Thomas Gains Daily In Mayoralty Race; LaGuardia Urged To Quit In His Favor Tammany Drive A Colorless Start Whalen Attacked Thomas Declares Speakeasy Craft Ril Bm*& Commissioner's Bad...

...Lewis Appeals to Operators Blocked in his attempt to take control of the Illinois office, Lewis has written Illinois operators not to deal with Stouffer or to recognize the dissolution of Sub-District 9. The property of the Illinois organization which Lewis desires to control consists of a building at Springfield worth $275,000 while the Lewis administration was compelled to borrow $50,000 from the Illinois miners to pay office rent at Indianapolis...
...Algonquin 4&20...
...tfcjftjfl tegrlty of character, la tUt^B lightness and rBgrrity of hSS*%MnH lng...
...MacDonald is a •snslnt and while Old age ¦Mobs are not all there is to Sialism they have been cursed •J the old parties as Socialistic fcr lo these many years...
...Norman Thomas...
...Senators who voted on the first roll-call—which was 48 to 33—to kill the entire censorship scheme of Sec...
...Speaker: Norman Thomas...
...Dslegate Frey: I hope that I ¦jade that apparent TlUkl' nt Green: And you are apposed to old-age pension legissttoe...
...So he caaa 8 America with a hope, a TtaSaaSi a record which lifted hint up sfcoa the suspicion, the snobberies, ttf fears and the narrow hope* of S alliance which have heretoss characterized or complicated SI way or another all AngJc-Ass# can relations and approach...
...jiy fjaT'-WMB effectively than either li*$ar \gM Guardla or the rather aaaasjsgjsjj oui Mr...
...Thomas declared a Socxattst administration would taks definite steps ip relieve the suffering of men and women who are i—ijihij ml or suffering from faiteuty m their old age...
...145th street and Willis avenue, Bronx...
...One of them is under indictment for shooting up union headquarters six weeks ago...
...W. C. A., 179 West 137th street...
...Speakers: Norman Thomas, Jacob Panken, Pauline Newman, William Karon, Edward Cassidy, Isidore Laderman, 8. P. Ulanoff...
...Harry W. Laidler...
...Both lh»« movements were Socialist bar before they were popular with *» old parties...
...S 4, Mvington and Pitt streets...
...Louis Epstein...
...Smith *gaak lowed his disdain of Ws*h*r aA hearkened to a plaa of isslj jam - colorlaas almost ^aoa i niiiialfe^j| with Walker for the pa*a%*J*ff LaGuardSe Oivhof The second dovelopasaat sa£s> practical admission by l1...
...He is U. G. Hall, a halfbrother of Randolph Hall, killed on the picket line...
...8:00 P. it—League of Mothers* Clubs, Lenox Settlement House, 331 East 70th street...
...professor of Public Law at Columbia, whose attacks on and counter-attacks by Police Commissioner Whalen achieved so much publicity last year...
...The organization is the only solvent I district that is left in the miners' organization and the Illinois mi- I ners claim that Lewis regards it ! as a big prize for him to capture...
...Yet for the 'unclaimed and condemned' material in 1928 the department received $12,725.50...
...Linden boulevard and East 48th street...
...But one may hope that ^tnry of the State organization ¦a.mean the end of the blighting jjJWs rale among the coal miners...
...Chicago, which has contributed over $1,000 to the drive so far, added over $400 to the total last week, after Celia Rotter, of New York, canvassed Socialists and Liberals there...
...With two more weeks to go, and several thousand individuals and organizations to whom an appeal has just been addressed to be heard from, drive workers are confident that the goal will be reached...
...After Wednesday's trouble which cost the lives of five people with 20 wounded...
...and the other, award old age assistance...
...Reservations are one dollar per plate...
...So far Lewis has lost on three issues affecting the Illinois organization during the past week...
...7.00 P. M.—Municipal Club of Brooklyn, 131 Remsen street...
...MacDonald's anccaaJI foreign affairs there still Its Si...
...AmA»:m Thomas by his TTrjinTilinw jflp Tammany opponents •eoaoaMMNill sensational growth of k*«Mfc M' the Thomas campaign...
...American Legion Rebuked National Commander C. L. Bodenheimer had made a deep impression upon the delegates by his eloquence, by his poise, by the fact that this was his first official speacfa^ateee his^a^tton to his ofville, Kentucky, and finally by bis clever appeal for universal conscription...
...Speakers: Professor John Dewey...
...181st street snd Creston avenue, Bronx...
...S. 159...
...Lewis controls the national organ published at Indianapolis but it is lacking in that fire and conviction that goes with all publications j representing a dubious cause...
...Theodora ShasSti Louis Epstein...
...3 An outpouring of pohejc dNt* | mendation oo TTwaw «&1£k campaign proves this...
...L. P Goldberg...
...Morris HfflsjiwMra the Socialist candidate fo*j|lfNMl received the largest vote **0"%Hjm a Socialist in this city, has a ie-J cialist candidate bad so Wmm^m prospect of making- an lnsptasaiwgl showing...
...S. 79...
...His pert/ condemned the Black ssf Tan rule in Ireland which had sad serious repercussions in Ameria prior to the establishment of th Free State...
...4," '• L The Norman Thomaa - Ifatp Partison Committee dUffdsjf l|pi week served as a barometer tS^K Thomas campaign...
...m 1*1 Guardta, who forced his mttmSf'4 tion through an tndifferant' Msf> publican organization, that ha mm* defeated and was losing- f~-nitj every day to Thomaa...
...The City Home—note the mockery of the word—dates back to the 1840's, the two main hwfVtngs are ugly stone barracks with wooden floors, plastered walls and small windows...
...As if their story were prearranged, the deputies continued to file before Judge Harding preliminary hearings on whether they shall be charged with second degree murder, to relate that they did not draw their guns until the pickets shot...
...2, and who was in charge of the gang of deputies who shot and killed six pickets and wounded 24, goes scot free...
...According to reports In the San Francisco Examiner, the trade unionists of that city met last week and formed the Union Labor Party...
...Use city building under a hmg range program in dull times to stimulate economic activity...
...Speakers ¦ Norman Thomas, Charles Solomon, Charles Webber, Samuel A, De Witt...
...This compromise of the original Cutting amendment, which sought to strike out the entire censorship embodied in Sec...
...This virtual rebuke of the American Legion destroyed at one stroke th9 insidious effects produced by Borlenheimer's address...
...Besides Norman Thomas, the speakers will be John Dewey, who is vice-chairman of the Non-Partisan Committee for Thomas, and Raymond Moley...
...6rthelesa at the worst, Illinois JJ* &mong the soft coal mining 7****, kept intact a strong organm the catastrophe defeats miners which have characthe Lewis administration... the shrewdness eat ewHH of his argument, la the eatfjMpfl mity which ha has 4MaJMg Igsl) StUllll 1 UU JlUlgTrtOnt Ok Test ¦ ** no way of forecastmg tjkp csss flf Mr...
