Clinchfield Strikers Close Ranks When Peace Parley Fails Marion Mill Remains Closed Despite, Presence of Troops and Use of, Injunction (Br i new Leaser CnmmM) WfARION, North Carolina. —...

...The manufacture of dresses, which is one of New York's leading industries with an annual turnover of more than $390,000,000, has become sadly disorganised and has lapsed into a condition of utter chaos, ruinous alike to workers and employers...
...Boston To Hear Hoan Massachusetts, which has already contributed approximately $1500 to the drive, will double their contribution, it Is believed, at a dinner to be held In Boston on September k16 .Immediately after the national executive committee meeting in New York on September 14 and 15...
...Maryland will hold its largest affalr in years on September 29, when former Judge Jacob Panken, of New York, will be the guest of honor at a dinner being arranged by the Socialists of Baltimore...
...As an illustration of the taxings and benefits of such an arsssjament, we refer you to this agreeJSSati rscently concluded between all nsntal groups of employers and •nan in the kindred cloak and suit wastry of Hew York...
...The tariff on dairy products win temporarily raise prices to consumers but ninety-nine chances out of one hundred win promote over pro* Suction and so hurt the dairy fanners in the end more than it will help...
...There Rg*g logical about their argument...
...The union charges that Gartner Is using the power of his office to further his private Interests as attorney for the Cambria Bilk Hosiery Co...
...So that when the first victory was announced, it came almost as a shock...
...In the early part of July, the strike scenes shift to Marion, N. C. Here had Hoffman been hard at wbrk organizing the workers in the East Marion mill village...
...To be perfectly frank,'* wrote Hoffman Co Thomas, "if It hadn't been for the Emergency Committee, we would have been unable to do anything in the first place because without promise of some steady support no one with a conscience win bring people out on strike to starve...
...In the great strikes of the last few months the Emergency Committee has played a signal part First there was the Elizabeth ton strike in which 5,500 rayon workers of the American Bemberg and Glanxstoff Corporations revolted against low .wages and long hours...
...There are probably more than three thousand contractors' shops in the city bidding for the patronage of the jobbers...
...Contributions are to be sent to Norman Thomas, chairman of the drive committee, at 33 East 16th street...
...tlculars against the strikers indicates i lack of specific facts against the sects* and its intention to use the Ldrty strife situation to railroad active workers to % chair...
...At the Cooper Union meeting, Louis Weldman, counsel for the union, and Louis Puehs, manager, explained the situation In detail...
...Everybody's fingers are crossed—there are no undue optimists around the Amalgamated—but everybody says, "it looks as though we're going to clean up Philadelphia, this time...
...Use conditions of the country and rhe mood of large ma suns of its people have never been more propitious to the development of a powerful opposition party of the laboring claesrs as they are at this time...
...They have put, so far as possible, products raised in states represented by progressives or Democrats es the tree or low tariff list in the bops of forcing the aforesaid progressives ant Democrats to swallow the whole bCl a) the price of getting their rates restore...
...The money collected there will go to aid the United Socialist Drive and the local municipal campaign, at which the Socialists expect to record some ticlories...
...There'll be no comprcmlein' down here," declare the workers...
...TattrB of home work and the dis¦ sflrTl1 padrone system are ""again fjjTtni...
...All reasonable industrial standards are swept away and the fair-minded manufacturer and jobber find it ever more difficult to stand up against their unscrupulous rivals...
...We've done won this strike, and as long as we have a bite to eat, we're goto' to keep it won...
...Fifty Thousand Dollars is a large sum to raise for Socialist activities considering the weak state of our organized movement, the poverty ef the great majority of our members and adherents and the continuous calls upon them to give and to give for the cause...
...smiling, risfs—l bis Intention not te permit say lav lixnony except that bearing as tat events of Jane T. He also direct...
...Marlon Stri're Saved Hoffman telephoned to New York, asking financial support of a strike, from President McMahon of the U. T. W. "There isn't a spare cent In the treasury," declared McMahon...
...f0t Ownership Fg^tBpheOeally it is the business of jajjt'r...
...We can only Imagine -::hat it's like in Philadelphia...
...Lewis estimated that the total collected so far must exceed $18,000 with the contributions coming in more heavily as thousands of Socialists and party sympathizers who could not be reached during the month of August, because they were away at summer resorts, are returning to their city homes...
...Only fifteen months ago, an intensive campaign resulted In complete walk-outs in five large concerns...
...Hyman Blumberg, present co-manager of the New York Joint Board, who conducted the fight at that time, stayed on the spot until he had found a job for every worker who had toeen victimized In the strike...
...Arthur Rubens tela, who had charge of the arrangements, reports that there were only 100 present at the banquet, many of the wealthier party members being out of the city...
...Samuel, Gorton, Meyer Wdarib, and Bliitnln are the members of the ooaxSsBtee...
...The - * Cllnchneld Manufacturing Company banged the conference doer shut as the governor's representative and three strikers sat waiting to conciliate their differences...
...More than $14,000 have so far been reported from receipts at the national headquarters of the drive, at 23 East 18 th street...
...Union Is Jubilant As it is, the atmosphere around the Amalgamated offices in New York Is almost effervescent...
...He also contended the if the prosecution were allowed te brtra In witnesses concerning acts of tbt Indicted strikers between April 1 sod tm 7, that the defense would be unablt to prepare counter witnesses before baas, unless the bill of particulars li seat more specific...
...Since the date when the last agreements were made, a complete and deplorable change has taken place in the condition of our industry...
...As this is being written, word is awaited from Philadelphia on the outcome of negotiations with another admittedly Important house...
...No possible Ssas* fits of local control vs...
...OHnchneM bosses spread false reports about noting in Marian...
...There are also yoersss complications in the matter of wwer rights...
