A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES PIONEERS AND PERSONALITY Wm Styi when there was color and fire to go n r movement. In the 'Ninette* when there K5»» snd ?***• blind movemente of might* ^r_Jai when...

...Lucia Trent...
...New Leader readers axe called upon to ketp Ugh ten suffering of erstwhile bankers, bosses, merchants and sundry parasites that have been left penniless by monkeying with stock evens agon...
...Bdward McOredy, cssaadser of the American Federation of Labor, and John Bdelman of the Full Fashioned Hosiery Workers of Philadelphia...
...Swiss Socialist women hope that these demonstrations will give a great impulse to the women's suffrage movement in their country...
...Services of the Women's Section On the night of the torrent, Oct...
...The purpose of this centralised effort is te correlate the work of the women in the branches, and stimulate that work when necessary, by furnishing reliable information, when needed, and by conducting an exchange of women's speakers between women's clubs of all varieties and the Women's Section...
...There are eighteen illustrations, an ample bibliography, and a good Index...
...to the strange in comprehensive way that is Wall Street...
...Jacob Panken is due to arrive from an extensive trip abroad...
...You are invited...
...Here the underlying story of tragedy, sacrifice, suffering and exploitation of the laboring people will be found...
...Cleveland Socialists Win Increased Vote (By A New Inie C«n mnlsl) CLEVELAND, OHIO—Because ef the complicated system of counting under the proportional representation system here, the fate of the four Socialist candidates for City Council was not known for several days...
...We can expect no such * today...
...is true...
...It declares that it wants to lead this struggle in close cooperation with other organizations of the international socialist movement, with all the will to struggle and unstinted enthusiasm of youth, in order to suppress war and militarism, those fatal enemies of the working class and mankind, forever...
...He te the youngest member of the "London Spectator" editorial staff and is a contributor to the "Manchester Guardian" and the "New Statesman...
...24 at 830 p.m...
...There Miss Prey Is right...
...hs to get back to the stirring events of the Phetles am I getting sentimental or is it true P*i picturesque personalities such as abounded then pt tiraost completely drifted off the American F* sceaei -Now and then a Matt...
...C . . . , an old employer of some sixty souls to the cloak and suit manufacturing business . . . Because the union conditions hampered his making more then thirty per cent on his investment . . . became disgusted with building up a million dollar fortune by such slow degrees . . . voted for Coolidge . . . sold out his shop . . . discharged bis five dosen "bloodsuckers," as he always affectionately termed bis workers, and went down to the Street to play n "Man's" game...
...However, it is necessary to give a few specific cases of actual poverty now come into the office for our attention...
...All of them bought palatial homes, lovenests, autce, diamonds, furs, and whatnots . . . part down and the balance on the future...
...And those who Join us in the days HRW01 be touched a little by it, if the work of Hfjwi is to bear good fruit For while those r**tt«n on the toil of others" may not be so *gy gluttonous today, be sure that like the ^P*»hey are very much with us...
...I know that Mrs...
...And if not...
...amount of spade work to bring to st th* truth about those picturesque events that Lgejhssi aation in uproar long after Coxey and Tj^gssw and Douglas McCallum, *he author of gsa saS Flees by One of the Dogs...
...drive for new members and funds...
...In a letter to the editor of this department she expressed her deep regrets over her Inability to be with us in this campaign...
...he and his whole ** tall km were Just squeezed out as dry as a Congressional speech...
...This produced a society of great landlords which excluded the small settler...
...dons to take toe places now filled by bandits and gusnxam • «decent thieves . . . who aered to take a chance firttSt their Uvea and liberties when they stole...
...St Paul Pickefs Frpsd, ST...
...The world is made better and happier through the functioning of emotions, rather than through reason...
...This to the second of a series winter for the benefit of members of Saturday afternoon forums to be held at the league clubhouse this winter for the benefit of members and their friends...
