Throughout New York City) Thomas Vote by Assembly Districts Solomon's Totals by Assembly Districts For Maya*. MANHATTAN (1888) . (1888) AA Thoneae Thosaas I........... 843 803 3 • • • •....
...Professor John Dewey, America's foremost philosopher and educator, comes forward...
...ITS ,91 37 Max ¦¦IM...
...We need a club to drive the present incumbent from the City Han...
...7430 3,408 as few dille work 4 Sam P. Tnahc...
...2.632 1.414 38 Jacob Axelrod---- 1,643 137 Total...
...1,298 923 15 Harry Smith...
...4.231 1,206 Total...
...1.696 842 10 Rose Kritzer...
...He senses the mood of this audience, he gives it a voice when he says that those present are going somewhere, know what they want and how to get it, while the old parties have long outlived- their usefulness...
...Dodd who defeated Callsganf had a letter written by Noma Thomas is which the latter dtei CaUaghan's record, photographed and distributed among the votes...
...891 314 23...
...Dewey Gets Ovation Heywood Broun is introduced...
...455 80' 4...
...He'sake: To what depths has New York sunk...
...I never saw him in poison but I hoird him over de radio...
...6,280 2,681 3...
...The lockout ocnirred in Apnr 1928, and after a court fl?M oes picketing and contractual nations was won by the union, tat : co-op was opened...
...4,609 1,233 Totals...
...And then he took up unemployment, housing, education, and summarized hurriedly...
...Asked at the close of the day whether aha [had witnessed anything unusual, she said that on two occasions she had called the attention to the election officials to minor violations and that they seemed impressed with the fact that the watcher knew her rights...
...They see It as an Indication that the Legion has over-played its hand on the program decided upon a few years ago of lining up the anion forces In sn anti-working dan position...
...1,090 198 Grand Totals (1989) (1935) Solomon . Solomon 80,068 45,350 Heard At The Polls He was a red headed grandson of Erin, as fresh as one would expect to nd a youngster of 11 years in the Hell's Kitchen district...
...257 77 9...
...Mus•Bsmi was invited to address the 9aa Francisco convention of the teflon at a time whew local nobs -Of Legion members were tarring sad feathering eiganteers of the jrarmer-Lsbor Party in the west, committing dozens of acts of violence to suppress free speech, caussag .peace speakers to be barred from colleges and wemea's clubs, and securing the discharge of teachers who expressed liberal or labor opinions...
...When August Gerber, campaign manager, stepped forward te introduce him, he might have said what was in the heart of every socialist there—the audience was largely non-party—"We never expected to see you here in such numbers.' All morning we watched the weather and hoped and prayed that the rain would stop...
...363 157 47 Agnes Laidler...
...What impressed her most, she said, is that Judging from the conversation heard in the polling place, the foundations of the city's institutions seem to be based upon the street cleaning department...
...3,796 726 IS...
...He never was so fiery, so warmed up...
...Thomas as indissolubly-HaJjpl with that of her husbanW Tm daughter of the fighting proaji' Saf»' i declares heri setf?^9l8»ai|aandsjjnf% 9Sf «** brftpB sB pSral «# N<s> fema^THBiiaA* f - .Jg »» m And tlMn'fwo 'ewrfylineirlnc...
...1.896 «U 17...
...356 145 38 Meyer Rubinson...
...10,592 8488] 3...
...S38 13 M?«t#f«.....«U...
...a Social worker address the audience before the candidate for mayor speaks* Rabbi Stephen 5. Wise of 'he Pre* %naga»-ue thm» ties'fortunate hearers by analysing Walk[ er*g shortcomings aad- Thomas's gift* He SjjaaM in a deep, resonant voice...
...tingly reaged himself in fever « IBjaattiona...
...1.154 312 12...
...1,440 1,681 7...
...21,51113,672 BROOKLYN AD- 1929 1935 1 Abraham Eucker...
...m*mn..m*.***.p*9 182 23 O«o» K KjBjfc...
...590 189 8 Samuel Beardsley...
...2,475 2,000 S Esther Freidman...
...31,03015,498 RICHMOND AA 1939 1935 1 Anton Christenson 495 120 X h. Murnhamcr...
...2.009 929 2...
