Vote Of Thomas Dispels Cynicism Of Party Critics Socialist Activity "Leaves Pleasant Tang In The Air," N. Y. World Says In First Editorial Friendly to Party—N. Y. Tfaries Sees Thomas Program-...

...It can hardly be doubted that hi this year 1929 the label of Socialism Is something of a misnomer for the policy that It represents...
...liberal' means anything or nothing," he contended, end •progressive* has unfortunate This interview brought forth th following editorial, which appear* in the same issue of The World: The Future of Socialism" "It Is hieaiusflHg that New York Socialists, accepting aa a party gala what was mainly a vote of pretest, are so full of hope for the future that they speak of a *aew party...
...kadan of Austrian trade Snsp3 summed up the position caaSlM the latest Fascist mech|oajksi This conference is to bs-fotkejaf by national conferences at the # unions forming the "frm" trass union centre...
...There is an Intention to disarm and reassare rn describing the aim as "something' like the aim of the British Labor pervjr...
...Socialist Fund Still Growing tint— "'a...
...Of the funds that have been collected...
...The League has Just moved into new offices at 62 VanderbUt avenue...
...Candidates on those tickets polled an unexpected number of votes and in some eases, particularly in ward contests for eupei vlsui, where it was reported that candidates on both the Republican and Democratic parties were unopposed, it was found that they had decided opposition...
...The result of the election was significant of the approval with which the administration of .municipal affairs under Socialist auspices has been received by the people of Reading...
...7.529 Haines (R) ...............6,739 Sherk (R...
...In our schools, colleges, and churches, there are many who have a similar desire...
...California, which raised close to $3,000, New York, where the total subscribed will probably exceed the $10,000 quota allotted to it, Pennsylvania, which raised more than the $3,000 allotted to that state, Maryland, which has almost reached its quota fo $1,000, Third Party League Announces Its Officers Thomas, Maurer, Laidler, Vladeck On Executive Committee of John Dewey Group "A 771011011011 discontent with the present political alignment Is found all through the East," says Howard Y. Williams, Executive Secretary of the League for Independent Political Action, who has Just returned from an organizing and speaking trip through the East 'Men and women everywhere are eager to make politics serve creative purposes," reports Mr...
...Maurer, Vice-Chairsoan The National Committee, in addition to the members of the Executive Committee Includes W. Lewis Abbott Harry Elmer Barnes, Paul Blanshard, Le Roy Bowman, Paul Brissenden, John Brophy, Stuart Chase, George P. Coe, McAllister Coleman, George Collins, Helen Everett Edwin Fairley, Nathan Fine, William Floyd, Zona Gale, John Gray, Powers -Hapgood, William P. Hapgood, Alfred Hayes, A. A. Heist Hubert Herring, Lillian Heratetn...
...Glenn Plumb, Evelyn Preston, Joseph Schlossberg, Norman Thomas, Oswald Garrison Willard, and B. C Vladeck...
...iiajshi exaggeratuon to say that taeja...
...I find many trade union groups thoroughly dissatisfied with the present non-partisan policy and anxious to build a new labor party In this country...
...The Socialist Party undoubtedly hu a great following and a great deal more could be done to further the cause of Socialism in this great dty but what is needed is a bigger organisation...
...the prof apnea ef manual and non-manual worsen, unemployment insurance^ |he Rent Restriction Act etc...
...5,076 Kissinger (D)............4481 Some Rural Victories Too Socialist prestige was also extended in the rural sections of Berks on Tuesday by the election of a supervisor, a school director and an auditor in Muhlenberg Township and precinct officers in the second precinct of Rosedale...
...Factory Inspection, tho eifht-hour day, laws against child labor, laws to regulate woman labor, recognition of trade unions, workingmen's banks...
...low man on the coundlmanic ticket, tbe anti-Socialists were' virtually in one camp...
...We bad none...
...suffrage, prevention of organised vice, aad housing plans for the poor are commonplace new, Aad much that has act been adopted has been tried somewhere and found wanting...
...7,707 H. Hoopes (S...
...Such a book ia 'HlHqutt'i Socialism fat Theory and Practice,' aad ia It are such capstone as industrial Reform,' 'Factory Reform,' "Shorter Workday,' 'Child Labor,' •Wasaaa Labor,' The Trade Uatoa Movement,' 'Co-operative Societies of Worldagmen.' Woridagmea's Insurance,' 't nii si sal Welti age,' 'Government Ownership,' 'Abolition of Standing Armies,' •Crime aad Vice,' Taosraperanoa' and the 'Honshu' of the Poor.' These were what Socialism was Interested as back fas 1909, when BWqntt ewbthesad his book, and when Socialism bad acquired Its same...
