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A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES THE PRESS AND EDUCATION _-nj idea that it is somehow the function of the 'it^ to educate its readers Is tenaciously held by -b-ars, aad sedulously...

...Morris Peinstone...
...Budens, now in eastern Pennsylvania conducting an organization drive for th...
...Hearings of tbe Federal Trade Cometoaton developed that all the propaganda material put torts by all tbe hundred and one influential agencies sf the power trust in their effort to discredit public snaaraUp of public utilities and to persuade tbe public •at they should pay extortionate rates came under the toad of "education...
...abd while I would like to think otherwise I do not v*v~ thsre would be much change In this situation we radicals succeed in bringing about a new order...
...Leon Rosser Land's at the Bronx Free Fellowship, at Azure Masonic Temple...
...He wrote them while imprisoned in Newgate for the crime of abduction...
...He asks, not when, nor where, nor how . . . He wants his food ant wants it . . Sow . . . And if there be a whit delay He has a precious deal to sax And says it lustily until He gets what he ordains his fill...
...This meeting followed a "two-day youth conference arranged by the Ylpsels which was opened with a luncheon at the Y. W. C. A. where a group representing twenty organization met to discuss various problems confronting young workers...
...In this manner, in an endless chain of humanity, secure links are provided with the past and with the fukure...
...Ar.d they were forced to like it...
...the grand total of southerners who had actual proprietary relations with slaves- was not over two million out of eight, the...
...Tmsy be sure that the educational aspects of tbe _ _ ggwspaper are the last to receive any serious iaaif~" by any a-lert publisher...
...Interesting discussions featured the sessions...
...25, at the Labor Lyceum of Boro Park for the purpose of devising ways and means of saving the Labor Lyceum from foreclosure...
...A Letter From Sydney and Other WriUnjs on Colonisation, by Edward Gibbon Wakefield...
...The date of the convention was advanced upon order of the General Executive Board last December to follow promptly the recent successful cloak strike and to pave the way for necessary strike machinery for the prospective walkout of 45.000 New York dressmakers January I. and for a series of nationwide anti-sweatshop strikes involving a total of 80,000 garment workers at about the same timesehlesinger Returns Benjamin Schlesinger, president of the International Ladies' Garment Workers Union, returned on the French liner France on Tuesday from Europe where he went for his health...
...In the "Tietters" he goes into every detail for the quick creation of a class of wage la bo airs to serve the capitalist class and the student of the History of capitalism win rejoice that this reprint to now avails hie Incidentally, we may note that for thirty years before our own Civil War the western lands tot this country bore the same relation to east en capitalist* that the Anstrnesa , colonies hare to British eapitanrt...
...Today it is not only miachinery and great plants that are required, but a vast organization, all of which, are available only to capitalists of great resources...
...British capitalists had even incurred the expense of transporting laborers to Australia only to have them desert and take up land...
...Senator Benton to the Senate frankly declared that the capitalist class of New England wanted Use Bast glutted with wage laborers...
...Someday in the near future we will have to bold our outdoor meetings on silent lanes at the city's edge, or ws shall not -toe heard...
...Or should he sense too much of cold, You will not find him in the fold Of huddled things that sltnk and whine Along the Bowery Mission lint...
...visit, this much is certain . . . I he plules and th...
...Scholar He who knew each poet's love As intimately as a glove, Who filed the mistresses of kings Upon his fingertips like rings...
...Everywhere I heard tbe same despairing cry: "WE ARE TOO OLD...
...and then another...
...Therefore, you want to build upon the foundation of the preceding generation...
...It la the half-educated middle-classes *** which the life of advertising depends...
...By con***tly flattering them, as for example Mr...
...He had so acquainted himself with the literature on the colonies that he wrote like one who lived there...
...And when one considers how much useful money has been spent by our city fathers to welcome Queens and Channel swimmers a r?nu" rf compensation enters at the thought of whit has br;ii done for our own...
...He thought it ''wonderful, but true...
...Answering Webster in 1830...
...BOOKS IN BRIEF Old and New Slavery in the South WITH national labor attention drawn toward tbe south by strikes in rayon and cotton mills...
...The stupidity of war has impinged itself upon tbe consciousness of tbe civilized world...
...Rice plantations have vanished from the South Carolina coast and gone to louisiana and east Texas, with modern mac nine-pumping of the vast quantities of water required tor flooding fields...
