N. Y. SOCIALISTS SUMMON CONVENTION FOR NOV. 23; VICTORY RALLY SUNDAY Two-day Session WiB Bo Held in Rand School Saturday and Snoday AGENDA COMMITTEE TO SUBMIT IDEAS Political Policy,...
...A Syracuse university faculty meeting today greeted announcement of your vote with jubilant applause Indeed, it has bees a principal topic of conversation...
...Jacob S. Potefaky, - ¦¦¦liilaul general secretary of the Amalgamated Clothing Wcrhnrar wrote": Too have not only enhanced the prestige af the party but have also had a Mat personal victory," Devere Allan, editor af 'The World Tomorrow, also sent eongratulations, as dM William M Tdgenhaunt, of Brooklyn asSJ polute' west John Davidson, Who, tat the "first time" in his life voted s Socialist ticket 'and at that a straight one," expressed the hope of having "the privilege and honor to be the first person to apply for membership in the party after tbe election...
...Leverttt H. Sage of Newark also wlrd congratulations, as did Sally Homes of Mount Holyoke, Mass., who -wired: "It was a great fight and we are proud...
...Similar views were expressed in a letter from Scott J. Menze, Manhattan, who suggested Progressive Labor Party as a possible new name...
...Nor do the daily papers run lurid page one streamers about their absence...
...ftth A, D...
...They succeeded ln% distributing only a few dozen of tho laflete...
...S. V. Kennieon, who has carried almost single-handedly the battle for the Socialist party in Charleston, South Carolina, wired: "Congratulations to you and the entire Socialist ticket on the wonderful victory...
...How could they be otherwise...
...Noveaaher 20th for n special meeting...
...A high official of the State Teachers College in Clarion, Pennsylvania, after hearing Thomas on the radio, wrote: "I wish you success in bringing about a better government for New York City than it has had is the past...
...Most of the voters I spoke to in this district objected to the name...
...it was understood here, planned to aak an investigation by the Department of Justice...
...An interesting feature of the conference is the proas*** of A. Phillip Randolph, President of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, who received an cepacia...
...400 Half-Starved Kids In 3 St...
...called by President Green, i* hearing about the situation la the Southern textile rant* from President McMahon of the United Textile Workers, Francis J. Gorman, Vice-President eft* that organisation, A. J. Must* of Brookwood Labor Colles-e, iipieeiiiillua the Teachere' Union and others who have been in the South recently...
...A, great many men in New York, Pennsylvania and Illinois, who pay taxes from those states derive the wealth on which they pay taxes from the exploitation of the mineral and agricultural resources of what Mr...
...School Board Candidates Ran Weil in Msnefflen (Of s New IisSm Ciii m i ¦<¦¦!> MsssirOn...
...Most meetings win be held tomorrow, while some at the 1200 branches that have received the request wUl meet some other dates during the month, which is the month in which Debs was bom...
...positively tu leadership baa sbmrd, or worse...
...The women and children work on their knees all day stretched in a long line across the bog, picking the cranberries with their hands," reports Secretary Gertrude L Schermerhorn of the Pennsylvania Child Labor Association, reports...
...LOUIS — (FP) — The St...
...Thomas has received so many requests to speak on different aspete of municipal government that he cannot possibly begin to fin even a small part of them...
...fJ the bench...
...The women and children were dirty—clothes and person...
...Well try to catch up...
...It should then be proper enough for ine, though British, tar nay* that.' puur large vote stems to me one of the most hopeful afgns of the times...
...Now it is realised by some of the more responsible officials that textiles involve matters at production and distribution, style changes and the like which eet them apart from more stabilised products and it is a hopeful sign that the trade union officials meeting here are at hurt awake to this fact...
...It has renewed courage of thousands...
...At first weeks ago, it was Intended as a protest vote...
...The only person who does not join in this plea is the District Attorney, the tool of the conspirators...
...A captain in the Salvation Army wrote: "Your dreams of a 'City Beautiful' will yet come true and in the onward march of your party I see the dawn of a new day...
...Ohio.—What has been expected for years ro the case of Tom Mooney, serving a life sentence in a California prison for the preparedness parade bombing in San Francisco In 191ft, appears to have happened The man said to be guilty of the crime is dead...
...Please not* that Comrade Norman Thomas speaks in the Band School Forum at 2 p. m. "Another motion was I ai I lad that ws request all branches ft* meet on Wedneeday...
...and for mors than s quarter of a century the acknowP edged leader of American Socialism...
...Smith's widow, who was a nurse in the World War, still lives in that city...
...m Mow England, tba upsaatsry aad drapery raaauf aetuxsaef PiHsdrlptits aad its vicinity, sntfss faB-fsstiireied hosiery maa*«r» bed hoped to estaaaau some sab etegjaui with your orgsnizaflsa Tt would have baas pcsafble a aaaTporate ia any contract that _s sfitiet with yon the madsnwy ftW'aTMtratien of Msputee srahhtesnee aa they ariae so as to assent aeppsaee of work or inpjafattea af production...
...He did not even¦M*>*3 tempt to find what it aaj^SdaftSJ behind the charges hi J*a*jjj City...
...Reply Bible House, New York City...
...Those arrested were corralled by the police in the doorway of the building and later transported in a patrol wagon to the West Forty-seventh Street station...
...In gegnsral the conference To considering first canvassing ths existing union strength in the South, then attempting to ascertain which are the organtsnbie mills, promoting proaganda for the elimination of night work, cooperation with social organizations outside of the A. F. of L. and finally a campaign of trade union education...
...From Jack Fus in Nashville, Tennessee: "I am only 18 but hope when I become 21 I will be able to become an active member of your party,'' Spas tang Dates Soorsrt - A number of letters include requests for speaktng dataa...