...To rssHss this...
...Drive In the Workmen's Circle has been rendered difficult because of the attention which the Circle is now giving to a group of extremists, who are threatening to form an independent organization...
...v' Not only win'the lafltpana'sat Labor party of Niagara Fall*, sponsored by the trade unions, conttnue oat the Central Labor Onmefl afLockport la organiatnsja branch of tin Labor party...
...Roy Banket came within 125 votes of winning the office of tax collector, which is the most hotly contested office in the district...
...The New York World on Sunday carried a vary important interview with Thomas in which the Socialist Party leader set forth some of Us ideas aad hopes for the future of the party...
...An enduring political party built about aa individual Is not easy to conceive la this country after Theodore Roosevelt and La FoDette...
...The League does not intend Itself to become the new party, but rather to act as a co-ordinating agency, bringing together all those groups which ought to unite in the formation of such a party...
...The Socialists of Buffalo have a ¦man organization and they had to depend on the faithful few to carry the burden of the last campaign...
...The Socialists of Buffalo were vary enthusiastic over the wonderful New York election results and congratulate Norman Thomas and oar comrades of the big metropolis...
...The purpose Is to organise a eoeJttloa party with •something of the spirit and program of the British Labor Party.' There at reason to sappose that the originators of tbe plan are not so completely the victims of an illusion ss might appeer at first sight...
...Howover, all this activity oa .the part of aw Socialists leave* a pleasant taag la the air...
...Thomas said he would like to learn the public's view on his proposal and also to get the constructive criticism of the Citizens Union before formulating his suggestion in official form for presentation to the Mayor...
...Abraham HQfib, Socialist nominee for sheriff, polled 706 votes in the dty...
...They had pages after pages of space bought in local dally newspapers...
...The Republicans and Democrats had posters all over the dty...
...ered for the defence of Um jBk era and salaried employees 33 the present attack on »h«ir fiase mental rights...
...In the Rosedale precinct William Klemmer was elected Judge of elections...
...So great has been the rush of middle class and tntellectuattst voters to the British Labor party of recent years that we are In danger of forgetting that the backbone of the Labor party Is labor votes and that its origins were among the worker...
...He proposed that unofficial observers be appointed by the Mayor from lists presented by the two minority parties to "turn on the light" in key departments, such as the Potiee Department, Department of Education, Bureau of the Budget and any commissions on dty planning or the reorganisation of dty government which may be set up...
...He contended that access to the facts of governmental procedure was not provided for and held that without these facts Intelligent and constructive criticism of an administration was impossible...
...In Buffalo the Socialist votes increased considerably over those polled by the Sociahst ticket in the last municipal election...
...The post-election stories aad editorials began with an editorial la The Evening Telegram which urged Thomas, ss "the liberal leader,'' to consolidate the voters for him in a permanent party...
...Many Socialists will not agree with parts of these editorials, Tet when The WORLD can say, after years of derogatory comment, that "all this activity on the part of the Socialists leaves a pleasant tang in the air," and The TIMES remarks that "the reasons for that (Socialist) decline were of a nature which a leader of the type of Mr...
...Last year it cast about one-third as many...
...Moneys that have come Into the drive headquarters since the last distribution of funds was made will permit the national office to draw between (2,000 and $3,000 more immediately...
...W w W ' United Drive Progressing Toward $50,000 Mark Originally Set WITH plans far a resumption eg tho United Socialist Drive being held in abeyance pending their consideration by membea of the National Bkcecutlve Cotamittee of the Sodanst Party, contributions to the fund continue to come to Norman Thomas, pattoasj drive chairman, at the eastern headquarters of the drive, 23 East 16th street Complete reports of tho amounts subscribed to the fund are now being compiled by Marx Lewis, drive director, who announces, as the New Leader goes to press, that approximately 335,000 have been reported as subscribed to the drive headquarters...
...Hannah Clothier Bull of Philadelphia has Just been elected vice-chairman to represent womenOther vice-chairmen are Jamas H. Maurer, member of the dty aeV mlnistrati ton of Reading, Pa-, aad for many years president of the State Federation of Labor...