...This total does not include the receipts of the last few days, Marx Lewis, director of the drive reports, nor the moneys that have been collected by various branches and locals throughout the country, many of which are waiting until the subscription lists that are in circulation are returned to them before reporting to the national office...
...It is with pardonable pride...
...Over seven hundred of his workers in the meantime keep a stem guard over the blinchneM gates, confident now that not only the right, but even the state is on their side in their battle against tyranny...
...The Senate regular Republicans on the Finance Committee are playing a clever game...
...Ma* etas most when It stands on its |e»J»sl sad fights for all Its rights wi this] aefctag promises and threats that Me) kderpreted by Its enemies to look IS sarrnisll Among these rights is JtedS* ef labor to organise and barWat noflssttwjly whether with privately Rttsady owned corporations...
...or mining...
...Wkl» the Socialists of the nation Is rapidly mobilizing their fortes for the drive, managers of the drive are getting cities that have been inactive to join the movement, both for what it win yield to the fund, and for the propaganda value to be derived from the renewal of activities...
...What we need is a new spirit of enthusiasm, self-confidence and Joy of combat— a sort of political rejuvenation...
...The dinner win be held Saturday evening, September 19th, at the Park Palace, 110th street near Fifth avenue...
...branches for delve work...
...ifagas Arbitrarily Fixed «asho<x5-h our contracts call for | j--wpiireasanable scales of pay...
...President Mabry Hart of the Clinchfield Manufacturing Co...
...Twenty-one veniremen were excused for admitted prejudice...
...In Elizabeth ton, the situation had meantime become critical...
...The Socialists are stifl the only elements in the United States who have a clear view of the social maladjustments of the present order and the danger to mankind Inherent In them who can sound a clarion call to resistance and struggle and lead the way to victory and freedom...
...Tet th* |WgjT specbaen—healthy, that Is, by gjpast standards—is to be dosed with MM*tartg Medicine...
...He turned to Jack Herling, representing the Emergency Committee in the South at the time...
...At least North CM** Una Is to be spared the disgrace « s Webster Thayer...
...In Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and Massachusetts Socialists are concentrating on raising their quotas at dinners which they will bold during the month of September...
...Six hundred and fifty men and women already walking out of the mill, with large families dependent on them— and not a penny to feed them...
...All Oerber wfll offer by way of information is a promise of the most Inspiring Socialist affair New York Socialists have witnessed In a good many years...
...Unable to persuade the few terrified scabs to break up the picket line, Baldwin has gone back to Ms Baltimore estate to sulk...
...lit Si own vociferous statements peebsa business is prosperous—more ¦Mas this year than ever...
...The only support given the "unlawful conspiracy*' charge was that the defendants engaged in alleged violent picketing of thermal...
...California Socialists promise to bring that State's total up to $3,000...
...Some of them migrated...
...Their work is an excellent indication of the feeling of active interest in trade unionism that is being revived throughout the party...
...They chose to ignore the inroads the organization was making, since these inroads were made against the smaller firms which did not rightly "belong...
...The charge grows out of an illegal police raid on the Loray mill strikers' tent colony June 7. Sixty veniremen had been examined to produce the three jurors, acceptable to both prosecution and defense counsel...
...These interests by their vsjf nature are opposed to a sound consul »t tlve policy...
...Alfred Hoffman, southern organizer for the U. T. W...
...Jhnlson for the defies considers such an eventuality lmpoesa* since no representative of the state 1st j been permitted to see the strikers, tat ' nobody at all has seen them except s the presence of defense counsel...
...When the results of the last few days are tabulated it Is believed that the quota originally set for California, at $2,000, will be oversubscribed...
...Thomas, chairman of the committee, is well known as the outstanding leader of the Socialist party...
...Apparently the prosecution hopes to gain a decision making strikes in themselves Illegal and all strikers punishable...
...At a dinner held In Detroit last Friday evening $400 was raised for the fund, after an address by Clarence O. Senior, national secretary of the Socialist party...
...Not a penny has...
...therefore the work of relief has just begun...
...The great bulk are contractors working for "Jobbers" or sub-jobbers...
...But when the A F. EpsMhs Council in fulfillment of | si'eetr amass a statement which in i getpraaOses—as I read it—to give or 0f$)t Be support of public ownership ¦5 stsstlr regulation of public utiles* accordance with their policy tofH sssia X think the Council overgfc -a* rttal interests of the workers fgsBausrs as wen ss producers...
...Coming after the victory over the Nsvytone Co., a substantial house, snd followed by the signing of an agreement with N. Peldman <fe Son, a firm which has been doing the work for Adler Bros, of Milwaukee, against whom the Amalgamated Is conducting a strike, the situation Is generally conceded to have taken a pivotal turn...
...The union had asked continuation of the present agreement, but the bosses bad asked for a 23 per cent cut...
...I understand that the daJ»eaght pressure to bear on the St jsSs station...
...So good a man St senator Thomas Walsh of Montana p+ tested when President Hoover stoppsJL tor the present, further leasing of government oil lands...
...swung his feet lastly outside the Marianne Hotel where he holds forth nightly on the "damn" foreigners who have disturbed the happiness of Western North Carolina...
...The Workmen's Circle branches, and the Jewish branch of the Socialist party...
...But one of the "big shots," one of the inner circle of clothing manufacturers, and a bitter-ender, has signed up, after a comparatively short fight...
...Could there be PMh esse...
...which attempted to force a yellow dog contract upon tls wot lets...
...Toledo contributes $50 to the drive, and promises to collect more...
...the ^jority of the workers are forced ^JSTfac arbitrary pay and many Zmrnn^- earn as little as $12 per T> realise the shocking inadeof these earnings, it must be '^gasabered that the industry is highiT«asona] and that the average work "wgfcsstk' not exceed twenty-five to -tttlr-"^' our contracts call lor a yaex of five days, a six-day week -^St role, rather than the exception...
