75,000 At Berger's Bier, World Socialists Mourn Passing of U. S. Leader Farewell To Victor Berger Morris Hillquit Pays Beautiful Tribute to Socialist Leader At His Bier in Milwaukee By Morris...

...Brie C. Stern, Lutte Stearns, Stats Senator Thomas M. Duncan, Otto H. Falk...
...Men and women from all walks of life paused a moment to look at the dead leader...
...A. Ku&taee Hayden of the University of Chicago...
...In Chicago, Milwaukee, St...
...The one-day wage or income contribution is small when spread over a year, but it promises big results...
...Goodbye our champion, our comrade...
...dominant figure in the internatioaal rayon cartel the Viscose Co., with its...
...Now let's do it...
...Henry A. Cooper...
...Frank J. Weber, secretary, Milwaukee Federated Trades Council...
...It must come into politics unless the city government or the State Labor Department does something more effective and more searching than the private survey of facts which the State Labor Department has planned...
...the Osrvaiand' Municipal Light Plant has arouaed much interest and comment...
...Norman Thomas fUaW< Be<tf« —f ¦ » VtQe amusing and a little t-aaw* otogotttol to observe the pious *L ^ whkih American newspapers lee* 2 0« Bill lit i In general and Philip a-fsa* ta particular fOT wanting • SggwB of German reparations and gang Iht French and others that they e> ta salavoken fashion...
...Katherine Debs, and Gertrude Debs...
...Friday brought a new Bond of telegrams to Mrs...
...Elsewhere I have expressed my grief and sense of personal loss tn the death of Victor Berger...
...There is fine racial ** a them and no mean fighting la Tiew of these facto I beUeve •* totalbaent cutiaii urtrve oigaiihttrwsiaiu by the A. T. of L. in which J"» possible Southern leadership ^1*--"- to the foreground would not RJtottoav It would, indeed, have some P** tatUat to fight and some difficult natoss to face, but that was and to to other territories thsn the South...
...a reader, a thinker, and a dreamer...
...secretary at tka public land comasbatoa: Camas Beak-Joseph a. Padway, attorney...
...sjsnmav "Eatws** Bteattag, aaaaaCalifornia Leads Drive For $50,000 Generous Responses Coming to Socialist Drive Headquarters, But Some States Lag TJT/TTH less than two weeks of a thirtyday drive to raise $50,000 for the Socialist -party and its various subdivisions and institutions completed, California leads the nation in approaching the quota which has been set for eacb State...
...The Montreal Joint* board of the Amalgamated gent similar sentiments...
...Republican friends had to dig out of the camphor balls of honorable retirement that ousifiimod Democratic office holder and sseker Bird & Ooter, who is somehow or other supposed to make a Republican ticket a fusion ticket beauae he Is a Democrat...
...Gilbert B. Boa...
...submission The hearing on the injunction to restrain Marion striksrs from picketing was continued until late this week...
...I can aee him expounding, thundering out charges with undoubted sincerity and conviction...
...Kb address appears on this page...
...A subsidiary of the British CourteM't...
...Tka board af directors of the Workmen's Furniture Fin Insurance Society wired to Mrs...
...Other wards, equally as strong, are expected to do as well, some of them not having held meetings the last two months...
...They have gradually infiltrated themselves in the social conscience of this nation...
...Joseph Sch loss berg...
...The Bmergency Committee for Strums** Relief continues to render ths hnper*' • tant service of sending relief money is ' Alfred Hoffman...
...La Follette Join With Socialists and Labo rites in Voicing Praise (By a twiif CiihiihIiiI) BjTilwaukbf;, Wis.—Within an hour after the news of Victor Berger's death was put on the telegraph wires, messages from all parts of the country began pouring in at the home of Mrs...
...When at work, the workers pay only a nominal rent for their shabby bouses...
...The Sentinel declared Wisconsin may Ito proud ot Victor Berger...
...Stable prices Of the 33.000.000 profits reported kj Oourtald's in 1937 a large share csa* from American Viscose, built out of sto crued profits aad capitalised at *io.w*> 000...
...Thrift battle is against a 12 hours and 3ft mb> *» ute day and a 113 week average...
...Bate which asartod to fad ebetst the time ths srectaaton Itemed dad ntoto to seemed wholly In kssceng with the ear¦n»'speakers at the CB^ltan warn Mayor Hoan, Morris BUtowB and Atoaander Kahn of Bow Tors, who, with Meyer Offlls, rtprsitntod me Jewish Dairy Forward...
...A member of the City Council, as a result of this article, introduced a resolution providing- for the expenditure of $10,000,000 on the light plant tot order to increase its capacity and make it a real competitor of the private company which is tanging to undermine the publicly-owvjed plant...
...Labor" Refuses To Print Story of Niagara Labor Party NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y.—When is an Independent Labor party worthwhile...
...The St...
...Boss Collins of Mariden, Mies., aired "deepest regret...
...Large contributions are expected to come towards the end of August, and early In September, when a number of affairs that are being arranged to further the drive will be held In all, it is estimated that about $15,000 have been pledged and subscribed so far in the nation...
...They were all for independent political action —in Oreat Britain...
...He might have been invested with power In government...
...Lawrence and Constance Todd...
...Secretary of Labor James J. Davis wired: "Deeply grieved to learn of the death of your good husband ar.d my good friend...
...And today, on the sad day of his death, hosts of his countrymen revere his name and memory...
