Rail Union Chiefs Hopeful ' Of An Early 6-Hour Victory /¦nayBLAJrD, O. (FPy rtslhnsds sad other esaphijas are not going to fight the coming ft-hour work day nearly as hard ss they resisted .the...
...Public Service has refused to negotiate in any way with the local union since Its rejection of the temporary strike settlement, pending word from Pres...
...Pnbllahed in the North Carolina j*BBBeernlng lack of A. F. of L. sym|*w tar Hoffman and the strike also the morale of the strikers, "¦toBBJ the end of the walkout P*saas to Address I Symposium for the Deaf K^aaUcal educations] symposium has g Winged for the deaf voters of H"* New York to be participated in R^* three recognised parties and to Pases at the Deaf Mutes' Union ^P* Hall, 143 west 123th street st KM* PJa...
...with a greater deficit to come if the strike is not settled satisfactorily to the car men...
...New York City...
...The telegram asked the convention to condemn Pres...
...A. B. Psterson of the New Orleans Pubnc Service Co...
...Hundreds of delegates from textile centers in North and South Carolina, Virginia...
...No definite time was fixed In the tentative agreement drawn up to New York, nor was the number of union men specified who were to be reinstated...
...It is the intention of the United Textile Workers to intensify the Southern campaign...
...The anti-union dailies of New Orleans had been attempting to Impress readers that the strike %as settled by the tentative agreement drawn up in New York...
...Meeting immediately before the A. F. of L. annual convention in Toronto, Canada, the conference will present its proposals through the delegates of the U. T. W. at the convention...
...is now the ggssgsi gnur"-" Some strikebreakers at a» fjocafield mill, also coversd by the gSsSSSSt, are Joining the union, but st Sj ssst Msrion null working passes have SsissbM 140 unionists...
...O.'Max Gardner, to congar ft* operation of the agreement...
...are better than reported in U paa...
...No scale of wages was mentioned In the agreement...
...Green to Address Jr'/ elry Union Rally Tuesday, Sept...
...He voiced his organization's opposition to the stretch-out system which intensifies production without consultation with the workers and their bonafide organizations...
...Main Hall...
...28th and 29th MARION...
...It was SglesfgJ the agreement, which to^ » ssomtos of no discrimination nsi unionists...
...Is taking the Initiative in ! getting shorter working hours—the needed remedy...
...while 350.000 among all railroad workers have been ousted from their jobs by technical improvements during the same period...
...This will be elimiakBl tae agreement provides...
...Today there an 300-400, ton looomoUres, some of them hauling trains of 10,000 tons...
...in Bryant Hall...
...me.iing Car Strikers Reject Green Agreement New Orleans Unions Denounced Malum to Convention—Strike Goes on Effectively WJ*W ORLEANS—(F.P) — Confronted ^ by s revolt in the ranks, J. a lawson, international executive board member of the Amalgamated Assm, of Street and Electric Railway Employes to on his way from the Seattle convention of bis International to confront angry New Orleans street car strikers...
...c.—FP—Activities of state rnVh prrvrn:ed the peaceL^SlM 01 the Marlon Mfg...
...Mahon of the union denied several months ago that the agreement wai really to force, after spirited criticism of the plan had been voiced at a conference sponsored by the Philadelphia Central Labor Union...
...W. D. Mahon Defended...
...W. D. Mahon of the street car men with Vice Pres...
...Our nght in Marion and other textile centers was on!y by way cf introduction to the big effort yet to come...
...Twentyfive years ago," illustrated Shea, "the average Iseumotlts wss a B0-toe engine capable of hauling a 860-ton train...
...Only s few decades ago...
...Assistant President Timothy Shea cf the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen asserted that Interstate Commerce figures show 50,000 fewer trainmen employed than in 1920...
...N. C. strike as* while conducted under A. P. of L. •SSSESl, was financed almost wholly by ¦ssm of the Conference for Progres** Labor Action and the Emergency ^StUluL for Strikers Relief...
...The Py*kT will be Ertward P CUrke »nd E****^ will be open to all interested...
...Textile Labor To Frame Plea To A.F...
...Answering the mud criticism of one delegate thst such an agreement should not be signed unless provision were made for the union street railway workers victimised to Buffalo and Philadelphia to past struggles with the Mittens...
...A Easst deaf man will act as chalrRjJ»sh party will be privileged to B5{* literature...
...In Lswson's discretion to left the problem of whether the international union wfil now recognize the New Orleans strike, following the local union's action In overwhelmingly rejecting the agreement drawn up by Pres...
...Edward McGrady...
...The cases may be dropped...
...The strike *• Xgaroed...