...But nobody is trying to minimize the importance of the defection of Jack Siegle, "The Overcoat House of Philadelphia," which signed up with the Amalgamated early this week...
...From all over the country, wherever there is an Amalgamated organization, money is coming in for the Philadelphia fight...
...alone, mre defenseless against ~»^St unscrupulous exploitation in ->8 band* of petty contractors...
...Neckwear Union Vote For A Strike Cooper Union Meeting Orders Walkout Unless Fair Agreement I s Reached 'I'HHEE thousand members of the I United Neckwear Makers' Union met j in Cooper Union Wednesday and by resolution overwhelmingly refused to consider any wage cuts demanded by the j Men's Neckwear Manufacturers' Assoc latlon...
...LeVinson are all drawn from the growing list of new Socialist recruits...
...Manufacturing for the most part, the -ame grade of clothing that New York manufactures...
...Solicitor Carpenter denied the rep* that one defendant had turned ststr) evidence...
...Should this honse come through and sign up, the flght wUl not be exactly over, but even the most sanguinary manufacturer and the most saturnine union officer, will know that It's on the up and up...
...In Denver, are pooling their resources In order to Increase Colorado's subscription to the fund...
...The Cllnchneld bosses called the troops...
...In Marlon bis workers continue their fight against filthy houses, and outrageous hours, from which there was no escape until the union came...
...Wherever workers have attempted to wrench themselves free from mill slavery, or from the tyranny of great industrial combines, there has the Emergency Committee thrown its support, interested only in feeding hungry men, women and children while they wage the bitter fight for organization...
...So tt» tariff on manufactures...
...We hope Conirress will aeW> the President's tentative land progress Judge Hats off to Judge QamhlH **Jf remsrkable fairness thvs far to the oar tonla defendants...
...V. T. W. Acknowledges Aid James Starr, secretary-treasurer, of the United Textile Worker* of America, wrote to Norman Thomas, chairman of the committee, as follows: "This morning I received a letter from Vice-President Kelly and be informed me your check for $3,000 had been received to assist in carrying on the fight that la now going on at Eliza be thton...
...Approximately $700 of the $1,000 set as Michigan's quota has already been subscribed, and the balance, Rubenstein declares, win be collected early in September...
...More than $300 have already come in from the Jugoslav federation, the first to respond to the drive appeal...
...While the battle of Elizabeth ton raged, in South Carolina, a series of cotton ™»' revolts were taking place in rapid succession...
...California Going Over California's contributions continue to come in steadily...
...that: 1. The Union rejects the manufacturers' demand for a redaction In wages...
...Of these, six said they favored the strikers...
...The President www keep forest and mineral reserves «*» inadequate surveys make division «»" flcutt and if minerals were found mm land the surface of which had been gj»»» to the states all sorts of complice®* might develop...
...Again Porter was able to step in, and offer the aid of the Emergency Committee to thousands of people fighting for the merest rights, already beginning to go hungry...
...The first few dollars had been exhausted: the community was terrifically hostile to the workers...
...Most.of these Western stag* are without funds to support a f£B* long range conservation policy wmea ¦ the case of desert lands is likely to* immediately expensive rather than SSmediately productive...
...Organiser Edward F. Cellaghan explained to the meeting that a permit originally granted the Hosiery Workers to hold a meeting at a place nearer the Cambria mill was suddenly revoked two days • before the meeting...
...The New Leader feels, that it can be claimed that the Socialists have done indispensable work for the Southern organizing and relief work...
...Hoover Public Land Policy Merit* Defeat Western states where there H say seasldereble amount of public land are ftffl dominated by the pioneer psychology of quick exploitation...
...Condemning the "padrone system" whereby groups of workers in substandard shops are exploited triply "by the padrone, contractor and the jobber," Benjamin Schlesinger, President of the International union, summoned employers' associations and independent manufacturers, jobbers and contractors to a series of conferences beginning in October in an effort to avoid a protracted struggle when the general strike of 49,000 dressmakers will be called December 31...
...This was said, not a Impudence, but apparently in Ignoruoj of the separation of powers of prosecution and Judge...
...The dread sweat shop of unsavory memory Is reappearing among us and threatening to swamp the whole Industry...
...Cincinnati win bold a dinner '.ate In September, the exact date to be agreed upon by the executive committee of the local, Charles R. Rogers, of Cincinnati, rerajrts...
...Other locals in the State are circulating subscription lists, and substantial contributions will be available, secretaries report, when the lists are returned to the national drive headquarters...
...There wUI be a number of occasions for celebration...
...The old man' is President Sidney Hllknan who has been having at least two meals a day in Philadelphia since the fight started...
...and WHEREAS, in line with the policy of the Union to maintain peace in the industry and friendly relations with the employers, the Union Conference Committee offered to the manufacturers concessions as reported by the manager, and the Manufacturers' Association, to date, refused to accept those concessions, and demanded further re- ducUom in wages, as reported in deMail by the Union Manager...
...He has requested that I write you an acknowledgment for him sending his thanks for your generous response for financial assistance to assist in carrying on the strike...
...The Jewish Socialist Verband is calling a conference of all Workmen's Circle and progressive groups to meet in New York Otty on September 9 to aid both the municipal campaign and the national drive...
...One house at a time was picked off for action and then only after the ground had been thoroughly prepared...
...And that maneuver captains bow tariffs get by...
...But it will tsx cl other farmers' sugar bowls as much as the city dwellers...
...The union got it coming and going...
...At this conference, to be1 held shortly after Labor Day, plans to raise funds in Jersey City, Newark, Paterson, Trenton, Camden and other cities in which there are Socialist locals will be considered...
...Senior, who will beg;n a tour of eastern States at that time, will also be present...
