Flue, Nathan

Hill quit Finds European Soclalists Grappling With Reeonstrnction Tasks British Labor Pans Impress Laidler Trip to England and Continent Reveals a Movement More Realistic...

...Hillqult was illustrating the tasks of the British Labor Government, by taking one or two examples, in an interview which lasted only an hour...
...It la likely, he said, that two or three spokesmen of ua-attached liberal opinion will sit In with U» Socialist campaign oeauntttee fat advisory capacities...
...41 OfaVwi taranto...
...Oerber also held Um first of a aerie* of eonfereaea* with outstanding liberal leaden of the city...
...maamal Oamt lad OtaUMt—Marx Uaia...
...The foreign policies of the British Empire are intricate, old, of a hundred strands...
...II tUAfliOg OatoeMa...
...Which will double our current vote, win rehabilitate the party and put us to the running as a factor to the major political affairs of Um city...
...County Judi^U»aU j^jr«uw 1—Hoary Otaa...
...They are now giving Increased and special attention to the rural and farming population...
...3 Concentration on making our *itnp*tfn opening at Town Hall an '"-p^ng success...
...The expressed winingnea* of the government to sign Um optional clause ha* given an impetus to international arbitration...
...The Baldwin Government was one of the most conservative and most feared in Europe...
...road, bridge and tunnel bunding, for the improvement of public utilities and other productive enterprise* and for colonization, with a view to the employment of labor and the modernization of British Industry...
...Abtaaait «. tutatnurt...
...M jawaa a. Wan...
...HUlqult went on to say, there Is the came compulsion to adjust programs to practice ancj...
...Negotiations with Russia have been begun and if Russia to willing to give Britain assurances on th« question of propaganda, there Is no reason ' why ttohasaadora will not be exchanged again next' fan...
...Mac Donald ha* thrown himself whole heartedly Into Um problem of disarmament...
...He declared that the city of Vienna had already constructed some 45,000 apartment* for the workers...
...In aU eooarrratism, I make Um prediction that Um proper sort of a campaign can easily put Um Socialist vote away above Um 100,000 mark...
...it i—it a. eaaea...
...all separate, specific and detailed steps taken in different fields, amount to a substantial realisation of our Socialist program...
...L. I. D. Director Finds Labor Government Has Brought Striking Ckaab.ea In British Policy * DISARMAMENT, SUM CLEARANCE STUDIED Ministries Working '; Far-Reaching Legi-lativfjt ' Program For FaB Par...
...Together with this, an effort win be made to reduce hours, stabilize employment and Increase wages in the mining Industry...
...aaafher mm oooamittoi waa organised fey ua to consider Um type* of literature to ta aaod...
...raw coart tanH WaMman...
...Berger was walking a* if his mind was occupied with seme great problem...
...Algernon Lee, eandMate for preatdant of the Board of Aidararen, and Charles Solomon, candidate for controller...
...Our literature...
...There is a close .kinship between the people and the workers of the Cnited States and Great Britain...
...Though name* are being withheld for Um present, Oerber toaa reeetrac easurence of co-operation— and aettre oo-opeiatJon—from the more advanced of Um liberal figure* of Um city...
...n — ,,lllt bo...
...The official opening of the campaign win take place in September at the Town Hall, 4.1st street near Sixth avenue...
...So far as Europe is concerned the Labor and Socialist International is definitely and distinctly a political power of the first magnitude...
...Bronx County ¦tori*—Aadrow Mkalaan...
...The Berger family was represented at the Inquest by Jan Bdelman and Colin G. Welles, «on-ln-law* of Mr...
...J. H. Thomas, in special charge of unemployment will push plans for the development of water-power, for reforestation...
...It Is a question of age...
...FzatMwt Sonata of areas—Saaratl Orr...
...mljm WITH*1' M lertrn— Coaaa...
...uaowi<0rrw f...
...Rather, it is their concrete translation and realisation...
...Berger at least as soon as I did...
...I »inli«tii ¦iuiiMiii atwae* ait— t~a!i'|til1i**' {jj*b*j*' II s*" M Josaaru...
...IT—Maa s^Saan* Tutm 4a—Carl Ooamroaa...
...After the car had been brought to the stop Mr...
...It Is In a chaotic and bankrupt condition...
...SJMpal Ooart Sad Dtstrtet—a...
...11 tatonii »^ OtMMi |. it ¦any amHu...
...If he had been watching the track I believe he would have seen Mr...
...To make possible a* wide distribution of literature a* passible, our printed campaign material win be made as mexpenelve as possible while not sacrificing anything in appearance...
