SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK Mj^||M tool org^snhjaK^fc^!l? ^^retiwjNBee ¦f**SJ-» *T^Twina,%r the fbtlfc Carolina mm**- irnnr gTJNDAT i«mP.^%,|iiritl'iri wfll be held m l^JTdSin. <H North...

...The ratification meeting for the opening of the campaign win he held in the' Labor Lyceum on Friday evening, Sept...
...N. Cohen and Dr...
...Competent Instructors wfll be present every evening for men and women...
...The special matter at next Monday's meeting is the final payment on the pledge to tht United Socialist Drive...
...PeJ^maed pickets are the hnsrnjous device used ar BtssaEtyn ls*e$ery stsdxers to Whan soeca social bjarkit tafls ta do'tbs trick * Flie rlfw> and one young man, members at...
...QUEENS Far Rcekawey A campaign organisation luncheon win be held this Friday evening, Sept...
...6. and will ¦ ¦BaT* tor the campaign with the JfCijiiioloi st a meeting of the Seothern District JLgf Bring ia Virginia, North lam fane* Carolina, Georgia...
...October 3—Tbea5en,2L5k *S*WTick Theatre MnnJcipal Cajsomtga Committee A meeting of the Muntetpal Campaign Cornmittee wUl be belHSSday...
...Si, a meeting was held bags...
...731630 -a^euae...
...Hand ball, basket ball and medicine baU courts are included...
...Tompkins and Sumner avenues...
...NrW HAVEN Party will hold an organat Fraternal Hall, 19 H*"- Monday evening, September |i^"*'"wt and sympathyzers are ^MJ»d...
...Snd A. d. A Joint meeting of three branches in the Flatbush, Mid wood snd Brighton Beach section ef the 2nd A. D. will be held Thursday evening, Sept...
...13—Mnnnai--¦ ssSBsaaa »e»««e Mass Meetsagsv •"»*•» Tuesdsy, sept...
...gSnd street and Mermaid avenue...
...Federal auk hosiery strikers.'' a final wheek e* Grower Wbalen's Beat loving polio* was the legend: "We demand arbltrsnoa, net persecution...
...skesteh it ef the Bteslrry Workers- Federation, went ever Bag ha metropolitan tabloid headlines when they defied summer huaudlti In neat light pajamas as they marched up ant] down m front of ths Federal «Bk Sealery Cq...
...Mooney and Riflings Mass Meetings Some 25 large open air meetings and demonstrations win be held In various parts of the City on Friday evening, Sept...
...Locked out by the Federal to enforce a 40% wage reduction," said one, and aaetber repeated: "Locked out because we Insist on a decent wage—Help us win...
...Prices of seats range from 75e to $3.00 All Socialists and sympathizers contemplating seeing this play are urged to keep this date in mind and tickets can be obalned either through the branches or at the City Office, 7 East 18th street...
...The enrolled Socialist voters of this section win be Invited...
...19, a meeting win be held at the headquarters, 600 West 181st street at 8:30 p.m...
...Wednesday, Sept...
...Including the 6-8-12 A. D...
...Nicholas avenue...
...6th street and Avenue C: 7th street and Second avenue: 110th street and 5th avenue...
...The purpose is to acquaint the public with the facts In the Mooney and Billings case and to create sentiment for their release...
...Speaker: Henry Jager...
...Ka^5bmb»rys««lr'n will be held...
...Tuesday, Sept 10, 8:30 pjn., Sumner avenue and Hart street...
...Fifth street and Avenue B. Speakers: A. N. Weinberg, Molly Welngart, and Benjamin Goodman...
...S. C. Bcwere.| * FT isvetary and Chairman., fg*aJrT itreet- Winston-Salem, Bl»JrT5 arrangements David O. • <a*a«sarF of the Southern DistftJEeB cooperating with ComCav (Jorge will be the princiiVat the Convention...
...Washington Heights On Thursday evening, Sept...
...9514-40th road, Elm hurst...
...Norman Thomas, candidate for Mayer, August caaattens, Organiser, wfll be present and plans for work in this growing district wfll be mads...
...Of i*au se when the news photctrrsphert got the girts' pictures they ajao got—and published—the conspicuous signs carried by the youthful pickets...
