Clinchfield Mill Strikers Defy Troops; Marion Workers Win Picket Risrht Mill Doors Kept Closed Two Days Oinchfield Mill Forced to Give Up Efforts to Import Scabs — Picketing Continues By...

...take cm dtiiiv ' Thomas to Speak At Tamiment and Unity This Saturday Visitors to camp Tamiment...
...Earl B. Van Ness...
...Tvwa has lllglSM Klght He vol vers, mar Mae gam...
...There is no question of the future prosperity of the electrical industry, but serious thought should be given to the Investment propriety of these petting parties in the powerhouse.—H...
...We have for months called attention to the splendid Investment and speculative possibilities of the electric light snd power stocks...
...You cannot be up to date and get In new members without them...
...It ha torn proved that the Pederal Reserve •Bast regulate funds on the stock extojasa without affecting other more byttiiele enterprises...
...The Youth Acttai Committee under whose auspice* tht dance to being held reminds the raaaen that in Um event of rain Um gymrjadaa win be used, and that the 3rd Aveaa elevated trains to Um Claremont Static* win cart you within two streets of S» Bronx House...
...Hope residents now are opposing a bill in the legudature to pise taunkdpal power pleat* ar dar «aa tosll diction of Um state railroad *e«2lf •Ion...
...We reserve our mercy for esgjaa has not Sinclair applied for assess from the trivial sentence he is -agger?—sad for murderers, like the gajar of Bothstaln, with a political pull...
...iiiiunrtii'iis ere miyliiy fine...
...nearly an Um expense* of ettr toos...
...He cannot be all 8*fV to eO men so as to win votes...
...We had counted much in the national office on Comrade Berger's wise counsel and great activity,'' Senior said...
...Grorud is dissatisfied...
...F'U'hcis rend v»;: rnt the *ukr...
...and Mr...
...Each mail brings additional contributions and pledges...
...Los Angeles -reports through Roy A. Knox, Director of Budget snd Efficiency, under date of June 12, 1929, the savings of their Municipal Electric Plant as follows: "On comparable type of electric service rendered by the municipal bureau of Power and Light, in comparison with two local privately owned electric companies over the nineteen year period of municipal public utility activities, the total net saving to the public within corporate limits has been $28,563,241...
...said Mr...
...T. De Coeter...
...Morris Hillquit, who has Just returned from Europe, has also consented to visit nearby cities if proper arrangements can be made...
...the Centxalia _wgaa who shot only to self defense are _f pi jaO in Washington and North smekw...
...The workers were confident that not enough workers to run the plant would show up...
...An Monday night the picket line of the CHnchneld strikers held strong...
...Return of Zeppelin To Decide Bet Made by Kenosha Girl Striker* (By a N«w teaser Cn nfiali»t> KENOSHA—Two dm, locked oast workers ef the Allen-A Company, are anxtoaaty awasttog the retarn ef the Oraf ZeppeUs from Hs trip around the world, the General Strike Committee learned today...
...From Sunday midnight on...
...holding company for the General Electric end of the power trust, is out ef step with the administration...
...On September 2nd...
...why not face facts...
...When th...
...and sth...
...J) The Use of •H ssiiiiuj...
...Dtokant 10.00 J. M Work 10.00 J. Dan els 5.00 Milwaukee 48JM I Buchbinder 25.00 Stanley Marsh 8,0(1 S. L. Mailman, George Bauer 8.0c M.D...
...The South Pole Dance wfi be given on the roof-garden of th* Bros* House, a social service organization...
...which has been the banner branch of the county, organized for a canvass of member* and party sympathizers at a meeting held last Monday night It* members* expect to reach the goal of the 23rd A..D, Kings County, by collecting *500 for the...
...The conditions of the country and the mood of large masses of its people have never been more propitious to the development of a powerful opposition party of the laboring classes as they are at this time...
...Employees of the Jewish Daily Forward are raising a fund that may exceed 1500...
...not a man...
...But while they struggle, they suffer...
...dasj other important questions will eaane.betpre the membership for consideration Th order to play an important part m Um revival of our movement...
...Vice-President William T. KoBy reported te the emergency i s—lllss en bis recent trip threagh the- Sooth where he spoke in >nnlsten, Ate- aad other far southern aetata...
...r.nd for the right to organize...
...N. G. was the seene of this latest phase in the struggle of the workers aeainst a feudalistic mill village, a twelve-hour and 20-minute day...
...Russia andOjg both signer* of the pact win elaaa * each of them is waging defeat*** * Aad there is no machinery or MflE of determining who is right MajSM by oar refusal to recognise BsaaWFj have desalted ourselves of ear 'dae» means of mediation and green a",*—j the incorrect Soviet apprehenaMaTj China at the oatspaw of the **W power...
...O. E. Morten of Pone* city, Otto demonstrate* to hi* report of Maya 1820, that even a small city can anttoa eliminate taxes by the profit* trass ft municipal electric plant, the ttetttwz reading a* follow*: . "Out of Um profit* derived from tat water and electric light departments of the city, the expense of city (ovara...
...In Kansas City he met with a number of new and old comrades and helped give the movement there a new impetus...
...We consider this showing quite significant when you take into consideration the fact that our town is 12,000 population...
...Reservations for the banquet are avail-., able now...
...A Grorud, attorney te Washington tor the Flathead tribe of Indians whose valuable power sites in western Montana are almost within the grasp of the Electric Bond ft Share Co...
...Out on the dirt streets they ran, dreeetog as they went, yelling as they ran...
...And this to what Dr...
...But many seem to have gone far beyond any possibility of being Justified by the operating earnings in the next ten years...
...They have no strike fund that win give them money to buy food, to pay for thelr rent...
...In most cases, Marx Lewis, director of the drive, reports, definite Information as to the results of the drive will not be known until the subscription lists that are in circulation are returned to the national headquarters...
...This Buffalo press report was aaaa* u-ler date of June 14, iS2t, by ta* *ja cial* of the Hope Water mt Light tmk to Which they say: "Beside* being able to keep «*» -r debt the plant ha* paid *E exesto tlS.000.B0 on Um new tl0t.otje.nrfx: Hall, with the exception of |iu**3 apnitod on It from Um sale of an aM city building...
...Meeker •¦spars* to the work of the farmer or tastes ranker...
...Bach company owns the other snd the investment trusts own them all...
...A meeting of all Williamsburg branches of the Socialist party...
...Power Trust Inflation Is Admitted "Commerce and Finance'" Grows Eloquent on the Beauty of Utilities Stocks By Laurence Todd WfASHTNQTON OFF).—A...
