Victor L. Berger, Pioneer—1860-1929 Socialist Leader Dies In Milwaukee Death Ends Brave Fight Against Injuries Sustained in Trolley Accident (By a New leader Correspondent) MILWAUKEE. —...

...Pledgee jEfln $400 have already been re*W Jersey Socialists wfil hold sat Sbt* picnic on Stptember 14, at Eg...
...Tbi ¦ibmliii kst, containing the names d those who contributed since the last Id m printed in the New Leader, does sat contain the names of those whose SBdnhtoksn came in the last few days...
...Bndost it "•mtslri the names of many See pledged a one-day wage, unless toy tpadned what the amount will be...
...six representatives of btg corporations...
...5.00 J"*3MS) Louis Zorko...
...5.00 ptonst W. Thomas...
...Xgs defease must be financed...
...The Uinta being prepared at the national ^ Fwvjga Language Creeps fasten knguage federations are eontotor the drive among their memha W. N. Retro, secretary of the nana gnkeatkav and Charles PogareH tf the Jugoslav federation,^ have sfhnud special appeal to their mempjt sal the first returns have been gal assign language branches, a Chisago... was said...
...1000.00 gk Beka B. Oilman...
...Senior in FHtsbargh Pittsburgh win hold a dinner, the exact date to be determined as soon as an itinerary can be arranged fur Senior, who wffl be the guest at about a doeen dinners that will be held in the stronger Socialist centers...
...Re Is man...
...Camradeto> don was also the victim of s stret sa, cident, having been struck by an aaaa> bile...
...Ljm psenics are being arranged In -spaa aWi**** the proceeds of which - b> the drive... the New Leader goes to press, to round out the first* week of the thirty day drive, approximately S8.500 have been subscribed to the fund...
...vjf» an really collecting from fliii isaaj...
...10.00 g*a Levin...
...Says the report: "If old age pensions are here being advocated, not on their own merits but rather as a step toward compulsory Insurance, then the true objective ought to be avowed and all the difficulties, dangers and disadvantages both of that objective and of the proposed course of approach ought to be frankly faced...
...200.00 .£"¦«• Warren...
...Elsa Bergsr Kdalman and Mrs...
...1.00 Louis Morg ens tern...
...In a very real sense it does rest right there, Labor Leaders Quit The Civic Federation Pensions Committee New Leader Criticism Strikes Home - Easley Admits He Can't Speak For Labor By Louis Stanley rriHE fight that the New Leader opened x against the National Civic Federation's anti-social policy on old age pensions, committing as this policy did the officials of organised labor who were members of the N. C. P., has forced the National Civic Federation to beat a strategic retreat...
...Think on this situation alone: American industry has been kept at high speed for years mainly because of exports to markets in "less advanced" countries...
...Comrade Berger leaves behtnl ag rich heritage of thousands of mecsst women to wham he has given the sat* idealism of the Socialist meesmaul N. Y. Memorial For Berger To Be on Wednesday Hew York Socialist* wB pay tribute to victor L. Berger at a pubtte sseatsng as Wednesday evening...
...Anyway 12* young Plan is frankly baaed oa djK dilations that the former Allies mast least get from Germany what the ' pay the United States...
...100.00 Mr...
...11, Bridgeport, Ohio...
...Late Tuesday, Comrade Berger suffered a relapse, but on Wednesday doctors were again hopeful of recovery...
...The new report abandons the innuendos and ambiguities of former, pronouncements and states unequivocally that "we strongly disapprove of 'State Old Age Pensions'.'* TBe reasons assigned for this conclusion are examples of the trickiest use of logic...
...If the brokerage hoots,, be used failed aad in failing isnalspn itself not far from being a bucket" shop, that was Just the bishop's hart" luck- That aay one should find sap- - thing wrong la tha bishop's way *4tJ doing huiliisaa proved that he usvj a wicked wet, maybe aa ally of A|~J Smith, or something or other...
...more and more local governments will be administered by Socialists...
...Marx Lewis, Secretary of Hew York Socialist Party and for six years secretary to Representative Berger during his service in Congress, said: "The Socialist movement net only lost Its most distinguished aad devoted leader, and a pioneer who for almost a ban* century never wavered hi his espousal of a social system in which all men win enjoy the fruits of then- taker, bet the nation lost one of the most courageous defenders of Ms iisnslltetional aad chrfl liberties...
...Mn- 6- V- Kenniaon...
...Baphlrstein .............., 5.00 Sidney Solloway...
...His untimely death leaves a vacancy in our ranks which win be difficult, if not impossible, to fill, and a deep feeling of grief and sorrow among his comrades...
...The success of old age pensions that led to the extension of relief through Insurance systems is turned into an argument to prove that old age pensions had failed...
...1.00 ifbljkle, Perm...
...5.00 P. M. Williams...
...Mayor Daniel W. Bonn, of Egggaa who will be In New York atZLgsg • meeting of the national exe-sha eaanUttee at that time, is ex-apg h> deliver the principal address...
...Another picnic wiU be held in Reading on Labor Day, and the proceeds of that picnic win go to the drive...
...50.00 Jugo-Slav Branch No...
...Day meeting in New York, the Los Angeles vote, the return of the Polish federation and creation of the Czech federation, New York's Municipal Research Bureau, the number of new organizers: all these are straws in the rising wind that even those who are firmly rooted in pessimism may see...