...The UJUJmIh ---- T"~"---• (tMdom of the mas Is fortunately j, i imiwrr condition to great ¦ as kn**aanger of war and the am problem of the freedom atWSMS...
...So, If It is Jxue that you are to start an organisation, may I not be considered as a recruit ready to serve with you In the ranks...
...invitation from President Green to speak on ways and means of organising the Negro workers...
...worsted aad woolen teas...
...Seeder Reports Talhuelssiii Clarence Senior, national executive Secretary of the Party, wired: "Congratulations on a splendid fight...
...To this Thomas replied, "Thanks...
...Hi* boas told him ha could have his job at the reduced wages, which he refused...
...of Rhode Island, who, with Debs, served in the Atlanta Penitentiary for expressing views in opposition to American parttHnntinn in the Wortrl War...
...A letter from Newark contained regrets of inability to vote for Thomas, and enclosed an editorial from the Newark Evening New*, which contained this reference- to Teamas: "The one candidate who appealed to the intelligent thinking vote was Thomas, the vary type of man American public Ufa —and especially American municipal politics—needs above all else...
...Socialists throughout the national win asset to pay tribute to the memory of Eugene V. Deba, several times Socialist candidate for President of the United States...
...In the "M*«w the tuberculosis society win give free milk to these little unfortunates nuts a remedial plan Is worked out by a special school board committee...
...Arrangements have been concluded for a meeting of all campaign workers and election day watchers, to be held Sunday afternoon, November 17th, at the Engineering Auditorium, 25 West 30th street...
...FP) — Governor Young gave his first expression of opinion on Billings' appeal for a pardon, when he said in an interview in Sacramento: "Tbe cases of Billings and Mooney are parallel...
...The almost unanimous opinion of my fellow workers ia that 'I will never vote Socialist.' Somehow the word Socialist scares them, and no amount of explanation can convince them that Socialists are not bolsheviks...
...ku showed up the essential Jjjkomj of the Hoover majority...
...Another group of letters came from noo-Soaalists...
...Prostitutes and perjurers were summoned into the service of this capitalistic alliance and a District Attorney served as an agent in the foul conspiracy...
...And Walter Prank, secretary of the Non-Partisan Committee, sent this note: "Now that the smoke of battle has cleared away, I wish to add my vociferous Hallelujah...
...The Socialsta of the city are sag* erly awaiting the deliberations of...
...Carol Weiss King, 28, an attorney for the Civil Liberties Union...
...17th, 21st A. IX, Manhattan...
...It Americans have waked up baa than* gambling orgy and the omasa delusion of an exaggerated" fssosrity from which delusion mm mm suffered who did not hmr from where to get the next hSatbseat on their automobile, tbrj nay begin to pay some attestant to things like unemploysnst insurance, tariffs and the *hmsale robberies committed by fhi public utilities, notably the hsns trust...
...All Richmond branches...
...The league is much encouraged by a message received from Norman Thomas, party leader, and candidate for Mayor in New York City tola year...
...greatly encouraged by the big gjfay af oa are mcesea ana Vbte given you...
...Hoover AilniinJstraiion Opposes 44-Honr Bifl WASHINGTON <FP) — Postmltted the Hoover eilailiasti sllisi to a war upon ths postoftsco employeer **-bour bffl and their longevity paw bfH nssamrree introduced by Senator LaFoOette...
...Senator Thomas Duncan of Wisconsin, Socialist leader, wired: •'Congratulations on your wonderful vote...
...When the fourteen defendants appeared in night court their attorney, J. R. Brodsky, learned that the police, instead of making the charge of disorderly conduct against them, aa they originally Intended, had accused them of violation of Chaper 15, Section 22 of the City Ordinances, dealing with the distribution of leaflets without a permit Mr...
...htaav hat tan...
...This has Sat enae swii, ess fully In mnusnabh do-net want to undermine Sncoifthsra textile Jndtratry^V^ haabTaiay ha aaaajaj o/Tonav pketty af eai|iliijiiiaiil at a wage sad that Is consistent with an •We stncerely regret the stateBeat van made in reference to a hat of oaafldaaca in aa...
...These expressed enthusiasm and determination ro work harder for the movement...
...Personally I feel that the 175,000 votes which you registered is no measure of the support which is yours in this city...
...President Harding commuted his sentence, after Debs bad served almost three yean...
...Manhnttan, 1st...
...Algernon Lee, Socialist candidate for Free ident of the Board of Aldermen in the recent election: Jessie Wallace Hughan, authoress: and Joseph M. Coldweii...
...William A. Brown at the Union Thsalegieal Seminary wrote: Vast a word of congratulation on tbe eptendld showing...
...D, gay of us to rejoice that gocure- President HooAim miiirti iJ best proof of S *b"t be teDs no that there Sfa no more war and next he ^¦¦torrent immunity to food .•,001 capture in time of war...
...tBt **"^SJ of Lewis Smith—who ar**»j| —thai he threw tkehsja»sjj| now constitute a arbnb afJ*(E California authorities K 1 confession could be^assjBUV-Ml BOSTON—Nathan "a^MJj United Garment WB**g3p| new president of the Sa tral Labor Unl0^(Bj^SJesn Labor Meets On Southern Organization Conference at A. F. of L. Hestknisrtcrs—Anxious to Enroll Negroes, Green Says TOASHbJgTOn' D. C.v--How to " orgasase the South'* is the subject of n conference now being held at A. F. of I* headquarters here...
...Sod, Mh SM 10th A. IX, Manhattan...