...In Wisconsin, drive activities have been slowed up as a result of the blow which the Socialists there sufJered in the death of the nation's leading'Sociahzt, Victor L. Berger...
...It QOW applies to mffito-s of The law did not- have •'>a*aawatw h—first ft awre» want before Sto voters...
...V».~-<FPi—Heated Jn ^ the winding Roanoke river on two sidt$ and a guard-patrolled cliff on the other, the feudal domain of the huge TixoM Co...
...Milwaukee and Heading are already citadels of Imbor and Socialist power...
...It has been estimated that workers lose shout four million dollars to wages on this violation of the law and it k*Jg too probable that eontractors use jess four million- dollars to grease the hands of the high politicians...
...Steuben Society of America...
...In the United States this demonstration, the physical demonstration of the success of his work, has not been possible...
...TemcJl ?£BB*o lime ago I comssjented upon Un **** °f teachers to eonventtonal jfto-ato sC-mocmc an<f reUgVoua Ideas gttot danger that their opposition to n»»isada would be eflectrw, U affec?l.g M. only in excluding from the "-tod- any real knowledge of the B" *«tol questions of our times...
...Whether or -at Batond baa s> good claim for a C» Stent at against France, I do not hatr sad I do not very much care...
...Kansas City, following a banquet held on August 8. at which Clarence Senior,, newly-elected national secretary of the...
...Walter Giesehen...
...It declared he had beea "falsely accused'' of violation of the war-time espionage act All Milwaukee members of the senate were appointed by Lieut -Gov...
...John Bauschek, acting police chief: George A. Bowman, district attorney: O. t. Vandercock...
...but now on strike, they have been taxed with an increase start Mi limki evktftoas, on rssTsne^ count...
...The whole progressive movement has suffered severest toss...
...Goodbye, Victor...
...Recently in Niagara Falls...
...But let no one say he has worked in vain, that his life had been fruitless...
...the Chicago A. O.J The Rand School of Social Science...
...Prank Manning, for the Cleveland Baghdad*, wired that the Cleveland comrades were shocked by the news...
...Of such a Berger I can think in the abstract...
...The resolution, drawn up by Senator Pctokowski...
...William H. Henry...
...At the same time President Baldwin acting In harmony with Clinchfield bosses has raised the rent of the strikers...
...They are already answered...
...From then until 5 p.m...
...Assurances that Ohio's quota of $2,000 win be raised have been received from various party officials In that State...
...John A. Black, publisher: Robert L. Cootey, director of the vocational school...
...For Victor Berger leaves behind him a record of more than 40 years of an insistent, persistent and fruitful struggle for the advancement of his kind From the very first years, of his early manhood to tht very tost day of his, alas, interrupted life, he gave himself to the cause of mankind, wholly and fully to the protection of the weak, to the liberation of the oppressed and Justice for all...
...Branch 60, Workmen's Circle...
...Roanoke plant, four others in Marts*1 Hook...
...IT a state legxslafure or Otrasaaf passed a law saying that workingmen who reach the" age o? forty shall he turned adrift without air opportunity to work there would be a political revolution in ifala country...
...Republican leader: A. L. Melnss...
...Alrtn P. Kletaseh...
...Robert M. LaPoOetta txprsssed warm sympathy In telegrams to Mrs...
...U.T.W strike leader.'* Small contributions have come in froi ' local unions, including s slsable one f rears s local of Negro bed-carriers...
...His mind was the embodiment of the greatest minds of all ages...
...The body was uncovered shortly after noon on Friday...
...Despite the seriousness of the shock, from which.the movement In Wisconsin wiU not recover in a long while, a number of branches have begun the circulation of the subscription lists...
...John C. Scbaeffer, Republican congressman...
...Be dreamed of a nobler crrtnaetion, ¦Ikjuut war, without neverls, when right, peace aad Jaetfes sfaonM rate...
...Black, white, brown, veatow: old...
...1,000 More Join Marion Mill Strike Clinchfield Workers Revolt Against Discrimination and Miserable Conditions . By John Herling <Bj a Maw Leaser Camaamaaat) MARION, N. C—One thousand worken of the Clinchfield Manufacturing Company were locked out tost Monday after one hundred and fifty workers had been fired for Joining the United Textile Workers of America...
...A rush of persons passed, then settled down to a steady, 36 a minute stream, until midafternoon, when the crowd increased...
...I can see him bantering, in a playful mood...
...Arthur Brisbane, Hearst's editor...
...Oss tunc, how ever, should be made Bar...
...Not a smgte am of ate running mates It known as a husjsssIm: scene of them are militant conservatives...
...Wkusau Socialists wind their osndeleaceft through Herman A- Mirth Minnie Csdarhohn wind for the Bridgeport socialists...
...Inspiring the gleaners and march on to victory...
...Robert M LeFollette...
...hundreds of other papers throughout the nation, among them the N. T. Times...
...i Through an interchange of shares tW parent-corporation, CourtaM's...
...From noon till wfMTTigir* an endtoss saroosn of people peasad the ntem gray casket...
...In all the many years of my close friendship with him I have seen him in various moods...
...Elisabeth ton In the South has joined this fight and won a victory...
...Among the more prom' nent sorts into t —nit ware Adotob Oer mer, who went through the war dlfflculties with Mr...
...L*bor—official railroad union newspaper of Washington, D. C.—seems to answer: "When it succeeds ss in Great Britain...