...near enough to New York for out-of-town buyers to see the sights in New York and shop in Philadelphia...
...In Greenville, at Ware Shoals, at Wltmore, strikes were taking place...
...Federations Are Active The foreign language federations still have the subscription lists in circulation...
...Obviously the iTsjbbj thst has to be done Is to S|'gss* sad thst the British Labor ^^B* seams to be pushing with an 0, ¦Bead...
...One wlfl be the presence here of the members of the national executive committee, including Mayor Daniel W. Hoan of Milwaukee anl James H. Maurer, of Reading...
...The laws make it unlawful for workers to labor more than eleven hours a day...
...Part of the proceeds collected from the South will be employed in organizing the Socialists of North Carolina at a convention to be held at Winston-Salem on September 8. It is expected that 150 Socialists, from various parts of the State will be present, to help form a permanent organization...
...Wisconsin and Minnesota are sending in cash and pledges to the fund, and the quotas set for those States should be reached before the drive is over on October 1. The South, which has responded more generously to the drive than was anticipated, win be one of the first to benefit from the progress made by the drive...
...The only affair ararnged so far Is the New Jersey State Picnic, which will be held in Newark, on September 14, with Mayor Hoan as the principal speaker...
...But Philadelphia, "everybody knew...
...As a constquence, New York manufacturers looked longingly at the neighboring green pastures...
...They had only their friends to fall back on, and their friends were as poor as they...
...And now Cllnchneld bosses have showed the people of the state that they again flaunt the police power of the state of North Carolina—in addition to violating the laws of decency...
...B. Cohen is secretary...
...of L to stand back of Its ¦gkesl anions in fighting such antlBSmelot public utility companies vM»e tten illustrated in the New Eggj flgj strike...
...eae hours of work are often unta-tased and practically unlimited...
...Herling phoned New York, got from Porter the assurance that the Emergency Committee had some money to buy food...
...Pittsburgh will hold a dinner on September 22...
...The retreats, however, were never without honor...
...H the Industry Is to be saved from •Male and destructive chaos, and . it - Sal »m lu ¦> In it are to be assured Mate ft and working conditions " —hsskbriaung even the most modest ' asnaards of American life, all factors I U fgj Industry must join hands in an - acosst and Intelligent effort to recog-ssc it on a basis of reason and de*^Oor anion is determined to take fa initiative in that direction and .-yfl devote its whole energy and re, sascet to the accomplishment of this ' «Bsi objective and the total elimina£at the disgraceful sweating sysw/tth this purpose in view, we mtartaken an active campaign BDDg the workers to strengthen their tasajsstion and to prepare and equip Asm for any struggle that may be¦ tssat necessary for their self-preserva'• Ess* Cswierenees Proposed _ -wt should like to svoid a long gnws out and bitter general strike sal prater a peaceful solution of the psJawsts arrived at through a fair and fcuifr alscussion and agreement be. Ski all organized factors in the lneeury...
...He ruled that the only etasplracy pertinent to the case is the "eat¦piracy of the workers not to permit a> hce on the union grounds...
...Ever since the strike was called on July 11, hundreds of friends of the Emergency Committee have been sending ia their money for the relief 'of the strikers...
...The dress industry of New York employs about 46,000 workers...
...N. Y. Socialists to Gather At Dinner September 15th -w l THEN the national executive comW mlttee of the Socialist Party meets In New York City over the week-end of Sept...
...JTisbbJ ssrsgery at the Arab mess * 0 Bsarco snd elsewhere are a ^Lastf lewhiflrr of the cruelty of JJ^b an capable...
...and WHEREAS, the Manufacturers' Association has presented exorbitant and unreasonable demands, including a demand for a drastic reduction In the wage scales, the granting of which would result In the material destruction of the standards of living of the neckwear workers established after many years of organization, collective bargaining, and co-operation with the employers, to insure the prosperity of the neckwear industry...
...Bigger Tasks Ahead The committee is gorging its loins for another appeal...
...The state's bill of particulars bad aV laged that the strikers also conspired s drag scabs from the mill by force, as Judge Barnhlll directed the rjroataitta to eliminate this first part becaaet tfe alleged conspiracy had already tm stopped hours before the shootmt » curred...
...But tt ess put there to try to get senator Thorn* Walsh in line...
...Socialists of Pittsburgh, who have led the cities of the State in assistance rendered the national organization in the past, promise to collect SI.000 for the drive at that banquet...
...Even Rochester and Chicago, which manufacture a high-grade of clothing and so have nothing to fear from Philadelphia's encroachment, are jubilantly expressing their solidarity with the workers of Philadelphia by sending not only their best men to help in the fight, but by raising assessment funds...
...In fact, the whole campaign was conducted so quietly, that even around the New York offices It was regarded as "just another Philadelphia campaign...
...5*0 Seal Manufacturers "Out of the thirty-five hundred employers no more than five hundred are manufacturers in the true sense of the term, working independently and dl¦ rectly for the trade...
...The prosecution revealed its line by challenging any who had ever been connected with labor unions or had read labor papers or circulars...
...These men and women had struck, usually without organizing a union, unaffiliated with a parent organization...
...was impregnable...
...Hoffman appealed to the Emergency Committee for Strikers Relief headed by Norman Thomas to continue the splendid support given ever since July 11, the day the strike started...
...Let us all make a supreme effort to meet it, and to demonstrate to friend and foe the vitality of the Socialist movement...
...The legality of any strike whatsoever was challenged by the prosecution in Its second bill of particulars presented in the second day of the trial...
...Socialists of Illinois, led by W. R. Snow, State Secretary, will make their contribution to the drive at a dinner to be held in Chicago on September 8, in honor of Senior...
...The committee is two years old...
...The membership authorised the calling of a strike, if necessary...