...par the past four years the Fed- i aration has been attacking Italia* Fascism as productive afihe new industrial slavery which has made the wages of the Italian worker the a—eat In Europe, while A F. of L. conventions listened te caxnmaaders of the sag 'I'liilion pledged to do in this seuntry what the Italian Fasclsti are to Italy What the'American Legion is to the United States", and his boast bee use<ii been repudiated...
...8,212 359 5...
...He appeals for solid organization, for after-campaign work, and for the elevation of American politics...
...675 174 22...
...Why, Tfour Honor, he's an endurance flyer!* ( green Calls Hand of U.S...
...Solomon Solomo" 1...
...Charles Solomon, candidate for Controller, takes Vladeck's place in that task...
...177 83 i 39 Joe TWrtm........5,420 ,3.841 40 Catf jammings...
...24.761 1,943 RICHMOND (1929) (1925) AD...
...closing that" memorable meeting last Sunday afternoon in the Brooklyn fi rntlnsjaj e4VMusic...
...175 1,276 Totals ..........40,868 87.530 "Tour husband says he never deserted you...
...Wis— (TP) - On the first anniversary of fi* Amalgamated Cloture* Whreerir ^cooperative clothing shop, starts...
...He alludes also to the thousands cf elected socialist officials in America and challenges a comparison of their records with any others...
...1,099 263 Totals...
...88.991 9,482 BROOKLYN <188t) (1898) AD...
...506 89 18...
...Solomon Collects 8L275 The manager of the Forward, B. Charney Vladeck, charms the audience by revealing to it its wishes, hopes and aspirations...
...Whan Commander Bodenheimer stated that the Legion was for "keeping America clean aad pure" deeegnlss Who were residents of the Legion's convention cities recalled tthe "purity" which marked those gatherings...
...735 249 88 Handel Freed...
...2,018 899 7...
...1,407 1,147 15...
...1,281 137 22...
...Because of political es> stderations Tammany dschhsl a approve feds candidacy, net eeeeaa of his record against the orgaasst workers in labor cases, bat Nfe political reasons...
...16,809 THE BRONX (1929) (1939) AD...
...629 341 129iOttdTfVest.M.r% 344 466 21-E...
...573 291 21...
...If the wind is strong, I'll work as a watcher.'' The enquiring looks elicited the answer that the young woman is a professional aviatrtx...
...1.061 302 2...
...Well, we thini: so," said the Socialist looking happily at his tally sheet...
...He was In good voice, he looked rested, and he showed that broad, happy smile of his, in genuine delight at the success of the meeting and the glorious wind-up to a marvellous campaign...
...762 356 13...
...Journalism religion and politics, the man who had evoked such warmth of response from a crowd both Inside and outside the packed hall, Norman Thomas arose...
...686 641 20...
...Safemon 98JIM8i 2...
...It was sn unusual thing for t Tammany candidate to use • ft» ciallst document for his own psrposes...
...These convention actions sad the mobbing were called te mtad whan Bodenhelmer orated "this land of ours cannot be subjected to law violations...
...8^30 207 Grand Totals . (1929) (1985) Thomas Thomas 174,931 39,574 MAN«2rlltN ,y % '(8989) enoSSB AD...
...1,829 1,905 32 Emanuel Deutsch...
...1.000 356 ? Adafla Zametkin...
...1,006 227 QUEENS AA 1939 1928 1 George Larson---- 838 466 ¦8 Ed...
...4.373 714 7...
...To an audience lifted up as very few had ever been in politics, Thomas gave concretenesa, understanding and vision...
...325 129 ' 8 Harry Mallia...
...Yen see, it all depends on the wind...
...Kata, Joseph Tuvim, Benjamin Kaufman...
...1839 1925 S3 Charles Ferweda...
...2.S80 1,852 5...
...Wisotsky____ 1.337 152 27 Sol...
...1.112 287 3...
...1,797 322 14...
...She was as feminine as a picture in The Ladies' Home Journal, as she stepped in to the Women's Headquarters of the Socialist Party...
...887 332 GO Harry Chekas...
...187 100 4 Jacob Jugno...
...879 " 300 12...
...855 701 35 Kymaa Hemser...
...825 602 5 Viola Levins on---- 490 237 8 Sam H. Friedman...
...493 263 49 Israel Chatcuff____ 1,254 1,089 50 Louis Sadoff...