...In the gathering at the city kail were many men prominent in the pwbne lite of the city, the county and the state, as well as onfitofigeng flgtrm ia the socialist movement...
...Louis Waldman, James Oneal...
...His mind-was the embodiment af the greatest minds of all ages...
...American Federayon of Full Fashioned Hosiery Workers: Socialist Party, Indianapolis...
...John Btomaa, supervisor...
...Morris and Vera Hillquitt...
...Virginia Rayon Plant Guarded Against Union* By Paul Porter ROANOKE...
...There was a time whan his ohampsonshto of the downtrodden and particularly his heroic opposition against the dtograeeful wanton world war made him, for a time, the best hated and she most persecuted man-in America...
...The union lawyers managed to have the stay granted through a technicality But formidable line-up bosses' lawyers has been drawn up to make the in.iuncucn , permanent The bearing will be bald in Burnsvllle...
...A complete list of the contributions received since the list published last week wUl be compiled in time for publication in the New Leader next week...
...In this column I want to remind us all that we only honor those who are taken from us by the loyalty with which we serve thetr cause snd ours...
...Hew York...
...Tmm many For at least eight years, going well back into the Hylan Administration, there has'been a continual charge that contractors working for the City of New York openly and flagrantly disregarded the prevailing rate of wages law...
...It lives in his work and achievements...
...Ha wan knew that both dreaming sari preaching bad failed to give us tka brotherhood of nan He felt tbat means sheeld be devised not only to teach the prgctical vehs» ef krionurtjaud, bat that Bwt and eccueu must orgsptta to bring It about...
...If the pace set during the first twelve days continues for the balance of the thirty day drive, Now York State may rival California as the first of the two leading States to raise its quota before the drive to over...
...Two blind men, learning on the arms of friends, passed the bter...
...widow of the late progressive leader, wired tram Washington: "Vtotor Berger win be greatly named He gave his greatest abnaaav to tba serrtoe...
...He was a citisen of the world, as Socrates and Darwin sad sate sad Goethe were citizens of the world...
...N. C. wtil smptoy 7,00* workers...
...Barter expressing "heartfelt sympathy and grief In this hour of Sidney Hillman, president of the Amalgamated fTW>'T»g Workers of America, wired: "It is with profound sorrow tbat I have just teamed of Victor's death My sincerest sympathy goes out to you and these near and dear to him...
...Ben Hanford Branch, Workmen's Circle...
...Teachers mast not only Matear LaGmmrdim Cmrriea On Say to day ia every way it is becoming clearer and clearer that Major Leonards* caa ao more make the Republican party ptaajaaawo than one oyster te a bowl of water oaa Banks aa oyster stew...
...The balance will be raised by Dayton, Cincinnati, Toledo snd other leading cities in Ohio...
...It did not die...
...teachers would Join the Amer!^*_y*witia-u of Teachers and catch S^* I have just received the Wf* -ot-ttotive repeat and the reB*t -be Cornrntttat on Academic ^-r-»a and Tenure, it a i stirring SgtoB...
...Seymour Stedman...
...Mahlon Barnes...
...Messages of sorrow came from the -Poise Zlon of Chicago...
...They don't even let us keep t star" over our heads," she said...
...i-llLslly that would not be the j>t...
...This whole UpaHs ssess of debts and reparations agX'ss atttod once and tor all to the ease** I*-0 °- P6*** *nd prosperity *> St warto If Americana were wise aaagk spd fsnerous enough to be willegg* gtve op their claims in this set. fstsssL The papers that lectors Snow* |b) i0m tbtok of this...
...Haekenburg has collected affidavits, some ef which I have seen, which are highly pertinent...
...We Brieve at the thought of having lost, toe prematurely, so tragically, a man of the character and status of Victor Berger, but we rejoice in she thought that such a man has lived with us, has worked with us, has made the world better far his life...
...At the end of a two-week curtailment which officials claimed was compelled by over-production, a committee of workers approached treasurer W. L. Morris with a list of their grievances...
...Flour Cereal and Soft Drink workers, through Joseph Obergfell, declared "labor suffers greatly through the death of Victor Berger...
...the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union...
...Then Niagara Palls, Buffalo, Lackawanna, Los Angeles and Portland on the Pacific Coast axe promising local centers for working class political victories...
...I only hope tat h» win make as good a one when tsj s-isalliiii is the interest of the workaa to tht internal financial policies of g*tva osuntry...
...If I could make It a dollar for every year I've been a Socialist, it would be $35.00 Instead of $8.00...
...About twenty-five hundred women and children are dependent on the jobless workers...
...Maurita de Jong, from Detroit, gald "the workers tost one of the most' sincere and unselfish defendera...
...The Wisconsin state senate suspended its rules on Wednesday to make possible immediate consideration of a resolution pralsmg BergerV lifework and iiijs esilin sorrow at his death...
...And to Victor himself, we say a last farewell...
...Progress to raise the $4,000 which New Jersey has set as its goal has been slow, due to the fact that a number of affairs which are being arranged ta haled the drive wfll not be held until late this month, and early to September...
...Trade unions and Socialist party groups sent most of these warm messages, though telegrams also came from men and women in walks of life far removed from the labor movement...
...Peter Sissmsn, Chicago: Herman L. Bkem...
...The national executive of the Workmen's Btok and Death Benefit Fund 11pilosis...
...of industry as a Moses to lead | a* af the wilderness...