...President Gssen told J^Sriega Legion just-where SL stood on the Legion's dang^gZsasaacription plan...
...The answer may shed mere light on the kind of man Walker gave us for police commieTIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas 2|gs|TLT last year's A. F. of ETcoBvenUon at New Orleans Sweater mark in labor moJWTja>e Toronto Convention shows that the Udes of JSaorage and intelligence are ¦K™5^e convention,emphaticjp^gerssd old ago pensions <R Matthew Won among their ¦gJh...
...Teatixx-ooy ' cornea MM aB sides that independent sttssssf are turning to Kim aa the isss* affective mean: of registerlag, a protest against Mayor Wslker and Major LaGuardia...
...S. 167...
...S. 84...
...Jaeetfc Mr°*- ¦ - «.<* 8:30 P. M.—P...
...Algernon Lee...
...Y. State Women's Committee for Law Enforcement, Town Hall...
...J The war brought with it tM*1...
...Whalen went into the business of buying and condemning cars on a wholesale scale...
...Perhaps the judge Jt«Bipeiied thus to rule because 5*1 •adent North Carolina statjS^ *»ch a ruling violates the not the letter of the guargj*** religious freedom in SBr*" ^ also violates common a£ "Men famous for their prob^•John^Morley, the British statesman, for instance, have k*n atheists or agnostics who can not admit the force of a relish* oath... said...
...featuring- Instead AmxmOtiUm , at Thomas and Socialises to . forces of deetructiouVfeCtaefr Governor Alfred JC...
...Provide decent'pay tor seal workers...
...Establish, a municipal employment exchange in conjunction With state and federal agencies...
...8.00 P. M.—Nipnithen Club...
...Death Denied Jobless Man SAN FRANSISCO-(FP)—Sixty-one years old, without money, and unable to get a job, John Lund, of Colfax, Cel., jumped into the Pacific Ocean near the famous Cliff House...
...Individual branches are arranging minor affairs, the proceeds of which will be applied to the drive fund...
...Socialist Consumers' League...
...Settlers: Norman Thomas...
...Speakers : Louis Waldman, A. I. Shiplacoff...
...Thomas charged against Commissioner Whalen: (1) that Whalen...
...Friday, October 25th 8:30 P. M.—P...
...The introduction •f such a resolution by a delegate from a traditionally Socialist union was most regrettable, and the rebuke given Nagler in the convention's refusal to adopt it was wellfcserved...
...The convention adopted the resolution aad accepted in addition the recommendation of the Committee on Organization that the President of the A. F. of L. call the conference in question within thirty days...
...No quarter is given or accepted by either side in this struggle...
...Pitkin avenue aaat Crescent sUueU Brooklyn...
...8 30 P. M.—P...
...speakeasies is not to be j esnrased with the question of proh***thhy He emailed Walker and Whalen for failing to close the speakeasies and pledged his full energy, if elected, to do all in his power to enforce the law against public nuisances, under which, by court ruling, speakeasies come...
...Put the moral weight of the city behind the fight of the workers for a shorter working week so as to divide up leisure and to cheek the steady mach of techTWingVel unemployment...
...Nathan Zughaft...
...Ulth **•» and Lexington avenue...
...Thomas . . . partly ha«*s||sj|W| is a man of fine ability aatt-a|fja 1 character whom they can Wtyp&tj with self-respect as they Tra Thao could hardly do in the catoc* *J|sVg candidates of the two 'laMMM "The Strength of ThsssMg*^ r.:j The New York World Wto £HM§ outspoken...
...7:30 P. M — Y M. C. A. Prospect Park, 357 9th street...
...Labor won 44 seats, the Nationalists 16, the Country Party 10, the Independent Nationalists 3 and other independents 2. Final returneds may give a few more seats to Labor...
...The commissioner got his appropriation...
...S. 37...
...While the hungry southern mill stsds are facing alone the organists'employers and hostile authority fceaten by mobe and shot down if saeriffs...
...3) The enthusiasm abort waging a- fight In the South to organize the unorganized, and (4) The reception to Ramsay MacDonald...
...Every state, exceptinghad a Labor Government 1 1st and pro-war trend bed) JJS in the party and this dirersea*'S terest had a blasting eff** ""J party...
...Two former Labor State Premiers were elected and will probably be considered in the formation of the Cabinet...
...Thomas urged a comprehensive plan of construction of new dwelling houses by the city, and a program of public works which thouid be elastic enough to permit aC earpanstoi and contraction as the employment situation requires...
...8:30 P. M.—P...
...If we stay here we can win, but if they get in new workers, the union is licked for some time...
...8:30 P. M.—P...
...ThaSMS «¦ certain striking positive aAMMH ages In quality of mind...
...Harry nueteMa 1 Fosdtck, noted Baptist iilHIWil, and rector of the new MNMjipi1 Church, was one of the simnheaT The press of the city freely Mk* nowledged the ascendency at* tha rhpjnas candidacy...
...It started f^J^gency fund, appotated a llat aasrgency committee \nd dithat a conference be held 3* thMy days to perfect or^2atks» plans...
...Nr sttch a situation not hard tout* hat wholly inadequate madsatry pf action in the A. F. of Uh responsible...
...8 00 P. M—Henry Street S«t#* ment, 265 Henry street 9»MM* Norman Thomas...
...5th •*** and 92nd street...
...Even the clothing is institutional, that is t» say, a man may wear one suit of underclothes one week and quite a different sort of suit previously worn by Ood knows how many other folks next week when ths wash comes back from the laundry...
...He became t*» jk the most reactionary group* *I2B Britain and upon his retatS ~JJ trails he plunged into s *JjfnB universal military corisulpssss JM This aroused the whole l**"*"jB ment...
...incompatible, A Socialist has slept la...
...witness might be rejected TJ** Jury because she did not hi God...
...Look •* Isidore Philips...
...8:00 P. M.—Workmen's Circle Branch No...
...I« Illinois a bitter strife for conW baa broken out between Presi*»t Lewis of the Unite Mine "orkerg and the state organizaJn...
...The MacDonald Reception The news that Premier MacDonald would find it possible to attend the convention of the American Federation of Labor visibly moved the delegates...
...Esther Friedman, Jest* aunefc Patrick J. Murphy...
...By universal consent it is considered the liveliest convention in many years...
...District 12, with International preai«L%8^.femWc%^LrS union contest in the labor history of this region The mass of the miners believe that on the outcome of the struggle of Lewis to obtain control of the Illinois organization depends not only the future of their organization but of the organized miners of the country...
...A. I.akklacofT...
...It adopted a platform demanding that "all public utilities be municipally owned and operated," and that the private street railway systems he taken over and a unified transportation system instituted...
...Of the $35,000 subscribed so far, $32,000 has been reported to the drive headquarters, 23 East 16th street It is estimated that between $2,000 and $3,000 is in the hands of local Socialist Party officials, collected on subscription lists that will be turned in when the drive ends...
