News Views and Reviews Editorial Opinions from ihe Press of the Nation Fake Issues (From The Milwaukee Evening Post) IT Is hinted that the supposedly foxy object behind the furor about census...

...As soon as possible af'?r that date is directed the companies to take steos, under the SEC, to limit their operations to a "single Integrated public utility system," and to divest themselves of unrelated enterprises, except in certain instances for which exception might be authorized by the SEC...
...Earl K. Long, brother of Huey Long, in the run-off primary for the Democratic nomination...
...Pont Wood, Boss of G. O. P. Campaign Cash TN adjoining columns on this page to-•¦¦ day is printed an article which ap-peared,in a recent issue of the Hokah, Minn., Chief, the spunky little publication that causes considerable consternation at times on both sides of the Mississippi river in Wisconsin and Minnesota...
...Ivor Fen-Ion, a Pennsylvania first-lcimer who violently assailed the WPA in his electioneering...
...wife of Rep...
...For years the militaristic Japs' have been thrusting deep into China, laying waste great cities and carrying on a campaign of reckless slaughter...
...Slate Employe Firings Is Petty 'Economy' When Big Boys Get Millions THE following editorial appeared in a recent issue of the Courier-Wedge of Durand, Wis., Pepin county Republican weekly and defender and apologist of the Heil regime In that northern county: Why the state of Wisconsin must contribute to costly and unnecessary payrolls for the benefit of the city of Madison Is hard to understand by those who live beyond the city limits of the state capital...
...Now, after more than two years, the SEC is moving toward invoking the compulsory features of the act against the others...
...5. PURCHASING CO-OPERATIVES — Development of a strong farm-urban consumers cooperative purchasing movement...
...In 1938 only 21 price changes occurred on the exchange for Twins, and in 1937 only nine...
...History will brand the Russian Soviet of 1940 as a cynical aggressor, a nation whose pose of peaceiulne.s has been exposed as sickening hypocrisy...
...The sympathy of decent people throughout the world goes out to the Finnish people...
...The Tragedy Of Finland T^INLAND has surrendered...
...Of the fifty-one systems involved, thirteen have already filed voluntaty plans of reorganization, of which seven have been completed...
...SEC And The Utilities [From The New York Times] ANOTHER step in carrying out the purpose* of the Public Utility Holding Company Act . has been taken by the Securities and Exchange Commission in ordering two holding companies to show cause why they should not be reorganized under the so-called "death sentence clause...
...The Fascist legions of Mussolini with all the deadly implements of modern war hunted down the primitive warriors of Ethiopia and seized that country by the "right" of force...
...Bolles REP...
...The kind of a victory that the Soviet has achieved is significantly told in the rejoicing in Nazi circles in Germany over the Finn'.' surrender...
...The committee felt that it could get the required number but not in time for the recall election to take place April 2. A special election would cost about $150,000...
...8. SOCIAL SECURITY—Adequate old age pensions, unemployment insurance and an improved security program...
...Most people go to eating places to eat, not to be confronted with slogans emanating from an unidentified source...
...Bolles' passion for economy in government, like that of some of his Republican colleagues, doesn't prevent them from connecting with the federal payroll to an even greater extent than their regular $10,000 a year salaries by putting members of their family on the congressional payroll...
...It is not uncommon, even during periods of heavy marketing, for 12 or 14 weeks to pass without a change in price, and in 1937 there was one period of 24 weeks in which no price change occurred...
...What they want is a fake issue, in keeping -with their own policies...
...The forces which have beaten the disrupted and discredited remnants of the Long machine include the most responsible and freedom-loving element* of the state...
...There is no good reason why the taxpayers of Wisconsin should have to spend millions of dollars a year to keep on the payroll an unnecessary labor load...
...Frank O. Horton of Wyoming, a first-termer who talked much about cutting government expenditures in his campaign...
...At any rate, it is time to submit the program to actual tea...
...qpHE article from the Hokah Chief concerning some of the behind-the-scenes loings at the Republican state conference at La Cro>se makes interesting reading...
...This is understandable to those who are familiar with the tactics used by the Republicans in Wisconsin in the last campaign...
...News Views and Reviews Editorial Opinions from ihe Press of the Nation Fake Issues (From The Milwaukee Evening Post) IT Is hinted that the supposedly foxy object behind the furor about census questions, which have been asked In one form or another in former years, Is to work up enough indignation so that government snooping can be made an issue in the fall campaign...