...They had been begging the public to ride the street cars again and relinquish their boycott, now three months old...
...37th st • p. m. for the purpose of organising a Mow York dub or branch of the C. P. U A. , Questions to be acted upon will include the kind of activities' to be carried on In this dty and the advisability of conducting s forum to d&cuss progressive labor To this meeting are invited members of the national organisation residing in New York, representatives of organisations which have endorsed the Conference for Progressive Labor Action, and others who are in accord with the aims of the Conference for Progressive Labor Action, and who-wish to affiliate...
...Whitney believes that the more progressive among railroad executives actually favor the 6-hour day, although they are in a minority and are not yet ready openly to admit It...
...Rail Union Chiefs Hopeful ' Of An Early 6-Hour Victory /¦nayBLAJrD, O. (FPy rtslhnsds sad other esaphijas are not going to fight the coming ft-hour work day nearly as hard ss they resisted .the 8-hour day when it was introduced, according to rah labor executives...
...1. International Jewelry Workers' Union, for TUESDAY, Sept...
...Mahon, defending the action of himself and the executive board In then- dealing with Mitten, stated that some such agreement wss necessary in view of the fact that the Mitten interests were about to expand Into cities such as Wilmington...
...With two to four million men unemployed in what Wall Street tells us are outstandingly good times," commented President A. F. Whitney of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, "the situation to so serious ss to demand a solution from society as a whole—not merely from the labor movement...
...waster the agreement will be honby the Marlon Mfg...
...mill strikers sag seat indicated on charges of inssst Is rebellion against North Carolina gjsnssf...
...The company, before Sjiskstt, had been stealing wages from U amknses by forcing them to come 0j, ad stay late...
...Paterson, when Informed that the strikers had turned down the GrejnMahon-Paterson agreement, asserted that he is through with unions and will keep the imported strikebreakers on the job...
...Union men were to be hired when needed, but no promise was given when...
...The convention refused to accede to the request of the New Orleans trade unionists, but, on the contrary, upheld Mahon...
...William Collins, New York Representative of the Federation...
...A sdssr ssnference is to be held with ass...
...Every worker in the trade is Invited to attend this meeting...
...The company is In need of experienced motormen, and under the Green-Mahon agreement the local union asserts that only motormen would be selected...
...This meetu g will be addressed by William Oreen...
...Shea also thought that progressive rail bosses look favorably on the «hour day...
...KEPrTCAL ON SETTLEMENT rksnsilu labor leaders in New York ssi Bjstehsd with some spprehensiveness toajtasment of the Marion...
...for open shop operation of the clty't troDey service...
...Gorman outlined the purpose of the conference to a meeting of textile workers in Marion where a strike recently came to an end...
...EP% Thomas will represent the 8o*S»ty and arrangements are now Base* for the Democratic and ReEaa ispresenutives...
...Tonnage hauled, said Shea, instead of decreasing in proportion to the men laid off...
...i* b known that John J. Leary, labor ¦arte for the New York World, s memw at the International Labor News ¦**» sosrd and s confidant of A. P. * L official* In Washington, went to **Bss a sort of unofficial A. F. of L. Jtosty, to assure the Cllnchfleld and •hbsmnTl owners that Alfred Hoffman, barter, and his associates did not JJa A F. of L support...
...1st Townsend, personal represensasns* OCT...
...under auspices of the United Textile Workers of America, affiliated with the American Federation of Labor...
...A wire condemning Mahon has be^n sent to the Carmen's Union convention...
...Another recent labor-dltplacmg device, noted by the onion chief, wss s mechanism which enables oas to control both loccsncthros of a doubleheader...
...Gorman added that the U. T. W. union is in favor of real scientific management of the industry and the elimination of waste...
...Throughout the country, tor Instance, the B. of R. T. to holding meetings—both union and public meetings—demanding the shorter work period, both ss s measure of jnttice to workers who have helped build up present railroad efficiency, and as a social defense against unemployment...
...Vtoe-President of the U. T. W...
...The Marlon firm recognizes tjjBsJtteas in each department...
...tsnss of the settlement, according . y^fjMB...
...General Organiser of the Federation...
...A special worker-manageggAajsssse Is being worked out to ellm^vasts, and the company promises] g_i «gi be no stretchout...
...against the traction monopoly...
...fs astSBSmf the hours from 60-65 to | Rase* rate workers suffered s corres¦¦Bss est in pay but the time workers p^tksadr had their wages figured on a, sj hnn basis...
...A. B. Psterson of Public Service...
...In interviews with Federated Press, rail union chiefs repeatedly expressed confidence that the ft-hour day win become an actuality not only on the railroads, but in the bulk of other industries, within relatively few years...