...The Niagara Falls Oasette editorially commented on the election as follows: "One of the surprises in the election in thai dty aad vicinity was the strength shown by the Socialist and the Independent Labor parties...
...This is given dairy proof by the attitude of the New York press...
...The New York Socialists are probably right la feeling that they should change their aame...
...5,448 Schofer (D...
...8,386 Smith (R...
...candidates for Sua* Senator, two aaatmbtyman and hopa to cooperate with the Socialist party of Bala County m running a joist candidate for Congrata in the 40th district, wblcb ssdadca all of Niagara County end about fibs thud of Buffalo...
...After that It will be the teak of the promoters of an American labor party to win that support of American labor...
...auditor, Charles Lutz...
...Various state and local subdivisions have had their situation eased by the amounts they have been able to draw from the drive fund...
...At these, Jen, sa present state of things Js w b) discussed, and "measures cash...
...The significant thing about these editorials and others that might be quoted is the disappearance of cynicism about the future of the Socialist Party... which the responsible...
...As the laker party failed to nominate a caadWate for sheriff the Indications are that the Labor party strength doubled the usual SodaBst vote...
...As payments on pledges come In, the amount can be increased, insuring the national office with funds for months to come...
...Thoutas himself...
...Professor Paul H. Douglas of the University of Chicago, whose work on tbe mmtmmn wage scale to aa well known, and Dr...
...The dairy newspapers credit Frank C Perkins, the Socialist candidate for Maor with 9081 votes while in last year's election 093T votes ware east for Louis Waidman, candidate for Governor oa the Socialist ticket...
...Bach a program may win Uberal and progressive votes...
...Regarding the name socialist at which seme who voted for Thomas prelaw to balk, the Socialist leader made only these stipulations: that the new name should be aa accurate as the present one...
...John Dewey, Paul W. Douglas, W. E. -B DuBois, Sherwood Eddy, Morris L. Ernst, Helen Hamlin Flncke, Jesse H. Hohnes, James Weldon Johnson, Harry W. Lfidler, E. C Lindcman, Robert Morse Lovett, James H. Maurer, A. J. Muate, Reinhold Nlebuhr, Kirby Page, Mrs...
...The reasons for that decline were of a nature which a leader of the type of Mr...
...They"sal that the only means of resterhf confidence among the people tai thereby preventing economic cat» astropbe is the issue of a oaelany tion...
...OOUNCIUfANIC VOTE (Two l»ected) Reverter (S).............8.8M George (S...
...That has enabled the national office to settle a number of long standing obligations, and has made possible the extension of credit facilities for work that is to be undertaken...
...Effle, inspector, aad Charles Kasha, assessor...
...Y. Tfaries Sees Thomas Program- Undoing Years of lifeline—-New Name Would Aid Revival, World Soys TIE pheanneanal vote ai- 17*,931 polled by Norman Thomas, Socialist eamdtdate for Mayor, has already brought about a new and more friendly atmosphere toward the Socialist Party...
...It Is only necessary to open a standard book on SccJaSam aad hare a leek at the tabes of cease ate...
...Yea eaMMnusscasmsty, reanxtug that T"fawday»*ls*ertte New York prssa gave prominent space to the intention of the New York State executive of the Socialist Party to sound out possible alliances of labor and progressives in the forthcoming state *»—r*«gi On this The New York Times commented editorially: "On the MacDonsM Model" "Encouraged by the fine showtag of Its candidate In last week's el actio a the Socialist party through Its executive committee has Issued a call for a conference with labor, Uberal aad progressive groups next February... rights of the workers, end a that way to weaken the yrtttlqd and economic power of the waS> em so substantially that their pm liameatary representatives[ieJJ-se longer be able to give.jknacttft protection to tbe moet important social rights of the workers atJ salaried employees, i. a* the rtgat of asaodation...
...6.606 Hints (Dl...
...W. E. B DuBois...
...The exact meaning oi ahat words was explained in a bjSJ manifesto, from which we essh) the following: "Tbe trade unions regsja...
...Lock port To Organize Labor Party May Join Willi Niagara IL F. and Buffalo Socialist, ia 1936 Campaign (Bt a New |nl» Ctnae—lw») BUFFALO, N. Y.—The day after election H—i ware dUl II—nil In Buffalo and Niagara Palls regarding Um IMS-' campeign...
...Aad to the Informed, It suggests a governmental scheme that has long since some tote partial use...