...2,572 282 8...
...611 510 14...
...483 499 18...
...304 100 8 Abr...
...In a ringing speech filled with fervor and burning conviction Elliott appeals to New Yorkers to support Thomas as the man who will leave a heritage worthy of the "new recruits," the children, those who are taking the places of the veterans who gave their all that this world might be a better place to live in...
...995 1,046 10 SSm* LoasC.' *. ¦£ 158 11 Ef^aaburin...
...1,857 8,870 Richmond...
...592 289 13...
...7SS 131 8...
...1^47 443 15...
...He points out that a Mayor ought to have wisdom, courage and spiritual tone...
...4,154 1,844 6...
...1.557 269 6...
...In but few socialist meetings over a long period of time, not even those where Debs made his greatest speeches, was there more heartfelt admiration expressed than in the round after round of applause that greeted Thomas...
...1,672 443 18...
...1,961 2.329 Totals...
...3,818 488 23 Mayer Marshall...
...lMfi» 4s*S .- KINGS , AlA 1939 1988 : 33 Abr...
...401 • 844 21...
...875 328 21...
...890 338 1 Total...
...He expressed his thanks to those who had made the meeting possible — (August Gerber, Harry Kritzer, August Claessens, Marx Lewis, Edward Levinson, Hyman Nemser, Mrs...
...8,000 3,268 19...
...Thomas Thomas 1...
...2.355 331 j 5...
...m ' =958 17 .....183 .. f#t* 18 ......----- 898 > 772 19...
...You Socialists will get about 6 votes in this district," remarked one of the cogs in the Republican machine to the Socialist watcher...
...220 79 16...
...3,94 4 2.094 I 5...
...1*5* is...
...Tel 810 18 .....— 887 688 18...
...430 338 4 Leonard C. Kaye...
...634 320 6...
...935 1,005 29 Abraham Conufl...
...616 238 13 ICkko Bruhn...
...Socialists, the opportunity to av veal the record of CaUaghan aa ae bench In labor -aaes...
...aaTej : aristocratic bearing tea be a m steely whet he kxka...
...B9ANX j*JA, ~JT HP !«• '39 Morris alii...
...He compares the support being given to Thomas with the sympathy shown the Southern mill workers...
...1.699 11C 2 ......1,521 *9l Totals...
...After • all" commented the cop, with an expression that matched that of the watcher, "the important thing is to spread the idea aad this year's vote will go a long ways in that direction...
...2.642 1^928 8...
...6,090 578 30 Louis Pamken...
...4,633 601 Totals...
...343 326 81 frank Poree...
...isnhir bad plead for the Federation's . support for militarism...
...960 345 8 Henry Layburn...
...He has a good face...
...662 399 18 Jacob L. Afros---- 4,961 2,455 18 Joseph A. Well____ 678 603 80 Hyman Green berg...
...lien in .WsSJ* defeat of Jsstlc'jJL, • J- Caileah«aibr re-ele^iaiV, plurality of over 87,000 votes a favor of Charles J. Dodd, k> ef 9 terest to Sooisszeta because Cafib j ghan was the meet oohsplcuow ,> junction Judge in New York Chx Ik saaaarance Callages...
...337 486 15 Louis Binger...
...3.974 674 22...
...He disappoints seme by not making a collection speech...
...P When Major LaGuardia, fat tepublican candidate for Msmk went to the bat In favor of £ nomine thai of CaUaghan, he laej...
...One of the watchers h. a Tanamany stronghold was a young woman, serving bar apprenticeship in that capacity for the Socialist Party, though In Britain aha had been through several campaigns with the Labor Party...
...2,541 755 10...
...How about it ?" asked the divorce Judge of the fair petitioner...
...1,946 907 15...
...578 86 Totals...
...399 « 110 6 A. Claesaens ...1.088 846 * 7 Pattd*~ MWntir...
...The paste...
...1,666 158 II...
...1,635 514 58 Alex...
...17,136 9,791 r...
...ity gtven te this record ait Mt comfortable to the Judge aM a LaGuardia *bo had rendered «2 vice to unions in labor cases...
...249 84 4...
...6M 252 12 B.mspmr...
...Thomas Thomas 1...
...He satisfies the expectant audience with a story or two, a jocular remark, and winds up with an appeal for Thomas...