...4»th street and Lexington avenue...
...Lewis demanded that this clause be abrogated...
...In addition, Norman Thomas, national drive chairman, has issued an appeal to a select group of 500 Socialist Party branches requesting them not to let down on the canvass of their members...
...If not, who got them and why...
...The new Parliament will probably assemble between Nov...
...Eastern parkway and Schenectady avenue, Brooklyn...
...Its parliamentary nB*'*B tion increased slowly each 7** W the outbreak of the World **¦ 1814 when it elected 40 asS*Sl| the House and 31 members dt *J Senate...
...Where Are the Autos...
...9 Chandler touring...
...He discussed to JelejfMpKl «u...
...The great majority of the Marion and Clinchfield workers are determined to keep the union...
...3: SO P. M—Society for Political Study, Hotel Astor...
...In support of his charges, Mr...
...On MoaMsJp^ published a list of 8S8 nun SlsMi 1st civic leaders who a**Jflfjr Thomas...
...At the conclusion of her remarks every delegate rose to his feet in honor of her and her fellow-workers of the South...
...I am...
...Montague and Hicks streets...
...Thomas, Dewey, Moley To Speak at Columbia The Columbia University Thomas for Mayor Club has arranged a meeting for the university public on Thursday, October 24 th...
...Nye, Ashurst...
...Mabry Hart of the Clinchfield mill...
...Speaker: Norman Thomas...
...It is by no means aa acdSM that Ramsay MacDonald who hi so greatly furthered the caua (t Anglo-American peace is s Boos* ist and the Labor Prime IObSSE of his country...
...It is profoundly ah*soped that this situation will hfJvaedied...
...X Posh our municipal housing program so as to provide net only eheeat homes for our people but WorsHfar the unemployed...
...8:30 P. M—Pythian TrapleJJsjs...
...of L leaders want to sake them unjust for the future, s»sne will be happier than we...
...White House and the gowttBt^'i at Washington still lives...
...The Issue was arbitration of labor disputes, a bitter subject in Australia for many years...
...Louis P. Goldberg...
...A. N. Weinberg...
...His party fesd no complicity in bringing a the great war...
...In the week Just ended Thomas has taken up an unsesployment program, city care of file aged poor, conditions at the csfey aacae for the aged, city prison rsfuesa, law enforcement and the police department as administered ¦saacr Commissioner Whalen...
...Tickets may also be reserved by telephone...
...Speakers: Norman Thomas...
...Church, 148th street and 87th avenue...
...Speaker: Norman Thomas...
...The government of Prime Minister Stanley Bruce is hopelessly beaten and Bruce himself may have lost his seat...
...I feel the families should be asked to move," announced Pres...
...6. 225, Oceanview avenue...
...Walsh of Massachusetts and Harrison were paired in opposition to censorship of either political or other 'tainted" literature by the customs officers...
...The endorfjsaaawt i jf Thomas by Dr...
...Three development* fa*tWMt)|jp last week on the Maw Tj^nKJ Mayor Walker opened «a»r' | paign before a scant and eonMsilgA .< hilarious audience la TaMWl...
...It is to be feared that » may be decided by the way in •tel the operators under contract ¦ta the union throw their weight particular to what set of **rs thfcy decide to pay the ¦Wt-ofl...
...But the Labor victory Sunday was the most sweeping party triumph ever recorded in the dominion...
...Thomas supplied names and figures...
...Socialist candidate for Mayor, Algernon Lee, candidate for President of the Board of Aldermen, and Charles Solomon, candidate for Comptroller, in Webster Hall, 11th street and 4th avenue, on Thursday night, Oct...
...October 21st 4:00 P. M-—League of Women Voters, Town Hall...
...After Commissioner Whalen had been in office for a short time he appeared before the Board of Aldermen with a plea for $277,000 with which to buy some new highpowered automobiles...
...Hall Meetings Friday, October 18th 12:30 A. M.—Fur Merchants' Club, 224 West 30th street...
...Alexander Fichandler, McAllster - Coleman, Bernard J. Riley...
...Rabbi Sidney Goldstein, Samuel A. De Witt, Esther Friedman...
...Fletcher, George, Hawes, Hayden, Howell...
...Speakers: Norman Thomas...
...So weak dU La> Guaxdla's campaign tpjiaar jBk John Haynes Holmes wsoto Ja% asking him to retire la thanr jf rhomas...
...Isidor Nagler, delegate of the International Ladies Garment Workerr" Union, made a motion to contana the Scripps-Howard newspapers which had attacked the Federation...
...MacDonald spoke of his representing the nation and his eloquent appeal was from one representative of labor to other representatives of labor in the cause of peace...
...and ending Sunday, Oct...
...At the same time the "Miner" makes allowance for outside factors which may justly account for some of the losses, including new machinery, substitutes for coal, over-development of the industry, etc., but it also points out that other trade unions also affected by the industrial revolution have not suffered so severely as the miners have under the leadership of Lewis...
...And then we know that in every war men and money profiteer until they almost reach a criminal line...
...Pauline Newman, Alexander Fishandler...
...Whalen's subsequent appointment as general manager of the store was decltred by Mr...
...Simmons, Steck, Thomas oi Oklahoma, Tydings, Wagner Walsh of Montana and Wheeler...
...2) The discussion of old age pensions...
...Norman Thomas will address 34 of these meetings...
...Miner" Cites Evidence What makes the "Miner" so effective in Its crusade is its constant citation of evidence drawn from official sources...
...Solomon Wechsler, Julius Umansky...
...8:30 P. M—Ambassador Hall, Claremont parkway and Third avenue, Bronx...
...How much did the department get for the unclaimed property and how much for the condemned material, which, it must be remembered, includes many other items besides used cars...
...The Fight in the Southland flss Scripps-Howard press on October 8 had published an editorial in an its papers denouncing the American Federation of Labor for •hiling miserably in its stewardssts," characterizing it as "the trfftocraey of labor," and concludkf that "all aristocracies are subject to rot...
...Idnaaa Make* A Ctmiid Speech Hew well it pays to keep on aaading away for things that are Sfht was proved by a very candid 9*sca by Acting-Governor Leans* of New York at a conference ¦ old age pensions...
...8:30 P. M.—P...
...the rank and file <t**mm stood solidly opposMd *» esssswal 100 Meetings To Carry For Thomas Candidacy in Week A S the New York Socialist campaign enters its last week but one, the party has reached a high momentum seldom achieved in recent years...
...2:30 P. M.—Boro Park Labor Lyeeum...
...The machinery for the drive among the Jewish elements has Just been set in motion, and the early returns, Verband officials report...
...In the current Issue it presents a table of what has happened to the membership of the United Mine Workers since Lewis became president in 1921...
...305 of the Hawley-Smoot tariff bill, came after a lengthy debate...
