Oneal, James

NEW YORK'S VOTERS UP FOR SALE AGAIN Tammany and Republican Bosses Fighting for 'Job Of Handling Spoils of Municipal Office By James Oneal wr| ta Mew York City are again fae™ a etty election....

...The only difference between Weed and Tweed was the letter T. The politics of Tweedledee and Weedeldum had for its basis the "marketable goods" of voters who submitted to be skinned...
...They demanded that the open door should be adhered to, and threatened severe reprisals if this were not done...
...When Patten of Queens and Little Bva La Ouardia say frankly that they want spoils of the game to go to the victors they mean that the stakes that are won shall go to them and their active agents...
...Some of the gang will retire in the coming yean with fat bank accounts and that is all there is to it...
...The shopkeeper and the peddler, the little business man and the speakeasy, must "come across...
...1^*5.000,000 Germany ........................t,t00.ett,000 Other countries...
...5) The British position Is Impregnable...
...For a number of years he was an absentee proprietor of New York, ruling the etty from Ireland...
...Workers are induced to pay for them on the installment plan...
...Thousands of tenements art not fit to house animals and yet our resources are sufficient to enable us to repeat the wonderful housing program-that has been carried out to Socialist Vienna The Flight from the Slums One of the most pathetic phases of housing to New York City Is the attempt of many thousands ot workers to flee to the outer edge of other boroughs in order to get decent accommodations, light and air... Ouardia represents s rival firm, the Republican Party, as he thinks that the old frm of Tammany Hall has handled the goods long enough...
...Manchester was the industrial capital of England...
...Germany, after the Franco-Prussian war, obtained possession and control of the important coal and Iron resources of Alsace Lorraine and became a strong and formidable competitor of Great . Britain...
...What is one aswaj gain, Is all nations' gain, what at ostBj tion't loss is all nations' loea^JTbt |«fl entirely repudiates the prtochdet *V*t old diplomacy, and the policy whWag emed international relations«S war...
...1. Fifty years ago the manufacturer of textiles was the economic center ef gravity In the dominant industrial nation, namely Great Britain...
...we are brutalized by the filthy roofetfta, of Manhattan itself...
...Subsequent to the war, British foreign investments have shrunk to a fraction ot their former size...
...The United States Department of Commerce in a report just rendered for the third quarter of 1938, points out the significant fact that Latin America has regained first place as a field of investment for Yankee capital...
...75% Sine...
...I am quoting from Sir Edward's article printed in Sperling's Journal, September, 1919...
...Mayhap fresh atr wssj clean our minds of them...
...of the lat- j ter more anon as this article proceeds, i British economic power was severely shaken by the war...
...A Frenchman, named Henry Stronger wrote on December 13, 1919, to Clemenoaaa: "He who owns the oil will own the world, for he will rule the aea by means of ths heavy oats, the atr by means ot the ultra refined aUs and the bind by petrol and the alum mating out...
...lots Nicaragua...
...Within the last twenty-five years this center has shifted to hen aad steel...
...It is a fine thing for the professional gamblers but it Is stupidity for the worker end home-owner to play their game...
...The masters of American industry occupy a powerful and unique* position...
...U. S. Oil Men Meet Barriers By the secret and efficient activities of British oil agents, Americans found themselves excluded from obtaining any oil concessions worth having in a large part of the world...
...8. Bsnttin Then Came Murphy Next in royal succession was the tainted Murphy, lacking in brains but not In the thieves' bag that distinguished his predecessors...
...In all these countries, we see American capital going directly inks British concerns to the fight to secure control...
...when Farts seemed about to fall, the British divided their forces, sad sent aa army to conquer Mesopotamia When ths peace treaty waa signed the British were found in pesattslen of ths oQ field* ef the per cent ot the world's oil supply...
...Within 300 years she has reared an international business structure greater than that of the slave driving and tax gathering Caesars...
...Naturally Americans felt very resentful, against this policy...
...Organised labor a the United States has never been to 1 more deplorable condition...
...A further analysis of American investments to Latin America shows the United States to be paying special attention to those South American countries which are still under British domination...
...J* a xeattw ef tact that aaratat pent Hats* between oti and **«**, 3. Any nation wishing to obtain supreme sea power must own enormous oil reserves...
...During the Croker reign, Tom Piatt took care of the state's affairs placed into hit hands by the 'marketable" voters...