...It is described as follows: A leader of an expedition pacified an area and obtained the right to govern it He then granted in the king's name to hit followers, according to their merits of service and social position, tracts of land contiguous to Indian villages whose Inhabitants were required to work for • their overlord with but nominal pay...
...Other chapters consider ths .French...
...Ei vet all bet up then about the evils of Prohlptas sad if be knew you were a newspaperman Leal to deluge you with his propaganda...
...Really, dear kind readers, we must not forget the) unfortunates within our very midst True, most of them still manage to stall off the mortgagors and sundry creditors . . . but they shall soon be migrating in from the expensive suburbs, right to our tenement stoops . . . and we must prepare to give them a Christmas dinner at least If only there were words adequate enough in pottos and grief to convey to your sensibilities the anguish and outright pain that are «ng«i*wg fully ten million men and women who but yesterday ' strutting the avenues of affluence, looking with blue blooded disdain on the workers, the plutocrat tickets, and calling me "a dirty shevik" because I bad warned them of ths hot coming for having kept "Kool with Koolidge...
...If these things are to have a permanent op sis...
...7. they were addresssd by Prof...
...In this the fifth volume by Herbert Ingram Priestly, (The Coming of the White Men, 1492-1848...
...Panken AS this to being written Mrs...
...Willert and Martinek in the first and second districts lost by a mere two or three hundred votes...
...1891 Henri Julten.avenue, Montreal...
...Perfanan predicted that the party would have an totseeeed *i,n"-^,g among middle elaas mtojtoctoahv At a previous nil Hip William Henry, state organiser of the Socialist Party in Wls»y»>«i^ forecast the eventual emer|ence ef...
...AU over the city people are asking what the Socialists propose to do...
...Admission is one dollar for the reserved section and seventy-five cents far all other seats...
...Jry for years 'Gene wouldn't ride on a Pullman P°— he Insisted that the strike for which he F* to-Jail was never really called off...
...Others who will address the meeting are James Oneal, Morris Hillquit and Jesse Wallace Hughan...
...I Sssa3sBpalr as much ss Coxey add his Uenten...
...The larger part of the work Is devoted to fpatilsh influence and Isndttsdjeajn tat America...
...Ignsgt to think that Coxey is still alive...
...Algernon Lee...
...In the 'Ninette* when there K5»» snd ?***• blind movemente of might* ^r_Jai when for the first time since Che greet CeetfLSgoC T7 all America had again fnn— "Haitian upon the workers...
...Women constitute the emotional section of the race...
...And all of us will be In It whether we gambled or no...
...They were bought and soW among the comienderos like cattle, and like cattle they slept in the fields Where they worked Some wr*e beaten to death, and mothers killed their children that they-might not inherit their parents' snffer• • e ' The dUcovery of gold and aQver sonde the ndntssj i&dhstry of Hew Spain- ths beats at another privileged group, n Mean and wealthy class that •¦amaaseit great fortunes which lent glamor to colonial history.'' Below this group "was the mine laborer who spent his days oflmnrag ep from the iepths on notched tag ladders, bearing two hundred pounds of ore at a trip, and Irving in squalor when his day's work Iras done...
...After all you never could have lived such pleasant lives fighting dirt, disease and starvation yourselves, if you hadn't had such a wonderful landlord as this one to rent you the homes you still live In...
...And when it comes to the genuine WBcet and real fighting that the pioneers knew t*dl did you ever see John L Lewis at a convenP* wits his private secretaries and personal en-' ••hge and Pullman reservations and the rest ? To Rsotbiag of hotel bills...
...wheeesr aaasmflrts this movement and wheeesr strength* ens it contributes to ths sense ei peace With this coTwsfesassesB ekes the socialist labor youth work untiringly for the building up of the soehthst movement Only the victory of over the sowers of the capitalist world social order can guarantee *mWi**-*^rf4*d pence...
...Csrienaty sf Wfcwensln A Y.P-8-L...