...The membership of the national and executive committees was announced this week...
...Thomas aad a temper and program of the kind he stands for may well undo...
...He ATsmlseed' the word labor as 'presumptuous' until such time aa the American Federation of Labor shall reverse its present pottey by Indorsing a labor party...
...When the Labor party emerged in Parliament after the general election of 1908, It was after a long experiment with the election of worker representatives as a group within the liberal oartv...
...Lewis reports, about $3,500 have been turned over to Clarence Senior, national secretary of the Socialist party, on the 30 per cent to which the national office is entitled...
...But an Individual may well help to restore the sunken fortunes of a ones prosperous concern...
...In the country districts, the Socialist vote ran higher than at any time in the history of Berks with the exception of last year when many Democratic voters, led astray by fake religious issues, refused to support a Roman Catholic aad voted for Norman Thomas for President rather than support a Republican.' However, evea'last year;s figures are lilkely to be broken when complete returns from the rural sections are received, as Darlington Hoopes, candidate for Judge, polled 2,567 votes in rural Berks compared wit:< 3,961 for Thomas a year ago, with seven precincts still untallied...
...We could not bay an loch, even if we wanted to...
...1.98T McDonough (S...
...laflateneo of Reading Party> B pre«ds To Rural Areas, Returns Show -TpEADXNG, Pa.—Complete ftt» M\ turns of the dty and county election show the rising tide of Socialist political action not only in the otty of Rending but b> Berks County, as well The Socialists have carried 11 of the 18 wards In the dty, cap tared the remaining two seats in the City Council and Increased their representation on the School Board by two members, to this may be added a few successes for minor offices in the county...
...Norman Thomas himself says he la not wedded to a label, and has no objection if his party Is called by another name...
...Changes in Fe4r»rs| Constitution . 1±£M VIENNA.—'1...
...of New York City, ante Negro leader and editor...
...It is easily imaginable that many thousands of Socialist voters alienated by the war issues and other causes will return to the fold of an American radical party of the type of the British Labor party...
...Such a state of mind at this time may have Important consequences in the future...
...But the plain people refused to be led astray by last-minute attacks and voted for more of the kind of service which Socialists have been giving...
...The Socialist Party hi New York stands ready to change Ma aainej to merge, aSMftase or cooperate with any sad all organizations with whom It can agree oa a he sir renal ci pal platform,'' Norma* Thomas said yesterday, the WerM Interview began...
...Hannah Clothier Hon, Rabbi Edward L. Israel, Bishop Paul Jones, Caroline La Monte, William Mahoney, Alexander Melklelphn, Fred Atkins Moors, Henry Neuman...
...Norman Thomas...
...WhOe the official Socialist vote & Erie County is not yet available, the Indications are that it will be somewhat larger than in 193* Frank a Perkins polled 9,0*1 rotas for Mayor, which was 2,000 votes more than the regular Socialist city vote the year preTbe ticket nominated by the Independent Labor party in Niagara falls, and endorsed by the Socialist party, polled 1,389 votes for councilman—about one-tenth of the total vote cast...
...It is hoped that the total the national office will receive from the drive will reach $10,000, even if no steps are taken to resume it some donors having requested that all of their contributions go to the national office share...
...Thomas has announced that be is not wedded to the Socialist label...
...6.2S4 Behm (R...
...litis was an exceptional situation considering the fact that both Republican and Democratic candidates engaged in a great personal fight and also because the great mass of the electors sided with one or the other, like they do ia practically every dty where a minority ia not powerful enough to make itself heard...
...In addition to these collections, which may reach $2,000 when all the reports are In, the Jewish Socialist Verband, which hss been conducting a drive among the many hundreds of Workmen' Circle branches, announces that more than $1,000 has come in as a result of an appeal the Verband has issued, and that several thousand dollars more may be raised before they close their drive...
...The Socialist Party at one time polled 900,000 votes for President...
...Thomas Recommends Bureau Observers Norman Thomas, Socialist candidate for Mayor in the recent city elections, recommended the appointment by Mayor Walker of both Socialist and Republican "unofficial observers," who would have access to the records of important dty departments, in a letter sent Wednesday to the executive committee of the Citizens Union...
...We had no funds to speak of and oar only hopes were based on the popularity of Frank C Perkins and on the extraordinary activities of a handful of devoted comrades...
...With no particular local issue and with a weak Democratic ticket which totalled 3,457 votes for Schofer...