...Be was aa insider...
...The war was won by Great Britain and her Allies, but soon a pew rival appeared upon the scene...
...Out of his boodle minions he gave as "charity" a small part to his marketable goods...
...In the darkest day* of the war...
...The League of Nations at the jtrnm time is not strong enough to prta<| war between any two of its most ful members...
...I am not "marketable goods" and have no desire to be counted as such...
...Decades of experience as a political broker had convinced him that the "marketable goods*' could be bandied by clever political agents so that the ruling cliques would remain to power...
...26To Cepper...
...There are at least 1,000,000 people of Irish birth to the United States, whose smouldering grudges could burst into Oame...
...If ths time honored methods are employed...
...In the present century Tammany has become the "New Tammany...
...Suggestions made In the calling of the conference are: 1. That Britain should respect neutral shipping especially that of the United States to time of war...
...America's War Gains America secured real advantages from the war...
...When the time arrives In all probability America will use the Monroe Doctrine as the charter of American Imperialism...
...Piatt the Republican and Croker the Democrat, like Weed and Tweed before them, had no difficulty In apportioning their respective fields of plunder...
...Edgar, director of the banking house of Sperling & Company, told the Americans quite plainly a few years ago that this would happen...
...Nothing kf way of a remedy can be looked for tram above...
...She occupies one of the great geographic areas ot the earth...
...The Danger in Oil Competition The Argentine, Brazil and Chile are" not yet dominated by Yankee Imperialism...
...Occasionally hey write their reccollections as Thurlow Weed did to hit old age when he had retired from tht game...
...I am not reviewing this record with the lata that Z am going to arouse the —SSUtal" | ill ill mi nt of the voters wao art swindled...
...But my time ta Tajl* Our program is a Socialist aad Leaf program...
...A comparison of the pre-war standing of the competitive countries shows the rapid trend towards the complete domination of South as well as Central America by the United States, its* United fttates ...................t&mOM.etW Orast Britain...
...In the old days graft and plundering were shared by all the "boys," high and low...
...I bars never bats listed with the -marketable goods" of the "regular partita...
...Never before to history did she have to shoulder so large : a share of the actual fighting...
...Here big real estate interests await the fleeing masses...
...Leaser office holders as revealed to the street aad mUk scandals take their chances and generally get away with substantial wads...
...wsn Silver...
...A fighting ship of any class Is fifty per cent more efficient burning oil as a fuel...
...This is only one of many recent signs of increasing Yankee pressure against Oreat Britain to this sphere...
...We have had the Little Iras of purity In politics la this and other dtles before...
...In the New Tammany it is different...
...Wall Street Investments have increased respectively by 5300 and 6000 per cent...
...In foreign afftJBIW Labor party stands for the view thai1| vital Interests of the world, wbetM*re nomic or political, are the awunoa saw* ests of aU peoples...
...The Investable surplus is greater in the United States than in any other nation...
...To Inquiries regarding grants of oil concessions within the British Empire made repeatedly Lord Curzon sent a despatch to the British Ambassador at Washington...
...One thing la certain that the pessestaon of oil fields Is one of the main causes making for war with the British Empire...
...1) That two-thirds of the Improved fields of Central and South America are In British hands...
...too Santo Domingo...
...He helps the widow, whose suit for damages was blocked under a system he was paid to perpetuate...
...Proceed as rapidly as possible tr •not out the dirty pest holes to which millions of human beings still live and go ahead with a program of housing the mattes to decent and beautiful dwellings...
...In plain language, the United States is out to capture the economic supremacy of the world...
...Weed and Tweed also practiced charity...
...Now it seems as it the business men of this Young Republic have made up their minds to conquer the economic supremacy of the earth...
...The so-called concensus of ubsra opinion to this country is so utterly abatable and unorganized that Utile reliance can be placed in it...
...The writer la by no metne an apostle of the inevitable, bat in the light ot ths facts just reviewed It would seem as a mankind is looking straight Into a yawning abyss...
...Weed went on to say that The ignorant and poor never have united to far as to be able to accomplish anything by themselves...
...aaas that unless some means are discovers?' to abolish it, it win eventually dtps...
...The fascinating gift of imperialism cannot be so easily disavowed...
...In other words, the "marketable goods'' should be skinned but not too harshly...