...Spar to* state in general nor any on* 2-g«jg# conspicuous cittern* judges, *_~isH1-*- aad others most «2r responsible for this triumph of jj^ea* oka* prejudice over the pam,nsilin1 concepts of Justice has to* slightest sign of that grace ^"swailsnrT and confession which SLjMjd toeir predeceesors who sent the witches to their death three oenEst mitft""** *iaB* America tatyat to born the lesson of Justice even ITpjss* *» wnom we do not wish to be —^ Por ignoring that lesson nations ^TsbBbstliini have perished...
...Small Cities Succeed Too Taking some of the smaller municipalities in the United States to prove that the public ownership of electric light and water plants actually reduce, and in some cases entirely eliminate, city taxes, Perkins quoted ss follows: W. A. Allgair of the South River Trust Company and Mayor of South River, N. J . under date of June 11...
...James Oneal...
...We built it largely ¦ aeto a possible to protect both shores jj^tataBsr navy...
...the supporting of our library the maintenance and Improvement aL our park system and such other lteaa of general improvement expense wbtob citizens ordinarily pay for by vottoj direct taxes upon properties of each particular community...
...Including the 5th...
...m 1637 Washington avenue, Bronx...
...Branches at Fall Speed In New York City, the 23rd A. D., Kings county, branch of the Socialist party takes first position to rallying its members to the support of the drive...
...No wonder the Electric Bond «fc Share Co., which drew that mysterious check for $358,000 to Hs boss, Sidney Z. Mitchell, when the Walsh resolution for investigation of power trust finance became hot, has been unwilling to give the Flathead Indian* a decent pries for the electric current to be developed on their reservation...
...Perkins also cites public ownership experiences in s number of American cities to show the possibilities in developing municipal public utility services...
...Henderson strode right back...
...Steek Inflation Admitted What the Federated Press ha* for the past month, especially been calling to the attention of the working-class pi use of this continent is summed up in this broker's statement—that there Is a power trust, and that one of the chief source* of its recent enrichment of its chief magnates Is the sale of inflated stocks which cannot earn high dividends on then* present watered valuations...
...But two ¦pan sftor the crime of Massachusetts Stops/ and Billings, innocent men, are saVta JsU in California...
...a the city clerk's office show that tot these purpose*, fund* have been diverted out of Um profits of these departments for the various year* in amouati and as follows: 1924 — W3.063.00...
...McOalraeon F. Bruckimer 10.00 5J0O Frank Erben 10.00 Sidney Rinea 5.00 Frits Heinke 10.00 H. Om merman 100 Mr* Meyer «. Wa lanky 1.00 London 10.00 Jewish Branch ,. B.Watson 2 00 Kansas City %M Peter Lerner 2.50 l. ruikiestin* -5.M: B. H Moore 10.00 M Mo** >i0 K. M Ward 10.00 J O.Hodge* <8.»a...
...and th* United socialist Drive...
...In order to demonstrate that the City of Buffalo might now own on its magnificent civic center, the Iroquois Gas Building, the Buffalo General Electric Building, the Bell Telephone Building, and a modern street railway and bus system, if it had taken over these public utilities a decade or two ago, the following facts were presented by Perkins: The San Francisco authorities were requested by him to give the present municipal street car and bus fare, and to state the total amount of profits made by the municipal transportation system and paid toward retiring the street railway funded debt, including accumulated surplus now on hand for further payment...
...O. Hillson 5.00 E Thetford "6.B0 P. M Llmbert 10.00 G. Oslnke 5,0C N Ellenbogen 5.00 Herman Lofk* t.-oll P. Schauble 10.00 Wm...
...There was recently published in the Buffalo press a picture of the Arkansas City Hall constructed, from the profits of the Municipal Power Plant, with the following statement: "This $67,000 building was built by Hope, Ark., without a bond issue, the city's power plant undertaking to retire warrants issued, st the rate of $8,500 a year...
...In general, for comparable service rendered to the public at large, exclusive of traction and wholesale delivery to munierpelltiss for resale, the private - company rates are one-sixth higher than municipal rates...
...Bald the governor's aide: "AD right...
...Some SS8 scabs—bat one third of the total working force—walked In to work...
...Senior Takes Over Duties In Chicago New National Secretary Starts Machinery Working—Will Make Tour of Gties (By a New pm*t owr»p»aa«n»> CHICAGO,—Clarence O. Senior, recently elected national executive secretary of the Socialist party, took up his work at national headquarters here this week...
...Our Job to to help them in every way, but they must make the opportunities for ssstotonoo...
...used the hearing to good advantage as an example in -vorkers' education...
...His passing will mean that other comrades must shoulder heavier loads and that hundreds of newcomers must be enrolled A High Goal And A Crucial Test By Morris Hillquit rphe drive for 950,000 lannched by the organized Socialist movement...
...Acting upon the requests of many secretaries, who declare that they are unable to obtain a maximum of results in canvsssing party members and sympathisers (taring the month of August, the period originally set for the drive, members of the drive committee nave decided to extend the period of the drive until October 1. Tn a statement to the membership, the committee expresses gratification at the showing made in the first three weeks of the drive, and declares that the results achieved so far indicate that the drive win go over successfully...
...You need new application cards, too...
...Some plans are already outlined and will be carried out Immediately: 1. The Municipal Information Bureau is being reorganised so that local municipal campaigns can be carried on more mllitantiy and with more facts...
...Or, order 'Is It a Crime to be Old.' What Is Socialism" or "Most Frequent Objections to Socialism Answered...
...And promised to raise 1100 more before the drive is over...
...Each State will reach its quota, It to believed, while California, which started out to raise $2,000 now announces that it will go to $3,000...
...which will be their contribution to the drive...
...At e o'clock [hot » scab bad ventured within a hundred yards of the gate...
...OsSspflres were at...
...The management of the plant is in the hands of Mr...
...But if the amount U raised, fully or substantially, all of the most vital orgnas of the Socialist propaganda, in the United State* win be freed from the incubus of pressing and paralyzing debts and win be provided with the necessary funds to discharge their functions fully and effectively, to pun and carry out a nation-wide program of organization snd education, to break the spirit of apathy and diffidence which has heed us in Its baneful spell for so many sterile years, and to give our movement a powerful impetus to new life and rapid, continuous progress...
...editor of The New Leader, and a member of the national executive committee, win be among the speakers...
...13th Now York City—Sept...
...What we need is a new spirit of enthusiasm, self-confidence and Joy of combat— a sort of political rejuvenation...
...i ;:m funis tift' mighty finr...
...Mitchell sad ths other big boy* need the money...
...I hope some day to be able to meet all of the eomrades personally," Senior told The New Leader correspondent, "but for the present I win have to say 'howdy' through The New Leader and through the mall I wish every local secretary could spend a day or two at the national office...
...g*» atoertahsti tn Latin America and "b» blTj' the Caribbean regions...
...mow-ball fight, and <M* confetti...