...S. C on November 1st, 1929, when the Southern Textile Association was in session: "Request hearing at your meeting...
...23rd A D, KtaBnt and the WiKtamahnrgh Jssiaf Branch...
...The Coavwa» Uon will convene in ths Audllatturn of ths People's Hons*, T Bant 15th St...
...23rd sndV 24th...
...You keep on leading...
...Please send message," the Herald cabled...
...By instruction of the City Executive Committee, all branches who will not have met before Wednesday...
...From 20 New Voters "In behalf of 20 friends of mine who voted the Socialist ticket for the first time this year, permit me to thank you for the high plane-oo which your campaign was can ducted," Marjorle Dorman, new convert from Brooklyn, wrote...
...Another letter, from a worker, in the Bronx, said: "I work in the company of about 80 men and women and for the past six weeks our conversation has dealt with politics...
...With the votes that were not counted there must be 200,000 in the city that you have inspired with a sense of self-respect and civic righteousness...
...Young Links Mooney And Rillinns Case SACRAMENTO, Cal...
...Every living man connected with the trial is convinced of the innocence of the men...
...Fraternally yours, * "AUGUST CLAXSSKNB, ^ Branch meetinga, to elect data*' antes, wfll he nasi as follows: Saturday, Oeekmaker'a Branch* 14th, 15th and lftth A IX...
...As soon as she objected to the arrests she was sdsed with the others...
...Once more on t spectacular scale the old, old Sny has been re-enacted...
...Kmg had come to see that the distributors were not interferred with by the police...
...ftth, 8th and* 12th A. D...
...8. Party organisation 4. Membership drive, 5. City ottos organisation ft...
...Board of Education, Ray M. Boyer, 1,419...
...Andrew Biemiller, active Philadelphia Socialist, wired, for himself and for Maynard C Krueger: "Heartiest congratulations on the intelligent and constructive campaign you have so gloriously waged...
...Signed) Southern Textile Association, L. Tu Brown, President...
...You may count me as a member of the fighting organisation of which you speak in your interview...
...A new name was also suggested by Morris Stein, press secretary of Waiters' Union, local 2, Brooklyn...
...That is...
...Magistrate O'FarreU agreed and discharged all of the defendants...
...The objects of out organization are purely educational, and we never ahmons wages or labor...
...Call a masting to celebrate aad form plans for further work...
...Many of the boys, and also myself, are quite certain that If you were to change the name of your party to something like the Labor Party you would achieve much more...
...Indeed in large scale tar • Strang nation would hardly mu< ear formula that interfered Ki fctfsnst It Is better and mtt practicable to work to prsjat war man to try to regulate at* flam be done in war...
...P Young doss not nasi *»*J men wrangle over...
...During the Christman holidays...
...Yeater» day I gave myself the privilege and honor to vote for you—ffly first departure from a life-time of Republican regularity...
...Thomss To Address All Campaign Workers at Engineering Auditorium on November 17 HILLQUIT, HOLMES ALSO ON PROGRAM First Move Will Be Blade To Translate Big Vote Into Permanent Force ¦vu first step to build up the : New York City Socialist organization, to effect a working arrangement with the various groups that are prepared for a political realignment, and the development of several agencies as mediums by which the vote cast for Norman Thomas might be utilised to make the program outlined by Thomas during the campaign effective will be taken this Sunday...
...Those who are aware that Mooney and Billings were the victims of a frame-up by the capitalist combine which ruled San Francisco, which was determined to destroy the whole labor movement of the city, and which prostituted the legal machinery of the city to gain their ends, looked forward to the time when the person guilty of the bomb explosion would die and leave a confession behind This has probably happened...
...Snf A 0...
...It will be a calamity to all Americans if political divisions are to follow sectional lines...
...I regard it as most significant that a representative at Negro labor should sit in this conference...
...1!, because the stats of *hnngton has shin^ie iwfjl^ Sen**"[Wkseler and Walsh nght for S***d — manganese, an utterly ?**¦¦***» tariff which wfll only *ffje,ths exhaustion of such inB"*" «re aa we have in this counW- The ateel trust may not like * t*rig on manganese...
...13th, 19th A» XX, 22nd A D, 1st, 2nd and lftOv|*nTSi A. D., 12th A. D., 13th, 19th A. XX, Stnd A. D., 1st, 2nd and 3rd A. XX, Finnish, Brighton Beach, Mldwood, 16th A. D. All Queens branches...
...This is our opportunity to get rid of him," Calhoun is reported to have said...
...The New York City meeting win be held this Friday night in the Debs Auditorium of the Peoples' House, 7 East 15th Street, aa auditorium dedicated to the memory of the departed Socialist leader...
...Jewish Basft lem, Furriers, Porto Btcian...
...Ibh connection I would, rmfsr <ss b> tba aw ogiileod Isadora of a* a*n3oa...
...25th inN.Y...
...But aa I followed your dignified, constructive and illuminating campaign you gradu* ally wiped out all the old Inborn prejudice against Socialism and gave it a new mailing...
...Memorial Meetings To Honor Debs New York Gathering Friday To Be Addressed by Hillquit, Oneal and Others IN RESPONSE to a request ad1 dressed to all Socialist Party locals and branches by Clarence Senior, national secretary of the Socialist Party...
...Some of them have been found dragging one knee after the other through the marshes who were only 6 or 7 years old...
...You say it is ,B,™--B,'2nl expect him to do anyththf an" a practical man than bJ jg»*"j with Tammany as far so Certainly it is unressaatl*%^M ! is precisely my point AfaSBJ cannot do the Job to a **"_|\| What ws need Us rosdJ^J The Mooney case essss**M| exciting and important ]M*t3 true or false, Mooney <**2sKl are innocent beyond thaaaaii ture of a doubt *het atdPifBl every honest man - Who ¦,*J"-3 the English language...