...The formal reason given was that the legislation of Palestine was provisional only...
...The old political leader of the Republicans and under-eover ally of Tweed went on to say that these "ignorant classes" are "always In the hands of Intelligent men" and added another significant statement that Is remarkable for its candor...
...A similar tendency can be seen in Chile, Venezuela and Colombia...
...But to oM age Weed changed his mind...
...She will probably put an embargo to South America on all foreign concessions...
...In fact, we humble serfs of the dealers ta -marketable goods" pay a terrible price for the charity of the low political Babbitts who rule and fool us...
...The war of 1914 has witnessed a still greater increase...
...In Queens the home owners must make up for the millions stolen by the sewer rats...
...It Is a fortunate family that knows its particular box if not equipped with a searchlight after dark...
...In the nine countries of South America, including the Antilles, Yankee Imperialism Is dominantly to the saddle...
...La Ouardia himself...
...American Imperialism has utilized military lntervation no less than thirty-six times to guarcntce its hegemony...
...The Importance of Oil There are two important factors to be considered to laiijiliasltlin the economic impm lance of oil...
...Germany was crushed...
...It provides a place for rliinfjt,* and doers...
...Bine* the war, due to taahtjolesjeal backwardness sad other roe ton* the coal industry ef Britain has fallen into s serious slump, in the opinion of the writer oil baa new beotaae the oeeawtntfi center ef gravity...
...Birmingham then became the industrial capUal of nv^wimd Even more recently, oil has baoam* a fuel at first rats importance...
...The United States need not dominate politically, nor necessarily interfere with Independence of any South American country, so long as their resources can be exploited by American capitalism...
...SO1* Iron and steel .. 40^ Cotton...
...557 Panama...
...There i* ns need of farther explanation unlaw you are week-mkaded and hi that ssss you would not understand anyway...
...After consolidating the American Continent, they are seeking new worlds to conquer...
...The United States wants some of them...
...Hence the reason for calling a conference to recodify Sea Law...
...This rival was the young Republic of the West, whose Immense power and economic strength was an Immediate challenge to the British Empire...
...busi- j ness, look for the market reports of iron ' and steel, coal and petroleum...
...I am simply presenting facts that show that we are simply a lot of cheap ninnies to play the role of "marketable goods...
...They do not have to steal...
...Then the War of 1813, to aay nothing of the remembrance that official and capitalist Britain openly sided with the South, and would not have been displeased If the Civil War had left the country divided...
...stw9 4. That no treaties or agratsseysfg made with foreign goverraatttn the consent of the House of Of*B*^Tgj This work thus notably beguul***f> largely destroyed by the dlsastrat»fa tarriational policy of the Tatf wUl be resumed and carted...
...They control every coaceirsa* means of moulding public opinion...
...In 1912, Britain had no more than 3 per cent of the world's production of oil...
...Weed, K win be raeaatabssai, handled the state layWlttiat sat she Hiauttlrumt while Tweed leased ths Cats at New rorfc far the Dsmosrstt There was aa audaroom sBlaain between the two that was unknown to the "atsrtetabU goods...
...As Plunkett once said, "I seen my opDOrtunities and I took 'em... country outside of this is tbh IWtf so absolute and complete...
...In Colombia, Great Britain has $100,000,000, the United States has $125,000,000...
...During these years X have never thrown away t vote...
...He told 439 men, women and children at a total of over $300,000 and then goods" a dollar and bid them farewell, goods" s dollar and bid them farewell...
...In Brazil, American Investments have risen from $50,000,000 to $388,000,000, an increase of over 700 per cent, over the pre-war figure, while Great Britain's investments of $1,600,000,000 remain practically unchanged...
...Ik early as 1883, Admiral Fischer predicted that oil would become the universal fuel for ship...
...The upper section is a Hew Tammany because with the rise of Croker and Murphy and then' kind they became Interested In corporations...
...It Mr...
...The party artist of city capitalism "gives $100 to Charity but accepts $1,000 for voting against an ordinance for better housing...
...The present situation existing between Great Britain and the United States bears a strong resemblance to that which existed between Britain and Germany thirteen years prior to the war of 1914...
...Instead of assuming cceftWj employing force, the policy ef party wffl secure peace thrcagb tional cooperation...