...HiDqnit to Discuss Next Political Step At Rand School Forum The poBttcal situation gives a dramatic Interest to the opening of the Rand School Forum at 2 o'clock this Saturday afternoon...
...He borrowed money from bootleg bankers at twenty and twenty-five per cent . . . and kept Increasing Ids holdings...
...Mr Dugdale to an outstanding representative of post-war youth In England...
...The first aim is practically assured because Of the fine response everywhere...
...I Bat she most men who have been at the forefront ¦ easts that make history he was inarticulate ¦an It tame to any human account of what be Iri ban through...
...So destructive of the natives was this regime that the king in 1581 "complained that the Indians were being destroyed, about one-third of them having succumbed to mistreatment and those who survived obliged to pay taxes for those who had died...
...Among the speakers were Abraham Kaufman, William TurgeU, Irving Ostrowsky, Charles Bunarsky, Murry Levins and Henry fibofllUHsV Peace On the seeastoh of the eleventh anniversary of the cad ef the World War tt is perhaps aaeesettaSs to quote from one of toe reaoiutions pesssd by the Third Congress of the SocialSrt Tooths' International, held in Vienna in Jury, 19*8...
...Think of the pet poodles, the soger babies, the night club hostesses, the yacht crews, the valets, butlers, and bootleggers that are caught hstplsas and without sustenance through no fault of their own...
...The Ufa of Oa agricultural laborers was similar and before "the last third of ton eighteenth century an desirable land within reach of ntlHserlon had been taken Up...
...rode out of ¦ sept staaaillon Ohio, on a chrajal Easter ^yTha, head of their Uttered legions...
...Pretty soon it will be a case of dog-eat-dog . . big boy battling the other big boy . . . the pirates will have a general battle royal . . . each one trying to save bis own pot . . . All under the cover of shorter trading days . . . stabilizing the market . . and the rest of that ugly bunk . . . Where oh where is the last crop of suckers they beilyhooed into the market after the first crash . . . with "Buy...
...The meeting set a goal of 100 new members and an education fund of $1,000...
...The sec-" retary to A. Rlehstone...
...How magnificently he catches the |* of ths days when Debs and Eugene Field and P**» Whirtomb Riley and "Bob" IngersoU and ** geniuses were creating a genuine Americana P the war brought to an abrupt end...
...But if I were asked to choose between emotion and reason, I would choose the latter— though I admit the importance and the necessity of the former...
...That riches and empire were controlling motives qf exploration and that the price para for conquest was forced labor of ths natives, an exploitation so cruel in is expanaia that tt USMticalry wiped out the population, are only too evident • • e In the Old Mexico, which Included much, of what Is new a part of our own Southwest Spanish settlement and conquest destroyed the happy simplicity of the Indiana Great ktOtBoras took up vast stretches ef sand and for the most part depended upon the forced labor of the natives...
...Reason had no chance whatsoever...
...They too sicked the cope onto "them Socialist traitors.** . . . Then they had a vision of opulence . . . Mams started It . . . She started it . . . She had always "worn the trousers" . . . The big fullback of a son had a classmate down in the Street He got some "real hot tips...
...The editor of this department withes to take exception to Comrade Prey's assertion that "the world is made better and happier through the functioning of the emotions rather than through reason...
...17, at 8 pm., in the Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 27s Bscfcesan street Brooklyn...
...TH CHATTER BOX Ten million neediest cases for charity rettaf haw fore Christmas...
...Among the-affairs planned for the membership and money campaign are mast meetings, distribution of leaflets, a theatre party and a dance...
...The wail known generosity of our readers wtB not faB us or them...
...the life of the natives, the social and economic classes that emerged...
...Savage revolts on the part of the natives inflicted their wrath upon both missionaries and laymen...
...The gigantic outer world is built by men, but women are still at their ancient Job of concerning themselves with the happiness and progress of their children and their homes...
...He was also paid the tithe or tribute, keeping most of the latter for himself...