...Among the vls¦Jsta dilfgstlnn of Oastonia . Virginia «sBge rom governor -^nfi« a veteran of the So-: WzJmmBt and one of the few **_T t>th*Virginia Party, has been |S Oevernor...
...Norman Thomas, candidate for Mayor, and candidates on the county and local tickets wfll be present Business wSQ be the planning of an effective snd Intensive campaign in this section...
...SfeaaBBWBl be in Richmond for BS sa Friday... 122 Pierrepant street...
...1—4 AD...
...180th street and St...
...11 at 8:30 pm...
...j 10, an effort win be made to get out a record attendance... the City Office...
...The branch meets every Monday evening, at the Labor Lyceum...
...8. Bus transporeobstltutsd by the ComIJ^Bhead tram serriee as origBsB* "ieava headquarters at ZM MSB* Jersey City at 8:45 and Wpm* taMs which Bfn leave x&!Eii^ t^rsssrsi decorated with stress aniessnetoa^ Socialist Party state cvUnsZ Ihey wfll farm an Imposing parade tsths seashore Onion^CommmS *membars iffl ijt onrmnodsted on the Newark tsztte^Mah RUaabe^ l^L^ "» ^ ^7 gs UMabeth City, at 10 ml at avISi b^,hjhe ff£*»j«0 gather SLv^l P«vUion...
...Memlam bare been affected with apathy ah ittaad tcena of these meetings...
...James Oneal, Candidate for Borough President...
...Trains leave Penn"BbstBloa at 7.10 am., 11.80 ajn., *j*.aa, Bastern Standard Time...
...Norman Thomas, candidate for Mayor, win be present...
...Brooklyn—Havemeyer and South 4th street...
...BiewaselPe The Brownsville Labor Lyceum announces that in the next few days it wul open its new Gymnasium where various types of athletic apparatl win be Installed...
...Indian dubs, ping-pong tables and shower baths and Indian tennis are among the numerous apparsti and sports...
...Speakers: Simon Wolfe, Louis Epstein, S D. DaubUn, Joseph N. Cohen and Dr, oisuberman...
...23, at tM...
...The branch has also taken a block of tickets for tht Oct...
...Speakers: Simon Wolfe...
...These going from ¦BBjBby train will be met at sta¦jB1 BBBBBtea...
...SasM reports that she has... New York City COSItNO EVBNTS Friday, Sept...
...IB Job hands and give the moveIhtgapar place In the gun...
...10, in the Studio Book 8hop, 20 West 15th i street at 8:30 p.m...
...AU such volunteers should report to either August Claessens or Ettie Prauenglass in the city office any time between 10 am...
...11, 8:30 pjn., 180th street and St...
...All aboard for Long Branch BnAdar^iawa...
...Louis P. Goldberg...
...Volunteers Wanted A can for volunteers la being sent to sll comrades who can give seme time during the day to the lob of addressing envelopes...
...From what has been learned, this is an ideal loca-1 tian, a large stretch of sandy beach, clean bathing water, plenty of place to roam ] about in an absence of large beach...
...About 100 speakers, including sll of our candi: dates...
...i*yBa Committee meets WedneaJfJlll, I pjn., at county beadBtom 107 Sth avenue, Arcade BIASING 'jJMgb ideala of Socialism, as voiced ,**»»» Thomas and Frank Cross - ""J** »lg party picnic at Keller's '*.*est ago Sunday, were greeted "J**1 *y more than 6.000 people .** W to hear what the SoetalT*b»» bad to tay to the people of -fsJSBj Berks County...
...StlBL . _ BBBTB bide CENTRAL »*rtti BUa Central Branch will st Baser Kraut and Weiner Roast s* Bag in Camp near the AllewBbsr BttBeau Blawnoz and GlenS aaelt far sign...
...bBBBSth vjh deliver another address Basal and South Diamond streets, • aad Bahl corner, Saturday, Sept...
...Wednesday rrsnteg...
...Tickets are to be obtained at the Rand School and the City Office, 7 East 15th street, Room 801...
...Come and S as sow National Secretary, Clars bbbt...
...42nd street and 13th avenue and Kings Highway...
...S. a. DaubUn, L. Epstein, Jos...
...Sunday afternoon, Bept 22—City^Rattflcattai meeting at Town Han...