...5^00,000.000 Other countries .................1,300,000,000 ltlt Great Britain ...................$».tAo,e«e,teo United State...
...Both out of their thieves funds gave to the "worthy poor" each annual return of Christmas...
...Tun Sullivan oozed through the slime of Tammany to also become a millionaire...
...Thus w* sstBabblttiaed and standardised to tht stsa» cious baxburgs that fringe Minhsttas tt...
...If we toss the contract of governing from Walker to La Ouardia there win be a change in brokerage firms but there will be no change for us...
...In the year 1857 Pierce M. Butler decided to retire from the business of slave owner...
...Weed la sssntasM by ah historians ef American Booties to be the greatest political general in our history...
...Venezuela ranks second to the world's oil production, and its oil resources have hardly been touched...
...Rich contracts were thrown to their firms and this has proven as rich and certainly as safe aa the old and dangerous methods of Weed and Tweed...
...and the application of pie of compulsory arbitration ta ture disputes regarding repar»»sr>bi 3. It abandoned the wasteful vocative proposal for a naval bawJj Singapore...
...This statement and the alms-giving of our distinguished thieves recalls one of the greatest auction sales of chattel slaves in the South...
...Both countries ought to appoint ttt or tlx ot their most outstanding potts men representative of the whole natkS to meet and drag "from the obscure earners of sulky suspicion, the things whs) make difficulties between us...
...Englishmen have no choice in the matter...
...Some Hope In Britain In Great Britain, on the other nasi, there is some hope of effective oppoeV tion...
...What these agents of the ruling formi of big property really think of us is nevei revealed outside of their own charmed circle...
...I shall leave this moral .j^gmmaWB -» ««* AKavdla and b» Ooo Ooo foSawera...
...Murphy gave a few dollars to charity now and then Just to keep straight with the pious tradition of the hleves...
...But beneath the upper layer of party nobles Is a swarm of petty sua i auger*They must largely depend upon what they can pick up here and there...
...If caught, the upper nobles select s 'goat" for sacrifice...
...Now I would not give two whoops in a Queens sewer to decide whether Walker or La Ouardia shall have the contract of passing out Jobs, soft berths, contracts and other rich plunder to a few hundred or thousand of their cronies...
...j The Struggle in South America...
...As a matter ot fact, since the war, British export of capital has decreased by at least SO per cent American export of capital has tocreased enormously, with the resultant increase to trade...
...In India concessions to British subjects only...
...40T, Oil...
...Uon, he or she, and mostly he sons their shoulders and answer very BBS*, as If they believed that war is ta eternal thing, and that nothing could tar done to end It...
...They seem to think Mai wars among nations have been ordsiatt by some kind of natural law...
...Ths upper gang became capitalist Investors but the lesser breed still depends chleflly upon many forms of the old game...
...Much more could be laid, wptttsfk regarding our educational system wtfej is a standing affront to decent man aaf women and to many ways an ^p'tWig on our children...
...Jhnmle Walker has beenws sucressful salesman of "marketable goods" for bis bustness firm, Tammany Hall Mr...
...The higher up officials and nobles of Tammany are Investors in real estate and corporations...
...Great Britain holds tome of the choicest pickings ot the world...
...It was under orders of Croker that all but three Democratic dummies at Albany ones voted for Piatt's candidate for TJ...
...Simply this...
...Ths voting goods enriched this Illiterate vandal and his fellow thieves, the total plunder probably reaching a hundred million dollars...
...He ] who wants to know how the world ot business is faring, it you want to touch 1 the pulse of Capitalism, or moderp...
...It is the party ot labor, taf workers and home owners will make gf mistake by voting for our program tat the candidates who are pltdred ta tt ' Where Britain and America Clash The Struggle for Economic Supremacy and The Dangers of a New World War By Jean Coronel r!B United States is a great World Power...
...If we are wise we will formulate a program and get the utmost of it for the masses of humble folk who are now the "marketable goods" herded and delivered like live stock for the packing houses...
...Twenty-five per cent of the total trade of the United States is with Latin America .and it has already outdistanced Great Britain to this sphere to the extent Utat it furnishes two-thirds of the imports of these countries as compared with 49 per cent before the war...
...Traditional Brtish navy supremacy was built upon two leading principles: (1) Size of -fleet and (3) Restriction of freedom of the seas...
