A.F. L. Drafts New Bill On In junctions Executive Council Amends Measure Proposed By Senate Judiciary Committee ¦jtuaiss CITY, N. J.—A bill that 'jtot«aaakt Knit the authority of all...
...The call includes a list of 27 trunk line systems that President Jewell of the A. P. of L. Rail-vay Employes' Department announces have signed agreements with the railrocd shop crafts affiliated to the A. F. o! L. Headquarters will be at Royal York Hotel, where the convention also will be held...
...All organised units of the A. F. of L. are urged to send delegates to this convention...
...6,000 Haverhill Shoe Workers Settle Strike HAVERHILL...
...Norman Ware, authority on labor problems, is to become manager of the Shoe Workers' Protective Union's district council, in charge of all relations with the employers...
...No applicant for an aTtexttion is to be heard if he has viotokd any obligation of the law "or failed to aake every reasonable effort to setUe a** dispute.' '•nporary injunctions may be ob**ud, not by affidavit but by "such tottaony under oath as would be suffi*aat Is sustained, as well as pasting a toad for the recompense of the person toapnterily restrained if the injunction k tot made permanent...
...Tk* Bhicetead bill was killed In coma^ast because it modified the principles (amity in a way that might be oonsidga, azcaraUtuUonal...
...No delegates enn be seated unless the tax of their organization Is paid in full to August 31, 1923...
...sf this sweeping provision the FederaProposes to recover all the ground *t eater the Clayton Act, which was ¦*d at the magna charts of labor /ton passed, and which later gave rise taJuneUon decisions that reacted atabat it...
...paying or vabhcMtng any strike or unemployment toaaflte...
...becoming or remaining * antaber of any labor organization or ef ear employer organization...
...i FP i —Striking shoe workers have accepted the 3-year contract drawn up by Alfred Bernheim of the Labor Bureau, Inc...
...Tko Federation's last attempt to make jjBjajcure from legal interference, was ggl Introduced through Senator Shipajts* aamnf the authority of the court . ^ ones to granting injunctions only ay a* "protection of tangible property...
...Delegates attending conventions have faced every problem courageously and have considered their action upon all questions intelligently and constructive...
...6.000 workers on strike 11 weeks are returning to their jobs...
...L. Drafts New Bill On In junctions Executive Council Amends Measure Proposed By Senate Judiciary Committee ¦jtuaiss CITY, N. J.—A bill that 'jtot«aaakt Knit the authority of all FedJmtr*' to ukK>r in toe futon, 2^tamtl cancel labor injunction* isaued *^ aaat wherever they do pot conaaai «•* approved here for submiaaion r* Concresa by the executive tt the American Federation of ¦atltV jMltot to William Green, president rf"jp Federation, the bill represent* a *' pr^- effort of the American Fed^ a/'Labor and of the United States t, to settle the forty-year struggle ^ Labor with the law by changing the in...
...taeoundng the intention of doing so...
...auembllng to act or organize...
...The future policies of the A. F. of L. *re formulated and adopted at each succeeding convention.'' the call swues...
...No temporary **toctton may extend longer than five akys...
...htenction* would be granted under a* new bill only after trial has estabtooed that unlawful acts have been comakted and will be continued: that sub•toattol and irreparable injury to properly win follow...
...to be held in Toronto, beginning Monday, October 7. has been issued by the A. F. of L. Executive Council...
...His salary has been fixed at $7,500...
...The bin would separate labor organiza*** from responsibility for unlawful •a* committed by any member officer or *SBt, except upon clear proof or authorto*k«t or ratification of such acts...
...Industrial, social and economic problems also are considered in connection with policies and official expressions...
...and also already approved by the manufacturers...
...Change Made in Draft •Jg the spirit of co-operation...
...apastng to do and inviting others to join to aotog so...
...Instead of a .iadll'TT change In the equity law, (aaj proposed a regulatory act and prorkkd a* with a draft of a bill which they Hacajht eould be passed through Conw"t have made some changes and task WB hi it* present form has the approval ef the American Federation of Later-* ja the opening section of the bill the fa*staa and the American Federation of later agreed on writing: fa deleimining the jurisdiction and adnortty of the courts of the United testae, the public policy of the United gat** h hereby declared as follows: -Wberea* under prevailing economic amflaon* unorganised workers are esaanoaly helpless it is necessary that any hare full freedom of trade' union ¦iiiilalsin or in other concerted ac«Mth* for the purpose of collective karsaauni or other mutual aid or proActo Preteoted ky Bffi Prater the new bill the act* which wad* no longer be unlawful or subject a xtJaneUoc in labor dispute, whether aa* imgty or ta concert, and would not to ¦addtred a conspiracy, were listed aa to the Senatorial draft as: Ckastng work...
...imtmm said, "the Judiciary Committee -ggg atottgnated a sub-committee conatttof of Senators Walsh of Montana, aarr*> and Blaine, to draft a labor injaailt r MU to give us what we wanted a * eanstitutional form...
...aiding any person involved in actJhdezal or State court: giving pubHeKl by any method, speaking or other¦to*, to the fact* involved in a labor tfkpute...
...A. F. of L. Calls Convention For October 7 Forty-ninth Annual Gathering Will Be Held in Toronto, Canada WASHINGTON.—< A. F. L.>—The eall'for the forty-ninth convention of the A. . of L...
...TO tills list of actions excepted by the Saator* the council added in the final draft that no injunction could be issued tor refusing to handle any material proSee...
...We wish to crn.inne the traditional policy of the A. F. of L. in this regard...
...that there is no other ***m»t» remedy at law;- that the public altar*, with the duty to protect propel art unable or unwilling to furnish ****** tu protection...
...The^ action of conventions upon all o.uestions presented and considered becomes the official expression cf the organised labor movement...
...after an Injunction is granted, any •tokh for contempt lor disregarding it •aUd be by jury...
...whole or in part by non-union later or by a rival labor union, and no totonrtinri for ceasing to patronize or to eapkw any person in a labor dispute, retard!*** ef whether he stands in the retoaan of employer or employee...
...It is important that action upon all these questions be taken by those who represent the crystaUized and concrete opinion of the great mars of the working men and women associated with the A. F. of L. "Our conventions are open forums, democratic in character, where the widest opportunely is given for full, free and open discuscion...
Vol. 9 • August 1929 • No. 3