...We wonder what the public reaction will be to this forced feeding propaganda scheme...
...The Communist-Nazi partnership is now more firmly entrenched than ever...
...Of the nine holding companies for which orders ar« to be issued...
...THE COURTS—Liberalization and reform of the federal judiciary, including the U. S. supreme court, to curb the threat to democratic government that lies in judicial autocracy and usurpation of power...
...The great majority of state employes are hardworking, conscientious, and doing a good job...
...Bob Allen and Drew Pearson in their "Merry-Go-Round" column recently revealed how this cozy little game of congressional nepotism is played...
...4. MARKETING CO-OPERATIVES—Development of a strong farm producers' co-operative marketing movement...
...The Federal Trade commission finds that over a period of 12 months virtually all the Twin cheese was offered for sale on the exchange by subsidiaries of Kraft-Phenix, Borden, Swift, and Armour...
...Thanks to the co-operation of the Wisconsin Hotel Keepers association, patrons of hotel eating places from now on will be served a helping of propaganda along with their braised veal shanks or prime ribs of beef au jus...
...Most of the harm has been done anyhow...
...But perhaps the Durand CourierWedge should check up on how many of these undesirables are on the state payroll because the Heil administration put them there...
...It should in fairness be noted, however, that the Commission has denied any punitive intent, but has rather sought to reassure the Industry by emphasizing the inevitable slowness of the process...
...The number of signatures that would have had to be obtained was 245,390—a whale of a big job...
...T. WAR PROFITS — Elimination of war profits...
...The Hokah Chief says that Pierpont Wood of Janesville, Republican national committeeman, Is the real boss of Republican politics in Wisconsin because he controls the campaign funds of the party...
...The history of reform movements shows th* price of good government is sustained integrity...
...Wheth-r the new ideal of Integration is superior to the traditional one of diversification remains to be seen...
...The law, furthermore, is on the statute books, and its prescriptions are determined not by the SEC but by Congress...
...Bolles edits, which have assailed government spending...
...From The Christian Science Monitor) SAM HOUSTON JONES is governor-elect of Louisiana...
...Anyone who knows anything at all about state government knows that blanket condemnations like this are false and unwarranted...
...Bolles has made denouncing the high cost of government, and many are the editorials that have appeared in the Janesville Gazette, which Rep...
...rpHE Durand Courier-Wedge and other ¦¦- Republican papers get all steamed up about saving a few hundred thousand dollars by firing state employes, but they make no mention of the millions of dollars that the Heil administration is handing back to big corporate and utility interests and to wealthy individuals...
...It is not likely, however, that the trainers of the elephant are interested in any real snooping...
...They are quiet about the drastic slashes in state inheritance taxes which will save the rich of the state about §2,000,000 a year...
...And now Soviet Russia, the giant that a few years ago was pictured as standing for peace, has concluded an undeclared war lasting a little more than three months against Finland by grabbing large slices of territory and forcing Finland to accept a humiliating peace...
...The slant of propaganda put out by the Wisconsin Taxpayers alliance in favor of the big income group has been apparent for years...
...They don't discuss, for example, the $1,500,000 present that went from the Heil administration to the telephone trust through the failure to re-enact the telephone relief tax...
...Force and brutality and military might have triumphed...
...The Federal Trade commission comments: "A remarkable feature of the offerings on tha Wisconsin Cheese Exchange is that certain (processors) . . . regularly make offers...
...Yet every time somebody like Gov...
...That means an excess load of 6,500 people who must be kept on the payroll for political or personal reasons, or for the benefit of the business people of Madison, who join in loud and vociferous protests every time a move is made in the direction of economy by removing from the state payroll those whose services are not needed...
...Civilization and human dignity and decency are the losers...
...If so, the trainers of the elephant are hard up for Issues...
...Not only do the employes make common cause but the business men of Madison and the papers there, particularly The Capital Times, raises a howl to high heaven over dispensing with what they term "necessary services" by "faithful employes...
...So abnormal are the operations on the exchange that the firms whose business would make them "buyers" actually appear in the role of "sellers" of bulk cheese...
...Yes, and in this case it appears on the menu of a hotel which is the headquarters for many of the members of the Wisconsin legislature whose patronage helps make the hotel a profitable institution...
...Electric Bond and Share is the largest and Engineers Public Service the smallest...
...a plebiscite on wars which would send American soldiers to foreign soil...