...And we wUl fight on tm the "marketable goods" awaken to sufficient numbers to cause a political overturn to New York City and end the dominion of the twoparty brokerage leaders of which Weed and Tweed, Walker and LaOuardla, are types \ And then what...
...She challenged British Industrial j supremacy and her traditional naval su- j premacy...
...The Canadian bora Sir Edward Macks...
...40 T. Corn...
...Germany may be considered a factor ta ths ansae tmssirtii rivslxx Bertlr e*a account of her pre-war influence, and partly by her gradual recovery...
...He also distributed alms...
...The memories of the War of Independence are still carefully festered...
...The British tradition has been the biggest navy without any overt preparation for war...
...Within ten or fifteen years they may manage to pay for the dwelling which has been built of such shoddy material that the worker possesses junk Instead of a home...
...Throughout greater New York we must pay enormous sums for the extra bureaus, offices and jobs created to take care of a swarm of parasites...
...Since 1913 the United States has Increased its invested capital to Venezuela by 5300 per cent and to Colombia by 6159 per cent However, Great Britain la still producing more oil than the United States to Venezuela...
...She caught up with and sur- , passed Britain in the production of iron ore...
...In view of the fact that Britain will not subscribe to the principle ot the freedom of the seas, the United States feels that in case of a war between Britain and some other nation that some kind of precaution is necessary to protect their Interests...
...If you handle your goods rightly you may exchange the merchandise for -honest graft," soft berths, and enrich yourself as well after election day the goods are stored away for future use...
...The marketable goods may be kept quiet with a little charity now and then and thus be reconciled to another sale on market day...
...Lit w know them...
...3) That the Shell group win control every Important oil field to the world...
...There are many signs that the lead still held by the United States to oil production will pass before many years Into the hands ot the British...
...In the Argentine, prior to the war, America had only $40,000,000, as against $300,000,000 of British Investments...
...And there is the whole story of upper :lsss polities which makes "marketable roods" of voters m *ne mums « *msenery perties aad their leader...
...Will Great Britain be satisfied to occupy a secondary position...
...The charity of the slave owner measures up well with the charity of the Tammany nobles...
...All essential raw materials are produced to the United States in relatively enormous quantities...
...Let at recall some history, 'Tweed, that hags hunk of fat, bone and sinew, the etUsMtlvs dealer hi "marketable goods" for Tammany Hell, emerged a millionaire...
...Within quite recent tsS*j ory they could not even avert wsTl* tween two very small South AnttiJRJI Republics...
...Today, iron and steel, coal and petroleum are the leading factor* in the industries of modern Capitalism...
...What they can "honest government" is cheaper government, but government that still cares for the super-rich...
...No nation has ever attained Industrial supremacy without supreme sea power...
...With a comparatively small loss of life, while Europe was locked to the deadly struggle, America mads hay while the sua shone...
...The professionals make our ballots enrich them and that is why we are fools...
...The same may be said for mer- i chant vessels...
...The naval rivalry between United States and Oreat Britain has been profoundly disquieting...
...Planning and design are equally atrocious...
...LaOuardla also promised to take cars of his agents...
...As ths Socialist candidate for President of the Borough of Queens I shall support the complete Socialist ticket with Norman Thomas as its candidate tor Mayer...
...Great Britain and the United States are traditional enemies, The roots of that enmity lie deep...
...With the increase of economic rivalry, military and naval preparations will inevitably follow...
...Germany was the first to challenge this colossus...
...What Is there new about It...
...During: the 19th century she held her own against all comers...
...530 Colombia and Venezuela are at present sore spots in the struggle between Oreat Britain and the United States...
...It may shock voters to be discussed In *y of Thar*^" and yet that is the view of ths politicians of capitalism...
...When we cease to be goods both will go out of business...
...The Voters are the Pawns Our appeal to the masses is based on the ground that they are simply fools to play the role of "marketable goods" for a gang of sharps...
...In 1920 an American oil company desiring to prospect tor oil to Palestine was refused permission by the British High Commissioner Sir Herbert Samuel...
...Is that not the literal truth In New York City a* elsewhere...
...Here the struggle is ragtog between Standard Oil and Royal Dutch Shell...
...The branch bureaus of the two firms in Queens County are engaged In nasty quarrels...
...Croker, an Illiterate with the vision of a sow, gathered from the "marketable goods'* a fortune estimated at (5,000,000...
