A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES CATS, CATS, CATS IZ BAVB been ocBetaUy iisssgaal 11| to eaaajffff the PsiiiIsmi of my f.line family of foe* ft* Copy |c*t tha unast addition to the staff of tjb...
...The eleventh line, second paragraph should read "by optical delusions" instead of "by CTtieal flromons...
...Th* sdtofs*b*b*h*bv> ed studio-room covers half of It Its ataaOSgteSS*) ia thoroughly American Colonial...
...Accordingly ve have every right to be pleased at the great increase in the number of our electors as a proof of the great acMvtty of our comrade...
...I haven't given Yipsei nay publicity fan ts now Unm- he is a vary young kitten and X> ante's want gg ksad turned •ant Jet black head of hie ia in aaonah things H g it...
...My score never get any better but I acquired a certain philosophy abas being a failure that stands me m good stead, shaft X run 'for orrlft*, At any rate I have bowled long enough to look gala-boy in the eye without blushing...
...That's human," he said, "aad Just like a politician...
...Better tell me a little about those mistakes of tthe Socialists that you mentioned as a reason for their Slow progress...
...anl Tm all for that domesticity stuff...
...mcalister Cole_am...
...X-oug, island It has a two car brick garag* detaenai, The interior of the house consists of a spastent , living room 25 x 16...
...The Socialist party is weaker aad more isolated than ever, so are th* Nonpartisan farmers, and th* American Federation of Labor ignores them both...
...So blasphemy or thumb upon the nose Might stir them out of posture late seas...
...Why this honor ! h heaped upon my unworthy head, I know not...
...a solarium, dining room, Btanth room and oolorad til* bath room...
...In Europe, even leading Marxians op to very recent nays thought that the industrial wag* workers should and could fight the class war through to Its Socialist climax without the help of the farmer* and other middle classes...
...j tXssal ht very mnch interested in Copy Oat and autfliat it must be swell to hang around a SooUdipav*'m*thia newtrp^petgam*3 *ur'*t* rHfa * I hop* though that he doesn't decide to take up shot th* fancy writ*re call "Joumaham...
...In all there were 502 regular delegates...
...But in addition to this he shows a surprising familiarity with a wide range of literature dealing with the church and the philosophy of Its various divisions...
...And merely because I reverence Washington, Jefferson, Jackson or Lincoln in a sentimental way...
...They Just stand around and look at me fat a father pitying fashion and hang around and amok* sr talk to their friends or do whatever their hearts •en set en, knowing fun well that they win not her* to stoop over and pick up any pin* that X ham shot at...
...John Haynes Hehttes approves the views of Barnes and that the latter quotes from a number of ndled religious writers whose conclusions are n near approach to the ideas of the author of this book...
...I know X have left a tew ether impressions out of the picture, such at the Brazilan color of the door knocker, and the MnatoaaiAztec design of th* inlaid walk...
...The saining of new electors is very difnetfH in tmS conn try...
...Our women's movement has become a mass movement...
...Th* result was the creation of a class of the newly rich and highly influential men thoroughly devoted to the dynasty...
...and that It is also of great Importance for the education of the women themselves...
...There te as at- j tic storage room, a laundry to delight any Xltau heart, and the heating plant has sat the pnaaase ' of Hades...
...W "—'' , Heaven knows there are enough young things dang that these dsys...
...i AO of the boys who are getting up this affair have a lot of letter* after their names...
...This is evident in our own country...
...But first and foremost we believe that the demand for "national disarmament" will move the maaaei more and mora and attract them to us and Una' conviction especially causes us to look back upon this election campaign with great satisfaction, m spite of the apparently so Insignificant result*, Wastes tk Chechoslovakia in Action In celebration of the tenth anniversary of the German Social Democratic Labor Party In Czechoslovakia, a great national Labor Demonstration was held at Carlsbad, at Which a large number of women were present...
...while th...
...Now soma people mention the world war, the Communists, the Ku Klux Klan and prohibition as explanations for this fiasco...
...2.50) is a study of the causes of the overthrow of the English clergy beginning in the twelth century and the abolition of their economic privileges...
...ht th* twenties of the last ou_to_ry, « anfaor federation in the eastern states fought for political Ideas which were later taken up by the bbbgnnh Chartists and still laser by Marx...