...Now the working class is a great court of appeal and workers are compelled to repeal that law...
...laotarttog Cart HerztoM, Or, i. a. Fttspetrtck, dean of the graduate- school, Marquette University...
...You esq* see ths damp earth...
...Early messages of regret were received from Olenn Prank, president of the University, who wired, "we are heartbroken at the news of the death," and from Oov...
...William O. Brace, chairman of the harbor Casnatiatioa...
...Walter J. Kohtor, who declared that "the imprest of his (Berger's) Ideals will survive for generations.'' Within a few hours after the death, there arrived at the Berger home a telegram from B. V. viedeck...
...Massachusetts follows close on.the heels of New York...
...that both sate of controverK «*Jsationa should receive adequate gtowjartial consideration so as so dem.V* spirit of tolerance and in addiBoa so sawsftr proper material for nor disloyal...
...You fellows have no jobs and there's no use talking about It...
...With collections that are now being made in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and other California cities, the full quota of the State may be reached before the third week of the drive is over...
...Congressman Bdward B. Brown of Waupca also wired his regrets...
...I atfa« tttok the British have a fairly ass" tttt sad I do not think they are aw* tt break up the Hague Conferas wnbout getting somewhere...
...It is not believed, however, that this resolution will receive any support in the present City Council...
...Along with the contributions which keep pouring into the national drive headquarters are reports indicating that there Is a nation-wide revival of Socialist activity, developing in spite of the warm weather and the lack of any national campaign which could serve as a rallying point for the Socialists In the nation...
...Berger their "deepest sympathy to the great sorrow...
...For the dominating feature of him whom we knew was his vitality, his tremendous exuberance, his compelling all-conquering vitality, borne on his sense of the lightness of any cause which he espoused and supported by a keen mind, an uncompromising soul, and an iron will...
...tt**« need for money is terrific: new more-.i than ever, must generous friends cemr* to to rescue of these workers...
...N. Y...
...California Socialist Party...
...But 111 come again, for nothing counts but Socialism...
...of mankind...
...I also have decided to rejoin the Socialist Party...
...cant pay: sad to a few days the sherst J aad his ¦sBeaat an expected to swespl down to kick whole families out of an*if entile hovels and Into the muddy nstsJ Thus do matters proceed in the "gsa, ¦' den" vIBakft of Bast Marion...
...From Denver...
...The Terre Haute Socialist party: the Buffalo Socialist party...
...l TV sooth still has a good deal of |b> Itoasatkn psychology, which is the Saet oppeatte of any notion of IndusMt ssivjcrscy...
...Osaka's Misssgs WuUem Green, president of ths American Federation of Lahor, Wind: "I deeply regret to learn of the death of your husband, Dartag his lifetime he was active In the cause of labor, aad was ever ready to render service to all change of working people...
...Rev Otto R. Haueer...
...Senator llerrls* Tribute U. S. Senator George W. Norris of Nebraska wired from Waupaca, Wisconsin: "X am grieved to learn of the death of Coaa wan mi Barter...
...C. B. WhltnaJl...
...I couldn't afford more,'' she said, earning to Frank Metcalfe, guard of honor...
...Hence wajls labor laaders had no redress at law |l|Utsapped...
...That will be a SoskCst tad labor fight in which all sjrtsm tastadlng Winston Churchill, will 1st sack htm...
...All of which ia lust one more illustration of .what happens so long as Americans stick to the good maw theory tn politics rather than get busy to build a party...
...Congressman Ramseyer of Iowa...
...Every candidate nominated by this new parte is a trade anion member to good standing, not only did they nominate a full ticket but they decided to hold a public ratification meeting and selected ss their speakers two ntommont labor leaden, James H. Usurer, now Councilman of Reading, Pa., snd for seventeen years president of the Pennsylvania State Federation ef Labor, sad J. S. Woodsworth, of Winnipeg, Labor Party leader to the Canadian Parliament...
...FfiUtp Bnowden's fight at the aajat k essentially a nationalist fight fit a nntailatf nght...
...The Milwaukee Trades Council adopted a resolution praising Berger's services to labor In glowing *ermf ¦ The Milwaukee dally papers which fought Berger strongly and bitterly over ¦amy yean, Joined to universal praise...
...manager of the H. Y. Jewish Daily Forward...
...Wisconsin state treasurer...
...Labor and other railroad papers heartily applauded the success of the British Labor party in the recent elections...
...its sorrow In a telegram signed by William Spuhr...
...With Ma strong anas, his great heart, has kaoTgtaJMS of mtad, be set out In a wilderness of selfish strife to forge new Implements to be thus applied-" BWcjuit paid an eloquent tribute to the fallen Socialist leader...
...Rose aad George K. Rower, Boston...
...Then ti no doubt that strike...
...Congressman John J. Boylan of New York...
...After D. F. Giles, the strikers' attorney, obtained a temporary stay, the dispossess proceedings were delayed until the September term of the Supreme Court...
...Battering that laker, the railroad paper, and the railroad union members would he interested in this trade union venture, they sent an article to Leber gtrtog a brief seBBUUI of the facts...
...Early telegrams were received from Secretary of Labor James t. Davis and from William Oreen, president of the American Federation of Labor...
...Onehalf of the quota will be raised at a series of picnics to be held in various counties, and at the State picnic to be held in Newark on September 14, with Mayor Hoan as the principal speaker...
...is closely^ related to the Italian Snia Wlseese...