...Henderson strode to the front gate...
...Fanny Burst and Theodore Dreiser are heading a committee of thirty prominent American writer* In their endorsement of the work carried on by the Emergency Committee for Strikers' Relief at 112 East ltth street, which has been largely responsible for the relief of Southern textile workers on strike since the beginning of May... $3,790,000, for the walendar year nineteen hundred twenty-nine...
...In other words, during each of thw years the City has been able to enjoy expenditures for the purposes indict tan above, made out of the profit* ef it* municipal water and light plant* which could not all have been possible except for th* fact that these enterprises art owned by the people...
...Vkrito L. Berger At this meeting plans wHl bt made for the municipal campaign...
...The strikers in the nteaiiUme will make every effort to persqacw the strike-breakers to end their traitorous roles...
...The pickets were to Ellow the "loyal" employe*;, or local scabs, to pass through...
...Ever since we have ¦"•^¦•dtag a larger navy and taking jjjhl eh* we want to protect the *** «) Desb...
...The strike has thus entered a battle of endurance...
...Baldwin, beautiful in structure, and with not a cent of cost to the mill workers...
...Meeker defended stock specula - (Ht ss Joft as productive as the plantHf ef eom or the making of plows to Sj» to raatng the com...
...Yelled the strikers: "Bring on your troops...
...Morgan was growing biblical in his fiery indignation...
...We ^¦***t sort of fools...
...renewed activity of every single local in the country will insure us against a return to the spirit of defeatism and assure us of greater power in the next few years...
...Not only the grown men and women, but even the little children...
...H. J. Voorhi* 500.00 J O CSoton tin T C Haller 5.00 Local Boulder...
...This meeting wil pay tribute to our late r«mra...
...the maintenance of an up-to-d*t» fire department: the cleaning of out streets...
...They will be giving doubly, he declared, by enabling those in charge of the drive to concentrate on reaching new groups...
...Be wss enthusiastic over the en epsratten given the U. T. W. by sealhstn state federations and central bodies, Vice-President Francis t. Geranaa, of Rhode Island, wfll vteH the sooth within the next 1$ days, te fasaOtarlae himself with soethern labor conditions...
...Fifty TboBsand Dollars Is a targe sum to raise for Socialist activities considering the weak state of our organized movement, the poverty of the great majority of our members and adherents and the continuous calls upon them to give and to give for the cause...
...Wow Sjf Major used to be ant!-Fascist turn Fascist when he turned RepobSaSW It would be appropriate...
...Pa., where the camps are located...
...Speakers will be Joe Schwartz, life-long friend of Berger...
...AH that day mass meetings were held, the final canvas of the village taken, and then around both nulla of ClinchfWd were thrown picket lines dsHn mated never to yield an inch The bosses finally decided to open their mill on Monday: they were to find that the decision had come too tote...
...Walter Kuhn . 5<» Woodcock 5.05 J H. Foliert* 5*0' O. E Carruth 2«* ^A-OcWfinget 4 00 H. W. Shay 1.00 P T Whitney 15.00A. Regaldi ' 500 Dr N. Sharhd 10.00 L. Schwartz 5 00 Mr * Mrs...
...Let us all make a supreme effort to meet it, and to demonstrate to friend and foe the vitality of the Socialist movement...
...If man Eke this Ororud are te b* penalised to go oa with their UTipHtDts, the whole structure of puboe ormfktenee la power trust finance may be weakened, and the released water may drown th...
...the school, situated a short distance from tewn...
...So Cool^»to Morrow to say it with flowers, ^h so this our rulers have too much 8b • Ptoh the form of control when ¦•^btw the substance It is cheaper ^¦te Dictator Machado do capitalism's ***** In Cuba than to do it ourIt makes fewer tariff probS* **B *w>ld annexation...
...4th and 14th...
...Colo ' ' "21}DC 17th Ward Br..' 1 J.H..., George wvth jm B. F. Thompson 1.00 KarlKatoafh ajto R O.Hall 10.00 Max Wetsger - 540' David Ltdmejrie oe Wm...
...Whether any dinners will be held on the Pacific Coast will depend on how many cities will agree to arrange them...
...It outlaws ••J* excepts defensive war...
...F. P. A. Under en 5 00 Haffner 10.00 H O StarkE Fblnk 10.08 weather 5.00 M.Shapiro 1.00 G C^EdwarttoJoio...
...Order as many as there are persons expected at your local Labor Day services...
...YaUcr Dog take 'cm atcay...
...Attends Berger Funeral Even before taking up his duties at the national office...
...The swswatones wfll be bold te U. T. W. headaaartera...
...Superintendent e Water and Light Department, of Altta Oklahoma, under date of June 12, lt2t says: "We take earnings from the Light and Water system after paying their way and operate a Police Department, Fire Department...
...Beet Marion striken came to Jots their Otecbfisid eomrades to the prulsetaju of the cotBptvnr property acfttacfe ORfsw-^sMioon scabs...
...In the Bronx, the CentrsI Branch, at a meeting held last Tuesday evening, subscribed $78 to the drive fund...
...The comrades in the eastern states should order Is It a Crime to be Old" direct from David G, George, 7 East 15th street...
...At 8 so A. M. came President Hart...
...Detroit Socialists To Hold Memorial For Berger Tuesdav DETROIT—The local Detroit Socialist Part,y will hold a memorial meeting for Comrade Victor Berger Tuesday...
...All radical* and friend* ait Invited to get cold...
...To avoid the expense of follow up letters, which not only is a drain on nhe funds of the drive but diverts the attention of the workers from their task of reaching others... is iiaportalY' that every comrade should attend this a***t tag...
...This has so reduced the volume of share* available for transactions tn the market that sensational advances are easily brought about...
...Has your local and every one of Its members contributed te the United Seriate* Drive...
...That may not occur until the conclusion of the drive...
...that may be true," said Mr...
...of New York, James H. Maurer, of Reading, Pa., Norman Thomas, Socialist candidate for Mayor of New York, Alfred Baker Lewis, of Boston, and others prominent in the Socialist movement have promised to give the drive committee some dates during September...
...L Barton Co...
...10.00 A.Baum ti40 Cleveland To Hear Hoan and Senior <By ft *em Leaser Correspondent) CLEVELAND.—The Cleveland Bhcaat-' *t Party will open its municipal caavsaign with a banquet at the Hotel Winton on Friday...
...Louise Stark 5.00 Local Tehama Co...
...woman, or kid was asleep either in Bast Marion or in Clinchfield...
...a Great Community" the mill lawyers began by praising the marion Manufacturing Company for its benefactions...