...Her frailest whim will make yea Worm or deity . . . The story of how I bought a horn* test week lafar too lyrical a matter for the prosy hey* of this typewriter...
...In short...
...Know ye ant wJattMsanwunv...
...The electors mast be torn away from these powers...
...But it's a grand idea l-o going to write to this outfit and sign my name iodalist candidate for U. S., Senate, Aldeiman Aassnblyman, etc., etc...
...With a man ear* - ful survey I might Include scene more fuglBJSllaal deviations of appearance and content - But once I hang the Hebraic •jbsiibbI* at the * side of my door, the International* osn h* Stsaff within and without . .. and not a discord ha heard...
...His work is an objective study of an epoch in history and an endeavor to go behind" the scenes and trace the motivating forces that moved the privileged orders and classes of that period In a preliminary survey the author declares that the ecclesiastical relations between England and Rome "grew out of the rise of commerce and its expansion from the tenth to the sixteenth century" and this "changed the whole social, economic, and political organization of Europe...
...Thousands of Socialist women attended the National Labor Demonstration and at the German Parly Congress, which was the culminating point of the proceedings, there were 362 wemen delegates and fraternal delegates...
...My cowboy friend chuckled appreciatively...
...And what you hear by movie or radio, is mostly bunk...
...free themselves must strike the blowf , ^&£By their right arms the conquest nxuet he wbbbbjbbnt —Byron...
...Here, on th* other hand, farmers and wage workers joined hand* aa recently aa In the La FoUett* campaign of 1924, potting about 6,000,000 votes right ia the -first run...
...Researches by men like r. h. Tawney...
...But now X Manse that I am one of the pin-boys' favorite...
...The women delegates thus represented 29 per cent of the total...
...Now the cellar ia Intriguing...
...SOCIALIST A*r> LABOt, WOXTW ABKOMB By M. Wlhsst When oar women comrades in other countries understand tsbbsahbbg Of the elections which took place In Holland On the 3rd of July, they will regard them as of little Importance...
...such divisions was to hurt those who started them more than the American Federation of Labor...
...Yon ought to read "shana...
...But do these things explain the chronic lack of classconsciousness and anti-capitalist solidarity any better than all those reasons...
...A work by Harry Elmer Barnes (The Twilight of Christianity...
...particularly m connection with the social and humanitarian activities of the league...
...This is not done, however, after the fashion of the Atheist...
...So those early American workers were much lass fooled by the illusions of political equality than their successors in the American Federation of Labor...
...The financial details are too distressing to record here...
...In organization and numbers as compared with the strength of the men's movement it now takes the first place together with Wist of Holland r-rf Austria...
...Deal ties, the elaanoe of wage wot beta and farmer* la great presidential campaigns te aa American peculiarity...
...The clergyman and layman who dissented, and they were very few, migrated North Into another social system based upon private capital and wage labor...
...And high priests tremble to your nod...
...In Amsterdam where we are rapidly approachmg th* majority, we have gained 30300 new electors, while the Catholic Party has onlv gained 6 000 vests...
...A sjogfam for the posting winter, Prepared by th* program committee ef whteh Bather madman is chairmen eta be b*bbon*sd to the member* see ee*****sm* or rejection...
...Writers like Brooks Adams and William B. Weeden have shown how the Puritan Church was wedged into the colonial order" of New England and how it resisted the destruction of th* alliance between the church aad the ruling classes...
...if you know that it is bunk, don't you think a lot of other people know it too," I suggested "That doesn't explain why people who hate millionaires continually vote for Wall Street candidates...
...Socialist ideas were mainly agitated for a long time by foreign immigrants...
...What I ought to do is sit down within the studlo-den of the house, sis* So ft bp 25 ft, gaze lingeringly upon the craftex walla aad beamed ceiling, peer into the flreptoe*, and ps*fossa a task of illuminated penciling upon part-as*ant, even as the monks of old performed their Uterary miracles...
...AU the radiators are enclosed, ail the waXM craftexed in Moorish design, an the ceulngspeBuftul Fixtures are quaint old English Windows ate aU French with steel sash...
...The writer admits that much may be learned from a study of the developments, errors and misinterpretations of the past, but we are now at the parting of the ways...
...Gothic ei oh at and Italian design in both of the smaller chambers gtv* 1 forth an aura of Scandinavian simplicity...
