SOCIALIST AT WORK K_ garter MIBer, una will apy^twS1 esTMusic Sunday S*0t,Vmet«t Metxenauer, cone^sss of JSa MetropoUtan Opera ^EvaaT, arTfl sing a group of Sgfl If Oustiv Mahler aa...

...We have -tarred rn our program of neighborhood meeting...
...HAMDEN Local Ham den held a well attended meeting Monday...
...lailBe Labor Lyceum...
...A meeting win be held Wednesday evening...
...The important matters are a report from the delegate of the citv convention, a report from branch officers, and also an ele-tlon cf new officers...
...Long Island City...
...Those Who will not be able to attend win be notified by mail of our next lecture, if they win send their name and address to the organizer...
...The Friday evening forum opens this week with Dr...
...8, on "What an Irishman Saw in Russia...
...Mr Inflowing Sunday, December . Eon "friends of^Music will prest gsrh'i "Christmas Oratorio," Kaseassaruy curtailed form, the tat htvtng been intended for (sssatstkra en six days...
...65th St...
...CiTOpalgns for funds and clothes for the Southern mill victims have been inaugurated, and are being successfully conducted...
...10, In the Monroe Court Community Conference room...
...Bin Brown street...
...The meetings will be held In January and February ' at New Haven...
...All members are urgently requested to be present...
...New York City...
...and Xssst Koch'i "Concerto Grosso" Bfltfag orchestra and piano, Bad Bahrseftx playing the piano ^Lggeta...
...7 East 16th street...
...7 East 15th street, Thursday...
...BBOOaXYN "•fir...
...1. A resolution requesting an anmortlate call for a state convention was passed Axel Londal of Detroit was nominated for state secretary...
...Peigenbaum has discussed, among other things, the crash on the stock exchange, the Hoover food ship proposal, the decision of the A. F. of L to organize the south, the McManus trial as a symptom of widespread racketeering in the city and the President's conferences with leaders ta Industry, labor and agriculture...
...9. 8:30 p.m...
...This will be a huge get-to-gether of party members... the office of Dr...
...At their next meeting, Dec...
...Illinois CHICAGO BANQUET The Cook County Socialist Party has arranged a Socialist Bally Banquet for Frank J. Manning, the new Executive Secretary of the Cook County organization at Oerwits Restaurant, 3141 West Roosevelt road, Sunday, 8:30 P. M_" Dec...
...8. 3:39 P. M...
...L. Stanlev...
...on "Imperialism" on Sunday...
...STATE OFFICE Every union, in the state baa been circularised with a letter from the State office offering to send s speaker on our Unemployment Insurance Bin..., and entertainment...
...Maynard O. Krueger wfll speak...
...The principal matter before the committee was the reeorsnneraUon of the proposed Socialist and Labor Conference...
...He also promised an occasional talk on some subject of literary or scientific Interest...
...New members, are being admitted, aad we bad >» splendid talk by Leonard Bright on the "American labor Movement...
...Reservations are $1.50 per plate and can be made at the City office, 7 Bast 15th street...
...Midwood A meeting will be held Tuesday, December 10...
...Plans and proposals of .the otty cwwsiiBoa wxn aa eauiiba . •Tha afirisawlajMsn of the United States,- wffi be the subject of a lecture by Dr...
...Hems prominent on the agenda are: Membership drive, due system...
...Soelansta and friends of honest independent working class political action are warned to attend these conferences with their eyes open...
...Oar next meettnr Is Thursday evening...
...The first meeting Dec...
...KINGS 1-3-8 AD...
...A speaker is given the floor, last Monday evening...
...Mornlngside Beights Our new branch is making excellent progress...
...11 block from Hoyt Ave...
...The s;ibje~t Is: "The Results of the Last Election...
...Matters of extreme Importance win be acted upon...
...Fred Sander of!Syracuse rjreaided...