...J ames Lusd 1.00 Sans Kaplan 840 J P Bullock 5.00 J K art-ten »AP H. O. Fuhrberg 5.00 W. J.C.Wiasaer „ M O Lundine 5.00 1.00 J.T McKlnley 5 00 H. M. Merrffl 7.00 . s k Garrison 1.00 P. S. Klee* 10.6t O. N. Oreaaet 7.00 F a Manny mt C. W. Oilbre»th ArthroCuUa 1.0ft 1 00 Mia* W. SmfthlO .00, H A Dolge 10.00 B. S Cos lO.OS S L Winter 5.00 J. A Smith *M O. M Proctor 2.50 A. M Holden ,»io N. Staebltr t0.« Louis P Miller 10 00 J. W Martindale J. M. OumraiBg- - — ¦ 500 -'•-•tms...
...Baltimore, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Boston...
...tht next morning, Jtidge Townso...
...hymns were sung- They hadn't slept for 34 hours, but nobody oould sleep or wanted to steep...
...Then Townsend ordered Hoffman to open the gates, or else face the troops which he threatened to call into action immediately...
...Close to $12,000 of the $60,000 have been subscribed in response to appeals that have been issued from the national headquarters by Norman Thomas, national chairman...
...M Zametkln sad Mrs...
...August 27...
...If the company has not accepted the agreement, Amanda Bennett win be compelled, under the terms of the bet, to walk for one boor around the "busiest corner tn the world,'' State and Madison Streets, Chicago, clad tn pajamas...
...The net earnings for 1928 were nearly $100,000.00...
...The letter tot addressed to Union headquarters, and in H they have enclosed the terms of a bet aa te the acceptance of the natteanl agreement with the Allen-A Company, before the Zeppelin's retarn to New York City...
...the lawyer might have added something abeut the average wage of $12 dollars a week and whether the workers weren't paying for a great dcai more than a $96,000 community house...
...It was Senior's sad duty to travel to Wisconsin to attend the funeral of Victor L. Berger...
...Reports being received dally from Socialist party secretaries, 700 of whom are cooperating to make the drive a success, indicate that $5,000 more have already been collected or pledged to the fund...
...The first replies to an appeal which has gone to The new leader mailing lists are beginning to come in as The new Leader goes to press...
...City Manager, Ernest V. Snell, of Colby, Kansas, under date of June 12, 1929, states that: "Municipal plant takes care of all city expenses, earnings are thirty-six thousand per year above operating expenses and all street lighting furnished free of charge by plant...
...Morgan, "are not free from his dire influence...
...He destawl that he could not make his point I-Ssjhsttc that if Senator Glass suc,as»d in ab?w->''T'r stock speculation he eae)4 sbnke the arteries of modem ecosjsgc II* and reduce civilisation to cansfeBsB...
...Unless we get in our licks right away we will have wasted a valuable opportunity... wBstoms money from legitimate busisaa: a takes wealth created by the hand snd sweat of men and piles it tn fa toads of men who are either strong toBSgh to rig a market or lucky enough h "tot toe breaks" often in the face of si eomzaoa sense...
...Greater vigor aad energy, said dent Thomas F. MeMahon...
...Which is why it a hard to to* down even such ridiculous rata* at •» rn crease on sugar against which the esV cry baa had some effect...
...A general memberahlp.nreat wHl toe beat Monday...
...The Socialists are still the only elements In the United States who have a clear view of the social maladjustments of the present order and resistance aad struggle and lead the way to victory and freedom...
...Said -Hoffman...
...Instead, be asks "What are the Indians going to get when the Federal Power Commission gives their power sites te the trust?'' Looking gloomily over the situation, Grorud has found and clipped from Commerce and Finance this warning note, entitled "Holding Hands In the Powerhouse...
...Throe things de"*¦**» ear policy: <1> Desire to protect • Haasa Canal...
...Rochester, Cleveland,' Cincinnati, St Louis, Newark, Wilmington, Richmond, Indianapolis, and a number of other cities have formed committees to make arrangements for dinners in September...
...or for their doctors" bills...
...less than one-third entering the mills...
...It te a teat of the faith, the moral fibre aad recuperating power of American Socialism, snd a the danger to mankind inherent In them who can sound a clarion call to challenge to the skeptics and doubters, the discouraged and despondent among...
...In three hours they had come...
...The Commissioner of Public Property, Willis J. Spsuldlng of Springfield, Illinois, under date of June 11, 1929, points out that: "YEARLY SAVING TO CITY ACCOUNT OF WATER SERVICE for FIRE PROTECTION AND OTHER USES DONATED FIFTY THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS...
...New York City...
...Then indeed it was that Mr...
...Hoffman was not to be bullied...
...The price is 314* per plate and may be secured at 3S8 Prospect" Fourth Blear can Mdm fflBaX...
...In Benaonhurst, Brooklyn, both the Socialist party branch and Branch 402 of the Workmen's Circle, of which I. Biderman is secretary, are working to raise funds...
...Vice-President Wirker of the State Federation of Labor, and Frank Cernelious, of the Salisbury railway shops...
...As if to show the weaktoa of ha own position he then advoeast that the Federal Reserve be a regubar of this beneflcieht gambling...
...In Denver, on August 2nd, he met with the state executive committee and the state secretary, William C. Stone, another of the young men who have joined the movement by the hundreds in the last year...
...The Emergency Committee few Strikers' Relief is doing a great work in making the attempt to meet this terrible need of the workers...
...Have you a supply of literature on hand sufficient to distribute at the Labor Day meetings in your town...
...Blames AU on Hoffman He accused Hoffman of being the Pied Piper, who blew a trumpet, and immediately after him came running whole mill villages...
...Giles, attorney for the strikers, "but everyyime they walk into that beautiful house, they pay ten cents for everything they use...
...The boss lawyers tried to fight off the clause guaranteeing peaceful picketing...
...Per etWeefly •took spscalsrlnn hoHmvof gssnbOng and no man should H sBond to Br* by gambBng...
...San Francisco Trolleys Supt...
...In Manhattan, the 6th A. D...
...Freda Kirchwey C. E. Wood Louis Untermeyer Witter Bynner Wintrop D. Lane Mary Austin idwal Jones Sara CleghorO Max Eastman Percey Lackay* Don Marquis Art Young Katherine Anthony Fola LaFoUett* Lewis Mumford Ben Stolberg Sara Bard Field McAiiater Coleman Sherwood Anderson Howard Brubaker Fanny Hurst David Pinski Theodore Dreiser Vachel Lindsay Floyd Dell Lucia Trent Waldo Frank Ralph Cheyney Stuart Chase Harry Laidler The Strikers' Relief Committee so far has sent more than 110,000 to strikers in Tennessee and North Carolina...
...Interlacing ownerships have gone to such an extent that no matter which public service you buy you are pretty sure to buy an interest la an of them...
...This question is not trifling or aan...