...headquarters, 3303 Mermaid ave"^S Special esaepeign membership meetbag wfll hja sailed for Friday evening, Sept...
...On Saturday evening... of the gaga (kaosnittee, or who have any Mg laJBHiiitliin are urged to write ¦arBaBBt, the Secretary, at 7 Bast ajjfcsaVlftrw York City...
...Speakers: wm...
...Sept 6, there...
...34 In the Manor Court Community Room, 4313 Carolin street...
...Ralph and Sutter avenues...
...One speaker has been Bag aaaattogs at which thousands akaB aorliiaiii il Two very eneourWam have been noticeable at an meetings, that Is the at001...
...16 at the Brow as* (1 If Labor Lyceum, 119 Bar km an attest at 8.30 p.m...
...BRONX A tentative date, September 20th has been set for a joint meeting of the membership of all Bronx county branches...
...A joint meeting of the membership of the Sunnyside, Astoria, Jackson Heights and Ridgewood Branches will be held on Tuesday evening, Sept...
...Business wul pertain to the campaign in this section...
...Thursday, Sept...
...MANHATTAN Joint Meeting of the Lower West Side A joint meeting of three branches, ' namely the 3-5-10 A. D., the Italian I Downtown and Russian Branches, will ! be held on Tuesdsy evening, Sept...
...Wednesday, Sept 11, 8:30 p.m., Schenectady avenue and St Johns Place...
...The meeting-place win be announced through tht malls...
...There will also be an electric reducing machine...
...nch- WcrasS Tnomas will deliver an address...
...Jamaica A special meeting wfll be held on Wednesday evening, Sept 11...
...Connecticut i„ . BAMPEN yjje**m held an Interesting and ^¦"¦Boed street meeting Monday S week addressed by Fred sT*Biyt...
...These meetings are arranged by the city' organisation and ths branches of Local New York City...
...With the comparative dote of the vacation season, the members are now putting on their battle armor and expects to get into the annual election swing, with aU eyes set on rolling up an impressive vote in the 18th A. D. 2»rd A. U. The calendar of coming events for the Brownsville Branch shows the foUowlng: Monday...
...Pitkin and Bristol street...
...Several new memoast BBBttted at this meeting...
...YerkviUe A joint meeting of the four Yorkvine branches will be held on Friday evening, September 20 at 8:30 pm., in the Labor i Temple, 239 East 84th street...
...Speakers: Wm...
...Speakers: Simon Barasohn, Simon Wolfe, and Jacob L. Afros...
...Algernon Lee, candidate for President of the Board of Aldermen, as well as tht local Socialist candidates win be present The meeting will concern itself principally with the campaign work in the Washington Heights section...
...95th street and Broadway...
...Flot^aBawaTlBaaiaafppl and Tennessee aisn to assist In the...
...Speaker: Hanrv Jaeer...
...BROOKLYN 1-3-8 A. D. A special meeting win be held Wednesday...
...2nd A. D. Jewish Branch, ltth and the three branches ta the 22nd A. D.will be urged to attend this important campaign meeting...
...There win be the usual charge of...
...Saturday, Sept...
...18th A. D. The branch now It eta forward to the auto outing Sunday to Jones Beach, a newly-opened State Seaside Park in the neighborhood ef Babylon...
...It will at sbbBbj well spent...
...All aboard...
...New York, 18 A. D., Kings 23 A. D. Branch 3, Kings and Bronx County, have obtained the Garrick Theatre for a benefit performance on Wednesday evening...
...and 8 p.m...
...candidate for Supreme Court Justice, and Louis Waldman, candidate for Judge of the City Court, will bt present...
...This meeting will be held st the headquarters, 1167 Boston Road...
...obb) reviving that militant spirit ¦> at atoa...
...2f °^ 7 Rest 15th street, Rocaa ML rJ[5!..?exLJP?*,a« «^he**Ezecutive Cwnmittee wfll bt held Wednesday...
...9^ ?t£LPw;j...
...editor of The Corrrmon-"-**« letter Schulman of BrookLTT .B*a time menrbers of the Li***** snd again signified their ?J *ba Socialist Party by doI sBtany to the campaign fund...
...Puflys, punching bags, dumbbells...