...along with all his other titles so that you may be sure that he has " lot more in his Iski Mt-bag...
...The Dutch tfte m the kitchen Is superb Upstairs the master bedroom is fmished la Wean* tian orchid, to match the tiled bath room With the built in shower, all enclosed...
...I can't exactly figure out what "Administrator «f Cologne, etc...
...Imagine as for example In Amsterdam, a wagon In the form of a giant cannon on wiuob our slogans "disarmament" r.nd "state pensions" were written, procsedlng slowly through the town, followed by a large number of women selling and distributing our pamphlets, newspapers and leaflets...
...Abd even if each mistake* had never been made, th* pahCats of the American Federation of Labor would not have been changed...
...Ia this promised land of democracy, even some Socialists ia office laugh In the face of their party membership when party d-Bcipltne demands loyalty to party policies...
...As a result of the system of proportional representation the confessional parties have succeeded in gaining great power...
...Professor Barnes' book ia likely to cause more controversy because he not only considers the contemporary church and the doctrinal beliefs of its numerous devlsions but makes a sweeping condemnation of all forms of Christianity...
...Be la a kitten of infinite aaileatly abunt tat way the werid runs...
...And it la especially notable for the fact that for the first time In the history of the League we are taking two Socialist women...
...In the concluding pages of the book there is a passage that summarizes the author's conclusions...
...I don't have to vote for Al Smith or Herb Hoover, do I? And riding around in an auto ought to broaden my hcetson, stimulate my intelligence, make it easier for me to exchange ophnons with people fat other aecUons of this nation, not put ate te sleep...
...For In sooth, fellow/ workers, X have aoa/aired exactly th* sort of house aa would be built and sold to th* toilers of the land by the Co-operative Commonwealth...
...Seng peace and friendliness to men...
...The continuous calls for money disgusted the nation with the whole papal system, undermined faith in the teaching of the church, and gradually prepared the way for casting aside ecclesiastical authority...
...The cupidity of the king and the covttousnsss of the ruling classes may be seen at work on every band," writes the author...
...the substance of Professor Marti's study is not new but it is based upon a wide knowledge of old records...
...the recent enSafjg*~ Etch has* traveled on the ateuuaBt end bwhwfll have a great mm |Mp ser^narff'alrfnd* It It...
...Hamilton, as part of our delegation...
...tor some utterly unknown asoa X find tea* I ¦ anion the mailing list of" an association Of ex. Bffthh Army officers in America...
...Zenske Novlny...
...What is the cause of this* We are pleased because the numN>r of...
...W Bowling M very good for one...
...On the contrary, he considers the latter aa dogmatic as he insists the protagonists of the old theology are...
...Discussion win fellow...
...Let the Heart Rule" published in last week's issue...
...I guess people ere much alike ia some things, and so long as party members aad voters don't stick together and make the elected candidates obey, it will stay that way...
...We want women to gain equality of rights in the economical sphere, and we ean only achieve this by fighting In the ranks of the Social Democratic Party...
...There are many confessional pr.-ties in our country...
...4. Advice to a /ass Bey Cynic Wait for her...
...co-tla-e* mext Wnk) Religion, Economics And Science By James Ones...
...The campaign was principally carried out in the streets...
...At present, let me can it . . . "anoond Mia 11 gag* Vina . . ." until Its encumbrance he lifted on title-taking day...
...An urban middle class appeared and the enormous r venues flowing into the coffers of the church brought the latter into conflict with this middle class and its allies...
...Things were always so that no matter which way we turned, we had to do Bona*thing which made trouble for us...
...The oathehs Party with it* ISO members has retained the first place hv^Tarliament...
...Of the grievances of this class the author writes: "Finally, the wealth of the church gave rise to Internal corruption leading to a long and bitter protest that ultimately ended in the overthrow erf the economic sway of the clergy...
...3 what immense progress has been made by the international Idea and by proletarian unity in Czechoslovakia...
...It improves the keck muscles and is a good test for your tamper...
...Than esbsnae with hart1 math brawn The arasTTy temples to your God Ahd yet be leather with the poor, ____To show them how the aoft and meek Wifl some day hold the world secure...
...December the fourteenth...
...can be...
...Tea dosrt get a swell a* ad writing someone's autot MBjisuaj for him, especially when you don't sign On piece, and it gives you plenty of time for dosasfic matters...