...2,013.30 ' Grand Total .........$6,813.77 Labor's Dividends Ernest Barber, 2...
...Berger's illness has not materially affected his comfort," his physicians said...
...New Tun CSty...
...Milwaukee Mowns The news of Berger's death spread like wildfire through the city which his life work for Socialism had mads famous the world over...
...Julia W. Pennington...
...9.00 Albert Strelff...
...The accomplishments of the N. O. F. bars been the Joint product of the respectable elements among the workers and their "bosses," ran the theory...
...He organised the National Civic Federation in order to conciliate labor and capital aad It is this promise of co-operation that has deluded many labor leaders...
...1.00 yagssrsskt...
...The report dees not state that the friends of labor are advocating noncontributory old age pensions at present as an immediate measure, as the minimum amount of Justice due the veterans of industry, and as the only practical plan under present conditions...
...Information that a tsketriptkm lists are being circuhk) sod pledges gathered are received sfcto drive hssdquarters from Individ¦ imhlliai far the communities that tokdog canvassed, but definite reports Ma party officials frequently come ftohto...
...The EagA ,expect not to repudiate their adS ' agreement with the United Statesw r the Labor Party aad most other DP gliah regard it aa a very bad egrasy' ment and they are not happy aboutthe Young Plan which reduces ttfll further what they expect from Germany...
...About 10 feet south of the north crosswalk ths ear struck Mr...
...Socialists in those cities responded to his appeal for financial assistance...
...In Oregon the death rate to 47 per thousand...
...Rents and Rights The New York State Eq :."i:scik**t Board reports an increase in taxtiit values in the state for more than twebiilion dollars...
...L>aad owners always take all the trsf- ' fic will bear aad rents an fixed by* the marginal advantage of one piece...
...a former student of the University of Virginia, collapsed of starvation en Broadway...
...and finally Skat the need of the workers for fSsss consciousness and culture of Bar own...
...Do not pass the buck—act as if the entire responsibility for the Party rested upon your shoulders...
...5.00 Leon Akin...
...9.00 Geo...
...5.00 Tja Xrobel...
...500.00 gT Baoul Mulis...
...What else win bring us out of the present era of industrial feudalism ? What else can solve the "trust problem...
...Though Use car was not moving fastly...
...Ipninur appeal to an branch secretin to report their doing has just been tost by Barman Thomas, chairman of IS drhe committee...
...Bnelman, who arrived ia Milwaukee si noon July St, after journeying from Burope to reach her father's bedaids, made a complete study of the history of her father's Illness...
...1.00 mm Ornppo...
...Massachusetts ---- 2.00 Mr...
...Then to no mon lead* Pressure of population aad competition for desirable sites have simply increased the toll that private landowners can take...
...If sad when the Young Plan is finally adeeto ed by the European nations and tha French debt agreement is ratified bjt our Congress, we shall not have Vsd the end of our troubles...
...10.00 fana Orr...
...W. R. ¦ssc...
...The His many years of service hi the Congress of the United States was efaaraetertsed by constructive minseiisj tor the amelioration of the miidlllsne of the peer, the helpless, aged and the toners of hand and brain...
...we must pay because, for tramp**.* _ we prefer to live ia New York CttjQ instead of oa some abandoned a*** state farm, or oa Fifth Avenue iStMi than Avenue C. Bishop Canaan, take It from va»-r rious ecclesiastical organizations...
...Socialists to Pitts^la...
...throwing hte to the pavement...
...THE RESPONSIBILITY IS YOURS Of vital importance are all items in the appeal: we must have a powerful Young Peoples Socialist League...
...15.00 T*r Waiinn...
...W*i a persecuted man...
...2.00 New Eng...
...But he was still unconscious most of the time...
...His name win loom larger as the years reveal the greatness of the man whom the present generation only pearly appreciated...
...More than ever must Ajh&to insist that good government wstksrs with hand and brain in <*fcsUte or nation means the build•'sJ'Sf their own party...
...He has forgotten and win toss them to forget all the things ¦ aad shout renouncing the forever because of Its i Bet a» matter how progressively Bsjer La Guardia talks in or out of jnagrass he can only be elected with la seaport of the working Republics district leaders and he knows It ¦hue nan average worse than Tam¦say leadsri on the principle that a Ifetksl Is worse than a lion...
...It will kill that off too in due time...
...The Socialist Party of New York City feels this loss keenly along with their comrades in America sad throughout the world...
...Tecumeeb Sherman, chairman) sBwhikaemy of pro* gresshn measures: leu aeelttij women, members of the WoraeaV Department...
...10.00 Cella Rotter...
...T*j apeak plainly, this persecution taShj cornea from moral bliaoriasi !¦>'bigotry mrosed to facing ttut*»f-i facts to blind...
...fro a* snecessfnl our drive work 1 st b> organised in a way that win i ant mete in charge to know what is | at dsn* and with what results," anas declares to his appeal...
...1.00 Leverltt H. Sage...
...As this process goes on, more and more American workers win feel the hardships of unemployment...
...She is s practictag phystoton la Boston...
...Norman Thomas, Morris HSuqutt and Tames Oneal wfil Is asnoag the TIMELY Topics By Norman Thomas SI**** On . 5sr a recent issue of the New York agp President William Green nay he is opposed to a labor ia America...
...the stream of productive wealth iit*> private hands...
...3.00 *f*» Pahle...