...l5a*S«' are stUl being held at the rffaS.Tr evCT7 Saturday evening, tkai yi*Ub« to note that the PieWjBmta*** **° w** * *ooi Hp'.iVw Jersey lafclLpTATE OCTrNO tff^f * ia readiness for the Stots Je^ey Socialists to Long Bi^aoay, Sept...
...Tlsaatre Party A number ot branches...
...H North Uberty L 40 STftn'i—1 on Sunday, Sept...
...2. The play will be the "Fiesta" by Michael Gold and is given under the auspices of the Provincetown Playhouse Company...
...Alabama gggg BaBCtt from the formation of ¦agMat, ss an organizer will soon be s«hBBS state, PenMylvania BnSBTJBGB BANQUET B gdSSSRSsrjts for the banquet for 1 ear Battens...
...Theodore Shapiro, In behalf of the Campaign Committee, presented a budget and a schedule of activities up to the end of the campaign...
...Norman Thomas, candidate for Mayor, as well as other candidates on the City, County and local ticket will be present and the special order at business wul pertain to the work of the campaign In Bronx County...
...M. Ftlgenbaum, P. Block and Carl CummingsSaturday, Sept 8:30 pm., Rockaway Parkway, corner Rutland road... taste...
...8. Norman Thomas win address the gathering and Clarence O. Senior, National Secretary, is also expected...
...wfll be a joint meeting ef all Brownsville and Bast New York Branches at the Labor Temple...
...Sheridan square...
...Room 801...
...8:30 p.m...
...We feel that this should be of great interest to both the young and old of Brownsville...
...Saw the speaker by quite a Bar st women and young men...
...Tuesday, Sept...
...The Club Room committee wfll report at the Sept...
...11, 8:30 pm., 42nd street and 13th avenue...
...Plans of this East New York Branch are exceedingly ambitious and it Is expected that they win exceed all efforts in this coming campaign...
...Bronx—Longwood and Prospect avenues: Intervale and Wilkin avenues...
...Read 1 sBort that follows this announcesL BBaBBbar the date of Comrade BBBTaBSBtt, Sunday...
...BROOKLYN Saturday, Sept4 7, 8:30 p.m., 68th street and Bay Parkway...
...Including moat aa^sBaBBa dues...
...Tbi affair win be held at the tfXaaBst Lyceum, James and Be-reSlBSBT BTBRTtNGS ¦ ike think that socialism is a dead B SB aWBed to attend the street ajjaj that are being held in various • of tha city...
...6 In the Sunrise Restaurant at Beach 35th street, Bdgemere...
...The membership ol DM xSrd A. D...
...Karlin, Rebecca Turner and others...
...Party and Yipsel speakers ss well ' as representatives from Labor and Frai ternal organizations will serve at these i meetings...
...BRIDGEPORT la^^OMla punning some open air pBS^sten ftjr yraui croaswalth of b"w7*LJtrtT sympathizers who would h^91* the Party should get In R tu"*?01* Cedsrholm...
...8-8-13 A. D. At a meeting Monday evening...
...Coney Island Norman Thomas wfll visit the Coney Island Branch at a special campaign 5...
...Tentative schedule includes the following meetings: Manhattan—Rutgers Square...
...The principal items on the order of business pertain to the coming campaign in the district Norman Thomas, candidate for Mayor, August Claessens, A. N. Weinberg, Samuel Beardsley and Edward LeVinson, oandi: dates for public office in the district v/ill be present to discuss the Issues and work confronting the coming campaign...
...Special Notice The New Jersey State Committee, Socialist Party, extends a cordial invitation to New York Party members and friends to Join the New Jersey Socialists to their state excursion to Long Branch, N. J., Sunday, Sept...
...A SI of about goo listened with great est to hh splendid address and realty afparodad...
...Norman Thomas, candidate for Mayor, and the local Socialist candidates wul be present and the meeting wUl concern itself principally with the work of the campaign in the YorkvUle territory...
...tSnd A. D., Branch 3 A well attended meeting was held last Tuesday evening...
...Speakers: Max Delson, Seymour Goodman and Fred Hodgson...
...13, in the Workmen's Circle Center, 1503 Coney Island avenue...
...8:30 pm...
...Graham snd Varet street...