...Particularly if you are as poor a bowler as I am...
...Yes, I believe they win," he agreed "but it will take time...
...I weald almost prefer to see him a ghost writer...
...That's a part of the general atentsl attitude of Individualism in this country...
...If religion is to survive In the contemporary world...
...3) devotes some space to the economics of the theme but its main purpose is to show that modern Christianity of all denominations is in conflict with all the rich fruits of scientific investigation...
...It is interesting to obeatu that Rev...
...They had fairly clear Socialist ideas long before the Communist Manifesto, and did not at an have to wait for Socialism to be Imported from Burope, as official spokesmen of the ruling class pretend today...
...Hugh Dalton...
...For the uninformed s> must be hneneeabbsea the* to Holland an opinion prevails as if a treat success had been achieved...
...Surely," X affirmed "even right after the adoptton of the Declaration of Independence and of the national constitution...
...his industry is amazing and his skill in knitting the evidence together is of the highest order...
...These elections were fought everywhere with great enthusiasm...
...Hamilton and Mrs...
...And even pour hraaatels aervant wrote a little keek...
...It must be built on th* new knowledge and adjusted to contemporary culture...
...Of course, everything in the American Socialist party was not right, either...
...It'* too easy to get away with C swelled head I* it any different in the European Sodanst parties ?" "Yes, considerably,'' X assail«1 "although now and then the same thing happen* over there...
...therefore, neediest to urge women comrades to eoBBt to Una ssaeang...
...Wishing myself lots of tock^ And^ ^.jthe wjgt, of entof it^ls~that every18*78*0*^^ Hereditary bondsmen...
...Thoroughly documented as this study is, it is a valuable addition to the literature of economic and social history...
...Just now, after a year of standing lent ektfmg foreclosures and Wail street excitement, the gar- ' dens fore and aft have all the aimbisnos *ff an ¦ African jungle...
...Proclaim theories of rebtra-dt*"*^** And aataah the Ihons of pretense...
...the leader of the German Social Democrat women in Checboalo vakla Only those who know how the proletariat has been rent by fraternal strife between the two nationalities thanks to the teeohhlecf tne-bcmraeoBne, which in BBss* sBhasswy eenntn** osn do nothing but to foster hatred between the different races and which was only too long followed in this by an unenlightened proletariat?-ian real...
...It's a splendid team...
...I Rsrht after night last winter I went hate the darksun of a smoke-hung hall and flung a great, big, "karmous ban down the gutter...
...They didn't know anything about American conditions, didn't speak the language well, and tried to force the American Federation of Labor when they found that converting It would take too long to be of use to them...
...And when hi* own Interests differed from those of the party, he wee apt to spit into the party* face...
...Both wul find plenty to do...
...A finished attic ia done with Oriental iraftlaata so aa to thoroughly conceal the framework that supports the roof...
...Or learn bow eye* Can blot the suns Out of the skies Oh, wait for her . . . Whoever she may be...
...1 suppose suggesting we keep our present lady-of-eJKWofk), th* kitchen and a wrought iron staircase...
...56 guests from foreign countries, and 695 fraternal delegates, making a total of 1253...
...The study by Professor Oscar A. Marti (Economic Causes of the Reformation In England New York: Macmillan...
...But the party members in the teag average are better Informed and dlatxaiiaed, and the leaders as a rule have a greater sense of duty and party solidarity...
...The present system of production and distribution having reached an amazing degree of development also brings with it a questioning of the upper range of philosophy that sanctions * .* * Two recent books, one dealing with the medieval period and the other with th* modern period, add to this type of literature...
...German oak and ftiststeli walnut trim throughout...
...He must be bored enough By real saints...
...Sjf f nsa Bsth^enuwde* have had nw satte> during...
...Until the Intellectual ruins of Fundamentalism and Devout Modernism have been swept away," he writes, "there can be no intelligent beginning made in the great task of constructing the new order of things religious...
...Dale**, of course, the ser*gofhff destiny Hon anus the contract I now hold before that pttsatona date...
...Let them know that you don't care for so much of that military trash, that you would not mind having a good deal tens of European kings, nobles and dictators on the screes, and that you don't enjoy paying fqr your ticket and then being ahown mainly th* flag, a few generals, a few politicians, and a sporting event in what ts supposed to be The News Of The Day, You don't have to put up with that They'll atop it if they find out that enough of us resent it to reduce their receipts...