...Witnesses said be had apparently become confused by a traffic tangle and after dodging several automobiles was struck by an approaching trolley car...
...Louis Waldmen, Chairman of the Socialist Party Committee on Public Affairs, and the Party's candidate tor Governor last year, said: "The news of the sadden death of former Congressman Victor L. Berger of Milwaukee, coming when aB reports seemed to indicate that he was on the road to recovery, makes the sorrow of his friends and comrades se nmeh the greater...
...He nja appeal to Progressives as a pro snsatve...
...Indicative of the imptowaaat*a his mental condition are the asm a*r tamed periods of conscJousnen h> sjjH During these periods of misi Inning li...
...Berger's Soclsbssa, was at the •road evokttienary kind...
...proauee to rata* far the drtTt at the dinner...
...Mjoo Theodore Rome...
...On July 31, the Milwaukee Leader reported Berger's condition continued satisfactory...
...Thus passed another of the mat ty* urea of American Socialism, hams t. Debt and Meyer London have gOs h| a few years previously...
...Morris Hillquit, co-worker with Berger for decades, and International Secretary of the Socialist Party, said: "In the death of Victor L. Berger the Socialist movement loses one of the last of the sturdy race of pioneers who have stood at its cradle, nursed it with love and devotion and identified themselves with it body and soul...
...i.oo * "Bet...
...August Claessens can tell in New York of the young men and women who are carrying the party's banner in aldermanic and assembly wards in this campaign...
...SIGNS OF A TURNING TIDE In the past year and a half he Socialist party has shaken off the pernicious influence of war-time government persecution, nationalist split and communist split...
...He does not nuke Cfftr* unless American Labor is Sag to accept Its present condition Bjj^gesa makes the usual argufp*-- (i) that third party moveEpgs to the United States have Eg sad have not commanded rank Sgh) labor support: (2) that nongataen methods have accomplished E5aa...
...After analysis of charts sad conferences with Dm...
...The need is greater—so is the possibility of success...
...A special comggss has been selected by the Work<abl Osrsto groups to organise for efpkit action in Illinois...
...and the former secretary of the Massachusetts Commission on Old Age Pensions who has gone over completely to the National Civic Federation...
...They have come from territory which for many years have failed to give evidence of any Socialist activity...
...On August 1, the Leader gave this bulletin: tor L. stersare ssasptats iats5Bi» 1 "Though the statement law** ky aj Berger to bettor today.* tame dashS...
...Administration of oxygen prolonged life for another hour...
...300 From One Branch In the organized states, like Illinois, California, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Maryland, Indiana, Wisconsin, New York and others, committees have been organized to canvass the members and to secure pledges to the fund...
...And •a attempt to persuade them that he at the job while standing in with .*«, politicians leads straight to ^¦asgoguery...
...100.00 g*» Crane Gartz...
...the report rests its hope upon existing plans employed by corporations, trade unions and company unions...
...These countries are now building factories and steadily taking care of their own markets...
...5.00 Total ....................$4400.47 Previously acknowledged...
...William J. Van Essen...
...The N. C. F. may yet frankly declare that it is an open shop organization and has always been so...
...50.00 Dr...
...In widely spread localities the lesson of Independent political action has been learned—through bitter experiences with election-time friends and full-time enemies and through Socialist propaganda This activity win increase and our party will have added responsibilities as sponsor of further action in this direction and as a clearing house for existing local labor parties...
...That toll is hke a> numerable rivulets, some of them bigger than rivulets, which drain of...
...Socialist Fund Near $10,000 Aid Being Showered From All Quarters—Senior to Make Tour -gt*-OTJNTING steadily, as Social_L v_l_ ists and Socialist sympathizers throughout the nation rededicate themselves to the task of rebuilding the Socialist movement, contributions to the $50,000 United Socialist Drive approaches the (10,000 goal set by the drive managers for the end of the first week of ths drive...
...His approximately normal temperature of tbe past several days is being maintained," they said...
...We can only show our sorrow by renewed devotion to bis cause aad ours which he-served so long, so gallantly and so wefl...
...10.00 M. Shrodeck...
...What win happen to Matthew Woll remains to be seen...
...222, ^«5»rd...
...Send it immediately to Norman Thomas, at 23 West 16th Street, New York City...
...1.00 f JJketak...
...Osaat wear/ Van Pelt...
...5.00 Charles Kolb...
...He SSjgaeted a Comptroller like Charles X. sfitchell, head of the biggest bank ¦ Ssssiltg and an open shopper...
...end (3) that anyhow EgMB workers are better off than goes avore we warn Mr...
...100.00 Ttohe Muehlemann...
...In so far as this ok...
...tiste secretary, is calling on all -pjnsnve ocianisations and Socialist sorkrrs in Chicago and nearby stoa h> help make the picnic a success, sjssii will go to the drive...
...10.00 3gE »¦ Whitcomb...
...delay tag French esap agrwamant has been ratified gg»* Preaident Hoover has explained as» generoua wa Americans rwsBy sfcf/Maybe...
...50.00 2f*k* V. Pield...
...The sab) an measuring up to our expecana...
...the unions wiU be educated to the value of a Socialist policy and philosophy...
...the necessary thing to do, if we an ever to solve the agricultural problem sr build the City Beautiful, is for society to claim the land values which • it creates...
...5.00 Mrs...
