Perkins Gives His Platform Pledges Fight on Paving Trust, Contractors' Ring and Standard Oil Interests iSKt PS*fc with r^*^r-' SKk aad nemOH ptor, easwatss snow — il xsaalitit*...

...The municipal reform movement is limited by its middle class origin aad Is even more restricted when to the funds of its middle class supporters are- added those of the very wealthy when economic Interests an not Jeopardised...
...On general matters, the platform aped tha reformers by promising "to grre to our city an honest government and an efficient government...
...himself a former Democratic assemblyman, took sharp issue with the attitude of the Department of Labor...
...The convention was called to order ny Jacob A Livingston...
...Perkins Gives His Platform Pledges Fight on Paving Trust, Contractors' Ring and Standard Oil Interests iSKt PS*fc with r^*^r-' SKk aad nemOH ptor, easwatss snow — il xsaalitit* aboHtton of toe aaaose nntss nee, a mart eenrailwsy service, cheaper ttkphco* sert!c...
...Franchises have been granted only to a privileged few...
...Tbe municipal reformer has no answer except that be wants more honesty and efficiency...
...While acknowledging tbe seal aad public-mlndedness of the leaden of the reform movement, the Socialist survey declares: "Municipal reform has been a business men's movement...
...Labor Dept...
...Hen and there reformers come out for public ownership but by and large municipalisation as a program is rejected...
...The yean that brought it into moderately rich protesting under the being found the small-taxpayers and the burdens of increased taxation, corruption and inefficiency...
...The property owners who had no connection with these big business operations wan scandalised and called for reform...
...Municipal reform presented no fundamental program to aid the city's masses...
...The least that the thirty-two local organisations, holding their charters directly from the American Federation of Labor, comprising a membership of over thirty thousand workers, could expect from your Department was the submission of the legal questions involved for proper advice and opinion to the Attorney General...
...On transit it promised "to defend the five cent fare," operate the subways under construction without delay, put Into operation new subways, and provide bus transportation, but did not take a position on municipal ownership or leasing On housing it promised "to piece better housing within the reach of the poor," through "the cooperation of philanthropic capital.'' How this differed from Walkers program was not made dear...
...Louis Central Trades at Labor Union, a large men meeting opened a dtywide campaign for the pardon of Tom Mooney...
...have been tbe scene of turbulent struggles between labor and capital despite their superficial virtue of having dty managers...
...Would not recommend his endorsement...
...This is the typical cry of businessmen...
...The declaration at Brother Oscar that tbe Republicans had no chance led National Committeeman Charles D. HUles not to cable Judge Lewis at all...
...The ConveatioB Deliberate...
...The complaint alleges, that the provisions of the Labor Law are being constantly, wilfully and knowingly violated in construction of new subways within the City of New York, and the complaint further alleges, that the entire enforcement of the Labor Law in the Ctty of New York has broken down and the lav is being entirely disregarded in the letter and the spirit thereof...
...The temporary chairman was General James O. Harbord, Presiden tof the Radio Corporation of America...
...The complaint is sworn to by Charles A. Judge, prartdaat of the District CormeU of - New York Ceey of tbe United Brotherhood af Carpenters and Jbenan of America...
...Ad valorem taxation Jumped from 1.00 per capita in I860 to 7.38 in 1810...
...Attention to details yet breadth of outlook must characterize Socialist municipal research...
...To carry cut such a program the latter saw no need for injecting national issues into municipal elections...
...New York City, Munipal Re form Movement Declared To Be Downgrade 3°fQ^X^^l^^amg On*—Mm* Are Held InfalCcaSatiI^> rWVB attd ,«S^f| nmtidpal raforsa Am, !s«iis vm...
...Hackenfaeaft reference to "privileged individuals who have a whispering acquaintance at headquarters" undoubtedly refers to tbe contractors against which the complaint la directed, and, who, it la said, have connections with Tammany Hall, As a result of the publicity aroused, tha City Controller has consented to "hear evidence" on the matter, though the charges involve the city administration of which he is a part Mc Alister Coleman Is Writing Story of Debs •McMister Ooleman k completing a fun length biography of the late Eugene V. Debs which Oreenberg Publisher win issue early in the spring, tha publishers announce...
...Reform vs...
...The vat* was taken in order to answer the propaganda of the manufacturers that the workers were only being kept out by then- leaders, and because the manufacturers have been refusing orders so that tt looks as though there was a long struggle ahead...