...Tickets are seventy-five cents each and may be obtained at the school...
...The Women's Section should be ready with an answer before very long...
...Only when every woman in Greater New York baa had her emotions aroused by the message of Socialism and its practical workings, will the Socialist Party and the Socialist vote reach stupendous proportions in this city...
...The circle will resume the publication of the "Ylpsel Call'' shortly...
...organize and held the forces which backed him in the campaign...
...I This was Doc Cook who came back one day to I vtkDy applauding world to announce that he N discovered the North Pole...
...During the campaign many students of James Madison and gramma Kail High schools expressed strong desires to Join...
...The New Leader expects every tenant to do his duty for old time's sake...
...Organisation Education Solidarity FREE YOUTH Young People's Socialist League 21 Eeeex Street, Boston, Mass...
...Concerning Woman A department ef news and views ef partiealar interest to the woman ef the labor movement...
...In It ¦*ja a touching anecdote of bis meeting Debs *•» York talking to the "down and outs" on P> Square...
...MfAlhteT Colrm«n.' BOOKS IN BRIEF The Masses In Early America By James Oneal ANOTHER volume in the series known as A History of American Life and to be complete in twelve volumes is at hand...
...But 1*7 look more like figures at a costume ball than P»n»i article...
...Once again—welcome home...
...denies altogether the economic nature of war dangers as t>»» socialist (ear Mi igi show them to be...
...Men don't walk over began...
...For we all know that emotions then had the upper hand...
...the influence of the church and missionaries in the conquest of the natives...
...P. M. N. Women's Trade Union League To Discuss Southern Industrialism The second monthly forum of the Women's Trade Union League, Ml Lexington avenue, will be held at the League clubhouse at 3:30 this afternoon The topic far discussion Is "Industrialism of the South and its Reaction on the North...
...In this vast area with its potential riches, corruption, graft and Intrigue naturally emerged in the competition of the various ruling elements for access to the economic honey vats...
...Imagine it, even the Amerigo ess—Han of Labor showed sympathy for has I j vet not so many years ago that I saw the kfmtleaesn peering mildly out from above his Eetseke at a table that was always reserved for Lai Joss restaurant in the Forties in New York...
...He dragged bis whole army of friends, partners, relatives and the like into his own holding...
...Different times, different cua** is true enough...
...15, a Debs Memorial meeting will be held in the Rand School, at 8 pm...
...of New York City...
...Papa whined against the danger . . . Mama and Junior had their way...
...Comrade Senior emphasised the necessity for a strong youth movement and pointed out that Chicago was a fertile field for it Praulein Reine van der Heidi, one of the leading figures in the Dutch socialist movement described the activities of socialist youth in her country...
...But she is back again —that is all that matters, after all...
...On successive Saturdays following these two addresses the following speakers will appear in the order named: Harry Elmer Barnes, Harry F. Ward, and Morris L Ernst Chairmen of the Forum will be William E. Bonn and Algernon Lee...
...they amassed notable economic resources" and became nwdged hi the regime of the exploiting class to the extent that leHgtoue coercion was coupled with, corporal punishment to indues rnbinlsslf on the part of the natives...
...Joseph M. Coldwell, one of the prison-mates of Debs wui be among the speakers...
...Where, oh where, is the public to bring hack the old "stabilizing influence" . . . They're done, yon bunch of unhung,unJailed plunderers . . . aa I fsn> vently pray all of you soon will bs...
...M. McOulre, editor of the Baptist Magazine, traced the increased tolerance towards socialism in the United States during the thirty years of his activity in the movement...
...It Statr genius that prompted his story about the Jo at Esquimaux for American gum-drops and ¦ tab day I have a sneaking feeling of regret over pact that he has had to spend most of his time Pi Texas jail because he turned his talents to ro¦uehg about oil wells...
...We missed her enthusiasm, her vitality, her good Judgment...