...1,722 2,892 6 H. Fruchter...
...769 2Sfi 14...
...2,037 1,299 Total...
...Solomon Solomon 1 •. -V...
...He ambles forth to the extreme right of the stage, leans up against a pillar, and begins...
...843 803 3 • • • •. ««9•» • 888 336 3...
...168 68 8 Julius Lichtenf eld...
...The officials of the Legion have bbea used as catapaws for the* ffrsrntosl trust in defeating the rattffcafion of the protocol prohibiting the use of disease germs sad poison gas in war...
...He explains why the former are honest Socialists are opposed to corruption and dishonesty in industry, in profit-making business, and therefore are opposed'to dishonesty in politics, for corruption ij politics springs from corruption in business...
...Walter has none of these...
...5.061 417 6...
...When the votes were counted and the ' Socialist called attention to the 43 votes cast under the arm and torch, the Republican, snaking his head in a dazed sort of way, walked to the door murmuring, "I Just can't understand it...
...It wan siartel with the help of the Hart Scbetner at Marx clothing Company et Chicago...
...The crowd lets out a roar of approval for the man who stuck up for Sacco and V&nzetti at the cost of his job on the World...
...5,669 2,953 19...
...I voted for Norman Thomas," said the watcher...
...1925 1929 Borough Beardsley Lie Manhattan...
...590 490 14 Emil Bromberg...
...William C. Stone, of Denver, now at Brookwood, came down with two fellow-students to help Thomas get an honest count Vote For Algernon Lee For Aldermanic Pres...
...639 585 16 Herman Volk...
...She was asked whether she was willing to serve as a watcher...
...2,050 417 8 Ernest Wejsch----1,582 486 * Chas...
...991 672 5...
...Minnie Weisberg, Mrs...
...8.470 1.T88 17...
...5,032 678 10...
...I saw his pitcher, too...
...Thousands cannot even get in, despite the rain...
...With the galaxy of brilliant men on the stage, Thomas turned their tributes to account for the great cause...
...556 827 48 Simon Sarahson...
...T F a s c i s tl tan an delighted with the slap that FWMwl GrMO took at the American Feaciztl after its com...
...Thomas Thomas 1...
...38,302 20,293 THE BRONX (1929) (1925) A.D...
...We are winding up our campaign with 4,000 in front of me, and at least as many unable to hear my voice...
...His, voice could be heard, hhv introductions were apt, and his mannerwas gracious...
...389 240 55 Louis Epstein...
...430 961 H Nafkn ZugbjjL .. 840 647 19 M |faeinberlEn...
...Sll 107 Total...
...377 382 9 98% Buafcb*sa...
...Where Justice is the issue, Thomas burns...
...and the dozens on the committee of 300...
...In full fighting trim, with voice that would not indicate a strain despite a gruelling campaign of weeks, with all the sweeping gusto and fire of the man of action, Solomon carries the auThbmas, T>ewey, Breton Get Rousing Orations SoToniOB "in Brlill* suit Plea for Funds njarks^m^he meeting's tamper he collects 51,275, a record figure, all in nickels, dimes and dollars, IfckTn the stillness of a church serWr Fol& L**^tea?B2£J^ fj|, tremulous ^Bance.^Bne/jreretB »the great cejybeApa Jg bef Pother to the ^AfvoaMI pa lase< Senator LaFollette, and she menLions the name of Mrs...
...Solomon Solomon 1...
...63ft 257 14 Chas...
...It now remains to be seen see Dodd in the shoes of "*"«|f acts when employers approach hl« for that powerful weapon 9 strikes, the injunction...
...jJH2 657 l«.........ejr...
...3,676 1,683 8...
...194 79 18 Jacob Handler____ 4.079 2.040 IT Joseph N. Cohen...
...5.385 2.106 " 8 Meyer Greenwald...
...918 386 46 IBhl Smith...
...The people hated to leave...
...24% I-01'' 7...
...MO 170 4 Isidore Laderman...
...1.695 518 5...
...1.249 184 2...
...403 IIP... . 160 11...
...3.404 26 Abr...
...1,003 517 30...
...1,066 159 4...
...804 347 Total...
...He is enjoying his company and his convictions...
...2,145 298 2...
...2,135 839 12...
...The man whom all had been waiting to see and hear, the man who had brought forth such extraordinary tributes from leaders in education...