...Here and then public ownership of one city convenience or another might be a necessary evil but any thorough-going scheme of municipal ownership and protective ordinances and regulations for the workers as consumers or producers was an Impossibility...
...Coleman win welcome any letters from or to Debt, authoritative anecdotes and any other interesting information concerning tbe great labor leader...
...He also points out that a referendum has been urged in the council for years to allow Buffalo voters to express their wishes regarding a municipal hydroelectric distribution system of the Niagara current at cost but such a referendum has always beep blocked...
...Ha la in favor of centralised purchasing to tower cost for dty purposes but without favoritism...
...v Postal Workers Explode "Private Business" Idea WASHINGTON—(PP).—In an editorial oa the pottofftee deficit, which hat engaged the attention of President Hoover, the August issue of Tha Union Postal Clerk, organ of the National Federation of Post Office Clerks, «»p»*«ifft the fallacy that adoption of "private holiness methods" to the postal service I weald remove tbe deficit while improving 'she service...
...The ill repute of a dty has deterred capital from entering...
...He is opposed to tbe city paring four and Ore times assessed values for real estate for public purposes and large commissions to promoters...
...In the meantime, the barrenness, the futility of the municipal lefts men, of tha mare 'good government' advocates, whether labelled Democrats...
...Louis Labor Demands For Mooney's Freedom ST...
...The union is tied up wit hone of the most drastic injunctions ever issued in Massachusetts, and a master in Chelsea has sseeeeed damages of $73,000 against the union, to that there seems to be another Danbury Batten case in the making...
...He sent the following reply to Corcoran: "Regarding the complaint filed by the District Council of New York of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, I note that you state that you an without Jurisdiction, and that the Comptroller is primarily the party to handle the complaint...
...Republican "Boss" of Brooklyn...
...On Monday, Acting Deputy Commissioner James A Corcoran referred the complaint to the city controller, stating that tbe Labor Department has no Jurisdiction in the matter...
...Says- Gas Weils Saccsss...
...The end of reform will be brought nearer as the socialist program of municipalization, bristling with practical suggestions wOl come to be understood by the maseee of workers...
...Oscar decided that his brother would merely be a sacrificial lamb...
...Instead HUles awkwardly tried to steal a Democrat for his Republican-Fusion ticket...
...Ref erasers Baafly Oaatoat •What has whipped up tbe wrath of merchants, manufacturers and professionals have been tbe economic losses they have sustained at the hands of the political henchmen of the very wealthy...
...Over seooo memben of hie organisation and 300,000 mechanics in the building trades an affected by the situation...
...He does ask, however, what is going to be done after honesty and efficiency have been achieved or while we are approaching that goal...
...Won't Dear Carpenters N.Y...
...A parade through the dty preceded tbe meeting led by a band donated by the musicians union...
...The "enti" planks in bis platform east their shadow over tbe asphalt paving trust—to use Mr...
...Socialist municipal research it the preparation of the data to help realise municipalisetion...
...In the first formal announcement of hit platform, Mr...
...Tbe municipal reform movement has, therefore, reached its heftht...
...Walker Committee "CantnuSagf ** The survey then outlines corruption in the cities of New York, Philadelphia aad Chicago, which followed in tha wake of tha fight for franchisee...
...Referring to tha battle between reform dements sad Tammany tat New York City, tha survey declares "Tammany baa always known how to borrow respectability when reform wag la the air...
...While the national, state and county debt declined in amount after the Civil War, the municipal debt, on tbe contrary, rote...
...Is It not significant that Kenosha...
...Non-partisanship in dty politics may be possible from the point of view of the Democratic and Republican parties...
...It is not a blind, abandoned kitten to be left on somebody's door-step with the hope that it will be drowned In due course...
...Reform Called Inadequate TJnder a aection headed "Where Municipal Reform Stops" the aims of the reform movement, as exampled by the "Model City Charter" of the National Municipal League are considered...
...And then again: "Jimmy, this fight is on the level...
...It must not be handled lightly...
...His is an attitude of favoring the status quo...
...Lower taxes, elimination of extravagance, and meritorious officials wen the demands of the properties interests...
...On markets it promised "a program for modern' methods of food distribution"—whatever that means...
...The Republican platform was free in its criticism of the scandals of the Walker Administration...