...The fascist youth movement, owing to its tendency to an countries to develop nationalist war endeavors, to one of the greatest dangers for the working class, it tries to divert the attention of the young workers from the objects and demands of the working class, to paralyse and destroy the power of this class by enrolling the youthful workers in the fascist bands, and thus forge them into an Instrument of violence against ths working class Itself...
...The things we accomplish through emotionalism are at best but temporary...
...p^Saest McMurray performs a Sea rice, by potet_ sd Out here was no collection of hoboes out ,» ark but instead a band of desperate but wells^sked working men, unskilled for the most - •— ¦ j diu4 *w\ tan u fd lejw ejhwd up with Coxey*s Commonweal of asapty because there was no other man or Ljfehasf evbo offered anything tangible for the EEfcu ef their misery...
...dabs memorial Meeting On Friday, Nov...
...In his address st ths Forum be will outline what h« has in mind ra the way of personal and party activity...
...They have played the pitiful part of King Canute against the tide...
...The au-, thor declares that "Spain's policy was comparable to that of the French in Canada, but in sharp and happy contrast with the English and Dutch policy at expulsion and annihilation...
...some clue as to what odd twist in perLaky ad them so far from the beaten paths...
...Instead of cashing In some of his chips, he rode the pile bgh...
...WHY not...
...Dutch and Swedes, the latter two being lees important in impressions mads upon American life 'Like the other volumes in this series, this one at largely based upon original sources and written by n specialist in his field This study shows that the field for historical interpretation of various phases of American history is far from being exhausted despite the large number of works that have appeared in recent years...
...toadtng to the dangers of Itself beeQSSbjg an internment of belligerent groups...
...Let us forget the homes that will not be occupied by them this winter, or the fur coats that are in hock, or the autoe that are reclaimed . . . Let us only think in terms of Christian kindliness...
...It L sent so long ago...
...Thomas is now taking definite measures to...
...He is in a position to suggest what Socialists think of non-Socialist support and what steps the party should take in order to utilize the advantages of its present position...
...to start in at the bottom, as all captains of industry are reputed to do . . . Case 9.Ml.956 . . . The whole family of a retired landlord, whose holdings consisted of tenements on Pitt, Ridge and Stanton streets, where the prosperous working class of New York disport themselves in perennial battles with roaches, bugs and the like...
...A vast tragedy is unfolding itself right before our .very eyes...
...Lii Shall ISllssi ii I the army...
...The speakers on this subject will be Miss Matilda Lindsay, vice president and organiser of the National Women's Trade Union Leasee...
...The Socialist Youths* International to also ngyfritt the policy ef the Communist International which thanks that only out of snethsr war the basis for a socialist revolution win come, and therefore andeeeoas to strengthen existing ninlHs...
...We appeal to the Garment Workers Union to establish a fund for their old bosses...
...On Armistice Day, Circle Two cooperated with the War Registers League and the Young Paole Zlon in a street meeting at Bristol and Pitkin svenues...
...Bit by bit, ^oati, by loan, mortgage by mortgage the dear old money oozing tenements were transferred into pieces of engraved paper, and statements of margin accounts...
...Thasfesgtviag Beans An old-fashioned Thanksgiving Eve dance wfll be held to the Debs Auditorium of the Rand School on Nov...
...Selig Periston, one of toe country's outstanding label econemista Prof...
...The leaders of the Thomas Nonpartisan Committee have announced plana...
...The Women's Section has felt her absence...
...has been organised at the University of Wisconsin under the leadership of Julius C. Edetoteln, a former Milwaukee Ylpsel The fifteau charter members have announced that they adhere to toe national ptetforni of the Socialist Party and they aha to enlighten the students aa to the true meaning of snriallim At their .....sllisj on Nov...
...All were defeated...
...However, it was decided the present campaign was a splendid time to make a.beginning, taxi a bit as it were, and spread our wings for a flight later...