...Berger until jaat before the impact...
...ThM to Um belief of Dr...
...Berger was lying In the middle of Clark street when Hutchison got out of the car...
...tuencie* In high feather...
...Its program was largely one of promise...
...Imprest!* by Vienna Dr...
...Distracted by Woman" Patrolman Morris Hutchison, who was on the front platform with Roets, believed that the motorman * attention had been distracted by a woman who had crossed the track about 30 feet north of the intersection...
...Berger, Andrew Peters, an awning hanger, testified Leo J. Lentsen, who operates a radio store, told the coroner that Mr...
...In the words of Morris Hillqult, "the practical, detailed, day-by-day work of the Socialist and Labor parties is not an abandonment of Socialist programs and ideals...
...Laidler during his trip also visited Vienna, where he investigated Um municipal housing experiment...
...The various ministries are now working on comprehensive schemes to be presented before Parliament In the fall...
...Comrade Oerber** selection as campaign manager should assure the Socialist* of New York of a fighting campaign...
...Its task was relatively easy...
...They are exhausted...
...The patrolman did not hear any gong sounded, he said, and added that If the gong had been sounded the accident would have been avoided...
...These are not to be mass meetings, but rather meetings where district campaign plans will be alecnaMd and made ready for the final Intensive four week* of campaignlag...
...Na Other Traffic AU the witnesses testified that the street car was UM only traffic on the street at the time...
...Since taking office,1* declared Dr...
...bsatbrman, of criminal negligence, althongh the motor-men admitted that he did not aee Mr...
...America, wiut Bgypt and with Russia, check unemployment, provide adequate baahtt for thousands of British worker*, tonprove the social insurance laws and rationalist the coal Industry...
...It would be unwise as well as Impossible simply to attempt to cut the Gordian Knot...
...He put on the airbrake, but Mr...
...Sokh matters as these have in the long run been solved along Um line* first laM down by the Socialists of UM various countries In conference with each other...
...They must cut through hundreds of intricate problems and facts, not to be solved by ready and general formulae...
...The European governments are not ready for war...
...This attitude was o««onti*lty theoretical and emotional...
...It 1* our intention to make this campaign an organised and systematic one," Oerber said...
...The victory of British labor colcrs the European horizon powerfully.'' Mr...
...Mr Berger appeared to be looking southeast just before the oar hit him, Roets testified...
...And now a last word about our relations to the farmer*," concluded the busy man, with many callers waiting to tee him...
...Before the war," said Mr...
...4—Add* Kaaa baMtkUt, I Bunt WVIceh...
...Tare* immidlaii Tasks The ton mad rate tasks ahead are these, now umt the nominating petitions are filed: 1 Organisation of Um district organisation meetings to tot addressed by Comrade* Thomas, Lee and Solomon...
...The opinion abaobres...
...Berger when Um latter was about two feet ahead of Um car...
...In the opinion of Mr...
...The administration of Um unemployment insurance will be made more humane...
...Its sphere of activity was largely that of theory...
...11 MatTli Oiwg...
...Berger was unconscious when he was picked up, Tobln stated...
...worn uaaim S Sawy^pSaa>«Ma...
...44—Kami KnriaakT...
...The Socialists of America, drawing their lesson from the European situation, would do well to begin with a rampatjn which would include the working farmer as wen as Um tndwrtrial worker on a program based on ** common latere**, of both clasjea...
...M—DbtM Brale...
...But the experience of the European Socialists show* that after obtaining between 30 and 40 per cent of the total vote, they have about exfaauated Um possibilities of Um industrial working da** support...
...SMrWt AUvraty—D«»H M. rMtOm...
...Omwm said* the ticket represents the ttroiift roster at nadllalani arte pJaeed in um field toy um fcefl pair...
...The international aadaMat movement ha* aomewhat neglected this field before Um war...
...The Socialists of France, Germany, England have thrashed Um question* out to «*nference* and arrived at uniform course* of action...
...Diitnet Astarawj Morru Qtaaet...
...The rente are only two to four per cent of Um wage* of UM workers, a* Um money for Um eonttruetton of the houses is raised through taaattoa...
...a—Stars Fruehttr...
...If parX Kitted to rtteia- office for the next few year* miry n eahMiotoaay axpactad to -reduce naval t*SaMaaJato> -*to*«jgtrmfl friendly" retoUon* With...
...street oar at 3rd and Clark* Bts., July 18, was -due to an accident...