...There will be a few speeches, but the principal item will be an opportunity to gather around the tables and render our tribute to all who gave their best to the campaign...
...Robert H. Ritchey has been elected as Organiser...
...7 East 16th St The decision of the city convention to enlarge the committee, giving it power to add tan additional members, has been acted upon aad at this meeting the enlarged committee will organise on the basis of the new previsions in the by-laws...
...There will also be a speaker... at 1167 Boston road...
...There was dancing, refreshments, and a program cf entertainment in which August Claessens participated...
...Wilkins has just been kicked out of the Communist Party and is looking for a new organisation to "capture" by the tactics for which he is notorious in Lima...
...Meetings are held every Friday at 3006 Susquehanna avenue...
...SPECIAL MEETING FOR SOCIALIST PARTY WOMEN A meeting of all wosacu isaiiiaiii of She Snessrkd Patty Mas been called to meet ta mm Band School of Social Science...
...Phone, See ley 3S5S...
...It was voted to appoint a special committee of five to tanks a survey-of the entire state, both of Socialist party organizations and of sympathetic groups and individuals, such committee being authorised to call a conference for the purpose of planning and organising for the 1930 state and congressional campaign...
...11 at 8:30 pnv...
...J*- Felgenbaura — "Current gag—Savoy Mansion...
...23rd A. D. The meetings are held every Monday evening in the Browr.svine Labor Lyceum and are splendidly attended...
...New York State STATE EXECUTIVE The State Executive Committee met at Peoples Home las* Sunday with seven of its nine members present...
...18th A. D. The 18th has now passed the 100 mark In membership and Is doing its utmost to assist in the general city drive to make good the goal of 10,000 new members by March 1. At the next Thursday meeting Jacob Axelrad will begin a four lecture series on Hoover, Wall street and the Socialist party...
...11 at 123 Pierreoont St...
...15, at 3 pjn...
...A new branch ta Strawberry Mansion has been formed...
...During the recent election a svstemaA. D...
...Clothing for the textile strikers is still being collected by Mrs...
...M. One new bemgmada to hoM csuMumuelwmter social...
...9, in the clubrooms...
...Comrades Thomas...
...Last Monday the following committees were elected: finance, entertainment, education, organization and propaganda, and membership...
...This affair has been arranged by the 6-8-12th Manhattan, ta cooperation with other branches...
...He wfil review the more important events of the week from the Socialist point of view...
...BRONX COUNTY General Mecabershio Meeting Bronx County Committee has decided upon a general membershlD meeting to be h»!d in the county headquarters...
...Lecture Calendar MANHATTAN Dec 1st—8:30 pm.-Aua* .mssssme—-**Humsnlsiii A Hew ¦tsaf", M Avenue C. Auspices— asstjt Party—«-«-lath ad...
...literature was distributed...
...ft J... 8:30 p.m... 164 Mohawk avenue, Pontine...
...The branch hopes to report interesting developments...
...on the dot) at Bohemian HaU, Snd Ave and Woolsey Ave...
...3068 East 3rd St...
...13, a meeting en* be tsad ta the Pereie-s Btouse...
...Wednesday of last week, turned out to be the best attended of any bald in many moons...
...Comrades willing to AH Santa's bag with fa iBsfi'saii OkoBBBssm *AdasSrl si far * »LM...
...No admission charge Bring along friends...
...8th near Lehigh avenue...
...2nd A. D. A meeting wi'l be held Tuesday evenine...
...It baa planned to reduce the hiaeness moating to a minimum snd enhance each meeting by same ednraSfonar feature...
...Four major committees were elected on organization: voters service...
...231 East Wisconsin avenue, under the auspices of The MUwmakee Leader Women's Club to commemorate the founding of The Leader, Dec 7, idll...
...a banquet will be held in Park Palace, 110th 'street and Fifth avenue... 8:39 F.J...
...J. Osman in a series of lectures on psychology...