...About 2,500 young children are spirited from schools in South Philadelphia alone every spring for the labor camps in the marshes of South Jersey, the Board of Education's compulsory education bureau report...
...He bore, however, the tag of Socialist >tUl a bugaboo to thousands of otherwise wail-balanced citizens...
...A survey of three schools disclosed 400 underfed kids whose dada...
...Brown: "This is to acknowledge your reply to my telegram of November 1st...
...The preparedness day bombing was seized on by United Railways to provide a frame-up for the labor man, according to Hyatt, who said that President Patrick Calhoun of the company had told his lawyers to hire detectives and pin the bombing on Mooney...
...Big bosses* contribution to the problem is exemplified In the esse of a $11-50 a week factory worker, supporting his mother and sisters...
...and wfll deal with the present status of the league and plana for enlarging its membership and work...
...L Hamlin of the National Labor Committee wrote: "It is dear the next step is the building of a strong party eempoaed of labor and progressive forces...
...ajSfJ Republican counties for lesssSM better than were sunpjlsd 1M ¦ investigating the Rothsteta esnfl some of Mayor Walkers nataj tate transactions in New • City...
...John Haynes Holmes of the Community Church sent congratulations and voiced the expression that the victory was Thomas' personal triumph...
...Bitter Child Slavery Provides Holiday Berries T>HILADELPHIA...
...v Meantime Governor Youn& of California has evaded his responsibility in the matter by putting off his final answer to the petitions for the release of the victims...
...Thomas is enthusiastic about the possibilities of the convention and win no doubt attend one or more of its sessions, "No single phase of party activity is more important than building up our young people's work— no group in the party "have done more valuable and devoted work than the Young People's Socialist League circles in all of our campaigns, ** Thomas wrote...
...Will Sa sam and women who were hsasft ever learn the lesson that dsn k no reel wealth apart from after with hand and brain...
...George Monroe, who lives near Bellaire, said that her brother Lewis Smith, now dead, confessed soon after the tragedy that he hurled the bomb and that he told bar Mboney had nothing to do with tt...
...John Rickaeecker, 222...
...Iters were few absentees...
...It is my hope that the Non-Partisan Committee can be placed upon a permanent basis to carry on woric steadily...
...The ?•¦*¦*«>* Democrat, Senator ™ **» to ftfht for a tariff on to the hurt of the whole •I...
...several years ago held that this charge was unconstitutional...
...ftth anf lftth A D„ Kings...
...It to * JJJ, of grow*** ssidtyja^a **rf£j£ay of -journeys * ^ acttaa* in common feel the pathos of "AH Quiet on ^Jntarn Front...
...Injured and off duty for several days, he returned to find Ms substitute willing to keep the Job for $7.50...
...at »:00 p. m. sharp, Bat* urday afternoon, November SBrd...
...According to Stevens, Smith would not elaborate on this statement...
...warmest congratulations on your magnificent vote," Charles Edward Russell wired...
...According to this confession the case now stands without a flaw so far as the innocence of Mooney and Billing* is concerned...
...I wish to congratulate you on your large vote...
...Milwaukee Socialists are delighted.'' From Albany, where he was engaged in work for the League for Industrial Democracy, Paul Porter wired: "Heartiest congratulation* on your splendid showing which is both a personal triumph and a Socialist victory...
...c?en of foodstuffs, may 1—t way to bring a nation jfeUbne...
...Senator SchaU...
...If more Americans could see these Italian berry pickers at work, the cranberry sauce with the Thanksgiving dinner would be lem appreciated...
...Thomas, John Haynes Holmes, Morris Hiikjuit and Charles Solomon...
...Yet this is what is suggested by the tariff debates in the Senate...
...A squad of policemen from the West Forty-seventh Street station under Captain Louis F. Dittmann made the arrests at the BergdorfGoodman shop...
...Smith died in Cleveland in October, 1922, from a ruptured blood vessel suffered while cranking an automobile...
...New bualasas and good and welfare...
...Yet a former First Assistant Postmaster General, J. H Bartlett estlmsted the cost at only 3d.000.SOQ, Socialist Students Win Court Fight 14 Arrested Aiding Work of Dressmakers Union, Are Dismissed in Nifdxt Court A NUMBER of young Socialists, -™- enlisted in the fight of the International ladies Garment Workers Union to organise the workers in the so-called "fashionable" dress factories, had their first ride In a patrol wagon last week, —stood trial before a court, and emerged completely victorious...
...Congratulations and gratitude," Dr...
...Itahan EbJBSj town, Italian TTsileal...
...It must be remembered, first that income tax figures are an unreliable measure of economic worth...
...Which is by no meana 5 aw that dlmrwsmant is the ¦ft sat samdent road to peaci nanwOJg to the income figures ar IftfT, 11,000 Americans got as-atth of aQ the cash dividends aftf by domestic corporations in ha eosntry...
...McMahon received this reply: "Tour telegram received...
...Hitherto A. F. of L. organisers have contented themselves with generalization which might apply to unionism to any industry...
...The whereabouts of the 1.500 children, who should be in their class rooms, is well known to school and police officials of the Quaker City...
...The children lose from one to six months in school...
...Y. P. S. L. to Hold Convention Dec...
...A csil to Socialist youth of the nation to join in a national convention of the Young People's Socialist League has been sent out by the national executive committee of the League, through Louis Rabinowitx, national director, and Morris Novik, national chairman...
...The overlords of as economic life, beyond some •nans for ths psychological si twain*, haves...