...The time has come for a new dsaL What that bow deal wffl contain la a question...
...a view of threats to dictate a ehsajt in th* constitution by meant af t Putsch or a coup d'etat if tat requisite two-thirds majority b not obtained in Parliament th) trade unions declare that they «B defend themselves by all tat means in their power and with Iks utmost resolution against ^ say such coup d'etat...
...McConnell (D...
...Many locale and branches are known to have made collections, and their reports are being awaited for a more definite Idea as to the amount subscribed and paid in...
...Bat In the twenty years that have passed since then much of this program has been adopted...
...In previous years, The WORLD and The TIMES could not mention Socialism without pronouncing the Socialist party dead and beyond any possible resuscitation...
...Frank Hoerte, John Haynes Holmes...
...New literature, including a pamphlet on unemployment, and a leaflet on unemployment insurance, Is being printed...
...The League for Independent Political Action, led by Professor John Dewey of Columbia University, with men and -women members all over the United States, is helping to form a new political party in this country...
...It was with .then words that Schorsch, sembny «t the "free" trade unions, bsgsaJsj speech to an executive meeSt af the Austrian trade union rmtn...
...Tbe executive committee includes Devere Allen...
...sttion is exceptionally terlsaa...
...The township Socialist officialselect are: Supervisor, Paul C. Horiaet -school director, Amos Lesher...
...Austrian Labor Wars On Faseist Trade Union CtStir& notjBces Prep...
...There were other reasons for the impressive Thomas demonstration, among them Mr...
...The Socialist' executive committee is evidently of the same mind when It Is willing to enter a "coalition" party...
...In addition, It la a heavy handicap for a party to cany...
...The vote for the school board is as . follows: SCHOOL VOTE (Three Elected) Evans (R...
...7,878 L. Wilson (8...
...There are many who believe that a Socialist Is merely another kind of Csssssjemlst, aad that the less said of Mm the better...
...The two groups wfl cooperate ant year in running...
...K.8S4 Schefor (D...
...2) That tat other parties, if they refuse ts make the required declaration a unmistakable terms, are opatir substlt'jting violence for contts> tional law...
...ties, to the effect that they will h no case depart from constituttesd methods, but will refuse te shaft in any putsch or coup d'etat, sat will endorse tbe declaration that the constitution shall not st amended in any way other Uiu that which it has Itself prescribes.' Two things are thus mads dear: (I) That the "free" trade token and the whole Labor sCovesMst are for democracy, consutatieav methods and peace...
...Vast week the Socialists wffl have a general party meeting and the watchword will be: "All together" for a bigger Socialist organisation.'' Socialists Win Town Offices in Berks Co., Pa...
...Their manifesto speaks of the 'magnificent' vote polled last Tuesday, not by the Socialist Party, but by Mr...
...Part of the money has been employed to finance reorganization work in the South, where David G. George, who- has established headquarters at Richmond, Va , is now In charge...
...Charles Yerger, Socialist, was defeated for the office of school director by a scant 87 votes, and Emily Horine by 86 votes...
...In other words, it was impossible for oa to reach the voters and to have our program known by them bat in spite of all this we have ealned...> draft constitution proposed by ah Government as an attesspt ts limit very considerably the fefia...
...Thomas and a temper and program of the kind he stands for may well undo," Socialists can feel that they have thoroughly dispelled the notion that the party is dead...
...Returns that are practically complete give the following vote for the candidates for the City Council...
...Insurance companies aad oo-operaU*e stores, wothlugiitaa's wuipesisafloa, universe...
...It Is easy enough to shuffle the cards, but net so easy to get a good hand, aa the Democratic Parly baa found to Its sorrow...
...Electing two out of three candidates for the school board, the Socialist Party came within a few hundred votes of electing their third candidate, LlHth Wilson, a member of the National Executive Committee of the party...
...Bishop Edward L. Parsons, John Nevin Sayre, Vida Scudder, H. G. Tiegen, Constance Todd, Miriam Vaa Waters, and C. A. Warae...
...g tbe economic ~^"»>t— ngC which we are now living last am longer, we shall have a baC catastrophe... be subscribed to not oak by the national government, bit also by all the parliamentary per...
...rather than of Socialism, sad that even Mr...
...that it should have more appeal, and that it should be one which oeoM be put on the ballot la every State In the Nation...

Vol. 9 • November 1929 • No. 15

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