...mm Jostths other day I got a pretty stick invitation to go ts aa a_Cav of, this osganianlton The htvttakion sad arttisti and American nag* arossed eh tap, » i -*-L Now my admiratlora for the British is not per'ervkt And what I think about British Army offl; cna is just about one degree lower that what X E u-ak of american Army officer...
...And when neither persuasion, nor reason, nor ridicule worked the desired effect, these Socialists organised rival labor organizations under Socialist leadership and fought the American Federation of Labor.> Later the Western Federation of Miners formed a separate federation, called the American Labor Union, and this was followed by the I. W. W...
...The movies and radio* are very mediocre, but they will give us better stuff...
...For instanes, there is john Baoh MoMsetTs Itteliiij of the People of the United fUtea, wfalan gives fine gmnpsee 0 th* class struggles of the eenhy pag* worker* aad tarmasrs, Anal irweasor t_y of Wlsnunran Ihsiaisity has written a very fine book on the labor movement ef the United state* from Can early anginnlngs te recent fJsntaV My friend jim Ones...
...He had to put up money out of his own pocket or get it from middle class friends outside the regular party...
...Just let as |«t into the old carpet slippers before an open tea with my pips filled with good tobacco and Fra mfl- content to let the whew World go by...
...Aad so be turned, and made the mocking sign, But finding sacrilege so tame, he spat Before the gilded altar, crying "Swine . Who grunt with ethics while you snout the fat" S. Atlvlce for Fteus People...
...Even if you never read anything like that the farmers tad workers mast have heard from your father tat the farmers and workers Joined hands in the eighties aad Tftitoftas ef the last century for a great attack- en Wall Street, in the SooaOsd Poplkst and Labor parties...
...Oh, do not pray to Ooa, For why should he Find any interest In piety . . . ? Nor weary him With your complaint...
...There were too many aettbooaters, who thought more of their personal ambitions than of the party mtereets aa a whole...
...or Industrial Workers of the World...
...Only after the house has been tthlt does lb* scaffold beentna superfluous.—WUl f**»ik, t/°" hi p-escnt industrial situation Liberalism BjSnot even begun to think of a aolution.—John ^Sst*ry..nrlth» I_ajbar M. p. . - "THE AMERICAN RIDDLE A Socialist And A Cowboy-Veteran Tackle the Problem of America ''jpshulslj," I enooinagad him...
...Even if I know that my vote is worth as much as Morgan's or Rockefeller's, I don't have to give it to their candidates, just because I feel myself equal to those fellows, I don't have to let them prevent me from forming a party of my own...
...The winter is still before ua, end there is mesh ahat esa a* accoatpBsSd for the women and the pariff...
...votes has considerably Increased, especially in the capital...
...CHATTER BOX fowt Pwems ia ft sharp Mood 1 Advio* to a Christ Cefld...
...Prom time to time the crowd is addressed from the wagon by a woman for five minutes What an impression it makes when the speaker succeeds in making the women stand and listen...
...lath at the Band School...
...ft Two ef the chief indoor sports in New York City nas winter are bowling and writing tetters to the "jspen to ten the Socialists ho wto get along, fea j _ * As we nnders tand the tenor of most of these n»nib*t*T —. if w* will change the name of the I tarty to the League for the Protection of American wVraanhocd...
...Then can the faithful to your side, That they, for gratitude, again May cry, to have you . . . crucified...
...Every r testant denomination lh the S( h and the Catholics in the reg i of New Orleans accepted and defended black servitude till it was destroyed...
...And American ecohaenuue like sVankltn and Waylaid had rheoria* like the British classical writers, Adam Smith and David lttaerdo, whose work Marx put te good use in bis Capital...
...tHAT the church of whatever denomination becomes inevitably bound to each social system in history till the evidence of social decay becomes marked is how a commonplace truth for an Students of history...
...The foUowine is an extract from Comrade ^latny's speech: "It is as a result of the distress suffered by women during the war that our women's movement has attained Its present strength...
...Blaming The Movies "And the movies, the autos, the radio, don't they addle people's heads stin more...
...One reason for this ia that the party has never been strong ia this country to finance Its own congressional candidates to the big cities...