...1,207 311 13...
...5,449 2.11P...
...He is worthy of any office in the gift of the American people J. Howard Meliah of the Church of the Holy Trinity, not content with Rabbi Wise's demands, calls for a New York to rival ancient Athens, Rome/and Jerusalem...
...2,069 1.681 j 4...
...fiOWl 268 U* QMS* McMisSb 59flk454 »McAlister Coleman 580 552 16 Bruno Wagner---- 445 458 If BefJJpxd Schigh...
...570 309 13 Anthonl Dihrasi...
...379 234 5...
...otes for Socialist '— Assembly Nominees _ ' , MANHATTAN A»J...
...His main objective were the Magistrates Courts...
...739 220 5...
...7j CaUaghan had the supeert sjf most of the New York deiBss sat those sponsoring his caa4MsS/ constantly urged his "fine reeeef* as an "able Judge" for fourteaj years...
...The firm est done business for 60 years...
...That is symbolic of our work, our achievement We entered as a lamb, we emerge as a lion...
...548 145 4...
...370 230 fi Evelyn Hoghin...
...798 314 23 Fred Hodgson____ 1.775 525 24 B. Kaufman...
...In truth, not in years wise there such great men and women an the plattbrai of a political gee* ring, not m Ifeany a moon was the tone of a poScal ^meeting on sash a high plane, and net in decade* had the candidacy of a man and his party's program so Kipped the imagination and eveied such enllsahl...
...99jfl 211 8 3^908 941...
...the latter firm closed Its doors saT its owner retired...
...1*3* 837 9 3136 815 10 .,........* 4,287 381 11 T...
...2,767 1,219 7...
...680 273 31 Anna M FJish---- 1,530 631 33 Theodore Shapiro...
...386 265 9 Louis Lleberman...
...2,963 328 tatal...
...1,299 181 ; 36 Many 3?s»etaer...
...He was playing with a sample voting machine when a Socialist catcher asked him whom he voted for...
...Build Party," Is Thomas Message lC«Unc4 fr.m hn Ont) CALLAGHAN, INJUNCTION JUDGE, OUT Thomas and Goldberg for Defeat of'mWh...
...We started our campaign in Town Hall with a half-empty house seating 1,400...
...797 357 10 Jessie W. Hughan...
...6,212 2,234 RICHMOND Al.D...
...We came to this meeting hall with | heavy hearts...
...I;~ 987 1ST 8 Edward LeVinson...
...1889 1935 57 William Herman...
...560 285 90 Sophie Sigaloff...
...352 <51 Louis S*an!cy...
...839 283 13 Frank Smith...
...Shelnberg____ 924 1,010 7 Simon Berlin...
...They bated to say I'farewell...
...2.139 493 6...
...488 72 9...
...Samuel Kan tor, Benjamin Shainblum...
...519 168 11 George Chaiken...
...4,794 1,590 31 Arthur Fan berg...
...990 919 9 Anna Interna an...
...Thomas Thomas 1...
...83,140 16.118 QUEENS Al.D...
...after a lockout of 750 needle work, ers by the David Adler 9 Sons 0b...
...24.046 12,858 QUEENS (1929) (1925> A.D...
...The audience rises as one man and applauds vociferously...
...8.251 1^13 28...
...768 414 43 & Wolfe..........5,843 3,556 44 A. Breckenrldge...
...1,900 821 21 .....TV...
...Well, you did pretty well over here," commented a young policeman in one of the Greenwich Village districts, as the Socialist watcher was leaving...
...633 544 54 Eva Wann...
...1,844 114 51 Henry Morris...
...39,601 11,133 QUEENS (1929) (1925) AD...
...2.580 2,104 5 A Katzenberg____ 3,613 780 T Moor Philip...
...1925 231 ft - **-'total...
...1,291 1,087 T Kasha Sadoff ____ 307 141 8 Fanny Rata...
...381 146 8...
...4.320 1.971 3...
...Solomon Solomon 1...
...3,919 2,080 8 S. DeWltt........1,829 1,506 4 X Umansky...
...517 112 2...
...893 387 20...
...3,149 1,422 4...
...150 11 Senore Goldberg...
...and the charges have not been disproved that the Legion is practically run by military officers In active service and by agents of the war profiteers...