...AU bemoan the fate that made them useless to society In the real prime of their lives— the fate that cast them on the industrial scrap-heap...
...or vertically, so as to present a section of each layer, Is not for ae to affirm...
...As the clouds hanging over the earth obliterates the sunshine, so this monstrous tragedy obliterates ths sunshine rightly belonging to old age...
...It was indeed fortunate for us that a Socialist Prime minister could time his advent into power with the powerful cry against continued expense for military futility...
...joys are few . . . The strong are still as merciless fo those they trample in the press Yet things are hardly quite the same Ever since our baby came...
...And in this the press simply has no part to play...
...Nature in its- infinite wisdom has provided so that tender youth leans backward, mature age looks forward...
...Men 'and women yet unborn shall need to bufild upon my foundation, until they growl strong enough to work for their successors...
...But above all that, tbe world at large 41 learning what sort of beings these Socialists really are...
...Colonel Enrigbt opened bis radio campaign by ar ranging a jazzy number before delivering his speech Which suggests the Jaax Party and tbe saxapbofM candidate • • • Prom 1*19 to 1977 four million peranna quit farmtog, nineteen million acres want oat of cultivation seventy-six thousand farms ceased to exist as farms and agricultural production iaersaaad m per cent Rural prosperity' ¦« • • It is said that President assesses baa a ¦aria at humor...
...Eastern representatives wanted a restrictive policy to cheek migration of Mew England wage workers a* tbe afiatan it lands...
...Part VUL of the first volume entitled "The Modern Theory of Colonization" in which the author considered the methods by which capitalists of the home country transform the population of new countries into wage laborers...
...Schlesinger returned feeling much better but still must guard against over-exertion in the big job of stabilizing the restored organisation...
...There are these sere who can remember "The Globe and Comaerasl Advertiser...
...To me the man who first conceived the idea of this building and bad sufficient faith in it to secure the site actually erected the building, for he already saw it in his imagination, beautiful "and useiui...
...secretary of the United Hebrew Trades, was elected chairman and Jacob Panken treasurer of the drive...
...The problem was, how to make the workers submissive to the capitalist class...
...And in all fairness I should add that radicals themselves have not been averse to using ask all embracing word for their own ends...
...Who memorized the names of these And every twig upon their trees Down to an insignificant Fortieth cousin, niece or aunt Himself forgot the name of one He knew that summer, in tbe sun: And passing ber upon tbe street He stammered "What year did we meat...
...Published Every Week by The New Leader for the Young Peoples Socialist League Unity of Humanity In Time A youth of twenty and a mature man of fifty were looking for an opportunity to do some creative work...
...It is a warm and sunny day...
...In the meantime, au devoir...
...It was decided to make a general appeal to the vanious organizations and individuals for contributions...
...Boro Park Labor Lyceum Seeks $10,000 A conference was held Wednesday, Sept...
...they ask despairingly...
...Now that I am out on tbe street corners again, there is so little time for creative work or thought...
...if possible, to turn a few first shovelfuls of dirt, myself, even in spite of difficulties and ridicule...
...The land was to be sold at a "suffictmt prioe," that is set at a price sufficiently high to prevent workers from becoming land owners too quickly...
...Wakfield discovered that in the colonies, property in money, means of subsistence, machines, and other means of production, do not as yet stamp a man as a capitalist if therev be wanting the correlative—the wage worker, the other man who is compelled to sell himself of his own free will...
...Readings will also be given from his other works...
...Life and...
...A line of division is drawn through the mass, whether, horizontally, leaving the rich and well-born above, ths poor and in-born below...
...Ester Lowell...
...However, we are an humble lot...
...An indomitable driving force within me seeks new virgin grounds, unseen paths, a wilderness to the present day, a place of feverish human activity a generation or two hence...
...remainder of the population vas less literate and less given to reciprd-keeping...
...There was no denying the idealism, the simplicity, the directness of honest sentiment to the man...
...the chatter box lullaby for a socialist baby HE world is just as much askew, Woes are many...
...Workmen's Circle, and Socialist Party representatives and the work of raising the $10,000 was considered...
...I observed the mothers and children...
...Broadus Mitchell in his "Rise of the Cotton Mills in the South" and "William Gregg", a study of an early cotton mill promoter, partially fills in the gap of Phillips' book...