...Cleveland, Philadelphia, Buffalo come to mind as examples of cities where new converts are putting new life into the party and galvanizing the veterans into activity...
...Within twenty-four hours after the accident telegrams and kmc ittstanm telephone calk came from an ewer the country...
...Under the cloak of liberality the National Civic Pederation—Easley win tell you it Is only the opinion of a sub-committee of a committee of a conference of a department of the N. C. F.—Is putting to a fervent plea for the maintenance of existing distress and the dependence of the worker upon his "boss" and charity for care In his old age...
...10.00 ^KJ^Tbobe...
...25.00 Br* tpplch...
...5.00 affSltjse...
...5.00 Dr...
...5.00 Mrs...
...50.00 Miss Margaret Gage...
...5.00 Ms...
...resident physician at the Milwaukee Hospital, reports Berber's condition was alarming...
...And that means that k tto highly improbable event of his Skata the Major will talk about dokf good to the people and the disks* kaders win do them good and Jtoky...
...I him add that bis 1iii|iaia»l I dropped another degree aad that resting man more euieUy tfass snda, I fore...
...Had he been wukng to sseskeato his stews daring the World War he weald have avoided court proseeation, retained his seat hi Congress, aad averted the puiiisllim which abnest wrecked the Milwaukee Dally Leader of which he was editor...
...of land over another...
...On every hand labor papers hail our British comrades and tell the story of their unceasing struggle for power when times were dark —their anal for Socialism when the word was shunned like poison...
...About twe, years ago he made a coungeeas dtrj masd for better conditions at ***s Southera textile industry and what, attacked he stood his ground...
...American workers will take their place among the workers of the world who have chosen between capitalism and Socialism, and they will go forward united in the queet of a better social order...
...With what has already been received, and with a general appeal that is now going out to many individuals who will not be reached in any other way, the 550,000 should be raised, Lewis declared...
...exhibits characteristic skirl i ess t "His general condition rrmflsim A improve slowly...
...It has recovered from the saddening blow of 'Gene Debs death...
...The Gestonia pU £ "At best it looks as if North CaroJtotojs spared the disgrace of furgjfcg the United States with anB*sr Judge Webster Thayer...
...The almshouses should be improved and relief in money and goods should be given the needy by public agencies...
...15.00 toage H. Moles...
...This can be done by aproper system of asaeasment and ts» / atioa...
...No local union in America has been untouched by the lesson of the British victory...
...Speaking at dinners that were arranged by the Socialists at Kansas City and at Denver, Senior called attention to the turning of the tide, the tremendous demonstrations the Socialists have held recently, and the wider Interest in Socialist activity that large number of young people, especially in the colleges and universities, are taken as evidences of the rebuilding of the Socialist organization throughout the nation...
...Uvea S-tS sis former reputation which tor fairness—a reputation entoSesi net umg ago by his decision J* the North Carolina Bus Com*M* must provide decent accommogjfcbs Negroes...
...Socialist state secretary, reports that during the first few days of the drive pledges and contributions in the amount of over $100 have been received as a result of a personal canvass...
...2.00 Mr...
...Carry a pocketful of literature, have application cards handy, sell Socialist papers to those who do not want to join yet, and RIGHT NOW, figure out how much It is worth to you to have the Socialist Party powerful, and dig down for that amount...
...Baring oao of the most trying periods of oar national history by insisting en the preservation of our civil liberties, he faced howling mobs throughout the nation and received a twenty-year prison sentence—In his ease a death sentence— for exercising his rights to free speech and free press...
...10.00 i- bBkr...
...Victor L Berger...
...W pity be hasn't put more of bis ««*••' lata this teak aad less into ttpM business aad bigoted politics Senior In Appeal For $50,000 Drive... which w2m Jtoan win be the speaker...
...20.00 <1» «2...
...I shall penr taget the Republican candiMats for judge who on election day Cms men were as usual, working Tammany told me: "I haven't ncasy enough to keep my men in "she" Whether Major La Guardia will lev* money enough or not remains to to seen...
...500.00 Mary R Sanford...
...5.00 Mr...
...But the results will be better, st km energy wul be wasted, if we aM know what each branch is doing, at tf then are any branches that are a dang their share, advance informs - ha vffl enable us to make other arisawmill to take care of their terribly, kvery party member owes a duty a da party to respond...
...1 A reservation to the effect flay French payments to us wooid ki" contingent upon German peytasstj* to them was defeated by only ehjaf votaa in the French Parliament undoubtedly expressed the comrtefito of the French people...
...Barnhill, by granting to the Wstmiia defendants a change of ¦***» sad by admitting the women **snnnti to reasonable bail...
...9.00 A. I. Shlplacoff...
...9.00 ^H»* Hansen...
...Similarly at the offices of The Milwaukee Leader, of which Berger was founder and editor, and in the trade union offices, as well as in thousands of private homes, the news came as a great shock...
...Met* L Berger-and their two daughters, Dr...
...5.00 Ms...
...2.00 jgJS Kluckow...
...5.00 Wag Knohloch...
...A young Socialist became the most trusted leader of the 30,000 New Bedford mill strikers, and, still in his twenties, polled 12,000 votes for Congress running on the party ticket...
...New Jersey SoJJp, expect to raise S4.000 for the ^Htooto State picnic wul be held JO&MP) on August 25...
...Rushed to the Emergency Hospital, whence he was later removed to the Milwaukee Hospital, It was found that his condition was serious In ths extreme...