...The frequent quotations from old documents are valuable for the student and as a scholar he is not interested in the religious disputes that come down from the days of the Reformation...
...For having turned the other cheek...
...and bring their friends...
...One of them was Adrninistrator 0f Cologne after the Armistice and he put*, "etc...
...added my cowboy friend "Nobody wants to listen any more to political and scientific lectures In any public meetings...
...a Correction We wish to correct an error appearing in Miss Dahme's article or...
...Socialist Mistakes "Well, after the first native workers' and farmers' movements had laid down on the job...
...Most of them seam to look SB a* as a dispenser of highly-paid jobs and •aarre that because I was once a reporter on The gas, I know every city editor by his first name and , saw Adoiph Ocha for a boy friend...
...he instated...
...Our people devoted themselves with pleasure to our principles, which was obvious from the words of aU speakers, women and men...
...And my none I too glorious army career makes that unprintable...
...a. n. IMS Go forth and grow ante a saint...
...Ha looks through biff ^bjbb aye* anon the univeree and takes a treanaaue aster tat in all that goes on...
...adopt the Republican platform in to to i md come out for a bigger Navy, we may get a 1st at votes from the respectables...
...Which didn't prevent him occasionally from attending an international Socialist congress in Europe and bawling out the European 'Socialists for their afieged lack of Socialist principles.'' la europe Like...
...It must be a twentieth century religious system...
...Yet in spite of that, there is no real mass movement of these classes today effective in politics...
...But I don't think these mistakes could be avoided, or that they counted as heavily In the general scheme of things as some of the other reasons given above...
...They seized th* rich prise and divided it as booty among themselves...
...If we demand it strongly enough...
...for the working class its rtT"**--* action is te its _4u*triai ^snixatton what the scaffolding is to the Wohnpef ahooae...
...The *nVs voice...
...Ytasel does go into Journalism aa will be carhat to get swanky and carry a bane and borrow t near/ from working reporters and generally make snvntf a terrible nuisance tailing everyone the la! an* story of the Rothstein murder...
...Each chapter la followed by a Est of selected references and the volume has a good index concerning woman Editted by PAULINE M. NEWMAN 'a department of news and views of particular interest to th* woman of the labor movement WHAT TRC WOMB* ABB SATTJfQ AMD DOING tS KUKOPE RAOESL PARKER and aether Friedman win speak at the next aanwbaTabip meeting of UBWamteari Seenee to be held on Oatasjaa...
...This however dlaces a great responsibility on us...
...aoeial-Democraai retain their 24 seats...
...Thousands of women civil servants are now working heart and soul for the party, and women fit on the provincial and nranWrml reoresentative bodies and In Parliament...
...And men like Father George Washington cajsaed about It like jackdaws...
...And learn the sense Of how your shallowed dsys Can flood With turbulence...
...His approach to the subject Is kindly and his discussion is that of a scholar who is widely read in the physical and social sciences...
...Comrade Blatny concluded, amid enthusiastic applause, by expressing in glowing terms the devotion c* working women to the Socialist cause...
...The center of wealth "gravitated from manor to town, and the basiJ of wealth shifted from land to capital...
...Two Socialist women...
...All these women bring an enthusiastic end ever growing interest to their new duties...
...33 per cent of the members of the party in the country are women...
...a, Of On* Who Would Not Ob to Waff ffnrest Th* voices in the temple said to him, "Be arm and take the honorable Way, Be Strong against th* Inborn thieving whteh And When you make your purchase .. pap .." He atade to go, and going heard again . . , "The gone are only fair with honest men .. But truth h* knew, the rods art Stone ht theft Who come to pray fib simple reverend...
...such h candidate felt more under obligation to private friends and Voters outside the party than Be the party membership that had nominated hfta and done the heaviest campaign work...
...But there is also e.r.other ground for congratulation...
...The World's Revolutions, which has a chapter on the American isvlatiiiii...
...But a great mast of these electors do not yet think alonsr democratic lines and mechanically follow the policy of the confessional parties...
...We all feel bound to express our thanks to the party, which has raised the position of proletarian women, and has h°lped them to gain their political rights...
...Wemen in the British Delegation to Leagve of nations This year women delegates will for the first time form dart of the British delegation to the Assembly of the League of Nations...
...Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, exuressed himself as follows in an interview to the "New Leader...