...As to the old bourgeois fear that Russia might bring about a world revolution, that has been entirely dissipated and Soviet Russia today is recognized and is dealing with other European governments in practically the same way as under the Czar...
...I still adhere to Um view I have always held that an effective Socialist movement must be based on labor support primarily...
...It It planned, will strike a perfect balance between Um nopulirVUng of issues and Um saber presentation of our point of view...
...The street car was not brought to a stop until the front end' was 40 feet from the point where it (truck Mr...
...wa—The death of Victor L. Berger, who wis struck down by a southbound Electric Co...
...If Vienna, one of the poorest cities ta Europe, can abolish it* alums and provide decent home* for Um worker*,*' concluded Dr...
...The health and educational activities of the city government, completely controlled by Um Socialist* an also atoarvtog of careful study...
...was the next question addressed to Mr...
...aO ktadk of aporu froat Iff «.«.!* S ». It Um to 4 P. It addraa...
...Berger was struck by the right front of Um car...
...Hillqult went on to discuss the danger of war, of which the Communist International fairly shouts from the housetops...
...tarrmli Hathaa Plna...
...HUlqult, "the victory of the British Labor party may have its strongest effect on this country...
...Every possible avenue for reaching the voters will be exploited to it* nth degree...
...And here," said Mr...
...M-K&tt7 1HUB...
...Coroner Henry Grundman held after an Inquest...
...M daw SaMtakT...
...Ttsla uiw 0-JaUw UahaaaMd...
...School Age Advanced "The government took a forward step in educational development when it decided to advance the school age from 14 to 15 and to provide for maintenance of those needing government aid during their fifteenth year...
...a*—iml H. Gbttoft...
...which win take one or all of them Into each of Um district imanlialtmi of Um party mm* time before Um cad of September...
...Laidler, "surely New Tork City, Um richest city la Um world, can do far store than it ha* yet seen fit to remedy its present disgraceful housing condition...
...44—artasr O »r»ea«mna...
...4—Juliui OSaanaky...
...It* OMtfMt-fNa* * CW^ro» ate...
...H-uut Xpntta...
...No revolutionary changes are made over a year or two, but over a longer period of time...
...Its passing was one of the greatest blessings in dissipating the fear of war...
...immil atrw...
...ram iisimi 1—Oaana Laraon...
...The advertising of these meetings win be a combination of campaign literature and publicity for the meetings...
...Berger was lying west of it halfway between the front and rear ends...
...fcaaM ataalw¦3—Tocfcar r. daallli ritliiiloud coantt ossty aira^sbstmitraaaama*7***' ¦^siiss.m *w*h •* ¦""¦«¦>* wmm ••-•s¦Ml^%¦e2ot**^b,,1,, Westmoreland, Pa...
...Michael Zacharenka, 12, a Roosevelt High School pupil, and Gordon Bets, 11, both newsboys, were the youngest witnesses...
...The political achievements of labor in the latter country will be concrete and telling illustrations for us to point to...
...Roets has been a motorman about two and one-half years...
...But the Chancellor of the Exchequer pointed out that the Labor Government could not Immediately carry out such a task...
...Berger was struck...
...S The getting out of a huge registration and enrollment of Socialist voter...
...rf Oaliin Wocbalor...
...To attempt to nationalize at once would only cause greater confusion...
...Incidentally It fave Arthur Henderson an opportunity of •coring * smashing victory over Um Tories and sending the Labor representatives back to their const...
...We are planning fof Um us* of public school auditoriums la aS part* of Um city...
...Very few of the powerful governments in Europe remain wholly to the hands of the capitalist and militarist classes...
...Many of the courts contain pool* for children to play in, flower gardens, and open apace* for game...
...They cannot limit themselves to the criticism of the existing order or offer promises, or supply picturepainting* or the future or general theories...
...Now, with the British Labor victory, the most powerful European government Is in the hands of avowed pacifists and internationalists...
...Our public meetings, it is planned, will spread as far as possible so a* to cover Um city completely...
...To carry out the program of nationalisation requires a great deal more expert insight and delicate adjustment than was at first anticipated...
...The Industry is thoroughly disorganized...
...In practice, It is bound to be slow...
...Tho poosMe fottreo* of Income wore canOaUataacot wttta dtreeton of the National arinrtooillni Company looking to aa wMo aa poaattle aae of radio broadiiii*ih faeUttMa by Thotnai were held...
...M MOM Bandltr...
...CHT Own' «HMad>r Kafca...
...What ef the Cnited State...