...But if the amount to raised, fully or substantially, aO af the most vital organs of the Socialist propaganda in the United States will be freed from the incubus of pressing and paralysing debts and will be provided with the necessary funds to discharge their functions fully and effectively, to plan and carry out a natlon-w,..e program of organisation and education, to break the spirit of apathy and dim dene* which has held us in Its baneful spell for so mac;- sterile years, and to give our movement a powerful Impetus to new Uf ¦> and rapid, continuous progress...
...with a vicious sub-contracting system which farmed out the work to the heads of the various units in the shop, leaving it to their responsibility to engage the majority of the workers, and grossly underpay them of course;—Philadelphia was able to offer serious competition to the New York market...
...In each case, the workers went back defeated, but In every instance they went back with respect and confidence in the Amalgamated...
...Secretary Frank Burcb of the Central Labor Union ascertained at the city hall that Oartner had demanded of Public Safety Director Schofieid that the hosiery workers' meeting be prohibited...
...Another Month To Go With the drive extended until October 1, In order to enable Socialist party members to canvass every possible prospect, and to arrange banquets at which pledges and subscriptions for the drive fund may be obtained, Lewis predicts that more win be raised In September than was raised in August, bringing the total at the end of the drive close to the $90,000 goal...
...As far as our union is concerned...
...While Porter and Herling were In the field, Polly LeVinson had charge of the distribution of appeals, and the actual collection of the funds...
...In which Police Chief AdcfcsV was killed...
...Another win be flat misting between the New York socialists and the party's new national sec-' retary, Clarence O. Senior...
...S. Raushenbush, Lillian D. Wald, Bertha Poole Weyl...
...NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the neckwear workers, members of the Union assembled at Cooper Union on the 2sth day of August, 1829...
...No Sopai or progressive wants government IpBtttt without union recognition, ¦feta* W*tMmUeine...
...Up until we go to press, 85 per cent of the money contributed for the Marion strikers has come from the Emergency Committee and their friends...
...Yet the illusory hop* of tariff beneatt for themselves cramps the style ef farOH ers and their representatives to fighting the abominable favorates to manufacturers...
...And the union...
...their leaders had been kidnapped...
...A record breaking crowd was in attendance, the picnic having been arranged as the forerunner of a still larger one to be held on Labor Day, when the proceeds will go to the drive...
...But in the south overflowing union treasuries are still a rarity...
...Other Ohio cities have planned to arrange affairs for the benefit of the drive In September...
...The competition between employers has become so keen, and reckless ss to imperil their very business existence...
...We are all pepped up and settling down for a good fight...
...All of the vest organizers In the country have been centred in Philadelphia to help him...
...Ifr-'ttrTf* XnsuU who controls the gksst fcscttoo interests recognises the ¦sc...
...Judge Barnhlll...
...Norman Thomas, director of the League for Industrial Democracy, and Forrest Bailey, director of the Civil Liberties Union, became chairman and treasurer of the committee...
...Tst because Insull recogjgtHae anion...
...Strike Called Conspiracy The state of North Carolina is thus trying to revive the old English common law idea abandoned 50 years ago in America that any strike agreement constitutes conspiracy...
...New York's contribution to the fund nears the $6,000 mark, with $10,000 as the quota set for the State...
...Thomas Group Revealed As Financial Backbone Of Southern Mill Strikes Elizabethton, Greenville, Marion Revolts All Turned to Emergency Committee for Sustenance THE Emergency Committee for Strikers Relief, with headquarters at 112 E. 19th street, has become the bread-box for striking...
...In the last few months, the Emergency Committee has distributed over 910,000—which properly spent has bought a "lot of "potaters...
...The inception of the New York municipal campaign win also be timed to begin within a few days of the dinner...
...A higher sugar tariff will help some big capitalists and a few farcen who might better be doing something ela than raising a peasant, child-labor errs like sugar beets...
...tsmt of the provisions which were JtoL hi oar agreements for safezS5k th* n8hts lnd tntcests cf the 25s have become a dead letter...
...In Pennsylvania, Reading took the lead In assuring a substantial contribution to the drive from that city, the second largest to be in the hands of Socialists, at a picnic held last Sunday, at which Norman Thomas delivered the principal address...
...Mayor Hoan is expected to be among the guests...
...and whereas, the Union is desirous of maintaining for its members a living wage, decent working conditions and the abolition of home work...
...But the minute they propose particular rates trouble begins...
...It's a kg rolling game at our expense...
...La—With Cbieage...
...they struck even before they had organized their unioc...
...Union Acts To Clean Up Dress Trade Schlesinger Declares Sweat - Shops, Home Work ami Low Wages Must End spHAROINO that the 4SS0.00O.000 New York dress industry has been completely demoralised by sweatshop conditions that have sprung up in the trade within the last few years, the International Ladles' Garment Workers' Union has served notice upon 3,500 New York manufacturers that the union will take strong measures to rehabilitate the Industry and to Insure 49,000 workers s livelihood under decent working conditions...
...We propose a conference in "ta early part of October, so as to Lsjve aD parties sufficient time for planxhf sod Ironing out difficulties beta the expiration of our present ¦thgtaenee hss demonstrated that ' t pattsrsd and fluctuating industry Jan oars can best be served by a collarttve agreement between well organ' awl fcsta i in the industry with proper "paoakilu for fair and uniform standsrai sad an adequate joint machinery for their enforcement throughout S» industry...
...The state exercised 14 of its is peremptory challenges while the defense ased 22 of its 188...
...President R W. Baldwin of the company, self-styled patriarch of Ms "garden" mill village, has lengthened the strike into a siege...
...Porter, field secretary of the League for Industrial Democracy went into the strike areas...
...BUfcw Orleans Daiiy Itesa thswght Rbtat that it ran the fcBowBWfcMl cessment at the head of ¦g^nttgesr* unique town, hteaad iBMaeaatated exclusively by NeThe occasion finds K Kjj£*» Jafl was torn Sewn re* teeasee it had no eeeapanta The People MBj1**- successfully atae...