...Thanks thanks to ye, our Plunderbund . . . The best we could (in was to stand by with tickets assigned us by Jimmie Walker, and make respectable whoopie...
...He has since won a fellowship which he will use in Egypt a year studying British methods cf fhanriling labor on the Sudan cotton crop...
...If I succeed in this, said he to his companion, I shall receive all the profit and credit, as thnn»h t ehr»e the site myself and built the structure from its very foundation...
...Frank Pres|pjy, a prominent advertising agent points out in a nesst book, that advertising In this country very fresaaatiy preceded rather, than followed ths appearance sf a dally press...
...Only in times of great ,osbc ssxitsment when crusading will prove profitable S adncational matter looked upon in a newspaper ofBes «ttk anywhere near the regard with which a say comic strip or a different sports feature is viewed...
...Brown & Co., publishers...
...They speak bitterly of.the young men who took their places...
...was the topic which brought out the why and wherefore of Socialism, and off-shoots of it...
...Labor in the Old South" by Ulrich B. -Phillips...
...Their shrill laughter is mingled with the noise of a busy city...
...The reception he haa received in this land of dollars and doughnuts far outshine anything we Socialists could have done for our illustrious pal from across the brine...
...October 13tp...
...And today's farm worker must clothe himself, pay his own doctor bill and feed and house himself much of the year from a few month's cash earninjs...
...shall totercrsange our outlooks...
...1377—42nd St...
...And even if the gods were you He'd ask for all the service due A baby is a bracing thmo For rebels who are wearying...
...because of your tender age you are still weak and without that sound creative imagination which comes —i» —4»h mmerience...
...Parity, freedom of the seas, disarmament . . . all these may come out of sheer economic stress...
...that, notwitnstandirw, the great exettions of the abolitionists, the number of slaves owned by Christians is increasing everyday...
...The Making of Wage Earners CTUDENTS of Marx's "Capital" will " recall Chapter XXXIII...
...Al contributions will be acknowledged in the Forward and The New Leader...
...James Oneal...
...For men who lose their hope, and sigh . . . For dreamers who might want to d\e Just because they cannot get The world on zchichjkeir souls are set Oh, come into our baby's room • And lose your silly sense of doom . . . And though the world be still askew With woes so many, joys so few...
...Again Ktan not do this and long survive under the present Knave of things so long as it is subsidized by advertishg totarests who want to see nothing of the sort in paarsl circulattion...
...They saw an apparently abandoned building, almost completed, and the youth immediately was inspired to finish it, to complete the interior furnishings, and to put the building to proper use...
...A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES THE PRESS AND EDUCATION _-nj idea that it is somehow the function of the 'it^ to educate its readers Is tenaciously held by -b-ars, aad sedulously fostered by spokesmen for ¦^—.n, -whenever there is need for apology or gyainst criticism...
...And I say to you young fellows who yet have a chance: organize in your trade unions, organise to tbe Y. P. S. L. and S. P...
...Boston Road near E. 172r.d street, on Sunday evening...
...The Role of Youth in Industry, "Racial Prejudices," and "Youth and War...
...They speak in a mixed Jewish and English fashion...
...Because their descendants largely make- up the "new sooth's" population and...
...jr "education" I take it that we mean not teaching faopJe what to think but rather how to think, the wi and aim of all true education...
...Because more people In the south are still employed to agriculture than industry, it is necessary for northern unionists to see tbe factory growth against the farm background...
...Cotton and tobacco, the two main agricultural products of the south, are cultivated in much the same fashion as by slaves...
...The one important omission concerns the early industrialists and then- cotton mill or other factory employes...
...It is the last man, the one who gets things finally done, whom the multitudes admire and put on a pedestal...
...A committee of 15 was elected to carry or the work...
...Ramsay MacDonald.—the Man...
...ex-Secretary of the Treasury, gets (¦iakrt m court where he was expected to explain |£WOut that $100,000 in the Little Black Bag...
...since ms iunaamental Idea was correct, it is bound to succeed sooner or later, even though temporary reverses and delays might come...
...nj^* ^hpinoes failed to get their independence in a »3t** Tote the other day, but they have the conps^^^ knowing that it is still promised after |***rt B. Fall...
...Mu f* on is Executive Secretary for C.P.L.A...
...The most we can *ak h that it give us an honest and unbiassed present»usb of raw material for our social thinking...
...The children run around, roll in the dust...