...M—Omp F. jftrtfi 31 ynd Badoaoa...
...Harry w. Laidler, Baacutive Director of the League tor Industrial Democracy, and feeding Socialist writer, ju*t returned from a trip to England where be spent some- time Interviewing members of UM British Labor government...
...Keen interest followed Mr...
...Hillqult added, goes a change in tone and type of leadership...
...Nomination Papers Filed For Thomas N. Y. SerCMnMimm >or Local Offlees in Fhte Boroughs fj1HB cudMM^oMhnMfi Thoau as »«• am yar T>m» wits tw popart rtorigrMttng Thema*, Um Sextan** filed maiWii m*da« UWW Ma on UM primary baJtot far in tetilintof um Board of mna, tad tmmim soioman, ef Brooklya aa'OtoihiOtr...
...Laidler, labor hat shown remarkable activity...
...declared Um American Socialtot leader, "international Socialist taihe rings occupy themselves with the Tunmediate problem* arising In rtlatton* between states.' Take Um matter of reparation*, ratifleauon of Um Young Plan, or evacuation of the BhtrWlattd...
...llth tad atta Aeseautty aaUncto...
...At a meeting with a aato*dOBBBltto( of UM campaign comaUotM a taortaun bodget was drawn up...
...A similar situation confronts the Labor Government in most of it* other economic problems, said Mr...
...The party will probably favor a more liberal mothers' pension law...
...Berger on the track about eight feet away...
...August cmi—i¦ Skid — i hi j if um party, fifed the rebutted paper* with the board of election...
...It declared against Um employment of forced and child labor In public work* in South Africa, and agreed to enforce the Washington convention on the 8 hour day...
...Itaalsur—ajyra O. amith...
...IK ra»ii dadrff •l-fcary Marru...
...Snow den Plans Special Tax "In the presentation of the next budget, Philip Soowden, Chancellor of the Exchequer, will undoubtedly urge Um application of the land value* tax, by which at least a considerable portion of the increment to land value* win accrue to the community...
...itjiwiajiij attactotof oongtwamin La Ouardla as a -~^t*- waa la -facing hath ways la an effect to altfaet preje^etalv* voteg aaw reacoawary f rrrpafn fund* • Trueita atoo illmif -iiaaaiimton of tfe* court* to the inter*** of T—toiig' Ban and rt* r*> t^^a^lCa^^ra'fg^iia heat a^aastott •^W^garTpaTjl^rU^be wa^ctt***"*10 ^aisnu1 a« iUmi,ms*mf^t^'iM'Buffalo, and Suthu' VaaSn ¦Bbta, secretary of Um Niagara Pans Central Labor Councfi and' nil i-jtoar* of the Now York State taajtofpi* cadtoiilllii of Um OarMotofman Is Absolved In Bereer Death Milwaukee Gwroner Holds Tragic Injuries Were Due To An Accident • <tor a Now i»ader <?«¦¦ ainlw" MILWAUKEE...
...Wllmer Roete...
...Today, Um foreign policies of nations are concretely and vitally affected toy Um position of the European Socialists...
...a—aaarati a. D* wnt...
...it—¦¦mud Baku*, is—Nathan teghatt, 10 MIT KJOldSori, M—qua watt...
...SSraoT-^ntoas* aarUa...
...The constructive and practical men come to Um helm...
...j—atvard r. cum...
...Bills will be introduced for the appointment of a Selling Commission, for the purpose of allocating production among various mines and of selling the coal produced, so that some order may be brought out of Um present anarchy In mining...
...The practical questions arising between the different government- call for uniform icUoa by Um SocJaBati of the affected eountrteav although the governments rhi iineali n may have divergent Interacts...
...h» pointed out...
...Hillqult frankly admitted that there might be a certain sentiment of discontent and impatience among some portions of the rank and file with the slow process of adjustment to realistic constructive socialism of the poet-war period...
...The governmental experiment is one of the most interesting in the world today...
...llament------------rw-GBX Bittiato tatoor go*arrja*ant...
...QweoM Ounty CtorlS—Vraak M. O'Connor...
...HUlqult, "internationalism consisted largely in proclaiming our faith In Um solidarity of the workers of all countries and in emphasising the International bond of Um workers as superior to their national ties...