...Mahon and Vice Pres...
...Mahon for his efforts to end the New Orleans street car strike by s compromise which the strikers overwhelmingly rejected...
...Three hours after the repudiation of the agreement, a Napoleon avenue trolley was dynamited and wrecked...
...William Oreen of the A. F. of L. and Pres...
...SaBOtf, N. C. —(FF)—Alfred HoffBs\sBB}sr of the recent Marlon strike, sd flsnt Marlon Mfg...
...White to lsw» he asjarttssm wets Bassos njBOO luouBUuUtsa fa Sendee, ISM finds shout the same nassbar of engsnes hauling s total tstxsaga that has tocressed three, four, or even flstifuM...
...If the union, on these lines to be acquired, could assure the Mitten interests of as efficient labor standards as the company union has1 established in Philadelphia and Buffalo, the Mittens then promise to consider unionizing these lines, too...
...The assessments voted by unions to assist the strikers are being continued...
...The agreement, as Interpreted by the New Orleans union, provided that the working force would be approximately 90 per cent scab and 10 per cent union...
...Scab motormen now in the company's employ would be trained to act as conductors...
...The agreement provided thst to return for a promise to be permitted to try to organize workers on the lines to be acquired by the Mitten Interests In the future, the union is to recognise the company union status now to effect on Mitten street railway lines to Philadelphia and Buffalo...
...Without a dissenting vote, the MittenMahon agreement, subject of sharp criticism by progressive labor leaders, was given endorsement by the convention...
...Baldwin Msrlon mill reopened his plant y.asj active cooperation of the troops...
...Sunday, Sept...
...With ^\aftVtKtj that workers outside of *V pmvi he Imported by the sfun^^¦asr protection of troops...
...Members of organized labor are indignant against Green for his suggestion that the New Orleans car men accept the open shop plan as suggested by Public Service, an Electric Bond tc Share subsidiary...
...At a recent banquet to Louisville, Ky, attended by the governor of the state, and 1,100 guests, President Whitney, one of the speakers, cut loose with a strong ft-hour day talk...
...It is understood that a definite campaign will be laid out at this coming . conference, with a certain program of ' activity allotted to each union...
...In the secret ballot, 1.009 votes were cast against the settlement, characterized as an open shop agreement, to'87 in favor...
...he stated...
...Progressive employers, he thinks, are able to read this handwriting on the industrial wall, and are capable of understand1 ng that shortened hours of labor must inevitably go with technical progress and increased efficiency...
...He Insists that the Green compromise gave Public Service the right j to retain scabs, who were not to be compelled to join the union...
...They face s penalty of 15 years ktS) penitentiary and $10,000 fines if ssjkssl The Marion and Cllnchfleld ssl ssnsrs, who only last week conSSBSl an sgrsement with Hoffman and ss mice to settle the 9-week Marlon sato, bare retained five attorneys to sssl tae state In the prosecution...
...It is conservatively estimated thst the loss to Public Service since the beginning of the strike July 2 is $3,000,000...
...He quoted examples of the union's cooperation with friendly employers, resulting in benefits to both sides...
...As a matter of j*> a penny of relief wss sent to ¦bbb from the A F. of L. despite the slat nature of the struggle...
...who to making s special tour of local textile organizations in the South on behalf of the conference, is directing plans for the meeting from Marion...
...Within the next six weeks...
...725 Sixth Avenue, between 41st and 42nd Streets...
...a i rssiut Pres...
...in a measure, as a test of ¦smtatfe policies and leadership...
...Vice Pres...
...At American Federation of Pun Faahssst Hosiery Workers is rushing legal if a who is southern repsssBSttn of the anion, ss well ss the SBhss...
...at 6:30 P. M...
...Late: four sticks of dynamite were found on the Tulane avenue tracks...
...But rail unionists are far from willing to leave to the social vision of their bosses a reform so stsenttal to their livelihood as the ft-hour day...
...28th and 29th...
...Each speaker P**'flow id twenty -minutes for openten minutes for rebuttal...
...Along the same lines...
...Under the Public Service program, fewer than 400 men cut of 1.200 strikers could hope for work, of a temporary nature, and perhaps in the indefinite future...
...N. C—A Southern textile labor conference will meet at Reck Hill...
...Insurrection and force of arms, to* sflk en the charges were returned ssssl wseks after 180 strikers were ssssst tor conspiracy to riot...
...as provided by the temporary New York settlement...
...Hoffman hopes Sat BBS win be temporary because the sSst hsf not yet resumed full operation...
...off man indicted As strike Ends N. C, Settlement |£pi4 Disappointing — jipjjrr Blamed by Leadaraf Men ^jLgm sj...