...communities in the South...
...In Colorado, William C. Stone, the new state secretary, a youthful and energetic labor leader, is organizing committees in a number of cities...
...Instead of furnishing such specifications, the prosecution, in elaborate wordiness, added new charges that the defendants had conspired unlawfully to dose the mill and injured ManvlUe-Jenckes business April 1 by the Loray strike...
...Hoffman was desperate...
...We'd rather be pleasant than otherwise...
...4. The Executive Board and the Conference Board are authorised to can a strike, if nepessary, to enforce No Unionists On Jury In Charlotte Trial of Communists and Strikers i n Charlotte Opens Well for the Defense By Jessie Lloyd pHARLOTTE N. C.—(FP)—Two farmers and one machinist were accepted as jurors on the third day of the trial of 16 Oastonia strikers and their organizers charged with the murder of Police Chief Aderholt...
...In previous years, Philadelphia was tackled as a general strike call This time the job was done quietly...
...Por a long time Philadelphia has been a thorn in the side of the New York organization...
...IB) reseat that we are determined to * snog hack to the workers fair worktag standards and decent living condi. As* In any event and at all costs...
...Washington, and Oregon arc rapidly coming to the fore in their contributions to the drive...
...Their grievance committee had been repulsed by the president as a bunch of "dignified boobs" "boobs" who had been suffering an overbearing lordship for more years than they cared to remember...
...Were there hm sggeMsllien of this sort behind ksahst Oram* telegram to the Senate Ms *» Walsh investigation of the nkf iisntort saber to determine its ¦Ms toward public utilities solely on lasses sf snWn recognition is to run IS ef antagonising farmers, proPsBsal workers and unorganised workin ass see ttsMmhwd by the public Mm- I k to betray the interests Hfsorganised workers as consumers, ¦sflg^bt end It Is doubtful how much Pto tabes directly Involved will gain...
...Few of these are fair-sised...
...To be sure it belongs there since only about 5 per cent of what we need Is produced here...
...Irving Schnabel, Buffalo Socialist, who had charge of the arrangements for the dinner, and Cells Rotter, of New York City, who spent several days In Buffalo canvassing party members on behalf of the drive committee, report that Buffalo contribution to the drive fund will be increased before the middle of September, in spite of the difficulties presented by the municipal campaign which the Socialists are conducting there, and for which they require funds...
...Paul Aymon, president of the Tennessee Federation of Labor, again and again declared their gratitude to the Emergency Committee...
...Those who remained, held Philadelphia as a club In their hands—even, as In many case, when there was little or no basis for It—when they wanted concessions from the union...
...te*J*teat farm products' The farmers ¦JSSt that they haven't had a fair 155:** ^ tariff trough If there is sfe' - •¦Masai rag* u> The Town No Use for Jail, Sb Tears it Down L** Orlaaas...
...state secretary of Oregon, in remitting $62 to the drive, declares that it is the first installment of Oregon's quota, and that there will be several additional installments during September...
...The contract between the union and the manufacturers expires September 1st...
...The struggle of workers in North Carolina is epitomised in the strike et East Marion...
...The membership then adopted the following resolution: -T-tne rjnlted Neckwear Makers' Union has made every effort lj maaitain peaceful relations with the employers in the neckwear Industry, and to that end is desirous of renewing the collective agreement with the Neckwear Manufacturers' Association...
...The work of organization in the south is in its early stage...
...William F. Kelly, vice-president of the United Textile Workers, in charge of the strike...
...Porter, Herling and Mrs...
...Comparatively few B~sss essployed In modern power Mr WbeM labor be willing to give r to debt against the power trusts figS-sr 8m price of recognition of the EgS* VerMs* Union...
...The prosecution's damaging ^—'TrM that it can produce no better bill of per...
...Joseph Schwartz, executive secretary of the Philadelphia Socialist organization, announces that the Socialists of that city are organizing for the drive, but are awaiting definite Information as to when Senior can be in Philadelphia, so that they can give a dinner in bis honor and solicit contributions to the fund at that dinner...
...3. Should the Manufacturers' Association, as such fail to renew the agreement with the Union, the Conference Board and the Joint Executive Board are authorised to negotiate and enter intb agreements with the individual manufacturers, members of the Association...
...Hoover pile Figures of foreign trade say f».Tte Stock Market says so...
...And ¦Bp*** peace with their neegh^^gM as with each ether...
...Into submission...
...Suspicions of Werhers It was evident that the state is not confident that anyone who has ever had the privilege of working in North Carolina's 60-hour a week cotton mills would favor the electric chair for organisers who try to change working conditions...
...Adolph Oermer, former national secretary of the Socialist party and Fred D. Warren, for many years one of the leaders of the American Socialist movement, who has recently rejoined the party, will be among the »xHbe^ptay^thnhai ap Wijilu»'ii"'ceTela and part...
...Michigan baa joined California and New York in the list of States that are rapidly approaching the quota set for these States...
...The appeal to New York State Socialists, signed by Norman Thomas, has just gone out, Lewis declares, and when the returns come in it is expected that most of the balance win be subscribed...
...Cleveland will hold a dinner on September 13, with Mayor Daniel W. Hoan, of Milwaukee, as the guest of honor...
...These terj|--«o not alter the fact that RSfc homeland can only be estabbJ In Palestine by winning at least EjgsJsi - of the Arabs...
...Then Hoffman breathed more easily, and with clearer conscience he watched the mill workers begin their strike exultant and happy, in their first glow of freedom...
...Then will come the de2ga» sf responsibility, punishment g ¦sjgetsnent is due, snd plans for assgf there ere Indications in BngAascrlca that militarists, impeSTsna asj navy men may seek to aftt hafsdy to their own uses...