...and strength and fire To conquer for your dream's desire . . Our Wall Street Comrades have certainly given Ramsay MacDonald the glad hand...
...He was assistant editor cf The Railway Clerk before becoming director of the Philadelphia Labr-r College, and is a E:co'.;wocd graduate...
...What are we to do...
...New York: Duttons...
...It is to the aad welfare of the advertisers of services and °*S">oditie« that the public be naive rather than skepnaal, simple rather than tough minded...
...Mufson recently returned from a visit to Europe, where he studied the labor movaments in various countries from Er"tL-ad n Russia...
...Experience with new countries where free land was abundant had shown that exploitation of labor by capitalists was very difficult and generally impossible so long as the worker could turn to the land...
...S. A. de Will...
...Mr Robert W. Basnall...
...Most cotton and tobacco is raised, though, by tenant farmers whose annual earnings may divide up into less than 40c cash per family per day to many sections...
...Many Unions, Workmen's Circle Branches, and Socialist Party organizations were represented...
...we would get sick, too...
...Twenty years ago...
...The Socialist Labor Organization, Industrial Union League...
...Wakefield's., program for introducing capitalism in tbe new countries was very simple...
...secretary-treasurer, went to 200 affiliated local unions and ten Joint Boards in the principal cities of the United States and Canada...
...Only in western Texas are machine methods being adapted to cotton growing and harvesting and nowhere yet for tobacco...
...Without exception they are poorly dressed, unshaven...
...Modern steel ploughs and tractors Increase the efficiency of farm workers in some processes but much tedious, back-breaking hand labor still goes to make a crop of cotton or tobacco...
...Once they were willing to give us work, but now they want only young ones...
...It provided for government assistance to the capitalists to drevent tbe worker from becoming a land owner in the colonics...
...Director of Branches of the National Assoeiation for the Advancement of Colored People, will speak on ••Race Discrimination in New York CityToller to Lecture on "The New Germany" Ernst Toller of Berlin, internationally famous dramatist, will lecture on "The New Germany" at the Brooklyn Labor Lyceum 949 Wilkmghby avenue, Sunday, Oct...
...After a futile morning's search for a job I sit down on a bench in Stewart Park...
...JACK L. SHUR...
...Some years hence we...
...Life and Labor In the Old South"* as depicted by TJlrich B. Phillips from his study of many old documents and letters, gives an easily read account of daily existence for nearly all classes of southern life in slavery times...
...Cleveland The Cleveland...
...Whatever may or may not transpire from rami...
...The main source of this chapter was a remarkable book which now appears as a volume in Everyman's Library...
...This policy would provide capitalists with wage laborers -while the government was to assist the exploiters to transport workers to the colonies in sufficient number to guarantee a sufficient labor supalv...
...He reasoned that if free land in undeveloped countries made the worker free then free access to land In developed rafpitalist countries would also make him fire...
...o That to me is the definite gain out of the whole hullabaloo...
...McAlister Coleman...
...Those interested wiU please communicate with Frieda Horn, 120-09 liberty avenue, richmond hoi...
...We - "1*ai« him...
...The call issued by Benjamin Schiesinger...
...Being deprived the right to work, they come here to give vent to their grievances...
...As Marx wrote...
...It would be substitution of socialist for 2j«allst propaganda...
...The author of the letters never saw the Australian colonies...
...youth and the need of a militant youth movement...
...It was this situation in new countries which provided the Single Taxer with his argument...
...I. Mufson...
...In both the Senate and the House there were freqaent debates over tb* government's bust policy...
...New York Another circle is being organized in the Borough offQueens, in tbe Richmond Hill section...
...13th, at 2:30 P. M. Critics throughout tbe world have declared Toller's "Man and tbe Masses" to be one of the greatest dramas of modem times...
...Tbe contrast of MacDonald's speech before the Senate with the usual uninspired piffle that fills its space from day to day, impressed the toughest of die-hard dollar-chasers in the land...
...Or should his comfort be disturbed )'ou will not see his anger curbed fly any statutory threat...
...helping young workers meet 'their problems, and general industrial .service...
...It will become easier for us to appear with our similar virtues and get a respectful hearing because of Ramsay's adventure...
...Schools sf, journalism, following the example of the PuUtzer School, are now rather pathetically striving to make tat gathering of news a respectable occupation and are fiortfying the process by liberal use of that mystic vera, "education...