...8 1.987 RICHMOND (1929) (1925) AD...
...Comrade Lee points out the difference between socialist and nonsocialist elected officials...
...2,970 290 Totals...
...2,732 236 i..........a...
...One, from Kansas City, recalled how the three days spent there had been cue rcsrtlTmwl drunken orgy, with girls stzShped aa the streets and thousands of dollars worth of property dastnijliil...
...2,460 1,873 Totals...
...602 104 6 v...
...from so heterogeneous and typical aattee of cosmopolitan a* ew York...
...6,958 649 7...
...He heralds the rising tide for Thomas and the Socialist Party as the breaking down of the reactionary dam in the post-war period...
...Well, he's a good man...
...He holds aloft the standard aad gives it to Thomas to make history with it Thomas is Introduced Finally, John Love Joy Elliott one of the leading social workers in the nation, greets Thomas...
...m ioi 6...
...979 723 56 David Brestow...
...3.801 297...
...1.PS4 317 13...
...1,889 878 45 M\Kairinsky...
...Clothing Co-operatrfe Puts Open Shoe Ont of Busine* MILWAUKEE...
...2,909 2.233 [ 6...
...730 421 14...
...3,155 395 12...
...494 519 52 Samuel Babetsky...
...Thomas is a man of real wisdom, of rare courage, and above all of commanding, spiritual power...
...9,283 1,074 Totals...
...That's the way with some of these foreigners, they Just are incapable of understanding American institutions...
...He was so clear, so refreshing to those even who had heard him a half dozen times in the campaign, he was above all, so full of the power and meaning of his message that he thrilled old-timers aad pointed out the way to the "new recruits...
...1,951 2j626 » .- . - ¦ .Totals...
...Tie meeting was an Jsegutf o# what waste happen 1» the fallowing Tuesday ¦ ." The leader of the Brooklyn Ethical Culture Society, Henry Neumann, served as chairman...
...9,272 17.285 Brooklyn .......17.816 37.393 The Bronx ......11.747 23,246 Queens...
...Comrade after comrade, speaker after speaker, came to me in the early afternoon and said: 'Isn't it a shame that it had to rain?' But you are here, despite the rain...
...1.180 1,005 2...
...1,973 904 41 PhS^ Block......4,556 1990 42 MTWsAssherg...
...1,717 259 23...
...This gave Noraei Thnsaai aad Louis P. GoMb...
...1,891 477 Total____ 14,550 9,556 BRONX AA 1929* 1885 1 Henry Gross......1,142 1.105 8 A Mlllin...
...662 312 IS Andrew Regaldi...
...SSI 148 34 flSfctty Behachner...
...186 75 53 Samuel Mailmen...
...901 898 20...
...314 75 64 Simon Matson____ 356 - 56 65 Michael Airola____ 269 52 Total...
...A digger at the roots," says the chairman, and Algernon Lee, candidacy for the presidency of the Board of Aldermen, steps forth...
...V* ' 84* 8...
...7.492 1,680 S...
...490 998 18 Ryman Marcel____ 452 755 19 Serja Wltala...
...953 340 62 Tucker P. Smith...
...839 183 vic eader of secrts party wledge at in up rally 4000 in appry as morry turned away Lesdria *of Commuulty Piafabd Thomas Can&4mey — Pcrmsarenl Fight Is Urged ^ By MATHAtf FINE Mfr.fc ant laSen^ag J ban af| Mi- andienoa aach as this," re> matkaA Necmda Thomas, before...
...I would love to, but I cannot give you an answer until tomorrow...
...He takes his seat and beams throughout the meeting...
...701 440 15...
...Walker," replied the youngster...
...550 136 S3 Cora Delson...
...He speaks in fine form, and urges the American people in a warm closing to stand fast for the ideals cherished by Thomas and his colleagues...
...Bat it did not stop...
...1,893 349 59 Ernest Meyerlln...
...5,573 586 22...
...5,099 1,537 28...
...618 149 11...
...1939 19X5 I Max Edelson...
...1.292 304 j 4...
...17,572 10,014 BROOKLYN (1938) (1925) AD...
...Readers will recall that election day was a windy one...
...580 706 IT Nina Prey...
...He opened all his guns and poured a battery of fire on Tammany...
Vol. 9 • November 1929 • No. 14