...This the union had refused to consider...
...Sixty par cent of these are women, who...
...Alfred Hoffman has Indignantly denied northern newspaper stories which declared that the Cllnchneld strike Is settled...
...The state's new line was in response to Judge Barnaul's demand for farther specifications on the state's contention that the defendants "conspired" June 7 to lure the police into the tent colony...
...In this i sad noderttood the brave Jewish -jaw* vers making progress, a progHnbVs stay not be forever doomed a**/ this catastrophe...
...Even the most Indifferent worker, the one who was pulled along In the tide, felt and understood that the organization had done everything in its power to aid him, that the organization was a power whose possibilities he perhaps only felt and vaguely understood, and that the union organizers had labored Intensely, tirelessly and unselfishly...
...But while the troops parade the streets, and judges issue injunctions, the East Marion strike goes on and the pickets maintain their 34-hour vigil...
...Re effective tariff can be put on the staph crops like wheat, corn and cotton of which surpluses are exported...
...A High Goal And A Crucial Test By Morris Hillquit Due to a transfused line which made the first paragraph ef this appeal unintelligible when it appeared last week, we are repeating the appeal this week, m rpHK drive for $50,000 launched by the organised Socialist movement . is infinitely more than n financial enterprise- It la a test of the faith, the moral fibre and recuperating power of American Socialism, and a challenge to the skeptics and doubters, the discouraged and deopondent among...
...Thousands of pounds of flour and salt pork have been bought...
...Norman Thomas is expected to attend, a reception committee of prominent liberals in Cincinnati having been organized to greet Thomas...
...The local bosses seemed determined to starve the workers of the Marion Manufacturing Co...
...2. The stand taken by the Union Conference Board, be and the same hereby is ratified and sanctioned...
...Defense counsel estimate that fine quarters of the state's evidence wQ b eliminated from the case as the rem': of the ruling of Judge Barnhlll on th first day...
...Not a penny was to go for any purpose but for food...
...a hope that the employers are J* tanjy alive to the critical situation at oar industry as our union is and Sat they will meet with us in the *tat af coping with the sweat shop -Sanger and reconstructing our industry tang sane, fair and humane lines...
...New Jersey Socialists, who announced at the outset of the drive that they would not be able to do much in that State until after Labor Day, will start their activities after a state conference of the Jewish branches In that State, called by Branch 3, of Newark, of which Mrs...
...Charles Koib...
...federal bureaseracy—a pretty intelligent bargaocrsSf in recent years-^warrants the Presiaest in proposing to scrap our pslnfulljjs* tablished and belated conservation psW by turning public lands of certain saw over to the states...
...Reservations are being taken now by Comrade 0"^er at the party office, 7 East 19th ""Ms axe being sold at $3.00 a plato Socialist Drive Total Now$18,000 Heaviest Contributions to be Sought During the Month ol September— Hoan on a Tour M3UNTTNO steadily towards the 190,000 goal, contributions to the United Socialist Drive continued to pour in during the last week, bringing the total collected in the four weeks that the drive has continued well passed the onethird stage reported in last week's issue of the New Leader...
...The $6,000 raised in New York State does not Include $400 pledged and paid at a dinner held in Buffalo last Tuesday night, at which Senior was the speaker...
...The mill Is closed tight...
...In denying defense motions that tfc , case be thrown out of court, Judge Br> ! hill clarified the fact that the text* strikers and organisers do not face se> ; lshment for both conspiracy to mods and murder, but rather a murder ehvji with conspiracy Incidental to prortg i their responsibility for murder...
...Murray Weinstein, who Is managet of the Philadelphia Joint Board, h_s been emulating Thomas Edison as far as sleep is concerned, and our own fighting ex-sheriff...
...Some of the Westers states like Nevada or Wyoming m sparsely settled and almost wholly eeftroUed by big Interests—grazing, fcnobs...
...I feel that the successful accomplishment of the difficult feat of raising a large sum of money under heavy obstacles would go a long way toward reviving that spiritIt la a high goal and a crucial teat...
...LLmst »• DMd of more tdequ*** POm a Palestine I am sure the* idealRjassjsts even in the hour of grief y ,»si «¦ agree that in the long run Kg* Orest Britain nor any other ^jnB er should be expected to force 2a span sn unwilling majority of Sir stf"*^ armies...
...14th and 19th, The New York Socialists wUI take the opportunity to stage one of the largest and most impressive dinners held in many years...
...The unbearable conditions here, the twelve-hour and twenty minute day, the $12 a week, the whole feudalism of the mill village, made a strike of these organized workers inevitable...
...Heme Werk Denounced The "home work'.' system, the violation of hours and wages, the flagrant disregard of the five-day week, are severely criticised in Schleslnger's communication to the employers...
...into the Industry...
...Immediate and forceful protests pouring into city hall from the wnrfhcaat textile district caused a ebsnged attitude, Oallaghan stated and a permit was finally granted for a minting twr Mocks away front the null TIMELY Topics By Norman Thomas tsnsf spwJu gfgassb rests in Palestine are not Bbpegeandly tragic In their imBMsBgel oces but dangerous in ^^gereassfcaos throughout the world...
...No eajy settlements will be made, no proneness for mere amicable relations...
...The responsibility for this unwholesome condition rests upon the employ ers as the managers of the Industry, but the brunt of the resulting suffer - - ing and misery- falls upon the workera...
...Additional lists of contributors residing la Hew York City who have subscribed to the fund so far will be printed in the Socialist press next week...
...Leo Krzycki is right in the midst of it all...
...The greater part are fly-by-night enterprises, conducted by Irresponsible employers under disgraceful labor conditions...
