What You Can Do to Inerease The New Leader's Circulation T° The NewUmder? ^ftm^Jp&E^^p^* • ¦ dassw^AiO^NWS^b^^sV' durf J^M^mtt^^^• Among them are a big maptiky of subscriber* mkm have boon...

...Capitalism there has raised a Frankenstein that threatens to devour it...
...The foreman, splits the fee with the agency...
...Nor is that all Theresa and her crew, many of them clad in fine furs, stood at subway and L stations In foul weather and fair hs Tiding out leaflets...
...1 mean the program...
...Reward of 110.000 for Each Dead Bandit, to,000 for Live Ones, Still Stands...
...He demanded my name, address, etc., and ordered two privates to take us out...
...We are not sectarian dogmatists...
...Whatever the name of the Socialist movement may eventually become you may rest assured that its' enemies wBl not cease to call it names...
...That conflict In the South between workers and owners is all theory, not fact...
...The only bad speech was no speech...
...Thit issue alto carries tome additional news of the Socialist vote...
...I never went to Jail for that crime anyhow...
...As for smashing the trade unions, this is a counsel of despair...
...Visiting An Army Camp So hall beat were we to bring heaven on earth that on one day we loaded an auto high with 60,000 leaflets on Sortsllsm and off we drove to Camp Upton ta Long Island...
...a^aaaCH 9ff Ksss^BsBeaaa...
...Those of us who continued coming did so in spite of the above mentioned fact...
...It would be unthinkable if we had a fighting group of men in congress and a similar group in each legislature pledged to the interests of the vvorkingroep and women of this country...
...We submit that the movement that is capable of ruling with clubs and castor oil is capable of reaching its dirty and.bjkxxl-stained hands into the affairs of otrksr nations...
...That done, on our way out as we were spied by the boys they cheered the 'suffragettes' aad 'ate' up all we had—or pretty nearly...
...We urge you to make it your solemn duty to, accompany your subscription with one or more subscriptions obtained from your friends...
...The Polities of City Capitalism THE supremacy of capitalist property, was accrjmplished by the Civil War and'the bayonet rule of the South which continued to 1876...
...We therefore, ask you to do something more than to send in your own renewal...
...Investigate this thing...
...Organized labor is an outcast in the temple of the law...
...In England and ou the Continent such convictions do not occur...
...There it no doubt that the Socialist Party it on the up grade in this country...
...For goad or ill, whether we will or no, we are bound up together in this world, and can only achieve our waU-bemg together.—Prof, G. D. Herron...
...The United States Senate owes a solemn duty to...
...The trial had to be abandoned and loesch retired to private rife...
...Suppose the trade unions decide to abandon their futile nonpartisan political policy...
...So ended the episode...
...Witnesses against police officials accused of the murder were terrorized by threats of death...
...A woman witness fainted from fear...
...A story in the New York World declares that he encountered opposition from the police, political powers and courts...
...The New Leader is the leading Socialist weekly in thit country...
...There it no more powerful argument than an actual demonstration of success...
...U ww Mnrst-^ito stad «%hty fears a^b* w^es-verthis cjsjs gains t>e^tepftr hansj*it rfhoirfs Tpafsoail worth arte exdnsnge...
...He added that "Critics of Fascismo arc tools of Bolshevistic propaganda...
...All such please communicate with Henry J. Rosner, Municipal Research Bureau of the Socialist, Party, 7 East 15th Street, New York...
...Many thousands voted for Socialist candidates in November who do not see The New Leader...
...For example, when Theresa said —and she was a whale of a worker—"Esther, you will go to the Labor Temde and make a speech,'* my knees bent and X feebly protested—"Theresa, I can't make a speech...
...ftm^Jp&E^^p^* • ¦ dassw^AiO^NWS^b^^sV' durf J^M^mtt^^^• Among them are a big maptiky of subscriber* mkm have boon receim ing Tha New Leader tinea its first issue...
...It now seems at hand...
...How can any workingman or woman become an accomplice of that crowd...
...For the first time since the Armistice the strutting militarists retired from the stage while the whole nation listened to the peace message of the representative of the British Socialist movement...
...A new social order is taking shape even la the midst of the stress and peril of the Pans The revolution ia fundamental for it touches the springs of action In the great mass of the common people.—Arthur Henderson, M.P...
...and where free speech is stopped, miasma is bred and death comes fast—Henry Ward Beecber...
...In the April primary in one ward election judges were kidnapped, watchers were slugged and a Negro was murdered...
...The contempt into which the State is falling is due to the contrast between the political form of democracy and the economic reality of oligarchy...