...No educated !*** or woman takes the claims of competitive adverU*f seriously...
...Y. P. S. L. observed International Youth De- with a meeting on Public Square at which Donald Thompson of New Bedford, Mass., Talbert White, Negro Labor Organizer, Arthur G. McDosveU of Pittsburgh, and Frank J. Manning, set forth the aims of the working class...
...Tbe first Boston newspaper was tsDsd "The Advertiser" and the second New York *sa*papsr "The New York Advertiser...
...I want to select my own site and...
...Tbe conference favored a permanent Youth Committee for organizing Tag Days for strikers', courses in Workers' Education...
...Not so with me, said his mature companion pensively...
...Wakefield ewen suggested that slavery itself wouid be preferable to the capitalist being without submissive wage laborers...
...The division exists...
...For only through such organizations can we set right the many evils existing today...
...I. L. G. w. IT...
...well schooled in restraint, and content to bide our time...
...All contributions are to be addressed to the Treasurer of the drive Jacob Panken, c o Labor Lyceum...
...Furthermore we must have constantly in mind the bw estate mto which the very word "education" has ttilaa these days...
...You will feel strong enough to build for the next generation, and I shall find rest and contentment looking back to the days of my happy youth, when nature sang to me trmmphariUy in the spring and young love I adorned the earth in a myriad of scrrsUlatiag hues...
...Bronx Circle One held a successful meeting last Sunday at 1167 Boston road...
...What of Old Age...
...And that's with the •whole family working—father, mother, and children down to 4 and « If they can pull a weed, or snatzh a boll of cotton Rice and sugar raising have changed methods more than cotton and tobacco...
...Who cares about tbe men who started the building, and where are they anyway...
...Yov^g man...
...I start to think of the British Socialists . . . and my voice clears...
...Benton said that " tbe population of New England does not stand undivided before me...
...president, who returned Tuesday from Europe, and Abraham Bare If...
...They are doing this at a time when the newspaper testa*** is being invaded by power and chain store ¦agnate* *o that within a few years the average editor will be about as independent as any other employee Sf the National Electric Light Association and the reporter will have the status of a clerk in an Atlantic aad Pacific branch store in Flatbush...
...After bearing the position of tbe Lyceum explained by Comrades Stein and Perelman and after hearing the very fine speeches of Norman Thomas and Morris Feins tone, the conference decided unanimously to start a drive for $10,000 for the purpose of making the financial condition of the Lyceum secure...
...enter Its industries, it Is worth getting this, background...
...have power to avert defeat in industry...
...vow hunger has a protestant Who brooks no gastronomic rant . . . -Vor heeds the promise of the pie 1"he meek may ieast on bye and bye...
...I am a connecting link betwteen your generation and the next...
...Probably he tried it Oat gat vfeaeaaat mac Donald at bis Virginia camp by iwasssastog tola statu paign references to Socialism...
...maid there is reason to believe as Mr...
...former director of the Philadelphia Labor College, has been named an executive secretary of the Conference for Progressive Labor Action...
...Hosiery Workers' Union...
...And strong men Quite as merciless Wtth those they trample in the press: A scarce twelve pounds of rebel stuff May teach you how to stir enough Of courage up...
...He tells you boldly he is wet...
...While abroad Comrade Srhlesinger spent two weeks in Italy taking baths, stepped a few uays in Berlin where he met representatives of the garment unions and some of the prominent Socialists of Germany From Berlin he went to Paris and then sailed for home Schlesinger is a delegate to the American Federation of Labor convention which is meeting in Toronto this veek He will lea\e in a few days to attend the convention...
...OSder ear present system, education for good citiasship is necessarily an unimportant by-product of tM rSBBtBg of a daily paper...
...Calk Convention to Aid War on Sweat Shops pv>R the purpose of eliminating with greater dispatch the sweatshop and substandard conditions in the New York dress industry and in the women's garment industry generally throughout the United States and Canada, the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union has issued a convention call for the first week in December in Cleveland fiv* months sooner than required by the union constitution...
...Organization Education Solidarity FREE YOUTH LILLIAN S- KAPLAN EDITOR Young People's Socialist League 21 Essex Street, Boston, Mass...
...A luncheon was held by a number of prominent Trade union...
...h* we mean education in its true sense, then we ?***v* to con chide that the reading of newspapers a-"* ** the chief obstacles which any real educator ¦as to overcome...