...These figures, Lewis explained, do not include contributions from Workmen's Circle and Jewish Socialist Verband branches, for the collection of which the Verband has formed a special committee...
...Speakers: Charles Solomon, Algernon Lee...
...Samuel Orr, Abraham Mollin, 8:30 P. M.—P...
...Old Age Pensions Win Out Victor A. Olander of the Seamen's Union as secretary of the Resolutions Committee had reported in favor of the Executive Council's recommendation that: "We believe that in the coming year, a model- compulsory old-age pension law should be drafted by the Federation and recommended to state federations of labor as a matter of first order of importance...
...ijrarr they affect all life and the - of life of the wage m[ma...
...All were immediately released under bonds furnished by Pres...
...Thomas Tuesday opened heavy fire on Police Commissioner Whalen's record in public office, alle«jin gthat, as Commissioner of Plants and Structures, he had fought to have the city spend $42,000,000 on an East River Bridge which "would bring Brooklyn right to the door of the John Wanamaker store" on Astor Place...
...8:30 P. M.—P...
...They are a O. Theodore of rhurttmisns aaj'j .j^ Tjsma a&mm mania...
...Morris Hiilquit, national chairman...
...Edward F. Cassidy...
...Thomas declared 'there M a serious danger of unemployment particularly la the building trades...
...Encouragement is justified by tour incidents : (1) President William Green's reply to the head of the American Legion...
...The third outstanding f sal Ha if last week's campaigning wea tb> growth of .the Thomas caadMsMry, fed both by Walker's poor asapreesion on Tuesday and LaOaMoolM' plea for assistance...
...L. P. OSSberg...
...If arrangements can be concluded in time there will be at least six more dinners before the drive ends...
...jUksi has forced attention and £ mat measure of approval on fboaaaa has been the high, confjtWettW qualit;- of hit campaign...
...S. 156, Sutter avenue and Grafton street, Brooklyn Speakers: Norman Thomas, A L ShlplacoC, rAlister Coleman, Charles Solomon, C. Vladeck...
...The cpen-air meetings are announced on page 7 of this issue of The New Leader...
...The climax was reached *tta the simple, direct recital of 'sets by Margaret Bowen, a young JWile worker of Elizabethton, '¦"nessee...
...Progressives in the A. F. of L. sss have never faltered in their ajhfjsaee to the organized labor asamsat and who have proved Oaf lejmRy by constructive critislat save every reason to be Wt0m%kf the turn of events...
...This is indicated by the announcement that the Socialist campaign will be carried forward at 106 public meetings beginning Friday, Oct...
...Thomas said, would imyaets these institutions...
...IBiaois Miner, which under **r Ameringer is the brilliant Jj^man for the State adminis?f°*> aayg that Pres...
...In the course of his address he made the following (1) That speakeasy graft prevails en a wide scale in the police department...
...Arlington avenue...
...Speakers: Norman TlfenK Charles Solomon...
...Day by day be has taken concrete jHntfrffi problems and stated the Binds list position, critical and constructive...
...In part: "At this stage of the MaaiMMjj campaign the chief point of ImH est is the size of the vote IMjjMf Norman Thomas will Pd*^*<JJ'P^i since the memorable tsiii|si%sj iMi 1917, when Mr...
...Louis Weil and others...
...Thorn?*, with a copy of Commissioner Whalen's semi-annual report in his hands, read a list of used cars which Whalen has disposed of...
...Thomas then took up some of Whalen's activities as police commissioner...
...42nd street and 14th avenue, Brooklyn...
...Harry W. UMkC Theodore Shapiro, Harry Mallls...
...8:30 P. M.—P...
...On November 5, when Socialists in various cities gather to commemorate the birth of Eugene V. Debs lists will be circulated for the purpose of aiding the drive fund...
...Spuyten Duyvil Speakers: Norman Thomas and others...
...President Green stated that the forthcoming conference would take up the question of a permanent fund but that for the present he would appoint a committee to take up with the internationals the problem of immediate relief...
...J*t* Bamhill has marred his J* lecord in the Gastonia trial ^^^>g that the testimony of a t...
...August Claessens...
...As a general program, Mr...
...Samuel Orr, Morris Olsnet...
...1. Irving plaza, 15th street and Irving place...
...and there have been four previous Labor governments...
...Speakers: Norman Tbossi Louis P. Goldberg...
...Ninety-two blacklisted families of the most active union workers are to be evicted from their company houses...
...Loui» WsktSSa William Feigenbaum...
...Iw thirty years the A. F. of L. jewed the field, except for easy Bsshrtlons and a handful of orpaisers- The job has been left to Bji Communists...
...8:30 P. M—P...
...he who let Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana go to hell...
...He hailed jwgrssa in two movements as speBhBy signiflcant: one, toward ¦end peace symbolized in the hVnmald visit...
...The Interesting fAsaMKafg the election centers «S tflft^ Thomas...
...The meeting will be held in the McMillan Theatre at 116th street and Broadway, and will begin at 3 o'clock...
...Miners Score Three Over Lewis Career of International President Seen In Balance as Fight Grows Bitter t>y a Nt» LcaSer C*rre*?«n«uit> CPfUNGFTELD, m.—The struggle of the Illinois miners...
...The delegates strongly resented (at wholesale condemnation of the American Federation of Labor and ¦Ntented financial statistics to star that the South had not been aerlseted by the affiliated organiations of the American Federation of Labor...
...In one editorial broadcast, which is headed "Lewis—The Wrecker," the "Miner" presents a summary of the grievances of the Illinois organization against the Lewis administration...
...Samuel E. Beardsley, August Claessens...
...Kiasler's Castas, •* Sutter avenue...
...In the year 1H4 •» JJ Party had reached its lds*^l mark...
...Old-age pension legislation was ¦Hill i il by the convention...
...Speaker: Norman Thomas...
...Edward F Cassidy, PM** Newman, Prank Crosswaith, BssjSS Schub...
...Thomas compared the city's welfare insti«n Welfare Island with barracks...
...Hughes carried some Labor members of bu...
...The delegation of the fated Textile Workers had pre¦Sted a resolution asking for fiaaejal aid and the calling of a •mference to enable the carrying It of an organizing campaign ¦Bong the workers of the South...
...ciiu*" Mat JH such criticisms as were jsjesa B- an editorial In the mtpftTiuward papers were un>aX# They were not unjust, but »tht A.F...
...305, were Black, Blaine, Blease...
...We should then inaugurate an active campaign for the enactment of such laws in every state...
...Some of the old fighting spirit seems to have returned...
...Conference Is Called The opportunity soon arose to taaonstrate whether the convention was serious about organizing the South...
...A man can't be evicted until the company finds him a new house...
...Charles Solomon, Jacob Panken...
...Algernon Lee, William Karlin...
...Neighborhood Workers' Association...
...1" "Jg long run the two loves wiD I...
...S. 135...