...The Immediate aim* ef those parties shay seem trifling to us today, hot there can be no doubt shout the class character of their Bxovement...
...The effect of...
...Young women were present who had never spoken in public, but who were so bgasnd by the enthusiasm of the erswd that they defended our cause m a really splendid manner...
...In th* country as a whole Share were nearly 100,000 more electees than in the last elections...
...t ^ - i» jltaj hi • learning to use a dial telephone and j^s—fl socn be able to go out and leave him behead jsrthsCtvte dab and wfQ Z talk for a nto* gronp '•nsh shan't any money but can guarantee that at aast tttaen people will be present* rs...
...Belief in Purgatory, for instance, was refuted rnd abandoned by thinking man because it appeared to be a clever device framed by ecclesiastics to exact payment for praying men out of it" On the other hand this study does not present the classes and cliques who broke the power of the church as being Inspired by high ethical motives The enormous land holdings of the clergy and other forms of wealth possessed by the church provided a rich temptation for the rising merchant and commercial classes...
...You who linger so hesitatingly with—i your three and four room flats will surely understand when X describe the domicile as antique brick van**** an hollow tile, slate roof, on a plot strty by on* hundred, situated in Kissena Park, Flushing...
...Mow I'm on mv way to Terre Haute to collect •ase more material for my biography of 'Gene tuba In a way that UtUe Mid-Weat City is a na tknal shrine and the man whose ashes lie under the around of Highland T_ewn Oemetery- loose s Peater to me every time I think of his crowded f Efe and the heritage be left ail of as Socialists...
...nu4fs]*f ef them were not written hj> ungteiurt*, either...
...tif " - there are really several papers ia Hew York sunt hardly know I am alive and seem to be i diii ii "i along without my assist ansa...
...When elected...
...the journal of the Independent labor Party: "And what of the delegation ltaelf...
...For the underlying masses of peasant* and laborers the revolution brought no change...
...baa wiltl— an even better book or two on the same subject...
...We must win over the ma'or'tv of working women to our cause by educational work, and for this we need all your help, for without it the erer-widening duties of the Social Democratic women cannot be carried out...
...Swanwlck and Mrs...
...A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES CATS, CATS, CATS IZ BAVB been ocBetaUy iisssgaal 11| to eaaajffff the PsiiiIsmi of my f.line family of foe* ft* Copy |c*t tha unast addition to the staff of tjb KXW __ kg ft-* Ami family bow consists of tjm aster fun* tJU^-f •* <»**rty beloved Isabel, Jacob.' The i JJfrMfT end Tlpe...
...The election campaign has also briiuantly shown that the women's sBBTrafie dees an enormous amount to awaken the interest of the people In SiwInTtSBl...
...At first I U% irks running down the alley and apc4oglsiag for .sat baring knocked any pine over...
...This electoral right is a system of perfect democracy and gives each elector his full value as a nmnber...
...New York: Vanguard Press...
...Direct statement and indirect testimony alike give ample proof that the greed of the king and ruling classes was a prominent motive for the economic reform of the church...
...Make stesvhej and Pttartsea to fawn...
...Swanwlck, wfll go to the Assembly, which opens at the beginning of September...
...Yeah?'') * *ifter a complete SsnSlnence from the alloys, I eaffrtliia.il to take up bowling again in a big way...
...The economic studies of the Middle Ages when the Catholic Church was a ruling agency of the feudal system reveals the Same story...
...Max Weber and Karl Kautsky In which the old records are made to reveal the struct .re of feudal society with its upper range of religious, political, social and economic views shaped and changed by the changing forma of commerce and economic conditions in general teU the same story...
...The Farmers Fought, Too "And the farmers, you say, also fought against capitalism long ago...
...Altar such a great campaign hardly anything has bean altered In Parliament, apart from a are slight changes kill* parties...
...No Socialist who was elected to congress got there by the unaided financial or voting strength of our party...
...And perhaps you also heard that the great tribune of the people, W. j. Bsfnn, with the help of Other leaders who thought more of money than of principles, wrecked Chat mssiraaat...
...a Csech Social Democratic Women's journal, published on this occasion an article en the work of German Socialist women in Czechoslovakia, with a portrait at Comrade BlaSny...
...Faith In the prayer* of priests and prelates was weakened because the clergy prayed only before an open purse...
Vol. 9 • December 1929 • No. 18