...It is much better to drop the recall plan than to put the state to the expense and the bother ot a special election...
...Louisiana Libre...
...MARY L. FENTON, daughter of Rep...
...It means that, for the time being at least, machine rule is broken in Louisiana...
...About 185.000 signatures were obtained, many of them from persons who voted for Heil...
...Stephen Bolles, a first-termer from Wisconsin who campaigned on an economy platform...
...In the states of Nebraska and Colorado taxpayers bodies have accomplished wonders in tax reduction through backing up men who had the courage to reduce payrolls and other expenses when necessary...
...In the case of Daisies, a similar uniformity is revealed...
...wife of Rep...
...Today the Russian Soviet is the boss bully in a Europe that knows too many bullies...
...Last year, they point out, congress on the plea that it was overworked and didn't have enough clerical help, voted an additional $1,500 per member for that purpose...
...There are approximately 10.000 people on the payroll of the xtntc...
...t. UNIONS—Development of a strong trades union movement...
...Once again the disconcerting and terrifying fact is brought home to the people of the world that in these modern days force is dominant...
...STEVE BOLLES, Wisconsin's first district Republican congressman, talks in favor of the Townsend plan at home and hollers for economy in Washington...
...In November the voters can register their opinions with the secret Australian ballot and put an end to the most embarrassing and unfortunate episode in Wisconsin history...
...And yet Rep...
...Here is the way Allen and Pearson tell it: Since the session convened in January, the names of relatives have popped up on the enlarged congressional payroll like toadstools after a summer shower...
...Says Big Buyers Rule Plymouth Cheese Market [From "Facts For Farmers"] rOUGH the prices set by the Wisconsin Cheese Exchange at Plymouth, Wisconsin, are closely followed all over the country, investigation reveals no evidence of any competition la the determination of cheese prices...
...The bullies of Moscow and Berlin are .iubilant...
...Every one of the above congressmen has made economy speeches this session and voted to cut the appropriations of other branches of the government...
...Hitler's war lords, in successive steps of conquest, rolled their military juggernaut into Austria, the Sudetenland, and Czechoslovakia, annexing that territory without military resistance, and then in a blitzkrieg of horror, swept over Poland in a brief but bloody conflict that destroyed a great nation...
...Here's a taste of the sort of propaganda slogans you may expect to find on your menu cards in the future, this particular tidbit appearing on the menu of the Park hotel here in Madison: "Government doesn't 'give till it hurts,' but 'spends till it hurts...
...They picture state employes as wasters whose chief interest is keeping connected with the payroll...
...Stephen Bolles of Janesville, are all Republicans...
...Over a 12-month period, all Daisies were offered by the Winnebago Cheese Co., and all were taken by the A & P. Price changes are few and far between...
...Nepotism and the Economy Minded Rep...
...These offerings are remarkable because the processors would naturally be purchasers rather than sellers of the large style of bulk cheese, such as Daisies and Twins, the kinds dealt in on the exchange...
...governmental monopoly on the manufacture and sale of munitions...
...For the threads of dictatorial government in Louisiana did not begin with Huey Long, nor will the attempted workings of cupidity and intrigue be entirely stilled with the driving of his lieutenants from power...
...most of whom live at...
...In Spain a group of insurgents, with the help of Hitler and Mussolini, overthrew the Loyalist government after two years of bloody carnage that left that country exhausted...
...indeed, Pierpont Wood, the Republican national committeeman who controls his party's purse strings in Wisconsin, is a powerful influence in Republican party circles in this state...
...Many are the speeches that Rep...
...r + 1. BANKS—A government owned central banking system to break the grip of the money trust by carrying out, among other things, the congressional power "to coin money, and regulate the value thereof...
...Following are a few of these new "clerks:" MARION S. BOLLES...
...Money was raised in Wisconsin in big amounts, shipped to the Republican national committee, and then allocated back to Wisconsin...
...But if they would Interest themselves in the snooping allegedly Indulged in by the federal bureau of Investigation, they might possibly find something worth talking about...
...It's the same old game of trying to fool the people with chatter about economy when state finances are being crippled with million dollar handouts to the big boys...
...They have the responsibility of keeping the skirts of their own administration scrupulously clean and of laying the foundation for a new tradition of popular and responsible government...
...That's March...
...Wait until November...
...The Finnish army has the admiration of the world for its great feat of stemming the Soviet horde as long as it did...