...Samuel A. De Witt gave an interesting talk on Uterature and poetry...
...Reservations are only- one dollar and should be made at once with the County Office, 2883 Washington boulevard...
...Patrick J. Murphy was elected county chairman (unofficial 1. and chairman of the finance committee...
...A special committee was elected to make arrangements for a winter lecture of Forum program...
...An important meeting win be heM Prtday evening...
...Jt Is made ap of all the branch officers and heads of committees...
...19:39 to 12:19...
...and 64th St...
...Degfgder g at Mecca Auditorium, '.YLjcf Badaaaay wCl conduct, the |*aajaha^eing that of the MetroSfss raat of*"the programme will |&anet Brahma' 'Tragic OverC...
...Buffalo, N. Y, Dec...
...6, in the schoolroom of the building at 808 Adas avenue...
...Elmhurst-Corona A meettne will be held Thursday...
...Mayor sioea -will- discuss the part women have Played to supporting The Leader during critical times and their importance under the new management of Publishers, Inc...
...Other meetings will be held at 8:30 at 31 Essex street, every Friday...
...Comrades and sympathizers are invited...
...Auspices—Socialist Party "'AD...
...Auspices— •Jam Party—leth A. D. Branch...
...QUEENS Sunnys'de Branch A meeting win be held Tuesday evening...
...Much Important business awaits the delegates to this meeting and all are urged to attend without fan...
...Wm_ SC...
...6, Hank J. Rosner win speak on MacDonald's trip to the United States and its meaning...
...who is the Lima "Labor Party," has boned a call for conferences to.discuss forming an Ohio Labor Party...
...Louis Weil was re-elected county organiser...
...9th—8:30 pm.—H...
...O. August Oerber and Morris HUloutt oartlcroated In its deliberations...
...ALBANY : The meeting of Local Albany... the club rooms, 3215 Third avenue...
...and members of the campaign committee...
...The latter work received iEtrSE Kaw York performance a ^fcrasrl ago under Koussevitxky...
...13th—8:30 pm WllS...
...ta the Temple...
...The next meeting win be held Dee...
...A NEW BRANCH Italian Socialists of fJUca have reorganised a branch and anpTied for a charter to the Italian Socialist Federattion...
...Gomrades living in that section are invited to attend...
...1167 Boston road on Friday evening...
...More dues stamps were sold in Greater New York during November than during the corresponding mouth of anv year sfhee 1922...
...The meeting is also thrown open for questions, and begins at 8:30 pm...
...The lecturer win be August Claessens...
...August Claes-ens will speak on "The Industrial Situation...
...More will follow... Thomas Flanagan who returned about two months ago, and on Friday, Dec...
...After the lecture, it Is customary to have some musical entertainment... tTIs o'efock...
...7th A. D. A meeting will be held Tuesday evening, Dec...
...ATI locals were notified this week that a leaflet en unemployment in* surance and a pamphlet on the remedies for unemployment were ready for distribution, tmi member should see that his group buys these...
...Ohio A WARNING Scott wuktas...
...Brighton Beach A successful affair was held last Saturday night in their new club rooms...
...More 5J"">ot locations win be decided ¦Ptk Mo sessions entB next week...
...Matters of great importance will be discussed...
...Further plans must be prepared to ensure the success of our ball...
...Contracts for printing and music must be aaproved...
...New London and Bridgeport The meetings will be run on a subscription basis for the paper...
...The Harvard Socialist Club win have a talk by Harry W. Laldler on Thursday...
...Esdertslsnaeat cemmtttee The entefWhment commlttet will meet...
...Nev- York OUy... the Workmen's Circle Center, 1503 Coney Island avenue...
...13th—8:30 p.m.—JoJjjhjnta^^oei^rma Labor LyeteWgai Sunday Schools where To Regisfer *j*a»h Park-Jabor Lyeewxs, 43ad j* sat uth a venae, Sunday af¦¦aa, its 4. W MSV-Junior Class...