...He was the "London Times" correspondent in China during the Kuomintang revolt and to an honorary attache of the British Embassy at Peking...
...buy, buy . . ." "Stocks are cheap now" . . . and all the rest of that criminal advertising...
...Wbil you have been stealing and destroying nR these weary years with the benefit of clergy seat lew . . . \4 Ugh...
...Once a woman cares, she usually acts...
...Meetings are held every Friday night at 3312 Douglas boulevard...
...director of the Read School, will speak on "These Dls-Unlted States" on Sunday, Nov...
...Panken missed us, too...
...circle known at the Student Socialist League...
...Though the speakers will in every case be expressing , their personal views, it is hoped that their addresses will become documents about which public thought will crystallize itself...
...Yet," he con...
...the forcible appropriation of land and enslavement of the Indians...
...Wall or a P** Morrison or a John L. Lewis can be fojind Phfttog the big black hats and the long hair and ••flowing ties of the leaders of those days...
...The proceeds of the dance will go towards the financing of a Ylpsel paper...
...I iaf this is the bane of reporters and historians las, ths terrific energy acquired literally...
...Edited by P ACTIVE M. NEWMAN Welcome Home Mrs...
...She will have a great deal to tell us of her observations in Europe, and we shall be delighted to hear all about it...
...It is with a deep sense .of gratitude that the student of economic end sodal history closes the pages of this splendid volume...
...The need is urgent Give until it hurts...
...I am certain that I voice the sentiment not only of the Women's Section—but of every party member when I satr that we have missed Mrs...
...For years they got along decently on Riverside Drive . . . went to Europe, private schools, transcontinental auto trips, kept a Florida horns, and other such ordinary phases of middle class life They too, voted for their class and Coolidge...
...the transplanting of the Inquisition to the American continent...
...I b that when you do meet someone "back from m van" who is willing to talk his head off, you k apt to be just a bit suspicious and on your I fiat garrulous old fibber "Trader Horn" is one If the mart recent examples that comes to mind but Ian was a far greater romancer than the Trader B tkc days when I was a cub reporter on the old Par Tori Sun...
...The AngloSaxon method was to treat the Indian as an alien and independent political entity with whom treaties of mutual exclusion could be solemnized so one-sided in application that white violation was the normal course of action...
...PJteve been looking once more into Art Young's Way...
...The Forum is to be a Congress for the creation -of democratic- opinion...
...The women of Philadelphia are asking "When is the Interstate Socialist Women's Conference we heard pbout last year going to be held...
...When the first crash came, they loot some or perhaps most of the profits . . . But the old bankers and brokers hollered . . . "Don't quit . . . everything is down to rock bottom . . . sing the Star Spangled Banner . . . save the country . . . and buy . . . Buy . . ." He strained, and' begged and borrowed and got his gang to do the same . . . They bought . . . For a spell things and their hopee rose . . . Then the real let-down took place . . . and bit by bit...
...American AmbasPfcn in the Scandinavian countries threw wreaths land bis neck, all New York turned out to do him psnge and at a huge banquet the ladies fought m m another to kiss those unblushing cheeks...
...Those who tried to use reason were Jailed...
...airlsltos In the United i " Ths BsAtenaJ Office of the Socialcelved a request for literature from the "Young Socialist* of Montreal,'* a group orgsntoed for socialist discussion sod propaganda...
...What wfll the Socialist Party do about these suggestions and plans...
...Moreover, ths rolglmis missions "became industrial as well as religious schools...
...National Activities Chicago Drive An enthusiastic banquet attended by 60 people, marked the first step in the Chicago Y P.8.l...
...When criticism occurred, it was not of a hostile nature calculated to disrupt but rather an additional reason for acting together, for it is as true in local politics as in internationalism "the best way to conquer an enemy is to make him a friend...
...In the popular history one gets something of the romance of the captains who braved the Atlantic and the explorers and conquerors ashore but little of the life of the masses...