...This was possible even under tha IS cent rate...
...Of this platform of evasion Congressman La Guardto Joyfully declared in accepting the spontaneous designation of his party, which ha disowned In 1M4, and which was not so sore of recognising him as a comrade in lMt: "I want to congratulate the platform committee...
...In its refusal to heed the carpenten' complaint it has taken the same course adopted* by the Walker-Tammany dty administration which has repeatedly refused to adjust the carpenten' grievances...
...Contracts have been awarded only to Insiders...
...Nor could it do so without endangering the property interests of the city's business men...
...To sccomphsh this be would bare tbe dty own lis'own sand and gravel equipment, ita g edging equipment for work in tbe harbor and river, and its own asphalt and repair plant...
...The Socialist does not object to honesty and efficiency: Indeed, he requires them to government...
...In Its pledges it was vague...
...ful} heating value instead of coke oven gas introduced at higher rates...
...Shoe Strikers Refuse To Call Off Strike (By a New Leaser Crrntpninl) boston—The United Shoe Workers in Boston and Chelsea have voted unanimously to refuse to call off the strike...
...The Iroquois Oas corporation raised Its rates from SO cents to 66 cents and now wants S3 tor the that thousand cubic feet...
...Wages per month with board vary from $25 in the aanth Atlantic group to S59.3I muss Far Western states...
...Tbe complaint oontslni tha allegation that the prevailing rate of wages for carpenten in the City of New York is KM an hour, and that subway eontrnttors are "employing men supposedly as carpenten at sums averaging about M cents an hour...
...Judge Harry X. Lewis was a fugitive in Europe, leaving it to his brother, Oscar B. Lewis, a Brooklyn lawyer, to decide whether His Honor would have a fair chance of election...
...When municipalisation is at stake, however, the Socialist program must be applied in the state as well as the nation to that dty Socialism may be effective...
...The candidate for Mayor also points out that big savings can be realised through a centralized purchasing agency...
...tbe economic policy of the State as expressed In the Labor Law la involved...
...It bears the earmarks of the fight of the business man, and particularly the middle class In its revolt against big business, for honesty and efficiency In government...
...Meanwhile, the City Club has not shown much activity, while the Cithaos* Union eontents itself with endorsements of candidates and occasional revelations of apaadalt "We have endeavored to sketch an outline of the municipal reform movement la our three largest cities...
...Tha continuous sod' daily political battles of the City CUtb, aad, bagdnning- la 1897 of the Citizens' Union, is then outlined...
...Of reform organisations m New York, it to declared that tha Ctty dob waa formed la 1S93 on tha Cosasafttae of the CHy Reform Crab wMah "saggwati J th* reran alios of s social dub of municipal reformers politics could ha dtocuaaed serioudy...
...The Municipal Research Bureau of the Socialist Party of New York City undertakes to perform its task in the light of these observations...
...Wages are slightly lower than last year in the South Atlantic states, but in other regions the wags level is slightly higher than in 1938...
...Political corruption became the recognised method of procuring these franchises...
...An Interesting comment appeared In the Springfield (Mass...
...No Republican papers welcomed the nomination of La Guardia...
...The Department of Labor is at present under the control of the Roosevelt-Tammany administration...
...Of this the larger burdens fell on the city dwellers, who In 1870, paid S134.7M.108 in taxes as compared with 868,051,288 paid into states and territories and $77,748,115 paid to counties...
...3) Joseph A. De Bragge, Republican leader of Queens, became more hostile to La Guardia, when the latter generously tried to throw his support to Borough President Harvey: and (3) the Citizens' Union denied its support in a telegram from its president William Jay Schieff?lin published in the Evening World of August 3: "La Guardia not qualified...
...The opinion, unfortunately, is not in point...
...Carpenters Are BebwJTed The Carpenters' obtained scant comfort from the Labor Department...
...The occasional support of some big business men only helps to keep the reform movement even more conservative, more respectable, more stultified than it would otherwise be...
...He win 5opy aad return promptly an material >ent to him at lag aawt loth street...
...Taxes and debts rise, and hankan and other wealthy capitalists take advantage of the city's need for public utilities and public improvements...
...Text a* Perkins' Ptatfarss Tbe test of his platform in part follows: He stands for the initiative, the recall and a real operative referendum...
...Wis., Oastonia...
...Seat of the planks are so progressive that they are quad-La Guardian...
