a. RUBIN] THE Republican administration's biggest headache at the moment is its program of wiping out branch offices of the highway commission and the tax...
...Hell's $150 contribution to the forces fighting Dan Hoan in Milwaukee provided the mayor's camp with a lot of high-explosive ammunition which is being used with telling effect...
...Emil Hartman...
...He was absent on the showdown vote in the senate oleomargarine fight and he was absent again during the vote on the farm parity measure...
...Progressive Youth to Plan Convention PLANS for a statewide convention and for a campaign of intensive organization will be formulated by the executive board of the Young Progressives at a mwtiHs...
...Arthur Vandenberg's refusal to campaign in Wisconsin prior to the presidential primaries has brought great gnashing of teeth in the Van-denberg ranks here Hi:: 1-.Uov.t-vs figured that a good farm speech and some strenuous handshaking in Wisconsin would have more than cancelled out the effects of the Dewey visit...
...News of the granting of the license leaked out last week although the ac'.icn was taken by the securities department four months ago...
...The Week in The Capitol (BY MORRIS a. RUBIN] THE Republican administration's biggest headache at the moment is its program of wiping out branch offices of the highway commission and the tax department...
...2 referendum on teachers' tenure have kept their campaign very quiet for the most part for fear of antagonizing the voters...
...Wisconsin's two United States senators, Robert M. La Follette, Jr., and Alexander Wiley, were recorded as voting in favor of the extension of the Hatch "clean politics bill," but they parted company an the amendment which would limit campaign contributions to S5.000 from one individual...
...Wiley against...
...The Byllesby utility empire was the subject of a sensational investigation two years ago, and resulted in the prosecution of William M. Dinneen, former secretary of the public service commission which regulates utilities...
...It doesn't do their prestige back home much good if they can't get action on a matter so vital to many communities as having a branch office of the state in their area... Oxhkosh Apr...
...Wiley was not present for the final roll on the bill, but paired in advance...
...Political Potpourri: Indications that' Paul Alfonsi, Pence, will be a candidate for the Progressive gubernatorial nomination, were strengthened last week when the home town folks at Hurley formed an Alfonsi-for-Gover-nor club...
...La Follette voted for the amendment, Sen...
...perpetual sergeant-at-arms of the Wisconsin senate, observed hit, 76th birthday this week by throwing a grand party for the senate press corps...
...Alfonsi was the speaker of the assembly in the 1935 and 1937 legislative sessions and served the Progressive party as- dynamic floor-leader in the record breaking 1939 session . . . The federal government's "take" in Income taxes in Wisconsin will exceed 1939 by about $10,000,-000, according to official estimates...
...Following disclosures that the Byllesby empire had JJJ id out $1,000,-000 to virions individuals, some of ihem in Wisconsin, without revealing: on its books the purpose of the expenditures, the state revoked the company's Wisconsin license...
...Vern Zeller, department director, said he felt the company was entitled to a license to sell its securities in Wisconsin because the men who were responsible for the company's past were no longer associated with the investment firm...
...In the 1939 congressional session, his first session in the senate, Wiley was absent for one-third of'the outstanding roll calls, according to the tabulations of the Editorial Research Reports, a non-partisan statistical agency...
...What makes the headaches so painful is the fact that most of the protesting delegations are accompanied by Republican legislators who are supposed to have an "in" with the governor...
...The state securities division, which teas "reorganized" by the Republican administration last year, broke into the news recently when it, became known that it had quietly granted a license to do business in Wisconsin to H. M. Byllesby and Co., huge Chicago investment firm...
...Phil La Follette will be the principal speaker at the annual vocation conference at Carleton college...
...Indignant delegations have been crowding the governor's office for days and not until Heil returned to his office last week after a long absence were they able to take their bitter complaints direct to headquarters...
...In a subsequent explanation of the securities department's action...
...Teachers' organizations which have their hearts set on winning the Apr...
...People in Wisconsin are wondering what he does with his time...
Vol. 10 • March 1940 • No. 13