...It will be a dud...
...Propaganda On The Menu npHE Wisconsin Taxpayers alliance, whose interest in "taxpayers" is largely limited to the big income group that supports it and pays its bills, has extended its propaganda activities to the menu cards of hotel dining room...
...Papers like the Courier-Wedge go out to stir up ill feeling against civil servants...
...FRED JARRETT, son of Rep...
...rpHE above editorial, of course, is quite typical of the unfair and demagogic assault on state employes made to attract votes of persons who are easily convinced that all state employes ate loafers...
...i. INCOME TAX—High inheritance and Income taxes to be levied on the beneficiaries of monopoly...
...THE PROGRESSIVE PLATFORM 1. PUBLIC OWNERSHIP of natural resources and of those activities with a public interest—light, heat, power and transportation...
...March (From The Christian Science Monitor) MUD . . . maple sugar . . . rain . . . lambs . . . snow . . . smoked ham . . . wind . horseradish . . . sunshine . . . rhubarb . .' . rooster* . . . bluster . . . skunk cabbage . . . crows . greens . . . slush . . . rain-barrels . . . tempest* . . . chickens . . . chickadees . . . sparrows . . . clouds . . . blizzards . . . buds . . . floods . . . woodpiles . . . hail . . . robins . . . freeze* . . . breezes . . . woodpeckers . . . stars . . . groundhogs . . . plows . . . logs . . . bogs . . . fog* . . . brooks . . . blasts . . . calves . . .colts . . . showers . . . sleet . . . sleighing . . . freshets . . . housecleaning . . . town meeting . . . washout* . . . ice . . . rakes . . . ruts . . . taxes . . . chipmunks . . . thaws . . . and mayflowers, violets, arbutus, and spring around the corner...
...They are open to criticism and should be weeded out...
...There are a few state employes, of course, who do not measure up to the best standards—who are properly called payrollers...
...CHARLOTTE KING, daughter of Samuel W. King, delegate from Hawaii, who has all the privileges ahd emoluments of a congressman, except the vote, and takes them...
...In other words, the same old hokum calculated to prejudice the public against the activities of government...
...Heil has made a move to cut down, such a hovl is raised at Madison that unless some organized body of taxpayers in the state gets busy it will continue to thwart efforts in the direction of needed economy...
...rpHE Republicans developed a tech-nique in the last campaign that was designed to protect them from any embarrassment as a result of the violation of the corrupt practices act...
...f -J* 10...
...It is high time that taxpayers outside of the city of Madison displayed some organized effort in the direction of reduced payrolls and greater efficiency...
...They have a task of no small proportions before them...
...Consummation of the entire program will Involve the wholesale transfer and exchange of properties, as well as the scaling down of capital structures...
...v * 9. RELIEF—Adequate poor and unemployment relief and the restoration of purchasing power in the hands of the great masses of the people...
...T'n* nine companies together are reported to hold almost two-thirds of the assets of all registered holding companies...
...Racine county Republicans are still asking what became of the 56,000 that was raised in that county and to what use it was put...
...This is the practical meaning of his victory over Gov...
...It is not difficult to guess the flavor of propaganda which will be forthcoming on the bill of fare...
...The committee also says it encountered many thousands of people who said they would sign the petition if it were not for the fact that it would be a part of the public records and they were afraid they or members of their families might be discriminated against in some way...
...1. 1938...
...Some of the counties, however, did not like this new system...
...Horton, Jarrett, and Fenton, as well as Delegate King from Hawaii, like Rep...
...A recall petition, to be effective, has tc contain signatures equal to 25 per cent of those who voted at the preceding general election...
...Such people are found in every large organization, public and private...
...It has been admitted for sonic lime that a third of that number, not over 3,500 people, could handle the work better and far more economically...
...Although the act was passed tn 1935, it did not require positive action by the holding compamei before Jan...
...Benjamin .larrrtt of Pennsylvania, who lists hi.s son in the congressional directory as "Fred Jarrctl, Esq...
...There were th* prosecutions of WPA men and women In Minneapolis, and the arrest of men In Detroit and Milwaukee which the attorney general's office hastened to disavow...
...Recall Plan Dropped (From The Milwaukee Evening Post) THE Heil recall committee has announced that it has dropped the recall plan...
...Through this devious method, the corrupt practices act was circumvented and liability made very difficult to prove...

Vol. 10 • March 1940 • No. 12

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