...He stands for better street railway service, cheaper telephone service, cheaper telephone service, lower natural gas rates and...
...They had no objections to honesty and efficiency but they surmised that tbe total outcome of municipal reform would be that the "best dtisens' and their new, highly recommended officials would only exploit the wage-earners more honestly and efficiently than before...
...Harbord delivered a personal attack on Mayor Walker, matching Jimmy's gaiety with frivolity of his own...
...In fact, the stock objections of reformers to socialisation an that it will tempt the honest and that tt cannot be done with efficiency...
...The slogans of honesty and efficiency left the great masses of tbe city population, the workers, cold...
...It has In general been the expression in dty pontics of the revolt of one section of the dtisens, the middle class, against another, the Mg business interests . It has nothing to do directly with the worsen...
...And * rsr^ * made thai complaints nave been made to public officials about the general disregard of the Labor Law but no improvement was secured as a result of such complaints...
...The history of municipal pontics in other parts of the country would present essentially the same development, in the period following the Civil War we find the cities growing very rapidly and the politicians making a business of exploiting tbe population...
...You, threw the complaint back to tbe city officials at once...
...iwii^by d» sodaBat Party IS *a swrvey easJOed *fla Bad of Montdpal Reform" issued tins of the New York party orgenltatton The server It one of s series whloh is to serve party speakers and utmpalgntig far Herman Thomas, Socialist raniBrlale for mayor, aad tha SoaiaaSt ticket- Tha survey is effaced as a oomze-ehandve state meat of the eSftm antes, bateeeu municipal reform and municipal Socialism As such It win be circulated widely, it la planned, and used extensively by Bodahst campaigners in other dtiea this fan . Copies may be obtained from the bureau, 7 Best 15 Street, at IS cents per oopy...
...Be is against the International Street railway paying taxes on $11,000,000 assessed value and allowing it 33,000,000 for rate-making purposes...
...State Body Passes Complight to City Administraton, Which Is Invelved A that the entire nl nil nil of the labor law on nBsty ,ii •¦¦*rar*1iis ,JB New York City bias awoken down and that subway cootractore ssntuTlj are violating tha labor law Ay hiring oarpen tors at bah* the pmaiimg rata of pay provided by tt abuts, has been filed with State Industrial fliawiilailnsirr Frances Perkins...
...Farm Hands Seek Jobs WASHINGTON (TP)—Farm labor is plentiful this year in practically an parts of the country, says a report by the U. 8. Department of Agriculture...
...Tammany, in the ataaHtkna...
...There are millions of cubic of gas available with lull heating Tame...
...This is a serious situation...
...Socialism- to the city is but an application of the Socialist program to the municipality...
...In 1830, as industry took a definite spurt, the population of the nation began to concentrate to the cities...
...Then an, to be sun some counter-tendencies...
...A stream cannot rise above ita source...
...The least that a responsible public official should do about a novel situation is to study it carefully...
...The Democratic papers saw the Mayor certain of election...
...Especially is this true In each cities as New York, when the Democrats an in power .and where reform appearing as a fusion or citiaen's movement, can only redound to the benefit of the Republican Party, which takes can of big business nationally...
...He offered the nomination in all seriousness to Arthur S. Somen, for twenty-eight years President of "Boss" MCOooeys Madison Club in Brooklyn...
...Your Department cannot divide that responsibility with anybody...
...When municipal reform leaves off, municipalisation for the benefit of the great masses of the dty, tbe wage-earners, takes up tbe work of reconstruction...
...Urges Bee—aMeratioB "The Industrial Commissioner under Section 31 of the Labor Law, is charged with the enforcement of all the provisions of the Labor Law, and when a serious allegation is made as in the complaint submitted by my clients, it should not be taken lightly...
...Though tt may pass on most of this burden to the workers as employees, tenants and consumers, It is still aggrieved enough to form the back-hone of the municipal reform movement...
...After recounting the political campaigns to .the pressed the survey goes on: "Hylan was elected in 1817 aad Walker in 1035...
...Republicans, Fuatontots or Independents must be exposed...
...If not as agitators...
...He stands for a municipal ooocrete and asphalt paring plant, to reduce paving coats, tbe same as 100 larger cities...
...It may with truth be said, that the municipal reform movement was tbe counterpart in dty politics of tha struggle of small business against big btamett la national politics...