...The National Civic Federation has issued a new report entitled "State Old Age Pensions," but has taken pains to explain that "Labor has not participated in its preparation, its attitude being expressed by the position of the American Federation of Labor...
...100.00 4?»*M...
...Letters being received at the drive headquarters, 23 East 16th street, indicate that a canvass of party members is being made In every State, and every member is being asked to pledge at least one day's wage or Income to help place the Socialist movement In a position to take advantage of the opportunities that now offer themselves...
...To our beloved comrade, his wife, we send our sympathy...
...Prom these reports, may be ludgto tki brave fight which Comrade Banjo pa sa for life...
...What else offers any democratic and modern answer to the problems of power control, commercial chains, food mergers, tariff gouges, unemployment, old age insecurity, labor legislation, and the other tangles in the thread of the workers' lives...
...2.00 Jfaker of Frederick Ebert...
...Doris Berger Welles, were at the bedside when the end came...
...Immediately word was flashed to the world, and la a few hours meesagee expressing hope of recovery poured in from hundreds of European and American cities...
...30.00 ¦j^essti 1111111...
...5.00 Mr...
...100.00 B. C. Vladeck...
...State compulsory insurance and old age pensions are out of the question...
...In Oregon, Charles Kolb...
...They were built up step by step—from Impotence to power... against fa aeeds of the workers as consumes tor good housing, cheap electrical Mr taxation, etc...
...Norman Thomas wired from Charlottesville, Virginia, where he is attending the public affairs conference of the University of Virginia: "In Victor Berger's death the party and the country have lost a great leader whom we can Ul spare...
...His sMsimTIih physicians agreed that his Improvement was encouraging and his Mends hoped that he would be able to return to his work in a few weeks...
...3.00 Anton Zornlk...
...he congratulates Epa Labor on its success...
...12.00 J*****- Potter...
...Anyway he has begun W promising the district leaders the abends of victory if they'll work had tor kun...
...We cannot count these young comrades by the thousands yet, but already they run far into the hundreds...
...The problems of the people who produce the wealth of the world must and win be solved...
...Judge MB...
...100.00 jjjman...
...10.00 BBtoa 8. Bang...
...5.d0 "watt, Joseph...
...Coatribauons Beeehred Qsnribations to the United Socialist haw are being tabulated and prepared hr pabHeaUon in all Socialist newspaa* as rapidly as conditions permit...
...And with this encouraging symptom continuing, Mr...
...At meetings held this week in the 23rd A. D. Kings County, and the Coney Island branch pledges and one day wage contributions totalling $300 were made to the fund...
...1.00 leal Atlanta, s. P...
...The New Leader was first to point out that the Expert Committee on Old Age Annuities sf the N. C. F. consisted of five opponents of old age pensions, including ten oaken ot assurance companies who natiBaihr favored private group tdsuranoa...
...Two hundred and five deaths were recorded per thousand births...
...S5.00 Baked 1L Scammon...
...3.oo aaaa James Morgan...
...The spirit of defeatism is vanishing before these signs of a new day...
...50.00 Warren Atkt can...
...50.00 *sadto Marks...
...The Aecident In a statement of the eu teksii, Warner Roef i. the motormen of the street car, said that his ear was prnneedlng slowly along Third street, going south, because were was . another street ear shout two blocks ahead...
...At noon Wednesday, Dr...
...On the contrary, it is in effect proposed that all the underworld, the dead-beats and the shiftless may qualify for a pension by keeping 'off poor relief for one year and keeping out of Jail (though not necessarily leading honest and Industrious lives) for ten years...
...Insult to Aged Workers One would think that the National Civic Federation argued thus because it was in favor of the more advanced measure...
...Death came unexpectedly, physicians reporting slight progress and expressing hopes for recovery...
...Nevertheless g**The Daily Worker headlines HP <* a decent act by the Judge g« "trick to can trial fair, pack Sh t feeds our suspicions that flan Communists are more anxious y.Martjrra in this case than for a 9**1 of justice and the acquittal of Hf ¦Msadanta Fortunately ths lawvS ate fighting a strong and Intelffhk battle for justice and the open BP ¦tapid display of violent prejud»* "gainst them as well as their to GaatonU has so far proved ^J*™* of a boomerang...
...we must get our party machinery in splendid working order for the municipal elections this fall, the congressional elections next year and then—look forward to 1932...
...With two more days to go...
...But tbe plain fact is as*** exactly what moat Americas* kg) objected to has come to peat...
...crease represents additional - laaf values—apart from improvements— • it represents no addition to the socialwealth at all...
...500.00 ¦bayskk Branch, Soc...
...After distinguishing between straight old age pensions and old age insurance the report proceeds to say that an the advantages assigned to old age pensions are really the advantages of old age insurance and that as a matter of fact old age pensions have been abandoned for insurance schemes...
...The m wring was calk* by the Ok* Central Committee of the panto at he meeting on Wednesday night at Has week...
...5.00 M. Garberon...
...His mind is becoming clearer sing... surly about the debt and reparav tiona agreement aad regards Uaste Sam at a kind of Shylock who slear proflts out of the deal...
...50.00 Joseph Lisa...
...10.00 AT...
...His name wffl be Imked in labor aad socaaast battery with (bene of Jean Jaares at France, Augast Bebel and WBhasa Uebkneeht at Germany, Kerr Bardie of England, Eugene V. Debs and Meyer Leaden of the Untied States...