...Congressional campaign ta 1930, snd the March meeting which may be held on the Pactfle cadet...
...Thp entertainment committee must present to the membership meeting Friday, Dec...
...Ajthur Jacobseri and Elisabeth Jacotjsen will continue a» •Jeirespoiidhig- Secretary and Financial -flecretauryrr«hpoctl very...
...319 Sack¦¦•keet Ausoices—Socialist Parrr**" A D. Branch, maay, Dec...
...3918 47th street...
...flaw, Dec...
...fcwsi—Beghder at 11*7 Bos1...
...A similar uetter offering speakers to churches on "The Economic Basis of Brotherhood" will be tent this coming week...
...The business meeting Is reduced to a minimum...
...18, at County Headouarters, aU details relative to this affair...
...A general meeting of Local Utica and Oneida County Is to be held st Labor Lyceum, 131 Washington street at 2:30 Sunday afternoon...
...Sandst morning, 18:3t to * 'Start eenreaieat loeatieas will Jest edsr...
...state secretary, who notifies as of the formation of a local at Veneta...
...The educational facilities of the University Center are available and will be used Each Socialist voter in the district will be located snd listed, and election district committees will be formed...
...Wsahmgte* Heights The branch meeting* are well attended...
...Bensonharst The branch has established a Friday night forum at the Savoy Mansion, 30th Ave...—8:30 pm—Joseph ••»•—"Influencing Human Behaat 319 Sackmsn St., Brownsvyie ate* Lyceum...
...and ¦a avenue, Brooklyn...
...We had a social half hour over a eep of tea...
...This year's affair will again be a city-wide gathering, but the financial benefit will be divided among those organizations cooperating...
...A three-fold program of education and research, district organization, and general activity has been mapped out...
...West Virginia Joseph Snider, new state secretary, reports a local formed at Fairmount, and tens us that he expects to spend much kmc on party activity this next year...
...6, at 8:30 p.m...
...A meettag^wtll*be hekf Tuesday, Dec is, at 8-3(1 pa...
...William B. SpofTord...
...Dec 10...
...Morris Vast lew, financial secretary ef the Harlem Jewish Branch, and one of our most efficient comrades B ta charge of organization work and ft is expected that' a large branch* will soon function in this section...
...6, in the Social Hajl of the apartment house, 1940 Andrews avenue...
...The annual baU to be held in March IS liquidating the Bronx Hunts Point Palace, on Saturday, County deficit...
...The affair held last year by the city office was very successful...
...33 was favored for the conference should such date be found favorable...
...New Jersey STATE COMMTTTEE The New Jersey State Committee meets Sundsy, Dee...
...We aim to have this body transact all re-essary business except matters requiring a vote of the members...
...All members and sub-committee are requested to be present...
...Telephone Pennvpaeket 4697...
...The Non-Partisan Committee, and msriy friends that did such splendid work In the campaign...
...Connecticut THOMAS MEETINGS PLANNED A series of meetings to be addressed by Norman Thomas is being arranged by "The Commonwealth," the Connecticut monthly Socialist paper...
...A band has been hired, and Santa Claus has been invited...
...Astoria The first lecture of the season will take place this Friday...
...In the pretest now being made against police tyranny in the Interference of union organisers agong the fashionable shops along troper Fifth avenue, over 30 members, of this groun have been arrested...
...The 3-6-lOth Assembly District -advtag the lecture, plans to reach' the members' and noo-issiBibsrs Jar thai and ether lectures...
...The wesson aseashets have caoght the assslrolloe oTtH* resent easapsign and election results and they are called Into session to consider the program of party work for women...
...Locals aad brsaehes ana eravd... fear elaasea Ages 9 to 18...
...6th A D. "The organization of the branch In the ABerton-Berk sections of the 6\h A. D. B making excellent pi ogress...
...WtBStta » Bonn, educational director Of the Band School a? Hartley Hajl, 413 West -ista St...
