Doubt Heil Has Power To Oust Working Wives Deputy Attorney General Sees Removals as Illegal Doors to removal of married women from the state service solely on the grounds of their marital status,...
...In cases of layoffs, which the law permits If there is not sufficient work, the laying off must be done by seniority...
...more than 30,000 will be afferteH by the code...
...The conservation commission has but 2 employes paid by federal funds...
...Heil's statement...
...Heil's statement...
...Marshall, "has always rto?d for two things: the merit principle of government and the opposition to any discrimination against employes which is ba.'-ed on marital status The views expressed by Gov...
...The experience .period In ail cities la reduced from two years to 18 months, giving operator the higher v.nen six months sooner...
...The major items listed by the commission as assets at the close >t 1939 included $1,268,147 due from ia-pository banks: $662,068 in mortage loans: $385,518 in u. S. securities...
...Fitzsimons met strong opposition from organised wemen's groups on every attempt...
...Most of these, emp oyeR are highway engineers, hlgway Inspectors, and assista its...
...251,142 in credited dividends...
...The code will apply to all cltlas of more than 5,200 population In counties having over 30,000 Inhabitants...
...Doubt Heil Has Power To Oust Working Wives Deputy Attorney General Sees Removals as Illegal Doors to removal of married women from the state service solely on the grounds of their marital status, promised by Gov...
...465,965 in guaranty fund reserves, and $198,183 in undivided profits...
...A W. Schorger...
...Legislation Failed Legislation aimed to halt employment of married women in the ttste service, sponsored by Assemblyman Maurice Fitzsimons Jr., Fond du L".~ bachelor, failed during the past four sessions of the legislature...
...Largest number of state employes affected are in the industrial commission, where 550 employes of the unemployment compensation division and the state employment service are paid In part by federal funds...
...Atkinson, Ruperior and Marinette are excepted from provisions of the code bvt all other cities of more than 5,-200 population in counties of...
...Schorger, informed of Gov...
...Heil promised to discharge all married women working for the state whose husbands are also on the state payroll... r.nd Hi" consumer value tor his money, It was announced...
...Roy Kubisto, executive secretary of the Wisconsin State Employes association, said he knew of no way by which married women may be removed from the state service under the civil service statute except for Inefficiency or lack of work...
...25 The trade practice division of the .state department cr ajrlcultwe today issued a code for the shoe rebuildcrs Industry prescribing itand a r d s of workmanship and materials for the first time in code history...
...The citizens of this state ehould be zealous in guarding all the rights which are ours in a free democracy, among which are both the free and unhampered choice of employment and the right cf free speech...
...Tells Voter League Stand "The Madison League of Women Voters," said Mrs...
...Limit rnexiieiinnocd Workart The ratio of inexperienced to experienced opceUirs Is limited, u'oiirlng employment of a srenter nimher at the higher reics...
...25 In all cities of the state eligible for codes except Marinette and Superior...
...This provision was not in t>~e former code...
...Beauty Codes Set Minimum Service Bases Are Effective Mar...
...I can't see how he (Heil) can do it," Rector said...
...Strongest opposition came from the Wisconsin League of Women ' Voters...
...I am opposed to any such action," said Mrs...
...Kubista said that the law prohibits discharge of civil service employes except for sufficient and just cause...
...Rector explained that he has ruled in an official opinion that an ordinance refusing county jobs to married women in Burnett county is unconstitutional...
...Standard* were established to as-eurr the shoemaker costs for hi...
...There are now 536 credit unions in the state, a net increase of <!1 from the 542 reported at the end of 1938...
...16 in AH But 4 WIbcoii-sin Cities For the first time in beauty parloi cede histery, minimum standards of service have been set up in a code which will become effective Mar...
...The commission reported that loans by the credit unions to members i Dec...
...544,107 in state and municipal securities...
...This is an increase of 10 cents for permanent and 5 cents for shampoos over the former code...
...Shoe Repairer Code to Be in Effect Mar...
...31, 1939 totalled $6,569,030, compared to $5,421,328 at the end of 1938...
...The department of agriculture has 10 employes in the statistical divisio i who will be affected, while the state board of health has 93 em-p ayes who are paid in whole or in part by federal funds...
...Trices Up Slightly It establishes $2.76 is the reasonable cost of a permanent wave and 70 cents for a shampoo and hnger-wovo...
...Julius P. Heil in a talk at Milwaukee this week, appeared closed today in the of informed persons interviewed here...
...Madison, personnel chairman of the state league, pointed cut today that the state and National League of Women Voters have gone on record opposed to "administrative discrimination or legal discrimination against women by specific legislation...