...I am quits certain that among the readers of The New Leader there are many who have suffered aa* a result of this sort of thing, or some other vicious practice of these commercial agencies...
...A. New Opportunity The years hare passed, aad they've been bleak...
...It is sufficient to know that the gold mine at the end of the rainbow vanished...
...The latter are notorious far their abuses...
...This is still subject to discussion...
...Hoover, in a panic, called the big chiefs of industry to Washington to stabilize the rocking structure of capitalist production and exchange...
...Added to this is the need for social affairs that will provide entertainment for the members and their families and then assigning members to workw^iich each may be fitted to do...
...Whatever may be the cause, it it certain that forces are at work which make the message of the Socialist movement more receptive"for the matset...
...Well, you can teU it to them...
...Hanen fist Tasssssstves In the Socialist Suffrage Committee our women found themselves...
...Isn't the*, good enough...
...Thousands of new subscription* can be obtained in this new period of change and anxiety...
...e Market quotation from the New York World...
...About the time that he made it his chief told his toots fa the Italian Chamber that they are not permitted to criticize government policies...
...It is your paper and we depend on you...
...It is being done by some friend...
...Tlieir leaders are interested solely in votes and office...
...It means a literal wasting of the voting power of the organized masses and a transformation of that power into a club that is placed into the hands of the masters of capital and their political agents in public office...
...We are beginning...
...Nothing so effectively demonstrates the futility of the "nonpartisan" policy in politics as such convictions...
...The Letter Box vtmmmvaaaK wamxb*» Editor the Hew Loader...
...Party Problems READERS of The' New Leader throughout the country, especially party members, will find the decisions of the New York City convention of special interest...
...will appear in the Women's c^urm...
...I made the speech...
...Both parties of capitalism are involved...
...Hoffmann goes to jail and three other strikers go to the chain gang to pay for this policy...
...He took us through short cuts where the Y. M. C. A. clubs aad social bails, mess halls and such were...
...We want to revive the grand spirit and Joy that comas treat service to a great cause...
...We shall sot hesitate to Join with the trade unions in founding a labor party and carry on a united fight for labor representation in aU lawmaking bodies...
...But you must have permission to get ta here...
...The Socialist Party has more to give its members than any other political party and it should be giv*en...
...We also went through the trains on the chance we'd get away with it Some of us wore muslin feed-bags full of mental food...
...Then the visit of the Labor Premier, J. Ramsay MacDonald, mutt be mentioned...
...We believe we can do that best in the Women's Section...
...Marcus Dutfield who wrote the article in Harpers revealing Fascist activities in this country is not a Communist...
...TaefrefteT'with an itching palm, the adventurer aaftfi*^ toou^frel, rhyjCOrdrj and the crook, were the polnicaljS^wtHot-Ji^i rosy period of the su. fslMey of 4b* omhen%jtt capltaV, ., - JQiecky politics of American capitalism is often m'mnYmftl&mtow...
...That of course is the cheapest and simplest of our machinery...
...railroad trunk ones that want to consolidate...
...Though we ware quite ready for that too If It had to be...
...IN A NUTSHELL Secretary of the Treasury Mellon plans a Christmas gift to our ruling classes In tax reduction...
...ft represents, so to speak, the body ss a whole, of which the other classes only represent special organs.—Frederic Harrison • » • Congress will be asked to endorse industrial unionism tads month...
...If Chicago crawls out of this fBth it will be through the politics of the "lower class," the workers through a party of their own and with a program that represents them...
...The rf*i"h'*v*V TTussaiTh Thirsan of the Socialist Party at the present time is maktag a stad...
...At any rate we want to put this promising moment to a teat We want to get all our women into action to build up our party organization...
...and on the bags ta bold black type one read—"Read the New York Can...
...It is the nation...
...Baellon is juicy fruit for the big fat boys...
...Then suddenly a stiff looking, handsome, wen uniformed officer sped stately and' angrily towards us...
...Some of the favorable factors are known and we may enumerate them here...
...Having marched to yswdr ai'ii constituted themselves as the only party that can nominate candidates, .the Fascist bandits in office are themselves told to be rubber stamps and to accept what Mussolini tells them...
...De Martino knows very well that the trade union nrovernerrt and the Socialist movement of the world, as well as hundreds of thousands of journalists, authors, scientists and other eminent men who are not Communists, are opposed to etxrything represented by Fascism...
...Heretofore women were received into the party—TO be charitable and say—on the seme terms of indifference with the men...