...Clinton Golden writes in Labor Age of the new generation that has taken hold m Los Angeles and revivified the party...
...This sutptr don of us la not Just...
...Continuing the pace that the Socialists have set, the full amount of $10,000 which the managers of the drive declared it would be necessary to raise during the first week if the drive is to be successful will be subscribed by the time the first week ends...
...Young Socialists under the guidance of Norman Thomas have collected more funds for the strikers, through the Emergency Committee, than have the trade unions themselves...
...Sees Tide Turned New Socialist National Secretary Says Need Is Great and Opportunities are Greater—-Cites Signs of Renewed Socialist Party Strength—"The Responsibility is Yours...
...10.00 w. L Krieghoff...
...Unconscious most of the un, he battled for life every minute at a. most a month—in vain...
...2..00 S. Reiseroff...
...i.oo *• Uabrwxkl...
...10.00 if** WaJbtrom...
...In Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia and Florida, Workmen's Circle branches are cooperating with narty locals In arranging dinners and meetings to help sweU the total...
...1.00 * Bsmiiiii...
...In turning to "constructive proposals for the prevention and relief of destitution in old age...
...These things cannot be to) while conservative labor leaders g» oppose open shop employers set contentedly with them in politigjpsrtiea ts Casrdia (fetor* the Race Jo aominatlng Major La Guaxdia fcr Mayor the Republicans of New Isrk have chosen the only man brave Hsuga to take the job and the man past likely to put up a hot fight...
...10.00 Henry PeUer...
...Bam Berger Sdehaan oa July 39th expressed the opinion that her faplsto recovery...
...So shall we build...
...All this is but an underhanded advocacy of the present system...
...provided arrangements can be to have Senior present...
...Green of jBsTajsr 01 hi* last argument...
...Now the proper thing to do...
...we must strengthen our radio...
...The katianation to that old age pensions better be squelched or it will lead to even more progressive steps to protect the worker...
...It is quite true ¦I the danger of another Hay MarWf<esse is not over and that of MP a mere change of venue does ** set things right...
...The raising of the $50,000 fund must be accompanied by work for Socialism AIRWAYS—in the shops, to the factories, in the mines, in union meetings, and among your neighbors...
...Within the National Civic Federation," explains Ralph M Easter, guiding spirit of the N. C. F„ "different groups may carry on their own Investigation without in any way binding an the members or committing other groups and without speaking m the name of that body...
...Our late comrade Victor Berger was so intimately and closely identified with the Socialist movement of this country that it Is impossible to write Ms history without also telling of the long life, activity, devotion and service comrade Berger rendered in abnest every day of his eventful life...
...7.50 M...
...This hi net . true of lead taxation, whatever may be the case in taxation on building...
...1.00 * usautntki...
...These common achievements have been the pride of Ralph M. Easley, they have been the living testimony that labor and capital can work together...
...Britain, Germany, Denmark, France,—we need not envy them strong Socialist parties which govern or participate in government...
...100.00 E. H. Wike...
...In the passing of Mr...
...100.00 SPa C. Oulespie...
...29.72 Herman Wolter...
...3.00 fP*" Wagner...
...James Oneal, Socialist National Committeeman, and editor of The New Leader, said: "Victor L. Berger was a man of boundless energy and oon»plete eeoeeeratSHi Is his Ideals...
...August 14th, la the Debs Auditorium at (be Pangeas* Bouse, 7 Bast 16th street...
...The frank criticisms of recent months have struck home...
...1.00 iweitoki...
...Meta L. Berger and the Milwaukee Socialist Party...
...At 1:15 o'clock, the great Socialist leader breathed his last...
...saaaT not only of dvil liberty but «~s££ mental justice are Involved hi tartrial Uncle Sam Debt Collector After leaf...
...Referring to the qualifications usually required of an applicant for an old age pension, the report goes on to insult those aged workmen who have given their lives to industry: ". . . The project under consideration does not contemplate making a lifetime of honesty and industry a qualification for an old age pension...
...Contributions received so far have ocme from every State...
...So far as is known, this is the first time that Easley has been forced to take such a position...
...They were once weaker than we are now...
...Build a great Socialist party, great in numbers and power...
...Indeed the Major didn't stop tab his appeal to district leaders...
...100.00 Collection at Workmen's Clr...
...100.00 Mike Larena...
...AB states Head Funds With each branch and local at work, fully $25,000 Of the $50,000 sought to be raised ought to be avilable from this source... famous Socialist leader, died Wednesday at the Milwaukee Hospital after a 22-day struggle to recover from injuries sustained in a street car accident on July 16th...
...Requests In from other cities win be taken ts...
...Paul Asaman...
...The Socialist Party, The New Leader and the Daily Forward, Socialist publications, the Workmen's Circle and a number of Trade Unions, sent their condolences to Mrs...
...It' represents aa seV ditlon to the fifty billion dollars art mon which, according to Profastati' Ise of the University of Kmaat "would represent the product of tat 1 labor which has been watted to unproductive speculation aad in penal tic living- on rents...
...Kings Soc...
...THE YOUNG AGE AT WORK Perhaps most hopeful of all is the emergence in the party of a new generation of young men and women, eager for the burdens of the struggle...
...Early Hopes Berger was spending comfortable nights, in the daytime he was toes restless than he had been...