...For other Items the now code establishes costs similar to those of the 1937 code...
...Heil in that he "doesn't know how It can be done right now...
...Credit Union 1939 Assets Up 2 Millions Reach New Peak of $9,-287,974, Report of 563 Units Credit unions in Wisconsin increased their assets nearly $2,000,000 in 1939, to reach a new peak of $9,287,974 in assets, compared with $7,428,712 at the end of 1938, the state banking commission last week...
...Among liabilities the commission listed a total of $8,286,708 in members' shares...
...The ode will go into effect Mar...
...The code will be effective in Medison...
...democracy, including the "free and unhampered choice of emplo...
...I have been always opposed, not only as a member cf the league but personally, to discrimination against women in public or private employment...
...Cites Court Ruling Rector stated that the Massachusetts state supreme court has ruled that the barring oj married women from state employment is unconstitutional...
...Second largest number, 300, are In the highway department, and work in conjunction with the federal bureau of roads on highway construction projects...
...If a women provfi she has seniority rights, I imagine sue could stay...
...Huebands and v/lve/i m si'Is '.ntl'.tm'.ans are employed on a "room and board" basis winch hrs be-n foi'nd to be "gcod economy,'' Kub sti raid...
...Officials said the dciinite number of married wemen whose husbands also work for the state has never been def.nitley determined...
...264,677 in other securities, and 310..308 in cash...
...Heil in a recsrt speech at Mil\vau!;e5 are ccntrary to both t!ie;c principle...
...The credit union movement began in Wisconsin 17 years ago with a few hundred members in two credit unions in Milwaukee with total assets of $3,688...
...Even if the legislature passed a law barring married women it would be unconstitutional because it would violate the guarantee of equal rights and equal protection under the law...
...The new code Is unique in that it prescribes standards of service such as quality of supplies, safety of equipment end time to bn devoted to each service...
...I don't care how it's going to be done," Heil declared.', "but the girls are not going to get money from the state while their husbands are also on the state payroll...
...In the state welfare department, 112 employes of the division of public assistance, who handle pension and other aids and 16 employes of the division of child welfare will be affected...
...Kubista said he "agreed" with Gov... well as to weil-rccogni3Sd ideals of demoeracy...
...Use of "cut-rato" or similar torms is prohibited, as Is the advertising of ".-per In I:" or that the price is Irss tha.i the "regular" price...
...Since that time, assets have multiplied 2.440 times, and membership figures are 319 times larger...
...In the rear future all these employes will be put under civil service in accordance with a law psssed by the last congress...
...Adjustments of minimum wage scale result In a net Increase over the former code...
...Kubista pe.inted out that a large number of hu.sbc.nds and wives are employed in stale institutions where it is crnsidered gnod institutionel practice...
...No cases have ever come before the board in which marriage has been a factor, but I don't «e how it could be a factor if the woman '» efficient...
...Hatch Bill to Affect 982 of State Employes 563 County Workers in Wisconsin Also to Come Under Act Approximately 982 of the 11,000 state employes and 563 employes of Wisconsin counties will be affected by the Hatch bill, now being considered by congress, to curb political activities of state empoyes who are paid in whole or In part from federal funds it was learned this week...
...J. Ward Rector, vepuly state attorney general, declared that in his opinion legislation barring married women from state employment is unconstitutional...
...Heil is privileged to hold whatever views b.3 wishes on any quastion of social policy...
...However, Gov...
...16 fo- cosmeticians in all but .four ql Wisconsin's cities, Wlllizm T. Marriott, trade practice director, announced last week...
...The 563 county employes are members of the various county pension departments...
...second and third grades of leather and workmanship air- prescribed and defined by the new cooie, which also equii'cs that grades do specified when prices are adveit'sod end that all shoe repairers staniii the grade of rtraling on the finished 'die...
...The cltie...
...The law guarantees every discharged employe the right to a hearing before the state board of personnel," Kubista said...
...Marjorie Lcomis Marshall, Madison legal status chairman cf the letigue, declared that .the citizens of the state "should be zealous in guarding" their rights in a fro...
...And as a ci»ie.en of a free democracy he has the right to freedom of expression of his views...
...of Waleriown...
...He a.sid that what holds true for the county is also valid when applied to the state...
...The law setting up civil service standards provides that none of these employes should engage in po'ltlcal activities...
...Their total membership exceeds 140,-000, compared to 117,423 at the end of 1938...
...A. J. Opstedal, acting director of the state bureau of personnel, refused to comment on Gov...
Vol. 10 • March 1940 • No. 12