...OtsBilie Solomon, candidate ter CeasetreQar, as wen as other local Socialist eandtdatss will be present and phua «¦ eSt stlit campaign to this dlaA jetnt'msesng of*u*'sht branches in the shewBStUle-East New Tork section will ta held Monday, Sept...
...12, a Banquet wfll be held in Keasier's restaurant This is the annual campaign banquet which will serve as a get-together and enhance the campaign treasury...
...Bare Park A joint meeting of the S-16 A. S., (Boro Park Jewish Branch), ths Finnish, the 10-11, and the 13th A. D. Branches win be held at the Boro Park Labor Lyceum, 14th avenue and 42nd street Wednesday, Sept 18, at 8:30 p.m...
...wUl be present...
...Robert Ueberman, hfi'Sf local Allegheny, requests Eut ambers and sympathisers to EB BBth with the county headquar1 sal BBko reservations...
...Some cmnrades who have • tr Baadtag will report what the at* •aBueBtratton la doing...
...Algernon Lee, candidate for President of the Board of Alderman will discuss the Issues and i work confronting the coming campaign...
...Executive Secretary mBBiaBBpletad...
...2 Theatre Party...
...Norman Thomas, candidate for Mayor, will be present...
...Neeman Thomas, candidate for Mayer, as wefl as other county and local Socialist candidates wfll be present The principal business will be the campaign in the Boro Park section...
...M at the Workmen'* Circle Center...
...STashta treaa »n parts of the...
...The city office is preparing to man to some 14,000 enrolled Socialist voters relative to the coming primary snd the necessity of going to the polls...
...His report was accepted and ths plans include a great number of open air as well as large public school meetings, distribution of literature, printing of posters, etc...
...Saturday, Sept...
...12, 8:30 pm., Grove street and Washington Place Sheridan Sq...
...7, 8:30 p.m., Rutland road, corner Rockaway parkway...
...8:30 pm., 68th street and ray parkway...
...Street Meetings MANHATTAN Tuesday, Sept...
...An enjoyable day at the seashore is assured...
...11—Primary Day...
...I^«(BrB»eT members and new ^¦^ssrtag her that they would faiflanventlon...
...Corona—Ebahm-st An organisation meeting wul be held on Thursday evening, Sept 12, in the home of Oeorge Phillas...
...OSth street and Bay pkwy...
...2.00 which will cover all expenses...
...AUaowe avenue, Thon^a.1...
...7 East 15th street...
...10, 8:30 p.m., 95th street and Broadway...
...Pennsyrrsena ¦sstaVejutter- avewues...
...State SecBy Pacific street...
...In response gsjpaal made by Mayor J. Henry ff Br a dghting fund for the cam¦*•* SBdianee contributed $383...
...Samuel H. Friedman, and Henry Rosner...
...Nicholas avenue...
...This is the .ajilllll a gubernatorial elec»JT*ia7l«3 a bitter fight has d>' 1 lai'r the Smithites and antiSaaiTwM have combined with the Kafka Is a Bohemian and f^L^MM Bohemians are the larg(ssaeot in Virginia, and Com_*3L, s, very Influential among • *J3ta k «• excellent speaker in f taS1 end Bohemian, and it is fJtiBBBt an active campaign In 1 aiiiHT' P*rt of the state, where '"A aafavi Bohemians are loi tS saetkrn also takes in the J-Lg] BstastrM area...
...Speaker: Tim Murphy...
...candidate for B.^ugh President, and August Claessens wul be present...
...i'^thi bs*in session win r*HB -r Mrs...
...meeting on its efforts to secure new headquarters...
...a campaign gettogether has been arranged at the Labor Lyceum...
...Jasper IfcLevy, na. "»»«euBv* cornrnltteeman, will adBMSUhg...
...Wednesday, Sept...
...Diamond streets which iBBRBBd by Prank Crosswaith...
...Ths New York comrades will meet at the Socialist Party headquarters, 105 Springfield avenue, Newark, N. J., at 10 a.m...
...Claremont pkwy...
...and Washington avenue: Bumside and Walton avenue...
...The Banquet Committee has an Interesting report to render...
...August Claessens, Organizer, was present and outlined plans of the City Campaign Committee and the work of the campaign...
...Norman Thomas, candidate for Mayor, James Oneal...
...Sept 37...

Vol. 9 • September 1929 • No. 5

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