...Not so very long ago a tremendous anti-Brttiah propaganda was carried on In the American School System...
...Since the Spanish American War, a large Increase in wealth production has taken place...
...Inchiding the Ooo Ooo candidate* far Mayor, Mr...
...4) That eventually the United States will have to purchase oil from British companies...
...HIS views are quoted from the second volume of his "Memoir...
...In the United States our eaats^dand mastersv.of Industry are drunk tZ power...
...These and many other factors would make tt quite easy to whip the American people into a war frenzy against the British Empire...
...Our housing is still an abomination, a shocking disgrace, and a damning indictment of the ruling politics and politicians...
...j In Greet Britain there h ene tjsJW dous factor that may act as * *£?'fQ barricade against war, the offldal ¦ titude of the British Labor parts' * War and Peace...
...If there were no economic rivalries, this situation could be lived down...
...The boxes are of the same dreary design to whole blocks, row upon row of them betraying no more sense of beauty, variety and service than the uniform shacks built to villages ruled by mining corporations...
...The Cattle Brokers Remember, I am not talking In terms of morality...
...As an example of the intensity of this ' economic struggle between the United States and Britain, let us apply a close ' rod analytical scrutiny to South America...
...She emerged from the World .War from the position of a debtor nation, and became the leading investing nation of the world...
...1,004,*M.*e0 By these figures we see that Britain before the war had more Invested than all other countries, that since the war she la barely holding her own...
...The disorganization of trade, and the war debt Incident to the wax period proved serious factors to the curtailment of British economic power...
...We must pay In illhealth and loss of life for the astrodous death-trap tenements Into which hundreds of thousands of us are crowded to satisfy exploiters of housing...
...As "Insiders" they have advance Information regarding public Improvements...
...You would laugh at me U I did...
...We will remain "marketable goods...
...What remains the same la the "marketable goods" and the undercover affection of the leaders of both parties for each other...
...My knew the same...
...In 1930, Judge Gary speaking at the annual meeting of the Iron and Steel Institute summarised the situation as follows: The United States produces the world's supply of Gold ............X", Aluminum ......S0"c Wheat...
...Britain Stands Still During the same period, British investments have remained practically stationary...
...Wherever oil is discovered or indicated the policy of the closed door is enforced...
...Jerry-built houses are erected...
...He was afraid In those days that the humble folk would organise their voting power tor themselves and unseat the ruling clique...
...She Is immensely rich in practically all of the important Industrial resources...
...The issues between the two countries are essentially the same,—commercial and ln! dustrial...
...There b M restraining Influence of any kind *fta Socialist and other radical movent** to this country, their press and that propaganda are weak...
...Forty-six per cent of all the foreign Investments of the United States are to Latin America, while the great Increase to United States invested capital makes It equal today with' that invested by Great Britain...
...They cannot agree in the selection of their agents to haadai lbs "marketable goods" in that borough...
...At Albany, Thurlow Weed, the Republican dealer In "marketable goods," put over the state legislation which the Tweed gang in New York City wanted...
...During ttt bnsT tss are at office to 1934: £ 1. It secured the settlement ef ¦"^ ptimtrTiT problem at the Leaden stays* ence...
...May the writer suggest that Adraktt and Generals be excluded from todi t conference, especially Admiral...
...3. That the United States consent not to trade with any party that is being blockaded by Great Britain on behalf of a League offensive against an aggressor nation...
...Today she owns either directly or through foreign companies controlled by British capital, the major part ot the world's future supplies of this commodity...
...The Pulse of Capitalism Great Britain to the 18th century after a terrific struggle, reached a position of world supremacy...
...United States has $182,000,000 Invested to Venezuela at against $50,000,000 by Great Britain...
...At this time and place we cannot ten the fatrtnating story of oil...
...Of Familiar Pattern 7a the matter of "marketable goods" there Is no difference between this coming tlecrton and ethers in the past fifty year* And there is no difference between the Republican and Democratic party organisations...
...atsW s. It sought to bring the *,*2?3| Russia Into normal relations wt™ , . guTti assents...
...Fatten the Democrat out in Queens frankly declared that it Is the "spoils" that Interest him, it should not be forgotten that Mr...