...14 and 13...
...arrangement of a thee tie party aad proposals for welfare of the crgansMlSBL VSth A..B...
...M Avenue jMsrsiualate sag Senior, Forward ¦BBS...
...City Executive Cenarstiter The first meeting of the new committee will be bold Wednesday...
...and other matters...
...Lccatelli's "Concerto Grosmtfer string orchestra and harpStirs, played by Paul Easier...
...The room was packed to capacity...
...Israel Community Center, 310 West Slst street, Tha EdUoatienal Committee has planned to nave a number of speahendautna) tea neat .several months...
...The West Philadelphia branch,will meet at its new beadtruarters...
...Lima Socialists who joined in this attempt at labor action which started Ave years ago and elected two men at the first election are now thoroughly disgusted with the methods used by Wilkins and bis clique and are convinced there Is no further reason for the party's existence...
...The committee on surrey consists of O. August Oerber, Morris Herman, Julius Oerber, Harry W. Laldler and' Hymen Nemser... that no o*her l»r^e affairs be arranged for that evening...
...L. I. City...
...Christmas Ewe Badass On Christmas are, Thursday, December 34, a dance will be held in Deb's Auditorium, 7 East 15th St...
...Ptstsssssxth—1*7 Tssspkliis sve* tsaday morning, 19:39 to lt:3S... the same time, and on "Trade Unions, and the Negro Worker" on Sunday...
...EDUCATIONAL FORI M Our Educational Forum st 558 Massachusetts avenue, will have a talk on "Race Prejudice," Sunday, Dec...
...J, H. Diskant, 4705-45 St...
...SOCIALIST AT WORK K_ garter MIBer, una will apy^twS1 esTMusic Sunday S*0t,Vmet«t Metxenauer, cone^sss of JSa MetropoUtan Opera ^EvaaT, arTfl sing a group of Sgfl If Oustiv Mahler aa aolcista (| rga Society of the Friends of ^Eb la a chiefly orchestral pro^Ciaa, Sunday afternoon...
...S-8-lMh A, D. A meeting will be held Monday evening, Dec...
...Massachussets BOSTON The Central Branch will have a talk Friday, Dec...
...The Labor Research Committee of the Rand School ef Social Science Is undertaking to map out a suggested platform for the 1939 elections which will deal adequately with the political and industrial situation It win report to the N. & C. Educational programs for this winter are being »tgrt$d in numerous locals...
...The order of business Include plans of organization...
...r On Thursday...
...Delegates to the last convention will report and the membership drive w!" >-"> initiated...
...AH locals, breeches, and members at large were notified that suggestion* on these topics win be welcomed by the executive secretary...
...Any comrades desiring 'to further the cause are arrange.a meeting of neighbors in their home and inform the office to secure a soeafcer... mail or in person Snnenarahtg...
...As both old parties have bean Involved in the Base Ban Pool scandal, the opportunities of Socialists are better than ever before...
...executive secretary of the Church League for Industrial Democracy, .who has done great work In getting publicity for the slavery of the Southern mill village people has joined the party and writes that he hopes to get many members of his league to do the same...
...V East lath St, 8:S0 sun, to which every wosaan sssmssr ef toe party Is tnyited...
...Assistance can be obtained from the national office or the educational director of the Rand School...
...fjae^Ttiunsay, McDonald's Visit JJnilseanJneVV 1«7 Tompkins Are, Dec 9th—9:00 pm—Sa* *stiU u—"Books of the Hour...
...8:30 p.m...
...The topic is "Books of the Hour, and Books of Power...
...The meeting wfll concern itself with the action ef the recent city convention, and also consider, wage and means of increasing the metrU»Mshlp...
...Our Executive Committee meets every alternate Wednesday...
...Wednesday, Dae...
...tic canvass was made of the ISth clubs and organizations were furnished with speakers: and on election day over one hundred/ watchers were enrolled and assigned to posts... 105 Springfield avenue...