...Forrest Bailey, Room 1001, 112 East 19th street, is the treasurer of the Committee...
...Be does not appreciate the Wessings of universal mergeriaation...
...BONDS ISSUED $9,481,000: BONDS REDEEMED $3,5 79,000...
...some of his many admirers...
...If possible, get a literature stand and sell 'Your Unions Your Future' and other good booklets...
...30' Writers Urge Aid For Mill Strikers Fanny Hurst, Anderson, Dreiser Support Relief Appeal Issued by Norman Thomas CHER WOOD ANDERSON...
...Comrade Thomas will speak at Unity House...
...At present Marion strikers and their families are absolutely dependent upon funds sent in from the outside, as the textiie union which is affiliated with the A. F. of L. is unable to provide relief for so many The cost of maintaining a mill family of five during a strike is about $2.28 a week...
...Clarence O. Senior, newlyelected national secretary of the Socialist party, to expected to be in Washington, and win confer with the Socialists there regarding the possibility of arranging either a meeting or dinner on his return trip after the meeting of the national executive committee at New York on September 14 and 15...
...Morgan cried aloud m anguish...
...The following contribution* have just been announced: B.F...
...Thomas, accompanied by G. August Gerber, manager of the N. Y. campaign, will isit the two summer places in Forest Park all day Saturday...
...San Francisco is a city larger than Buffalo and there a no reason why, with Niagara Power st our very doors, we should not now have a comprehensive street railway and bus system completely paid for out of the profits even at a five cent fare, had Buffalo adopted the policy of San Francisco two decades ago," Perkins declared...
...about 35 girls of the Southern Summer Sehcol for Women Workers in Industry, of which Louise Leonard is director, attended the injunction hearings...
...The difference that began *¦•ifhoUdge administration between *f *tofment of Nicaragua and Mexico y teeatae Nicaragua to a Marine "teJaeuBiry and Mexico isn't...
...of Burnsville...
...It is expected that this event will be one of the largest bKl...
...N. C—The strikers of the Marion Manufacturing Company -,vcn a partial victory in the courts of North Carolina when an injunction aiming to prevent "unlawful picketing" was made to include a clause permitting peaceful picketing and the right to live in their homes without fear of eviction...
...That night fully half the Southern Summer School went down to Marion forty miles away...
...They took with them their bibles and their hymnals...
...Luther L. Smith...
...happy and ready, to fight for their union end thenlives...
...Marion Workers Win Picket Risrht Mill Doors Kept Closed Two Days Oinchfield Mill Forced to Give Up Efforts to Import Scabs — Picketing Continues By John Herling (Ssntsl Csi i sspssslsw* «f Tin Krv intir) TlflARION, N. C.—A town patrolled by state trooper* and • mill protected by heavily armed soldiers hs.v» f auad to budge the Cllnehfleld mill strikers...
...Thomas will go on Sunday to Reading, where he will address a Socialist party picnic-rally at Keller's Grove Park...
...Though the first period will necessarily be given to getting the "lay of the tend," the first few days of Comrade Senior's occupancy of the office saw the beginning of the working of a Socialist propaganda and organisation machine which the young secretary hopes to have operating at full speed before many months have passed...
...Every Socialist local should pass out leaflleu to the Labor Day crowds...
...H. N BarUett 5 M H.Berkoattt S.0oR E Meras 100 D. Snyder 8.00* H. F Rudd .250 W. M. WeetheAy * R. G. Henshaw 8.00* 10 00 Dr H. C. Sudden-, berg 35.00 P. J Parris « 00 H. P. La Fountain B. Bowman 10.00 1.00 8. N. Clerghorrf ID.*" Paul Jones 10.00 W. Wygal 10.00 - W. E. Davto 8»K I. V. Aquiline 10.00 Anonymoa* • A.Oo JeanConklhv 2.50 a J»cc**en iodo L P. Wood io.oo H.KdMbe jr|D...
...September 13th at 7:30 The speakers, will be Mayor .Daniel _W Hoan of Milwaukee and Clarence 8. Senior, newly-elected National -Secretary ol the Socialist Party...
...MX... the New Jersey State picnic at Newark on September 14, *nd if conditions permit, in Boston on September 16...
...1B2B —tn.tU.ff...
...The record...
...The mills stayed closed, Monday passed...
...United Textile Work, ers' organiser, and leader of the strike, Is enthusiastic at the power displayed by the strikers...
...May day I have heard economists stto% radicals for loose and exaggerated WBt>g bat never have I heard such a gran ttt1* of exaggeration as this shtensot by a generally intelligent ecossssst CrfiHsntion outgrew cannibaltot tag before tt Invented the stock essBtofs and would scarcely revert to lilt abolished the slaughter of the hags by the bulls and bears of Wall B a true that you cannot keep the easmtoe system and the lordship of ystot and abohsh the stock exchange, ^fest a as* ef tax tndtotnento of the sasas...
...New leader readers Kespand The 3rd-5th-10th districts" btanch will begin a canvass of members next week...
...The Sunnyside, Queens County, branch of the Socialist party, where Edward P. Clarke is directing the Arte* activities, more than $300 wfll be available before the first half ef the drive to over...
...The Jamaica branch of the Socialist, Party, where Mrs...
...The advertising promiae* thil everybody will go home with chilblain* frozen toes end the feeling of an evening well spent...
...Lewis announce...
...And, unless the Flathead Indian* at* ready te saerines their hope of a few dollars of regular income from their power site, how ess the Oeneral Electric crowd employ a battery of big lawyers te face the Pederal Trade Comatissten and the federal courts, refusing to explain the $U*> 000 oheok aad the net of the hocus-pocus accounts en thstr hooks... makes men disconta* with work and encourages the worst totanst vulgar passions of an acquisiBwextaty...
...Pair and Park, and all other City Departments, then our general expense when levied only amounts to about $16,000" Among the other small cities ihowtnr * profit to Um taxpayers ft may be itata that the City of Wlnnetka...
...Workers, held te national brns^sniters, tt was decided to can ¦riirsmt liberal and labor people te a neater sans Stag*** S8 t* rsnsidfT ways and sssssss of »• ¦aneteg the textile strikes at Marion, N. C and eteswbera...
...F. Boeken, of the Municipal Railway of San Francisco, Cal., says under date of Aug...
...Perkins Would Cut Buffalo Light Bill By Over $1,000,000 Sociatfcr Oantlidate for Mayor Cites Thirteen Americas Successes With Publicly Owned Utilities and Declares Private Company Is Mulcting Lake CityPresents Demand on Council (by a New Leader Corrnpondent) DUPPALO—Frank C. Perkins, president of the city council, and Socialist candidate for Mayor of Buffalo, has opened his campaign with a communication to the council which urges proceedings be begun at once against the private lighting company for reduction of street lighting costs by $1,000,000...