...Leaders In the Non-Partisan movement, bended by Dr...
...A committee of New York young Socialists is to be selected shortly to act as the arrangements committee for the convention toward the success of which no efforts wfll be spared...
...Louis Schools ST...
...suffered at an...
...He died in 1926...
...It M a bargain sale...
...This Is the admission of an attorney high in the employ of the United Railways Co...
...We earnestly trust that the the* is not far off when we can aaht you and your members with vast we consider tba moat fundahsstal sad fttf-raachhur educational srosJem you have to face...
...But the law of Pennsylvania cannot reach into New Jersey to bring the erstwhile pupils hack into the schools, and ths New Jersey laws protect only children of that state...
...You cannot lose but the Deoole of New York may...
...That Is, the Governor regards the case not upon the evidence of perjury and conspiracy but from the...
...Their living quarters were shocking, being box-like shacks with no decent sanitary arrangements...
...Suggest we assist you in readjustment of wage schedules end hours to stabilize labor conditions and establish union standards which are imperative for alleviation of present industrial crisis...
...It is absolutely niriaeary that you notify the City Office iaraoedV ately of the names and addresses of delegates elected, and that ytit also sec to it that such delegates as are elected will accept and Iff present, and kindly do your hashto make sure that they know of their election...
...Another election following another such campaign aa you are capable of leading, will bring twice this number of votes to your support "I am convinced that, with the proper work, the right kind of management, and an inclusive political organisation behind you, you can be elected Mayor of this city...
...Now that power hnt stocks are down some of the hols may awake up who thought Say could gain more as baby skckboMers than they were loshf as consumers by extortionate hi this present situation there hit a ghost of good leadership at j^jsgton...
...Pre* McMahon then sent this letter to Mr...
...Get away from the term Socialist and you win be surprised at the results...
...Until what passes for progressivtsm in America baa behind It a sound philosophy and a sounder slogan than "Pass 'round the gravy," there la nothing positive to be hoped from progresstvism...
...Prom C A- Russell From Harvard, Lawrence B. Cohen, wired: Congratulations...
...Not a> atagle real vmi¦ WSS ndnHnllsHj altered when sner valnas which had been drivnnsuustsiuusly high fen to what ¦ay in some cases be preposteresiy kw prices...
...Many Urge New Name The suggestion of a change of name, made in a great number of the communications, was voiced in a letter from a worker in the 20th Manhattan assembly district "Only tonight a number of tea boys were talking about you and your wonderful vote...
...Why not...
...Andrew Manger, 184...
...BOSTON—An initiative petition for a $1 poll tax on all Massachusetts citizens over 20 for the benefit of the old age bequest fund has been rejected by the state attorney general...
...B>.nuh lyn: 1st, 3rd and ftth A. IX, »n| A. D., 9th, lftth A XX...
...Please accept the cxntgrateantJon* of one more admirer...
...lifts A D, lftth A. XX...
...A drive will be made to Use up the locals for the next eieotion...
...In the first place, we feel very earnestly that the object of an "educational organisation.* such aa you describe yours to be, is fundamentally concerned with the need for labor stability and n discussion d'uage a*edolss aad hours is of a* «a7 essence af such etabttity...
...Magistrate Heard From The next letter came from one of the City Magistrates, whom Thomas so vigorously arraigned in the last public address of his campaign...
...Among the speakers win bs Morris Hillquit, national chairman of the Sociality Party...
...Kmg, were taken in front of the Bergdorf-Goodman establishment when they began distributing the union leaflets as the women and girls employed there streamed out at the end of the day's work...
...The other night Governor asara velt of New York made a mm speech about the plight of crantan Justice...
...It now remains to be seen what attitude will be taken by the powers in San Francisco, after this confession of Smith, that have made the temple of justice a pig stye of filth and corruption...
...Miss Hillyer was in charge of the distribution of leaflets aad Mrs...
...For the first time It is seriously propo*ed to approach the problem of otsanlxing the textile industry in terms of its own bmsnoss problems...
...MINNEAPOLIS— (FP>—The majority of Mfaaaaapothi trade union locals are on the outside of the Farmer-Labor Aae*&, Its Hays pia Qoqaty committee finds, asset of them left the ergasaaation five years ago aad have not re-enrolled...
...of San Francisco, made public three years after his death by his nephew, C. C. Reed, a Cincinnati electrical engineer...
...She said Smith told bar Mboney waa not near the scene of the explosion when it happened...
...The Socialist vote is ss follows: William L Slusser...
...The prisoners were: Theodore K. Noes, Frank L. Edwards, Allen Keedy, John W. Martindale, Arnold Johnson, Franz Daniel, George Marshall, Robert E. Fitch, Lawrence L. Lyon, Margaret P. Bennett, Elisabeth Dublin, Mary Hillyer, an organiser for the union, and Mrs...
...President of the Council...
...At the time of the Mooney-Billings trial, Hyatt became confidential with his nephew, Reed now relates, and told him that the United Railways, which Mooney had tried to organize for the street car men's union, was anxious to frame him* and get him out of the wav...
...Railways Attorney Knew of Frameup CINCINNATI, O. (FP> — Tom Mooney was framed...
...Undernourished" is a polite ter for half-starved...
...Debs, along with many other Socialist leaders, was indicted in 1918 for proclaiming his opposition to America's entry into the war...
...There wssv an eagerness for week that aaV cated a new tempo in the pasty...
...I think that you should put aside all other political work in favor of this one achievement and that the Socialist Party should release you from all other engagements that this may be your one task from now on...
...I want here and now to promise you all the support that I am able to reader...
...it wants to l**J around special privilege...