...Second In the roll of States Is New fork...
...L. M. Lloyd: the Minnesota Socialist party...
...J. 8. Evans, Wilkesbarre...
...Here's my days wages for the Socialist Drive...
...Time has worked in our favor...
...me" recently merged Dutch Bnka and OW man Olaasstoff...
...Hylan refused to est, the Walker Administration has never acted indeed the course of the Administration in dealing summarily with its own engineers who demanded the rate of pay once voted them on paper gives color to the belief that the Tammany politicians don't mind how much their contractor friends get out of the workers even if they don't split with them...
...It has never used political action either of a non-partisan or a labor party sort against its Tammany friends...
...The new Bnka plant at Ashe-" villa...
...B.....iislitl) CLEVELAND.—The Now L—aw article regarding...
...She lifted some esroboard placed Brer's holes to the floor to keep from fatting, through...
...T-ss aavotaUon psychology Is fur|jaTaati|ill si nil by racial feeling...
...They will have to take this and other despotic measures into politics and by their political might make this nation safe for the working people...
...I dont want to see your list of grievances...
...pletoly through the holes...
...A plant under eoostruttion at Meadvule, Pa...
...paid the dead leader their tribute An aged woman, trembling, carried to her withered hand three faded roses...
...We are doing itt Within a weak of the opening of this financial drive nearly $10,000 was assured and the skeptics feared we would not report $3,000 J)ben the drive to over...
...They oouM not see, but by their protests...
...The New Yorker Volkszeitung, through Its editor, Ludwlg Lore...
...Carl D. Thompson...
...Comrades Heard From Here are some of the reports that individual Socialists submit, picked at random from hundreds that keep coming: Louis Morgenstein, Schenectady...
...The great Ideals of social justice and human brotherhood for which Victor Berger lived and died...
...C«atlaa*4 •> r»r« ?) IS etc Leader Expom Bring* Action On Cleveland Light Plant i*y a Maw tula...
...He bad a phenomenal memory, and digested all he read...
...Math ta their surprise they received by return ¦sag the following tetter: "Berry, bat I cannot print the story shout your Independent Labor Party movement at Niagara Paus...
...they pass id at 40 persons each minute, and at 6:30 the big rush of people began...
...Arthur Brisbane, U. S Senator Norris, and Mrs...
...Birch and Lillth Wilson, from Reading, Fa- wind Mrs...
...the Baltimore Socialist Party...
...Hudson County <N...
...Pa- Lewtston, Pa., Perkersburg* W. Va„ and Nitre, W. Vs...
...Obviously the situation calls for a searching investigation...
...And to these great lofty ideals, of his, he gave himself without reservation, without thought of himself, without thought of comforts, of personal danger, reaardtoes, unmindful of personal popularity...
...Henry Ohl, president Wisconsin State Federation of Labor...
...It survives the physical medium of its expression...
...Socialist Party was the guest, raised $60 Immediately, and organised to treble that amount before the drive is over...
...c* has the respect Of even his political opponents, even his former detractors and tormentors...
...N. Y. "I wiU be proud to join your $10,000 brigade, the class of 300 contributors who can pledge $50.00 each...
...They are beginning to ask this question everywhere in Pennsylvania...
...Onehalf of the amount wfll be raised, Socialists declare, at a dinner to be held at Cleveland on September 13, with Mayor Daniel W. Hoan, of Milwaukee, as the guest...
...It U laatf\airimcant, for instance, that 1-awawsa has no law against kidnapRfcr gam...
...Lows Post-Dispatch, and the Wisconsin State Journal...
...The big opportunity...
...laaw/ai Changn k tU South I UN come back from the Institute sf PsUk Affairs at the University of -ftans with some feeling of hopefulsa« lor the Sooth...
...Unt M estigei that the world was to Sacoaee hk -workshop: humanity hi* pupils...
...The St...
...Saturday up to the hour of the last tad rites at the City Ban was a repetition of the day before...
...assistant U. 8. district attorney...
...Kate M. Ward, Chicago, 111...
...Strict rules In regard to visitors are, enforced in the company dormitorii^ that house one-fourth of the 3.000 raj> en workers, and unknown visitors seta in the vicinity of the mill property sit at once reported to the wary superiiu tendent...
...Telstra res were received trees Congressman Samuel Dtcksteln...
...Y.) Socialist Party...
...they have even found expression in some legislative enactments...
...Km 11 Setdel, former mayor...
...that under no cirlCT*to»--*» should truth be perverted or JJtotod...
...Many of them know that they have reached a' stone wall...
...Avery G. Smith, Venice, Calif...
...Colorado, fifty dollars, the first installment of Colorado's contribution to the drive, has just come to the national headquarters...
...4*-* S-» other hand, the spirit of Jef^PJn tenoeraey is not dead altoSSar to tht South and there are leadaf stoillitm thought who are applyyStot sonlt to modern problems with j-**>> tad intelligence...
...Workmen's Circle Tribute The National executive of the Workmen's Circle w;red...
...It will live en for many years after the men of his generation may be turned into dust...
...Ha life aad mfraenee here have been decidedly for our good,- the Wtoconstn-News wrote, while The Milwaukee Journal said: "the dominating fore* of the man't personality had made him a leader...
...1*7 them en the easket, madam: he win know and nnderstand—Metcalfe vat unable to finish the sentence, s,#e# At gsi lists Hundreds of effecting incidentt testified to the lore and affection which Vtotor Ij...