...Hillquit will speak as an individual...
...During the boom period be pyramided his paper profits into dizzy millions...
...She would have been a great help in the last days of the section's activity, a help arid an inspiration as well...
...Recent history, and my own observations, prove the contrary...
...The campaign of the Socialists here was not without effect...
...so that they may survive this misery, sad Join the union and go back to the basting puller's bench...
...The waves of fear and fakery have driven them back into a huddle for self-preservation...
...PAUL, Minn.—FP)—Seventeen, building trades workers, defendants on trial for picketing the Northwestern Bank construction Job, have been dismissed and declared by Judge Wright to have been entirely within their rights...
...B carries these politics ooamsMy to ths interests of the susasag oasis whfle the struggle of the hsnrgohns Is bsorakj | nt CO bbbkb1 IBP 1 The Socialist Labor Bssessssnl to the most reliable support to work) pesos...
...Ralph Cheyney, national known rebel poet read a poem dedicated to Mooney and Billings written by bis wife...
...His address will, however, represent an important body of Socialist and radical opinion...
...Case 6,456,763 . . . Mr...
...At first millions appeared en the right side of their dinner table ledger . . . and so on until the smash up . . . Now, dear tenants on Ridge, and Pitt and Stanton street, we call upon you to save your old landlord and his family from the cruel fate of destitution...
...the conflicts of exploiters with native laborers...
...New York: MararHnarj, 14) the author has given us an invaluable-study of social, cultural, economic and political origins extending from Mexico to old French Canada with a wealth of material that throws much light upon the common life of the masses In this early period of settlement and exploitation...
...One of the outstanding talks of the evenning was made by Clarence O. Senior, National Executive Secretary of the Socialist Party...
...the aristocracy built upon the conquest of the natives and their lands, all form the chief elements in this notable history...
...Tickets for the lecture may be obtained at the Rand School...
...But we can expect, even as Norman P*» and others in the movement so abundantly *> s continuation of the fine, fierce, flaming ~* revolt against oppression which swept on JJ***rs...
...William E. Bohn...
...The Inquisition became "the most-potent political influence" in this policy of conquest and exploitation...
...LILLIAN S. KAPLAN EDITOR Published Every Week by The New Leader for the Young People's Socialist League City Activities Norman Thomas will act as chairman at the lecture of John Dugdale on "Why England's Youth Is Going Labor" to be held on Sunday...
...until every one of them became potential magnates...
...Even if their attempts for peace sometimes appear worthy of support, we cannot for a moment forget the fundamental difference bet seen their and our objects of peace...
...22nd, when the members of the Women's Section of the Socialist Party came together, their assembling stood for a pulling together...
...All we have to do is to recall the World War, and we have a fine example how the functioning of emotions made the world better and happier...
...Morris Hillquit will be the first speaker and his topic will be: "What Next...
...Debs, says Art who ought to know, *• hi S dream world of love...
...The bourseuto pacifist youth basing itself only upon feeimg...
...The expose of the sabotage of the Municipal light plant has forced the administration to halt its plans for the turning over of this publicly-owned enterprise to the power trust The campaign has greatly enhanced Socialist prestige and we look forward with confidence to the election In 1931...
...Women do care what forces play upon them and wish them to be of the best and most inspiring kind...
...On Saturday afternoon, November 23rd, Norman Thomas will speak on "The Next Socialist Campaign...
...Panken more than she will ever know...
...osxey and Kelly and Fry were moving their anesnployod upon Washington and -.Lsjssa Were shaking fas their boots and the were "raising hell instead of corn...
...Occasionally ecclesiastical power was ranged against secular politicians but on the whole both constituted a cooperating alliance for common exploitation...
...E *"et the rivets bested up and go to work...
...Great Meetings of Women in Switzerland In connection with the meeting' of the Women's' Committee of the labour and Socialist International, which is to bake place at Zurich in December this year, it is proposed to hold a number of meetings in the Drincipal towns and Industrial districts of Switzerland, at which the delegates of the great democratic countries who attend the meeting of the Women's Committee will speak...