...Since the Mooney case is before me, I regard it as fortunate that efforts are being made to provide for legal consideration of both pardon applications at the same time...
...Jlfcaatly enough it U the lat^ ffl MtroTersy an over the JJ...
...Disappotetmg and Untenable" Is the hendBne which Thomas F. Flaherty, secretary-treasurer of the National Federation of Postoffice Clerks, places over an editorial is The Union Postal Clerk, deploring this anti-labor move by In Brown's adverse report on the 44-hour bffl, which is similar to adverse reports made by Harry New, his predhcnssoT, In ths last COngreee, the cost of the shorter work week is estimated at $13,«2*,0O0...
...Ths Joint men mitt— masrug waa one of the mast — lisfX'Isay Socialist sessions In years...
...Stevens said Smith remarked to him that Tom Mooney is not doing his own time He is doing some one else's...
...Holmes, Professor Dewey and others who ar* committed to the principle of independent political action and the foundation of a progressive party are arranging for a conference to be held next Monday, at which it is expected, a survey will be made of the groups that can be relied on to become constituent elements In the political realignment...
...Comrades Kahn, Wacks and George, in Richmond, Virginia, sent congratulations to Thomas and the party...
...Sen"* Borah himself was a leader in *~**f » 21 cent specific duty on fftd spatinc, mind you, which ***** to »H grade* of wool and ¦***» (he price of woolen cJoLhfff^8* the poor man almost prof or the sake of a handful ^gnawers in Idaho...
...former Municipal Court Justice Jacob Panken: James Oneal, a member of the Socialist national executive committee...
...The time is ripe for an American Labor Party along tbe lines of the British Labor Party...
...The rooferencs...
...Coun oilmen at Large, Harry Lokl, 179...
...Another telegram expressed the Joy of a group of Northampton, Mate., aad saw the vote as "striking evidence of the increasing recognition of your brilliant leadershro...
...If this confession is verified the result is the meet complete case of justice prostituted in her own tempi* by respectable bankers, capitalists and politicians that makes the Dreyfus case in France look like a staging of the higher ethics in comparison...
...VICTORY RALLY SUNDAY Two-day Session WiB Bo Held in Rand School Saturday and Snoday AGENDA COMMITTEE TO SUBMIT IDEAS Political Policy, Party ed Technique To Bo DiscuMed ASPECIAL aty-wide <MMD>> tiao of the New York Chf Socialist party will be held Sstorday and Sunday, Nor...
...The coali*j*kss no philosophy and no proP**- It does not want to end a ¦d economic system...
...wfll meet oa that date in special sessions to elect delegates to the convention...
...It shows that the cause M winning,'' ^aWbf*tfas>SB Pickens, said secretary-af the Hational Association far the AdThe new Baaas pin la carajsd la three more enthusiastic iiieiiilnn Willi si H Jxsto«4 yrtteg f W epsBBjSBB^BeavBnea asr^e^BP^a*>^^^B^BB> ¦ • ^"r^ ~ ad explorer, wrote: "A good many Americans were gted of MacDonaid't victory aad said so...
...2. Party activity...
...27th and 28th...
...Ob the whole I am inclined gajftjk the Preeident'i tuggerUon ^ aaSjS, bat there is aome fore* a nt argument that an economic Ifcdaria...
...Among those arrested were Theodore K. Noes and Franz Daniel, under whose leadership Union Theological and Cohnaht* University students won the university district for Kara—a Thnmss in the last city election...
...It "•net sdeatincany seek lower it grabs for tariffs and for products of states ^••snted in the coalition...
...Tour rejection of our offer of regret...
...Agenda Oaunultiee Elected Before adjournment, the Joint session elected the following agenda Committee to draw up propositions and an order of business for the convention: Norman Thomas Morris HiUquit Julius Gerber "* Frank Croeswalth Sol Lavttaa Louis Waldman Charles Solomon V,"^ Jamas Oaeal Jesala W. Hufhaa Marx Lewis, August CI ¦ sevens and Q. August Gerber are to act •*Bh ten committee...
...The trial judge, the eleven members of the jury including the foreman, and Captain Mafheson who had charge of the case, have petitioned for the release of Mooney...
...The sister said Smith told her he was to have been well paid for the deed, but actually received nothing...
...We are certain a new day has dawned for the Socuist movement and rvaaenr* you of our eontinned, support m every joaajbk* way...
...The convention win be held in New York City, Dec 25th, 26th...
...Weakened physically by his incarceration, be returned to lead the Socialist Party...
...Bohemian Branch...
...He did not indicate his probable attitude toward either application...
...AS Bronx branches...
...be aotved in advance by ay formula...
...Messages came from Socialists in and out of New York Ciirr...
...standpoint of the social, economic and political views of the prison martyrs...
...Percy R. WtUteaW of Pittsburg sent congratulations on Reading as weO as New York City...
...SUA Elizabeth Dublin, an associate in the Municipal Research Bureau of the Socialist Party...
...His principles were lofty, his reasoning cogent his personality charming: he would have made a rood Mavor...
...Ohio.—The vote for the Socialist candidates fat this city remains about normal although the candidates for the Board of Education received an axceOsnt vote...
...Worst of all is the outlook for the future when these children, about 2,000 of them each year, grow up to be citizens of our community...
...Today, in honesty to the ideals which you have dime so much to crystalize, I want to confess myself a eonvert, glad to realize there is a way out of the disappointments of the old order...
...While serving a ten year sentence for a speech made at Canton, Ohio, he was nominated in 1920 as ths Socialist cnndldst* for President, and polled almost 1.000,000 votes without conducting a campaign...
...TTppat Weet mate Branch...