...Among the contributions received was one from Margaret Gage, of New York, who contributed $500 to start the drive off last August, and who has now sent through Herbert H. Merrill, Socialist State Secretary, $50 more...
...Avenue K and East 19th street...
...Reins Scullin, Workers' Leader, Will Be Prime Minister—To Work With MacDonald Ministry CYTOTEY, Australia..—The Labor Party swept Australia in the general elections last Sunday and It now has an absolute majority in the lower House of Parliament...
...A. I. ShipkMst Louis P. Goldberg...
...The Jewish Socialist Verband branches of Chicago have raised $300 more, while a number of progressive trade unions in Chicago have voted additional contributions which will be received within the next few days...
...Baldwin, the Tory and his Mas dering colleague sincerely den peace...
...M. 104...
...Johnson, , Kendrick, King, LaFollette, Mc! Master, McKellar, Norbeck, Ntorris, Pittman, Robinson of Arkansas...
...This is no major issue, but It raises a question which needs an answer...
...The genuine desire to have J. Ramsay MacDonald with them was prompted by the kinship which the delegates felt with the British workers...
...Saturday, October IStt 8 30 P. M —P S 67, 17ith stnst and Moheg&n avenue, Bronx...
...Thomas said: "Meyer Walker: What assurances Ism yon to give us that you will show outre interest in the problem af the aged and unemployed than you have in this term of office...
...i 8:30 P. M.—P...
...Our goal is now in sight," the appeal to the branch and local officials reads...
...Webster Ball...
...John Haynos Holmes William Karlin, Samuel E. Beardsley, A N. Weinberg, August Claessens...
...jfjSS "He Is fortunately a«toJsjC|aaV^ the moment...
...13 and Nov...
...Dumontui Williams avenues...
...Speaker : Norman Thomas...
...Speaker: Norman Thomas...
...October 20th Norman Thomas speaks at Northampton...
...Charles Solomon...
...We would rather eat dry bread all our lives than return to work without a settlement," they say...
...Algernon Lee...
...President Green might well have let the Commander's speech go by with a few formal, words of thanks...
...this desirable result progresmight well wish for somey better leadership than has "••^ore prevailed in Illinois...
...Jacob Panken...
...2) That police officers have been demoted in rank tor activity against speakeasies...
...October 19th 9:00 P. M,—Bronx Campaign Luncheon...
...1M» man Thomas...
...Green •ho spoke against the motion sayteg that "we are for free speech tfld free press...
...William Halpera...
...At the same time they were grudgingly , permitted to receive from foreign countries any books which customs house inspectors might think were immoral...
...Charles tosses, August Claeesena...
...Louis Weil, sidore Philips, Andrew Mac Lean...
...NeverOnkei only he of living Englishmen CMS have done what he did, not mertly because of his character and personal record but because of Mi party affiliation...
...Rather ttfaj sents the atmosphere in they can be solved...
...Speakers: Norman Thomas...
...Speaker : Louis Waldman 8:30 P. M.—Stuyvesant Casino...
...Hotel Shelton...
...Those windows are placed only at either end of the so-called wards into each of which ward some 28 residents are packed: There is* no privacy at night for the individual, no right to eater dormitories during the day, no arrangements for the, retention of personal property...
...Whalen's "war on civil liberties," alleged encouragement of police brutality and the raid on the birth control clinic were also denounced by the Socialist candidate...
...James Oneal, editor of the New Leader...
...49) - That Police Commissioner Vhsjsa't estimate that there are [ ¦MAO speakeasies is made ridicu- ' kms by the U. S. census figures, i ' Thcmsn declared the issue of • clneias...
...Borah, Bratton, Brookhart, Caraway, Copeland, Cutting, Dill, Frazier...
...Four of the eight gunmen are Marion Mfg...
...San Francisco Forms A Labor Party SAN FRANCISCO, Cai.—Another municipal labor party has been formed to join with New Bedford, Niagara Falls, and other towns to put over municipal ownership...
...The ruling would ezdvS Thomas Jefferson, the polities philosopher of the South likjp Barnhill's ruling and the NofJ| Carolina statute are wholly Inns patible with justice...
...When the drive is over, it is expected that Chicago wtll have provided $2,000 for the fund...
...Indicate that the goal will be reached, Believing that it will take $10,000 more to assure the success of the general drive by November 1, drive officials are concentrating their efforts on reaching 5.000 individuals who had failed to respond to a previous appeal, and 1,000 sympathetic trade union and fraternal bodies that have not been approached as yet...
...while secretary to former Mayor Hylan, bad interfered with the administration of "the police department in the interest of favored members of the force: (2) that he was interested in the ash removal firm, Holland and Company, which had dumped ashes on the Court House site at a cost to the citv of $400,000 for removing the ashes...
...Midwood Manor Association...
...His party has eon** tently been inspired by soma visa of a fraternity of workers wtd hand and brain which shall ere* national lines...
...I sincerely hope the jajsrt of the committee will be gaasiniously adopted and that the Sterwt radiated from it will reajt is effective legislation and In U, Ttry near future...
...Jacob Panken, Charles Solomon...
...Speakers: Norman Thomas, Claris Solomon Algernon Lee Louis Wlsr man William Feigenbaum, Jest Handler...
...Marx Ursa Philip Block...
...Censorship Clause Kept In Tariff Bill Senate Votes 48 to 33 to Let Customs Inspectors Judge of "Safe" Literature WASHINGTON — (FP) — By a I roll-call vote of 38 to 36, taken in the Senate on Oct...
...Gaining momentum1, contributions from individuals have measured up to expectations since October 1, and if they continue to gain as they have during the last two weeks the drive will end successfully with $50,000 subscribed on November 1. Of the $1,500 received during the past week, almost $500, Lewis declared, came from individuals who had already subscribed to the fund while the first $30,000 was being raised...
...Strangely enough Hall was not even arrested when some two score strikers were charged, after the massacre, with the odd crime of inciting to rebellion by armed force against the state of North Carolina Other deputies had been unable to name one armed striker, even though they were sure that "the other side" started firing...
...Daniel W. Hoan, Socialist Mayor of Milwaukee...
...And let us MB»SS«j that we Americans also ***3 bracing peace have by no ••JS denounced imperialism...
...Hi this dismal institution there hi ne provision for privacy and little provision for occupation in the day rooms, so that day and night men and women in their respective buildings are forced to live together in an unnatural and unwholesome intimacy regardless of their tastes, previous standards of nlosTtllnuei or even of health, serve in eases of obvious illness...
...The Labor Party ""^SaB a popular vote would defeat posed act...
...6:30 P. M.—Trade Union Committee Dinner...
...he who drove Frank Hayes, Bobby Harlan, John Brophy, Jim Lord, Frank Farrington out bf our union and did everything from frame up to letter stealing and office rifling to ruin Alex.Howat...
...Some •J .Americans may- wake up and l*toad of appropriating: a few Sodalht or progressive ideas belat•% go in for a well worked out '""fram such as we have been sbring...