...Our organisations are opposed to the formation of ft Labor Party at this time...
...I extend to you and your family my sincerest sympathy...
...Sentence after sentence In^BMootatlon...
...But in America, the progressive (?) Democrat and Republican candidates are good enough for us...
...aad Mrs...
...I enclose $10.00 for the United Socialist Drive...
...The Carpenters V...
...Berger had won by his long Ufa of useful service to humanity...
...The ashes of Victor L. Berger, former Socialist Congressman, lie in a vault in Forest Home cemetery...
...Together with 650 striking employees of the Marion Manufacturing Company and their families, $000 people of the total 8000 In the town of Marion and vicinity are jobless, foodless, and company lawyers have begun action to make them homeless...
...Minneapolis and New Bedford have partial victories to their credit with fighting groups of Labor Party men in the city councils...
...Similar editorials appeared to...
...The middle SsV is SBfMued to be almost hysterically Iswlsss to protect its Industrial Moses )m> say sort of interference...
...Berger's heart bad poised throughout his life to the hope of a world made mare beautiful for mankind mum Sill TIMELY TOPICS By...
...Of the $2,000 set as California's quota in the United Socialist Drive, approximately $1800 have been received at the national drive headquarters at 33 East 19th street...
...The Saw- >' gency Committee sent two this weak *S Through the eSorts of Norman Tbosj- " as as chairman of the committee, sad at Tom Tippett aad Wm...
...Levi H. Bancroft: WilUam P. Quick: Harry J. Grant, publisher, Milwaukee Journal...
...Just s**T hen...
...Such an abounding vitality could not have passed...
...Our movement Is shocked and shaken by news of death of our beloved comrade and leader...
...The fisher» ware Oscar Amersager, for many year* aseoearted with Comrade Beigei on the Milwaukee Leader, and Dr...
...They are locked up within the capitalist system by being discharged at the age of forty and are not even guaranteed bed and rations...
...Wages la the Roanoke plant, as » other southern rayon mills, overage to $18 a week—which means that ths young girl workers get considerably lea, (C«ntiaat4 «n Pas* Tin) The Skeptics Are Answered By James H. Maurer IWANT to add my voice to the appeal urging Socialist Party members and friends to make the supreme effort to raise our $50,000 educational and organisation fund...
...75,000 At Berger's Bier, World Socialists Mourn Passing of U. S. Leader Farewell To Victor Berger Morris Hillquit Pays Beautiful Tribute to Socialist Leader At His Bier in Milwaukee By Morris Hillquit (An address at the funeral af Victor L. Berger, in MBwaokec, Wisconsin, A Brut lech) IT is difficulty, almost impossible, for * me to speak of Victor Berger in the past tense...
...He was a true internationalist, a great coaaassajlttaa," ha coaanued...
...Two women kissed their Issdar...
...1 Oas woman mill-worker shewed ssT' her notice of increase In rental, whhn BP* equivalent to notice of sasposseai sWkgst and hundreds of workers' faauhaa...
...We shall always cherish the memory of him and his loyalty and devotion to the cause of Labor.' There were other wires from Fred Pnbst, Congressman Stafford, long-time political foe of Berger's...
...With a quota of $4,000 to be raised In that State, receipts the first twelve days of the drive have exceeded $1300, making an average of more than $100 a day from Massachusetts...
...Genevieve B. Clark: Congressman and Mrs...
...Amid a sea of floral wreaths was the casket containing the remains of the former Socialist leader...
...Under the presm apnaattnn of society he as Britsh OsauMaikc of the Exchequer may M to satka that fight...
...He was able, conscientious and courageous...
...You have my sincere sympathy in your sad hour...
...afore than l.ooo people crowded into the City Ban at noon and waited for the services at 2 p. m By the time that Mayor Boon took hit place in front of the easket for his final tribute, the balconies were lined for the first four Soars, Outside additional OsOawaadt waited with bared heads...
...Young Peoples Socialist League of N. Y. C: Karl A. Biekei, president of the United Press associations: Frank Rosenblam...
...Bbxabeth Chrtstman, head of the Women's Trade Union League...
...I cannot conceive it as a reality...
...New York City, Marx Lewis, drive director, reports as the Mew Leader goes to press...
...On the gaotton of Senator Bcnuxmaa, conserve^ tive, the Senate adjourned Wednesday night in honor of Berger...
...Hat Stone...
...Poor Pay naeiiMi Ti law tee A string quintet from the Musicians' union, local No...
...430, Cleveland...
...an out to break the union The" lock-out and the increase in rent to s deliberate effort to break the relief treasury and so batter the workers into...
...Racine, Wis.: the Racine Socialist party...
...The International Union of Brewery...
...Mahlon and Mabel Barnes...
...Theodore Debs...
...To Meta Berger, his faithful life companion, his unfailing support and inspiration in all of his efforts, in all of his struggles, we offer the one thing that is within our gift, a tender understanding, sympathy, and our sincere heartfelt love and affection...
...Negroes Praise Work The flood of wires continued Friday and Saturday...
...Laker Caametl Paaaes TmiTiHis "Then was never s night too dark ox • way too long for Victor Berger to go to koto a comrade to trouble,'* Setoel •aid...
...Not in many years has there been a setter opportunity to go to the laboring masses...
...Prom Milwaukee came hundreds of tributes, expressive of the feelings (eh by the kueoreds of thousands af the oiiyi population...