...Readers of...
...There was going to be no violence...
...J Mr...
...He painted the picure of the happy "garden" village of East Marion to which people had gathered from the mountains and the woods...
...A. B. C. of Socialism' tour Declaration of Principles) is cheap...
...And please remember—no member is in good standing who has not a 192S National dues stamp on his red card...
...R. Brown 3.00 S Stedman 15.00 L. McOrvtVfi 9.00 J. M. Barnes 50.00 C A Perry 14,08 H. R. Palmer 10.00 Mr...
...In their letter to Norman Thomas, chairman of the Committee, a group of sympatheUe writers denounce prevailing conditions in the southern textile mills as verging on feudalism snd appeal tq friends of American civilization to help the textile strikers in their *tniggle to gain a decent standard of living...
...The Admirals' Season b the season when institutions, Htotaaq, naval officers, and state detertosnt officials explain learnedly that to-ensi't imperialisto and gravely discuss ** tewJopment of our policy of recognitad intervention in abstract terms jjtosjialhiinl law...
...Consult your latest price list...
...he will address the campers at Tamiment...
...The dinner In Buffalo win take place on August 27th, and the Dayton dinner will be held on August 29th... protect the financial **¦**» of tovestors who loan or invest BJtoto oountriea at high interest be•tabf the risk snd then transfer the P > <«a Msrines...
...If the agreement la accepted, Dorothy Yankas win have to perform a like "ceremony...
...Superintendent, and we consider it as well handled as any private enterprise te the Country...
...Bach strikebreaker who entered the mill was closely scrutinised and his face fixed tn the mind of the pickets...
...Two companies from Ashrvffle and Morganton, ready to settle what some still call a conference matter between gentlemen...
...California and New York still lead the rest of the States in coming nearest their respective quotas...
...No imported scabs were permitted to enter...
...The bulk of the mail, directed to groups that are expected to respond generously, win go out next week...
...Norman Thomas will speak at Reading, Pa., on August 24, after visiting Camp Tamiment and Unity House in behalf of the drive...
...The leafllet...
...The absence of many members from the city has delayed the start, but with the return of some of the.members next week activities will begin in earnest...
...We most earnestly hope that the friends of American civilization will respond to the appeal of the Emergency Committee quickly and generously...
...New York Times newt ef wniiamstown Conference...
...John T. Alsop, Jr., Mayor of Jacksonville, Fla., under date of June 11, 1929, says...
...MjLotgren , 10.0C A Axelrad 5.0* F X Fautkner S-.00 G. Ha worth 5.00 Q. a Hesninger C. Sweet 50.00 iS*> F. HoWsworth 5.00 J. Olttefman 3.00 Geo Robinson 3.50 H. GiUennan 3.00 C. C. McDonough A Friend 1.00 500 Mr...
...and others...
...against a twelve-dollar a week average, against the outrage of serfdom In a boss-owned mill village...
...The ton* torn of stock speculation is marshal trading which is all that Senator Stos wants to abohsh...
...Saturday evening, at 8 p.m...
...August 26th, 8 00 fa in tunm 208...
...meat, to eroding pone* and fir* mwmmenu, without a properta or a3a3 tax...
...When we consider the state of nearfeudalism under which the textile workers are giving the lie to the industrial barons of the south who s short time ago boasted of their "cheap" and "docile" labor...
...E. C." Brawn C W Jones 2.00 1.00 George Wirth 1.00 W p Mason 35.00 Mr & Mrs...
...The determlnation of the strikers sad their leaden have forced an agreement from the mill ewnen that they wfn not try to import "soabe...
...exclaimed Mr...
...1929, says: "The net earnings for four years of the plant were sufficient to offset local taxation...
...Superior Bldg...
...While some members of the staff are kept busy entering the subscriptions snd contributions, others are continuing to address appeals to other groups known to be in sympathy with the Socialist ^movent en t and believed to be anxious furnish the fund necessary to strengthen it...
...ment ha* been paid in a large measure This Include* the cost of malntamka Um sanitary department of the city w which garbage and refuse I* removal free of cost to citizen* of th* eoaaa*a> ity...
...August 28, to consider ways and means of "aiding the drive...
...In view of the destitute situation of the 4.000 strikers and strikers' dependents in Marion, the Emergency Committee for Strikers' Relief has issued a new appeal for funds...
...1826 - *»».373.00: 1027 — *1m,1z5a...
...The 18th Assembly "district, Kings County, where Simon Wolfe is in charge, a minimum of $100 has been pledged to the drive...
...Seven hundred men and women of the •00 employed In the mill called a strike Sunday after a three-week lockout...
...Arrangements are being made for a banquet in Par Bocksway, snd for several drive meetings in various parts of New York City during the month of September...
...ts infinitely more than a o—jmpqi enterprise...
...But the easy procedure of a mountaineer court failed to temper the bitter intensity of the mill lawyers intent on crushing this strike with legal documents and the power of the courts...
...B. A. N. Davis 25.00 LaMonte 100.00 J. A. Go ns lead 2.50 M. Spector 5.00 J. Hamovitz 5.00 H.Greenfield 10© 00 Dr M Lyneker 5.00 C. R. Kenned Branch "22 ¦ t: 10,00 Milwaukee MOO A. G. Smith 8 00 H Benscbitdt 5JM Mr Jk Mr...
...Alesandra Sehoenbaum are oaoTisstaf the party membscs for a one-day wage fund contribution, has practioally every member of the branch enrolled as contributors, end some who are not party members...
...I mean by this, the expenses of the local government such as police, fire, garbage collection, streets and roads, poor, retirement of principle on bond issues and interest on bonded indebtedness...
...The Wren is answered As the factory sirens Mew at «:M A. M. to waken the "loyal'' employees to their daily slavery, the strikers sent forth a magnificent yelp that challenged the siren's worst...
...Comrade Senior devoted much of his vacation-time to organization work...
...The branch pledged $300 when the drive started, has sine* collected more than that sum, and are now out to reach the new goal of $900...
...Mayor Hoan will speak in Cleveland on September 13...
...He gave Hoffman five minutes to open them...
...The list of contributors just made public by Lewis does not include contributions which have come m -during the last week, the tabulation of which has not been completed...
...From Forest Park...
...Has every one of your members * new constitution...
...I feel that the successful accomplishment of the difficult feat of raising a large sum of money under heavy obstacles would go a long way toward reviving that spirit...
...Judge Cameron F. McGee decided that the injunction be continued until next term of court, but agreed to include the clause guaranteeing the right of peaceful picketing and lawful assemblage...
...Tour Being Arranged The desire of the comrades in the states to meet with the new secretary will have to interrupt much of the important work at the office, but it will serve as an excellent opportunity for Senior to study first hand the possibilities in the cities and towns...