...kry Vraak OroaMMJth, aatlonal ort-tff to " » g afc Afl onurte by famoot W ma in mull County Mllillol Partr •ooa aw hare a ^lakat for ffjw lOlldoiMl hat fJB kava fuQ uatort for the nairal G. A. Gerbcr To Manage N. Y. - Campaign former Director of National Drive Takes Up Work in New York City rpn Kew Tork aoelanat Campaign *¦ Oooammoo bat aaleetad O August p atoii, vtoo waa Um dynamo oahind tho aarwi yiaitadnttil eampaifn of 1928, at aiiaigii of Um rnunierpaJ eampaifn for aonaaa Taooaaa, mayoralty candida**, and um oUmti on Um W. T. Soclaltot toatott Mr...
...British labor is ready to go far along these line...
...Did Not See Car" "'You're going to hit that man,' I told the motorman, but he said later that he had not heard me...
...Effect of British Labor Victory The beneficial result* of the British Labor Party"s victory cannot be overestimated...
...The British Labor Party is committed to the general program of Its nationalization...
...We cannot follow the example of the European parties," was the first crisp statement...
...Realistic Socialism "Tersely expressed," said Mr...
...He first noticed Mr...
...The religious fervor of propagandist days gives way to the sober, practical work of experts and statesmen...
...Srajaatui ^MMaaiaal Oaafl Std DUtikU MarrU w»UMualetpkl Cvort «th Dutrtet—s»ttt W. assclaal Oaart Tia nnim giad ¦rainu ESS&ii Ooon Kb Matrtet—Morm ManI Jacotj Dttbno...
...Roets sounded the gong of the car when it was about 20 feet in back of the north crosswalk, he stated, but other witnesses denied hearing the gong...
...What of the danger of war against Russia...
...The exact date is to be announced shortly, Oerber said...
...M jat«a ¦aawad...
...Hutchison was satisfied that Mr...
...a taetodes IN candidate* for til Um local odJke* and pracaoally all of um Jnel***) Th* complete Hat of Bectollst eandldatai for whten petition* were M, fol1w York City new York CoaaUy ff"5g...
...What the private owners and Um previous capitalist governments should have done with coal, the Labor Government must first undertake to do...
...Kiaga County Skettit—•traatd J. au*7hteatt...
...His first responses were more Una gratifying...
...As in the cases of the British Labor Government and the coalition in Germany, headed up by Chancellor Mueller of the Social Democratic Party, to mention but a few of the many instances, the Socialist Parties in office and power face a legacy of past conditions...
...li—jaro** Weill I. 14—Omni ksetaitaa...
...I think that Is what the motorman expected her to do also...
...caw owift-Ham »»pa*p»rt...
...We are contemplating scheme* which will make our radio talks the occasion for the simultaneous broadcasting of Comrade Thomas' addresses from scores of public places ail over Um city...
...The British Labor Government is tied by these past developments and conditions...
...im exj»a*3UX I ManM OoU*W»ky...
...But in the last ten years the Socialist and Labor Parties of Northwestern Europe, whether, as dominant parties, or in coalition with other parties, or through their strength In Parliament, have become governing parties of nations...
...But in our propaganda we shall hereafter have to lay greater stress on the object lessons from concrete Socialist achievements abroad...
...The Labor Government has before it the immediate problem of rationalizing the coal Industry, that is to say, to bring order and sen** Into it, before taking it completely over...
...Europe is convalescing economically...
...Following the steps taken by J. Ramsay MacDqnald looking toward naval disarmament...
...Ttooaaa* tovadad Um home district of FiortUo H La Ouardla, Hepiiullian nomine*, to Hartoai Thursday and before a jotot titling of Um three SoetoUst dfav toict ortaatoauoa* of Um iTth...
...aatMUr—o**H aaataew...
...While the government is not likely to present bills for nationalization of Um coal mines, it win do much along lines of rationalization...
...X. Barraaa...
...hb baa marked accomplishments to his credit...
...4i—Km* Boat tl Mtnnlt Walabarg...
...There will be further detail* a* we go along...
...Of course the government's proposals are bound to be limited by the fact that it does not have a majority vote in Parliament and that a combination of Tories and Liberals may at any time force It to resign...
...The forced resignation of Lord Lloyd has paved the way for the solution of the Egyptian problem...
...Hillqult, "pre-war international Socialism was uniformly a movement of opposition...
...Socialists to bear crosswaith laber Day Load* of IhZSj/imalm...
...Other witnesses testified that this was about the spot where Mr...
...M afctafcai wisoufcy...
...The magnetic orator and evangelist recedes...
...ssw m*a...
...Premier Briand of Prance came out for a program of disarmament on land...
...ThU», international Socialism has become a matter of practical and concrete action rather than a professional faith...