...The chairman of the meeting will be William P. Montague, professor of Philosophy at Barnard College...
...8:30 P. M—Savoy Manskft...
...Theodore Shapiro...
...Vice-President Matthew Woll seized this chance to declare himself for old age pension legislation...
...1 anwrflilp openly pleaded with Tboaaas ta come to his aid...
...William Karlin...
...The board (2) has dissolved Sub-District 9 and distributed the members among other sub-districts, as Sub-District 9 was an anachronism serving Lewis as a wedge in the heart of the Illinois organization...
...Thomas said, "is our program to provide jobs for wage workers and not for Tammany works re: *X Make all city office holders Work...
...He criticised his reinstatement of Acting Lieutenant Patrick G. Fitzgibbons who had been demoted for appropriating $17,000 of the funds of the Police Glee Club...
...The rise of the Labor Party has in some respects been as dramatic as that of the British labor **B the election of 1901 the Labor Party elected 10 SMSSSS | the House and 8 members 4 M Senate...
...His predecessor In office, during the first six months of 1928 found it necessary to condemn only 47 cars, as compared with Whalen's 364...
...Jacob S. Afros...
...It would be a mistake, stss assuredly Ramsay ItacDcasW aft not make, to imagine that tht si of good feeling he so prassS* will solve all things...
...Speaker: F. Crosswaith...
...Three were hurt by sticks...
...Sanday, October I7tk 2:30 P. M—Boro Park Laker Ifceum...
...A. F. L. Convention Is Marked By A Progressive Spirit Toronto Sessions Begin Fight For Old Age Pensions—Campaign in South Decided On -—MacDonald Given Warm ReceptionGreen Rebukes Legion Chief fly Louis Stanley T^ORONTO, Oat.—The forry¦*» ninth annual convention of the American Federation of Labor in session here has struck the note of progressivism...
...William F. Canavan of the Stage Employees urged that a budget of a million dollars be approved and explained that the money could be raised by a pledge of thirty-five cents for every member of the American Federation of Labor...
...In 1916 Prime Mtab****B who had attained dlftW*J* Jl leader of the Labor PsxtJ •** *¦ turned renegade, visited *n*j*"*^B he Indulged in the most ***^JiH propaganda...
...On November 1, it can be reached, if every branch secretary win do his or her part...
...Instead be took the opportunity to remark: "I would not be frank with the Commander or with you, however, if I did not say that we have differed very sharply upon the question of universal conscription... hts address, Thomas said: "The City has an almshouse on Welfare Island where most of the poor ta need of Institutional care are sent...
...It |jkJ|H|mgaan nature for the laBjmm tkmsww wi yesnr...
...William Fitzpatrick of the Vaudeville Actors, Canavan of the Stage Employees, and McMahon of the Textile Workers...
...The Finnish Socialist Federation, which, with the Jugoslav Federation, leads In the work among the language federations of the Socialist Party, sent in $83.50...
...Each issue of the "Miner" goes into the history of the United Mine Workers since the ascension of Lewis to power and if one-half of what is printed is true it shows how far a labor organization may become an absolute autocracy...
...The Illinois Executive Board has (1) refused to change that section of the district constitution which gives the membership of the Illinois Mine Workers sole authority over their own property...
...8:30 P. M — P 6 8. Moanule pe* way and Balnbridge avenue, ana Speakers: Norman Thomas, Charts Solomon...
...S. 99...
...The struggle has got into *• courta...
...Charles Solomon...
...4:00 P. M.—T...
...2:30 P. M —P S. 101...
...Trade I'nion Dinner To Socialist Candidates New York trade unionists are arranging a dinner in support of Norman Thomas...
...Speakers: Charles Solomon, Algernon Lee...
...8:30 P. M.—Workmen's Circle Branch No...
...Testimony of Sheriff Adkins' deputies, that they did not shoot until the unionists opened fire, breaks against the cold fact that six strikers were killed and 24 wounded, while not one deputy was injured by a gun wound...
...Our members and friends have responded splendidly...
...j Hall...
...8:30 P. M — Ladies' Auxiliary, Workmen's Circle, 78 Throop avenue, Brooklyn...
...2nd av«nue and 9th street...
...Hughes wanted to 1**^^ scription act without °*,'J5fl voters...
...Did the city get anything for cars...
...l4ter when Frey tried to ex•btj that he had been misinterpreted by Woll, President Green pgtlimrt Frey as to his posits*: •president Green: We underthat you are opposed to the Qjaalttee's report...
...James Henry Scullin, once editor of a small labor paper, will be the next Premier of the Commonwealth Scullin succeeded Matthew Charlton as Parliamentary leader in April, 1928, and he begain to infuse life into the party...
...Here we find that at auction sales of "unclaimed and condemned' police department property $9,362 was realised...
...Algernon Lee, A. I. Shiplacoff...
...5,000 More Given to The Socialist Drive u^ii|ssiigjsj nnupt*' rvtni Nearer $50,000 Mark Originally Set A PPROXIMATELY $5,000 of the remaining 520.000 required to complete the $50,000 fund ot the United Socialist Drive has been raised as the drive, which is scheduled to end on November 1, enters its final lap, Marx Lewis, drive director, announces as the New Leader goes to press...
...Continuing his discussion of the police department "from the record" Thomas Wednesday demanded to know how Police Commissioner Whalen disposed of 364 used automobiles condemned during the first six months of 1929...
...Charles 8sk> mon...
...Speaker: Louis Waldman...
...Norman Thomas...
...Unquestionably Mr liuf Donald's approach to the prohtes of peace was general and payee*logical rather than explicitly to-: cialist or economic...
...8:30 P. M.—Women's University Club, 1M East 52nd street...
...Wedging the Socialist candidates tor members of the state legislatnre is favor of enactment of old age peoston laws...
...It made the endorsement without dissent of non-partisan political action just before the Premier's appearance seem formal and ludicrous...
...I The "Illinois Miner" continues to j blast away at the Lewis administration and as it reaches every miner in the state it is a powerful influence in the struggle...
...Addressed to Lewis himself, the concluding paragraphs follow: "He took millions from the Illinois miners and did not organize a baker's dozen of miners anywhere: he who deserted our brothers of the Connellsville coke field and Somerset, Pennsylvania...
...Aa Ps—nplovroent Program Thomas outlined a six-point program by which a Socialist adSBdnsstration would seek to alieviato the suffering caused by unesnpsoymeat...
...In domestic legislation the new government will not be able to carry any extremist measures, as the Nationalists still control the Senaie...
...Erring addresses were delivered •T Thomas F. McMahon of the '^rtile Workers, Andrew Furu•tt-of the Seamen, W. C. Birth•fcht of the Barbers, Matilda **<h»y of the Federal Employees, «sd Frank Dorman of the Textile Workers...
...1:00 P. M.—Theta QBroup of Ministers...
...Hotel Bossert...