...Stone, though 25, is president of the Common Laborers' Union of Denver...
...Their guess was a good one...
...Charles Kutchins...
...They Ignored the presence of the troops...
...Names and addresses of technicians who are party members are available for consultation: 3. A handbook for local secretaries is being prepared so that the best experience of any branch can be used by all: 4. Other new literature to being projected and some of the old time favorites will be brought up to date: 5. There are many other plans which are more ambitious, but these have to wait until the results of the United Drive are known...
...Here are some of the dates already arranged for enter: . Detroit—August Z3rd Baffalo—August 27th Columbus, O.—August 23th Dayton, O.—August 29th Terra Haute, Ind.—August 39th Cleveland...
...Marion Strikers Win Picketing Right BCRNSVTLLE...
...pleaded with Hoffman to permit gates to open...
...This is equivalent in annual savins...
...h shout to begin a trial which ggaj of the leading newspapers have 9Bp meir best to make another Hayntatot affair...
...Before the drive Is over, it Is expected that 100.000 people in sympathy wKh the Socialist movement will have been reached by a personal appeal...
...according to JM newspapers, at aa Italian reUgJota *» aval received the Fascist salute Bat...
...Here ere some questions I would use to have answered by .the branches: "1...
...And there has base) no violence...
...tor several years, no tax levy for general expemi purposes, all the general expenses of the city government being paid out of the profit* of the water and light department...
...Illinois, hat recently built a beautiful and rather pretentious city hall out of the money 1 has earned on It* municipal light plant Loganaport, Indiana, has built * fire station out of it* light plant earnings... a telegram: "MUNICIPALLY OWNED ELECTRIC PLANT WILL TURN OVER TO GENERAL FUND THIS YEAR OVER NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS AFTER PAYING ALL OPERATING EXPENSES MAINTENANCE THEREBY REDUCING MTLLAGE TEN MILLS ON TAX RATE- IF NOT FOR EARNINGS OF PLANT TAX RATE THIS YEAR WOULD BE THIRTY FOUR AND FIVE TENTHS MILLS WHEREIN IT WILL BE TWENTY FOUR AND FIVE TENTHS MILLS...
...The necessities of the United Socialist Drive for a $50,000 fund will also keep Senior away from the office for some weeks...
...Wednesday the striken took up their places at the mill gates...
...To support this apparent outrage, the lawyers read a long affidavit to show that a great army of kids about 11 years old...
...m Manchuria and The Kellogg Poet The disquieting news of rata* <§J" counter raids in Manchuria among enfl thing* calls attention to that weshjSI ef the Kellogg pact which Social*** aw always emphasised...
...Comrades—now that the post-war apathy Is being broken up...
...SURPLUS ACCOUNT JUNE 30, 1938 EQUALS $3,15S,816.06...
...In what way can the National Office be most help...
...Treasurer Morris, and Superintendent Henderson, hoping to open the mm...
...ii'jmii'lii'ns <irc mighty nuc...
...Cedar PaUs, Iowa, rebated on all electric light bin* to its patrons, giving as toe rt**on that aU of It* bonded Indebtedness had paid off and a cash surplus of J4*.012 H was on hand to the city treasury, practically aU of which was the result of tot operation of their municipally own** light and power plant...
...meeting was over, the whole mill village adjourned to the picket line, thundered forth "Solidarity" and sang a new stanza to a song that goes to the tune of "Hand Me Down My Walking Cane...
...Perhaps it ought Hay bat It a more important that the Bates...
...He said that the stock market awaited funds and redistributed them ssf in this connection the Federal Ream system bad great power to direct as* control the utilisation of capital tests in industry...
...but whose names do not appear on the following list, are advised to await the next issue of The new leader before making inquiry...
...the New Leader who have contributed lately...
...So it"* _"*¦* ** Bear Admiral Stickney to did at the University of Vtrj^toto -if ve were lmpertaltots our -h"*** fry over More Castle...
...V. T. W. CaUe iv, y. Conference To Raise Funds mittee of the Uasted Texts...
...25 00 D OorrfbeU l.M M. ATolief*on2.00 W Email* fM l. O Crockett 1.00 L. SchevttS ; sjto l. Peyric 2.00 P.Pulday , 1.00 D. Blankenheim Herbert Seals 6.00 ,f 5.00 Mr * MM john " S. Geneoten i 00 P.Burke 100 Jugoslav Br, 5 5.00 J. E. Thomas) M R. H Davidson t.oe J. Bernstein 25.00 8. Levltas 10.00 Mr...
...Alfred Hoffman, the strike leader had declared, 'We ere going to strike waD and peacefully...
...A. J. Fred Fischer 5,0t) Emery 5*0...
...Stock specu5g*> hs laid, was just as legitimate as gar etosr farm of production...
...Present earnings snd book values are due largely to profits arising from the purchase and sale of one another's stocks...
...TIMELY TOPICS Norman Thomas ti ii an* y—* . grraw 1w« this paper appears tt wiQ be hjbf yap years since to defiance of j_ViMili— of the ehrinsad world *Le gad Vsnsetti were Judicially mur52 fey toe state of Msssarhuestts...
...They have man than Justified our belief in them...
...Some of the feature* will include fret Esklm* pies...
...called "slingshotters," sweep through the unpaved streets of Marlon wreaking destruction on the mill village...
...Marginal tradbg b sot investing...
...Morgan of the mill counael...
...Independence, Iowa, ha* tts.OOO in the dt) treasury and not a single cent of bonoe* Indebtedness, due largely to the fact teat the earnings of it* municipal light and power plant have enabled It to maka an public Improvements to recent yean without incurring any public debt...
...At 1.15 p.m...
...government by its control over B* asto snd taxation stop the marginal twasoag which shocked even our Wall Hast organs when Bishop Cannon aejht to bless it...
...Which Tg" run evident, and to have an effeotive campaign.this fan...
...Wa, were given tea m2 time in which to pay for the ntli t£ have paid what wa have on it « 2 than two years...
...The women pickets had seen him tot...
...Now is the time when labor H thinking in terms of independent political action," his letter said, "Unless we get in some good licks right awsy we will have wasted a valuable opportunity...
...ladies' Garment Workers' Union, are to have the privtlige of hearing addresses toy norma n Thomas...
...Well pot it up to the men...
...Hindi had been stretched out to him hot not la supplication... Mr...
...8.50 A. Hammerle 3.00 R, J. Morton 2.00 l. EUteln 5.00 T. J. Fitzgerald 2.00 C C. Gainey .50 J. H Robert* 1.00 D B. Halsey 5.00 E. R. DuBose 10.00 J. P. Robertson 2.00 C. M. Mattaoo «*.*» B. 8. Potter Dr Joe Welby Van Pelt . 2p» P Donahue P. E. Monro* tddga Joseph Kama h.wV Dr...