...Of course the Germans accept the Young Plan only became they must...
...The appeal of the message of Socialism to young Americans has never been greater...
...17.25 ¦•a Levine...
...25.00 L. Sugar...
...Comrade Berger was struck by a street car on July 16th while walking from the office of The Milwaukee Leader to his home...
...LogiC^r proves—if it proves anything ^Bat ths American open shop is betCjhp British organisation which a ajsy times as large and powerful m tto American unions in the indus•jilJeht Of course there are special peato* for American wages—given Ypeiirin advantages it is a disgrace BE that wages a. e not higher and ¦ssrlty against old age and unemakraeBt greater...
...Reading, Milwaukee, New Bedford, the sustained enthusiasm and energy of Norman Thomas' and Jim Maurer's campaign, the May...
...A totor bedfellow for a progressive Bo man apart from a party with pssnples is big enough to do the 1* Major La Guardia win want progenuves to think he can do...
...For more than 30 years, Victor Berger has been the commanding figure in the Socialist movement of America, a clear-headed and determinted leader and a courageous fighter, always and uncompromisingly true to the Cause...
...If he escapes, paw other comrade, perhaps no better p ttaa he or she, must assume that j <kuk>Bllaus and pledges, which f an to ssii in several Installments anas to staked to Norman Thomas, ekdrana, tt Bast lSth street...
...50.00 5Ja*er...
...That la to say, tvsrysafj1...
...5.00 ¦. JJfS" D. Sauter...
...5.00 O. A. Bisenberg...
...Tot Bishop Cannon isn't ail sad even If be did hoard food for a p* college of his in the war...
...Courageous, brilliant, his talents always at the service of the lowly and the oppressed, in private Ufa be set a standard of beauty of which Socialists everywhere are proud...
...50.00 gun Warahow...
...R. Buickerood...
...paay the market, to speculate oa m*r*gias "juat like aay other baSaaaTg man...
...Certainly va are no worse than any other nation Nevertheless this elaborate attemptto settle debts aad reparations, m matter how ingeniously it is a in toll out, is aa obstacle to goodwill, sat., therefore to peace and prosperity, to an interdependent world...
...The Wisconsin sssembtr aascsVmously adopted resolutions of sympathy and messages were received from SoekUista by letter and telegrams from away states...
...All of these things that we wish can come into being only one way —through the intensive work of every member...
...9.00 O. J. Wright...
...The first of two large picnics to help the Socialist drive in Pennsylvania will take place at Reading, Fa., on August 25, with Norman Thomas as the principal speaker...
...He admits that the American Federation of Labor, which under the dominance of Vice-President Matthew WoU, Acting President of the National Civic Federation, has been drifting towards a position of opposition to old age pension legislation, is now free to take up Its historic policy in favor of old age pensions...
...The Socialist administration of Milwaukee, a monument to Berger's work, was plunged into grief... use this Christian btoaoa'fcj mm defense...
...The reana to -far k very encouraging...
...Comrade Berger was 69...
...It threw him to the ground with a heavy Impact...
...plain fact is that American later tactics are only good enough if ¦sift always to have a labor movepest without culture or ideals of its pat, IStiative of the middle class in aasgnt and action, content to rest g( gteager economic power on tight sjsft organization in certain trades est it* political power on rather dutote bargaining with old party pollg labor In earnest were to try to pgtsise ths unorganized it would topi op first against the necessity of fisting against injunctions and for Srityfor the workers...
...The patient was barely alive, he said...
...The totorf amount of lead to not Increased W the energy of the private landowner...
...The Socialist party must prepare for this time...
...5.00 J. T. Morrow...
...They had spent the night with him...
...It particularly advocates the extension of the private Industrial pensions now used by big employers...
...At noon Wednesday, however, it was apparent that the end was near...
...imperialism must and will yield to aggressive treatment...
...At the I...
...3.00 ¦1ST • •roomail...
...10.00 5™5*3-22 A.D...
...Marx Lewis, director of the drive, reports that the contributions that have come in so far are mainly from individuals, who have -responded without waiting for a general appeal to be made...
...Comrades of Berger Pav Warm Tributes To His Life Work Hillquit, Thomas and Others Praise Life of Deceased Leader—Meeting In New York THE death of Victor L. Berger, National Chairman of the Socialist Party, and one of the pioneers of Socialism In the United States, came as a heavy blow to the New York Socialists...
...The raising of our $50,000 fund is our guarantee to comrades here and in other lands, to ourselves, to the unbelieving world—and to the doubters who will Join us as soon as we show what we are made of...
...Young Socialists are in the forefront of the great textile battles of the South...
...10.90 jP," Hlggins...
...Inflowing cities have decided on Jjfn at the best means of raising pafitorme drive: fnrgh, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Buffalo, Palls, and Detroit...
...His article Is reaf2*t Is tone...
...Now he departs from the fundamental tenet of the N. C. F. On the vital question of old age pensions he confesses that labor and capital are at swords' points...
...30.00 ¦jar McLevy...
...5.00 C. M. Campbell...
...Be con*rtbutod to the sregreaarw thought of ear country aad helped fashion the history at Wkconstn, and in a measure, of the Putted States...
...Make it a one-day wage if you can...
...Jobless for weeks he had been without feed for three days...
...Death was due to a skull fracture, chest injuries and other Internal injuries, which, because of the serious condition of the patient, could not be exactly determined...