...Brodsky argued that Judge Talley...
...Sister Confirm* Cenftmlon Mrs...
...He is said to have left s confession admitting that be committed the crime...
...Stevens said he recently communicated with Senator Schan of Minnesota after he had been attracted by a National Magazine article written by SchaU under the title "Why la Mooney Imprisoned V Smith, according to Stevens, died in Cleveland on July 4, 1922, and in a deathbed statement, witnessed by Mrs...
...Is taeniae*" wants to be the UberafocpagJ Governor again and PT0*'"'^B president...
...It is what is encouraged by Jos Grundy's foolish talk about backward states, meaning thereby, states paying a small part of the income tax...
...To which President McMahon before leaving for the conference here replied: The following telegram was forwarded by President McMahon of the United Textile Workers to J. C. Cobb...
...something Bs sat aundreth of one per cent pt a sfth *f the dividenda in a EMSCTJ where under the "new capBshst* we are told that even seftnts are becoming stockhoaBV a* Won, about four million Aanfteans, aft a conservative eetissta did try to become stockhoktes-er rather stock gamblers on BaS Street enfy to be shaken out aSUOng...
...A letter front Brooklyn aaiefi* "I am a Republican and the aoa of a Republican, but I voted for you, not only with pleasure, but with real enthusiasm...
...Another motion was ianted that this convention most an November 23 and 24...
...Such a vote given te^he cause you represent is a great victory...
...either idle or underpaid, were too poor to buy them enough to eat...
...Flfteen hundred Philadelphia school children are reported missing...
...We feel •at there is only one interpreta5ni to pot upon it and that is that 1 sahcts a lack of confidence In ansaaves and the statement of aa ate iHiiill association' which at a critical time like this feels its nsjii ffuiiii hi it concerned with the' ennmic problem of labor...
...The speakers will be Mr...
...Thomas' campaign, win meet together for the first time Speakers representing both the Norman Thomas Nonpartisan Committee and the Socialist Party win address the meeting, and suggest the course to be pursued in confirming the fight for progressive government in New York City...
...the convention...
...This National Convention and Y. P. S. L plan for the future are of the utmost importance to us alL I hope the young comrades throughout the country win give the convention their enthusiastic support and the older comrades win give It sympathetic co-operation...
...Negro workers down South are susceptible to the meeeage of organisation aa outlined by the A. F. of U and the Steeping Car Porters wish to be helpful in supplying Information and organisers for the development of the technique and method for organizing Negro workers,'* said Mr...
...We that have been through the mffl know how hard and well you must have worked...
...However, the records of your activities and accomplishments in New England during the past 30 years have not been such ss to inepUe any confidence in you...
...The prisoners, except Mrs...
...He has even gone so far as to say that Mooney's pardon depended upon his "right attitude towards the social order...
...Monroe said she did not press her brother for details of the bombing, for she was not desirous of being implicated in the case...
...Brown: "Uv dear Mr...
...Because h* **M| openly antagonize Tammsay.sEJ be it remembered...
...The convention, called by decision of a joint meeting of the Qry Executive CaauakBet mi rh* Socialist Party, will tackle the Emblem of consolidating and enirging the phenomenal gains registered by the party in the lot municipal ejection when Noranan Thomas polled nearly 175,000 votes for Mayor...
...Nevertheless the opposition of the steel trust does not make the duty on manganese which the steel trust will pass on to consumers sensible or wise...
...5th and M| A D, Kings...
...Tammany test sa»lj do it Tannnaay bad mass sshj mind to nominate the gesoessfj for the permanent Job—rnnstSj that it cost the gentisnuM afSfJ price—and so it waatsdu'sstlH a temporary appointment <J Again, Governor RegejesJt Its repeatedly ordered formal srJg formal investigations la...
...It sure Is gratifying to know that New York dty has a great many liberals which I believe will be ready under your leadership to form a liberal labor oartv...
...Ha future must ass aad develop...
...Campaign workers, regardless of their previous political affiliation, who helped in Mr...
...We are interested to organising the Negro workers of the South" President Green wrote to Rsndrttph, "and for that reason I am sure the national and international onion officers who win be In attendance at this conference win deeply appreciate such assistance and information as you may be able to give relating to the organisation of Negro workers...
...Coney Island branch, Hags, aad 18th A. Kings...
...the Kellogg Pact back to paasej...
...CertainWs ftsss not come into court with clean hands against it but rather with hands dripping with the gravy of its own tariff privileges...
...the tempo of enthusiasm and hard work...
...Another letter from a Manhattanite, not a Socialist said: "Personally I believe that henceforth the Socialist Party will be a factor to be reckoned With in municipal polities of the future...
...Thai is orgeat, particularly In ths ease) of such branches that have not held a meeting regularly for la* election of delegates or wfiQ not hold a regular branch meeting h*> fore the date of ths convention...
...Of course ¦a BeekefeOers bought stocks hnsg ths crash...
...The Democratic-Pro.S*snve coalition has negatively *¦* * certain amount of good It «¦ defeated the tariff written by •M for the big industrial interests...
...The campaign which you conducted was one of the ablest that the city has ever seen...
...lgth and Ftamsh...
...Notwithstanding this, the magistrate wrote: 'I have the temerity, notwithstanding the office that I hold, of extending to you my hearty congratulations on the magnificent showing that you made...
...Vetera* jasnwsnwss Ceedeeeton The confession was made knows in this city by Frank O. Stevens, an aged t""''« of the National Soldiers* Home, who is ready to produce affidavits to the effect that Lewis Smith, n Cleveland man, now dead, perpetrated the deed...
...TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas ^*SSr*M?yoo hsva evidence **JZL progress oo Um road w£iymei The differenca U y^r1'""' two men...
...Several years ago Stevens was a fellow worker with Smith at a mine at Pipe Creek in Belmont County, Ohio...
...Nine young men and women arrested...
...They took the experience as a lark, laughing and joking all the way to the station...
...The astounding disclosure caused investigators to throw up their hands and declare for separate schols for such children for extra attention and care...
...A prominent lawyer wrote confessing his first instincts toward voting for La Ouardia was "a foolish error...
...Representation is to boon the same beats as in that city convention which nominated Norman Thomas, Charles Solomon and Algernon Lee to head the city fight from which they have emerged in each splendid ftaahlu* CeO See* Oa* This is the official call for the convention sent out by Organiser August Chvecseas: "Dear Comrade: "At a meeting of the City Executive Committee and Socialist Action Committee held last night (November 12) a motion was carried to the effect that we call a City Convention in the immediate future to disease and act span the following ma item: 1. Political policy...
...The speech cane poor grace, however, frost s 0*9 ernor who appointed as JoSgsSB one of our chief criminal eenfcfl man without particular ezsertaan in the criminal law...
...I iiislgasnsJeM House Branch...
...3 "A motion waa carried to ther effect that repi scent stlm to thss convention be on the asm* beam aa that of the last City Convention...
...The police were summoned as soon as it was learned that the union workers and their student sympathizers were on their way to the place...
...The hard boiled employers meeting recently in a convention of their own brusquely turned down McMahon's offer to discuss wages in a telegram sayins- that their association had no confidence in the United Textile Workers...
...Nicholas WeltHck, L222, Socialists And Others Join In Greetings On Great Thomas Vote Party Workers Pledge Greater Activities— Many Urge Change in Name—London Herald, Steffanson, Russell, Among Congratulators—Holmes Ready to Work to Elect Thomas Mayor, He Writes THE wave of enthusiasm spread by the notable vote cast for the Socialist Parry in New York City, and the inroads made by the party among noo-Soaalists were eloquently revealed in letters and telegrams that poured in on Norman Thomas and on Socialist Party headquarters when the returns became known...
...aat of flat texaBe industry is a £ aeJtesnatry and ^Tte eonee•natty eat daalra to uiislalHats sstdwataa not undarmiae or iaHHa*a*at srogress of Uusj iadua•abas baau tba poHey af our ssaabnUoa to daal f airiy wttb tba 2Sftt"an ttTpartiea eoocaraad...
...The confession of Smith is the final Item in the indictment of the greatest legal crime ever perpetrated In this or any other countrv...
...Secretary, Southern Textile Association, Spartanburg...
...Sidney Goldstein of the Free Synagogue wrote...
...J Monday...
...There was one pump for two or three shacks, no provision for garbage disposal, no protection against flies or mosquitoes, an insufficient number of dirty toilets...
...Tom Mooney Cleared in Confession Dead Oixioan Left Document Saying He Threw San Francisco Bomb DAYTON...
...Hyatt, high in the confidence of the United Railways, nevertheless believed Mooney innocent and told his nephew while the trial was under way that the labor man was being framed to satisfy United Railways' hatred of him...
...Not that anything they may propose in the way of cooperation with the manufacturers win be received by the latter with open arms...
...Simon Frucht of Brooklyn: "The sentiment should be crj-s tallied into a permanent organization as soon as possible...
...Many of the children's hands were bandaged with filthy rags, as the brambles tore their skin...
...Louis school board is struggling with the growing problem of caring for the increasing army of undernourished school children in this wealthy city...
...Mooney escaped the gallows only by a narrow margin as a result of this revolting crime and for thirteen years he has been caged as a felon...
...They am> ahapiy consolidated their cont'd by gathering up the stocks ths Sat fallows had to drop...
...Reed, the Cincinnati engineer, employed now by Union Gas & Electric, told reporters of conversations with his late uncle, William H. Hyatt...
...Gnindy sal the backward states...
...The whole problem of gMtaat of the eeaa in the event 4 *tr k m difficult that it can fir...
...George Monroe, s sister of Smith, declared that he and not Mooney was responsible for the bombing...
...Count Me a Recruit" Charles E. Cook wrote...
...Through most of these ran the suggestion that the Socialist Party ought to change its name...
...Some left school in May, many won't be back •until December...
...They are over in the New Jersey cranberry bogs, on their hands and knees, finishing the picking of 100.000 barrels of cranberries...
...Ths Philadelphia children, dirty, bedraggled, half-naked,* are carted to the beg* by padrone*, where they work 10 to 14 hour* a day picking cranberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, peas, henna, peschos and potatoes from May to December...
...But no police, deputies, parents or truant officers are on their trail...
...Herald Senas Greetings Greetings from overseas came from the London Daily Herald organ of the government and the British Labor Party...
...They wore arrested Tuesday night at Fifty-eighth Street end Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, when they tried to distribute leaflets for Local 38 of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union among employes of BergdorfGoodman, one of the avenue's faahInnelJe dressmaking establishments, calling upon the workers to join the umon Similar leaflets were distributed by students and members of the union at other dressmaking shops in the district bounded by Madison and Seventh Avenues and Thirtyninth Streets aa part of the union's campaign to organize the women and girle employed in these shops...
...Joseph W. Long...
...who cosMafl get an endorsement frees tat ifl Association and who bad Jo* pm a substantial fine to the *bh» government for smuggling >¦ moral equivalent of an oahaajM which he will send many a ffl man to jaiL There was osh/dfl reason for Governor* Mmmm appointment of Judge Borah...
Vol. 9 • November 1929 • No. 15