...The World, The Philadelphia Ledger, the Chicago Herald-Bsaminer...
...United Hebrew Trades...
...Theodore Hwmshaat, attorney: Max Pi asmsa, atwrman Brown...
...Hayden declared tbat Mr...
...Ban PoQo, of Chicago, for the Italian ¦orltltot Federation, wired warm messages of condolence...
...A second picnic will be held at Reading on Labor Day...
...I have known him ever since he was first elected to 0 naji an and have always had great rispatt for htm...
...Al Benson, state secretary of the Socialist Party...
...Wtth CUnchfleM mill locked out...
...Ha was...
...Hundreds Pay Rich Tributes To Life Of Victor Berger In Telegrams To Mrs...
...the Central Labor Council by unanimous vote hailed the success of ths British Labor Party and decided to follow their good example by sponsoring the formation of an Independent Labor Party...
...William M. Felgenbaum...
...George B. Leonard...
...But not a Victor Berger Irresponsive and quiet, not a Victor Berger rigid and cold, dead and gone—turned into nothing, except in name and memory...
...Lewis In the West Marx Lewis, who had returned from a trip through the Middle West, reports that in moat of the States definite returns as to the results of the drive will not come in until late in the month In moat places committees are at work visiting Socialist party members for a one-day wage contribution to the drive, but due to the extreme heat the process of canvassing members has been a slow one, with many of those to be canvassed away from the cities...
...Political leaders of an persuasions, joined with educators, writers and public men and women in paying tribute to Berger...
...The Milwaukee Leader printed essressioas of soseow from scores of local Mllwanreeaas...
...Samuel Biawntn, Hyman Blamberg and Abraham Miller wired, on behalf of the N. Y. Joint Board of the amasyamatsd COothmc Workers...
...Especially was I pleased kj ssa IwartBg given to both tildes on §» aassoon of labor conditions in the Ma...
...Had Victor Berger lived and worked in a different country he might have seen the physical, political fruition of his work in a great and powerful political party...
...Berger Norris, Green, Mrs...
...he had a phenomenal memory, and digested all he read...
...ths Italian Chamber of Labor, N. Y...
...As a result of these dlscuassons, st sMsoasUons with all sorts of people •af rsparta tram my colleagues, Paul rsrtsr...
...A. C. Backus, publisher of the Milwaukee Senanal...
...But it to the mine lords, mm lords, and factory fcftaTwhh «™ naaslnf this lettotottoTi...
...Labor in New York City which has been closely tied up with Tammany has never done anything effective in this matter, or at least not until recently...
...loved has Mow men.' -A bora Mater, m.......a of iimaasl es«iy srtMd *» these...
...They denounced the Liberal Party and branded it as a second Conservative Party...
...The National Association for the Advancement of the Colored People, Milwaukee branch, praised Berger's work in behalf of the Negro race...
...Perhaps Southern awrtaw and hospitality, the natural 'fawsr af lbs country, and the eztraorSeratm of the unrrexstty hrrlVlirapv Tliaill JeflersOD planned, have SsWm Bat I think not IrrespecS» af thaw, things, here was a large ¦asw s people, predcfnlnantly Southern, Its task op controversial Issues honests7 aaf ftankly...
...Louis, Cleveland, and other industrial centers unemployment has hampered to some extent the work of the committees, but the willingness of Socialist party members to give to the limit of their ability and often at a sacrifice has been, he reports, an Inspiration to the committees that have been at work...
...He was the foe of every form of exploitation, of injustice, of cruelty and bloodshed...
...Branch 33, Workmen's Circle, Chicago...
...K was very convenient Uaap troublesome Negroes...
...Poor in your one-day wage contribution...
...Also heard from were the . Republican Club ot Milwaukee county, branch 16...
...I am enclosing check for $2 and will send check regularly every week or so...
...Adolph Germer: Solomon Levttan...
...M. Wehrtrsab, far the Jewish Daffy Forward of Cleveland, emawased mourning at the "Toes of a sturdy pioneer of Socialism...
...the Socialist party of Alleghany...
...Gertrude M. Green, of New London...
...It is Sty swJUiatli'l that progress Is begpds arranging for the evacuation af «« Bhineland...
...The bosses of the CHnchneld snd of" the Marion mills, both located in Mar-5' ton...
...New York City...
...The Philadelphia branch of the fttsalgsmatsd Clothing Workers, through Morris Weinstetn aad Lea Hrrycki...
...Local Prates WMeaaread The Chicago Jewish Dally Forward expressed Its sorrow through Victor I. Levtnsoo, managfr, and J. Siegel, managing editor...
...I have always voted the Socialist ticket and contributed every year to the support of the Party...
...It never appeared to a paH» pto*>> from, no judge win pm «?»^*_ff one will question whether it is constitutional...
...recited Berger's political record In glowing terms...
...New York City...
...Louis Mayer, Hew York...
...But all was orderly, mithhtf untoward occurred, except when during the afternoon a photographer, after orders had been given agmrnet shooting- "flashlights," slipped through the officers at the second Boor ran, abet his picture...
...Berger and at the offices of the Milwaukee Leader expressing profound sorrow at the death of the great Socialist leader...
...Berger: Clarence Senior, William H Henry, and Mrs...
...Prank Mass of Madison...
...Vtadeek wired...
...The good employer on aststar* is the good master who takes prcf tht workers as best be can but l*» laws I hi master...