...The Marion Convictions 'THE conviction of Alfred Hoffmann and sending three other North Carolina strike leaders to the chain gang for six months is a repetition of what has happened in labor struggles so often in this coantry...
...Other factors could be mentioned but these are among the more important that have registered a deep impression on the minds of the masses...
...We believe they eventually win...
...It is our task to interpret this changing society for them and to gather the Socialist sentiment into permanent organisation...
...It U a common practice of theirs to charge exhorbitant fees for getting Jobs which are very temporary...
...The trade unions long ago established their right and power to strike and picket without being molested by the courts...
...And that our lmoortance lay ta our ability to build th<a new and better world...
...Socialists wul then be faced with the question as to whether they will oppose such a labor party...
...The bottom had dropped out of American "prosperity.** The big gamblers cleaned up...
...iu^lh^mmUUmy* I4* tpSsnhwn^p^na ntihmm at t*»«jr»g@B^Fflf* has been soared mto eotuwimncm of Aeset^ms of thej^Jmdt^trial Ucationt of the otmanlaed workers all over the country have carried thm story of labor displacement by mm chine...
...The outstanding features are the change in the dues system and the determination to carry on a drive for a large increase in membership...
...The politics of this cam to Chicago has been so foul that for years some of its wealthy beneridaries have turned sgainat it But in the meantime the adventurer aad grafter have made their alliances with the criminal and the underworld and the c+ty has become a private barony of these low allies...
...Hit arrival and hit addresses made a contrast with the admissions of Shearer, the armament propagandist agent, before a Senate committee...
...Capita Mam increases itself out of the produce of tha peepee until they are too poor to buy what they srednee.—George D. Herron...
...De Martjno's answer itself is in need of explanation as it avoids the issue instead of meeting it...
...We agree with you that the Socialist Party is the labor party of this country and this admission perplexes you...
...She never said it waa a bad speech...
...You caa tell it to me— can't you...
...The agency then sends eat . new group, of meat...
...That temple belongs to its enemies and organized workers have themselves to blame for it...
...Tha temperature was as near sero as New York can know but our hearts were warm with the fire of devotion to that would we would build where there never wfll be war...
...The Socialist Party is interested in acquiring power for the masses, administering that power for human welfare and eventually dunging the social order itself...
...The stark brutality of great '''tssWsttgfO...
...But we want to urge upon them something additional...
...After some decades of fighting this thing Frank J. Loeseh of the Chicago Bar has quit...
...Without a single exception the reports show an increase...
...The program ia fuU...
...This is a quotation on the stock labeled "American Idealism...
...They were happy to chat with us because any break in their monotonous routine was Welcomed, they told us...
...pe***e£ssl Per the lords who lav ye low...
...Wherefore weave, wfth Ml sad ear*, The rteh roses rear fronts wear...
...On the way out I gave the privates one of each leaflet we bad left saying he will be asked how seditious our stuff was and he ought to answer with knowledge...
...And there will be no end to this until the organized workers organize their voting power into a party of their own De Martino "Explains" MUSSOLINI'S Ambassador — Italy has no Ambassadors as that nation is a slave state ruled by bandits—last week said that the charges of Fascist terrorism,in the United States are "lies...
...If, it does the job thoroughly Martino will he sent home and no other Fascist brigand will be received at Washington...
...Is that right...
...This is likely to be followed by enactment of an anti-syndicalist law which is expressly intended to aid mill owners and to terrorize strikers...
...They came to one meeting, saw, and came no more...
...of feecharging, private employment agencies...
...We have no mean* of reaching these potential subscribers...
...Every branch should be a cultural center where something more than the bills for postage and dry reports are considered...
...Their information will prove invaluable ta investigating the problem...
...This silenced the handsome one...
...Here wot the Socialist and Labor peace agent and there was the retainer of the armament ring sowing suspicions and poisoning the agencies of information...
...The working class is the only class that is not a class...
...It was this awareness of ability which in turn stimulated its exercise that gave us a spiritual Joy— a new meaning ta life—and that was ennobling...
...Mow many thousands of people were snared into this disaster and lost will never be known...
...Thousands were stripped of their earnings and had nothing left but their jobs...
...Every issue since the November elections hat carried the newt of substantial increases in the Socialist vote...
...Henry Clay...
...Here the trade union and its members in every struggle in which they are engaged have no more certain status {nan they had in the days of the conspiracy krws...
...How dare you,'* he demanded, "come into these premises aad distribute those leaflets...
...We women that nave held on tenaciously, have been watching to weariness for such a working, living time to come again...
...That is a task at which open shop exploiters labor...