...spread our message to your friends and fellow workers...
...One night's speaking on 13Stb street and Brook avenue, the Bronx, has left me an aching throat and a deep bass croak for voice . But what a little thing that is to complain about...
...The task of ^^fgtjfKpv in these days when newspapers are ** haegtot and sold like oil shares or bananas is to jja, advertisers of the country with as large gpendthrift an audience as it is passible to atmethod t that go all tbe way from supplying atsrs, formidable and undigested as does The aav Terk Tunes'' to selecting Just those salacious bits st dty hf* which will most appeal to the feebleaasd as do "The Mirror," and "The Graphic.'' • • • r^ase who know something of tflese matters estiOsat the newspapers are 70 to 80 per cent sub^assf sy their advertisers and depend upon their •aster* only for the remaining 30 or 20 per cent...
...purpose of true education and the purpose of ™* prass are then naturally antagonistic...
...some are ragged, some filthy...
...We shall benefit thereby in prestige and perhaps even added power...
...However, the argument ignored the fact that while in the new countries the worker required only seeds and a few ample agricultural tools which ha could obtain out of ths raw resources of the land, in the capitalist developed countries thai seeds and tools do not determine Survival...
...So Phillips excuses his deficiency mtrecordtag their life more fully...
...I got up and moved to group: and another...
...He will serve with Louis J...
...In these countries he must have costly machinery and factories and tjiese cannoj be fashioned by hand out oft raw materials...
...If my Judgment and vision be sound, useful results will surely come, and I am even beyond that stage of vanity to desire to live long enough to see my triumph...
...Particularly for underststnding today's Negroes' reactions is the part on overseers^ methods valuable...
...2 a Day In tbe Fields Where labor is hired to hoe and bend in the field, it is at the low rate of $2 a day, sun-up to sun-down as in slave times...
...will be the topic of Rev...
...The main \efiue of his book is to his stress on physical factors which determined development of the south and in showing the types of* persons who made up tbe old south...
...Especially since the efforts of voice and mind must be directed alternately between the roar of traffic aad the rapt faces of tbe crowd around you...
...Hearst's "¦l*h "A Newspaper for People Who Think," by playto* upon their prides and prejudices you get the sort of Ovulation the advertisers want...
...The machines are displacing labor an a large scfl* throughout tbe nation and if tbe workers of the country win only displace the political mar nine* they wil...
...Phillips, professor at the University of Michigan abut a native of Georgia, won the S2.500 -.prize offered by his publisher for a work on American history...
...At the nine o'clock Open Forum...
...And they speak A disappointment to this "Golden Land...
...It Is good to find a book that gives In simple pictorial language the historical background of -he section and its people...
...In slave days "field hands waded out to the muck to pun weeds but now land lies fallow for- pasture alternate years to "keep down foreign growths...
...v ' It eras probably with the arrival of the late Joseph rbtitsar on the publishing scene with his high-flown Silani nt about tbe function of "the World" <( which ssa iraoically enough appears at the mast-bead of ftst saner) that tbe idea that newspaper writing is | "profession'' and that it is the holy duty of a paper to "educate" its readers, first came into vogue...
...A few middle aged men sit next to me...
...were among tbe subjects considered...
...Tirw of these facts it goes beyond all good busigat ksjie to demand of our publishers that they make t saar concern to supply the citizen readers with a>#astsanal material in regard to such prosaic matters gassst and efficient city government, the scientific lifuorti to municipal problems and the like...
...Thus the conflict of interest between owners of capital and wage laborers on the hand question was being staged to the United States at the time when Wakefield was writing of its fundamental -basis for the rising capitalist class of w"Fi««»n Read to relation to this American conflict, Wakefield's "Letters" have a special interest for us...
...Ours might have very dif2~ eav5* In view but it would be propaganda just *. ***** and while propaganda may have its place in ? •**m« of things that place is as far removed as Ifv^ P°le* from tile position occupied by education...
...probably, they were still in Russia...
...the Socialist, the Statesman...
...middle class masters cf our land have felt the men!-I and psychic superiorilv of that Scot socialist...
...jLT* education we mean the absorption of a numJ**«hrelated facts about the world we live in, then _2p°se by tbe use of eternal vigilance against the ""J**4** of those facts one might say there is some j** relation between the press and education...

Vol. 9 • October 1929 • No. 10

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