...United Hebrew Trades...
...Herman Black...
...will employ 1.0**worken more...
...Ciueul.ii Art sad at Bier a blander Cabn paid tribute to Comrade Berger as one whose "life was devote* to the onoreawd and downtrodden throughout the jsUoa and tka worm...
...I can see him now engaged in argument with tense earnestness, eyes aflame, hurling shafts of sarcasm, shouting words of defiance at his opponents...
...In his great library, among his 1.000 books, he was an outstanding student of history and philosophy...
...The servsres at the ceawtery ware ample...
...TJp to date the situation Is an illustration of how our political machines work and what labor does not get by standing tn with one of them...
...has arrived, and now we must have this financial war chest Without it we can do little but with H we can forge ahead, sowing the seed...
...On Friday and on Saturday up to the hour of the funeral ceremonies in the afternoon no less than 75.000 people filed through rise City Hall to pay their tost respects to the man who had won distinction by his long Hfe of devoted service to the working class...
...I can see him expanding in kindness in a genial moment...
...Their combined plant!* at BUsahethton...
...young, rich and poor—scant even anset* tag to mace the sign of the erase, sasae bowing their heads in sOent prayer...
...Victor Berger is gone...
...With a goal of $10,000 as its quota for the Drive, more than $4,000 were received from Socialists In the State during the first twelve days of the drive...
...Germany, Denmark, and elsewhere...
...The first of a series of Pennsylvania picnics wfll be held at Reading, Pa., on August 25, with Norman Thomas as the speaker...
...Please turn over this letter to the comrade In charge of membership...
...It is the law of the owning class...
...Loull Star, The Phils...
...he was a reader a thinker and a dreamer in his great library among his 3,000 books he was an outstanding student of history and philosophy...
...It to our job, our party and our rtsponajbllty that qajront a...
...Many turned away with moist eyes and sorrowful faces, unable to control their emotions...
...You are" dead physically, but you have achieved immortality...
...anti-union rayon mills is regarded t& bosses as safe from labor agitators...
...I agree with Major LaOuardia that a matter of common justice like this ought not to have to come into politics...
...We have been saying for a number of years what we were going to do...
...a: A, Strebel, Rochester...
...George Goose, for the N. Y. sbirtmaker...
...His life was spent in the service of the common good and hundreds of thousands mourn with you...
...His death is a dJittoat toss to the country...
...The workers *----*** maj be backwartl, new to ln¦tby, fresh from their poor hill farms, •* ttsy are homogeneous in culture J*- • strong tradition of clan loyalty • •«• ¦Bother...
...Ross, eneugs^ money has seen raised thus far to bsy.f salt-pork snd flour for the strikers...
...praised Barter's career la rich tanas...
...aad smaller PrencM" producers...
...Philip p. LaPnUette...
...Be seaports the young reprsaentative of the eery eonan istive Ooudert family for District Attorney criticising the "see" of" his Democratic OBBOtsBBt, although the Major himself and his...
...He has endorsed the "splendid" record of judge Osllaghan in Brooklyn although among labor lawyers that Judge Is famous far the Injunctions he has granted against...
...a, played softly white the mourners walked through the building, double file, as fast as those behind compelled them to go...
...Ths wood bad rotted eenv...
...Recently, however, the carpenter's union employed an able and aggressive labor lawyer, former Assemblyman Haekenburg, to represent them in prosecuting their claim that carpenters are regularly employed by contractors who are building the new subways at about half the prevailing rate of wages...
...What is the miner, the plumber, the carpenter and the common laboring man going to do...
...employs is***" workers, and produces three-fifths of the American and one-sixth of the worif rayon supply...
...Huber to represent the state at the funeral...
...Olaasstoff ti la turn affiliated with thf German Bemberg...
...Some skeptics m oar ranks said, "Too cannot do it...
...Of this amount more than $10,000 have been received st the national headquarters...
...Alderman Paul Gauer reports that the 17th Ward branch "expects to raise several hundred dollars for the drive...
...Jamas P. Sbeaman, supervisor: i. 1. Handler, secretary, Wisconsin state Fosbrstlan of Labor...
...Both accepted to speak...
...Owuratai Been said that the world was Hueaisgs I ot no greater tribute to be paid asty mm at kit Her than to have it said...
...The bosses' lawyers have already begun legal action for wholesale eviction of the mill workers...
...Cleveland Socialists will redouble their efforts to elect their candidates In order to save the light plant from the clutches of the power trust...
...Jack Barling and others on conatsai ki the strike areas, I have formed gj-Ths Sooth since the ClvO War has Iss** a* aneh poverty that it welcomes ksaatra...
...Here is one passage: Aaerican Pederation of Taachera 2** tb»t » true picture of the past Mg regard to the age of the puM^SMd be given...
...others wanted to, beat over, hut refrained, while others touched the casket, and walked on...
...Berger -- Berger And Debs -- A Flights With Lindy Leaders of European Labor Join American Socialists In Expressions of Sorrow HILLQUIT AND HO AN DELIVER EULOGIES Body Lies in State at Milwaukee City Hall as People Crowd By in Tribute oar a Maw teaser CuntslatatT) MILWAUKEE, Wis...
...Term., wis ultimately' employ 30.000 workers, with all thesf affiliated companies CourtaJd's dominates-' ss% of the total world production, thereby assuring enormous profits through...

Vol. 9 • August 1929 • No. 2

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