...laat it a little queer- that the world has not shifted out of its orbit considering that Calvin Cooudge has not been heard from for many months ? • • • The world moves along, not only by the gigantic shoves of its hero workers, but by the aggregate tiny pushes of every honest worker.—John Richard Green...
...We are gkm§ ta hare tha tupport of this faith ful band and them eg no need of Urging them to renew promptly...
...I drove ta as others did And the guard looked Into the car and let us pass...
...The parties of capitalism provide nothing of this sort...
...It was always good because the next one would be better...
...Even the American Federation of Labor had to discard on, archaic **philosophy" at Toronto and venture upon support of old age pensions in all the state...
...I would be greatly obliged if those who have been mistreated in this fashion will get in touch with me...
...the indomitable Theresa hurled at me...
...Its contribution to the life of the party member is a liberal education in the history of civilization...
...They came to feel they were so vital to world boilrtmg that without them the earth would fall into the sun...
...to see that the old order of society has dissolved...
...Sometimes they arrange with foremen to ore men after they hare obtained (aba for them...
...Try it...
...We got by the guards safety...
...The war msdness had scattered many of those splendid workers to left and right Wherever they are, they will alwaya look back with deep spiritual Joy to that year 1917 when so many of us woman worked together for a great ocsnmon cause, gathering courage and strength from each other to do a task which singly could net be done...
...These convictions recall the long roll of men and women who have been penalized by courts in this country for strike activities...
...But with the enlistment of thousands of new members there is still the old problem of keeping their interest awakened in the work of their branch .and Jhe party in general...
...There is something fundamentally base in the politics that gives rise to this sort of thing...
...The program we have drawn up provides various activities to suit various tastes aad anilities...
...Than came the collapse of the gambling game in Wall Street fust before the election...
...The last war was very old-fashioned 1 Gas used was Oka a lady's perfume compared with the poison that aaw1>eee prepared for the next war . . . And it hi very csfcaep.' It is reckoned by military experts that three equedroea of aeroplanes could destroy aa life in Ixetdon at the cost of one hundMfl aad seventy poands.—Sir Philip Gibos...
...The endorsement win be given as the request comes from Ave bis...
...We beg of tha Meat Comrades not so much their written word as we want their good wfll, the sympathy and sasBJStft Aad should we blunder, as wa sasBbt to count tan before present ing hoasjnets and remember that we blunder not because we are women but because We are human...
...S«ss»sw§(y» A Program of Work For Women Members of the Socialist Party By Esther Friedman IN 1917, the years in which Woman Suffrage was finally won, the Socialist Party under the leadership of Theresa MsJkiel carried on a campaign for Socialism and Suffrage that stands out as the most constructive and ennobling period of activities among Socialist women...
...current* trends and problems of society, the conquests made by the Labor and Socialist movement of the world, and a live interest in the public issues of the day...
...Free speech is to a great people what winds are to oceans and malarial regions, which waft away the elements of disease, snd bring- new elements of health...
...The rite of the British Labor Party to power is one important influence...
...This implies knowledge for our members and we must do our utmost to provide it...
...value" mad bus dipped of «s halo tiu/ouw^et^ —J located up to with reverend awe.T' It is the most vulgar ruling cssgs in all history...
...Other contributors to American magazines who have bared the black soul of Fascism are not Communists...
...In all these places we laid our precious stacks of Uterature...
...Some changed their stories...
...I say advisedly that this worklag together as a women's group was ennobling to each participating woman...
...That period of war and hater bro::j':j- a horde of merceneries into national politics which is made vivid v hw Claude G. Bowers m his book, The Tragic Era...
...Whatever may be said of this precarious situation of the unions before the law and the courts, one thing is certain...
...You can't make a speech...
...Cunningham, Yonagstewa, Pa.—You are puzzled about our talk of a Labor Party and you have reached the conclusion that it would be better if all the trade unions were smashed...
...There is little doubt that many more members can be obtained and it is merely a r"?U*r of an intense work of organization to enlist the Socialist voter in the educational work of his party...
...Of course, there is no class struggle in the United States...
...I dont know where I got the nerve aad the wit—it Just came ta a flash and I up and said as stiffly aa he, "By the right of aa American citizen...
...He backed gra"I did not fly in," I answered...
...Then we met one of our own boys...
...There have been successes on the Continent but these have mot made the impression which the triumphs of English workers have made in England and Australia...
...It can be done...
...Our readers alone can approach them...
...Meantime the pitiless grind of the1 machine -revolution had been making Its imprest upon the minds of millions of workers affected by it...
...Help us to make a record...

Vol. 9 • December 1929 • No. 18

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