...Today economic forces are driving the United States relentlessly, while the rest of the world-is staggering under an Intolerable burden of debt, in the United States surplus Is piling upon surplus, and she is preparing with relentless energy and power to play the game ot eat or be eaten...
...Generally the debtor nation spends its sums borrowed or obtained by loans with the creditor nation...
...In his old age Weed was very frank In talking shoot these things, fit newspaper interview* he revealed the philosophy of his trade...
...Before he retired from the headship of the Tammany kingdom Judge Olvany declared that "The amount of charity that Tammany does will never be known...
...The late cruiser controversy seems to point to this direction...
...France and Germany...
...The center of the struggle is oil...
...Not so very long ago the State Department ordered President Acosta of Costa Rice to caneeal oil concessions granted to the British firm of Coudray, which Professor Moon of Columbia calls the new Interpretation of the Monroe Doctrine...
...In the last two countries...
...Intelligent Scoundrels" To newspaper reporters Weed said that the "regular political parties" are generally managed by "talented" leaders who have "always used these Ignorant classes, and for that reason the danger I first had in mind has been averted...
...1333 Salvador...
...It has no place for "nuiitlsaV goods...
...The estate be gathered from his "marketable goods" was estimated at more than $2,000,000...
...He declared that the political leaders of the '"regular parties" are "demagogs and scoundrels, it may be, but still Intelligent...
...Both, however, depend upon "marketable goods" tor their living...
...They may engage In a gentleman's rivalry for control of the "marketable goods" but they follow the tame trade and have a common Interest In preserving their profession...
...Professor Merriam shows how the -charity" of the Weeds and Tweeds, the Platte and Croker...
...Whenever you speak to the average person, be he proletarian or what not, aad try to point eat that ¦wst htdeota rcbs at she ne...
...Bven if we do net awst to one of the box** called a "betas" aa are compelled to rent one...
...5SS Costa Rica...
...The following table represents U. S. increase of investments since the war: Percentage Increase*—1928 Cuba...
...SS Honduras...
...Greet Britain has been the dominant country to the world for a century, she gained her position by vanquishing Holland, Spain...
...What the late leSMcted George Waahtrajtari Phmkett oeB<jd ¦•marketable goods" are again In dem__i you wtB iiiiaaaWi i that Ftunkett eras an Illiterate who awtaed his way to * Tanimany leaaerahlp, held four office*, grew three salaries, and leitalrrl the •Berets of political saecssa Ftunkett explained that "marketable goods'' are the voter* who are used In elections...
...Trinidad leasee of crown lands must be British subjects or a British controlled company...
...If we are wise we will try to make our voting power enrich ourselves and the community in which we live...
...Prom hit experience in polities he said he bettered it to be "the duty of governments to see that the faces of those who labor are not held too closely to the grindstone...
...America's investments today have reached a total of $450,000,000, an increase of more than 1000 per cent...
...Ramsay McDonald to aa artttb published in The Nation, January at 1939, makes the following atgttsbss, and to the opinion of the writer tf eta* cerely carried out would do mar* » alleviate a perillous situation...
...He pays the funeral expenses of the man Who dies because the boss killed the law to safeguard the machinery on which he worked...
...In early hfe be bad opposed the extension of the suffrage to the working people...
...Before the war, the British were the chief leaders to the international field...
...In other words, so long as we remain "marketable goods" we can escape one form of abominable housing la Mta> hattaa only by enduring another fern tt the suburbs...
...These are the reasons why X have seen s Socialist for thirty years...
...Glean out every niche and every useless berth where tat parasites draw talarist for doing nothing, of course, and thus save millions of dollars that may be expended for useful purposes...
...In the Argentine and Brazil, British investments quadrupled those of the United States, while In Chile, American Investments have almost equalled the British...
...British imperial supremacy would have been Impossible without naval supremacy...
...late the earth and destroy our crrtUs...
...0'-i Automobtlei ____ti"t co»i...
...They in themselves are sufficient reasons for war...
...They generally represent the upper section of the rich whose objection to brokers of the Tammany stripe Is that such rule costs them more than they want to pay...
...2) The Alves group (British controlled oil fields) whose holdings practically encircle two-thirds of the Caribbean Sea...
...tht press, the schools, the 'movies, etc...
...They are wrapped in the colls of an economic system that drives them Relentlessly on...

Vol. 9 • September 1929 • No. 5

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