...Many locals have ni» ordered a supply...
...Legal *^Baaa are rationalisations, Justiflcaf***ter toe event...
...Pickets remained massed against gbi fates, and from post to post strolled forty men ready to strengthen any weakness Then Judge Townsend, executive counsel to Oovernor Max Gardner of this state, ordered tits gates to be opened...
...Um yj»b.l...
...The Gallant fight now being made by the textile.strikers in the south is putting new life and hope into their friends throughout the country...
...Detroit, Buffalo and Dayton, will hold dinners before the end of August...
...A typical mountaineer court in the town of Burnsville...
...There was no need of violence...
...Despite the threat of force directly given by the presence of the troops, the striken hare insisted on their right to picket and have refused to aocede the right of the mill owner* to import strikebreaker* from other towns...
...They spoke at a great mass meeting, bringing encouragement from the school and their own communities elsewhere in the South...
...Rand School summer camp, and the Unity House, summer home of the Internationa...
...jja?y^Oanocratic senators from Ptorm t"** to go with the Republicans jr* «o the tariff and Walsh and °* Montana kick because manof which only » per cent of ¦ Produced in the United ^^J** <» the free list it to plain toswfT te *•* Attempt to make, out ^¦*'"Btt • difference in principle between parties...
...very shade of labor opinion aad • progressives agree that Fascism SJ enemy of American democracy, rasas intrigue in America is not unknown eSJ Mussolini has honored various poStaaaJE Including Mayor Walker with akea • his favor...
...They would then realise how much oar movement depends on them...
...The agreement was effected between Hoffman...
...They are being sold in tabor onions at t5c...
...Bet jwtaaaa of the B*m*a2l plant to said to be tMOu^S^J^S...
...Now is the time when Labor is thinking in terms of political action...
...Lewis ha* appealed to those who intend to respond to do so immediately...
...tear-gas bombs, sawed off *h*l giini, and Use aotdkn n*ta» .to Marten Monday...
...For the present I would like a few suggestions...
...the Marion manufacturing Company was gracious enough to build a schoolhouoe for the children...
...associated in the strikers' defense, pointed out to the judge that no specific proof in support of allegations of "unlawful" picketmg had been offered by the mill attorneys...
...Cassidy $10.85 E. T. Galligan 5.00 M. Brit* 5.00 M. D. Luca 5.00 C. E. Develin lOhO A. Wynkoop W. 8 *McOraw 1000 C. Endhch 5.00 2.00H. Weber 5 00 R. A. Lindblad 10.00 J. E. Cohen 10.00 Kurt H Sell 25 00 L. G. Wentworth Isaac E. Ash 15.00 5.09 Kent Smith 1.00 MiasC...
...They came to settle the strike of textile workers of the Cunchgfietd Manufacturing Company, fighting against a twelve-hour day...
...Street & Alley Department...
...The South Pole Dance For Fund Saturday A novel affair has been arranged V the younger radical* of New York CUT to help the United Socialist Drive raise $50,000...
...Socialist party leader and its candidate for mayer in new York city, this Saturday... completely dltoms ownership from responsibility...
...Unknown to their fellow-worker*, Amanda Bensett and Dorothy Yankas sent a tetter en the dirigible In Hs round-theworld trip...
...Awkward as relation* wittiS" ate are under the "left wing ^fssam" of Ma present policy they would mfg easily bandied if we would **•*¦ recognise the fact of the existence * government with winch we atom *a*saa Socialist Drive Over $15,000 $12,000 Received in Cash and Pledges at Headquarters—Campaign Extended Through September WITH the third week of the 150,000 United Socialist Drive drawing to a close as The New Leader goes to press, approximately one-third of the fund has either been received at the national headquarters of the drive at 23 East 16th street, New York City, or to in the hands of branch and local secretaries throughout the country...
...Alfred Hoffman...
...wfll be pot rate the distribution of the spinnteg wheal entbtesss carrying the slogan, "Organize be tenth...
...There was no violence...
...15th One of Senior's first communications to the branches was a letter urging utilisation of same timely Socialist literature for distribution at Labor Day gatherings...
...a great community house was built by Mr...
...It all depends who aaV the rates and on what Cengreaawk went protection for what their dtstrkav produee... 527 Holbrock street...
...n. Janke 2840 T. F. Noee * iJO* EH.Tanker...
...After consultation, it was agreed that the company would giva up its efforts to import strike-breakers...
...2. The Technical Bureau has been moved to the National Office... Cleveland Socialists ta recent year*' Mayor Hoan will speak on the *chktve>* menu of Socialist Government in Mil-* waukee and the new- National Secret*r> will tell of his plana for the eteretopeaoav of the Movement...
...As a result, we have had...
...The meeting win star* at 8 o'clock...
...The troops were ready for duty a mile away...
...And, aO night, worried bosses, apparently cocky about the troops aesoas the way in the court-house, tried to get Judge Townsend, the governor's representative, to do things...
...Here," said the humorless lawyer, "they found happiness and contentment until Alfred Hoffman came...
...Two Days' Argument After two days of argument back and forth...
...Mayor Daniel W. Hoan, of Milwaukee, former Judge Jacob Panken...
...Party Leaders To Tour The extension of the drive period will enable many cities that oould not undertake the arranging of dinners in August to go ahead with their plans for September...
...With sS the beet ptens and "good intention* to the world, we cannot go on without money...
...The judge, however, stood firm...
...So let* sat obi prntmtln|, .jjSj The Fascists Saiut* La Guardia Major TaOnardla...
...This is made up of $2,500,000 savings on municipal system business based on, existing higher rate schedules of the larger private competing company plus One half this amount on another cisiiswt.dig private •tectejc' system which Cettihtas its activities to city area and at the same rates as charged by the municipality...
...Joseph Beckerman has assumed charge of the drive work in that branch...
...While the lawyer* for the mill ranted and bellowed, the courtroom laughed Even the judge grinned foxily...
...August 24th...
...Th* place win be known a* Um Igloo for tot purpose* of Um occasion, and ticket* at 75c each are being sold by the Baal School...
...He has corrupted the litUe .children and has made them go his way...
...We must know where e*SH candidate far Mayor of Mew York ska* la this matter...
...And those that were around stayed behind a very white, scared sheriff...
...and the 19th Assembly District branches will be held on Wednesday evening...
...Bow else can the $0,000 fees of aa Irvine Lenroot be paid, or the Joint Committee of National Utility Associations be flnsnced to luxurious hotel suites in the national capital...
...bent over toward the transported lawyers, and said, "Gentlemen, do I understand that j'ou have an injunction against the slingshots...
...It is a high goal and a crucial test...

Vol. 9 • August 1929 • No. 3

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