...For example, there were 38 counts in the first district and Willert was not eliminated until the end of the 34th count...
...The "ancomlends" was a form of serfdom introduced by the Spaniards which was first introduced in the Caribbean island* and which was so ruthless that it practically destroyed the native population in a few decades...
...in the Band School, 7 East 15th street under the auspices of the YP.SL...
...set by ths way, for an accurate and at the seme a*st readable story of the industrial unrest !_L gantli i I recommend a new o. ok published lafdSj Srewn and Company and called "Coxe/s 3 JSssTsssor Donald L. McMurray is the ^ jffe teaches history at Lafayette sad be sejs-svvast...
...The local office waa pleased with the increase of the Socialist vote and announced that intensive organisation work would be carried on In the next two years, notably in the first and second districts where systematic work will net the few hundred votee which are needed...
...S. A, de Witt...
...The Evening Telegram has made definite suggestions...
...Bow many Socialist women delegates will go to their meeting from the 0. 8...
...In fact, one who attempts to write the history of capitalism in the Western Hemisphere will find himself deeply indebted to the scholarly labors of Professor Priestly which have gone into the making of this book Following out the promise made by the series the life of the underlying population of this period, the sailors and workmen aboard ships that transported white and black workers to the New World...
...chambers may have all modern lmprove¦hut it la our Job to see that those chambers E"t*ted in a particularly warm spot in Hell...
...The Socialist Youths' International insists again and again that the struggle against war and militarism to the essential task of the socialist youth movement...
...reason will have to step in and take its place with emotion...
...38 under the auspices of the Youth Publishing Association...
...to dig It el these who have been part of fascinating adIsiii is...
...When men lilke Morgan and Rockefeller suddenly presume to play the parts of economic saviors, and Industrial overlords without pretense of any kind, then the situation has gotten out of their hands as well...
...The Spanish policy differed from the English colonial policy In its relation to the Indians...
...to hear Debs when he was embittered, out invective against those who fatten on •¦ft of others, was to listen to a hammer rivet¦» chamber in Hell for the oppressors of the ' of these ramblings have any point at all, **• the effect that we Socialists have been |*dla rich heritage dating from two to three **doM back...
...The attitude of socialist youth toward peace problems to fundamentally different from all other political youths' organisations...
...Upon its ilinsjth and Ss In* kuence will depend vastly whether or not the future win fee sssbls and peace assured...
...New Brooklyn Circle All young people who hve in the Mid wood and Brighton Beach sections of Brooklyn and who are interested in organisms a Ylpsel circle see urged to send their names and addresses to Joseph Tuvrm, S8*3 Bedford avenue...
...Actually, may we snicksr and howl a bit lest we break down in tears and despair ourselvee...
...Carole Two, Brooklyn Dr...
...That the emotions play a tremndcus part in all of us...
...who will preside st the opening meeting of the Forum, emphasizes the fact that what the Rand School is projecting is not a mere lecture course...
...He didn't want to talk about b tony and its weird personalities and the imagfestto genius that gave rise to the "Petition in ¦so" But he would talk at great length about ¦si reads and fiat money and whatever pet scheme L vts men batching...
...Such service as the Women"s Section proposes can only grow in wisdom and efficiency through years of practice...
...muddy roads, sleep eel the bare ground, LflShgat swurlskhig food and face hostile popu\Sm sf esaaetde villages, deputy sheriffs and E&ayjQsaW** they want a lark...
...So intensively did the Socialist candidates hammer away at the City Manager for his attempt to give away valuable lake front land to the railroads and his subservience to big business that the Republican leaders were forced to declare on the eve of election that they would fire the city manager after the election...
...There win be ample opportunity for questions and remarks from i the floor...

Vol. 9 • November 1929 • No. 15

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