...But Egka doss not need to follow the Cab saaaeple...
...Pa»erten TJnsassk The report on "State Old Age Pensions" was prepared by the Committee en Prevention and Relief of Destitution in Old Age set op last year by the Conference committee on Old Age Pensions of the Federation's Industrial Welfare Department...
...7.00 ^tothooy Novak...
...Berger, the Socialist Party aad labor movement, have lost a great leader...
...And this work must be made possible by a general headquarters staff, unhampered by debts and poverty...
...It Is expected that 4,000 will be present to open the county campaign...
...the H*fLa"st be made to understand aSr**0*"- AH these defendants are •eater aa tha theory 1^af^f-^M apstchat Osey are rea-poasJMa astafP daath of tha Oaatonia cftSkf af gT oca who waa baled By a aft** tog a raid asralaat tha eans?if9 striken who had ptanty of ^>ttgT of police InJnatli e find moh YitBasnv* The State's lawyvn an an igaTj with mill owning Internets...
...7 Since the landlord takes all he csaget anyhow, if land is property at> ¦ seeped without favoritism, taxes as * land cam be increased up to 100 par ., -ent of their rental value without tt(refuting rents to the tenaatg...
...Wiser for knowing of the failures of the past, they are undismayed because of them Socialism is a new movement, a new gospel...
...15.00 Richard jA... was ail right tar...
...In all sections of the country those who are unimpressed with the complacency of the preachers, the enforced cowardice of teachers,and the ruthlessness of the masters of men's lives are seeking a place in the ranks of the Socialists...
...Not at all...
...10.00 K xbttrup...
...1.00 J-Bk-wikowskl...
...10.00 ftonbtte a. Hallowell...
...Approximately 700 branches and locals throughout the nation are at work on subscription lists and pledge cards, and reports as to the results of their efforts will not be available for another week...
...A J. Patek, Lucius Htpke aad O. n» talis, who have been in charge since Berger waa struck down, she agreed with their findings and subscribed to their belief that her father had made a phenomenal fight...
...No one who has had the privilege of working with him and knowing him intimately will ever forget the greatness of the man hi al things, both great and small.'* August Claessens, former Socialist Assemblyman, said: "The death of Congressman Victor Berger removes from our ranks one of oar greatest pioneers of the Socialist Party of America...
...It faces the future, wiser, more mature, more virile...
...The spirit of such remarks does more to show the kind of friendship that the National Civic Federation ha* for the wage-earner than dozens of research reports with their pretense at Impartiality...
...This can mean nothing else than that the National Civic Federation is beginning to fail in its object of weaning labor leaders away from the workers...
...Leading the drive workers, Clarence Senior, newly-elected national secretary of the Socialist "party, carried the Socialist message into Colorado and Missouri...
...Information, devoted to the Labor aad Socialist movemeat, aad his death ts an irreparable toss to the nation...
...Thanks to his vigorous coastitutton Berber slowly hnprOVod...
...The prospects of raising a fund sufficiently large to enable the national office to plant organizers in their territory are spurring the SociaUsts in those sections on to help swell the fund and reach the goal...
...Comrade Berger had a premonition of his approaching death and on Tuesday told his wife and devoted comrade of many years that he believed his end was near...
...By CLARENCE O. SENIOR National Executive Secretary of The Socialist Party THE challenge to all of us Socialists is more urgent today than it has been for several years...
...AU witnesses agreed that the car was not running more than from eight to !M> S bubv ger, Sr...
...Work at City Hall earn* to a standstill whan the news was received...
...I. D. municipal eoefereace then was even among rascals the notion than Increases to'taxes on land in the cities would be paaaed oa to the renter...
...1.00 k^"i**T Pederation Br...
...It will be thoroughly routed by the results of the present national drive...
...Tbe .new committee very discreetly ekes noV contain any insurance 11 ii neuflj i sin ssaTil si his bat is made up of Mrs< BsaaSey, easjrntan Of the Industrial Doterf KltU-'-P...
...2.00 W. E. Payne...
...nay more, we who loved him have lost a loyal, genial, whole-souled friend...
...10.00 T\< Uwb...
...His improvement is slow hat anal they add, an dthoogh tt wU at time before he has fully aaasM 9 outcome Is apparently no longer h etaa ; The danger of an infection nasaus*' djmhdshai each day," And en August J, the paper ant'm "Victor L. Berger continues to haat In...
...i.oo wlsaask...
...Patrolman Morris Hutchinson, who was riding in front of ths car which ran down Berger, just behind the motorman, testified that he saw Berger when the car was four feet from him, He remarked to the motorman: "You are going to hit that man," he said The motorman testified that he did not see Berger until his car was almost upon him, that he did sound his gong and that he did not know from which direction Berger had come...
...Jewish Socialist Verband pantos and Workmen's Circle branches aaesspsauaig to raise the quota expgoj Bust Illinois...
...The intense heat Milwaukee has suffered most of the time* since Mr...
...The - tax merely meant the substitution of society in whole or in part far pa» J vate owners aa the recipient of what...
...Berger rested easily...
...2.00 sk* Beflta K. Gray...
...Dunmore, a working class suburb of Scranton, the anthracite center, holds the Pennsylvania record for the highest number of deaths of babies under one year...
...we must have an inspiring Socialist press...

Vol. 9 • August 1929 • No. 1

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