...Tbe burdens on the moderately-rich dwellers wen increased by the development of the practice by municipalities of borrowing to meet their huge expenditures...
...An evaluation of the National Municipal League's program Indicates the shortcomings of the reform movement...
...Tbe development in the dtiea of public utilities Increased opportunities of big business and brought tbe fight for franchises...
...Under the auspices of the local mold en' union, with tbe cooperation of the St...
...Be is opposed to the asphalt paring trust, winch baa done t33.000.000 worth of work for the dty with practically no competition and even now is still in control...
...They thought him "unstable.'* Some even intimated that Walker was tbe leaser of two evils...
...It accepts, yes, demands, honesty and efficiency but it puts these virtues to work for the mast of the dty population...
...A half a century later, the municipal reform movement was In swing...
...Somert graciously declined the honor...
...Taxes have risen without commensurate services to most taxpayers...
...i On recreation lor the "city's poor" it 1 asked for more parks and playgrounds and tha restoration of the Casino in Central Park to the people—a great humane measure...
...Perkins' own term*— the eeertractors* ring, the purchase of Beaew Island, the Standard Oil inter - eats, the power monopoly and similar ¦maps...
...The "keynoter" was Emory R Buckner, former United States Attorney...
...Ha favors cheaper electric light rates for our streets and public buildings, now costing over 11,000.000 a year—mere than mag other ctty in the United States, per casts* and per square mile, with Niagara power at our very door...
...The municipal reformers have been content with very little, because thenneeds have required no transformation of the economic and social structure of the dty...
...Buckner salted for "nonpartisan fusion" and from his personal experience as special counsel In the Queens sewer scandal investigation, be declared "that Jlmmie the Jester was out of sympathy with the investigation" and In fact hampered it in specific ways cited by Buckner...
...Later they became radical aad called for efficiency...
...On relief for the propertied classes it promised a reorganisation of taxation and stamping out corruption "in reality...
...A leading reformer, Professor Thomas Harrison Reed, Director of the Bureau of Government, University of Michigan, hss summed up the situation frankly, when in writing of the municipal reform organisations he stated: These specific objectives (the political reforms described above) have an been largely achieved . . . Their work (the reform organizations') largely accomplished, they have declined in numbers, activity and significance.' ('Municipal Government to tbe United States' p. 104...
...After tracing the rise of the electric supply industry, the survey continues: "The operation of tbe private electric systems required franchises aad that meant the inevitable grafting, the cheating of the city's taxpayers of tbe revenue that might b derived from the fair sale of franchises, and the obtaining of a legal straagle-bold upon the users of electricity, who in those days, even more than now, wen the proprietary claaaea "The small business men tried to resist the big corporation...
...Tbe spirit of the striken remains undaunted as shown by the strike vote, but relief is urgently needed...
...I fed that unless the Department assumes tbe responsibility and goes into the situation, that fading, dangerous to our form of Government, will be fortified In public mind.'* Mr...
...I respectfully suggest that you obtain a proper legal opinion from the Attorney General, who is your legal adviser under the Law, and I respectfully suggest that you Justify the trust that the working people have in your Department, by ordering immediately an impartial, fair and full Investigation of the allegations that the Labor Law has broken down...
...The livelihood and the welfare of tens of thousands of wsge earners depends upon the enforcement of the law...
...had taken a Mat and begun to pose itself as being 'reformed.' •AT Smith and the Citterns Commitiee of S83 who offered Walker the nomination recently, are a natural product of this camouflaging...
...Ferkine nets meet of the eswses ha baa mm email during bto years of pubhc life...
...You refer In your letter to the opinion or the Attorney General dated June 28th, 1927 as the authority for your action...
...He made no pretense at any social program such as he mouthed in other election campaigns in order to win over the wage-earners, whose votes he needed In his Congressional district...
...N. C, sad Bizabethton, Tenn...
...And I can my to yew new that I'll appreciate year work, too etoetton cagtstm, aad Pa see to it that yawn be reeagaiaed . . . Captains, back to yaw districts and set the Jew...
...Perkins favors this system so that every citiaen may have light and heat In his home at cost...
...The Law charges you with a responsibility...
...La Guardian's First Speech Promises Loot of Victory, If Any, To G. O.P...
...On receipt of the letter from Corcoran, Frederick L. Haekenberg...