...Francis J. Gorman...
...Green and Mahon, it charges, made the settlement without consulting local union officers or men, although the president and secretary of Local 194 went to New York to sit in on conferences...
...has been steadily on the upgrade...
...eognlUon of the union...
...Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama will discuss labor problems in the cotton mills of the South and plans for a widespread effort to organize them...
...The police have been put back on 12-hour shifts and more federal deputy marshals are being sworn in to enforce Federal Judge Borah's anti-strike injunction...
...L.Meet U. T. W. Conference Will Convene at Rock Hill Sept...
...Considerable feeling has been engendered In local labor circles against Pres...
...Plans are afoot to set the strength of the entire labor movement, and its resources behind a drive to organize the South...
...As anticipated, striking union street car men repudiated, by an overwhelming majority, the tentative agreement signed in New York City by Green...
...where the street car men were already organised...
...Mitten Pact Upheld Seattle,—President W. D. Mahon of the Amalgamated Street Car and Electric Railway Employees was denounced in a telegram sent to the delegates to his union's convention by J. Foster, president of the District Labor Council of New Orleans...
...The conductors could go pick grass with the chickens...
...The Rock Hill meetin...
...Union efforts howSS continued quietly and if the JIL^ trssks its word, s fair basis will ZmZSt* for s fresh strike...
...The street cars are still running empty...
...President Whitney thinks, a second conference will be called by the Association of Railway Labor Executives to follow up the Boston meeting last spring, where representatives of 21 railway workers' unions pledged allegiance to the 6-hour slogan launched at the last B. of R. T. convention...
...McMorrow stated that these former workers were in favor of the union making the agreement...
...President of the American Federation of Labor...
...he pointed out, employers considered the 8-hour day even more "revolutionary" and "unpractical" than some of them think the 6-hour day, and yet ei;ht hours of labor is now considered a standard day's work in every civilized country...
...In Cleveland, where Whitney Is equally vigorous In propagati tag the 6-bour day...
...S. C, Sept...
...He stated that he had hopes that in time the union might receive recognition in Buffalo and Philadelphia as well...
...It is expected that »n audience taxing the capacity of the hall will attend Ihi...
...MS a 14th Street, nea^ Second Avenue...
...will formulate a program for future action as well as the continuance of organizing and educational work already undertaken by our union...
...I sight to present the complaints {ggrtwter...
...a manufacturer who employs 500 men approached him recently, expressing agreement and willingness to accept the shorter day any time that organized labor can enforce it for his competitors...
...Organized labor, as represented in the Central Labor Council and the Building Trades Council, is solidly with the car men...
...24th A big dims meetine for all jewelry worktrs in the jewelry industry has been called by Local No...
...1st Barkers mistrust Boss Baldwin and Brandy to follow Hoffman Into s new snsi tf the agreement continues to be Ssssst The situation Is not helped any gf ISI conspiracy riot warrants, nlSf s* conspiracy to riot warrants, altssjk sB but one striker have been bbsC...
...ajjsnoM against union members are Ml S) St carried out, but the workers atawsrthiksi disturbed by the presence 4 srisnu new outside families boarding bJjbjsi !¦ i hm»Is 11 Four members of the bsb fl»—ilttrt formed before the strike sat ssni told they can't return to work as i fifth was given a poorer job...
...Nevertheless, labor st usual...
...Msbry Xart of the **asM sum refused to negotiate J*Brwhh Hoffman and Pres...
...Co.'s L^l^tti striken were blamed by T mfTiniii strike leader, tor forcgajosB settlement of the strike j...
...The dhst sf thto, naturally, has been to dissssss* the formation of the new shop sssstttssi provided for in the contract...
...The han will bold Ej**3 ^d this is the first meeting E?fjfcaa ever held for the deaf to EL*** and a large attendance Is Meeting to Organize Hew York Branch of , Progressive Labor Group A meeUng has bssn caned by the Conference for Progressive Tabor Action to he held at the Later Temple...
...James A. Qulnn, Secretary of the Central Trades and Labor Council of Greater New York: Morris Feins tone, Secretary of the United Hebrew Trades and Leonardo Frislna, Organiser of the Italian Chamber of Labor...
...This meeting, the union announces, to held for the purpose of presenting to the workers in the trade the position of the local, the American Federation of Labor and its affiliated unions on the question of dual, secession organisations engineered by the Communists and other irresponsible elements, also to convince the workers in the jewelry trade that only through the real labor movement can bona-fide union working conditions be estsbllshei in the shops ;n their industry...
Vol. 9 • September 1929 • No. 7