...T)elegste Frey: At this time, sr...
...LaGuardia Urged To Quit In His Favor Tammany Drive A Colorless Start Whalen Attacked Thomas Declares Speakeasy Craft Ril Bm*& Commissioner's Bad Record-—States l^iii^M On Aid for Aged and Unemployed—maim pendents and Dailies Praise His Fight: JK THE candidacy of ^bkjgejgu Thomas for iUjm att^liJ Socialist octet holds, mimflmmi the center of the pobttesl^sdaarfia+j New York City...
...Ml avenue and 64th street...
...Besides the building in Spring- ; field the Illinois miners have bonds | and deposits in a number of banks and many of the sub-districts own ' halls, temples, hospitals, etc...
...214 East 2nd street...
...g 30 P M—P S 174...
...Driving union familis from their homes, with the approach of winter, will further embitter the strikers, union officers state...
...he who permitted Kentucky to work on any old scale and ruin the Illinois and Indiana coal industry while we were striking for five long months to maintain the Jacksonville agreement...
...R. W. Baldwin of the Marion mill, who complimented them soon after the massacre, on their good marksmanship...
...wtll depend on that con'mZoi fund is good and an ¦tjsacy committee is good but JJprogTeasrves have been inLvHsg what is essential is the esxggjaykaaBt of permanent roach inar/ti strategy, publicity and re3; Ts* Marian strike which did to rouse the A. F. of L. to gMei was almost wholly sup-jsM n far as relief is concernJtv7 friendly outsiders through l» JBsjiaigency Committee for saSasa Belief, 112 East 19th gaaaV'Kew York, of which I am Sghsa, The Marion massacre ipggc |aa» to the early morning of Otafr Inr* Until the convention oa Octobsr 1th neither the Tjf^ Taatils Workers nor the l^f^of I* put an efficient lawyer gffW' Jab sr set up or supported tehsf machinery—this alajafh doctors were demanding Hjmit before they would even atoSfS dressings on the wounded...
...We now read in the Commissioner's semi-annual report that during the first six months of 1929, 2 Lincoln sedans, 1 Cadillac sedan, 12 Cadillac touring cars, 10 Chrysler touring cars...
...We seem to think—and I know I catch the sentiment of labor—that it is rather contradictory for us to make preparations for war when all are seeking the ways of peace...
...With 83,000 members of the Workmen's Circle as their field, the committee of the Verband expects to raise $10,000...
...John F Frey opposed this recommendation on the ground that organized labor should at the present time concentrate its attention on injunctions and "yellow dog" contracts...
...The American Fed^tfcc tit Labor, convention after jwnrlnTi has declared itself in tjgr of this form of social legis^loa...
...175 East Broadway...
...of him difficult problems of **i perialism—India, for init*a» which may give to him aad **i party more trouble than evat**j difficult domestic problem* a*J must face...
...170th street and Walton avenue, Bronx...
...Jacob Bernstein...
...Tuesday, October 22nd 11:00 A. M.—Christ Church House...
...As a result of this special appeal, it is expected that several thousand dollars will be raised on that day, although the drive will have officially ended several days earlier...
...Against this motion slurp opposition came from Victor Olander, Secretary of the Season's Union, Howard of the Typographical Union and the delegate from the Pressmen's Union...
...Jacob Panken, WUata Karlin...
...The NewTcslTimes, on Monday, seeJrJaf 4f|^B plain the drift to Thomaa I^MMPP independents Intend to ^Mfc^sWf Mr...
...It gives the record for 19211929 by states in the bituminous fields which reveals a staggering loss of 281,371 members in this period...
...8 30 P. M—Church of the Bf Trinity, 357 Montague street s*e«r lyn...
...While concentrating on the appeal to branches, sympathetic organizations, and individuals who have not answered* the previous appeal, Lewis is conducting negotiations with a number of Socialist locals in larger cities for dinners to he beld late in October or early in November...
...Great *»** been Mr...
...108th street and 86th street, Richmond Hill, Long Island, and at Public School 63, Williams and Liberty streets, Brooklyn...
...The government stood committeed to the abolition of the Federal Arbitration Court and placing of jurisdiction In the hands of the State courts, reserving to the federal authorities jurisdiction only over disputes in the transport and shipping industries...
...Charles SoknOea IV gernon Lee...
...There will be 47 indoor meetings and 59 outdoor meetings...
...Speakers: Norman Thomas...
...Max Delson...
...William Karlin...
...Charles Solomon, Morris Rosenbaum, Joseph Tuvim...
...8:80 P. M.—Hemington Hall...
...The editorial had •stated to the Southern situation particularly as an example of the (sitae of the A. F. of L. The southern textile situation is iTtnd example of that failure, but t is only one of many examples...
...We have not been able to see our way clear to support legislation of that kind...
...Oar Ittto committee which had nafsaaBD operation when the first itsjka aaa settled had to go into I, rssi again and for two weeks ts« paitry $2,000 which it sent was pactteaSy the only source of help...
...SpetlSS' Norman Thomas...
...Reservations may be made with the Socialist Party office, 7 East 15th street, New York City...
...f his 19th daily question af Mayer Walker...
...But independent witnesses in the hearing have testified unanimously, with the strikers, that not a picket was armed, although a few carried walking sticks or canes...
...he who destroyed the whole southwest...
...Families to be Evicted Meantime no rest from trouble is to be granted the Marion and Clinchfield cotton mill unionists...
...She profoundly moved *e convention...
...Speakers - Jacob Panken...
...Best of 8g Csarention did something Set ffcsa pass resolutions shout E«hg the South...
...Sheriff Who Caused Death Of 6 Is Free Fail to Prove that Marion Strikers Fired a Single Shot in Fatal Battle m*ARION, N. C—(FP) — Sheriff Oscar Adkins, who shot tear gas into the ranks of striking cotton mill workers Oct...
...Speakers ; Norman Thomas and others...
...Jamaica, L. I. Speaker: Norman Thomas...
...October 24th 12:30 P. M.—Rotary Club of Brooklyn...
...It made it perfectly clear what the position of organized labor should be on the question of war and peace...
...In an editorial hssjgKf •The "Strength of ManplfM Thomas...
...Charles Solomon...
...sions that disturbed sH SoeisISJ Labor parties and these dttssSf* brought s "split" In the paTt/*^ The result was s decline of tation in Parliament to tt *W House and 13 in the Seas* »J The enemies of the parry sssj that this decline was erldssesstj eventual disappearance of sw^M Party...
...Thomas spoke at the Trinity Methodist Church...
...Speakers: Norman Thomas, E. P. Cassidy...
...he who has not a single victory to his credit except the doubtful one of having defeated every leader in the Miners' Union who had brains enough to see through him and guts enough to oppose him—all he wants is our home and our treasury...
...he who stood supinely by when West Virginia sank back into the morass of non-unionism...
...MB Lewis...
...The heavy poll resulting from the compulsory voting tended to make compilation of the returns slow...