...In the nation the outcome was an tl-railroad, anti-trust aad civil service reform legislation, la tbe dty tha result was anti-pubhc utility, anti-privilege and political reform measures...
...Tbe municipal gas wells are a success...
...The National Puel Oas company distributed a stock dividend of 10 per cent, giving one additional share for each one held, with a corporate surplus of 117 - 000,000...
...The prevailing feeling among the wage earners and a good many citizens of the State Is that no one can touch privileged Individuals who have a whispering acquaintance at the headquarters...
...La Guardia struck the note to reform which win characterise the Republican campaign: "The reason we are going to win Is that there are more people in this dty who want good government than there are who want what we have . . . Bvety graftpayer and every taxpayer is waiting for us to bring them relief...
...Republican: "Tbe best mind aad tha finest character in the New York mayoralty contest are to be found to Norman Thsmai, who has na chance of election...
...Heelers Republicans Accept Congressman As Willing Sacrifice _He Appeals to Leaders to "Doublecross" Tammany -T-tORN between the desire to save its X bast political timber from the contfcgretion with which Tammany Ban Is hound to bum up the Republican Party Is the earning New York mayoralty election and tbe mrssdty of saving as many remnants of tha organisation as possible for next year's gubernatorial campaign, tha Republican Party solved its leiMint by casting Oeniessiiiin La ?uardla into the flames...
...To it an sometimes added some elements of the wealthy classes which gain their profits from enterprises that have no dependence upon municipal politics...
...hundreds of thousands of dollars of the taxpayers' money is at stake...
...A complete, municipal telephone service for all dty departments is also urged to avoid the excessive charges of the local telephone corporation...
...By and large, however, reform is the demand of the middle class...
...Municipalization, socialization, then, was out of the question...
...Alan Fox read the platform...
...Nowhere Te Ge" "The municipal reform movement win come to an end, because it has nowhere to go...
...In his speech he seemed to urge tbe Republicans, notoriously the Jackals to the Tammany tiger, to double-cross Tammany Ban: "I knew that wHhawt the real week •Mate can whs...
...At last report the Judge was tost somewhere* on an automobile trip in the vicinity of Muenehen, Germany...
...Some contractors are paying TO cents an bom...
...Do not the Standard Oil interests dominate the Iroquois company through the United Oas company and tbe national Puel Oas company, which owns all gas distribution in Buffalo at present...
...Of "course the court has not yet confirmed the master's report and If it Is confirmed tt win be appealed...
...Big Badness" The survey ascribes the growth of the cities to the development of large-scale industrial enterprises...
...Perkins declares that because of the favor shewn to the private gas crowd by the Public Service Commission the city must drill for more gas...
...At first they demanded honesty...
...Scandals graced almost every munlcipaHty, sad acandtlt brought forth reformers...
...lower Batumi gas aad electricity rates—these an some- of tbe boom for which Council President Rank C. Perkirn, Socialist, wffl wield bis paver if be is elected Mayor of Baflslo...
...Tha current bulletin of the Municipal Research Bureau of the Socialist Party thus opens ita account of La Ouardia's nomination, and then continues: La Ouardta was the only one foolhardy enough to contend openly for the Republican nomination, which he finally won at the unofficial party convention held in Mecca Temple on the evening of August 1st The latter was even willing to carry his claims into the primaries on September IT...
...La Goardla's TroaMes Begia Instead of having the doubtful ones rally to his support, now that he was nominated and received the lip-loyalty of the Republican leaders, La Guardia has had to contend with three set-backs: j (1) Hylan, who had suggested his own retirement from the mayoralty race when he was pining for the Republican endorsement, suddenly decided despite La Guardia'a evident efforts to p'ease Hylan, that La Guardia was a hopeless and undesirable candidate...
...If La Guardia can abow up Walker and Thomas can show up La Guardia with sufficient vividness and thoroughness, tbe election results may be mixed...
...He advocate* abolition of the smoke nuisance and breaking op of the contractors' ring widen has the city in its grip...
...It took months to prepare the voluminous complaint presented to you...
...The middle class, being tbe bulk of taxpayers, is most conscious of the burden Imposed on the city by tbe politicians and big business interests...
...The situation is novel, economic and disturbing...
...Those municipal reformers who an beginning to eea otherwise—and there are some—will eventually leave their brethren and come into the socialist fold as experts...

Vol. 9 • August 1929 • No. 1

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