...Hoffman reported progress on the collection of affidavits made by the textile workers showing that the Clinch geld Manufacturing Company violates even the miserable welfare provisions incorporated in the labor law of North Carolina...
...After ten days of parleying behind doors, closely guarded by armed troops, the textile bosses have decided to spurn the offer of the stats and workers at conciliatiton...
...Very truly yours, BENJAMIN SCHLESINGER, President...
...Supporting them is the committee of Roger N. Baldwin, Paul Blanshard, McAlister Coleman, Morris Ernst, Evelyn PrestoruH...
...In the 'past few months, Paul Porter and John Herling have been the field representatives for the committee...
...Dayton, Ohio, held a dinner last Thursday evening, with Senior, and Joseph W. Sharts, member of the national executive committee of the Socialist party, as the speakers...
...Defense Attorney Flowers argued that the prosecution had no right to present new charges which could be used to prejudice the Jury...
...Vigorous action on the part of every local and branch during September could bring the total well above the goal set;- -be declared...
...Hosiery Union Wants Phila Official Fired PHILADELPHIA — (PP) — Immediate action by Mayor Mackey toward removing Fred C. Gartner from the dvll service commission of Philadelphia was demanded at a mass meeting attended by more than 2,000 members of the Hosiery Workers Union and friends...
...Started in 1027 when the miners waged their fight along a united front, it comes to life when the quickened spirit of the workers bursts into revolt against their dreary passivity...
...Aiding the Leaderiese One* Round Greenville were *mi^ng place the "leaderiess" strikes, described by Paul Blanshard and Paul Porter...
...Intermittently, for the past ten years has been pouring money, energy and Intelligence into the Philadelphia fight, only to have to retreat eaeh time...
...The procIJaJaset win be to hurt our foreign S*,tf tfae Senate adopts the pro* ****** 8t»'e» Price (that is, the gSBM wholesale price of the im111 America) as the basis PJj^t the tariff the situation will n*** complicated by some wild, *nd complicated guessing...
...On behalf of the International Union, I also want to thank you and your colleagues for the wonderful moral and financial assistance you are rendering this International Union...
...A delegation of Washin gtonians will travel by motor to Baltimore to help make the dinner successful...
...tat ptssecBtlen to add still mere partita, hut to Ms MIL Attorney Cansler for the state repUel: "We've done the best we could, it 1 doesn't suit your honor, perhaps the court could prepare it...
...The union communication reads: "Our agreements in the dress industry expire at the end of this year...
...Entire Country Aids The long years of organization work, which are never entirely without fruit, the steady process of attrition against the most independent and determinedly open-shop manufacturers, together with, and perhaps most important of all, a change in organization tactics, has at last shaken the citadel...
...Even veniremen who had relatives working in the mills were barred from the jury, and one man who had left the mills 14 years ago was peremptorily challenged...
...The results of the drive in Dayton are not known as the Hew Leader goes to press...
...The creation of joint machinery, with the public represented, similar to that created following the successful cloakmakers' strike, is urged by the union leader as an important weapon for driving out the sweatshop and cut-throat competition fcetwisn employer and employee from which the worker Is the worst sufferer...
...But the principal feature of the evening is in the nature of a surprise which is being closely guarded by Julius Oerber, who Is In charge of the dinner arrangements...
...The strikers' commissary has now become the strategic center of the situattlon...
...WCFL, to eat off Eft tlssBpson when he spoke far Ss -euesrsalp...
...sad ether targe and many HP cities running amuck with R*M crime and prisons so eeaFMh prteaners that they revolt, BPtei far a Mississippi town aasetaUeo Is exclusively Ne15* *• See ef an this...
...In behalf of the Emergency Committee he was able to distribute over a thousand dollars to these friendless, "leaderiess*' strikers' families...
...The League for Industrial Democracy and the American Civil Liberties Union brought the committee into being...
...This probably as much as the almightf steel trust influence got manganese on on the free list...
...The Finnish Federation, declaring that August was the worst time in the year for them to mobilize their forces, has organized to reach the Finnish Socialists during September...
...These workers had been pushed beyond the endurance point by a mighty corporation...
...We to be a tariff trough...
...Bat his arrangements with the a sat est ear riders are anything but sjgsjBy...
...The bulk of the individual subscriptions to the fund are expected after Labor Day, when most of them will be back in the cities, where they can be visited by committees thst have been organised In every Socialist local...
...But when Mabry Hart assumes the role of an industrial baron, even around a conference table, then he gives the Ties what he has claimed is uppermost ba his mind—the peace end contentment of the workers...
...The sure effect of the BJjP will be to raise prices on tm1*** xwnodlties at home...
...We are counting on you," said Hoffman to your correspondent as he donned his overalls for the all night vigil on the picket line...
...A special committee of over 60 prominent men and women from all walks of life, from all parts of the country aid the smaller group...
...President Schlesinger, in his communication, declared that the moral responsibility for a struggle which win result In undue hardship to the worker, the industry and the general public must rest upon those employers who win refuse to cooperate in stabilising the industry...
...You can never tell what the 'old man' Is doing," they said around the New York offices...
...This work Is being done through the Southern States' District Committee, recently organised...
...Up to this time, the Philadelphia clothing market has minimized the importance of the present Amalgamated campaign...
...Scattered contributions have come from local unions in North Carolina...
...A. C. W. Wins Philadelphia Open Shops Men's Clothing Union Enthused by Inroads in Anti-Labor Citadel By Gertrude Weil Klein IT may be too soon to say that Philadelphia, the open-shop stronghold has fallen...
...Too soon to speak in the past tense, at any rate, since the campaign of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers Is just at Its height...
...Under the BS allium a worker in the shop Is CgSwS to sub-contract his work to CKa" who are thus exposed to the ¦ieSexpkrltation by the padrone, the 'Sector and the jobber...

Vol. 9 • August 1929 • No. 4

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