...Union attorneys, in the rwreMmtnsry hearinaa Tore j uuge rrararagv arrw^evwr, ow prove that six of Adkins* deputies are employes of the Marlon mill, bosses, supervisors and second: hands...
...Takes Up Whalen Thomas took up the question of cpeaheesioo in an address at the St Johns Lutheran Church, Greenpetnt...
...Spesksr Louis Waldman...
...344 West 36th street...
...Speaker: Norman Thomas...
...It was compensated for the delegation at the same time that the American Federation of Labor was opposed to all "warlike preparations in the enactment of legislation" and "all legislation proposing conscription...
...4) that hue graft existed in the Plants and Structures department and that Whalen had condoned it...
...On Thursday It tsesjetrsjt., additional list of 243 names...
...There was a feeling among them that they had a claim upon MacDonald as a labor man...
...3) that as Plants and Structures Commissioner he had mismanaged the city-owned Staten Island bus lines...
...mill employes...
...42nd street and 14th tVtsS* Brooklyn...
...The commissioner said the thieves, gunmen and assorted law-breakers had better cars than the police and therefore got away from the police in many cases...
...A btsach farm colony now run by the ahnth----- on Staten Island might by the nucleus for such a system, Thomas suggested...
...Hunt, charged by strikers with egging on the deputies, was released...
...New South Wales, as was expected, proved the stronghold of the Labor Party, which captured twenty-two seats in that industrial State to four for the Nationalists and one for the Country Party...
...When the Prime Minister finally appeared, he and the delegates only thinly disguised the real reason for his presence...
...He declared the buildings tae the M4—are horribly overStisaiaiil A Socialist administration, Mr...
...SceSl' of the names proved as etartMag': to the Socialists as they did to Hie : general public...
...No Striker Shot Despite the best efforts of mill attorneys retained to defend Sheriff Adkins and the deputies, not a scrap of evidence has been adduced to prove that any striker shot or even had a pistoL Adkins has claimed that his deputies shot in self defense...
...Drive out grafting aad inefficient private exchanges...
...Australian Labor Wins Govt...
...234 West 109th street...
...Speaker: Norman Thomas...
...The board (3) has refused to obey an order to vacate the Beat of board member George Stouffer who had been declared ineligible by Lewis...
...John Haynes Holmes...
...He complained bitterly that his detectives were sorely in need of good cars...
...Speakers: Norman Thomas, Charles Solomon...
...He said: "I am very happy that I have the opportunity of speaking on this fc-yf because perhaps no one has ^f^ore misunderstood and more ^tderpreted on old age pensions ^ I have...
...2:00 P. M—East Harlem Socialist Center...
...Speakers: Norman Thomas...
...Thomas as apparently due to Rodman Wantmakers' desire to repay him for hia efforts...
...The only clue to the disposal of these cars is given in a table on page 85 of the report...
...The convention will adjourn Friday...
...Aldme Club, 300 Fifth avenue, Speakers: Norman Thomas and others...
...Esther Friedman...
...Wednesday, October JSra 3:30 P. M—N...
...Workmen's Circle Center, 1581 Washington avenue...
...TbomM** vots, but LjK plain that the quality of ssCs la becomiar Increasingly IMafn...
...6:30 P. M.—Non-Partisan Committee...
...The home you reared, the treasury you accumulated...
...The Labor Party has been prominent in Australian politics since the Commonwealth was formed, twentyeight years ago...
...Speakers: Norman Thomas...
...These included Lincolns, Chryslers, Cadillacs, Chandlers..., 11 Chevrolet touring cars, 62 Ford touring cars, 113 Chevrolet runabouts, 150 Ford runabouts, 2 Star runabouts and 2 Chrysler runabouts were condemned by the department...
...hi five public addresses Thomas Wfed that Welfare Island be abandnsnd as a site for city institutions and converted into a park, lbs almshouse, the Socialist candhtate said, should be demolished aad saeh poor as may need institiiflssil ears should be accommodated on the small cottage system...
...Speaker: Norman Thomas...
...Judge Harding, concluding bis special hearing, absolved the sheriff but ordered eight of the deputies who admitted they fired into the strikers' ranks, held for trial on charges of second degree murder...
...Brighton Beach...
...62 East 106th street...
...11, the American people "were assured of protection against books, pamphlets and other printed material "urging forcible resistance to any law of the United States...
...In line with compensation fMttV^ incidentally, am I to J^gtSBd from the delegate who MjDSt spoken that we should not at* sny interest in that form of ^1 legislation or any other...
...W01 Work With MacDonald Thus Australia will be governed by a Labor regime pledged to cooperate with the MacDonald Government in the development of the empire and the promotion of world peace...
...the sleek A. F.of L. sBdals sit twiddling their thumbs st mahogany desks in Washingmi or make patrioteering speeches to the National Security League or ttWest Point...
...S. 165...
...A. I. Shiplacoff William Feigenbaum...
...Alfred Baker Lewis, and other prominent Socialists will help bring the drive to a successful conclusion, by addressing dinners and meetings held to aid the drive...
...Carl Cummings, Noras* Thomas...
...P. J. Murphy...
...Speakers: Norman Thomas, James Oneal...
...Victory in this drive will start our organization and our institutions off on a year of intensive work, the outcome of which must be a great national political movement for social and political progress...
...If the A. F. of L. will stand behind us," they say, "we can prevent the evictions by posting bonds...
...The committee he chose consisted of these delegates who had participated in the discussion: John P. Burke of the Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers...
...Speakers: Norman Thomas...
...Charles Solomon...
...Campaign for State unempjsysnent insurance...
...Witnesses pulled him in, and Lund is now free to try again to find work—or to go to the poeVbouse...
...Speaker: William Karlin...
...William Feigenbaum, Jacob Axelrad, Marx Lewis, Carl Cummings...
...The Labor Party was solidly behind the principle of federal arbitration as a system that had been achieved by :he workers after years of efforts, asserting withdrawal of jurisdiction to the State courts would leave the workers at the mercy of competing employers...
...Eliminate unnecessary and VeUttcn...
...The ReptthaajMt] cannot help looking with a oasMHH obviousl/ knows how to Mm*j58 case against Tamm...
...Speaker: Norman Thomas 8:00 P. M.—Victoria Congregation...
...8 30 P. M— East New York Osapalgn Banquet...
...Charles BokSSBV Algernon Lee, Carl Cummings...
...And we have not yet been convinced that it is possible through legislation to compel the money of our country and the material things of our nation to be conscripted in war time along with men who serve on the battlefield...
...But one striker has been identified by a deputy as having fired a gun...
...UnqueiUOBtai other Englishmen, even Sua...
...Lewis's atr* *M due to the failure of the administration to endorse his r**0" for a political appointT*1, tt says a lot of other things "¦Bake interesting reading...
...8:00 P. M.—P...

Vol. 9 • October 1929 • No. 11

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