...In the City Office...
...Feigerihanm has volunteered his services as permanent lecturer...
...Branch... 7306 Woodslde Ave... Centennial Hall...
...Wihsamtbarg The branch hold ¦inriUrms stsq Monday evening at 167 Tompkins Ave...
...1405 Walton avenue...
...New York Citv CELEBRATION BANQUET On Wednesday evening, Dec...
...A membership drive Is now under way that promises to double the number of members within a month's time...
...Lee and Solomon will be there, our campaign manager, G. August Oerber...
...March 15...
...96 Avenue C. The rnincin*l Item will be the reports of the delegates to the City Convention...
...Bee: sth—no pm.—Wil¦» M, Pesrenbaum — "Current ¦atCravey Mansion, SSth St...
...A. Mollln...
...M. August Claessens win speak on the 'Task Before the Socialist Party...
...The ord*r Of k»i*l,*»<jg ]nmt,ans the reT*«-*« of the delegates to the city convention...
...Oregon The second new local la two weeks a the record of Charles Kolb...
...Wisconsin MILWAUKEE Mayor Daniel W. Heen will be the luncheon speaker at the anniversary luncheon-card party Thursday noon at the Globe Hotel...
...Newark... Albert Greenwald on the "International Socialist Youth Conference In Vienna...
...8, at 3:30... seeee their orders Bar a weekly bundle ef The New lesser...
...He made a good presentation of the sublect which was followed bat sa mtsrssetizg discussion...
...The resaMs for the •arty sac fan teased many odd foM by eel Uag The Mew Lis sat st open sir saeaSbaga The National executive Committee will meet In the Hotel Buffalo...
...All branches are urged to note the fact that the anneal Bronx County BaU Wffl be held Saturday...
...Pennsylvania PHILADELPHIA The Ncrtn Phnadelptna branch will meet Friday...
...Michigan WANTS STATE CONVENTION An entrsaslastic meeting of Oakland County Local waa held in Royal Oak on Dec...
...On Dec 9, the speaker "ia Sadie Shapiro...
...The BiSliaal OCBoo ef the BoesaSet Party at located at Seat wvassbsbbstssbftasven sbsbsvwW CesaaBBBaafasV OL rtsroneo^ O. Stntor ~ts jtsttsael ftatw*>hasni *¦ *">!laY"^JsT, n% ¦nd^ 8e»tsJasT'pjety ssOdStatse Usual Oft Ice u there hi no leeel ersasdestlea ta .year staaatty, yea may become a aaaaaher st Large by Matyhsg tar- ¦imtinhip to the National Ottee...
...Organiser and Financial Secretary Newklrk declares that "there seem to be many more now who want to see something doing again, and T'gmss that they mean business...
...The sssaphsra as* etsarBssv* tag the leaflet "Is it a Crime to be Oht?- rt ¦ The January issue et 'The Commen wealth" woi he dsaatefl eapeeaally to "Old Age Pensions.'' Locals or indrrktssla wishing sopsas of this Issue can obtain them st fifty cents per ISO by wrtttng the clrosueUon manager, Walter a Davis, 48 Behaont street, Ihmwen, Oram...
...A meeting has been set for Fridnv evening, Dec...
...Professor Reinhold Niebuhr of Union Theological Seminary win discuss some phases of Socialism, to be followed by a general discussion...
...During the second week of its existence it has added another twenty members to its roster making some 60 members up to date...
...Henry Bayes as Recording Secretary...
...These lectures will be held' in the clubrooms at 1466 Pitkin avenue...
...which is now in its fourth week...
...Matters of great Importance must be brought up...
...Tuesday, Dec...
...Every Astoria reader Is cordially invited...
...It was highly appreciated...
...Before its organization this group had an active part in Socialist and radical program* in New York City...

Vol. 9 • December 1929 • No. 18

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