...He thought that it was a test of the ability of the Socialist and Labor parties to properly educate the rank and file in the difficulties and the possibilities of concrete achievement...
...Going along with Uns change in the nature of the work of the parties in the post-war period, Mr...
...The New Internatlonalton The shift in emphasis, the necessity for practical accomplishment, has had its impress on Um character of the Socialist and Labor parties in their international outlook...
...John Tobln, conductor on the car, did not see the accident...
...Morris Hillqult, in his usual penetrating manner, went to Um heart of some of Um problems affecting our comrades across the seas, in an interview with the representative of The NEW LEADER...
...Hill quit Finds European Soclalists Grappling With Reeonstrnction Tasks British Labor Pans Impress Laidler Trip to England and Continent Reveals a Movement More Realistic and Matter-of-Fact THE LABOR GOVT.*S INTRICATE JOBS Immediate Coal Nationalisation Improbable -—Some Lessons For Socialism Here By Nathan Fine ytjst back from a seven weeks' stay tp in Europe...
...4a—abkanh laauta 4T—Iran A- LaMtor...
...j—Abraham Media...
...He had high praise for the beauty, the healthfutoe**, Um eJeaaliaaai and the safety of the large municipal apartment house...
...Such a veto...
...CMattog at It MB** Roete said he was looking straight south a* the oar coasting along between seven and 10 mile* an hour...
...iinnimi it—Wav...
...Berger was walking west and was struck about 10 feet south of the north crosswalk, sceordlng to Roets...
...This will be true of our publicity, our use of the radio and our distribution of literature...
...Sara IMUdaat—Juno* Oml...
...Arthur Greenwood, Minister of Health, hopes, in cooperation with the local authorities, to make considerable headway in slum clearance...
...The international secretary of Um partr not only clarified and vivified specific cr temporary matters, but g-ncrallzcl on the basis of them as the nature and tendencies of the modern, post-war International Socialist movement...
...tl Eaaal L. M»if«n M—«tb oaaa...
...Um May-Day meeting of 30,000 In view Tork City tais year these are but two of hi* outstanding laccteea...
...that is to organize it on a rational and productive basis...
...Berger did not see the car as he was looking straight west and did not change his pace up to the time of the accident...
...She hurried across the track and I thought she wanted to board the car," the patrolman testified...
...I watched her until she reached the curb and when I looked ahead" I saw Mr...
...SS^j^aTCj cueta...
...Labor Is also committed to higher Income and Inheritance taxes on the upper income levels...
...They have been called upon to do constructive work...
...Students of the subject* are Inclined to the belief that Labor win remain in office for the next 18 months or two years and several department* are laying down their plan* on the basis of a four year term...
...Mll - 5j5 !ar«xW*l**--aereM »JJ* W OMVMM...
...Both UM finance and tttendure plane are to be placed before UM fan oaatpalfn eommrttee for approvalTbaeaai to Taw Branebes la addition to calling tub-commutoes on finance and literature and opening nefoUaUoai for the um of the radio, CMiaer began to arrange a tour of meetings for Comrade* Thomas...
...M—StyMoa I...
...hard-fought campaign- of 1*2...
...They have nothing tc gain in a war with Russia...
...What chance has Communism ta Europe, in view of the possible slowing up of the Socialist program...
...totenta umbo* i torthr THylaaa^^xLi...
...Hillqult** reply to the question as to whether he had some observations to make as to program and taotlcs in the United States, following his renewal personal contacts with the European Socialists...
...11 tor—* Weaoar...
...Tasks of The Labor Government "While in London I met Philip Snowden, one of the keenest minds in the Mac Donald ministry...
...He also made seme telling observations on our work in the Cnited States, in the light of the developments during the last decade...
...1—Henry K. tayburm...
...We are still largely an educational and propagandist movement...
...County ntoO afinaii a. Laint...
...Among other matters, we discussed the problem of the nationalisation of the coal Industry...
...II nMaddM ojaaorra...
...Odraar batan work within a few aoari of hfe oJoauoa...
...a—ihBMn a. ¦oaaaaaaai M—araatt T. MaaarBa •a—Harry Obarkaa...
...St suffers, however, most from fear, fear of a recurrence of another world war...
...In the sphere of international relations likewise, Mr...
...They are forced to pay attention to immediate and practical problems...
...fan Krttan...
...already a number of leaflets bare bean, drawn up...
...These house* are built around large court* and every room has free access to Um sunlight...
...Berger, and Attorney* Joseph A Padway and James O. Carnachan...

Vol. 9 • August 1929 • No. 3

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